Tuesday april 01 monday april 07, 2014

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Vol 2 Issue No. 11


Karachi, Tue April 01 - Mon April 07, 2014

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Price Rs. 50.00


FBR mustdirecttheChief Commissionerstoissueduerefunds inaccordancewithlawandreport compliancewithin30days,says FTO AbdurRaufChaudhry. | SEE PAgE 02 | RECONSIDERINg INCENTIVES

PrimeMinister’s TaxIncentive Schemehasfailedtoproduce desiredeffectsasaresultofwhich formationoftougherlawsare underconsideration,saysAsad. | SEE PAgE 03 | TACKLINg ILLICIT TRADE

Smuggling of Iranian diesel is a major phenomenon and huge investments are being made into this business, says Collector Huda. | SEE PAgE 05 | CARTOONS SPECIAL

| SEE PAgE 11 |


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n a bid to appease the mumbling lawmakers, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar told the National Assembly that recent $1.5 billion ‘gift’ received from a friendly country was without conditions that could involve Pakistan in a proxy war in any Arab country like Syria. He informed the House that tax exemptions of Rs320 billion were provided to the business class over the past seven months. Addressing NA session, he called his categorical statement on behalf of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that Pakistan would not send troops or weapons to the area. Initially, Dar explained the arrival of $1.5 billion as a “totally friendly gift”


deposited in the State Bank of Pakistan in two instalments — $750 million on Feb 19 and the remainder on March 7 – from donors who he said did not want to be identified and its impact on the national economy like an appreciation of the rupee against the US dollar. But after three opposition parties and a government ally voiced fears about the possibility of hidden strings attached to the amount — which he said carried no interest and was not to be repaid — that the minister, as “a privy to this grant”, offered to make a statement on behalf of the Prime Minister, then visiting abroad, that there were “no conditions” attached and that neither Pakistani troops nor ammunitions would be sent out. In a written reply to a question submitted by PTI’s Lal Chand, Dar told the House that from July 2013 to February 2014, the government waived Rs320.8bn in duties and taxes. The

From July 2013 to February 2014, the govt waived Rs320.8b in duties and taxes

minister said, “These exemptions are on account of all SROs issued from time to time, which are operational to-date and only those issued under the current financial year”. To another question put by PPP’s Dr Azra Fazal Pechuho about foreign loans received by the present government from the IMF, World Bank and Asian Development Bank, Ishaq Dar said an amount of $203.2 million was received from the WB during the first six months of the current financial year and it was being spent on bank-driven projects. The minister also informed the lawmakers that the government was working on a plan to set up about 500 telecentres across the country to provide information technology services in far-flung areas with an initial investment of about Rs10.5 billion collected through Universal Services Fund (USF).




APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014

Customs foils bid to smuggle foreign currency to Dubai

LAHORE: Customs officials have thwarted an attempt to smuggle foreign currency worth Rs 22.4 million to Dubai from Lahore. Customs Investigation and Prosecution department checked on a man, who was bound to fly to Dubai from Lahore and arrested him recovering a large amount of foreign currency in his luggage at Allama Iqbal International Airport. The foreign currency included 200,000 Saudi Riyal, 100,000 euro and 120,000 dirham. The accused declared only Dh 2,500 in order to deceive the officials.

Dastgirfor enhancementof Pak-Bahraintradeties inister for Commerce Khurram Dastgir has invited the business community of Bahrain to take the maximum benefit from the trade and business opportunities in different sectors of Pakistan’s economy. He was speaking at Pakistan-Bahrain Business Forum, which was jointly organised by the Bahrain Ministry of Industries and Commerce in collaboration with the Pakistani Ministry of Commerce and the Board of Investment. Pakistan and Bahrain signed 15 Memoranda of Understanding and two agreements aiming at boosting the bilateral trade and investment relations in different sectors. These MoUs and agreements were inked at the conclusion. Representatives of different private companies and senior officials of both the governments inked the MoUs and agreements on behalf of their respective sides. The visit of the king of Bahrain took place at a time when Pakistan was emerging economically and politically as a vibrant and stable state, Dastgir said. He extended the fullest support of his ministry to the investors of Bahrain and stressed the need for further enhancing the business links between both the countries. Khurram Dastgir also offered joint ventures in textile sectors for fully harnessing the FreeTrade Agreements signed by Bahrain with the US as well as providing opportunities for Pakistan to get benefits from the GSP Plus facility granted to Pakistan by the European Union. The Federal Minister for Commerce urged the Bahrain business community to exploit investment opportunities in the power generation and alternative energy sectors in the country. —CT Report


Smuggled Iranian oil causing huge revenue loss iesel and petrol smuggled all the way from Iran is causing substantial loss to the national exchequer in the range varying somewhere close to 100 million rupees daily in the province of Sindh and Balochistan besides compromising safety of human life and vehicles. Pakistan Petroleum Dealers Association (PPDA) Chairman Abdul Sami Khan has said that there are more than 500 stations with dispensers and roadside outlets in Karachi alone and its outskirts now as compared to 150-200 a few years back. Sale of smuggled Iranian petrol and diesel is going on for a few years now and the number of such illegal outlets has increased sharply in many cities of Sindh and Balochistan provinces mainly in the provincial capitals. A difference of Rs 7 to Rs 8 per litre in Iranian petrol and diesel in Karachi as compared to products of oil marketing companies (OMC) is luring public and private vehicle owners. —CT Report


FTO terms delay in refund as maladministration ISLAMABAD

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ederal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) Chaudry Abdur Rauf has ruled that delay in issuance of refunds was tantamount to maladministration under Section 2(3)(ii) of the FTO Ordinance. On his Oindings, in a refund claim case, FTO recommended the Federal Board of Revenue to direct the Chief Commissioner to issue refunds due, in accordance with law and report compliance within 30 days. The Oindings and recommendations of the FTO came about due to a complainant M/s Radian Glass Private Limited Lahore versus the Secretary Revenue Division, Dealing OfOicer, Authorized representative and department representative. The complainant claimed refunds of Rs 2,146,222 for Tax Year 2012 as per application e-Oiled on 07.09.2013. The refund arises as a result of excess deduction of tax at source under sections 148, 153, 231A, 231B, 234, 235 and 236 on imports, supplies, cash withdrawals from banks, registration of motor vehicle, payment of motor vehicle token tax, and in electricity and telephone/mobile phone bills. As the refund claimed as per return Oiled/deemed assessment Oinalized u/s 120(1) of the ordinance was not processed/disposed of within the mandatory 60 days time-frame stipulated in the statute, the complainant sought the intervention of the Federal Tax Ombudsman. The department had served no notice on complainant to furnish explanation or documentation to clarify the refund claimed. The department Oiled a reply raising a preliminary objection that as the complainant had an option under the statute to Oile an appeal before the Oirst appellate authority in case of non disposal of his refund claim, there was no cause for the FTO to assume jurisdiction in the matter Reference is made to President's decision in complaint No. 1176/2010 disposing of a departmental representation against the FTO's recom-

mendations. Furthermore, the department also contends that it has been held by the President in his decision disposing of complaint No.1359-K/2001 that the FTO was not an appellate forum and was not competent to dilate on matters involving the interpretation of statutes. Therefore, he could also not dilate on the merits or otherwise of statutory provisions governing issuance of refunds. On merits the complainant contends that the delay in disposal of the refund claim was due to unforeseen delays in veriOication of the tax payment claims from the deducting authorities. These delays were stated due to deOicient documentation Oiled by the complainant and also due to discrepancies that have not been satisfactorily explained by him. The department has referred to decision of the Wafaqi Mohtasib in complaint No.11/289/88118 (Gojra Textile Mills Limited) in which it has been held that the complainant is to blame equally for delays in veriOication of tax payment claims from the deducting authority. The FTO heard both

Chief Commissioner shouldissue duerefunds inaccordance withlaw andreport compliance within30days

sides and examined available record. As held by the Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue (ATIR) in reported judgment cited as 2010 PTD (Tribunal) 5193 the Commissioner Inland Revenue is under a mandatory obligation to, suo moto, dispose of any refund claim arising as per return of Income Oiled that has been deemed to have been assessed under section 120(1) of the ordinance within 60 days of the date of deemed assessment and order under section 170(4) of the ordinance must then also be passed within the 60 days timeframe. If this is not done, a delay in the disposal of the refund claim is evident and compensation for the delay is payable under section 171 of the Ordinance, The deemed assessment under section 120(1) of the ordinance is an assessment order applicable ‘for all purposes of this ordinance’ (emphasis supplied) as stated in the statute itself. The deemed assessment order is therefore relevant for refund purposes as well. This judgment of the Tribunal is binding on all departmental functionaries.

CommitteedisgustedoverpaceofdevelopmentatGwadarport ISLAMABAD

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enate’s Standing Committee on Ports and Shipping has expressed concerns over delay in the Gwadar’s development projects and warned of immense losses, if Oinances were not utilised properly. The Senate committee met under the chairmanship of Sardar Fateh Muhammad Hassani including members Naseema Ehsan, Nuzhat Sadiq, Kalsoom Parveen, Haji Khan HaOiz Hamdullah, and Minister for Ports and Shipping Kamran Michael to discuss issues relating to development of the Gwadar projects. The committee expressed displeasure over absence of NHA ofOicials in the meeting and directed to ensure the presence of ofOicials in the next meeting. Sardar Fateh Muhammad Hassani said that all departments are interlinked and without the pres-

ence of ofOicials concerned, the progress is being delayed. People expect early completion of the

project which is the need of the country and people of Balochistan, he added. He said that the Pak-China corridor can boost the economy of the country but unfortunately proper attention was not being paid and projects were delayed due to lack of co-ordination. The Chairman of Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) said that project was delayed due to unavailability of electricity equipment and new machinery may become scrap due to its non-functionality. He said that GPA has written letters to Quetta Electric Supply Company to sort out the issues of electricity to port but no attention was paid by the company ofOicials. He said that GPA also has allocated land for construction of grid station in Gwadar. The committee’s chairman said that seven years ago PSDP approved the development of grid station at Gwadar, but so far no work was carried out there. He said due to lapse of time, the cost of project has also increased. He said that machinery worth millions of dollars was purchased but it could not be used due to unavailability of electricity.



APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014

US customs, cost guards come across 6900 lbs of drugs aboard

SAN DIEGO: United States Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection have intercepted a small motorboat ferrying nearly 3 1/2 tonnes of marijuana through the ocean about 140 miles south of San Diego. Authorities detected the skiff and began tracking it at night. The crew caught up with the boat, finding 265 bales of cannabis with a combined weight of about 6,900 pounds. Three men aboard were arrested along with the drug haul and the fishing vessel.

MCC-Appraisement-West uncoversdodging ofRs25m he Post Release Verification (PRV) Section of the Model Customs Collectorate of Appraisement-West has detected 25 cases of tax evasion in the month of February and raised demand of Rs 25,318,918 against the importers and clearing agents for the recovery of the said amount. The tax evasion of the substantial amount was found against the importers and clearing agents for nonimplementation of valuation rulings, FTA and income tax. The PRV Section of MCC AppraisementWest has raised the demand of Rs 8,685,077 against A I Enterprises against non-implementation of FTA on polyester shirting fabric; Rs 4,738,386 is to be recovered from Ahmed Automobile on non-implementation of Valuation Ruling on sub-component for manufacturing of shock absorbers for motorcycles; Rs 2,763,703 is to be recovered from Feroz Mills against non-payment of income tax; Rs 2,693,686 is to be recovered from Ahsan Enterprises against non-implementation of VR/FTA on Polyester Shirting fabric; Rs 1,152,610 is to be recovered from LEO Enterprises on non-implementation of VR on Colour bulbs. The PRV Section of the collectorate has raised demand of Rs 723,226 against the Q-Star Trading on non-implementation of VR on hands-free and laptop chargers; Rs 654,046 is to be recovered from Abdul Qadir & Abdul Sattar against the nonimplementation of VR on White Oil; the PRV Section has raised demands of Rs 567,021 against Imporient Chemical (Pvt) Ltd on non-implementation of VR on phosphoric acid food grade; the Section has raised demand of Rs 560,305 against the Linde Pakistan Ltd against the nonimplementation of VR on Welding electrode apart from others. —CT Report


govt to invoke tougher laws for taxation: Shahid Asad The government was actively considering to promulgate laws that all transactions including property, private spending at shops and restaurants, etc be made accessible to FBR online by making it compulsory for buyers to provide CNIC for every transaction. KARACHI

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ederal Board of Revenue Official Spokesman Shahid Hussain Asad has said that Prime Minister’s Tax Incentive Scheme has failed to produce desired effects as a result of which formation of tougher laws are under consideration. He said that the scheme announced on February 28, 2014 did not produce expected response though the government accommodated the private sector by introducing amendments and extending the deadline to April 30, 2014. Speaking at a workshop on Sales Tax Laws on Services jointly organised by Pakistan Tax Bar Association (PTBA) and Karachi Tax Bar Association (KTBA) Shahid Asad said that out of 3.5 million holders of National Tax Number (NTN), only one million filed returns for the Tax year 2012-13. He informed that the government was actively considering to promulgate laws that all transactions including property, private spending at shops and restaurants, etc be made accessible to FBR online by making it compulsory for buyers to provide CNIC for every transaction.

Signing of Memorandum of Understanding among federal and provincial tax collecting agencies is a milestone

Shahid Hussain Asad said growing number of huge shopping malls and restaurants were reaping extraordinary profits but sadly enough no revenue is being generated from these commercial establishments. Referring to the differences between the provinces over the tax collection on services on the basis of origin or destination Shahid Hussain Asad, who is also FBR Member Inland RevenuePolicy said that the memorandum of understanding signed between the provincial and federal tax collecting agencies was a milestone. The FBR member said India’s tax-to-GDP ratio stood at 16 per cent of which 6 per cent was contributed by states and 10 per cent by the central government. “In India tax on services is collected by central government and on goods by states whereas in Pakistan it is the other way around,” he added. KTBA President Haider A. Patel, PTBA President Munawwar H. Shaikh and PTBA Academy of Taxation Chairman Abdul Qadir Memon also spoke on the occasion. Punjab Revenue Authority Chairman Iftikhar Qutub, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Excise and Taxation Secretary Raheel Ahmad Siddiqui, and Dawood Pirzada and Mushtaq Kazmi from Sindh Revenue Board participated in panel discussion.



APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014

Pakistan Customs seizes 42 tonnes of iron sheets

LAHORE: Anti-smuggling wing of Model Customs Collectorate Lahore has impounded 42 tonnes of iron sheets being smuggled from Iranian border all the way to Lahore. Sources said that the anti-smuggling wing of MCC Lahore raided on a truck at Shera Kot and confiscated the iron sheets worth Rs 3.5 million. Sources added that the iron sheet smuggling from Iran is a routine matter that goes up and down during the year in accordance with changing policies.

hough seeing its troubled economic indicators coming back on track one after another, Pakistan is likely to see itself in hot waters at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) sooner than later, warned the shipping experts. Almost all of the Ministry of Ports and Shipping-controlled federal agencies, prominently Karachi PortTrust (KPT), Port Qasim Authority (PQA), Gwadar Port Authority (GPA), Directorate General of Ports and Shipping (DGPS) and Marine Mercantile Department (MMD), are facing a serious operational crisis which, if not addressed, the experts believe, would render Pakistan eliminated from the IMO’s ‘White List’. With KPT and PQA having been worked for months with their boards of directors dissolved, the all-important DGPS and MMD are being run single-handedly by a nautical surveyor, Captain Qasim Saeed, for over a couple of months past. Of the total 12 sanctioned posts at the two departments, according to official sources, 11 are vacant. The lone official appears to be officiating in place of a chief nautical surveyor, a principal officer, a deputy chief nautical surveyor, two nautical surveyors, a chief examiner and ship surveyor and five engineers and ship surveyors at the DGPS and MMD. Federal Minister for Ports and Shipping Kamran Michael said the matter was finalised. “We have had the Prime Minister’s approval for the names to be appointed,” the Federal Minister said.“We are doing the refilling,” he said at a recent dinner he recently hosted for journalists at Port House. —CT Report


Appraisement west gets PCs for officers odel Customs Collectorate of Appraisement-West is gearing up to enhance the working scenario of examination hall at Karachi International Containers Terminal (KICT) by introducing latest information technology. Sources in the collectorate informed Customs Today that the MCC of Appraisement-West has acquired five latest Tablet PCs for the examining officials at KICT to advance the working and make it more efficient. The sources further told this scribe that the collectorate has demanded total 20 Tablet PCs for its examining staff in order to make the entire working computerised and provide hassle-free environment for the traders, importers and other stakeholders in the process of clearance of their consignments. “The Collectorate has attained five Tablet PCs for its staff while the process of the procurement of 15 other Tablet PCs was in progress”, they added. When contacted, Collector of MCC Appraisement-West, Muhammad Saleem confirmed the process of procurement of Tablet PCs for examination officers. He said that the entire process would be completed within the week by the end of March, adding that the whole examination area would be computerised to ensure fast and speedy process of examination and clearance. —CT Report


Revenue collection can be enhanced by 1,000pc: Zuberi LAHORE




he revenue collection can be enhanced by 1,000 percent provided the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) rationalise policies and reduce tax rates. To broaden tax net and increase tax-to-GDP-ratio, registration of Sales Tax Number (STN) and National Tax Number (NTN) should be made simpler besides reducing the tax rate. This was stated by Lahore Tax Bar Association (LTBA) President Habibur Rehman Zuberi while exclusively talking with Customs Today. “The LTBA has been protecting rights of the tax advisers, educating them on various tax-related issues besides educating the common taxpayers since 1947,” Mr Zuberi highlighted. He said that the bar organised seminars and programmes for the capacity-building of members and enlightened them upon new SROs, circulars and policies. The LTBA president informed that the Bar had been rendering its invaluable input to the government on various taxrelated issues through pre and post-budget seminars, adding that the Bar always strived to ensure good liaison with all the organisations concerned including the Federal Board of Revenue, Punjab Revenue Authority, chambers and industrialists. He claimed that the Bar had become an important stakeholder in the tax matters, adding that however, for the past sometime ‘it appeared’ the Bar’s role had been marginalised. Mr Zuberi informed, “We, thus, took up the issue with the FBR Chairman and members and urged them to take all stakeholders on board to get through all the policies”. Citing example of the Customs, he said that people had confronted with im-

— Exclusive Customs Today photo

Boards of KPT and PQA yet to have full quorum

mense problems due to a lack of coordination among stakeholders, especially since the introduction of queue system in the Customs. “If any objection raises to documents, which, otherwise, comply with the queue system of WeBoC, have to be queued up again, making the businessmen to face extreme hardships,” he averred. He claimed that cases were also delayed due to unavailability of alternative ofOicer for the one who proceeded on leave due to some natural reason. “The refund amount of most of these companies has exceeded their paid up capital. But the FBR is still not ready to pay back their legitimate refund,” the LTBA president regretted. About tax net broadening, Zuberi said that registration of sales tax and national tax number (NTN) were one of the major obstacles to the efforts for enhancing

Ifwewantto broadentaxnet andincrease tax-to-gDPratio wemustmake theregistration systemsimpler

tax revenues. “Pral and central registration ofOicer (CRO) needed immediate attention of the government to expedite work on registration of sales tax number (STN) and NTN, adding that the FBR should organise programme to create awareness and educate the public about tax issues. “If we want to broaden tax net and increase tax-to-GDP-ratio we must make the registration system simpler like neighbouring countries India, Bangladesh, China and Sir Lanka,” he emphasised. “We need to reduce tax rates to broaden tax net by bring in new taxpayers but unfortunately the system has become so obsolete that it does not accommodate new taxpayers while the existing ones are being taxed unfairly, force them to opt for tax evasion”, Zuberi concluded.

ABL gives Rs1m for LCCI OIC moot LAHORE

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llied Bank of Pakistan (ABL) on Friday presented a cheque of Rs. 1 million for second LCCI OIC Ambassadors and Trade Conference. The LCCI President Engineer Sohail Lashari received the cheque from Khawaja Muhammad Almas, ABL Chief Commercial & Retail Banking. The LCCI President Engineer Sohail Lashari said that contribution made by the bank would go a long way in highlighting the soft image of the country besides the promotion of trade and economic activities. He said that the OIC initiative has been taken by the La-

hore Chamber of Commerce & Industry to increase liaison among the businessmen in all the 57 Islamic countries. The LCCI President said that the economy would not be able to get back on rails unless and until all

the institutions work hand in hand on national issues. He thanked the Allied Bank of Pakistan for recognizing the efforts of the Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry and taking practical steps. He said that this proves that the Allied

Bank of Pakistan was making all out efforts to strengthen the economy of the country. Speaking on the occasion, ABL Chief Commercial & Retail Banking Khawaja Muhammad Almas gave a detailed briefing to the LCCI president about the innovative banking products being introduced by the ABL. He said that the Bank has a large network of over 1000 online branches and 800 ATMs in Pakistan and offers various technology-based products and services to its diverse clientele. He said that the bank is fast increasing its network and always comes up with innovative solutions. He said that there were 300 ABL branches that remain open on Saturdays to serve the business community.



APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014

ANF seizes more than 20kg heroin from Karachi

KARACHI: Anti-Narcotics Force has raided two places in Karachi and seized more than 20 kilograms of heroin. An official source said that about 22 kg heroin worth billions of rupees value in international market was seized from Ahmed Shaheed Chowk. Two kg heroin was also recovered from a courier company’s shop. The heroin was to be smuggled to England. Two drug traffickers were also arrested during the raid.

SHC issues orders for release of stuck cell phones withoutTAC indh High Court (SHC) has issued orders to Pakistan Customs and other relevant authorities to release and clear the stuck consignments of cell phones after getting the assurance from cellular companies that they will arrange Type Approval Certificate (TAC) within three months. SHC in its verdict directed the authorities concerned to clear the consignments of imported cell phones stuck at Air Freight Unit (AFU) of Jinnah International Airport. It is pertinent to mention here that the Pakistan Customs had halted the consignments of cell phones at AFU due to absence of TAC on the imported cell phones. A senior FBR officer informed Customs Today that Pakistan Customs according to Section 223 of the Customs Act, 1969 was bound to obey the FBR rules regarding release of the cell phones and tablet PCs after confirming the TAC. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) through its notification in 2011 had directed all cellular companies that they must have TAC in the clearance of imported cell phones. Subsequently, the Supreme Court of Pakistan, during the hearing of Karachi unrest case in 2013, has directed the authorities of PTA, Pakistan Customs, Rangers and other law enforcing agencies to constitute a task force and inform Supreme Court about the further development. In this regard, the authorities informed the apex court during the hearing of Karachi unrest case in 2014 that the task force committee has decided that no cell phone or tablet PC was allowed to clear without TAC. Thousands of cell phones of various cellular companies were stuck at Air Freight Unit due to absence of Type Approval Certificate. —CT Report


Valuation rulings of LED lights, porcelain/glassware issued KARACHI

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irectorate General of Customs Valuation has determined the customs values of LED rechargeable lights, porcelain ware and glassware through Valuation Rulings No.644/2014 and 645/2014 under Section 25-A of the Customs Act, 1969. Customs values of LED rechargeable lights (1-4) from China having Pakistan Customs Tariff (PCT) heading 8513.1030 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 8513.1030.1000 has been fixed at $ 0.08 per piece; customs values of LED (5-7) having PCT heading 8513.1030 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 8513.1030.1100 has been fixed at $ 0.15 per piece; customs values of LED (8-13) having PCT heading 8513.1030 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 8513.1030.1200 has been fixed at $ 0.25 per piece; customs values of LED (14-19) having PCT heading 8513.1030 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 8513.1030.1300 has been fixed at $ 0.32 per piece; customs values of LED (20-25) having PCT heading 8513.1030 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 8513.1030. 1400 has been fixed at $ 0.48 per piece; customs values of LED (2632) having PCT heading 8513.1030 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 8513.1030.1500 has been fixed at $ 0.55 per piece; customs values of LED (33-45) having PCT heading 8513.1030 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 8513.1030.1600 has been

fixed at $ 0.75 per piece; customs values of LED (46-60) having PCT heading 8513.1030 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 8513.1030. 1700 has been fixed at $ 0.95 per piece. While the customs values of LED higher than 60 or above with same PCT heading and proposed PCT for WeBOC has been fixed at $ 1.30 per piece. Similarly, the Directorate General of Customs Valuation has re-determined the Customs values of porcelain ware and glassware through Valuation Ruling No.645/2014, which supersedes the previous VR No.495/2014 issued on 27-112012 on the same items. Customs values of Tableware, Kitchenware, other household ar-

ticles of porcelain or china clay (non-gold plated) from China, Indonesia, Iran, UAE, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Europe/USA/Canada and others having HS codes 6911.1010, 6911.1020, 6911.1030, 6911.1040, 6911.1090 and 6911.9000 respectively and proposed PCT codes for WeBOC 6911.1010.1000, 6911.1020.1000, 6911.1030.1000, 6911.1040.1000, 6911.1090.1000 and 6911.9000.1000 have been fixed at $ 0.70, $0.70, $ 0.75, $ 0.88, $ 1.00, $ 1.00, $ 1.00, $ 1.35 and $ 1.20 respectively. The Customs values of tableware, kitchenware, other household articles of porcelain or china clay (gold plated) from China, In-

Customs value of ethyl acetate re-determined KARACHI

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irectorate General of Customs Valuation has re-determined the customs value of ethyl acetate through the Valuation Ruling No. 646/2014 under Section 25-A of the Customs Act, 1969. Customs value of ethyl acetate from China having Pakistan Customs Tariff (PCT) code 2915.3100 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 2915.3100.1000 has been fixed at $ 1.18 per kilogram. Customs value of ethyl acetate from Taiwan having PCT code 2915.3100 and


proposed PCT code for WeBOC 2915.3100.1000 has been fixed at $ 1.19 per kg. Customs value of ethyl acetate from Korea having PCT code 2915.3100 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 2915.3100.1000 has been fixed at $ 1.20 per kg. Customs value of ethyl acetate from United Arab Emirates having PCT code 2915.3100 and proposed PCT code for WeBOC 2915.3100.1000 has been fixed at $ 1.21 per kg. It is pertinent to mention here that the Valuation Ruling No.646/2014 has superseded the previous VR No.439/2012 which was issued on March 13, 2012.

donesia, Iran, UAE, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Europe/USA/Canada and others having HS Code 6911.1010, 6911.1020, 6911.1030, 6911.1040, 6911.1090 and 6911.9000 and proposed PCT codes for WeBOC 6911.1010.1100, 6911.1020.1100, 6911.1030.1100, 6911.1040.1100, 6911.1090.1100 and 6911.9000.1100 have been fixed at $ 0.90, $ 0.90, $ 0.95, $ 1.08, $ 1.20, $ 1.20, $ 1.20, $ 1.75 and $ 1.40 respectively according to the origins. Furthermore, the customs values of glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen indoor decoration or similar purposes (clear/opal) from China, Indonesia, Iran, UAE, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Europe/USA/Canada and others having HS Codes 7013.1000, 7013.2800 and 7013.9900, and proposed PCT codes for WeBOC 7013.1000.1000, 7013.2800.1000 and 7013.9900.1000 have been fixed at $ 0.85, $ 0.65, $ 0.70, $ 0.92, $ 0.95, $ 0.95, $ 0.95, $ 0.95, $ 0.95, $ 0.88 and $ 1.30 respectively according to the origins. The customs values of glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen indoor decoration or similar purposes (gold-plated) from China, Indonesia, Iran, UAE, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Brazil, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Europe/USA/Canada and others having HS codes 7013.1000, 7013.2800 and 7013.9900, and proposed PCT codes for WeBOC 7013.1000.1100, 7013.2800.1100 and 7013.9900.1100 have been fixed at $ 1.00, $ 0.85, $ 0.90, $ 1.12, $ 1.15, $ 1.15, $ 1.15, $ 1.15, $ 1.15, $ 1.00, $ 1.75 and $ 1.55 respectively according to the origins mentioned above.

MCC-Preventive seizes hashish, goats KARACHI

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odel Customs Collectorate of Preventive has seized 477 kilograms hashish in shape of slabs, rods and ‘garda’along with modified bus bearing 220 live goats worth Rs 44,903,800. This was revealed by Collector of MCCPreventive S M Tariq Huda while addressing a press conference at Customs House, Karachi. Collector MCC-Preventive S M Tariq Huda informed the media that a special team of customs officials headed by Assistant Collector Muhammad Wasif Malik on a tip-off mounted surveillance at RCD Highway at Mochko checkpoint. “A bus loaded with goats was noticed


coming from Hub towards Karachi on March 24 which was signalled to stop, but the driver continued to drive. After a chase of 5 minutes the Customs officials’team succeeded to intercept the bus,”he informed. “During search of the vehicle, it was found that the hashish in shape of slabs and rods was concealed under cloth, grass and hay,”he added. Responding to a query, Collector Huda said that no arrest could be made during operation while further investigations were underway in this regard. Speaking at the occasion, Collector MCCPreventive asserted that smuggling of Iranian diesel was a major phenomenon and huge investments are being made into this illegal business. To another query, he confirmed that the MCC-Preventive was facing acute shortage of

resources which were creating impediments in operations against smugglers. He further said that the other Law Enforcing Agencies (LEAs) should stand with Pakistan Customs in curbing smuggling activities, adding that the government has assured the FBR authorities to resolve the issues faced by Pakistan Customs. Answering to another query, Collector MCC-Preventive Tariq Huda said that Pakistan Customs will conduct operations against smugglers and drug peddlers in the jurisdiction of sensitive areas, already mentioned after getting the “green signal by provincial government of Sindh. Assistant Collector Muhammad Wasif Malik, Pakistan Customs Spokesman Qamar Thalho and other customs officials were also present on the occasion.

— Exclusive Customs Today photos



www.customstoday.com APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014


APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014





he performance of the Commerce Ministry has been impressive under the leadership of Federal Commerce Minister Eng. Khurram Dastgir so far but there is always room for improvement and the Ministry has to focus on the enhancement of trade. There is a dire need for hard work to explore new venues to boost exports and cater to the modern-day challenges. Senator Karim Ahmed Khawaja, Convener SubCommittee of the Senate Standing Committee on Commerce expressed the views during an exclusive interview with Customs Today. The PPP lawmaker regretted the slump in the textile industry, saying that the textile industry had slid into recession due to various factors including the crippling energy crisis, adding that capable and potential leadership always capitalised on opportunity whenever it cropped up to bring in beneOits for the country’. He suggested that there should be close liaison among the Interior, Foreign and Commerce ministries with chambers and overseas Pakistanis to work collectively for the betterment of trade and enhancement of exports. “Such an idea will help develop an atmosphere for work on a multiple disciplinary concept to create a trustworthy environment for traders and international buyers, culminating in windfall of exports,” the Senator elaborated. Karim Ahmed Kh declared that the committee had sent its recommendations to the Prime Minister in this regard and expressed the hope that the Premier would deOinitely give it due consideration. “Look, for the common good and prosperity of the country, we can also work by taking Pakistani embassies in foreign countries along and make them to work in line with the Interior, Foreign and Commerce ministries, chambers and overseas Pakistanis to earn more and more foreign exchange for the country,” Karim Ahmed Khawaja pointed out. By declaring embassies a stakeholder, all these tiers could work in a beOitting manner to produce maximum out of this multi disciplinary development concept for the good of the country.


The Senate sub-committee convenor empha- the Nato supply in KPK merely for “what he desised that it was the prime obligation of the Com- scribed” playing politics. “Nobody has the right to unmerce Ministry to get in touch with all Pakistanis dermine the country’s prestige and sovereignty for living in every nook and cranny of the world to vested interest as international community and forbring in foreign direct investment (FDI) and shore eign friends gave a negative thought to this blockade up foreign reserves. Alas, nobody paid any attention and caused a trust deOicit in the relations with Nato to this potential sector and had been ignored con- countries,” he claimed, adding that Imran and his stantly. He stressed that there party leaders had showed scant reexisted vast potential for engard for democratic norms through hancing exports and strengthentheir ‘immature act.’ ing bilateral relation with AusThe convenor Sub-Committee of tralia, Far East countries and the Senate Standing Committee on South America, adding that noCommerce argued that as a matter body on the part of the authoriof fact Taliban were an unnatural ties concerned felt the urgency force and should be curb through for any such move to boost trade force only as they were not only posand the government was yet to ing a threat to the country’s security draw any line in this regard. but also had undermined trade and “There should be specialised foreign investment in the country. teams of experts for this purpose He lauded the government’s efforts to introduce our products in these for normalisation of bilateral relacountries and force way to these tions including trade with India, markets,” Karim Ahmed Kh mainadding that it was the vision of Shatained, adding that it was the need heed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto to of the hour to explore market in create a friendly atmosphere in the the Caribbean countries to proregion and develop good ties with mote national exports. He also unall neighbours including India. CERTAIN derlined the need for independent “By the way it was Mohtarma INTERNATIONAL role of chambers of commerce to Benazir Bhutto who Oirst organised attract investors and buyers. Saarc conference in Pakistan to POWERS Replying to a question, the PPP bring together regional leadership MACHINATING TO Senator informed that Gwadar to Oind ways for regional prosperHAMPER GWADAR had been given to China, a timeity,” he recalled, adding that there PORT DEVELOPMENT tested friend of Pakistan and if was still need for a lot more work there was any delay in making the to be done in this regard and new AND DESTABILIZE port operational it was from Pakvenues should be explored to PAKISTAN istan side owing to development strengthen trade ties particularly of the infrastructure, adding that with India.Karim Ahmed Kh dethe government should also hand clared that the clearance of stuck over the development work to cars would help to enhance revChina to ensure its timely completion and make the enue and was a good step taken by government, port operational at the earliest. adding that there was a dire need for enhancing revThe Senate sub-committee convenor declared that enue by broadening tax net which was a hard nut yet it was beyond any doubt that certain international to be cracked. powers (without naming) were machinating to desta“Look, apart from administrative and political bilize Pakistan to hamper development of Gwadar factors that have been affecting revenue collection, Port, adding that it did not matter if the government rampant cross-border trafOicking has been taking continued working with honesty and enthusiastically its toll on the revenue collection,” the Senator the port would be operational at last. averred, adding that effective surveillance and tanKarim Ahmed Kh regretted that PTI Chief Imran gible measures required to curb the menace to let Khan had taken a wrong step when his party stopped the revenue Olourished.



APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014

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Aid, Target and Strategy


fter successful completion of second review and release of third tranche of $555 million to Pakistan under $6.67 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been consistently pressing upon the tax collection machinery to broaden the narrowed tax base for sharing burden of fiscal adjustments on the basis of principles of equity and justice. With release of IMF tranche worth $555 million and a gift of $1.5 billion from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan’s foreign currency reserves have increased close to $10 billion mark. The government seems comfortable with the position of external account but the fiscal side has been still facing the problem in the wake of FBR’s inability to broaden the tax base. The FBR has so far collected Rs 1,453 billion in first eight months and 20 days and it will have to collect Rs 792 billion in remaining three months and 10 days for achieving the revised tax collection target of Rs 2,345 billion. Although, the FBR has not yet officially revised downward its annual tax collection target from Rs 2,475 billion to Rs 2,345 billion but even if the tax machinery displays the revised target on its board on June 30, 2014 then it should be considered as an achievement on part of the FBR. IMF’s executive board while approving third installment for Pakistan had also made some interesting observations by stating that fiscal consolidation is on track, but additional efforts to broaden the revenue base and improve tax administration are needed to sustain the adjustment. Recent steps to increase the equity and transparency in taxation, according to the IMF assessments, are in the right direction but the Fund further stated that the December 2013 investment incentive package runs against these steps. The IMF further stated that Pakistani authorities had made commendable progress in stabilizing the economy and launching important structural reforms. However, economic conditions remain challenging, and more needs to be done to reduce vulnerabilities. The main challenge for Pakistan lies on fiscal front whereby the FBR has so far achieved almost 17 per cent growth in the current fiscal year compared to dismally low of around 3 per cent growth in the last financial year. On the face of it, the FBR’s performance seems good but it has been lagging behind keeping in view its own envisaged tax collection target. In a bid to make last ditch effort, FBR Chairman Tariq Bajwa along with top guns of both Customs and Inland Revenue devised a strategy to focus on main revenue hubs in the major cities of the country such as Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore and Faisalabad to maximize revenue collection in the remaining three months of the current fiscal year. FBR will have to plug leakages, focusing upon enforcing withholding tax regime in effective manner and creation of demand and ensuring recovery will help FBR inching towards increasing tax collection in the last quarter of the current fiscal year.

withholding Tax: where the problem lies ISLAMABAD




ithout effective enforcement of Withholding Tax, it will be an uphill task for the FBR to even go close to the desired tax collection target during the current Oiscal year. Almost 40 percent taxes out of total envisaged Direct Taxes are collected through withholding tax regime and the FBR requires to focus upon maximizing collections by plugging existing loopholes in the system that barred the authorities to take stern actions against those withholding agents who collect the taxes from people of Pakistan but do not bother to deposit into the national kitty. There are many such sectors existing in both public as well as private domain. They are considered as withholding agents in accordance with the deOinition placed by the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 by collecting taxes on behalf of the FBR but they do not fully deposit into the

national kitty. For instance hotels, banking sectors and many public sector departments are withholding agents of the FBR by collecting taxes but there are many instances where the collected money has not been deposited with the FBR even after lapse of several years. For instance, the tax is deducted on the salaries of employees but it is not fully deposited into the kitty. On this front, there is need to focus upon at a time when the FBR is facing uphill task in maximizing its revenue efforts. By ensuring effective enforcement on withholding tax regime, the FBR’s collection can go up manifold and its shortfall in achieving the desired target can be minimized. Keeping in view this trend, the FBR issued comprehensive guidelines wherein exemptions from withholding taxes under Part-II, III & IV of Second Schedule to the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 have been categorized and arranged on the basis of each withholding tax section. This guide will facilitate the withhold-

It is the withholding agents who do not bother to deposit the collected tax into the national kitty

ing agents to avoid unnecessary litigation and timely compliance in terms of paying their obligations. Under the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 various exemptions were provided under Part-II, III and IV of Second Schedule to the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Such as part II of the Second Schedule covers Incomes or classes of income, or persons or classes of persons, shall be liable to tax at such rates which are less than the rates speciOied in the First Schedule, Part III of the Second Schedule covers the situation where Income, or classes of income, or person or classes of person, shall be allowed reduction in tax liability to the extent and subject to such conditions as are speciOied in the part III, while part IV of the Second Schedule states Income, or classes of income, or persons or classes of persons, shall be exempt from the operation of such provisions of this Ordinance, subject to such conditions and to the extent, as are speciOied in the part IV of the Schedule.



APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014


Pakistan Customs impounds 50 LED TVs, cloth, food items

LAHORE: Anti-smuggling wing of Model Customs Collectorate Lahore has seized non customs duty paid goods and articles worth millions of rupees at Shera Kot and Band Road in different raids. Customs impounded 14,000 meter cloth of foreign origin, 50 cartons of cigarettes, 50 Sony LED TVs, 42 cartons of coconuts, black pepper and Ispaghol. The goods were confiscated following different tip offs and the customs officials have started investigation following impounding the items worth millions of rupees.

ANF recovers over a tonne of drugs nti Narcotics Force (ANF) has arrested seven drug peddlers and recovered over a tonne of drugs from various areas of Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. ANF has recovered 3 kg heroin, 927 kg opium, 22 kg charas and seized two vehicles, official sources said. According to details, ANF Lahore arrested Muhammad Nawaz and Haroon Arif, residents of Lahore, and Shakir Ullah, resident of Dir and recovered 3.4 kg charas from their possession.They were travelling on a motorbike near a bus stand on Band Road, Lahore. ANF Lahore arrested Arshad Khan, resident of Charsadda, Muhammad Faisal resident of Rawalpindi and recovered 16.8 kg charas.They were travelling in a car near Motorway interchange, Faisalabad.The drugs were destined for Karachi. ANF Peshawar arrested Muhammad Saeed resident of Kurram Agency and recovered 3 kg of heroin from his possession. He was arrested near a bus stand in Peshawar. As per initial investigations, the accused wanted to deliver the drugs to Karachi for local consumption. ANF Quetta on information seized 927 kg of wet opium rapped in 40 polythene sacks. The drugs were dumped in folds of mountainous terrain near Killi Surdab, Bostan, Pishin District. Dumping place was being used as a hideout, from where the drugs were to be transported on receiving safe signal by road. Cases have been registered in ANF Police Stations and further investigations are underway. —CT Report


Revenue grows by 16pc: FBR collects Rs1.45tr till March 21 ISLAMABAD

CUSTOMS TODAY REPORT www.customstoday.com


he Federal Board of Revenue provisionally collected Rs1,453.531 billion from July 1 to March 21 (2013-14) against Rs1,249.938 billion during the corresponding period last year, showing a growth of 16.3 percent. As per details, the FBR has to collect Rs1,022 billion to meet the budgetary target of Rs2,475 billion set for the current Oiscal year. It has, however, collected Rs1,453.531 billion provisionally from July 1 to March 21 (2013-14) against the revised annual target of Rs2,345 billion. Keeping in view the revised revenue target, the FBR has to collect Rs775 billion in the last quarter (April-June) of 2013-14 i.e – in the month of April Rs196.3 billion, May Rs219.5 billion while in June, the board will have to collect Rs359.2 billion. According to the revenue collection Oigures compiled by the FBR so far, the total collection of domestic taxes (direct taxes, sales tax and income tax) amounted to Rs1,296.284 billion during July-March 21 (201314) against Rs1,098.864 billion,

showing an increase of 18 percent. In Oirst 21 days of March 2014, the provisional revenue collection amounted to Rs92.984 billion against Rs88.009 billion during the corresponding period of last year, reOlecting an increase of 5.6 percent. An analysis of the revenue collection revealed that the direct taxes collection was Rs524.871 billion during July-March 21 (2013-14) against Rs451.849 billion during the corresponding previous year, reOlecting an increase of 16.2 percent. Out of direct taxes collected during this period, the collection of withholding taxes on imports amounted to Rs85.726 billion against Rs69.724 billion. Similarly, sales tax collection was Rs685.295 billion against Rs 569.047 bil-



Through CUSTOMS TODAY platform hELP DESK, now you have chance to DIRECTLY write your problems to top govt. functionaries.

To, Honourable Federal Minister for Finance, Ministry of Finance,

If you have any grievances, queries, questions or suggestions, you can write in this section as it provides easiest access to you to approach Customs and Revenue authorities. whO can write in this section? Importers & Exporters, Customs Agents, Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations and Customs Officers TO whOM you can write? Honourable PM, Minister/Secretary for Finance & Revenue, Minister/Secretary for Ports and Shipping, FBR Chairman, Member Customs and Chairperson Senate/National Assembly Standing Committee on Finance & Revenue. Send your letters at: letters@customstoday.com.pk

lion in during July-March 21 (201213), posting an increase of 20.4 per-

The Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad

Sir, With ailing economy which until recently was in doldrums and touched alarming heights of crises, and in the backdrop of government’s stringent move to revive and put it on track, we think it is imperative and high time to bring to lime light, the glaring omissions that prevail in one of the chief revenue generating organizations of the state – Customs. Is there any denying the fact of rampant corruption, irregularities and reign of indiscipline everywhere including Pakistan Customs, thus denting the very platform being set up by the government through FBR to generate revenue. In general the manufacturers and exporters or for that matter the business community of Pakistan are

main stakeholders in the business being scrutinized and supervised by the Customs. With some exception willingly or otherwise, it is not only that they are making signiOicant contribution in generating revenue through paying duties and taxes, but more importantly helping government earn much needed foreign exchange by exporting their value added products throughout the world, besides providing thousands of jobs for skilled & unskilled workers in the most trying and difOicult

situation, given the energy and fuel crises persist in the country, which indeed is commendable. The Customs House, belonging to a country engulfed with multi prone gigantic problems including shattered economy, cannot afford the luxury of observing Saturdays as holidays which, as an end result, would only multiply the woes, obviously not only for the stakeholders but also for the country at large thus putting a bar on government’s efforts to boost economy and bring relief to the sufferings

cent. Sales tax collection at the import stage was Rs345.155 billion against Rs296.659 billion, reOlecting an increase of16.3 percent. Sales tax collection (domestic) at local stage is Rs340.140 billion against Rs272.389 billion, reOlecting a growth of 24.9 percent. The Federal Excise Duty (FED) collection was Rs86.1 19 billion during JulyMarch 21 (2013-14) against Rs77.967 billion during the same period in the last Oiscal year, Customs duty was Rs157.247 billion during July-March 21 (2013-14) against Rs151.073 billion in same period last year, showing a nominal increase of 4.1 percent. Payment of refunds and rebates total at Rs77.254 billion during the period under review against Rs67.123 billion in the same period last Oiscal, showing an increase of 16.3 percent.

of people of the country. Needless to mention that closed Saturdays put a break on all business activities. This results in the goods to go into demurrage. As can be ascertained, growth of the economy is severely jolted for these holidays which, as mentioned above, are a sheer luxury for a state which should rather be on war footing in uplifting the dwindling economy of country. State Bank: Inter-alia, the banks have a big role to play and need to be on the move to keep the momentum up. State Bank, in this connection, should notify all the banks to remain open on Saturdays to facilitate and speed up business activities. This is the requirement of all trading houses and we request the authorities concerned to kindly consider this. Your indulgence into the affairs and immediate move to have the request implemented will pace up things considerably in reviving economy. Thanks and best regards A. Hashim, President Homepack Freight International, Karachi



APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014

DgI&I-Customs conďŹ scates smuggled items at airport

KARACHI: A team of Directorate General of Intelligence and Investigation on a tip-off intercepted a truck and confiscated huge quantity of smuggled goods at Jinnah International Airport. The team during examination of the truck recovered 122 cell phones, 76 laptops, printers with accessories, auto parts, ladies fabrics, computer accessories, etc. During initial course of investigation, it has been revealed that smuggled goods had arrived in Karachi in a shipment from Dubai by air, sources said.

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Finance, Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar chairs a meeting to review SROs. FBR Chairman Tariq Bajwa and Member Customs Nisar Muhammad are also present.

ISLAMABAD: Chief Minister Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif co-chairing the meeting to review logistics requirements for imported coal transportation to proposed power plants in Punjab at PM House. Federal Minister for Ports and Shipping Kamran Michael is also seen in the picture.

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Commerce Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan meeting with Philip Barton, newly-appointed British High Commissioner to Pakistan.

KARAChI: Chairman Privatization Commission, Mohammad Zubair addressing at the inaugural session of "Pakistan CIO Summit and Expo-2014" at a local hotel.

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Professor Ahsan Iqbal chairing a meeting to review progress of PSDP Projects.



APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014

Pakistan Customs seizes smuggled Indian goods

LAHORE: Customs officials impounded Indian soaps, ball bearings and tyres worth Rs 3 million in two different raids at Shera Kot and Misri Shah. Sources said that the non-duty paid items were stuffed in two different buses being driven into the local market by the inhabitants of Peshawar. According to sources, the authorities have started investigations taking the soaps, ball bearings and tyres into their custody.

“These illegal aliens are getting easier to spot!�



APRIL 01 - APRIL 07, 2014

Published by M. F. Riaz, Off. 91, 3rd Flr, Gul Plaza, M.A. Rd., Karachi, for Customs Today and Printed at Dhoom Printing Press Masheer Mahal Building, Off: I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi

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