Tuesday april 08 monday april 14, 2014

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pAkIStAn’S FIRSt Indepth neWSpApeR on cuStomS

vol 2 Issue no. 12


karachi, tue April 08 - mon April 14, 2014

Regd. no, mc-1381

Price Rs. 50.00

ReveRSIng exemptIonS

Endingexemptionswouldleadto increasedrevenuegeneration, enablingPakistantospendmore ondevelopmentprogrammes,says IshaqDar. | See pAge 03 |





RemIndIng vIoLAtIon

t is prime obligation of the FBR legal wing to effectively represent the board in the court of law including the apex courts, monitoring the performance of lawyers, commissioners and collectors, especially in case of appeals and prepare for and approve Oilling of references. FBR Member Legal Ahmed Dildar stated this during an exclusive chat with Customs Today. Ahmed Dildar said that apart this, the Legal Wing had major obligation to nominate and monitor attorney generals and ensure coordination between the FTO and FBR while assisting them. “Of course, performance of the Legal Wing is exemplary and it has been dealing with all legal matters of the FBR in an efOicient and professional manner,” he claimed, adding that the sort of mandate given to the Legal Wing

FTO urges the FBR chairman to look into the matters pertaining to problems facing taxpayers by FBR’s field formations. | See pAge 04 | RedReSSIng vALuAtIon

FBR LegAL WIng hAS pRopoSed A numBeR oF AmendmentS, oF cuRAtIve nAtuRe,to FIScAL LAWS FoR IncoRpoRAtIon In the FInAnce BILL 2014-15

Chief Collector of MCC Appraisement-South has assured the importers for the redressal of their grievances regarding base oil valuation. | See pAge 09 |

— Exclusive Customs Today photo

cARtoonS SpecIAL

| See pAge 11 |

always bound it to be proactive and wellversed while be able to cater for the challenges arose from ever-changing situation. “It is very right that if captain of a ship gives right directives at a right time, the ship always sails upright hence our Chairman Tariq Bajwa works hard to achieve the desired goals,” Ahmed Dildar pointed out. He revealed that as a Oirst step, the Legal Wing had implemented Litigation Management System (LMS) in all Inland Revenue Oield formations besides launching software on appeal management and processing system. Another extended application of ITMS has indigenously been developed with the help of Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited (PRAL) in application of Integrated Tax Management System (IYMS) with the aim to improve process of Oilling references in lower and apex courts, he informed. He told the Customs Today that another application for ITMS had also been developed for the facilitation of Pakistan Customs, Inland Revenue and Directorate Generals of FBR. He maintained that the Legal Wing had also ensured registration of the FBR Foundation as a separate legal entity to carry out welfare activities for in-service and retired employees and their dependents. It is another milestone achieved of the Legal Wing which reOlects the professional approach of the wing,” he claimed. To the question, Ahmed Dildar divulged that the FBR Legal Wing had proposed a number of amendments, of curative nature, to Oiscal laws for incorporation in the Finance Bill 2014-15. The FBR Member Legal averred that despite all these achievements he believed that there was a lot of work to be done to come up to the modern-day challenges and improve performance of the Legal Wing. “Look, reforms in the Legal Wing are the need of the hour with special emphasis on posting of law graduates, having legal acumen,” Ahmed Dilar stressed, adding that there was a need for imparting legal drafting training and legislative comprehension to the ofOicers/ofOicials of the Legal Wing. The FBR Member Legal emphasised on creation of post for assistant director/ deputy director in the wing with a minimum qualiOication of LLB on permanent basis.

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