Tuesday sept 09 monday sept 15, 2014

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ABC Certified vol 2 Issue No. 34

Karachi, Tue Sept 09 - Mon Sept 15, 2014



Simple tax returns filing system can help broaden the tax net and early refunds to exporters will increase volume of Pakistani exports, says Senator Haji Adeel | SEE PAGE 06 | REvIEwING OPERATIONS

FBR Chairman Tariq Bajwa visited RTOs and LTUs and asked the field formations officers to take proper steps to meet revenue targets of FY 2014-15 SEE PAGE 02 | COLLECTING CUSTOMS DUTY

Under the leadership of Collector Appraisement-East Najeebur Rehman Abbasi, the collectorate collected customs duty of Rs 5.24 billion in the month of August | SEE PAGE 03 | CARTOONS SPECIAL

| SEE PAGE 11 |

Regd. No, MC-1381

Price Rs. 50.00

Rs 33.03m tax scam case

Customs initiates investigation against Telenor KARACHI/ISLAMLABAD

SOHAIL RAB KHAN/M FAIZAN www.customstoday.com

fter high profile cases of tax evasion by country’s toptelecomcompanieslikeMobilinkand Q-Mobile,nowPakistanCustomshasdetected another such tax fraud by Telenor Pakistan and blocked its 9 consignments for mis-declaring the classificationofimportedequipmenttobeusedfor company’s 3G projects. It was disclosed after the examination of these consignmentsthatM/sTelenorPakistanattempted to clear different telecommunication equipment under same HS Code i.e. 8517-6990, depriving the national exchequer of Rs 33.03 million revenue. DirectorateGeneralofCustomsIntelligenceand Investigation-FBR has started investigations into alledged tax evasion by M/s Telenor Pakistan. Sources told Customs Today that Customs I&I, Islamabad has started reviewing goods declarations (GDs)ofthecompanyinthisregard.“CustomsIntelligence initiated investigation on request of the KarachiCustomsintothemis-declarationbytheac-


cused company,”they added. Earlier, Customs Deputy Director Mudassar TirmiziconfirmedthattheDirectorateGeneralofCustomsI&IKarachi,afterthoroughlydetectingmis-declaration in 9 consignments of Telenor, forwarded the case to FBR Islamabad for further legal proceedings. He further informed that the authorities of FBR have asked the officers of the Directorate GeneralofCustomsIntelligence&Investigationfor scrutinising the import data of the company and send it to FBR Headquarters. Itispertinenttomentionherethatademandof Rs33.03milliondutyhadbeenraisedagainsttheTelenor Pakistan on import of telecommunication equipments including GU Base Stations, IPASO Link Radioequipment,Arialequipmentspol/directional antennas-mounting brackets, GSM equipments, Yuasapowerequipmentwithinstallationmaterial, outdoorrectifierandbatterycabinetsonsubmitting less customs duty. As the Directorate General of Intelligence & Investigation-FBR created a duty/taxes demand against M/s Telenor Pakistan to recover Rs 33.04 million, the company requested the Customs highups to release their 3G technology projects-related

Telenor terms allegations of tax evasion by customs as baseless

equipment and agreed to pay duty/taxes after re-assessment of the consignments by Customs. On the other hand, Atifa Asghar, Director Corporate Communications and Responsibility, Telenor Pakistan clarified to Customs Today, “Telenor Pakistan is a law abiding, responsible corporate entity and always meets its legal and ethical obligations. The allegation of tax evasion in this report is not correct and misconceived. It was a simple matter of different interpretation and confusion regarding the alteration in taxes and import duties on import of equipment as per the latest fiscal budget effective from 1 July 2014. The equipment was imported under specific HS Codes and was declared accordingly. The issue was sorted out amicably with the Customs authorities and differential payments have been made as per the new import regulations”. “It is important to note that Telenor Pakistan is one of the largest taxpayers in Pakistan and hascontributedRs147billioninvariousformsofdirect and indirect taxes. In addition Telenor PakistanhasalsowonHighTaxpayerAwardfromPakistan Customs several times,”she added.

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