4 minute read
Ian Johnson B.E.M Ex-Councillor and Magistrate
By Pam Batts
It is with great sadness we report that Skelton and East Cleveland Champion Ian Johnson died peacefully at home on the 15th January 2023.
In 1966 Ian entered local politics when he was elected to serve as a Labour councillor on Skelton and Brotton Urban District Council. One of his first roles was to act as Secretary on the Skelton and Brotton Carnival Committee which was to be a big annual event in East Cleveland and held on Skelton Playing field, the first event was staged in 1968 and continued until the early 1990`s.
I am sure there are many people who will have taken part in the Fancy Dress Parade through Skelton High Street cheered along by the hundreds of local people who came for a great day out with their young families, enjoying the competitions, entertainers, the big fairground and of course the evening barbecue with a live band. Ian worked very hard on this and was always first on the field at 5.30 in the morning to help set it up, and the last to leave when everyone else had gone home. This was a very successful community event and attracted hundreds of people from around East Cleveland.
In 1970 he was elected to serve as Chairman of Health and Housing and later became the youngest Chairman of Skelton & Brotton District Council. Ian became friends with the local Gazette Reporter Tom Leonard who one day took him to Boosbeck to see a young woman with a baby who lived in a privately rented property in appalling conditions with black slime running down the walls. Ian told the young woman to pack up her belongings and told her he would have her out of there within a day, and he did; he then put a Compulsory Purchase Order on the entire street and they were pulled down. He then instigated a new Council Housing development there. Over the years Ian helped to re-house many local people with young families who lost their homes when mortgage interest rates went through the roof and they could not afford the repayments.
As the population of Skelton increased a new Doctors Surgery was needed and Ian along with the local Health Authority spearheaded the development and completion of the Bylands Road Health Centre which accommodated more GP`s and vital services.
Following Local Government reorganisation when Cleveland County Council and Langbaugh Council were established, Ian was elected to serve on both Councils and was soon appointed Chairman of Transport and Highways. He travelled to Brussels to seek European funding for the building of a new section of road
Saltburn WI
By Lesley Wilson
Wehave had a great start to the new year . Not only have our walking, netball and craft groups picked up with extra enthusiasm but at our monthly meeting we listened to a talk from the Firemen Sam and James, who gave us a demonstration using ‘little Annie’ and a defibrillator explaining how this works and what to do in an emergency. Hopefully we never have to use one but we now know that every emergency should be directed to 999 who will instruct us accordingly. known as the Parkway which connected East Cleveland to the A19 and the motorway; this was both vital and beneficial for both commuters into Teesside, local businesses and opened up new opportunities for our area. As well as his commitment to local government affairs, Ian also became involved with the following organisations throughout his life:
We held a small trip to listen to the Classical Cafe at Middlesbrough Town Hall who entertained us with a Viennese afternoon.
We rounded off our start to the New Year with a lunch in the lovely surroundings of Brockley Hall. It’s good to get together with friends.
School Governor of Brotton County Modern School, Warsett Comprehensive, Skelton Infant Junior School and DeBrus Comprehensive.
Chairman of the following
• Skelton County Youth Club Management Committee
• Skelton Villages Civic Pride
• North Skelton Allotments Association
• Skelton Castle Cricket Club for 20 years during which time he secured Lottery funding for a new Club House and secured a new cricket field from Skelton Castle.
• Appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment to the Northern Economic Council in 1975. This gave him a voice in Regional Policies and Strategies and the needs of the Cleveland Area which helped bring about much needed employment.
• A Member of Redcar and Cleveland Standards Board and Cleveland Governance Committee.
• Appointed to Teesside Bench in 1977, after several years he trained to be chairman in the Adult Crime court, Youth Court and Family Court. He served for 40 years until he was 70 when the Clerk of the Courts paid tribute to the care and diligence he paid to each and every case.
Ian was a gentleman, of high principles and integrity and highly respected within the community which is reflected in the hundreds of tributes his wife has received. He was also a very modest man who did not seek plaudits for his contribution to Society. However a group of local volunteers felt that Ian`s efforts should be recognised and in 2017, he was presented with the British Empire Medal in the Queen`s Birthday Honours list in recognition of his long and dedicated service to his community. He later received a letter from John Sentamu the Bishop of York, expressing his delight that Ian had received this award. Ian was very well known in the Skelton community and during his retirement loved nothing more than stopping for a chat and a bit of banter with local folk. He leaves behind Anthea his devoted wife of 55 years and family.