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vol 2 Issue No. 10
karachi, Tue march 25 - mon march 31, 2014
Regd. No, mC-1381
Price Rs. 50.00
Consistencyintheeconomicpolicies willbeensuredforprotectionof investorsasthecountryneedsFDI insteadofaid,saysDar. | See pAge 02 |
Filing tax returns is an obligation and all and sundry should follow it FAIZA ISRAR
Director General Withholding Tax Seema Majid has said that it is very heartening to see the public, in general, is getting aware and being sensitized to the signiSicance of paying taxes. It is still not enough to manage issues as only one third of the total potential taxpayers are paying taxes, which is far below the minimum level required for balancing the Siscal order. There exists a huge potential for generating more and more revenue prerequisite for the prosperity of the country. FBR Director General Withholding Tax Seema Majid expressed the views during an exclusive interview with Customs Today. Seema Majid pointed out that there was 35 percent growth overall in the revenue collection of which withholding tax contributed 95 percent. “Filing tax returns is an obligation and all and sundry should follow it,” she stressed. The DG Withholding Tax declared that imposition of taxes on parliamentarians had conveyed a clear message that nobody was above and over the law and everyone should pay tax. She said that when one talks about withholding tax there were more than 50 provisions pertaining to this single department but lack of knowledge about it often result in mishandling and leakage in rates. “There are cases in which deduction has been made by withholding agents but did not deposit the money in the government treasury which often leads to imposition of Sine on the taxpayer who, otherwise, has paid the money he owed,” she explained. “In the current Sinancial year up to January, there are 29,498 cases wherein withholding audit - both in Sield and at desk, has been conducted,” the withholding tax DG informed, adding that of these total cases, orders under
F Governmentisgoingtoinvest1.2 billiondollarsatGwadarPortfor variousprojectsinthenexttwoto threeyears,saysPortsandShipping MinisterKamranMichael. | See pAge 03 | CALCuLATINg ReveNue
Customs duty collected till date was the same amount recovered during last fiscal year due to reduced imports, says FBR Spokesman Shahid Asad. | See pAge 09 | CARTOONS SpeCIAL
| See pAge 11 |
section 161/205/182 in 4,702 cases had been taken out of which Rs31,358 million demands were created. “Rs3,804 million have been collected till January and the remaining collectable balance is Rs27,553 million,” Seema Majid revealed. She said that for this purpose, the department had to conduct analysis from time to time which was indeed a difSicult process. Seema Majid shared that monitoring, innovation and education were the most important tools that enabled one to rise to the day-to-day challenges in this Sield. She asserted that it was an appreciable effort that at every RTO, there was an exclusive withholding tax zone which had been facilitating revenue collection in a beSitting manner. “Look, these exclusive withholding tax zones can produce even better results if the shortage of manpower is overcome as owing to the large number of provisions, these sections are almost shorthanded,” the DG WHT emphasised.
There is
growth overall in the revenue collection of which withholding tax contributed
95% — Exclusive Customs Today photo