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vol 2 Issue no. 17
karachi, Tue May 13 - Mon May 19, 2014
Government is drafting a law to restrict import of Haram edible ingredients into Pakistan which shall be promulgated within the current year, says Dastgir. | SEE PAgE 05 |
Regd. no, MC-1381
Price Rs. 50.00
25-30pc ShORTfAll
Unfair valuation guidelines inflict huge revenue loss Importers were completely left out of the process of issuing of the valuation guidelines. This speaks volumes about neglecting the taxpayers’ importance while deciding such core issues related to them
CUSTOMS TODAY REPORT www.customstoday.com
The number of oil tankers has been raised to 5 and the corporation is planning to buy 15 more this year, says Karan Michael. | SEE PAgE 03 | SIgnIfYIng gwADAR
Gwadar port enjoys an unrivalled position among all the regional ports and is set to even surpass if developed properly, Senator Bizenjo. | SEE PAgE 06 | RElIEvIng IMPORTERS
Around70to80percentofthecases intheCustomsareofgenuine importerswhowillsoonbeprovided relief,saysDirectorCustoms IntelligenceAsifMarghoob. | SEE PAgE 02 |
ustoms Collectorates in Karachi have recorded a steep shortfall of 25-30 percent in revenue collection in the month of April mainly due to imposition of unfair valuation guidelines at ports of the city. These guidelines were issued and implemented unilaterally by the collectorates without taking the stakeholders into conNidence. Importers were completely left out of the process of issuing of the valuation guidelines. This speaks volumes about neglecting the taxpayers’ importance while deciding such core issues related to them. Initially chambers and even political parties like MQM raised their voice against abrupt issuance of valuation guidelines without giving proper opportunity to the stakeholders to present their recommendations. But when there was no one to pay heed to the issue, these voices got suppressed over the time. The importers were left at the mercy of the courts. On April 7, President of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), Abdullah Zaki, while expressing deep concerns over valuation guidelines on imported goods, said that the trade and industry rejects these unjust guidelines as such malpractices are being implemented with a view to harass the importers. He pointed out that importers are kept uninformed about the changes in valuation guidelines and due to fears of escalating demurrage/detention charges, the importers Nind no other
option but to immediately clear the imported goods according to the value mentioned in valuation guidelines. The helplessness of these importers, who clear goods under valuation guidelines, is later on used as evidence by customs ofNicials to convince others. MQM’s Abdul Rasheed Godil while talking exclusively to Customs Today expressed his deep concern over discriminatory and unjustiNied 96-items valuation guideline on imported consignments at Karachi ports. He said that corruption and smuggling activities increased due to these guidelines and national exchequer suffered huge revenue losses. The Constitution of Pakistan does not allow any citizen to be condemned without hearing. But the process of issuing 'valuation guidelines' does not have any provision where the stakeholders are heard, nor is there any provision of review/appeal so that the aggrieved
The Constitution does not allow any citizen to be condemned without hearing. But the process of issuing 'valuation guidelines' does not have any provision where the stakeholders are heard party may be heard at least after any unjustiNied valuation guidelines. Appeal is also a fundamental right under the Constitution which a businessman is denied here. Hence,
at the time when the collectorates did not listen to the stakeholders, they were left with no option but to press their fundamental constitutional rights in the court of law.
See page 04