FORS Standard Winter 2021-22

Page 38


Coach operator cuts infringements and saves time


kills Group, the Nottingham-based coach operator, has reduced driver infringements and improved staff working time control since switching to TruTac’s Confederation of assenger Transport T accredited tachograph analysis and management soft are. CPT Tacho Analysis and TruTime are web-based software

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products which manage tachograph analysis and working time for drivers and employees. The CPT closely worked with TruTac to develop the specific CPT Tacho Analysis software, based on the rule set. According to Skills, the system has made tachograph management, driver debriefing and compliance reporting faster, more accurate and easier to control. Plus, with fully -automated email reporting, the company can more efficiently manage drivers’ hours and driver debriefing. Group Compliance M anager, Paul H arper, said: “ Since our drivers started using the TruTac app, they have been able to head-off infringements because they can clearly see their own driving records, plus we have no backlog at the end of the month. Also, being able to do driver debriefings electronically and with remote downloading of data, we have gone paperless which, during the pandemic, has been a big help. “ M eanwhile, in the backoffice, TruTac s time and attendance system, TruTime, has helped to save time and reduce labour costs by accurately recording staff movements – using digital tachograph driver cards or employee smart cards – while also providing ‘ clocked’ versus tacho start and end times. According to TruTac, the system as designed for fleet operators and departments who need to manage and monitor all their driver and personnel activities in one place. Functions include detailed lead-in and lead-out reports, driver CPC hours management, holiday requests and clocking facilities for remote workers. Clocking can also be done via the app which is also geolocated for accurate location control.

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