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PaKiSTan’S FiRST indEPTh nEwSPaPER on CuSTomS
Vol 1 issue no. 34
Karachi, Tue oct 08 - mon oct 14, 2013
Regd. no, mC-1381
Price rs. 50.00
REPlaCing SRo CulTuRE
We are not going to re-open the cases against the Order-in-Original issued to the Customs agents, but will give them an opportunity to file an appeal against the issuances of show-cause notices
$32.5m undER CSF KaraChi
Sohail Rab Khan www.customstoday.com
The country will receive an amount of rs32.5m by Oct 15 under Coalition Support Fund, says Finance Secy | SEE PagE 3 |
bRidging ThE gaP
We need to bridge the gap between Customs Dept and business community to get good results, says Collector Customs Junaid akram | SEE PagE 9 |
CaRToonS SPECial
| SEE PagE 11 |
akistan Customs has devised a two-pronged strategy to generate additional revenue: hold auctions at regular intervals and pursue court cases for revenue recovery. The strategy is aimed at achieving the revenue target set by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for Niscal year 2013-14. Collector Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) West Muhammad Saleem said this during an exclusive interview with Customs Today at his ofNice in Customs House, Karachi. Sharing the various methods for revenue generation, Collector Muhammad Saleem said that the customs department was going to streamline things after the division of PaCCs Collectorate into MCC-East and MCC-West on territorial basis. “We are going to expedite the revenue generation process by conducting two auctions in a month, adding that the said process will continue throughout the year”, he asserted. Responding to a query, Muhammad Saleem said that Pakistan Customs had to achieve the revenue target with an increase of 27 per cent as compared to the previous Niscal year and the ofNicials at all levels were trying hard to achieve the revenue target set by FBR for this Niscal year. The MCC-West Collector stated that Pakistan Customs was contributing a major share to the total revenue of the country, and its ofNicials were determined to facilitate importers, exporters and clearing agents. Answering another question, Saleem explained that at least six
months were required to determine the means to generate revenue and go into the reasons for increase and shortfall in revenue recovery. “The ofNicials are working hard to achieve the designated targets on quarterly basis as well as yearly basis”, he added. He maintained, “The ofNicials of Pakistan Customs have clear directives from their high-ups including FBR Chairman Tariq Bajwa, Member Customs Nisar Muhammad Khan and Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar to improve the performance and keep a vigilant eye on tax evasion, under-invoicing and decide issues on merit.” Collector MCC-West Muhammad Saleem said that it had been decided in discussions with the delegation of Karachi Customs Agents Association that the show-cause notices issued against them in Afghan Transit Trade (ATT) scam would be decided on merit after hearing the views of each and every Customs agent. “We are not going to re-open the cases against the Order-inOriginal issued to the Customs agents, but will give them an opportunity to Nile an appeal against the issuance of show-cause notices”, Collector MCC-West declared. — Exlusive Customs Today photo
in order to bring stability in economic policies and tariff regime, Commerce Ministry will replace the culture of SrOs, says Khurram Dastagir | SEE PagE 2 |