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vol 2 Issue No. 09
Karachi, Tue march 18 - mon march 24, 2014
Regd. No, mc-1381
Price Rs. 50.00
CUSTOMS TODAY Customs Today is a go addition to the m od ed spectrum which qu ia it efficiently covers e al aspects and activi most all ti FBR, Pakistan Cust es of oms and its related functi onaries. Through its positi ve approach, Custom s has captured a su Today stainable position in a shor t span of time.
Imposition of extra 2 % tax on sales of auto parts constituted hardship for industry and resulted in surge in vehicle prices, says Dar. | See pAge 05 | TRAdINg WITH INdIA
Pakistan is not going to grant NDMA status to India unless the neighbouring country accommodates our main exportable items, says Dastgir. | See pAge 09 | HANdLINg cOAL AT pORTS
Rubina Wasti showers Tariq Bajwa with praise for his sagacious steps to transform FBR into a vibrant organisation KARACHI
All relevant ministries have been taken in the loop to ensure uninterrupted supply of coal from ports to entry gates of power plants, says Michael. | See pAge 10 | AcHIevINg ReveNue TARgeT
FBR has introduced certain reforms to bring new taxpayers into tax net to achieve revenue collection target, says FBR Chairman. | See pAge 04 |
— Exclusive Customs Today photo
he World Customs Organisation (WCO) has declared the Directorate General of Training and Research (DGTR), Karachi, as a regional hub of Customs training. This was revealed by Directorate General of Training and Research Director Rubina Wasti during an exclusive interview with Customs Today at her ofNice. Speaking her mind, Rubina Wasti informed Customs Today that objective of the Directorate General Training & Research (DGTR) was to portray soft image of Pakistan Customs and the Directorate while keeping its importance in view. The Directorate had launched updated programmes, training sessions, seminars and other activities on the website, she added. “The DGTR, despite meagre resources, has been acting as a catalyst for transforming young inductees and operating staff including preventive ofNicials through quality training”, she pointed out. She claimed that the DGTR was also initiating contemporary programmes for newly-appointed Assistant Collectors and educating them on the Customs tariff and advance programmes of WTO.
Rubina Wasti further revealed that refresher courses had also been initiated for the Customs ofNicers including Assistant Collectors (ACs) and Deputy Collectors (DCs), adding that interactive seminars for Collectors and Additional Collectors were also being organised from time to time for their convenience. “The DGTR organises training sessions on regular basis to facilitate trade bodies including importers, exporters and Customs agents,” she said, adding that these training sessions were mandatory for Customs agents and other stakeholders. Highlighting the importance of DGTR, Rubina Wasti maintained that the Directorate organised budget related discussions and postbudget seminars while multi-national companies were being facilitated with holding seminars at the DGTR Building with a view to increase revenue. Rubina Wasti revealed that the DGTR had established an International Research Centre for countering drugs trafNicking and details of which were also available on the United Nations (UN) website. Replying to a question, she said that the DGTR in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) had also completed a “Business Interactive Session” for Japanese and more such sessions would also be organised for Malaysians and other neighbouring
countries. “Now, we have an efNicient computerised system and Pakistan Customs has been rendering invaluable services despite limited resources”, she claimed. On the occasion, Rubina Wasti urged that the Nield formation ofNicers/ofNicials of Pakistan Customs to project their good works, adding that Pakistan Customs should take other agencies on board in border security management and other affairs related to security issues. Citing the example of United States of America (USA), Rubina Wasti said that all agencies were working under the Customs authorities in the US and such strategy should be replicated in Pakistan, she stressed. To another query, Rubina Wasti said that the DGTR also provided training to Customs ofNicers from friendly countries as per recommendations of WCO. She highlighted that the DGTR also organised courses regarding anti-money laundering, risk management, change management and other such issues for ofNicers of Pakistan Customs and other friendly countries. Rubina Wasti lauded the efforts of the FBR for raising revenue collection and broadening tax net. DGTR Director showered FBR Chairman Tariq Bajwa with praise for his sagacious steps to transform FBR into a vibrant organisation.