Tuesday November 19 - Monday November 25, 2013

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vol 1 Issue No. 40

Economy suffers colossal loss Karachi, tue Nov 19 - Mon Nov 25, 2013



Regd. No, MC-1381

Price Rs. 50.00


The government is on track to present a plan by end-December 2013 to broaden the tax net through the elimination of most tax exemptions, says Ishaq Dar | See pAGe 3 |

The business community terms the strike a‘conspiracy’against exporters because orders of exports got affected badly due to prolonged strike and Muharram holidays


The government is planning to bring new technology to enhance exports and strengthen economy, says Kamran Michael | See pAGe 4 |


SOHAIL RAB KHAN www.customstoday.com



FBR has initiated a plan to strengthen skills of FATEWing in order to improve communication strategies | See pAGe 5 |


| See pAGe 11 |

he prolonged strike of goods transporters has inRlicted a loss of more than Rs 300 million in export trade and billions of rupees in other sectors of the economy. The country is already facing the worst economic crisis and this sort of extreme action could further create difRiculties for the government. Due to authorities’ apathy, thousands of containers laden with export goods worth $ 300 million remained stuck up at dry ports and industrial units in the wake of transporters strike. The strike also created a shortage of raw material as well as other commodities within the country. Shortage of necessary items besides heavy demurrage to be borne by the business community could further worsen the situation. The business community termed the strike a ‘conspiracy’ against exporters because orders of exports got affected badly due to prolonged strike and Muharram holidays. The United Goods Transporters Association (UGTA) in alliance with Transporters of Goods Association (TGA) and

others called the strike against non-acceptance of their demands. UGTA Chairman Yaseen Khan Niazi told Customs Today that Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan and Karachi Commissioner Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui just paid lip service and did not address their issues But FBR accepted their legal demands and decreased the advance tax on weight by Re1. However; their core demand from the government was to retrieve the land of Karachi Fisheries from the land mafia, which was allotted to the transporters for parking their vehicles in 1996, he added. The transporters’ leaders including TGA President Haji Anwar Khan Niazi, TGA General Secretary Madad Khan Niazi and others were of the view that none of the government ofRicials took serious notice of the strike which forced them to prolong their strike. President TGA Anwar Khan Niazi informed Customs Today that around 30,000 vehicles of Karachi stood standstill at garages and truck stands during this strike. Transporters other demands included: issuance of payment to those transporters whose vehicles and containers were impounded by LEAs during Muharram, opening of Mai Kolachi Road for heavy vehicular trafRic and reducing the cost of challan immediately. They further demanded that the gov-

Due to authorities’ apathy, thousands of containers laden with export goods worth

$300m remained stuck up at dry ports and industrial units in the wake of transporters strike

ernment should abolish toll tax and release the compensation of the torched vehicles on the occasion of Benazir Bhutto assassination. The transporters further demanded of the Sindh government to provide them security against extortionists. In an exclusive talk with Customs Today, Spokesperson FBR Shahid Hussain Asad said that FBR had accepted taxrelated demands of transporters. Advance tax on weight was decreased by Re1 per kilogram but FBR had nothing to do with their parking land issue and demands of compensation for containers burnt on December 27, 2007. KCCI President A. Abdullah Zaki while talking to Customs Today said that transporters strike caused colossal economic losses to economy. Already shattering economy suffered $12 crore loss within a few days due to the strike. He said that such matters should be solved through discussions. He also appreciated Chairman FBR Tariq Bajwa for resolving the tax issue and announcing uniform tariff for containers and oil tankers. LCCI President Engineer Sohail Lashari while talking to Customs Today said that the government should take such matters seriously and resolve them for the larger national interest. Transporters grievances should have been addressed on urgent basis to avoid delay of supplies of raw material.

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