Tue aug 26 mon september 01, 2014

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ABC Certified Vol 2 Issue No. 32

Karachi, Tue Aug 26 - Mon September 01, 2014


Regd. No, MC-1381


Ministry of Commerce seeks suggestions from NTC to safeguard measures, tariff, duties and subsidies in connection with granting MFN status to India | See pAge 05 |


SOHAIL RAB KHAN www.customstoday.com


T TheLahoreHighCourtrestrains FederalTaxOmbudsmanfrom usingcontemptcourtpowersunder Article204oftheConstitution See pAge 02 | VISITINg SwITzeRLANd

The delegation including Federal Finance Secretary and FBR Chairman to negotiate return of $200 billion of Pakistan stashed away in Swiss banks will reach Switzerland on August 26. | See pAge 02 | RejeCTINg CALL

The FBR spokesperson Shahid Asad rejects Imran's call for civil disobedience and terms it an irresponsible statement | See pAge 04 |

he Model Customs of Collectorate (MCC) Appraisement-West Muhammad Saleem has confirmed that the Pakistan Customs is going to file a Constitutional Miscellaneous Application (CMA) in Supreme Court of Pakistan (SCP) for early hearing of case relating to valuation guideline issue. He said that customs has already submitted written reply in Islamabad High Court (IHC) in connection with valuation guideline issues within 15 days of deadline given by the court. He further informed this scribe that the Pakistan Customs wanted early hearing of the case and he briefed the customs lawyer in this regard. The Collector was of the view that the Pakistan Customs always issued proper valuation rulings of the items included in the valuation guideline, adding that the issue of valuation guideline has already been resolved by the Pakistan Customs Act. It is pertinent to mention here that the importers had submitted a Constitutional Petition (CP) in the month of June, 2013 in Islamabad High Court (IHC) for reviewing the unrealistic valuation guideline. Moreover, FBR had issued valuation guideline of 96 items in Qirst phase and 133 items in the second phase which were criticized by importers, business community and clearing agents. Meanwhile, Model Customs Collectorate Appraisement-West Collector Muhammad Saleem has made transfers of 22 customs ofQicers within the collectorate. As per notiQication, Abdul Qayyum from Group-VI has been transferred to AIB/R&D, Tahir Hussain from AIB/R&D to West Wharf, RaQiullah from West Wharf to Group-

I, Ahmad Nawaz from Group-I to Group-II, Tariq Aziz from Group-II to Group-VI and Saleh Kalhoro has been posted in Headquarters from West Wharf. Moreover, Mohammad Khalid from Group-V has been transferred to Assessment Hall; Khalid Pervez, Nadeem Ahmed Khan and ZulQiqar Zaman from BG Cell to Assessment Hall; Sarfaraz A Bangalzai from Assessment Hall Group-IV to BG Cell; Abdul Rashid Khan from Assessment Hall to AIB & Law Branch; Sahir Khan from Assessment Hall to AIB; Muzaffar A Abbasi from Auction to Assessment Hall; Khaliqur Rehman from Assessment Hall Survey Cell to Assessment Hall; Haris Ahmed Khan from Assessment Hall to BG Cell; M Zaman Jamali from West Wharf to BG Cell while Abid Hussain Shah has been moved from BG Cell to Adjudication-I for three months. The MCC appraisement has

Customs submitted written reply in IHC within 15 days of deadline given by the court

moved Salman Bukhari from Adjudication-I to KICT; Miskeen Shah from BG Cell to West Wharf; Mohammad Raheem from AICT to AIB and Shahid Hameed from Bonds Section to AICT. Additionally, it has been decided that Appraising OfQicers posted in WeBOC Assessment Hall shall also be responsible for assessment of One Customs of respective WeBOC.

Price Rs. 50.00

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