Let’s Thanks to Allah SWT, we pray to Allah SWT for giving His blessing and guidance to us so that we can complete the book from the Department of International Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh “Book of Paper International Economic Development 2017� as a goal to become material for student learning in making paper. In preparing this book we received guidance from various parties. We therefore thank you very much for: 1. Talbani Farlian, S.E., M.A as the supervisor in making this paper 2. Colleagues who always give their role in making this book useful for others The author certainly realizes that this book is far from perfect and there are still many errors and shortcomings in it. For this reason, the author expects criticism and suggestions from readers for this book, so that this book can later become a better book. Thus, and if there are many mistakes in this book the author apologizes profusely.
Banda Aceh, 31 Desember 2018
1 2 3 5 11 16 22 26 32 39
Talbani Farlian, S.E, M.A Correspondent Author ; Supervisor
The Role of Cooperatives in Reducing Poverty in Banda Aceh 1Afdhalul Jihad, 2Talbani Farlian*, 3Nur Aidar, 4Zulkfili, 5Ferayanti, 6Louis Muhammad 1International Economics and Business Program, Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh, Indonesia 2,3,4,5Lecturer of Economic Development Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia 6President Director of Study Abroad Program, Atlanta, U.S.A 1afdhaluljihad@gmail.com, 2t_farlian@unsyiah.ac.id *Correspondent Author Abstract-Currently, the city of Banda Aceh is experiencing poverty. Hence this research would like to try to overcome this poverty with the role of cooperatives, a role which can be profitable. The existence of cooperatives can reduce poverty or support poverty reduction in Banda Aceh. This research uses primary data and also secondary data, where primary data consisted of using questionnaires of 20 respondents that were distributed online, and secondary data consisted of internet media used to find sources of support in this research. The results of this research indicate that improving people’s lives has positive outcomes and can have an effect on reducing poverty in Banda Aceh. However the data were analyzed with e-views version 9 to examine how big independent variables influence dependent variable, the variables of partially Creating and Expanding Employment and Leading a Democratic Economic Life had negative outcomes and did not have an effect on reducing poverty in Banda Aceh. Simultaneously, the variables of variables of improving people’s lives, creating and expanding employment and leading a democratic economic life had a positive and significant effect, showing the potential for cooperatives to reduce poverty in Banda Aceh. Keywords-- Creating and expanding employment; Improving people’s lives; Leading a democratic economic life
I. INTRODUCTION Banda Aceh is a harmonious, peaceful, and religious city. This is why the city dubbed the “Civil City” is Islamic. Other than the nickname, Banda Aceh is a civilized city. What is unfortunate is that Banda Aceh is one of the poorest cities in Indonesia. Although the number of residents categorized as “poor” in Aceh in September 2017 was 829,000 people, a decrease of 42,000 from March 2017, percentage-wise, Aceh ranked the 6th poorest province in Indonesia in September last year.The first to fifth positions are Papua, West Papua, Nusa, Maluku, and Gorontalo. Based on this data, in order for Banda Aceh to not always stay in the rankings, there must be changes, although these changes might not be as fast as imagined. Here, we can imagine cooperatives as a means to build a glorious Banda Aceh, not only known as a civilized city but also as a prosperous city, peaceful and rich in resources. As we know, Banda Aceh is very rich in natural resources, ranging from abundant mines, coal, and also good soil fertility. The role of cooperatives cannot be ruled out as a means of slowing poverty. We are not familliar with the term “cooperative” in the field of economics. A cooperative is “an association composed of persons or legal entities, which gives freedom to members to enter and exit, by cooperating in a family-friendly way to enhance the physical well-being of its members (Chaniago, 1984)”. A cooperative is an organization that contains elements of kinship and mutual aid . So it cannot be ruled out that, with the existence of cooperatives, the economic outlook in Indonesia and especially Banda Aceh can be improved. This can also help us avoid poverty.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Cooperative “Cooperatives are associations consisting of persons or legal entities, which give freedom to members to enter and exit and cooperate in a familial way of doing business to enhance the physical welfare of its members” (Chaniago, 1984). “In general, cooperatives are understood as associations of people voluntarily fight together to improve their economic welfare through the establishment of a business entity that is democratically managed” (Sudarwanto, 2013: 19). From what has been shown by experts about the cooperative, we know that the cooperative is a familial, inward-facing community, with the purpose of improving the welfare of its members and promoting kinship among members. As we know, cooperatives can be formed if its members comprise 20 people. The cooperative’s capital, known as its principal savings, is derived voluntarily from its members. The following types of cooperatives exist: Cooperatives based on function, e.g. Production co-operatives, consumption cooperatives, service cooperatives, sales cooperatives. Cooperatives based on level and area of work, e.g. Primary Cooperative, Secondary Cooperative, Cooperative Center, Combined Cooperative, Parent Cooperative. Cooperatives based on Membership, e.g. Producer Cooperative and Consumer Cooperative. 2.2 Poverty According to Friedman, “Poverty is an inequality of opportunity to exercise social power in the form of assets, financial resources, socio-political organizations, social networks, goods or services, knowledge and skills, and information”. According to (Arsyad, 2010) “starving, homeless, when the pain does not have funds for medical care” poverty. According to the (BPS, 2012), poverty is seen as the inability of the economy to meet the basic needs of good and food that is not measured in terms of expenditure. Based on this expert opinion, poverty is a situation where a person cannot manage his finances, assets , goods, and so forth. Poverty can also be defined as a position where one can not reach a basic standard of living. With regards to Banda Aceh, as is explained in the introduction section, the province in 2017 occupied the 6th highest level of poverty in Indonesia, where the positions of one to five were occupied by Papua, West Papua, Nusa, Maluku and Gorontalo. Thus, there need to be changes in Aceh, especially Banda Aceh, to further promote the economy in order to get out of the red zone. So by definition, poverty is seen from communities where they will face to the hungry season which means they hard to survive when the hungry season will come, homelessness and lack of income. 2.3 Role According to (Raho 2007), “Role is defined as the pattern of behavior expected by society of a person occupying a certain status. A number of roles are called role-sets. Thus the term role describes the completeness of relationships based on the roles that people play as they occupy certain social statuses”.
Playing roles can promote or develop actions that can advance processes of progress. This research aims to examine the role that cooperatives have in reducing poverty in Banda Aceh today. This section will discuss the role of cooperatives, which are as follows: 2.3.1 Creating and expanding employment Cooperatives aim to improve the welfare of their members as well as society in general. In achieving these objectives, cooperatives try to undertake actions in accordance with the type of cooperative in question, such as in the field of craft, agriculture, and shopping. Expanding the field of cooperative businesses means giving opportunities to the workforce and absorbing human resources in general. We already know that the role of the cooperative is very helpful in eliminating unemployment and escaping poverty in Banda Aceh. With the cooperative’s creation of jobs , it can become a very influential force in middle-class society by providing more manpower. 2.3.2 Improving people’s lives Increasing the income of members of cooperatives means improving people’s lives. Earning a high income makes it easier to meet the diverse needs of a person’s life. The increase of the standard of living is one of the motivations behind consumers’ desire to get a high salary or income according to their needs. The welfare of cooperative members in it is improved because the cooperative applies the system of kinship. And if the living standards of people in Banda Aceh meet people’s needs, poverty in Banda Aceh will gradually decline and Banda Aceh will experience a stable economy with a reduction in both poverty and unemployment that leads to poverty. 2.2.3 Living a democratic economic life In each action it takes, the cooperative acts not on the will of the board, but based on the wishes of the members, which must first be discussed. This is a reflection of the implementation of economic democracy. According to Law Number 25 of 1992, Article 4, The Roles and Functions of Cooperatives are: 1. Build and develop the potential and economic capacity of members in particular and society in general to improve their economic and social welfare. 2. Play an active role in efforts to enhance the quality of human life and society. 3. Strengthen people’s economic conditions as the basis of the strength and resilience of the national economy. 4. Strive to realize and develop the national economy, which is a joint effort based on kinship and economic democracy. Cooperatives also participate in organizing the economic life of society in democratic ways. And it is clear that cooperatives are very influential in alleviating poverty in Banda Aceh today. With the implementation of democratic economic principles in life, people in Banda Aceh will experience prosperity in the future and gain experience in the field of regional finance. As stated by the Act, cooperatives play an active role in enhancing the quality of human life and society. In addition, with the existence of cooperatives, people’s economic foundations will also be more solid and will support the national economy.
III. METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Variables A variable is a concept that has variability. The concept is the depiction or abstraction of a particular phenomenon. A concept of any form or origin with varied characteristics can be referred to as a variable. Thus, the variable can be interpreted as anything that varies. In this research there are two types of variables, Independent Variables and Dependent Variables. Independent Variables are variables that cause or influence, factors that are measured, manipulated or selected by the researcher to determine the relationship between observed phenomena. In this case, there are 3 Independent Variables: Creating and expanding employment, improving people’s lives, and living a democratic economic life. The Dependent Variable is Reducing poverty. 3.2 Population and Sample 3.2.1 Population In this study the population studied is the society of Banda Aceh. 3.2.2 Sample A study sometimes is concerned with a very large population, making it impossible to conduct thorough research. The sample size that is feasible in this study is 20 respondents, which was determined based on efficiency and time constraints. 3.3 Data 3.3.1 Data type The types of data in this research are primary and secondary. Primary data is data collected individually by an individual or an organization directly from the object under study and for the interest of the study concerned. This can take the form of interviews or observation. Primary data in this research consists of questionnaires from a Google form that were filled out online. Also, this study used secondary data, consisting of information that we found on the Internet. IV. FINDING AND DISCUSSION
Y= Reducing poverty X1= Creating and expanding employment X2= Improving people’s lives X3= Living a democratic economic life 1. Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = 0.12 with a probability score of 0.8988 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence Ho was rejected or Hi was accepted, which means that Creating and expanding employment showed a negative and insignificant role of cooperatives in reducing poverty in Banda Aceh. 2. Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = 0.35 with a probability score of 0.0182 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence Ho was rejected or Hi accepted, which means that partial variable Improving people’s live showed a positive andsignificant role of cooperatives in reducing poverty in Banda Aceh. 3. Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = 0.15 with a probability score of 0.4608 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence Ho was rejected or Hi accepted, which means that partial variable Living a democratic economic life showed a negative and insignificant role of cooperatives in reducing poverty in Banda Aceh. 4. As shown in Table 1, we found an F value of 11.93 and a significance of 0.000000, which is smaller than 0.05. That means that there are simultaneous influences of variables Creating and expanding employment, Improving people’s lives , and Living a democratic economic life on poverty reduction Reducing poverty. 5. The R-squared is 0.87, which means that X has only an 87% influence on Reducing Poverty; meanwhile, 13% of Reducing Poverty is affected by other factors. V. CONCLUSION Based on the results of the e-views sample t-test, it can be concluded that there is a Improving people’s lives significant effect on reducing poverty in Banda Aceh (p-value < 0.05). Creating and Expanding employment and Living a democratic economic life did not significant to reducing poverty in Banda Aceh. Simultaneously, variables Creating and expanding employment, Improving people’s lives, and Living a democratic economic life show that overall, cooperatives have a positive and significant role in reducing poverty in Banda Aceh. VI. RECOMMENDATIONS The results of the research above show the role of cooperatives to reducing poverty in Banda Aceh in the forms of the following: Creating and expanding employment, improving people’s lives, and living a democratic economic life. These make up a framework that can be used for reducing poverty in Banda Aceh, but there are other factors that can also support poverty reduction in Banda Aceh, in addition to the factors already described above.
Based on this study, here are also some suggestions for further research: 1. Future research should involve primary data collection not only with questionnaires, but with other methods as well. It is necessary to conduct field observation and direct interviews with respondents so that the results of analysis can be more comprehensive. 2. Future research should increase the number of variables included in the study of the role of cooperatives in reducing poverty. he results of subsequent research can then be viewed and assessed from a broader perspective in order to reduce poverty in Banda Aceh. REFERENCES
Alam, S. (2007). Ekonom, Jilid 2. Jakarta:Esis Arsyad, Lincolin. (2010).: UPP STIM YKPN, Yogyakarta:“Economic development”, BPS. (2007). “Analysis socio-economic indicators of bengkulu province 2003-2007” North Sumatera, Indonesia:. Chaniago, Arifinal. (1984). Pengertian dan Prinsip Koperasi. Jakarta: Salemba empat. Raho, Bernard. (2007). Teori Sosiologi Modern. Jakarta : Prestasi Pustaka. Sudarwanto, Adenk. (2013). Ekonomi Koperasi. Bandung: Graha Ilmu Other Reference: Law Number 25 of 1992, Article 4, the Roles and Functions of Cooperatives
The Quality of Service and Coorperative Benefits to The Member Participation Study case: Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative (KBQB) 1Cut Meviantira Nanda, *2Talbani Farlian, 3Nur Aidar, 4Zulkifli, 5Amri 1International Economic Development Program, University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia; mevi3antira@gmail.com 2,3,4,5 Lecturer of Syiah Kuala university, banda aceh, Indonesia *Corresponding Author: t_farlian@unsyiah.ac.id Abstract—This study was conducted to analyze the effects of service quality and cooperative benefits on the member participation of a cooperative organization. The case study looks at the Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative (KBQB) in Takengon as an example of cooperatives in general. Data taken from this research are primary and secondary data with interviews and observations as the data collecting techniques. The results show the quality of service and the benefits of cooperatives have a positive effect on the participation of members in Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan (KBQB) Takengon cooperative. This means the higher the quality of services and benefits provided by the cooperative the higher the efficiency and amount of work the members are doing. Keywords— Cooperative Participation, Cooperative Service, Cooperative Benefit
I. INTRODUCTION Cooperative organizations are found in almost all industrialized and developing countries. At first, cooperative organizations were developed in industrialized countries in Western Europe, but after colonialism in various countries in Asia, Africa, and South America, cooperatives also grew in some colonized countries on these continents. Many countries use cooperatives as a tool to improve the welfare of the population, and even use cooperatives as one of the government’s tools to develop the country further. A cooperative is a popular economic movement that aims to improve the welfare of society by basing its activities on the principles of cooperation, or working together. As a movement, cooperations uphold the values of unity and collaboration that are essential to realize the organization’s main objectives, namely to improve the welfare of its members and to help the community prosper. Many experts point out that the key to success for a cooperative lies in the participation of its members, among other factors (Muslimin, 1987) and (Syamsuri, 1986). It can be said that member participation in cooperatives is like the heart of the human body, because within the organization, members play a double role, or have a dual identity. Those two roles are owner and user, and herein lies the uniqueness of the business entity that is a cooperative: the business owner exists concurrently with the service provider. As these two traits cause cooperatives to demand more participation from members, these established businesses can develop further to achieve their goals. The main purpose of a cooperative is to improve the welfare of its members. This is true for Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative (KBQB), which was first established as a saving
and credit cooperative. Some of the cooperative’s members have had a difficult life, suffering from the armed conflict in the region and the impact of the devastating Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004. In 2006, after recovering from these two hardships, members emerged from this period with a revitalized entrepreneurial spirit. The coffee farm, existing as a pra-koperasi (LKM), closed in 2000 because of the Aceh conflict. On August 1, 2002, Rizwan Husin initiated the revival of Baitul Qiradh Baburrayan in the form of a cooperative. In 2003, KBQ Baburrayyan’s savings and lending unit began operations by providing financing to vegetable traders in Takengon. II. LITERATURE REVIEW Baitul Qiradh Cooperative (KBQ) Baburrayyan, which loans money to coffee farmers and helps them market their product, is located in Aceh Tengah is located in Aceh Tengah, NAD Province. This cooperative is one of many national large scale cooperatives established in 1995. The initiator is Tarmizi A Karim from Kampung Pondok Gajah, Aceh. When formed, the capital was about 6 million Rupiah. The Legal Entity of Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative was established on 21 October 2002 based on the Legal Entity No. 62.01 / 233 / BH / X / 2002. The purpose of establishing Baitul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative is to stimulate and improve the economic welfare and prosperity of its members. With a strong desire to empower the people’s economy, this cooperative endured the long process of gaining public trust and it continues to show its expertise in coffee commodity trading. In the 2016 book year report, the assets of the cooperative are mentioned at Rp 13.9 billion with a turnover of Rp 109.7 billion. Its members are 3,527 people, who are all coffee farmers in Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah districts. KBQ Baburrayyan currently exports Gayo’s coffee beans to several countries including the United States, Australia, Canada, Britain, Singapore, Mexico and New Zealand. Baitul Qiradh Cooperative (KBQ) Baburrayyan belongs to Shariah cooperative where its organizational structure is as follows: Board of Directors 1. Chairman: Rizwan Husin 2. Secretary: Armiyadi 3. Treasurer: Sugiati Controller 1. Chairman: Mhd Hanif 2. Members: Ismayani 3. Member: Sartika Yanti One of the factors that determine the success of a cooperative one is the level of member participation. This participation consists of the members taking part in the activities the cooperative decides are important to achieve the intended purpose of the organization. According to Ropke (2003), the effectiveness of member participation depends on the interaction between: 1. Member or beneficiary 2. Management of the cooperative 3. Program of the cooperative
According to Ropkeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s theory, when these three variables are suitable to members, participation will increase. The compatibility between the three variables is called the Three Way Fit, which will turn into The Fit Model of Participation. The compatibility is defined by the following relationships: 1. Between services required by members and service output of the program. 2. Between program tasks and cooperative management capabilities. 3. Between what members are asking for by management decisions. The tools that members use to participate are the voting rights (Voice), Vote (Vote), and exit rights (Exit). The compatibility of these three variables is incorporated in the chart below:
Source : Ropke Conformity Participation Model
Cooperative Services to members are services provided by the cooperative in advancing the business of its members. Therefore, some cooperatives are service providers who are tasked with providing and improving services through the efforts of its members. The importance of service to members of the cooperative stated Muenkner (1997) that: â&#x20AC;&#x153;In accordance with the objectives of the Cooperative, the priority given to improve the welfare of members, the growth of a sustainable Cooperative enterprises is not an end goal but a justification in terms of improving the capacity of the Cooperative in order to improve the welfare member.â&#x20AC;? If many members in the cooperation receive the economic benefits of being in the organization, then members are more willing to participate actively in the cooperative, because one way members can participate is by enjoying those economic benefits. As expressed by Ropke, participation can be described in three ways: 1. Participation of members in contributing or mobilizing their resources 2. Participation of members in making decisions (planning, implementation, and evaluation) 3. Participation of members in enjoying the benefits.
Of the three types of participation above, Ropke focus on the third way: participating by enjoying the benefits. Members are more likely to participate if they receive reciprocal benefits from the cooperative in return for the work they put into the cooperative. Some examples of these benefits would include a lower price of goods compared to the price of goods outside the cooperative, the treatment and good service of management of the cooperative and obtain SHU (Sisa Hasil Usaha / Remaining Business Result) according to their participation in the Cooperative.
Framework III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Method Based on the framework above, the hypothesis is â&#x20AC;&#x153;The quality of service and benefits from the cooperative have a positive effect on member participation level in Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative. The object of this research is Cooperative Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan (KBQB) Takengon and the subject of research are members of Cooperative Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan (KBQB) Takengon. The method used in this research is an explanatory survey method using primary and secondary data. This method emphasizes the acquisition of data about the quality of service and benefits of cooperative member participation as well as the analysis of the answers. IV. FINDING AND DISCUSSION The variables analyzed are cooperative service quality factor and cooperative benefit variable. The variable of service quality is the level of service quality provided by the cooperative to the member. A high level of service quality means the member feels a sense of satisfaction with the service from the cooperative. The variable of cooperative benefit is the economic advancement of the member, which is the improvement of cooperative service to its member in the form of economic benefit obtained as a member of the cooperative. The data collection tool used in this research is interview of the members and observation of the KBQB cooperative. Descriptively, the results of the research indicate that the quality of service Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan (KBQB) Cooperative Takengon is considered by members to be in the good category. The five ways to categorize the quality of service are: a) Tangible (direct evidence), including facilities, equipment, employees and communication facilities, b) Reliability (Reliability), namely the ability to provide services promised immediately and satisfactorily c) Responsibility, employees to assist members, provide services and respond quickly to all membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wishes, d) Assurance, including knowledge, skills, courtesy and credibility of employees,
e) Empathy (empathy), including ease of doing good communication links, personal attention and understanding of members’ needs. Cooperative benefit variables are the benefits felt by members while they are members of the cooperative. Indicators include: a) the amount of direct economic benefits from the provision of goods which is evaluated from the condition of goods, the price of goods, the mode of payment and the terms of purchase, and b) the magnitude of direct economic benefits from marketing or co-processing is evaluated from the cost savings of production. Variable participation of members can be characterized by participation in decision-making and participation of capital and business participation. The results of the interviews and observations showed that, in general, the level of participation of members is quite high. The results of research are in harmony with Ropke, who stated that cooperatives will not appeal to members, prospective members and society because they only feel that they only have excess capital, otherwise cooperatives will be very interesting if the cooperative also can provide economic benefits (economic benefit) for its members. That service should be the main goal in the cooperative. This situation shows that the higher the quality of cooperative service, the higher the member participation to the cooperative, and the lower the quality of service provided by the cooperative, the lower the participation of the members. V. CONCLUSION From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the quality of service and the benefits of cooperatives have a positive effect on the participation of members at Cooperative Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan (KBQB) Takengon. This means that the higher the quality of services and benefits provided by the cooperative, then the number participation of members will also increase. Thus, it can be suggested that Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan Cooperative (KBQB) Takengon will be able to improve services and provide benefits to its members. Thus, the sense of having members will become better and will have a better impact on the participation of members. Participation of good members is the basic capital of cooperatives in order for them to further develop. The services provided are services that match the expectations and needs of the members, thus providing benefits (benefits) more than the other entities. REFERENCES
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The level of interest of Unsyiah Economics Students towards Cooperatives 1Glah Rami Nicko Rizky, 2Talbani Farlian*, 3Evi Ramadhani 1Student of International Economic Development Program FEB Unsyiah 2Lecturer of International Economic Development Program FEB Unsyiah *Correspondent Author 3Lecturer of Statistics FMIPA Unsyiah Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh-Indonesia nickorizky68@gmail.com t_farlian@unsyiah.ac.id evi.ramadhani@gmail.com Abstract—In this study we will discuss students’ interest in using services, buying products, or using loans that have been provided by a cooperative, as well as students’ interests in becoming part of cooperatives, such as working in cooperatives, or building cooperatives. We will also discuss examples of cooperatives built by students i.e. KOPMA (Koperasi Mahasiswa), also known as Student Cooperative. This study uses quantitative descriptive method, and also it examines three independent variables, and one dependent variable: Cooperative Service, Open Voluntary Membership, and Existence of Kinship, while the dependent variable is Cooperative. The three independent variables are factors of student interest in cooperatives. The results showed a negative to the Cooperative Services variable, meaning there is no level of interest of Unsyiah economic students about the cooperative. However, the Open Voluntary membership variable showed a positive and significant level of interest of Unsyiah economics students in cooperatives. In edition to Existence of Kindship was the same as the Cooperative Services variable which is negative, meaning they showed no level of interest of Unsyiah Economics students in cooperatives. Keywords—Economic development, students, cooperatives
I. INTRODUCTION A cooperative is an economic organization operated by people for the common good. Cooperatives undertake action in the field of members’ economic conditions based on the principles of kinship. In this study we will discuss students’ interest in cooperatives. More specifically, this study will examine students’ interst in using cooperative services, buying or using cooperative products, and using loans from cooperatives, as well as the possibilities of working with cooperatives or building a cooperative. In fact, there is already a Student Cooperative called KOPMA. Koperasi Mahasiswa, which is also often called KOPMA, is a cooperative in which the board, supervisory body, and all members are made up of only students. All members of the cooperative must agree about who can become a member and who is on the supervisory board. The most important factor in cooperative related to students. On the island of Java, regular KOPMA members are all students, while supervisory board may or may not bet students. While in Palembang, specifically in KOPMA IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang, as of 2011, the board, supervisor, and all members were students of IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang.
Cooperatives, including student cooperatives, can be likened to a country. Cooperatives are like the state. Members are like people. The board is like the President and his or her ministers. And the Supervisor is like a State Supervisory Board, such as the Financial and Development Supervisory Board (BPKP) or the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). A country has a State Guideline Outline (GBHK), and the cooperative equivalent is the AD and ART which are the articles of association and the household budget. II. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Interest According to Safari (in Herlina, 2010, 20) in general, individuals who like something are motivated by interest. Usually what is most preferred is easiest to remember. Similarly, students who are interested in a particular subject will love lessons in that subject. Students of economic development certainly have an interest in cooperatives. They are interested because of certain factors that make them want to use or, be part of a cooperatives. These factors are very effective in making students interested. These factors of include the existence of cooperative services that can help students in meeting their needs, and a membership that is voluntary and open that can help provide information for students who want to join the cooperative. These factors allow students to easily join the cooperative because of the factor. The existence of a kinship system in the cooperative is a system that also makes students interested, especially students who want to find new friends. This system means that people who have entered into the cooperative have become part of the cooperative kinship, which means that students do not have to fear or hesitate when becoming a member of the cooperative. So there are 3 factors that make Unsyiah Economics student interested in cooperatives, namely: 1. Cooperative service 2. Voluntary open membership 3. Existence of kinship 2.1.1 Cooperatives Services There are many cooperatives that provide services to the community. Each type of cooperative has its own way of providing services to the community or students. One such type is a loan cooperative, which provides the service of lending things or money to the community. Another is a production cooperative, which provides services by producing goods such as household furniture for the community or stationery for students. The fact that cooperatives do useful service is another factor that can make students very interested in the existence of cooperatives. 2.1.2 Voluntary open Membership This factor is useful for someone who is interested in becoming part of a cooperative. This factor is also very effective because usually to join an organization, one must meet many requirements, including, sometimes, paying a fee. In some cases, people who want to enter the organization are not elected for membership. Therefore this factor is very beneficial for the community of students who want to be part of the cooperative. The cooperative does not judge when choosing members; it accepts all people who wish to enter and become part of the cooperative.
2.1.3 Existence of Kinship Everywhere, companies, offices, and other establishments rarely treat their employees or coworkers as cooperatives do. Because their mindset is to hire employees only if they (employees) work, what happens if the employee does not work? They will get punished by the company; punishments such as having their salary cut or working more overtime. And, if the problems are frequent enough, the company will not hesitate to fire their employees. Employees in this example are “small” employees, people who seek work in the office as office boys or office girls or low-level clerks. Companies will not hesitate to be rude to them because they are only low-level employees, unlike employees who are in demand by the company. But what about cooperatives? Cooperatives never discriminate against their members, and all members are treated equally. So do not worry about receiving punishments for unclear reasons or anything else anxiety-inducing . Joining a cooperative is like becoming part of a new family. 2.2 Economy Economics is a social science that studies human activities related to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The term “economics” itself comes from the Greek word, οἶκος (oikos) meaning “family, household” and νόμος (nomos) meaning “rule, or law.” Broadly speaking, economics is defined as “household rule” or “household management.” An economist is a person who works with economic concepts and data . According to (Sumardi, 2011), a socio-economic condition is a socially arranged position that places a person in a certain role in society. The role is accompanied by a set of rights and obligations to be exercised by the person carrying that status. 2.3 Economic Development Development Economics is the branch of economics that studies economic aspects of the development process in developing countries. In addition to focusing on methods of economic development, economic growth, and social change, development economics also expands opportunities for the population by promoting improved health, education and workplace conditions through the public or private sector. (Michael P. Todaro and Stephen C. Smith, 2012, 109-132) wrote at least four classical theories in economic development, namely the Linear Stages Development Model Approach, Structural Change Theory, International Dependence Models and Neoclassical Counterrevolution. Each model or theory has its own approach in explaining the phenomenon of development that occurs in a country. 2.4 Cooperatives Cooperatives are economic organizations owned and operated by individuals for the common good. Cooperatives are based on the principles of people’s economic movements, which are based on the principle of kinship. According to (Adenk 2013, 4) A cooperative is an association established by people or legal entities that have limited economic abilities, with the aim of fighting to improve the welfare of its members.
III. METHODOLOGY According to Schneider, writing at Politics East Asia, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Methodology is the discussion of methods. This includes the theoretical ideas and concerns that inform the use of different methods. A methodology section in a research paper needs to achieve three things, though not necessarily in this order: Firstly, it should consider what the nature of academic work is more generally, and what this might mean for anyone who explores the topic at hand. Secondly, it needs to provide a literature review, discussing what methods researchers have traditionally used to study the kind of topic that the project focuses on. Thirdly, it should explain what methods this particular project uses and why.â&#x20AC;? Population and Sample This paper uses a quantitative methods in order to provide accurate and more efficient data. The sample for this research is the Unsyiah Economic Development student and know about the Cooperative, and the samples used in this study are 39 respondent. There are many cooperative in Aceh, even in Every faculty in Unsyiah, they had atleast one Data collection Technique of data retrieval done by distributing questionnaires to obtain primary data. Technique data collection conducted is as follows as questionnaire which aims to obtain data on The level of interest of Unsyiah Economics Students towards Cooperatives. The questionnaire aims to help strengthen the primary data in detail. The process of collecting data on research as follows: 1. Field Research (we make some Questionnaires, then shared to people and then we noted them as a respondent) Spreading questions to online shopping users about the economic developments that are affected by online shopping. Empirical Model:
Based on the chart, it can be made regression linear : Y = a + bX1+b2X2 +b3X3+ e Note: Y = Cooperatives X1 = Cooperatives services X2 = Voluntary open membership X3 = Existence of kindship e = Error
Y = Cooperatives (dependent variable) X1 = Cooperatives services (independent variable) X2 = Voluntary open membership (independent variable) X3 = Existence of kindship (independent variable) Partial test and simultaneous test 1. Based on the tcount obtained from regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = 0.19 with a probability score of 0.84 at a significance level of 5%. This means that partial variable (X1) had a negative and insignificant effect on the level of interest of Unsyiah Economics students towards cooperatives. 2. Based on the tcount obtained from regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = 3.84 with a probability score of 0.00 at a significance level of 5%. This means that partial variable (X2) had a positive and significant effect on the level of interest of Unsyiah economics students towards cooperatives. 3. Based on the tcount obtained from regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = 0.87 with a probability score of 0.38 at a significance level of 5%, which means that partial variable (X3) had a negative and insignificant effect on the level of interest of Unsyiah economics students towards cooperatives. 4. As shown in Table 1, we found an F value of 112.23, with a significance of 0.000000, which is smaller than 0.05. That means that there are simultaneous influences from variable (X1), (X2), and (X3) on studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; interest in Cooperatives (Y). 5. The R-squared found was 0.90, which means that only 90% of the change in Y could be attributed to change in X; meanwhile, 10% of the change in Y was caused by other factors.
V. CONCLUSION 1. Partial variable (X1) had a negatives and insignificant effect on Unsyiah economics studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; level of interest towards cooperatives. 2. Partial variable (x2) had a positive and significant effect on the level of interest of Unsyiah economics students towards cooperatives. 3. Partial variable (X3) had a negative and insignificant effect on the level of interest of Unsyiah economics students towards cooperatives. 4. Simultaneously, variables (X1), (X2), and (X3) had a positive and significant effect on Unsyiah economics studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; level of interest towards cooperatives. VI. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. In this study, we lacked respondents. The data would be more credible and accurate if we had more respondents. 2. In this study, we only used a questionnaire with 39 respondents. the data could be more credible and accurate if we used some other field research methods, like interviews or others. In this study, we examined just 3 variables. We hope that in the next study, the researcher may use many more variables than were used in this research. REFERENCES
Adenk Sudarwanto. 2013. Akuntansi koperasi. Yogyakarta: GrahaIlmu. Herlina. 2010. Minat belajar.Jakarta: BumiAksara. Lin, Justin Yifu (2012). The Quest for Prosperity: How Developing Economies Can Take Off. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-15589-0. Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, 24 June 2011 Newman, Simon (in English). thefinertimes.com. Retrieved March 8, 2015 Rogers, Richard (2013), Digital Methods. Cambridge, MA & London: MIT Press. Sumardi et al. 2011. Utilization of SMS as a Media for Teaching Reading and Writing Starters at Low Class (Classroom Action Research on Indonesian Language Learning in Primary Schools). Research journal Education, Vol 12 (1) p.26 Todaro, Michael P dan Stephen C Smith. 2012. Economic Development 11th Edition. Boston: Pearson. Other References: https://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/5401ef65dc06bd5c038b4567/kopma-koperasi-mahasiswa/
The Implementation of Cooperative Registration Number Towards Cooperative Activeness in Aceh 1Galuh Gusti Karina, 2Talbani Farlian* 1Student of International Economic Development Program FEB Unsyiah ; galuhgusti@mhs.unsyiah.ac.id 2Lecturer of International Economic Development Program FEB Unsyiah ; t_farlian@unsyiah.ac.id *Correspondent Author
Abstract—The cooperative is a gathering of people who cooperate with one another by kinship principles aim to improve the economy and meet their needs. Cooperatives run by mutual help by limiting the profit. Cooperative in a country there are active, almost inactive, and completely inactive. And to facilitate the Government gets a a cooperative datas, they launch the Cooperative Registration Number (CRN) system. This research aims to look at the development and implementation of the system of certificate of CRN. The approach used in this research is qualitative. The subject studied is the existing cooperatives in Indonesia and some provinces in Aceh. Data collection techniques used non-interactively with the method of content analysis. Keywords: Cooperative, Cooperative Registration Number
I. INTRODUCTION One of the agencies that contribute to the economic empowerment of communities is co-operatives. This is due to the cooperative has the principle of family and togetherness. Development undertaken cooperative identic with eradicating poverty. In the year 2015, Indonesia enabling Cooperative Registration Number, in which the certificate is equipped with QR code, group type, the scale of the effort, and the ranking of the cooperative itself. The purpose of certification is to ease the process of cooperative information services of the Agency’s cooperative law and regulate the administration of the legal entity of cooperatives. But so far the system certification is still not effective. Many provinces that do not have a certificate of CRN. Cooperatives that already have their CRN are 11.362 from the amount of cooperatives in Indonesia, as much 152.664. And for the province of Aceh alone, from the latest data obtained, by as much as 213 cooperatives that already have the certificate. And by the following data, cooperatives that active in Aceh as much 7,184. It is concluded that the system of certification has not been effectively running after approx 4 years. II. LITERATURE REVIEW The cooperative is an organization which is owned and operated by a joint interests. Cooperative activities based upon the principle of people’s economic movement based on the principle of family.
Cooperative Registration Number is one of the efforts made to regulate Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Businesses (SMEs) in Indonesia. CRN certificate given to cooperatives that active in institutional and efforts. The CRN aims to regulate cooperatives in Indonesia, and expecting the further cooperative data increasingly valid and clear, good amount, business, capital, managers, management and its condition. As we know and considering the potential of the cooperative, as well as to the accuracy of the data is housed in the offices of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Businesses (SMEs), on May 26, 2015 the Minister of cooperatives and SMEs Agung Gede Ngurah Pupayoga launch the certificate of Cooperative Registration Number. III. METHODOLOGY This study used a qualitative approach. Which analyzes the documents are already available. The object of this research study covers Indonesia and focuses on 5 provinces in Aceh. Nationally, we can see the number of cooperatives in the table below: Cooperative Performance (Nationally)
Cooperatives that have their CRN (Nationally)
IV. FINDING AND DISCUSSION After analyzing data from several sources, the conclusion can be drawn as; the cooperatives in Aceh are not fully certified. So the impact the cooperative did not get benefits such as the terms of the grant program proposed recommendations to the Central Government and the regions, as the terms of requesting credit banking and non banking, as a new business license request terms , as the terms of participation in the exhibition and promotion of trade, as the terms of other uses that require the legalness of cooperative in terms of law, also a lot of loss obtained by a cooperative if not certified. The cooperative will lose the certainty of the existence of cooperation legally as a legal entity. Other impacts also include the difficulty of ensuring that the cooperatives are still actively institutional and business, and the likelihood of declining public trust and the parties that partner with the cooperative.
V. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Government need to spread the CRN effectively to each cooperatives. 2. Socializing the Cooperative Registration Number to cooperatives. REFERENCES
Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Republik Indonesia (2018) Data Koperasi , http://nik.depkop.go.id/ Neni (2017) Nomor Induk Koperasi (NIK) Bagi Koperasi ¸ http://www.umkm-jember.web.id/index.php/component/content/arti cle/236-nomor-induk-koperasi-nik-bagi-koperasi Biro Perencanaan Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM (2017) Paparan Data Koperasi , https://www.slideshare.net/bagiandata/paparan-da ta-koperasi-bimtekprov-sumbar2017new Pemerintah Aceh,Dinas Koperasi dan UKM (2017) Diskop dan UKM Aceh , https://diskop.acehprov.go.id/index.php/page/14/data-ko perasi Wikipedia (2018) Koperasi , https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koperasi RiauKontras (2016) Sosialisasi Nomor Induk Koperasi Diresmikan , http://www.riaukontras.com/read-506-324-2016-05-26-sosiasi-nO mor-induk-koperasi-nik-diresmikan.html
The Knowledge Levels of IBEP (International Business and Economics Program) Unsyiah Students about Conventional and Sharia Cooperatives 1Nanda Noura Nadhifa, 2*Talbani Farlian, 3Rudi Fachruddin, 4Daniel Sulaiman 1International Economic and Development Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia 2,3 Economics and Business Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia 4Director of Global Trading, Hong Kong *Corresponding Author : t_farlian@unsyiah.ac.id Abstract— Many students today do know not much about cooperatives, because they are not familiar to them. As of now, the economics and business faculty has cooperatives as a subject that students can study. However, this is not offered for all majors. Except for the International Business and Economics Program (IBEP) students, most economics and business students do not have knowledge about cooperatives. This study aims to find out how much IBEP Unsyiah students know about conventional and sharia cooperatives. The research in this study is primary quantitative data, obtained through a questionnaire survey. Based on the results of research, partial variable of the interest about conventional cooperatives has a positive and significant effect on the level knowledge of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives. Partial variable The knowledge of the students about conventional cooperatives has no significant effect on the level knowledge of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives. Partial variable The interest about sharia cooperatives has a positive and significant effect on the level knowledge of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives. Partial variable The knowledge of the students about sharia cooperatives has no significant effect on the level knowledge of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives. Simultaneously, all variables have a positive and significant effect on the level knowledge of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives. Key Words— knowledge; sharia and conventional cooperative; sharia and conventional bank; government; interest
I. INTRODUCTION A cooperative is an economic organization owned and operated by individuals for the common good. The cooperative engages in activities based on the principle of the people’s economic movement and on the principle of kinship between members. According to Law of Republic Indonesia no. 25 of 1992 concerning Cooperation Article 4 explains that cooperatives have functions and roles, among others, namely developing the potential and economic capacity of members and their society, seeking to enhance the quality of human life, strengthening the people’s economy, developing the national economy, and developing creativity and an organizational spirit for students of the nation. A sharia cooperative is a cooperative based on sharia principles, or the principles of the Islamic religion. One of the principles of sharia is prohibiting the existence of an interest rate system (riba) that incriminates the customer. The sharia cooperative is based on partnership in all activities on the basis of equality and justice.
In general, the sharia cooperatives have the same rule as public cooperatives, but which distinguishes them are the products in the general cooperative replaced and adjusted name and system with guidance and teachings of Islam. For example, buying and selling product in public cooperatives are renamed the term murabahah, savings and loan products in general cooperatives are replaced his name is mudarabah. Not only changes in name, but system operations used also change, from conventional systems (ordinary) to the sharia system which is in accordance with Islamic rules. Differences between conventional and sharia cooperative can be seen in the following aspects: First is financing, the conventional cooperative gives interest to each customer as a cooperative advantage. In contrast, sharia cooperatives operate by sharing the profits, and this is a way to serve its customers. Second is supervision aspects, the supervision aspect that applies to the conventional cooperative is performance supervision. This means that the cooperative is only supervised by the management of the cooperative. Sharia cooperatives are different because, in addition to having supervision of its performance, but also the supervision of sharia. Third is aspects of product distribution, the conventional cooperative implements a system of goods or money credits in the distribution of its products, meaning that conventional cooperatives do not know whether the customers using goods (money) to expand their business experience loss or not. The customer must continue to return the amount of money borrowed plus the interest set. This, however, is different in the sharia cooperative because the cooperative does not credit the goods, but sells in cash. The transaction of sale, known as murabahah, occurs in the sharia cooperative, which means the money or goods which is lent to the customers is not subject to interest. It is instead part of the system of profit sharing, meaning that if the customer loses, the cooperative get a reduction of refund, and vice versa. Forth is function as an institution of zakat, conventional cooperatives do not make its business as the recipient and supplier of zakat (payment on certain kinds of property obligatory under Islamic law), while the sharia cooperative, zakat is recommended for its customers, because this cooperative also serves as a Ziswaf (zakat, infaq, sadaqah and wakaf) institution. As for the benefits from the cooperative to the members, they offer convenience and good service, potential development facilities and ability to improve member welfare, improvement of the quality of memberâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life, and the resources to strengthen the peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy. In actuality, the government does not intervene, although the government is mandated by the law to help and it has the obligation to develop and assist the cooperative. We know that many of the students at Unsyiah are not curious about cooperatives, including economics students. I took a sample of international business and economic students in Universitas Syiah Kuala as the subject of my research. II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Knowledge cooperatives are an association of people, usually those who have limited economic ability, which goes through a form of organization company that are monitored democratically, each giving equal contribution to capital needed, and willing bear the risk and receive compensation that is appropriate for the business they did (Baswir, 2000:2).
• Cooperative According to (Caniago, 1984) cooperative is an association consisting of persons or legal entities that give freedom to members to enter and exit, by cooperating in a familial way of doing business to enhance the physical welfare of the member Sharia cooperative business includes all business activities that are lawful, good and useful (thayib) and profitable all in a profit sharing system and not riba. To perform its role function, Sharia cooperatives run their business as mentioned in stertification of cooperative effort. Efforts which must be implemented by sharia cooperative with the applicable laws and regulations (Iflham, 2010). Acccording to (Mladenata, 1933) in his book “Histoire Des Doctrines Coopératives” offers a different definition, saying the cooperative consists of producers who join voluntarily to achieve common goals, by exchanging services collectively and assuming joint risks, and by working with resources donated by members. According to (Hatta, 1951) a cooperative is a joint effort to improve the livelihood of the economy based on helping one another. The spirit of help is encouraged by the desire to give services to friends based on ‘one for all and all for one’. • Bank According to Law of Republic Indonesia Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking Article 1, a bank is a business entity that collects public funds in the form of deposits and channels those funds into the community in the form of credit or in other forms to improve the standard of living of the people in the community.NAdditionally, according to (Schaik, 2001) a sharia bank is a modern bank based on Islamic law, developed in the Islamic Middle Ages. It uses the concept of risk as the main principle and abolishes the financial system based on predetermined certainty and profit. •Government According to Laws of Republic Indonesia Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration Article 1 (number 2) that the government function is a function in carrying out administration government which includes the tasks of regulation, service, development, empowerment and protection. B. Interest According to (Crow and Crow, 1993) interest is a concept that has a relationship with the emotion that will explain why a person is interested in a particular object, person, or activity. It can also be a fairly affective experience that may start from the activity itself. Interests can start from a habit that is often done. III. METHODOLOGY A. Sample Our research is done by taking samples of data that are obtained from the responses of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was filled out by students of IBEP (International Business and Economics Program) at Syiah Kuala University. On the questionnaire, there are ten questions. Five questions about conventional cooperatives and five questions about sharia cooperatives.
B. Data Collection This research is done by collecting information and data about the knowledge of students about sharia and conventional cooperatives. The research approach approximates a quessionnaire filled out by 21 correspondents via the google form. Additionally, it was determined that 21 responses were sufficient to be considered valid for further analysis. IV. DATA SOURCE The international business and economic students are the respondents of this questionnaire. Firstly, the questionnaire link was sent to these students accompanied by the necessary information on the research objectives so that respondents can understand what is needed to record their responses and provide authentic information. Respondents were asked to fill out an electronic survey questionnaire in English with ten questions and three options for each question. An online questionnaire was sent to the respondents to collect the data, using the ‘Form’ (www.google.com/forms) questionnaire tool. We used the Y symbol to represent the knowledge levels about conventional and sharia cooperative. We used Y1 to represent the knowledge levels about conventional cooperative and Y2 to represent the levels of knowledge about sharia cooperative. So we sum Y1 and Y2 and divide by the total number of responses to get the mean of Y. The options of Y1 and Y2 questions start from option of three, meaning “know” to the option of one, meaning “don’t know”. The symbol X1 represents the interest students have about conventional cooperatives, and the options start from “helpful” with the score of three to “useless” with the score of one. X2 symbol represents the conventional cooperative knowledge of respondents (students). We use P as the profit, Q as intervene government, and R as the differences with bank to get the mean of X2. The option of P starts from the option “profitable” with a score of three to “unfavorable” with a score of one. The option for Q starts with the option “not at all” with a score of 3, and goes to “yes” with a score of one. And the option for R starts from “very different” with a score of three to “same” with a score of one. We used X3 to symbolize the interest about sharia cooperatives and the symbol X3 has the same assessment as X1. X4 is the symbol for knowledge about sharia cooperative that respondents (students) have. We use S to represent the profit, T to represent intervene government, and U to represent the differences in comparison with a bank to determine the mean of X4. And the options of S, T, and U have the same assessment as P, Q, and R. V. EMPIRICAL MODEL
Y = c + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 +b4X4 + e Description: Y = The knowledge levels of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives
C X1 X2 X3 X4 e
= constant = The interest about conventional cooperatives = The knowledge of the students about conventional cooperatives = The interest about sharia cooperatives = The knowledge of the students about sharia cooperatives = error VI. FINDINGS AND RESULTS Dependent Variable: Y Method: Least Squares Date: 11/27/18 Time: 14:59 Sample: 1 21 Included observations: 21 Variable
Std. Error
C X1 X2 X3 X4
4.130384 -0.170122 -0.040999 0.130641 -0.026842
0.259282 0.052019 0.052187 0.056745 0.073370
15.93009 -3.270373 -0.785617 2.302247 -0.365838
0.0000 0.0048 0.4436 0.0351 0.7193
R-squared Adjusted R-squared S.E. of regression Sum squared resid Log likelihood F-statistic Prob(F-statistic)
0.466627 0.333284 0.245605 0.965151 2.542216 3.499441 0.031002
Mean dependent var S.D. dependent var Akaike info criterion Schwarz criterion Hannan-Quinn criter. Durbin-Watson stat
3.904762 0.300793 0.234075 0.482770 0.288048 2.223244
Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = -3.270373 with a probability score of 0.0048 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence, Ho was rejected or Hi was accepted, which means that partial variable (X1) has a positive and significant effect in in improving the economy in Banda Aceh. Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = -0.785617 with a probability score of 0.4436 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence, Ho was accepted or Hi was rejected, which means that partial variable (X2) has a negative and insignificant effect ons improving the economy in Banda Aceh. Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = 2.302247 with a probability score of 0.0351 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence, Ho was rejected or Hi was accepted, which means that partial variable (X3) has a positive and significant effect on improving the economy in Banda Aceh. Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = -0.365838 with a probability score of 0.7193 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence, Ho was accepted or Hi was rejected, which means that partial variable (X4) has negative and insignificant effect on improving the economy in Banda Aceh. As shown in Table 1, the F value was shown to be 3.499441
with a a significance level of 0.031002, which is smaller than 0.05. That means that there are simultaneous influences of variables (X1), (X2), (X3), and (X4) on improving the economy (Y). The R-squared is 0.466627, which means that the variables examined have only a 46% influence on Y; meanwhile, 54% of the variation in Y is caused by other factors. VII. CONCLUSION Based on the results of research, partial variable of the interest about conventional cooperatives has a positive and significant effect on the level knowledge of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives. Partial variable The knowledge of the students about conventional cooperatives has no significant effect on the level knowledge of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives. Partial variable The interest about sharia cooperatives has a positive and significant effect on the level knowledge of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives. Partial variable The knowledge of the students about sharia cooperatives has no significant effect on the level knowledge of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives. Simultaneously, all variables have a positive and significant effect on the level knowledge of IBEP Unsyiah students about conventional and sharia cooperatives. REFERENCES
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The Role of Islamic Cooperatives in Improving the Economy in Banda Aceh *1Talbani Farlian, 2Amri, 3Muammar Iqram, 4Meutia Handayani, 5Stan McGahey 1,2 Lecturer of Department in Economic Development 3International Economic Development Program Faculty of Economic and Business, Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh, Indonesia 4Lecturer of Politeknik Aceh 5Associate Professor of Saint Leo University, Florida, USA *Corresponding author: t_farlian@unsyiah.ac.id Abstract-The economy in Banda Aceh has been growing rapidly now days since the implementation of the sharia economic system. We can see this in Banda Aceh with the presence of sharia banks, sharia cooperatives, sharia tourism, sharia hotels, and others. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of Islamic cooperatives in improving the economy in Banda Aceh. The type of data used was primary data obtained from a questionnaire. The technique of data analysis used was a multiple linear regression. The result of this research shows that the partial variable of welfare economy played a positive and significant role in improving the economy in Banda Aceh. The partial variable implementing the principles of economic democracy, openings in job fields, and providing business opportunities for each member had negative and insignificant roles in improving the economy in Banda Aceh. Simultaneously, all variables had a positive and significant effect in in improving the economy in Banda Aceh. Keywords- Welfare economic; running of economic democracy; opening job field; provide business opportunities
I. INTRODUCTION Banda Aceh has a large Muslim population today, which pushes economic development towards a sharia economic system or Islamic economic system. Currently, the economy in Banda Aceh has been growing rapidly since the implementation of the sharia economic system. We can see this in Banda Aceh with the presence of sharia banks, sharia cooperatives, sharia tourism, sharia hotels, and others. Islamic economics is a multidimensional or interdisciplinary, comprehensive, and integrated, covering Islamic science derived from al-Quran and sunnah as well as rational science. With this science human beings can overcome the problems of limited resources to achieve happiness (Veithzal Rivai and Andi Buchari, 2009). The Islamic economic system is an economic system based on Islamic teachings and values. This is certainly a great opportunity for Aceh to prove that Islam with all its systems can solve all existing problems of society. The current economic system that will be the subject of discussion in this study is sharia cooperatives. Cooperative comes from the prefix “co-” and the word “operation.” These two words mean working together to achieve goals. Based on these two words, the cooperative can be defined as an association of persons or bodies that grants the freedom to enter and exit as members to work together in a familial way to run business for the welfare of its members. The sharia cooperative is based on Islamic Shari’a. The purpose of establishing sharia cooperatives is not only to help their members prosper, but also to run the cooperativeeconomy based on Islamic principles. Therefore, every activity undertaken by all members of the cooperative is based on
Islamic Shariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;a itself. With this information in mind, what is the role of sharia cooperatives in improving the economy in Banda Aceh? II. LITERATURE REVIEW Cooperative A cooperative is an association established by people or legal entities, with the separation of the wealth of its members as capital to run its business, which meets the values and principles of cooperatives (Adenk, 2013: 4). From the above definition, it can be understood that the cooperative is an association, established by people who have limited economic means, that aims to fight to improve the welfare of its members as a family, and is managed in a democratic manner where each member has the same rights and obligations. Syariah Cooperative Sharia Cooperative is a new form of Islamic term created by economists with many benefits, namely, giving benefits to members, providing employment for employees, providing financial assistance from some of the results of cooperatives to build houses of worship, and establishing social funds. Thus it is clear that this cooperative model does not contain the element of injustice(Hendi Suhendi,2016). As we all know, a Sharia cooperative is a cooperative run by society or certain institutions in accordance with Islamic Shariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;a based on Al-Quran and Hadith Role A role is an act of a person in a certain way in the effort to exercise his or her rights and obligations in accordance with the status he or she has. A person can be said to play a role if he or she is exercising his or her rights and obligations in accordance with his or her social status in society (Abdulsyani, 2012 : 94). So a role is an action that limits a person or an organization to perform an activity based on objectives and provisions that have been agreed upon in order to do their best. The sharia cooperative has many important roles in building and improving the economy in the community, namely: 1. Providing a welfare economy 2. Implementing the principles of economic democracy 3. Opening job fields 4. Providing business opportunities for each member Economic Welfare The welfare of the community is defined by the fulfillment of basic needs, as reflected by proper housing, sufficiency of clothing and food, and inexpensive and quality education and healthcare. Alternatively, welfare can be defined as the conditions in which individuals are able to maximize their utility at a certain budget level and in which there is adequate physical and spiritual fulfillment (Badrudin, 2012). Welfare economics is the framework used by most public economists to evaluate the income that society wants.
Upon examining the objectives of sharia cooperatives for the welfare of members and cooperatives, it can be seen that its role is not far from that of welfare organizations. The trick is to develop human resources in the realm of ownership. In this case the members of the cooperative continue to be trained and developed in order to be competent in managing Sharia cooperatives based on Islamic principles. Implementing the principles of economic democracy and kinship Economic democracy, in the elucidation of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, is the Pancasila Economy which is the national goal of the Indonesian nation. This overall goal involves the promotion of the general welfare and the intellectual life of the nation, as well as the implementation of social justice. “The principle of kinship is cooperative. The principle of kinship is the term Taman Siswa to show how the teacher and the disciples living with him live as a family. That’s also the pattern of Indonesian cooperatives.”(Hatta). Sharia cooperatives also run cooperatives based on economic democracy and kinship. Both principles lead to the embodiment of national economic development in sharia cooperatives. The principles of economic and kinship democracy run by Sharia cooperatives promote the principles of Islam itself. Opening job fields According to the Manpower Act No. 14 of 1969, “the workforce is anyone who is capable of doing work both within and outside the employment relationship to produce goods or services to meet the needs of the community.” Based on this logic, the development of manpower increases the effectiveness of the workforce to do work. The existence of sharia cooperatives increasingly fosters more jobs. Sharia cooperatives have capital for members who want to create employment for others. When the business run by members of a sharia cooperative grows, it can open more branches. This will require more human resources to work. From there more and more employment opportunities will be formed and continue to grow due to the role of sharia cooperatives based on Islamic principles. Providing business opportunities for each member A business opportunity is a process involving an individual or group that uses certain efforts and means to create a growing value to meet a need without paying attention to the resources used (Robbin & Coulter, 2010). An important role of sharia cooperatives is also to provide business opportunities for each member. This becomes an advantage for members who join the sharia cooperative. By joining a sharia cooperative, a member has the opportunity to open a business, because the business capital is provided by the cooperative. This capital must of course be used in keeping with the principles of Islam itself. Through these roles, sharia cooperatives can continue to grow for the welfare of many people.
III. METHODOLOGY Research methodology is a way to know the result of a specific problem, where the problem is also called a research problem. In methodology, researchers use different criteria to solve existing research problems. Different sources mention that the function of different types of methods is to solve the problem. The word “methodology” is a way of finding or solving research problems (Research Institute Industrial, 2010). Population and Sample This study uses quantitative methods in order to provide accurate and efficient data. The sample for this research is people who live in Banda Aceh and know about syariah cooperatives, and the sample size used in this study was 50 respondents. In Banda Aceh there are 8 syariah cooperatives registered in Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia. Data collection The technique of data retrieval used consisted of distributing questionnaires to obtain primary data. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire that aimed to obtain data on the role of Islamic cooperatives in improving the economy in Banda Aceh. The questionnaire aimed to help strengthen the primary data in detail. The process of collecting data in this study as follows: 1. Field research ● Questionnaires Distribution of questionnaires containing questions and statements relating to role of Islamic cooperatives in improving the economy in Banda Aceh with used google form. Empirical Model
Based on the chart, a linear regression can be formulated : Y = a + bX1+b2X2 +b3X3+b4X4+ e Note: Y = Improving the economy a = Constant X1 = Welfare economy X2 = Implementing the principles of economic democracy X3 = Opening job fields X4 = Providing business opportunities for each member e = Error IV . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Y = Improving economy X1 = Welfare economy X2 = Running the principles of economic democracy X3 = Opening job field X4 = Provide business opportunities for each member Partial Test and Simultaneous Test 1. Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = 4.99 with a probability score of 0.000 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence, Ho was rejected or Hi was accepted, which means that partial variable X1 (Welfare economy) has a positive and significant effect in in improving the economy in Banda Aceh. 2. Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount= 1.08 with a probability score of 0.2849 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence, Ho was accepted or Hi was rejected, which means that partial variable X2
(Implementing the principles of economic democracy) has a negative and insignificant effect ons improving the economy in Banda Aceh. 3. Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount = 0.013 with a probability score of 0.9121 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence, Ho was accepted or Hi was rejected, which means that partial variable X3 (Opening job field) has a negative and insignificant effect on improving the economy in Banda Aceh. 4. Based on the tcount obtained from the regression results with the program Eviews 9.5, tcount= 0.16 with a probability score of 0.2811 at a significance level of 5% (0,05). Hence, Ho was accepted or Hi was rejected, which means that partial variable X4 (Providing business opportunities for each member) has a negative and insignificant effect on improving the economy in Banda Aceh. 5. As shown in Table 1, the F value was shown to be 11.93 with a a significance level of 0.000001, which is smaller than 0.05. That means that there are simultaneous influences of variables (X1), (X2), (X3), and (X4) on improving the economy (Y). 6. The R-squared is 0.51, which means that the variables examined have only a 51% influence on Y; meanwhile, 49% of the variation in Y iscaused by other factors. V. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the result of the independent sample t-test, variable X1 (Welfare economy) has a positive and significant effect on in improving the economy in Banda Aceh, variable X2 (Implementing the principles of economic democracy) has no significant effect on improving the economy in Banda Aceh, variable X3 (Opening job field) has no significant effect onimproving the economy in Banda Aceh, variable X4 (Providing business opportunities for each member) has no significant effect onimproving the Economy in Banda Aceh. Simultaneously, all variables have a positive and significant effect on improving the economy in Banda Aceh. Recommendations 1. In this study, we lacked respondents. The data would be more credible and accurate if we had gotten more respondents. 2. In this study, we just used questionnaires to collect data., The data would be more credible and accurate if we used other types of field research, such as interviews or others. 3. In this study, we used just 4 variables. We hope that in the next research, the researcher may use many more variables than we did.
Adenk Sudarwanto. 2013. Akuntansikoperasi. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Abdulsyani. 2012. Sosiologi Skematik, Teori dan Terapan, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Badrudin, Rudy. 2012. Ekonomika Otonomi Daerah. Yogyakarta: UPP STIM YKPN Hendi Suhendi.2016. Fiqh Muamalah. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers Industrial Research Institute (2010) Research management, Michigan: Industrial Research Institute Robbins, P. Stephen dan Mary Coulter. 2010. Manajemen, diterjemahkan oleh Bob Sabran, Wibi Hardani. Erlangga:Jakarta. Statement on the Cooperative Identity.Archived 4 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine. International Cooperative Alliance. Veithzal Rivaidan, Andi Buchari, Islamic Economics, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009). Zaman, Asad (2015). “Re-Defining Islamic Economics”. In Egri, Taha; Kizilkaya, Necmettin. Islamic Economics: Basic Concepts, New Thinking and Future Directions. UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 58–76. Regulation of invites: Decision of the People’s Consultative Assembly Number XVI / MPR / 1998 on Economic Politics in the Framework of Economic Democracy. Under the Manpower Act No. 14 In 1969.
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Socialization And Interest Of Unsyiah Students About Cooperatives 1Widya Pratiwi Jarus, 2*Talbani Farlian, 3Fitryani, 4Diana Sapha, 5Cut Zakia Riski, 6Raida Fuadi, 7Linda 1International Economic and Development Program Student, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia (Widyapratiwij28@yahoo.co.id) ; 2,3,4,5,6,7Lecturer of Economics and Development Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia; *Correspondent Author : t_farlian@unsyiah.ac.id
Abstract-Sustainable and well-structured cooperatives are able to improve national economic structure, accelerate national economic growth, decrease open unemployment, reduce poverty, create real sector dynamism, and improve the distribution of peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s income. On this basis, the author conducts a study that discusses the factors that influence the importance of cooperative socialization to students, which can increase student interest in cooperative activities. These factors can later be a suggestion to the government the role of socialization in the development of sustainable cooperatives. The study used primary data obtained from a questionnaire. This research method is descriptive quantitative research. There are three variables used in this study: the first variable is knowledge about cooperatives, the second is the type of cooperative, the last is the opportunity that arises with the socialization of cooperatives to students. The research model used is the single model. The results of the first and second variables are negative, and there is no level that influences the importance of socialization about cooperatives to student interest in cooperatives. while the third variable positively and significantly influences the importance of socialization about cooperatives to student interest in cooperatives. Keywords- Socialization;Cooperative; Interest; Students
I. INTRODUCTION In this era of globalization, it takes a lot of young businesspeople to create jobs and reduce unemployment. If we only depend on being civil servants, it will not help us become a person who is advanced and successful. As we know, the amount of applicants and job opportunities offered are never the same. There are almost always fewer job opportunities than qualified people pursuing the job. In recent years, the government, through the PANRB Ministry (the utilization of the state apparatus and bureaucracy reform) has limited (moratorium) the acceptance rate of government civil servants (PNS). The global competition is also more competitive because of the start of the MEA, making it easier for foreigners to run their business in Indonesia and take advantage of some of the business opportunities in Indonesia. The existence of cooperatives in Indonesia will help the government decrease the unemployment and poverty rate. In addition to reducing unemployment, cooperatives can also help decrease poverty. Representatives from the ILO (International Labour Organization) at the Asia Pacific Workshop on Youth and University Cooperatives in Bangkok, Thailand in September 2015 stated that hundreds of millions of people are unemployed, and many of the unemployed are young. Therefore, the ILO recommends that cooperatives should play an active role in reducing unemployment As a forum for joint business activities for both producers and consumers, cooperatives are expected to play a role in improving the economic efficiency of the people. Cooperatives also increase business competition in
the market through the impact of positive effects it has. The role of cooperatives on the rate of economic growth has a high enough significance for the equity of Indonesia’s economy because it plays a role in the private sector. Young people, especially students, should start to realize and take advantage of the many opportunities in this area. Unfortunately, the government is still has incompetent education about the importance of cooperatives for the development and growth of the country to the students. Because of this, students do not fully understand what a cooperative is and do not know the important benefits of cooperative activities, or how to establish and join cooperatives in their respective fields. While students are in good spirits, study a diverse array of subjects, and have a lot of potential, the government only slowly responds in seeing important economic and social movements. Therefore, I am attempting to research about important factors that may influence Unsyiah students’ interest about cooperatives. Hopefully, Indonesia’s federal government will realize and understand that an economic success in a country cannot be separated from Indonesian youth productive, even if they start from small beginnings, and the government can begin to focus on developing equity of cooperatives in Indonesia through the education of students about cooperatives. II.LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Socialization • Definition of Socialization According to Dominick in (Effendy, 2003: 31), socialization is the transmission of values (transmission of values) which refers to the ways in which a person adopts the behavior and values of a group. • (Effendy, 2003: 27) suggests that socialization is the provision of a source of knowledge that allows people to behave and act as effective members of society which causes them to be aware of their social functions so that they can be active in society. • The Purpose of Socialization According to Sastraprateja (Nur, 2011: 31), socialization was held to provide a purpose as a social process, that is, the community is educated to know, understand, and respect the norms and values that prevail in society so that the way people think can change so that their habits can change. Understanding the right way, the goals to be achieved and can feel emotionally so that it can influence behavior. 2.2 Cooperative • A cooperative is defined as an association of people usually of limited means, who have voluntarily joined together to achieve a common economic end through the formation of a democratically controlled business organization, making equitable contribution to the capital required and accepting a fair share of the risk and benefits of the undertaking, as defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO). • Cooperatives deal with humans as individuals and with their lives in society. Humans cannot work together as a unit, they need other people in a social framework. Cooperative character has a double dimension (economic and social), so to explain the phenomenon
of cooperation in cooperatives, we must first understand the basic knowledge of social, economic, political and ethical conditions (Enriquez, 1986). In this case the cooperative deals with the following functions. - Social function, namely the way humans live, work, and play in society. - Economic Function, is a human way to be able to finance its survival or its existence by working in society or society. - Political Function, is a way of humans to govern and regulate themselves by means of law and regulation. - Function of Ethics, which is the way humans behave and realize their beliefs, their philosophy of life, and how to relate to their God. 2.3 Interest • Interest is very influential on someone. With the interest of someone will do something that would produce something for someone. In accordance with the opinions expressed (Slameto, 2010: 57) “Interest is a fixed tendency to pay attention and remember some activities”. • Some education experts argue that the most effective way to attract interest in a new subject is to use the interests of existing students. Besides utilizing existing interests, (Tabrani, 1992: 81) suggests that teachers also try to shape new interests in students in learning. This can be achieved by providing information to students regarding the relationship between a teaching material that will be provided with past teaching material, outlining its usefulness for students in the future. • Interest in learning is a feeling of interest in a lesson or activity without being told, the essential interest is the acceptance of the relationship between oneself and something outside himself, the stronger or closer the relationship is, the more great interest. According to Jacob W. Getels, a student who is interested in something that is interested in it will not pay attention to anything else. (Djamarah, 2008: 75) 2.4 Students • The understanding of students according to the KBBI is someone who studies in college. In the world of education, student status is the highest level of a student in the world of education. • Students are a term for people who are pursuing tertiary education in a college consisting of high schools, academies, and the most common are universities. Throughout history, students in various countries take an important role in the history of a country. For example, in Indonesia in May 1998, hundreds of thousands of students succeeded in urging President Soeharto to resign from his post. • Students are one part of the academic community at universities that are future leaders of the nation. For this reason, students are expected to have a healthy and strong perspective, soul, personality and mentality.
III.METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Variables A variables of research is an attribute or the nature or value of people, objects or activities that have certain variations applied by researchers to study and draw conclusions (Sugiyono, 2004). In general, the variables are differentiated into two types: independent and dependent. 1. The dependent variable is the variable that influences or becomes the result because of the independent variable (free). In this case, the dependent variable is interest (represented by Y). 2. Independent variable is variable that influences or becomes the cause of change of the dependent variable (bound). The independent variable in this research is knowledge, The type of cooperative and opportunity. The framework of thought presented above shows that knowledge (X1), type of cooperative (X2), and opportunity (X3) as factors that influence the level of interest of Unsyiah students in cooperatives. 3.2 Independent Variable • Knowledge (X1) The knowledge students receive from the socialization about the cooperative will make the students become more understanding about the role of cooperatives in the nation’s economy, the role of students in a cooperative, the function and purpose of the students if they become cooperative members, the cooperative function for the community, etc. Because students used to not care about cooperatives, they missed out on gaining new insights and helping to strengthen Indonesia’s economy. One way they can change this is by actively joining in a sustainable cooperative with friends who share the same goals as the cooperative. • The type of cooperative (X2) Cooperatives also exist in various fields, and have many opportunities that could cater to the ability of each student at Unsyiah. There are some students who are happy with the field of marketing, so they may try join in the cooperative distribution. There are other students who have an interest in the service field who will be able to join a service cooperative. So, as students at Unsyiah are socialized about cooperatives by the government, they will develop the potential to join a cooperative in the field in which each student is interested. • Opportunity (X3) Education about cooperatives will open the way for students who are interested in joining cooperatives. In this case, students will be more interested because of increased contact contacts. These acquaintances are those who understand and invite students to join cooperatives, so as to provide an important influence for students who want to join, learn, and integrate themselves into cooperative organizations more easily. 3.3 Dependent Variable The dependent variable in this research is the interest that Unsyiah students have regarding cooperatives (Y) Population And Sample 3.4 Population In this study, the studied population is 30 students who have the opportunities and obligations to further develop the economy in Aceh.
3.5 Sample A study sometimes has a very large population, so it is impossible to conduct thorough research in a short period of time. In order to be efficient and have a feasible sample size in this study, the sample size is 30 to 100 Unsyiah students. Data 3.6 Data Type The data in this study are primary. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Primary data in the form of data obtained from data sources that are observed directly and recorded for the first timeâ&#x20AC;?.Primary data was obtained by using a questionnaire from Google Forms that was filled out online.
IV.FINDINGS AND RESULTS Empirical Model Y= c+B1X1+B2X2+B3X3+e
V. CONCLUSION Based on the research that has been done and the results obtained, it can be concluded that there are three factors that influence Unsyiahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s student socialization about cooperatives. Specifically, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The results show that respondents have more interest in cooperatives if they first understand what cooperatives are, and their benefits, what goals they serve, etc. If they only know the name of the cooperative, then it does not make them move actively to join the cooperative. So, with the knowledge gained from the results of socialization about cooperatives, students may be more interested in cooperative activities. (2) Results also show that with students knowing areas of cooperatives where they might be interested, students will be more focused on being active in cooperatives. This means students will join cooperatives that are appropriate to their hobbies, interests, and passion. In addition, students may be interested in coopemanives who relate to the field in which they study, and know that about cooperatives increases their likelihood of joining. (3) Research also shows that with the introduction of cooperatives to Unsyiah students, they can become aware that there are opportunities to join cooperatives. Joining will enable them to strengthen leadership skills, organizational skills, and management. Socialization is considered very important to raise students who have not been able to see the opportunities that existed before.
This study advises the government to immediately create a program to socialize students in schools and universities about cooperatives, because students need this knowledge in order to participate. Their involvement will help to stabilize the Indonesian economy, especially Aceh, through structured and sustainable cooperation activities.
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