Tuesday November 19 - Monday November 25, 2013

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vol 1 Issue No. 40

Economy suffers colossal loss Karachi, tue Nov 19 - Mon Nov 25, 2013



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The government is on track to present a plan by end-December 2013 to broaden the tax net through the elimination of most tax exemptions, says Ishaq Dar | See pAGe 3 |

The business community terms the strike a‘conspiracy’against exporters because orders of exports got affected badly due to prolonged strike and Muharram holidays


The government is planning to bring new technology to enhance exports and strengthen economy, says Kamran Michael | See pAGe 4 |


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FBR has initiated a plan to strengthen skills of FATEWing in order to improve communication strategies | See pAGe 5 |


| See pAGe 11 |

he prolonged strike of goods transporters has inRlicted a loss of more than Rs 300 million in export trade and billions of rupees in other sectors of the economy. The country is already facing the worst economic crisis and this sort of extreme action could further create difRiculties for the government. Due to authorities’ apathy, thousands of containers laden with export goods worth $ 300 million remained stuck up at dry ports and industrial units in the wake of transporters strike. The strike also created a shortage of raw material as well as other commodities within the country. Shortage of necessary items besides heavy demurrage to be borne by the business community could further worsen the situation. The business community termed the strike a ‘conspiracy’ against exporters because orders of exports got affected badly due to prolonged strike and Muharram holidays. The United Goods Transporters Association (UGTA) in alliance with Transporters of Goods Association (TGA) and

others called the strike against non-acceptance of their demands. UGTA Chairman Yaseen Khan Niazi told Customs Today that Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan and Karachi Commissioner Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui just paid lip service and did not address their issues But FBR accepted their legal demands and decreased the advance tax on weight by Re1. However; their core demand from the government was to retrieve the land of Karachi Fisheries from the land mafia, which was allotted to the transporters for parking their vehicles in 1996, he added. The transporters’ leaders including TGA President Haji Anwar Khan Niazi, TGA General Secretary Madad Khan Niazi and others were of the view that none of the government ofRicials took serious notice of the strike which forced them to prolong their strike. President TGA Anwar Khan Niazi informed Customs Today that around 30,000 vehicles of Karachi stood standstill at garages and truck stands during this strike. Transporters other demands included: issuance of payment to those transporters whose vehicles and containers were impounded by LEAs during Muharram, opening of Mai Kolachi Road for heavy vehicular trafRic and reducing the cost of challan immediately. They further demanded that the gov-

Due to authorities’ apathy, thousands of containers laden with export goods worth

$300m remained stuck up at dry ports and industrial units in the wake of transporters strike

ernment should abolish toll tax and release the compensation of the torched vehicles on the occasion of Benazir Bhutto assassination. The transporters further demanded of the Sindh government to provide them security against extortionists. In an exclusive talk with Customs Today, Spokesperson FBR Shahid Hussain Asad said that FBR had accepted taxrelated demands of transporters. Advance tax on weight was decreased by Re1 per kilogram but FBR had nothing to do with their parking land issue and demands of compensation for containers burnt on December 27, 2007. KCCI President A. Abdullah Zaki while talking to Customs Today said that transporters strike caused colossal economic losses to economy. Already shattering economy suffered $12 crore loss within a few days due to the strike. He said that such matters should be solved through discussions. He also appreciated Chairman FBR Tariq Bajwa for resolving the tax issue and announcing uniform tariff for containers and oil tankers. LCCI President Engineer Sohail Lashari while talking to Customs Today said that the government should take such matters seriously and resolve them for the larger national interest. Transporters grievances should have been addressed on urgent basis to avoid delay of supplies of raw material.




Car amnesty scheme wins court reprieve

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad High Court (IHC) set aside the single bench order which had declared void the amnesty scheme on non-customs duty paid vehicles. On June 19, the single bench court comprising Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui had declared illegal an amnesty scheme under which thousands of motor vehicles were released without having to pay customs duty. Now IHC two-judge bench comprising Justice Riaz Ahmed Khan and Justice Noorul Haq N Qureshi, accepting the appeal filed by FBR, has suspended the order passed by Justice Siddiqui.

Customsseizessmuggled liquorworth$50,000at IslamabadDryPort

fBRinitiatesplantoimprove communicationskillsoffAtestaff





www.customstoday.com he Customs Intelligence seized foreign-origin alcohol worth $50,000 being smuggled into the country through Islamabad dry port. Sources said a diplomatic bonded warehouse – namely Diplomats Duty Free Private Limited (DDF) – tried to smuggle into the country a huge quantity of liquor through Islamabad dry port.The liquors – having market value of Rs2.5 crores in local currency – were packed in a 20-foot container.The attempt was allegedly being made in connivance with some foreigners by misusing authorisation given by the Ministry of Commerce to diplomats and privileged persons working on the foreign-funded projects in Pakistan. It was not the first instance when a massive under-invoicing had been done to render the national exchequer the losses in billions of rupees. Organised rackets are allegedly involved in the business of liquor and other foreign consumer goods by misusing the exemption and authorisation given by the Foreign Office and the Commerce Ministry. This misuse partly stems from an anomaly in the procedures governing the import of liquor by the government, it was learnt.The government allows diplomats to import a fixed quantity of liquor – determined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – without paying duty. Likewise, the privileged non-Muslims with a contract of two years working with international nongovernment organisations like Asian Development Bank, the United Nations, etc. are permitted to import liquor worth $200 per month. FBR provides them with a booklet in this regard, said the sources. Foreign alcohols are said to be brought into the country over and above the permitted quantity through under-invoicing and later supplied to the bootleggers across the country at inflated prices. In the latest case, a first information report (FIR) has been lodged against the senior management of the warehouse – jointly run by private Spanish and Pakistani management – for violating the provisions of the law. Sources said that the quantity was 10 times over and above the assigned quota.The officials said the Customs Intelligence is also probing into the similar kind of imports by other bonded warehouses that earlier cleared the liquor. The misuse of the authorisation for the import of other commercial goods is also being probed. Raids are currently underway to apprehend the culprits involved in the scam. According to the FIR, the DDF filed goods declaration dated 10 October, 2013 at the Islamabad dry port for the clearance of 7,200 bottles of various kinds of liquor with a total value of $6,550 – which means less than one dollar price for each bottle even after including freight charges and insurance. After analyzing the previous records the government found the odd fluctuation in the valuation of the imported consignment. For example, the price of Whyte and Mackey blended whisky was shown as $1 this time as against $5.5 previously. Similarly, the value of premiumWhisky Canadian Club was declared as $1 per bottle as compared with $9.26 earlier. Previously, the value of a FrenchVodka Jelzin was declared as $13.27 as against ridiculously Rs67 this time.




foursmugglersarrested our vehicle smugglers have been arrested near the Tajori town, while smuggling a non-Customs paid car. Acting on a tipoff about possible attempt of stolen and NCP vehicles’smuggling to Punjab from Frontier Region, a police team was deployed in the area, said SDPO Naurang Liaqat Shah. “A check points was established on roads near Tajori town,”he said, adding, that the cops noticed three suspected motorcars on Khajakhel road and signalled them to stop. He said that two drivers violated the signal and drove away while the police overpowered the men onboard in the third motorcar. “The arrested men including Sohail Ali, Attaullah, Shakilur Rehman and Ummar Niaz belonged to Bannu and they are affiliated with the notorious gang of vehicles’smugglers,”the SDPO claimed. —CT Report


— Exclusive Customs Today photo

ederal Board of Revenue (FBR) has initiated a plan to strengthen skills of Facilitation and Taxpayer Education (FATE) Wing in order to improve communication strategies under the revenue mobilisation project by the World Bank. According to an ofRicial document, in this regard the consulting Rirms are being invited by FBR for consolidating the communication strategy of the revenue body. An FBR ofRicial said, “The FATE Wing is a

Externally, facilitation activities for taxpayers also need to be identiRied. The Taxpayer Facilitation Centres should be operated on uniform standards across the country, for which the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), record documents, reporting mechanism and evaluation-criteria could be developed. The capacity building of 10 ofRicers at FBR (HQ), in media management and public relations, creative writing skills, communication planning and strategy should be conducted. Methodologies have been designed that analyse FBR’s internal communication and TARP documentation communication strategy, identify gaps and reasons for weak implementation, strengthen helpline at FBR in infrastructure,

fAte wing is a matrix structure that requires frequent and multi-dimensional communication. this communication needs to be improved and information loop is to be completed and maintained matrix structure that requires frequent and multi-dimensional communication. This communication needs to be improved and information loop is to be completed and maintained”. The major communication strategy includes internal communication activities such as paper mail, email and newsletters etc which need to be reviewed for effective transfer of information.

processes, capacity and skills, and strengthen TFC/TFD concept with a Pilot Project in Islamabad to determine plan for nation-wide implementation. According to report, taxes, duties and levies will be charged as per current existing laws and all data gathered and material developed will be the property of FBR, with intellectual property rights resting with FBR.

ChiefCollectorstosubmitarmsandammunitiondata ISLAMABAD

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he Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has issued instructions to all Chief Collectors and Collectors of Customs to submit arms and ammunition data stored in the customs warehouses along with seized weapons to collect authentic information on national level. According to the instructions to the Rield formations, Chief Collectors and Collectors of Customs should immediately apprise the board about arms and ammunition seizure cases with the speciRications of arms and ammunition lying in the warehouses. The Rield formations should also take up the matter on most urgent basis. FBR also provided a performa for compilation of the said data. It included year-wise (2010-11; 2011-12; 2012-13 and 2013-14) description of arms; description of ammunition, seizure number; quality value and remarks of the collectors. FBR has issued instructions in line with the orders of the Supreme Court. It is important to mention that the one-member Commission report on arms and ammunition revealed that the commission during the visit to the strong rooms in East Wharf-KPT observed that a number of consignments of arms and ammunition

imported in 1994 and onward were still awaiting clearances on payment of duty and taxes or otherwise disposal. It was also witnessed that the wooden packing of a number of consignments of arms and ammunition imported from China dismantled reportedly during the voyage because of sea storm. Therefore, arms and ammunition of different consignments got mixed-up and was repacked by KPT authorities after unloading without any supervision of the Customs Department. No stock-taking has been done so far to ascertain whether any quantity of arms and ammunition was missing.

The import of arms and ammunition into the country is regulated by the federal government through the Import Policy Order (IPO) as amended from time to time, read with the Ministry of Commerce letter bearing F.No 2(8)/2004.RO (Imp.1/AC(Imp), dated 25.01.2005. As per the serial nos. 37-38 of Appendix-A of the IPO-2013, the import of arms and ammunition of certain bores and calibers as mentioned vide the serial nos. ibid is prohibited, such as revolvers and pistols of more than 0.46 bore, semi-automatic riRles of 7.62mm, riRles of 8mm - 9mm, etc.




Gwadar Customs officials arrest smugglers after exchange of firing

GWADAR: Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) Gwadar, during an anti-smuggling operation, arrested smugglers of Afghan transit goods. Chief Collector Enforcement South, Customs Collectorate Gwadar's AntiSmuggling Staff, acting on a tipoff, intercepted a couch loaded with Afghan transit smuggled goods like cigarettes and Gutka. The coach was escorted by a Toyota premio car, which opened fire on the Customs. The Customs staff, after exchange of heavy fire seized the pilot car and arrested two smugglers on the spot.

IMf cautions pakistan on foreign exchange reserves

Govtontracktoendtaxexemptionsbyend-Dec:dar ISLAMABAD

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akistan and the IMF successfully completed Rirst review under $6.67 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) program and now the Fund’s Executive Board will consider release of second tranche $547 million by third week of December. Addressing a joint press conference after completing review talks, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and the visiting IMF’s mission chief Jeffry Franks said that Pakistan achieved all targets, performance criteria and structural benchmarks envisaged for Rirst quarter ended on September 30 except Net International Reserves (NIR) held by the SBP. “Now we will focus on building up of foreign currency reserves,” Ishaq Dar said and added that multilateral Rinancial institutions such as the World Bank increased its credit line up to $1.7 billion under soft lending arrangement. An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, led by Jeffrey Franks, visited Pakistan during October 28November 8, 2013 to conduct discussions on the Rirst review of Pakistan’s IMF-supported program under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF). The mission met with senior ofRicials from the Ministry of Finance and the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). The mission also met with representatives of banks, private sector, and donors. At the conclusion of the mission, Franks issued a statement by saying that the IMF mission held constructive discussions with government and central bank ofRicials on the economic performance under the EFF program and is encouraged by the overall progress made thus far.

The mission reached staff-level understandings with the authorities on a set of economic policies detailed in an updated Letter of Intent. “Discussions focused on the main issues ahead, and the policies needed to build macroeconomic stability as the basis for shoring up conRidence and boosting economic growth. While economic conditions remain challenging, with pressure on balance of payments, growth prospects are somewhat better than previously envisaged. The IMF expects growth to reach about 2¾ percent for FY2013/14 as a whole. The mission was also pleased with the strong Riscal performance in the Rirst quarter of 2013/14 and the steady implementation of the government’s structural reform agenda. “The program remains broadly on track, with the government meeting all of the quantitative performance criteria by end September 2013, with the exception

of the target on Net International Reserves (NIR), which underperformed due to lower than expected external Rlows including foreign investment

the IMf mission recognized pak authorities’ resolve to sustain prudent macroeconomic policies and pursue agreed structural reforms to enhance pakistan’s medium term growth prospects

and other ofRicial assistance, coupled with interventions by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) to ease pressure on the Rupee. Going forward, challenges on the balance of payments will persist for some time to come, so it is crucial that Rirm action be taken to begin to rebuild foreign exchange reserves. The authorities have reafRirmed their commitment to align monetary and exchange rate policies to this objective, while maintaining price stability. “Fiscal consolidation remains a key component of the government’s economic reform program. The mission was encouraged by the government’s efforts to enhance tax revenues, which slightly exceeded the program target level. The mission also recognizes the authorities’ tax administration reform measures and expects these to gradually deliver further improvement in revenue collections. Furthermore, the gov-

ernment is on track to present a plan by end-December 2013 to broaden the tax net through the elimination of most tax exemptions and loopholes granted through Statutory Regulatory Orders (SROs). A more efRicient and equitable tax system will foster competition, while providing the needed resources to Rinance investments in other priority areas such as infrastructure, health, and education. “The mission agreed with the authorities that protecting the most vulnerable from the direct and indirect impact of Riscal adjustment continues to be a priority. The government is deepening its support to the poor and most vulnerable segments of the society through the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) and other initiatives. The mission also recognized the authorities’ resolve to sustain prudent macroeconomic policies and pursue agreed structural reforms to enhance Pakistan’s medium term growth prospects. The government has already approved a National Energy Policy to comprehensively address energy problems through demand and supply management, and to bring improvements in governance and transparency. The government is moving forward with the privatization or restructuring of 31 public sector enterprises to improve public sector resource allocation and limit poor performance. The authorities are also working towards signiRicant structural reforms in the areas of trade and the business climate to encourage higher investment. The IMF mission staff will prepare a report for the IMF Executive Board on the Rirst review under Pakistan's EFF that is tentatively scheduled for consideration in late-December. Upon approval, SDR 360 million (about US$550 million) would be made available to Pakistan.




All NBp branches to receive Customs duty payments in Karachi

KARACHI: Importers and Customs agents are being given facility of paying customs duty and other payment at all the designated branches of National Bank of Pakistan in Karachi. PRAL is working on the process to facilitate the taxpayers and in this regard, all the NBP-designated branches will start receiving payments from the next month. Earlier, the importers and Customs agents had to move towards FBR for allowing the NBP branches to accept the Customs duty because only two branches in Karachi were available for this purpose.


Speedyvesselsto enhanceexport soon:Kamaran Michael

Durationofexemptioncertificatesto importerstobeincreasedto6months



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— Exclusive Customs Today photo


ederal Minister for Ports & Shipping Senator Kamran Michael has said that the government is planning to bring new technology to enhance exports and strengthen Pakistan’s economy. He said,“We are working on speedy vessels project to boost livestock and perishable goods trade.” He said that the products which are already being exported to Middle East includes fruits, meat and vegetables and in usual days the container takes 9 days in delivering these goods but through these speedy vessels the goods could be delivered in 24 hours from Karachi to Middle East.


Customsofficials impoundillegal shoppingbags,auto spareparts

FBR, this levy is meant to generate resources for providing Rinancial assistance and other social protection

basis of declared version in Wealth Statement i.e. net moveable assets declared by the taxpayers them-

measures to economically distressed persons and their families. The Income Support Levy is to be paid by every individual having net movable assets exceeding Rs.1 million. It is to be paid on or before the due date of Riling of returns on the

selves in their wealth statements. The rate of this levy is 0.5% of the net moveable assets. “The govern-


imed at facilitating taxpayers, FBR has decided that wealth statement will be Riled by those taxpayers who were declared or assessed in the preceding year or are going to be assessed by having net moveable assets exceeding Rs one million. The amount of minimum penalty for not Riling due taxes was increased up to Rs 50,000 in the budget 2013-14 which now on the demand of the business tycoons is reduced by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar from Rs 50,000 to Rs 10,000. Federal Minister for Finance Ishaq Dar and representatives of business tycoons held detailed meetings in recent days in Lahore as well as in Islamabad where different steps were approved going to be taken by the government aiming at facilitating taxpayers. The provision of wealth statement along with returns is aimed at collecting Income Support Levy. According to

China extends graft probe into shipping SHANGHAI





odel Customs Collectorate’s anti-smuggling wing has seized Rs3.5 million worth of non-customs duty paid shopping bags and auto spare parts in two different raids at Shera Kot and Shahdara. In the first raid at the Shera Kot, the wing seized Iranian-made shopping bags worth Rs2 million which were being smuggled to local market in the City. Similarly, the Customs officials, foiling a smuggling bid in Shardara, impounded Mazda spare parts worth Rs1.5 million. Official sources said that the owners of spare parts claimed that they have paid customs duty and can produce the documents. However, the owners failed to produce the documents even though they were given a chance of proving the legal documents, the sources said.

hina’s campaign to root out corruption has now extended into the shipping industry, after the country’s largest bulk shipper, China COSCO Holdings Co Ltd, said the government was probing one of its top executives. The shipper’s vice president Xu Minjie was “under investigation by the relevant authorities,” COSCO said in a brief statement to the Shanghai stock exchange on Thursday, shorthand that is used in China to describe corruption probes. Former COSCO Group chairman Wei Jiafu has also been prevented from leaving China. Several shipping industry sources also said Wei had been banned from leaving the country. COSCO gave no details in its statement other than to say the move would not have a big impact on the company, whose operations it said were continuing as normal. Calls to the company’s headquarters seeking comment were unanswered. COSCO shares fell by as much as



ment has agreed in principle to provide these incentives to the business community and Statutory Regulatory Orders (SROs) will be issued soon,” FBR’s spokesman Shahid Hussain Asad said while talking to this scribe. He said that the period for exemption certiRicate on import would be increased up to six months from existing limited timeframe. However, the sources said that SROs would be issued soon to this effect. FBR, the sources said, has agreed to come up with new deRinition of active taxpayers. A clariRication will be issued in Sales Tax General Order where taxpayers for not Riling Sales Tax Returns up to two months will not be considered inactive taxpayers as currently after one month the taxpayers fell into this category. FBR is also contemplating upon different options to provide incentives to public transport buses as their tax which was increased up from Rs 100 to Rs 500 per seat would be reduced to Rs 250 from Rs 300 in days ahead. Despite facilitating taxpayers, one top ofRicial of FBR said that the Board would achieve its set tax collection target of Rs 2475 billion for the current Riscal year against a collection of Rs 1936 billion in last Rinancial year, requiring a growth of around 28 percent to materialize the desired tax target for 2013-14.


6.9 percent in Hong Kong last week to nine-week lows, and were set for their biggest one-day fall since early July. Chinese President Xi Jinping has identiRied corruption as a threat to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) survival and has launched a sweeping campaign against it, vowing to take on both top-level “tigers” and lowly “Rlies.” As part of that campaign, China launched a series of graft probes into the energy sector, announcing in August and September that Rive former

senior ofRicials of the country’s biggest oil Rirm, China National Petroleum Corp, were under investigation for “serious discipline violations.” The latest move comes as the CCP leadership prepares for a four-day plenum today to set a reform agenda for the next decade, including the potential overhaul and increased oversight of giant state-owned enterprises, including the likes of COSCO. China International Maritime Containers Group Ltd, where Xu serves as a nonexecutive director,

said in a stock exchange Riling yesterday that the investigation “will not have material adverse impact” on the group because Xu was not involved in daily operations. A Chinese shipping industry Web site earlier reported Xu was under investigation for corruption. The story was later removed from its Web site, though other Chinese news portals continued to carry it. Xu, a shipping industry veteran of more than three decades, according to his resume on COSCO’s Web site, is believed to be one of the Rirst big names from China’s shipping industry to be caught up in Xi’s crackdown. COSCO has been hit by a weakening global economy and a supply glut of ships since early 2011, though it appears to be on track to return to proRit this year, despite analysts noting uncertainty due to lingering oversupply. COSCO last month reported a net loss of 1.04 billion yuan (US$171 million) for July-to-September, according to Reuters’ calculations. The company has posted losses for two straight years. A third year would trigger a delisting from the Shanghai stock exchange.




tCp seals another deal on urea import

KARACHI: TCP has sealed another deal for the import of 0.1 million tons of urea and accepted the bid of M/s Keytrade. M/s Keytrade’s bid was the lowest among three others as it offered bid of $352.80 per ton and it also deposited the bid guarantee. M/s Dreymore Fertilizer’s bid was the second lowest with $354.46 per ton and the highest price was offered by M/s KOCH Fertilizer offering 100,000 tons of urea at $355 per ton. TCP finalised second deal on urea import during the last four days to avert shortage.

Customs values of laptop chargers, adaptors issued KARACHI


Customs values of arms, ammunition, gas stoves issued




he Directorate General of Customs Valuation has determined the Customs values of laptop chargers/adapters imported from China through a Valuation Ruling No. 606/2013 under Section 25-A of the Customs Act, 1969. According to the valuation ruling, adapters having the Pakistan Customs Tariff (PCT) Heading 8504.4020 and 8504.4090 and proposed PCT for WeBOC 8504.4020.1100 and 8504.4090.1100 have the Customs Values (C&F) US$0.35 per piece, while the Customs Values (C&F) of laptop chargers/adapters imported from China having PCT Code 8504.4020 and 8504.4090 and proposed PCT for WeBOC 8504.4020.1200 and 8504.4090.1200 would be at US$8.32 per piece. In cases where declared/transaction values are higher than the Customs Value determined in the ruling, the assessing officers will apply those values in terms of Sub-Section (1) of Section (25) of the Customs Act, 1969. In case of consignments imported by air, the assessing officer will take into account the differential between air freight and sea freight while applying the Customs Values determined in the ruling.

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he Directorate General of Customs Valuation, Customs House Karachi has determined the Customs Values of arms and ammunition (Pistols 9mm and 30 Bore of Chinese origin) and gas stoves including its parts through Valuation Rulings No. 608/2013 and 607/2013 respectively under Section 25-A of the Customs Act, 1969. The Customs Value (C&F) of the Pistol 9mm, (Chinese origin) having the Pakistan Customs Tariff (PCT) Heading 9302.0092 and WeBOC Heading 9302.0092.1000 has been Rixed at US$120 per piece. Similarly, the Customs Value (C&F) of 30 Bore Pistol, China origin having the PCT Heading 9302.0092 and WeBOC Heading 9302.0092.1100 has been Rixed atUS$70per piece, while the Customs Value (C&F) of ammuni-

tion/cartridges having PCT Heading 9306.3090 and WeBOC Heading 9306.3090.1100, (Chinese origin) has been Rixed at US$0.058per piece. In cases where declared/transaction values are higher than the Customs value determined in this ruling, the assessing ofRicer will apply those

Furthermore, the Customs Values (C&F) of the gas stoves (1 burner) having PCT Code 7321.1190 and proposed PCT for WeBOC 7321.1190.1000, (Chinese origin) has been Rixed at 20per Unit and the Customs Values (C&F) of gas stoves (2 burner) having PCT Code

In case of consignments imported by air, the assessing officer will take into account the differential between airfreight and sea freight while applying the Customs values determined in this ruling values in terms of Sub-Section (1) of the Section 25 of the Customs Act, 1969. In case of consignments imported by air, the assessing ofRicer will take into account the differential between airfreight and sea freight while applying the Customs values determined in this ruling.

7321.1190 and proposed PCT for WeBOC 7321.1190.1100 has been Rixed at 25/Unit. Likewise, Customs Values (C&F) of gas stoves (3 burner) having the PCT Code 7321.1190 and the proposed PCT for WeBOC 7321.1190.1200 has been Rixed at

30per Unit, while the Customs Values (C&F) of gas stoves (4 burner) having PCT Code 7321.1190 and the proposed PCT for WeBOC 7321.1190.1400 has been Rixed at 40/Unit and the Customs Values of gas stoves (5 burner) having PCT Code 7321.1190 and the proposed PCT for WeBOC 7321.1190.1500 has been Rixed at 45per Unit. Similarly, the Customs Values of gas stove parts (burner) having the PCT Code 7321.9000 and the proposed PCT for WeBOC 7321.9000.1100, (Chinese origin) has been Rixed at 2.50per Kg; the Customs Values of ignition switch (stove parts) having PCT Code 7321.9000 and the proposed PCT for WeBOC 7321.9000.12000 has been Rixed at 1.20perKg, while the Customs Value of Valve having PCT Code 7321.9000 and the proposed PCT for WeBOC 7321.9000.1300 has been Rixed at 2.40/Kg and the Customs Value of the Knob/other parts having the PCT Code 7321.9000 and the proposed PCT for WeBOC 7321.9000.1400 has been Rixed at1.10per kg.

IATA urges collaboration to revitalise air cargo LONDON

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he International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called on all participants in the air cargo value chain to work together towards the common goals of improved quality, increased efRiciency through e-AWB and e-freight and more effective security. IATA believes these measures will improve air cargo's competitiveness in the face of stagnant demand growth and un-

favourable market developments. IATA stated that air cargo is suffering from a prolonged slump that has seen falls in yields, revenues and market share. Since 2010 world trade has grown by 12% whereas air cargo demand growth has been basically Rlat with only a 2% increase. A divergent trend in passenger demand, with growth continuing in the historical 56% range, has complicated the situation. As airlines grow Rleet capacity to meet rising passenger demand, capacity has been introduced into weak cargo markets, putting considerable downward pressure on yields. Cargo revenues in 2013 are ex-

Cargo revenues in 2013 are expected to be $59bn, some $8bn below the 2011 peak

pected to be $59bn, some $8bn below the 2011 peak. "No business or business model survives over the long term without evolving. Air cargo is being buffeted by forces for change. These include changes in the economics of just-in-time manufacturing, longer delivery lead times, innovation by alternative modes of transport, and environmental pressures. In the face of these challenges, air cargo needs to work together as an industry to improve competitiveness and protect its value proposition," said Tony Tyler, IATA's Director General and CEO.

RudebehaviourofCustomsHouseguardsirksagents,importers KARACHI

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he alleged insulting behaviour of security guards, who have been deployed at the main gate of the Customs House, Karachi is peeving the Customs agents, importers and other visitors. The Customs House authorities had issued a notiRication a week ago in which all the ofRicials were directed to display their employment cards while entering the premises of Customs House building. However, the guards at the main entrance of the Customs House are also checking the cards of the Customs agents and importers. Due to which, long queues can be observed

outside the Customs House, while exchange of harsh words between the guards and Customs agents and other visitors can also be witnessed. One of the Customs agents told Customs Today that he visits Customs House three to four times a day for Riling the duty and meeting with the Customs ofRicials. “Every guard recognise me but they even ask me to show my identity card,” he protested. Another Customs agent told this scribe that the said exercise is just the wastage of time, as they do not have enough time to prove their identity as the Customs agents visit Customs House on daily basis. The Customs agents urged the authorities concerned to take notice of the harsh and rude attitude of the security guards.




Comparatively low export volume is enough to make the point that the sector is faced with hiccups like complex customs procedures and lack of a mechanism to monitor the working of export-related departments. the countries much smaller than pakistan are today far ahead and exporting more goods only because of good policy decisions

— Exclusive Customs Today photos




www.customstoday.com CCI President Engineer Sohail Lashari said there are quite a few other things that if given proper direction could create a whole new lot of exporters. For instance, customs procedures need urgent corrective measures. It is not the customs laws alone that need improvement but the staff as well because being the wheels of the same vehicle they are needed to be aligned properly. Goods should be cleared in a day and unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles should be removed. In an exclusive interview with Customs Today, the newly-elected President Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry Engineer Sohail Lashari spoke at length about the multifarious problems facing the national economy like stagnating exports, energy shortages and law and order situation. Our exports are stagnating. What measures do you think are needed to rejuvenate the export sector? Comparatively low export volume is enough to make the point that the sector is faced with hiccups like complex customs procedures and lack of a mechanism to monitor the working of export-related departments. The countries


much smaller than Pakistan are today far ahead and exporting more goods only because of good policy decisions. Increased exports would give us muchneeded comfort on many counts besides enabling us to get rid of foreign Rinancial assistance and resultant dictates. Mughalpura Dry Port should be made functional by ensuring state-of-the-art systems in order to collect sixty percent of the revenue in Punjab. There was a time when freight trains could be seen in large numbers. But now the port is giving a deserted look, unfortunately, increasing cost per unit for importers and exporters alike. Infrastructure development at the WagahAttari Border for facilitation of exporters and importers should also be done on urgent basis. India rules out increasing trade ties with Pakistan unless it is given MFN status. What is your take on this? It doesn’t make any difference whether Pakistan gives India MFN status or not but what really matters is the ultimate goal. I mean to say that both the sides should work in complete harmony to jack-up the volume of two-way trade in the larger interests of the people in this part of the world. If we work with a positive mind, we are ultimate winner. I am an avid advocate of trade among the regional countries and particularly with the bor-

dering states. We can easily ward off the intensity of global Rinancial threats by increasing our trade in the region. There is no second opinion that a lot of trade is being done via third world countries that could easily be channelized in the larger interest of one third of world’s total population. What do you think about GSP Plus status of Pakistan? GSP Plus status for Pakistan is, no doubt, a great development. However, I fear we are not ready to avail the opportunity fully due to an acute shortage of energy. We need to work on war-footing to ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity to the industry in order to cope with the GSP Plus facility. Energy is the biggest challenge and terrorism is the gravest threat. Both require out-ofthe-box solution to put economy back on rails. Compliance with international standards pertaining to exports is a prerequisite to open the doors of shopping malls of the world. What should the government be doing to get cheaper electricity for industrialization? Had a little attention been given towards the construction of water reservoirs, the economic scenario would have been quite encouraging. The import bill would have been well within our limits. Actually, Pakistan needs




cheaper electricity that is only possible through hydel means. All the other energy generation methodologies are comparatively costly. There is a dire need to launch a thorough probe to identify the elements responsible for pushing the country into the darkness for their small and one-time gains. You are well aware of the fact that a number of regional players are far ahead of us as far as economy is concerned. They did not use any magic wand rather they reviewed their policies and did necessary legislation to facilitate their export sector. Are you satis2ied with the law and order situation of Pakistan? Law and order is another area that should immediately be focused as the perception of the country needs to be corrected. We are a victim of biased western projections. Undue and unwanted projection of law and order related issues in the world media had made us ‘bad boy’ which is totally unjustiRied and unrealistic. Deteriorated law and order situation is also hitting exports hard as new buyers are reluctant to visit Pakistan because of wrong perception being portrayed in the western media. It is actually the task of the government to put into motion all diplomatic channels to highlight the potential of Pakistan and to market it well. Do you agree with the philosophy that in order to accelerate economic progress Public

Sector Enterprises should be privatized? Well, I think either all these Public Sector Enterprises should be privatized or new administration should be installed to turn them profitable. Why has Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) been falling for the last 2ive years? Risk perception about investing in Pakistan is one of the impediments to the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) that fell sharply in the last Rive years and now it needs to be tackled through a comprehensive policy approach by involving all the leading Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the country. The fall in Foreign Direct Investment had affected adversely the country’s economic growth therefore the government should adopt remedial measures to reverse this trend and to attract foreign investment. The government would have to develop a dedicated department to facilitate the foreign investment in the country. For instance, one-window system could be introduced to give all required information to the foreign investors. How can the menace of smuggling be controlled? It is only possible by rationalizing duties and taxes on smuggling prone items and strict implementation of laws dealing with this curse. What are LCCI plans for the revival of economic activities?

The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry is planning to establish a 50MW power station on self-Rinance basis and for this purpose a special team had already been constituted that is preparing working paper to initiate the project. The objective is to motivate the private sector and to supplement government’s efforts aimed at revival of the economy. Customs Clearing Agents recently had a meeting with you. How the chamber would help them solving their issues? They actually wanted LCCI help over the revival of business at the Lahore Dry Port that was once a hub of activities. The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry would extend every possible help to the Lahore Customs Agents Association in this regard and all the authorities concerned would be contacted soon to get the issue resolved. How can the business community help government collect more revenue to make Pakistan a better place? It is not the task of the business community rather the government should come forward to give conRidence to the businessmen that the taxes they are paying would be utilized for their well-being. In my suggestion, the government at the initial stage should introduce nominal Rix tax for small businessmen and in this way the government would be able to bridge tax-toGDP ratio besides getting more revenues.

Risk perception about investing in pakistan is one of the impediments to the foreign direct Investment (fdI) that fell sharply in the last five years and now it needs to be tackled through a comprehensive policy approach by involving all the leading Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the country




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I& dG


The smuggling of arms and ammunition into Karachi has figured prominently in the course of hearings in the Supreme Court’s judgment in the Karachi law and order implementation case. Last week a three-member bench headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry expressed dissatisfaction with the performance of various agencies, including the Customs Department, the Pakistan Coast Guards and Maritime Security Agency, in curbing the smuggling of weapons into Karachi. While hearing the case, the bench went through the contents of a one-man commission’s report about the smuggling of arms and ammunition into Karachi which said that the commission during the visit to the strong rooms in EastWharf, KPT, found that a number of consignments of arms and ammunition imported in 1994 and later were still awaiting clearances due to non-payment of duty and taxes. It was also reported that the wooden packing of a number of consignments of arms and ammunition imported from China were opened and repacked by KPT authorities after unloading without any supervision by the Customs Department. In compliance with the Supreme Court’s order, Federal Board of Revenue has now started compiling data on arms and ammunition stored in the customs warehouses along with seized weapons. In this connection, instructions have been issued to all Chief Collectors and Collectors of Customs to collect information about the import of weapons as per government policy as well as all seizure cases.The stock-taking in progress will show whether any consignments of imported arms and ammunition were missing from the ports. However, given the hyra-headed dimensions of the problem of smuggling, the combing exercise by the Customs Department may not yield any fruitful results. Customs deals only with consignments coming through the legal channel, while the real issue is about weapons that come through illegal channels over which the Customs Department has no control. In the course of court hearings it was revealed that out of 39 spots along the coastline where fishing boats can unload their cargo, customs has jurisdiction over only seven of them. It was in this context that the court remarked that along with customs the Pakistan Coast Guards as well as the Maritime Security Agency also have to play their role in preventing arms smuggling. Of relevance in this connection is the submission in the court by the FBR chairman that the US authorities had said their arms and ammunition were not brought by containers landing at the Karachi Port. The customs officials have taken the stand before the court that arms and ammunition were coming into the city from the land route and, as reported by the DG Customs Intelligence some time back, these were being dumped in Sohrab Goth andYousaf Goth. A raid on these two localities by the Rangers a few days ago confirmed the report. Clearly, the Customs Department needs to do due diligence to clear its name in Karachi arms smuggling case.


Checking arms smuggling

effective enforcement need of the hour ISLAMABAD

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he improved performance of tax collection machinery (FBR) can make a real difference in terms of displaying a tag of success for IMF’s sponsored bailout package of $6.67 billion for Pakistan’s ailing economy under Extended Fund Facility (EFF). This 36-months program of IMF will be derailed if FBR fails in improving stagnant tax-toGDP ratio by broadening of narrowed tax base. IMF had projected a revenue collection of Rs 2345 billion but FBR envisaged an ambitious tax target of Rs 2,475 billion for fiscal year 2013-14.

So far in first four months (July-Oct) period, FBR’s collection crossed Rs 636 billion marks, which is less than its own envisaged target but it crossed IMF’s projection. Keeping in view FBR’s performance, top notches in FBR believe that the tax machinery’s performance could be divided into two parts for analyzing last fiscal year collection. During first six months (JulyDec) period in last financial year, FBR performed well to some extent so the high baseline is not showing the real efforts being multiplied by the incumbent team during the same period of the ongoing fiscal year. The revenue collection will show marvelous results in second half (Jan-June) 2014 when it

will be compared with low base on the basis of dismal performance of FBR in the same period of the last financial year. But there is one cause of worrisome for tax managers as oil prices in

In higher growth of LSM, there is need to analyze major contributing sectors such as textiles

international market are on declining trend and one of major revenue spinners in shape of POL products would become cheaper thus reducing the revenue collection of FBR. But there are some silver lines for increasing hopes of the economic managers as the Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) achieved impressive growth of 6.5 percent in first two months (July and August) as compared to negative growth for the same period of the last financial year. In higher growth of LSM, there is need to analyze major contributing sectors such as textiles that played a key role but it is yet to see how much the government shows its political will for placing an effective enforcement.




Customs foils bid to smuggle watches

RAWALPINDI: Customs officials have foiled bid to smuggle watches at Benazir Bhutto Islamabad International Airport and recovered a total of 2,300 precious wrest watches being sent to Bangkok. An official of Customs Department said that the watches were packed in a box, which was being smuggled through a private airline TG-349 in connivance with Customs and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) officials. He said 15 watches have a real value of Rs1 million.

fBRtorevampsystemoftaxregistrationin3months — Exclusive Customs Today photos

LAHORe: Member (IT) Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Ra'ana Ahmad in a group photo with Lahore Tax Bar Association (LTBA) Qari Habib ur Rehman Zubairi, Vice President Aamir Younuas, former Minister Excise and Taxation Zia Haider Rizvi and others at a seminar arranged by the LTBA.


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— Exclusive Customs Today photos

ederal Board of Revenue (FBR) has planned to revamp whole system of tax registration within the next three months which will exclude human interference in order to avoid delays and corruption in tax collection. FBR Member IT Ra’ana Ahmad said this while addressing the members of Lahore Tax Bar Association (LTBA) at the Income Tax Building. She said that IT wing has been set up in order to bridge the gulf between users and Pakistan Revenue Automation (Pvt) Ltd (PRAL) which needs an approximate time of three months. “If we replace human hand with

LAHORe: Member (IT) FBR Ra'ana Ahmad

computer technology all delays, complains of incompetence and corruption will automatically vanish,” she believed. Expressing her dissatisfaction with the facilities being extended to taxpayers in the Pakistan, Ra’ana said that she has visited various countries and had the opportunity to examine the state of the art tax collection systems. The Member IT assured the Tax Bar members of early resolution of all the IT related issues in filing returns of sales and income tax. LTBA President Qari Habibur Rehman Zubari highlighted various Efiling/up-loading of income tax return web-portal related issues including hurdle in saving data, reflection of resident instead of non resident, disability of taxpayers in reporting in column

45, exemption of rental and dividend incomes and annexure A-1, C H, K-1, L1, wealth statement and NOC. The LTBA president said that all the issues have been creating undue hardships for the taxpayers and demanded immediate removal of these problems. LTBA General Secretary Ali Ahsan Rana said that about 4,000 sales tax registration applications have been pending for the few months. He urged FBR to simplify the tax collection procedure to broaden tax net instead of increasing taxes. Senior Manger Direct Taxes Mujahid Naeem and Senior Manager Sales Tax (PRAL) Abdul Razaq briefed the members on their queries. Pakistan Tax Bar President Zia Haider Rizvi and others were also present there.

ISLAMABAd: Zang Pussi Sectary General of Pak China Trade talking on last day of international workshop on Doing Business with China.

ISLAMABAd: Chairman Board of Investment (BOI) Mohammad Zubair speaks during an interactive meeting of Pakistani businessmen with high powered Kuwaiti business delegation.

ISLAMABAd: Minister of State for Commerce & Textile Industry, Engineer Khurram Dastgir Khan receiving Anas Khalid Al-Saleh, Minister of Commerce and Industry State of Kuwait for a meeting.





Customs seizes smuggled cloths worth Rs12m

KARACHI: Anti-Smuggling Organisation of Pakistan Customs has seized smuggling goods worth Rs12 million and arrested the alleged smuggler. Acting on a tipoff about smuggling of Afghan transit cloths into the city, a team of anti-smuggling unit stopped a suspicious trailer near Dubai Centre for a search, which was found to be full of smuggled cloths. The driver of the vehicle, Zawar, managed to flee but his accomplice, Mohibullah, was arrested.

wRIte tO uS YOuR GRIevANCeS: Through CuStOMS tOdAY platform HeLp deSK, now you have chance to dIReCtLY write your problems to top govt. functionaries. If you have any grievances, queries, questions or suggestions, you can write in this section as it provides easiest access to you to approach Customs and Revenue authorities. wHO can write in this section? Importers & Exporters, Customs Agents, Chambers of Commerce,Trade Associations and Customs Officers tO wHOM you can write? HonourablePM,Minister/SecretaryforFinance &Revenue,Minister/SecretaryforPortsand Shipping,FBRChairman,MemberCustomsand ChairpersonSenate/NationalAssembly StandingCommitteeonFinance&Revenue. Send your letters at: letters@customstoday.com.pk

Pakistani held for smuggling rare turtles hai customs have found over a thousand turtles and tortoises in airport luggage in a week, including a haul of 470 creatures as conservationists warn of“skyrocketing”smuggling for the pet trade. Officials at Suvarnabhumi Airport said a 25-year-old Pakistani man had been arrested on suspicion of wildlife trafficking after four suitcases on a flight from Lahore were found to contain the protected black pond turtles.The discovery came after authorities found 423 protected tortoises and 52 black pond turtles stashed in unclaimed bags on a carousal after arriving on a flight from Bangladesh. On Sunday, customs at the same airport found 80 more protected turtles on luggage also from Bangladesh. —Ct Report




DG ANF, Ministry of Narcotics Control Islamabad

Dear Sir, We are operating as customs

agents under license No. 998. Our professional services include packing and removal of household goods, personal effects cargo and filling of containers and its delivery services around the world. Please note that recently we packed 151 packages of household goods and stuffed the goods in 1x40’ container No. GVCU4033695 STC and shipping bill No. KPEX-SB-39848, which was to be exported to Panama, Central America. On October 19, 2013, the above-mentioned 40’ container was placed for examination by customs and ANF at PICT. The ANF personnel opened all the cartons and ruthlessly mishandled them. They did not hesitate to cut the cushion and break the furniture items and other stuff without con-

sidering fragility and sentimental value of these items. We are attaching herewith some photos of the goods lying at the Port Area after their examination by the ANF. These pictures tell the dilapidated condition of the goods and real story of maltreatment by ANF personnel. The owners of these goods pay heavy fee for specialized packaging to ensure safe logistics. These people are quite attached to their possession and get seriously hurt when these goods are damaged during shipment. We therefore request you to kindly look into this very serious matter and take appropriate action so that the ANF personnel examine the shipment of household goods and personal effects without causing any damages to these goods while keeping in view the

nature and fragility of personal effects shipments.

With profound regards,

Abubaker Hashim President Homepack Freight International, Karachi

fBR,IpO-pakistanlaunchoperationagainstsmuggled/piratedgoods ISLAMABAD

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ederal Board of Revenue has launched countrywide operation against the smuggled/pirated goods in coordination with the Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan. FBR has issued instructions to all Collectors of Customs in this regard to seriously examine the concerns of IPO-Pakistan for appropriate action. According to FBR instructions to the Rield formations, FBR has received complaints of IPOPakistan on IP rights infringement. The IPO has also forwarded list of cases involving IP/copyright violations. The Customs collectors should examine the contents of the aforesaid complaints and report/comments thereon furnished to FBR by November 2013. Sources said FBR will take action in case of such smuggled goods across the country, wherever it feels necessary.

Sources said the Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan (IPO-Pakistan) is the focal government body for integrated management of Intellectual Property Rights (ie Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights, Industrial Designs, etc). IPO-Pakistan was established in 2005 as an autonomous organisation and was given permanent legal status in the form of IPO Act in 2012. IPR Enforcement Co-ordination is one of the core functions of IPO-Pakistan. Under Section 13(xviii) of IPO Act, 2012, IPO-Pakistan has powers to initiate and monitor the enforcement and protection of intellectual property rights through designated law enforcement agencies of the government, federal or provincial. Meanwhile, in an anti-smuggling operation, MCC Gwadar's Marine Squad seized 2020 bottles of foreign origin scotch whisky along with a Yamaha 85 HP speed boat between Pishukan and Gwadar. The speed boat's market value is around Rs 1,500,000. The market value of 202 bottles of whisky is around Rs606,000.

www.customstoday.com NOVEMBER 19 - NOVEMBER 25, 2013

uS Customs recovers stolen motorcycle after 46 years

OMAHA, US: California Customs authorities have recovered a 1953 Triumph Tiger 100 stolen in 1967 at the Port of Los Angeles. Donald DeVault wonders what kind of memories his Triumph motorcycle helped make in the 46 years since it was stolen, and he’s looking forward to making more of his own when it’s returned. The bike was about to be shipped to Japan when US Customs & Border Protection agents who checked the vehicle identification number discovered the motorcycle had been reported stolen in February 1967.






Published by M. F. Riaz, Off. 91, 3rd Flr, Gul Plaza, M.A. Rd., Karachi, for Customs Today and Printed at Dhoom Printing Press Masheer Mahal Building, Off: I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi

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