Penny Press, May 28, 2015

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CONTENTS May 28, 2015



Lincoln Chiefs and First Class Petty Officers help preserve a piece of history


Captain’s Cup Softball Kick-Off


Lincoln reaches another milestone with new installations

Volume 26, Issue 9


Lincoln wraps up Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month


Lincoln Sailors show grade schoolers what Navy life is like

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Welcome Aboard! USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) Welcome back Lincoln! Memorial Day weekend marked the end of spring and the muchwaited start of summer. With that, we’re now into the 101 Deadliest Day’s of Summer, please remember to stay safe, stay hydrated and have fun! Summer means lots of exciting sporting and volunteer events for Lincoln Sailors and this edition is chock full of community outreach projects, Captain’s Cup softball kick-off and much more! Next month you can expect to see frocking ceremonies for our new petty officers, the Abe Lincoln motorcycle club ride and the upcoming celebration of LGBT month in June. In this edition the Penny Press you’ll read about Lincoln’s three momentous comrel events, Captain Cup’s softball kickoff, Lincoln’s newest ship installations and much more! To our readers both old and new, welcome aboard. We’ve worked very hard on this issue and certainly hope you enjoy reading it!

MCSN Liana Clough MCSN Derry Todd Editors

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Words from Command Master Chief (AW/SW) Lee Salas

Greetings Fellow Lincoln Warriors!


e’ve just finished a great fourday Memorial Day weekend. I hope you had some time off with family and friends for the unofficial start of summer. Many of you got to celebrate a promotion this weekend, too! Well done on your new rank and increased responsibility. For those of you who didn’t promote from the spring exams, don’t wait to start studies for the fall exam. Spend some time this summer cracking the rating books. You’ll be glad you did. Speaking of summer time, it’s already getting warm in the shipyard and aboard ship. Ensure that you hydrate throughout the day, and that does not mean two cups of Joe! In fact, coffee and caffeinated beverages (like some energy drinks) TAKE AWAY from your hydration. Keep that in mind as we continue the charge to get Lincoln ready to return to the fight! Our ship is looking more and more like a warrior, and the recent assist visit by AirLant’s 3M Assist Team

reminded us that part of our rebuilding process includes properly maintaining this mighty battleship. The 3MAT noticed the enthusiasm Lincoln Warriors have to keep the 3M program up to standards. They showed us some areas where we can improve, and I know that each Lincoln Sailor is up to the challenge. Bottom line: if you see maintenance that either isn’t being done right or needs to be done more often, make sure YOU take care of it and make sure your Work Center Supervisor knows. Together, this ship will return to the fleet as the pride of the Nimitz class! Once school lets out for the summer, many of us are going to take some time off for vacation. Make sure you’ve planned it ahead, and by that I mean your leave process. Your chain of command, including your watch coordinator, needs to sign off your leave on the way to being approved. If you plan on leaving the country, remember that you need to plan an additional 30 days for leave approval, because the XO must approve foreign country leave (including Mexico and Canada).

Also, if you are a Sailor who has more than 60 days leave saved up, or soon will, you must use that leave up before Oct. 1, or it will be gone forever. Enjoy your leave, and return ready to rebuild our ship! Stay safe, stay brave, and make good decisions Lincoln Warriors! -CMC This week’s uniform note: Grooming standards. The Navy Uniform Instruction on hair styles is very long, but figures 2-2-1 and 2-2-2 give a good overview. Men: “Hairstyle properly groomed shall not be greater than approximately 2 inches in bulk. Bulk is the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp. No individual hair will measure more than 4 inches in length.” Women: “Haircuts and styles shall present a balanced appearance. No portion of the bulk of the hair as measured from the scalp shall exceed approximately 2 inches. Hair shall not fall below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar.” (Navy Uniform Instructions, Chapter 2, Section 2201)

Lincoln Sailors in

ship-shape Story by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Rob Ferrone


he Navy prides itself on its dedication to physical fitness. Twice a year, Sailors across the fleet perform the Physical Readiness Test (PRT). This cycle, two Sailors assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) made sure they did their part to keep up with Navy tradition by scoring the maximum possible score on their PRT. Interior Communications Electrician 2nd Class Keith Ferguson, a Charlotte, North Carolina, native, had been striving to reach this feat for the past three cycles. "I maxed the sit-up and push-up portions before, but still needed to cut about 30 seconds off of my run," Ferguson said. "For about a month leading up to the PRT, I ran three days a week, on top of the five days I'm in the gym yearround." Boatswain's Mate Seaman Robert Adams, a Lompoc, California, native, also has a history of being in peak physical form. His preparation for the PRT begins long before the cycle does. "I was always into fitness," Adams said. "I played three sports year-round throughout

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high school which led to a fullride football scholarship to Charleston Southern University, where I got my bachelor's degree in kinesiology." Chris Jacquard, Lincoln's Fit Boss, thinks that such outstanding performances should motivate other Sailors to set similar goals. "Maxing out on the PRT is a demonstration of a Sailor's commitment to excellence in how they prepare to do their jobs on board our warship," Jacquard said. "This is a sign that we, as a command, are moving in the right direction in terms of combat readiness as we deliver Lincoln back to the fleet. A physically and mentally conditioned Sailor is a more effective Sailor." But, preparation for the PRT should be a year-round effort, Jacquard added. "Having a well-structured physical training program and a balanced diet are necessary to reaching fitness goals," Jacquard said. "Sailors who strive to max out their scores should prepare well in advance with a regiment of strength, endurance and

cardiovascular training." Ferguson used a combination of research and the technological tools of today to ensure his diet was up to par. "Buying a food scale has drastically changed my diet and allowed me to improve my fitness," Ferguson said. "I would recommend getting a digital food scale and logging your calories, whether it's by hand or through an app on your phone. The resources are at your disposal; you just have to reach out and be dedicated to using them." Jacquard thinks this is a step in the right direction for Lincoln and the Navy as a whole, but everyone has to be fully committed to make these outstanding performances the norm. "There is a direct correlation between Sailors' physical fitness levels and the success they will have performing their duties on the ship," Jacquard said. "You are only as valuable as what you contribute. Being in top shape and combat ready allows you to perform your duties at a higher level of proficiency, and therefore makes you an asset to our command."


Battleship USS Wisconsin {BB-64} CPO 365

Story and photos by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Derry Todd


hief petty officers and first class petty officers from Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) cleaned spaces aboard the Iowa-class Battleship USS Wisconsin (BB 64) in Norfolk, May 20, as part of a CPO 365 community relations event.

Wisconsin was first commissioned into naval service April 16, 1944 and since then has been re-commissioned twice and decommissioned three times. Since Dec. 7, 2000, the battleship has been docked next to the Nauticus museum in Norfolk.

“I think helping maintain the Wisconsin is really awesome,” said Shipley. “It gives Sailors a sense of heritage. Being here on the Wisconsin reminds me that even though this ship was built generations ago we are still doing the same type of duty to this day.”

Lincoln Sailors have adopted four spaces aboard Wisconsin and are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and habitability of those spaces. The chiefs and first class petty officers visit Wisconsin monthly as part of the CPO 365 program.

“The Wisconsin shows people who aren’t in the Navy a window into what we do, how we live and operate,” said Aviation Electrician 1st Class Mike Shipley. “Everything on a ship should be clean, tidy and purpose driven and it seems like the Wisconsin illustrates that well.”

One of the CPO 365 primary functions is mentorship, and this community relations event in particular held a unique opportunity.

“In addition to maintaining general cleanliness we plan to bring our spaces to life and make them look as realistic as possible for the tourists and families that visit,” said Chief Information Systems Technician Arial Anderson, the CPO 365 event coordinator.

In 2006, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, requiring that the battleships USS Wisconsin and USS Iowa (BB 61) be kept and maintained in a state of readiness in case their service was ever again required.

“After each rehabilitation project we receive Naval Heritage and History training from the staff members, many of who are retired chief petty officer’s and first class petty officers,” Anderson said. “Naval history is an important part of the CPO 365 program because as Chiefs we are expected to know and teach our Sailors naval history and integrate into daily leadership.”


Softball Kick-off MWR's Captain's Cup pitches a fast ball


he release of the Navy’s advancement results weren’t the only source of excitement on board the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) this week. Sailors assigned to Lincoln participated in opening day of the Captain’s Cup softball tournament in Portsmouth V.a., May 20. More than 70 of Lincoln’s Sailors signed up and participated in the morale-boosting event. Lincoln’s Fun Boss Brooke Webber emphasized the importance of events like Captain’s Cup, especially in the ship’s current working state. “Our ship’s working hours have picked up tremendously the past

few months, and will continue to do so,” Webber said. “I think it’s really important for our Sailors to be able to get out here with one another every once in a while. The morale of this command is what’s going to motivate it through this refueling and complex overhaul.” Personnel Specialist 1st Class Derrick Washington, a perennial staple at Lincoln’s Captain’s Cup events, doesn’t mind taking time out of his day to contribute to the optimism among fellow Sailors. “Captain’s Cup is an opportunity for us to break away from the busy work day to come together, have some fun, all while team building,” Washington said. “Don’t get me wrong though, Big 5 came here to compete and hopefully win.”

The tournament will continue through next month, and is made up of teams from most of Lincoln’s departments. Since arriving at Lincoln, Webber has reached to make positive changes and offer every opportunity possible to its Sailors to participate in events outside of work. “We have a ton of other things planned to take us through the summer,” Webber said. “Everyone should keep an eye on their emails for the upcoming Captain’s Cup events, as well as tickets to concerts and the amusement parks around the area. I really can’t stress how important Lincoln’s morale is to the mission at hand.”

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Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month Story by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonteil Johnson


apt. Ronald Ravelo, commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), the first FilipinoAmerican to command an aircraft carrier, spoke at a Supervisor of Shipbuilding AsianAmerican Pacific Islander Heritage month ceremony in Newport News, May 7.

a nuclear powered aircraft carrier," Ravelo said. "This is a great accomplishment, but I want to recognize the many hard-working Sailors of API heritage that came before me."

"APIs have been serving in the U.S. Navy since the early 19th century so I'm just one in a string of many firsts. I don't believe I'm any more special than any of the Americans today who command, and will command in the future,

Ravelo further elaborated that he is grateful for the opportunity to set the example for other Asian Americans serving in the Navy. While Ravelo is proud of his achievement, he has not forgotten those who served before him.

Ravelo joined the Navy back in December of 1987. "My goal at the time was to gain my commission and become a naval pilot," Ravelo said.

Ravelo assumed command of Abraham Lincoln at a unique time during the carrier's life. The ship began its refueling complex and overhaul (RCOH) in March 2013, and Ravelo acknowledged the unique challenge of commanding a vessel in the shipyard. "Right now, my primary goal is to redeliver Lincoln to the fleet in the fall of 2016. I knew before I took command it would be tough; I've had friends tell me how hard it will be," Ravelo said. "However, I have 2,700 hard-working Sailors by my side to make my job. easier."

Asian/Pacific Islander Washington,D.C. Heritage Trip


Photos by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Zachary Anderson

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installs catapult covers Story by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Brenton Poyser


nother step towards the completion of the Refueling and Complex Overhaul (RCOH) was achieved May 18 when the covers for catapult one were installed on the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72). The installation of the covers lasted three days and was performed by Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS). Getting the four catapults back to an operational state is the current focus of Lincoln's Air Department. "The biggest advantage to the covers being installed is that it gives our junior Sailors a chance to see what the catapults look like once they're back together," said Chief Aviation Boatswain's Mate Larry Pugh, V-2 division's maintenance chief. "We've been able to go up to the flight deck and actually have them put eyes on what we've been trying to explain to them." The catapult covers on an aircraft carrier bridge the catapult trough to provide a smooth, continuous flight deck and provide support for the shuttle that launches aircraft. They also provide a channel for the grab that retrieves the shuttle after a launch. With the catapult covers now in the process of being installed, Lincoln's flight deck now has more space and a new look.

"The metal sheds covering the catapult were removed to facilitate the trough cover installation," Cmdr. Timothy Tippett, Lincoln's Air Boss said. "It is a visible change to the flight deck and it gives Lincoln the look of a true aircraft carrier rather than a ship under construction." The catapult overhaul process started at the very beginning of the RCOH, and Lincoln is scheduled to start catapult testing this fall. "With the covers being installed it is allowing NNS to perform critical alignment tests," Pugh said. Lincoln's Air Department has already saved more than $8 million in man-hours and parts by recycling parts from the decommissioned USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67) and removing and replacing old lagging on the ceiling of hangar bays 1, 2, and 3. These are just some examples of the hard work they have been putting in throughout the RCOH process. "Air department has worked tirelessly to restore their spaces and equipment throughout the ship during this RCOH process," Tippett said. "They have dedicated themselves towards getting Lincoln out of the yards on time and their hard work is paying off and is not going unnoticed. I couldn't be more proud of my Sailors."

Lincoln Installs Primary Air Search Radar Story and photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Ryan L. Wampler


ailors assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) and Newport News Shipbuilding’s shipyard workers reached another milestone during the current refueling and complex overhaul (RCOH) May 5, successfully reinstalling the ship’s AN/SPS-48 primary air search radar antenna on Lincoln’s island. Sailors and shipyard workers teamed up together to complete the two-day installation, assembling the components the first day and lifting the radar to the island the following Wday. “Installing the radar on time is one of the most important measures taken in the refueling and complex overhaul process,” said Lt. Loudon Westgard, a division officer assigned to the Combat Systems Department. “This was a major accomplishment, and the shipyard workers and Sailors aboard Lincoln should be very proud of the progress they are making.”

dimensional air search radar that allows for 360 degrees of coverage and the ability to detect the height of a target above the surface of the water. The radar system was deployed in the 1960s as the primary air search sensor for antiaircraft warships and is the predecessor of the AEGIS system used currently on other Navy ships. The SPS-48 antenna is now the second antenna to be installed on the Lincoln’s island, which was enlarged during the overhaul. Over the next few months the Combat Systems Department along with Newport News Shipbuilding will continue to install additional antennas for navigational, communications and aircraft landing functions. “Our goal as a department is to get the equipment back on board and return the Lincoln back as an operational warship,” Westgard said. “The next few months will be a crucial time for us as the ship starts to bring the systems online and begin the testing process.”

The AN/SPS-48 is a long-range, three-

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Lincoln Sailors volunteer at the

Armstrong Elementary School


Photos and Story by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Jonteil Johnson


ailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) volunteered at Armstrong Elementary School in Hampton during the school's annual career fair May 8. While there, Lincoln Sailors interacted with children of all ages. Electrician's Mate 1st Class Shaya Smith, petty officer in charge of the group, was glad to come out to support the community. "I knew we would be educating the kids about the jobs we do while on the ship, the importance of teamwork and

what can be accomplished when everyone does their job," Smith said. "It's important for the kids to get a chance to interact with the military because it allows them to ask us questions directly. I believe this type of face time is more important than them seeing it on television." The first thing that the Sailors did was to explain their individual duties on board. Many of the children were unaware of the career potential available in the Navy. Smith saw this as a good way for the kids to broaden their knowledge about the careers available to them. Lincoln Sailors also taught the children activities like physical training (PT) exercises, defined navy terminology and even showed them how to tie knots. Levia Stovall, principal of Armstrong Elementary School, was glad to have Lincoln Sailors support their career fair.

"It's wonderful to have Lincoln Sailors here. We have a lot of military families in our community and we love to have a military presence at our career fairs," Stovall said. "This impacts the students because a lot of them want to be in the military. They see the career potential and they hear about the great things happening and they want to serve our country." Airman Derek Johnson, assigned to USS Abraham Lincoln, also volunteered and was happy to explain his role in the U.S. Navy. "I think the kids had a great time. They loved all the things we were doing," Johnson said. "It's awesome to be able to give back to the community in such a personal way." Armstrong Elementary School is a national blue ribbon institution that offers children in the community more than just a general education. Children have the opportunity to learn arts. This includes visual arts, music and dance in core subject areas. The annual career fair included other branches of the military to allow students with as many career paths as possible.

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Track and Field Day Photos by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Brandon Davis

Lincoln Sailors


toward learning Story by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Michael Raney


s summer approaches, many people prepare for days at the beach, playing sports, grilling out in the back yard, vacations and many things that involve relaxing and enjoying time in the sun. Sailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), however, are preparing to receive an education. Lincoln Sailors are currently preparing to register for Navy College Program for Afloat Education (NCPACE) courses set to begin late in June. This is the first time NCPACE has been available since Lincoln entered its refueling and complex overhaul (RCOH) in 2013. “NCPACE gives Sailors another option to receive an education while in the shipyards,” said Ensign Sheena Hunt, Lincoln’s education services officer (ESO). “I receive 10 to 15 emails a day asking about the program so I know the Sailors are excited to get involved and pursue their education and I’m even more excited that I can help them reach their educational goals.”

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NCPACE offers participating Sailors opportunities to receive education from institutions accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the Department of Education. The objective of NCPACE is to provide shipboard personnel with educational opportunities comparable to

“Part of the reason I joined the Navy was to get an education.”

Lincoln leadership is helping the Sailors achieve these goals. “My chain of command is really supportive in allowing me to take time to register for this,” Socha said. “After my duties as an undesignated airman, this takes priority.”

“Part of the reason I joined the Navy was to get an education,” said Airman Ryan Socha, an undesignated Sailor stationed on board Lincoln. “I wanted to be able to go to school and not rely on my parents to pay for it.”

There are two types of NCPACE courses available to Sailors, instructor led (IL) or distance learning (DL). IL courses are taught by resident instructors for ships with available berthing. DL courses are provided to commands through CD-ROM, PDA, or IPOD. All undergraduate courses are from institutions with Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges-Navy (SOCNAV) affiliation, ensuring Sailors the opportunity to transfer credits and complete degrees. Lincoln will utilize both formats to better accommodate each Sailor’s individual learning style.

As Lincoln gets closer to the end of its RCOH, emphasis is being placed on ensuring Sailors are able to achieve personal as well as professional goals. Providing these courses is just one way

“Continue to step outside the box and never stop learning,” Hunt said. “Pursue the next level, the more you learn the more you can better yourself as a person and a Sailor.”

- Airman Ryan Socha

those available to shore duty personnel. Tuition is funded 100 percent. Students are only responsible for the cost of textbooks and related materials.



Lincoln CSADD

Lends a helping hand

Story and photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Rob Ferrone


ailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) volunteered with Habitat for Humanity’s Restore in Newport News, Virginia, May 18. The Sailors, members of Lincoln’s Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions (CSADD) chapter, helped clean and rearrange items both inside and outside the store. CSADD’s mission is to provide military members of all branches with the best prevention and intervention tools possible to deal with the issues of drinking, reckless driving, and other destructive decisions while maintaining good order and discipline. Aviation Structural Mechanic 3rd Class Samantha Thomas, a member of Lincoln’s CSADD program, sees it as a constructive

outlet for Sailors. “CSADD is mostly for junior Sailors looking for a way to stay positive,” Thomas said. “It’s peers helping peers, networking with one another and reaching out to the community, putting smiles on peoples’ faces.” Other Sailors were also eager to get their hands dirty. Aviation Machinist’s Mate Airman Jerell Purdie, also a member of Lincoln’s CSADD, jumped at the opportunity to join such a positive command organization. “A few peers I knew who were part of CSADD asked me to join, and I didn’t even really think twice about it,” said Purdie. “The things we do, not only to help out the community but also the morale of the ship, it helps me become a better Sailor and a better person all around.”

IT1 Brian Johnson’s Retirement Ceremony

Ballast Class Graduation


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