Tuesday May 27 Monday June 02, 2014

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Vol 2 Issue No. 19


karachi, Tue May 27 - Mon June 02, 2014

Regd. No, MC-1381


Budget 2014-15 is to be presented on June 3 in National Assembly with total outlay of Rs3,973 billion and expected budget deficit of 4.8 per cent of the GDP for next fiscal year, says Dar. | SEE pAgE 02 | ENACTINg SHIppINg bILL





he Collectorate of Appeals is of prime importance in the entire apparatus of Customs due to its independent status and intermediate role. The parties including the customs department approach the collectorate whenever they are unhappy with judgments at lower level by Customs ofQicials. This was the crux of an exclusive talk of Customs Collector (Appeals) Asif Mahmood Jah with Customs Today at his ofQice in Customs House,

The govt would soon put the Shipping Bill before the National Assembly for approval to modernise the ports and shipping sector, says Kamran Michael. | SEE pAgE 02 | AdOpTINg TECHNOLOgY

Chief Collector Nasir Masroor and Collector Muhammad Saleem visited KICT to inspect the performance of examiners after provision of iPads and tablets. | SEE pAgE 06 | CARTOONS SpECIAL

| SEE pAgE 11 |

— Exclusive Customs Today photo


Lahore. He informed that importers as well as Customs ofQicials knock the door of the collectorate against the judgment declared by the Collectorate of Adjudication on cases instituted by the Deputy Collectors, Superintendents and Appraisers within 40 days. “Normally cases are decided within one month but it also depends on when the (aggrieved) party Qiles an appeal with the collectorate,” he pointed out, adding that every case is decided after a thorough hearing of the parties involved. Jah said that the Collectorate (Appeals) had been functioning for many years and was taking up cases instituted by all collectorates including Preventive, Appraisement and Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation of Lahore and other cities including Multan, Faisalabad and Sialkot. “Four to Qive cases are heard on a daily basis. The collectorate is an appellate forum which has quasi-judicial powers and can hear and decide cases involving up to Rs1 million, while cases decided by the Collector Adjudication and Additional Collector Adjudication can be challenged at Customs Appellate Tribunal,” the Collector Appeals explained. According to the collectorate, 131 cases, involving millions of rupees revenues have been disposed of during the Qirst three months of the current year. The collectorate decided 44 cases in favour of taxpayers while 87 cases were decided in favour of the department.

The collectorate is an appellate forum which has quasi-judicial powers and can hear and decide cases involving up to Rs1 million

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