Tuesday November 12-Monday November 18, 2013

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vol 1 Issue no. 39

Karachi, Tue nov 12 - Mon nov 18, 2013


Regd. no, MC-1381

Price Rs. 50.00


Through CUSToMS ToDAY platform HElP DESK, transporters appeal to the PM to take immediate notice of inadequate security on roads leading to KICT and PICT. | SEE PAgE 10 |






Finance Minister expresses the confidence that FBR would continue its efforts to collect taxes and facilitate the taxpayers. | SEE PAgE 3 |


Dastagir agrees with Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan proposal for abolishing Quality Review Committee (QRC) inspection procedure | SEE PAgE 5 |


— Exclusive Customs Today photo

inister for Ports and Shipping Kamran Michael said that forceful encroachment by different corrupt groups at Port Qasim is a matter of great concern and an Anti-Encroachment Cell has been set up to halt this illegal practice at the earliest. The cell was not fully functional before but we have now made it a powerful authority to deal with these groups effectively. In an exclusive interview with Customs Today, Kamran Michael said that the last government had undergone an international treaty with China to develop Gwadar Port and we have to continue with the agreement. As per the agreement, China has the legal right to work in Gwadar for 40 years. This is actually an operational agreement but the writ and the property rights will remain with Pakistan. Under this agreement, China will need warehouses to develop a textile city, an industrial zone and an oil city in Gwadar. There will be a reTinery as well and more reTineries are needed to See page 07 build throughout the country.

Duty-free access to EU markets

Pakistaniexportslikelytoget$1billionboost Pakistanneedstodiversifyitsexportsintermsofmarketsaswellasproductsastraditionallythecountry’s relianceislargelyonexportsoftextileproducts ISLAMABAD



I | SEE PAgE 11 |

n a bid to jump-start sluggish economic activities, Pakistan is expecting $7 to $10 billion investment over next three to Tive years period by establishing joint ventures with Chinese companies following Islamabad’s ability to obtain duty-free market access from 27-member block

of European Union from January 1, 2014. Alone Punjab government is considering allocating substantial portion of land for establishing joint ventures industrial park in different parts of the province. Pakistan’s exports are highly concentrated into few products as well as in few markets of the world. The country’s exports are concentrated in few markets including USA, Germany, Japan, UK, Hong Kong, UAE and Saudi Arabia. Pakistan needs to diversify its exports in terms of markets as well as products as tradi-

tionally the country’s reliance is largely on exports of textile products. Pakistan’s trade managers are thumping over defeat of a resolution at forum of EU Parliamentary Committee on International Trade where efforts were made to block the way for providing duty-free market access to Islamabad with status See page 02

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