Tue july 22 mon july 28, 2014

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Vol 2 Issue No. 27

Karachi, Tue july 22 - Mon july 28, 2014


Regd. No, MC-1381

Price Rs. 50.00



TCS, Smart Zone Co face inquiry for evading millions The Prime Minister hands over the privilege cards to top 100 taxpayers of different categories which will be valid for one year. | See pAge 04 |

Customs authorities raided TCS warehouse in Fazaia Colony near Rawalpindi Airport and recovered electronic gadgets worth millions including 800 Korean made air conditioners, dozens of refrigerators, LCD TVs, microwave ovens and washing machines ISLAMABAD


MUHAMMAD FAIZAN www.customstoday.com

I Addressing Chief Commissioners conference, Ishaq Dar has refused to cut down the revenue target of Rs 2810b for FY 2014-15. | See pAge 02 | ACHIeVINg ReVeNUe TARgeT

FBR Chairman directed Members of the Board to expedite the efforts to achieve the revenue target for FY2014-15. | See pAge 03 | RejeCTINg pLeA

FBR rejects DrTahirul Qadri’s request for a one month extension to respond to the board’s notices and submit wealth statements. | See pAge 04 |

nvestigations have been instigated against The Courier Services (TCS) and Smart Zone Company for their alleged involvement in smuggling of electronic gadgets under cover of Afghan Transit Trade. As per details, TCS with collaboration of Smart Zone Company allegedly imported electronic gadgets worth millions under Afghan Transit cover without paying duty. Directorate General Customs Intelligence and Investigation (DG I&I) Rawalpindi has Miled FIR against TCS Chief Executive Saqib Hamdani and CEO Smart Zone Shakir-ullah along others and teams have been made to arrest them. A source from Customs Intelligence told Customs Today that on a tip-off, Customs authorities raided TCS warehouse in Fazaia Colony near Rawalpindi Airport and recovered electronic gadgets worth millions including 800 Korean made air conditioners, dozens of refrigerators, LCD TVs, microwave ovens and washing machines. TCS in initial investigations denied all the allegations of smuggling and responded that the imported items belonged to some third party and kept at its warehouse only for delivery. Later, investigations revealed that these gadgets belonged to a private company Smart Zone. TCS Chief Executive Saqib Hamdani and Smart Zone CEO Shakir-ullah have signed a written agreement. Moreover, as per agreement TCS has been delivering these electronic gadgets to dealers of Smart Zone all over the country via TCS logistic transport consisted of 230 satellite tracked trucks which usually are not checked by Customs. The collaboration of these two companies had cost

national exchequer billions of rupees. It is important to note that a similar raid has been conducted at Lahore TCS warehouse recovering electronic gadgets worth millions of rupees. The stickers of Afghan Transit could be seen on smuggled items. Directorate of Customs Investigation and Intelligence Lahore lodged FIR against companies involving in large scale smuggling and seized contraband worth Rs 60 millions at a private warehouse. A Customs ofMicial conMirmed that they have prevented a smuggling attempt involving Rs60 millions of contraband goods including a large num-

The stickers of Afghan Transit could be seen on smuggled items recovered from TCS warehouse

ber of split ACs, LED TVs and other gadgets. As per details, the seized electronic appliances include 1,412 split air conditioners, 711 LED TVs, 87 washing machines, two refrigerators and three vacuum cleaners involving millions of duty evasion. These consignments belonged to two companies M/s Smart Zone (Pvt) LTD and M/s Mobile Sales and Distribution (Pvt) Ltd. A source told the Customs Today that the goods were Mirst stored in Islamabad warehouse of Courier Company and then brought to a warehouse in Lahore and expected to be delivered and distributed to the sales points subsequently. Further investigations into the case are in progress.

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