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ABC Certified vol 2 Issue No. 41
Karachi, Tue October 28 - Mon Nov 3, 2014
Regd. No, MC-1381
Price Rs. 50.00
Souvenir Shop inaugurated
Bajwa, nisar urge officials to expedite revenue generation FBR Member FATE Riffat Shaheen Qazi says all complaints about IRIS software are“technical”so they are forwarded to FBR Chairman and Member IT for immediate action. | See PAge 02 | ReSOLvINg ReTuRN ISSueS
— Exclusive Customs Today photo
Complications arise in every new system but with the passage of time they are improved.We will resolve the issues related to income tax returns, says Raana Amhad. See PAge 03 | CuRBINg SMuggLINg
DG Customs Intelligence Luftullah Virk stresses effective measures in order to curb smuggling and formulate a strategy for increasing the revenue. | See PAge 1O | SeIzINg RS180M gOOdS
The Directorate of Customs Intelligence and Investigation Lahore impounded Rs 180 million goods in 24 cases which involved taxes and duty worth Rs 100 million. | See PAge 04 |
SOHAIL RAB KHAN www.customstoday.com
BR Chairman Tariq Bajwa and Member Customs Nisar Muhammad Ali Khan held meetings with officials of the Pakistan Customs and Inland Revenue Services (IRS) during their one-day visit to Karachi. During the meetings, both the highups stressed upon revenue generation and measures against revenue leakages and corrupt practices. Chief Collector-Appraisement-South Nasir Masroor Ahmed, Chief CollectorSouth (Enforcement) Muhammad Nazim Saleem, Director General Customs Valuation Rubina Athar, Director General of the Directorate of Transit Trade Khawar Farid Maneka, Director Transit Trade Ibrahim Vighio, Director Input Output Co-efNicient Organisation Shahnaz Maqbool, Collector MCC-Pre-
ventive SM Tariq Huda, Collector MCC, Appraisement-East Najeebur Rehman Abbasi, Collector MCC AppraisementWest Muhammad Saleem, Collector MCC Port Qasim Surriya Butt and ofNicers of Inland Revenue Services (IRS) attended the meetings. Bajwa and Khan made it clear that there was no room for corrupt and inefNicient ofNicials in the Pakistan Customs Service (PCS). The FBR chairman emphasised on achieving revenue targets and keeping vigilant eye on unscrupulous importers to detect duty and tax fraud. Bajwa also lauded the efforts of the Nield formation collectorates in meeting revenue targets during current Niscal year 2014-15. Later on, Collector MCC-Preventive SM Tariq Huda, Collector MCC, Appraisement-East Najeebur Rehman Abbasi, Collector MCC Appraisement-West Muhammad Saleem and Collector MCC Port Qasim Surriya Butt briefed Bajwa and Khan about the current status of the
Tariq Bajwa and Nisar Muhammad made it clear there is no room for corrupt and inefficient officials in Pakistan Customs Service
revenue collection and imports. The FBR head urged the customs officials to keep the same pace of revenue collection. Later on, both the FBR high-ups departed for Islamabad in the evening. Meanwhile, FBR Chairman Tariq Bajwa inaugurated Souvenir Shop at the ground Nloor of Customs House, Karachi. He was accompanied by Member (Customs) of the FBR Nisar Muhammad Khan, while performing the inauguration ceremony of the Souvenir Shop. The Souvenir Shop offers a wide range of mementos, paintings, diaries, mugs, T-shirts, baseball caps, decorative copperware items, small clocks embedded in quality-Ninished wood, diaries and other such items- all with Customs House Karachi. A total of eight paintings by artist M. Nasir Khan also make up the mosaic of items offered at the Souvenir Shop.