Tuemarch 03 monmarch 10, 2014 issue

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pAkisTAn’s firsT indEpTH nEWspApEr on cusToMs

vol 2 issue no. 07

karachi, Tue March 03 - Mon March 10, 2014


regd. no, Mc-1381

Price Rs. 50.00

rEviEWing pErforMAncE

FBR should keep up the momentum to achieve set target, says Ishaq Dar | sEE pAgE 02 | LAHORE



Wide-ranging adjustments and changes will be introduced in structures of duties, tariffs and TDAP, says Dastgir | sEE pAgE 03 | fAciLiTATing sHipping LinEs

Best possible facilities are being provided to shipping lines at Port Qasim, says Kamran Michael | sEE pAgE 04 | EsTAbLisHing drY porT

Dry port at Lasbela will work for the benefit of whole province, says FBR ChairmanTariq Bajwa | sEE pAgE 02 |


ormer Customs Collector (Preventive) Junaid Akram had put up wellthought-out guideposts against smuggling and the incumbent management has been following his footprints to eradicate the menace of smuggling. Newly-posted Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) Collector (Preventive) Fazal Yazdani Khan shared the view while exclusively talking to Customs Today at Customs House, Lahore. “We are toeing the same lines which his predecessor had been working on. However, anti-smuggling superintendent has been changed which is a routine matter while the SP has doing well and his competence is beyond any doubt,” Fazal Yazdani informed. The Collector Preventive pointed out that obviously, he had to translate his vision and ideas through different measures after assuming responsibilities, adding that in the same way he had directed all the ofTicials at the MCC to improve their performance by getting hard on smugglers. Yazdani expressed the hope that in the near future they would be able to unearth macro-smuggling activities on the basis of recently worked out strategies. “In the days ahead we are looking forward to making crucial headway in anti-trafTicking operation”, he pledged, adding that his anti-smuggling team

consisted of professionals wellversed in dealing with their responsibilities and fully motivated in producing good results at the end of the Tinancial year. To a question about revenue targets of Customs Collectorate (Preventive), Fazal Yazdani observed that the collectorate had maintained the desired pace and would meet the revenue targets for the Tinancial year. “Currently we are on the right track and keeping in view the brisk pace of revenue collection, it is quite possible that we will not only achieve but exceed the target by the end of the ongoing Tiscal year,” the collector expressed his optimism. To another question, the collector said that it was he who had blew the lid off the duty evasion on a large scale during his previous stunt at the collectorate three years back. “Effective curb on duty evasion has resulted in increasing revenue of the collectorate by 300 percent,” Fazal Yazdani claimed, adding that duty evasion had dealt a blow to the overall revenue collection of the collectorate. He elaborated that revenue collection had jacked up three times, adding that it was happened mainly due to plugging of loopholes. “The scam stretched across different levels of adjudication and the amount involved may touch the mark of Rs 1 billion,” he concluded.

EffEcTivE curb on duTY EvAsion incrEAsEd rEvEnuE of Mcc LAHorE THrEE TiMEs

— Exlusive Customs Today photo

rEsTrucTuring TdAp

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