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ABC Certified vol 2 Issue No. 31
Karachi, Tue August 19 - Mon August 25, 2014
Regd. No, MC-1381
Price Rs. 50.00
Customs moves to clip wings of Shaheen airline The Ministry wants the govt to take up the issue with Afghanistan to increase the trade volume with CARs to $15b, says Dastgir | SEE pAgE 06 | HuRTINg THE ECONOMy
Ports and Shipping Ministry takes all stakeholders into confidence to launch KarachiDubai speedy boat service. SEE pAgE 02 | MOvINg SHC
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M/s Reliable Associates moves SHC against FIR lodged by the AIB, MCC Appraisement-West for wrong clearance of plastic molding materials | SEE pAgE 04 | CARTOONS SpECIAL
| SEE pAgE 11 |
show-cause notice against M/s Shaheen Air International Limited for its involvement in huge tax evasion of Rs4,145 million has been issued by the OfPice of the Collector, Collectorate of Customs Adjudication-I. According to the details, the charges were leveled against M/s Shaheen Air International Limited that it was involved in huge duty/tax evasion of Rs 4,145 million by importing 47 aircrafts against different lease agreements and dismantling, removing and scrapping of 12 aircrafts out of the said 47 aircrafts. As per the details, it has been reported by Air Freight Unit (AFU), MCCPreventive, Karachi that a credible information was received to the effect that M/s Shaheen Air International Limited temporarily imported 12 aircrafts under different lease agreements of yester years and started scraping the same in
the year 2014 without prior permission of Customs authorities as required under Section 79 of the Customs Act, 1969. The sources informed Customs Today that in order to conPirm the information, the complainant and a team of Customs ofPicers from Rummaging & Patrolling Section, Jinnah International Airport Pakistan (JIAP) physically inspected the “On-ground” aircrafts of M/s Shaheen Air International Limited at Apron of JIAP on 1806-2014. After physical inspection, it was found that 12 different aircrafts belonging to M/s Shaheen Air International were parked in ground area behind Bay No.28 at JIAP and that the aircrafts bearing Registration Nos. AP-BIT, AP-BHA, AP-BJI, AP-BJH, AP-BIP, AP-BIR, AP-BIK, AP-BIS, AP-BIQ, APBHC, AP-BHB and AP-BIU with no intact Pittings therein including engines etc were removed. Subsequently, a team was formed to investigate the matter which was headed by Assistant Collector, AFU (Imports) and an appraising ofPicer. In the
Ehsan Khalid and Kashif Khalid, Chairman and CEO of Shaheen Air Int’l got pre-arrest protective bails from Sindh High Court
meantime, M/s Shaheen Air International Piled a petition No.3360/2014 dated 26-06-2014 in the Sindh High Court (SHC) for quashing the instant FIR which was in process of hearing. It is pertinent to mention here that the Ehsan Khalid Sehbai, Chairman Shaheen Air International and Kashif Khalid Sehbai, CEO Shaheen Air International had obtained pre-arrest protective bails from SHC on 26-06-2014 which was pending conPirmation by the Honorable Trial Court, but despite the fact that after obtaining the prearrest protective bails, yet they didn’t bother to join the investigation. The sources further revealed this scribe that the several letters and notices under section 165 of the Customs Act, 1969 were issued to the accused to join investigation and produce the relevant documents but to no avail. See page 05