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vol 2 Issue No. 18
Karachi, Tue may 20 - mon may 26, 2014
Regd. No, mC-1381
Price Rs. 50.00
Efforts undertaken for the revival of the Ports and Shipping Ministry and National Shipping Corporation have started bearing fruit, says Kamran Michael. | See pAge 06 |
Abdullah Zaki terms the issuance of valuation guidelines as ‘unjustified’ act SOHAIL RAB KHAN
J Compensation amount is to be reckoned from the date of deemed assessment and not from the date of any order for issuance of refund passed belatedly by the department, rules FTO. | See pAge 03 | eNdINg exempTIONS
FBR is ready to phase out SROs equal to 1 per cent of GDP during three years, starting from the upcoming budget, says FBR Chairman Tariq Bajwa. | See pAge 05 | CLeARINg ATT CARgO
Processing and clearance of Afghan transit trade cargo of all types and Nato forward cargo from Karachi is functional under WeBOC, says Member Customs | See pAge 04 |
ustifying the issuance of valuation guidelines, Collector Model Customs Collectorate of Appraisement-West Muhammad Saleem has said that these guidelines of more than 200 items were issued by Pakistan Customs after thorough study of prices in international market. On the other hand, KCCI president Abdullah Zaki termed the issuance of valuation guidelines as ‘unjustiPied act and a way to increase smuggling activities’. Sharing his viewpoint exclusively with Customs Today, Collector Muhammad Saleem claimed that misuse of customs values has been completely eliminated with the issuance of valuation guidelines at Pixed prices while tax evasion was being witnessed at large scale before the issuance of these guidelines. Keeping in view the major shortfall in imports, FBR and Pakistan Customs took this step for elimination of corruption, he maintained. “We do not take any action against the legal trade and import, but at the same time we don’t allow anyone to dent the national exchequer through tax evasion, mis-declaration or underinvoicing,” he elaborated. He claimed that importers and clearing agents with the connivance of lower Customs staffers had been clearing their consignments on low prices. The high-ups of Pakistan Customs and FBR witnessed the mal-practicing of importers and lower Customs staffers and therefore, decided to issue constant/invariable Customs values of the imported items, so that no one can harm the
trade and national exchequer. Replying to a query, Muhammad Saleem made it clear that the customs values of more than hundred items have been changed after a period of about 10 years. Collector MCC Appraisement-West also denied the allegations levelled by importers and clearing agents that the guidelines have not yet been implemented at all the dry ports across the country. “The recently issued valuation guidelines have been implemented at all dry ports, along with Karachi ports,” he asserted. “No unjustiPied and unnecessary steps are being taken by Pakistan Customs in order to spoil the trade activities. However, importers and traders for their vested interests are manoeuvring the issue and misguiding the people,” he added. See page 03
We don’t allow anyone to dent the national exchequer through tax evasion, mis-declaration or under-invoicing
— Exclusive Customs Today photo