Tuesday July 01 Monday July 07, 2014

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vol 2 Issue No. 24


Karachi, Tue July 01 - mon July 07, 2014

Regd. No, mC-1381


In the presence of Parliament, issuance of SROs by FBR is illogical and the government should return the powers to its Constitutional guardian, says Senator Usman | See pAge 06 |

The directorate has forwarded the FIRs to Customs courts



SOHAIL RAB KHAN www.customstoday.com


irectorate of Intelligence and Investigation-Customs, Karachi headed by Director Asif Marghoob Siddiqui has registered seven FIRs against the different importers of woven textile fabric who were involved in importing blended viscose rayon in the garb of blended cotton. Model Customs Collectorate of AppraisementWest has not yet taken any legal action against these importers. Last month, MCC AppraisementWest put on hold around 200 consignments of woven textile fabric and sent

FBR will have to race against time to achieve Rs159b target in the last week of FY2013-14 | See pAge 02 | UNCOveRINg TAx FRAUd

ly f near o t r o p s Lab re nsignment 100 co es massive l revea laration in ec mis-d ted fabric impor nments consig

On the DG I&I instructions, Lahore customs detected income tax and sale tax evasion and recovered Rs60m from two fraudulent companies | See pAge 03 |

R&D Section of MCC Appraisement-East under supervision of Collector Najeeb-urRehman made contravention report against ZA Pharma and recovered evaded tax of Rs 14.9m. | See pAge 04 |

— Exclusive Customs Today photo


those for laboratory tests in order to determine the actual description of the imported fabric. Later, the lab report of nearly 100 consignments revealed massive mis-declaration in the imported consignments and stated that the blended viscose rayon of higher value had been imported in the garb of blended cotton which involved massive tax evasion of at least Rs 225,165,356. Subsequently, Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation-Customs, Karachi after joint examination with MCC Appraisement-West lodged FIRs against seven importers. In the FIRs, the directorate stated that the importers were allegedly involved in clearance of fabric imported from China by mis-declaration in description HS Code and value thereof and claiming undue benePit of SRO 1125(I)/2011 and through Pak-China FTA under SRO 659(I)/2007 aiming to evade levyable duties and taxes. It was further stated that the importers were involved in violation of Section 19, 32(1) & (2), 32(A), 79(1) of the Customs Act, 1969 punishable Section 156(1), (10A) (14) and 14A of the Customs Act, 1969, read with Sections 3, 6, 33, 34 of the Sales Tax Act, 1990 and Section 148(1) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The importers who were allegedly involved and booked in FIRs included M/s Samad Enterprises involved in tax evasion of Rs 5,270,676; M/s M A Enterprises involved in tax evasion of Rs 23,352,680; M/s A K Fashion Apparel involved in tax evasion of Rs 6,997,284; M/s Country Care Trader involved in tax evasion of Rs 136,408,253; M/s Klassic Industries involved in tax evasion of Rs 2,468,023; See page 05

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