Tuesday october 1, 2013 - Monday october 7, 2013 issue

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PAkisTAn’s firsT inDEPTh nEWsPAPEr on CusToms

Vol 1 issue no. 33

karachi, Tue oct 01 - mon oct 07, 2013


Dastagir calls Expo Pakistan

Economic growth and increasing foreign trade are two cornerstones of the present government says commerce Minister Khurram Dastagir | sEE PAgE 10 | Workshoponombudsmanship


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in order to provide speedy justice to people, Ombudsman’s institution needs to be strengthened, says FTO abdul rauf chaudhry | sEE PAgE 9 | reducing withholding rates

The measure would have no revenue impact and it was simply removal of a tax anomaly to facilitate the business community, says FBr chairmanTariq Bajwa | sEE PAgE 2 | removing WeboC anomalies

FBr is working to improve modules ofWeBOc which would be replicated at all dry ports and sea ports, says Member customs Nisar Khan | sEE PAgE 3 |


n keeping with the vision of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to open up new trade routes to speed up the pace of progress and prosperity in the region, Pakistan Customs and the Directorate of Transit Trade are working together planning the construction of transit trade corridors leading to Kashgar, Tehran, Istanbul and other Central Asian countries. This was stated by Director General (DG) Transit Trade Khawar Farid Maneka during an exclusive interview with Customs Today at the Directorate of the Transit Trade OfNice in Customs House, Karachi. “Our topmost priority is to ensure safe cross-border supply of goods and reconciliation of the containers through a transparent, swift and secure process. Pakistan Customs has achieved 99.8 percent success rate in ensuring cross- border movement of containers since May, 2013”, Maneka added. But our aim is to ensure 100 percent scanning of all containers, including NATO, ISAF, military and others, at every check-post, he said “Pakistan Customs and Directorate of Transit Trade are determined to create facilities in order to attract other countries to use Pakistan corridors for getting access to Central Asia”, Maneka added. Responding to a query, the DG said that Directorate of Transit Trade has initiated the process of proper tracking and monitoring of the containers on all transit trade routes. He disclosed that a Central Control Room (CCR) has been set up at Customs House, Karachi to monitor the movement of containers. Regional Control Rooms have also been established for the same purpose. Maneka further informed that Directorate of Transit Trade is going to propose the penal clause for improvement of tracking system installed in the containers. Replying to a question, Maneka said that Mobile Enforcement Units (MEUs) have been set up at all regional Collectorates from

Karachi to Torkhum. “These MEUs will react promptly in case of any theft attempt and looting of containers”, he asserted. Elaborating, the DG Transit Trade said that the enforcement units will prove effective only if ofNicials in the Central Control Room work efNiciently and keep an eye on every container till their crossing into Afghanistan. He further said the Central Control Room and regional Mobile Enforcement Units are interlinked in order to improve the checking of containers. “The ofNicials concerned in Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) Preventive should improve their performance, as it is essential for better surveillance of containers”, Maneka maintained. Referring to the missing containers report presented by former Member Customs Ramzan Bhatti, the DG Transit Trade said that the report presented before the Chief Justice of Pakistan was ‘satisfactory’ and covered all aspects of the issue. Maneka clariNied that the Afghan Transit Trade (ATT) scam surfaced befor e his appointment as DG Transit Trade.

Pakistan Customs and Directorate of Transit Trade are determined to create facilities in order to attract other countries to use Pakistan corridors for getting access to Central Asia

regd. no, mC-1381

Price rs. 50.00

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