Penny Press, Sept. 22, 2016

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Welcome Aboard! USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) Commanding Officer Capt. Ron Ravelo Executive Officer Capt. Todd Marzano Prospective Executive Officer Capt. Amy Bauernschmidt Command Master Chief CMDCM(AW/SW) Lee Salas Public Affairs Officer Lt. Cmdr. Tiffani Walker Assistant Public Affairs Officer Ensign Anthony Junco Media Department LCPO MCCS Hendrick Dickson

muster assemble (troops, a ship’s crew, etc.) as for battle, display, inspection, orders or discharge. 2. to gather, summon, rouse.

Story and photo by MC3 Brandon Davis “Quarters, quarters, all hands to quarters… for muster, instruction and inspection,” echoes the Petty Officer of the Watch over the 1MC. The voice behind the command is irrelevant; the action is the focus. Taken at face-value, muster is just taking divisional attendance, so to speak. However, through the eyes of more seasoned Sailors, it’s an integral part of the day. “Muster isn’t only for accountability, that’s how we disseminate information,” said Boatswain’s Mate 1st Class Kevin Lewis. Beyond putting out the plan of the day and other miscellaneous information, muster is where the Leading Petty Officer (LPO) and upper chain of command establish a rapport with Sailors. “Having the definite guarantee of

seeing Sailors at muster means a lot because we use it as a basis to judge our Sailors,” said Lewis. “For example, if I see Seaman *insert name* squared away every day, and then looking rough after a long weekend, that’s a red flag to make sure that everything is going well for them.” Though it may not seem like it, shipwide muster is mission essential, and day-to-day operations illustrate that. “Everything is a numbers game,” said Personnel Specialist 1st Class Antonio Singleton. “Ship-wide muster affects every Sailor; muster shows how much money is being spent, culinary specialists need to know how many people to cook for, and the command uses the muster as a way to draw up each department’s respective responsibilities.”

Media Department CPO MCC Amy Kirk Editor MC1 Mark Logico Media Department Staff MC1 Mark Logico MC1 Josue Escobosa MC2 Ryan Wampler MC2 Eric Soto MC3 Rob Ferrone MC3 Aaron Kiser MC3 Patrick Maher MC3 Brandon Davis MC3 Juan Cubano MC3 Derry Todd MCSN Ashley Raine Northen MCSN Jacques-Laurent Jean-Gilles MCSN Allen Lee MCSN Matt Herbst MCSN Clint Davis MCSN Jessica Paulauskas MCSN Cody Anderson MCSA Josiah Pearce Penny Press is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby. Front Cover Photo MC3 Rob Ferrone NEWPORT NEWS, Virginia (Sept. 16, 2016) Chief Intelligence Specialist Josemarcelo Baqueroalvarez receives his combination cover during the Chief Petty Officer pinning ceremony.



Navy Celebrates 2016 Hispanic Heritage Month From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

The Navy joins the nation in celebrating the contributions of Hispanic Americans during Hispanic Heritage Month Sept. 15-Oct. 15. This year, the theme “Embracing, Enriching, and Enabling America,” represents Hispanic Americans walking together with those who share in the honor of calling this nation home. The observation began in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson. In 1988, it was expanded by President Ronald Reagan to cover a 30-day period, paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society. The unique dates of this heritage month were chosen to encompass the Independence Day anniversaries for Latin American countries

Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico and Chile. There are more than 57,000 Hispanic Sailors currently serving in the Navy and more than 16,000 Hispanic civilian employees working for the Department of the Navy (DoN). Making up a total of 15 percent of the Navy, 2.5 percent are serving as flag officers and 11 percent represent the E8-E9 leadership. Representation is present in every rank and in a wide variety of career fields to include fighter pilots, physicians, nuclear engineers, policy makers, boatswains and corpsmen. Hispanic Americans have served at sea in every war of our nation’s history. There are many Hispanic Americans that helped pave the way for some of today’s current Hispanic leadership.

Navy Announces New Suicide Prevention Program From Chief of Naval Personnel Public Affairs

Today, the Navy’s 21st Century Sailor Office announced the new suicide prevention program known as Sailor Assistance and Intercept for Life (SAIL), aimed at supplementing existing mental health treatment by providing continual support through the first 90 days after suicide-related behavior. “This program is designed to boost our existing efforts to prevent suicide across the Fleet by showing there is someone that will stay in touch with them and make sure they are doing well,” said Capt. Michael Fisher, dir., Operational Stress Control and Suicide Prevention branch. “This is part of a wide range of actions we are taking to help our Sailors. Doing this will boost our suicide prevention work that’s ongoing Navy-wide.” The program is designed to provide rapid assistance, on-going risk assessment

and support for Sailors who have exhibited suicide-related behavior and was inspired by the Marine Intercept Program (MIP), a suicide prevention project with similar goals. Upon receiving information from commands about a Sailor who has demonstrated suicide-related behavior, Suicide Prevention Coordinators (SPC) will work with CNIC, and in turn an FFSC case manager, whose responsibility will be to reach out to the individual Sailor to see if they would volunteer to participate in the SAIL program. Case managers will contact Sailors in the 90 days following suiciderelated behavior. Suicide Prevention is a cooperative Navy-wide effort that takes leadership engagement and awareness at all commands and ranks. OPNAV, BUMED, CNIC work together to provide a range

of resources to include: mental health treatment, spiritual counseling, personal wellness counseling, crisis intervention as well as financial education.

The Military Crisis Line offers confidential support for active duty and reserve service members and their families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Lincoln Sailors march into the chief pinning ceremony at Fort Eustis. Photo by MC3 Ferrone.


CHIEF PETTY OFFICERS Story by MC3 Brandon Davis


onor, courage, and commitment… This mantra is the guiding force for every Sailor’s naval career, which is introduced at boot camp and is reinforced at every command. However, there is a point where the student becomes the teacher, and it happens yearly. At Jacob’s Conference Center Sept. 16, 18 Sailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) were pinned to the rank of Chief Petty Officer. The CPO pinning ceremony is a tradition unique to the Navy, and dates back to 1893, when the chief petty officer paygrade was created. The ceremony signifies a new position of

leadership and responsibility for the Navy. During the ceremony, family and friends pinned on two gold-fouled anchors to each newly appointed chief’s uniform. As Sailors rise through the ranks, they will inevitably and unavoidably reach a crossroads in their career point: chief or officer. “I thought about trying to go officer, but I enjoy being on the deckplates,” said Master Chief Information Systems Technician Bartley. “For me, it wasn’t about the money, it was about making an impact.” Senior Chief Aviation Maintenance Administrationman Best recalls feeling the same way,

and cautions the newly pinned chiefs that taking care of Sailors starts with taking care of self. “Stay humble,” said Best. “Take care of your Sailors, but if you don’t take care of yourself, there’s no way for you to take care of your family at home, or your Navy family.” Becoming a part of one of the Navy’s biggest families, the Chief’s mess, is a major milestone and emphasized through Chief Culinary Specialist James Parrot’s excitement. “This event left me speechless,” said Parrott. “Going through selectee season was a humbling experience; it helped me realize quickly that I’m now part of a team. I’m not just one person, now I’m a part of something greater.”





Lincoln Sailors march into the chief pinning ceremony at Fort Eustis. Photo by MC3 Ferrone.

EMNCM Anthony Bagay salutes as newly selected Chief Petty Officers pass through side boys. Photo by MC3 Ferrone.

Chief Electronics Technician (Nuclear) Ryan Williams receives his anchors from his son. Photo by MC3 Kiser. Chief Boatswain’s (Handling) Hamilton Bryan is congratulated ChiefAviation Petty Officers pose for aMate photo. Photo by MC3 Ferrone. by friends and family. Photo by MC3 Kiser

Chief Culinary Specialist James Parrot stands in formation during Lincoln’s chief pinning ceremony. Photo by MC3 Kiser.



Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman James Nantz clears out pieces of an old shed.

Sailor Organizes COMREL Story and photo by MCSN Ashley Raine Northen


olunteer work is a valuable way to contribute to the community and help remind people the importance working together for a greater good. Sailors assigned to Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) volunteered their time to help a local animal shelter, Sept. 15. The community relations event was planned by Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman James Nantz, a dedicated volunteer at the shelter. “Everybody that works at Animal Aide Society, even the full-time staff and the owners of the company, are 100 percent nonprofit volunteers,” said Nantz. “I volunteer here every single

weekend and everybody that came out today from the Navy all chose to volunteer their time here today as well.” The group of Sailors spent their volunteer time tearing down an old shed where the dogs had previously been housed. The shelter just built improved houses for the dogs and needed to make room for another building. “It means so much that the Sailors came and volunteered to do this,” said Nancy Peterson, the shelter manager. “Otherwise, this job would have fallen on our maintenance people and would have taken a long time.” Nantz took the volunteer opportunity to his department and received a lot of support from his

shipmates, who were all eager to volunteer their time to help the shelter. “James Nantz is a volunteer here and he is outstanding,” said Peterson. “He came to us and said that he had a group of Sailors who want to help the shelter; it was amazing to have these Sailors come in and help us take care of a project that we had been trying to get done for a long time.” “It meant a lot to help out the community and the animal humane society,” said Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 1st Class Kevin Brewer. “All of us are animal lovers, so we all jumped at the chance of helping not just the community, but also the animals,” he said.





Lincoln FCPOA Volunteers at Ronald McDonald House

Engineman 1st Class Janceley lay out bacon strips on a baking sheet.

Story and photos by MC1 Mark Logico


ailors from the Nimitzclass aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House in Norfolk, Virginia, Sept. 15. Led by Machinist’s Mate 1st Class Jessica Lightcap, 12 members from the Abraham Lincoln’s First Class Petty Association (FCPOA) prepared breakfast for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. Lightcap has been organizing and volunteering at the house for more than seven months this year. She has seen many Sailors volunteer and help out in this community relations program. “There are about ten rooms in this house,” said Lightcap. “Today, this is actually the most families I’ve seen come in the Ronald McDonald House.” Engineman 1st Class Janceley Acosta Lucena said it is not very often she is able to help out in the community, in fact this is her first time volunteering Machinist’s Mate 1st Class Jessica Lightcap and Interior Communications Electrician Matthew Smith serve breakfast for families staying at the Norfolk Ronald McDonald House.

at the house. While she was there, she helped prepare bacon and eggs. “I think it’s great to help the community,” said Acosta Lucena. “I love helping. I love cooking. I want to come back again.” The Ronald McDonald House’s mission is to provide assistance to families and children under treatment at area hospitals. Permanent staff handles most of the administrative

duties but seek help from volunteers in the community to clean and cook for families in need of assistance. For those interested in getting involved, the FCPOA organizes volunteer opportunities at the Ronald McDonald House every third Thursday of the month. You may contact Lightcap via email at jessica.lightcap@cvn72. for more details.

NJP RESULTS 15 September 2016 An E-3 was found guilty for Violation of the UCMJ, Article 112a, Wrongful use, possession, etc., of controlled substances. Member was awarded reduction in rate to E-2, forfeiture of ½ month’s pay per month for two months (suspended for six months), 45 days restriction and 45 days extra duty.

HOLIDAY LEAVE PERIODS Leave Period One: From 1530, 15 December 2016 to 0700, 28 December 2016. Leave Period Two: From 1530, 28 December 2016 to 0700, 10 January 2017.

SOCIAL MEDIA AWARENESS From LNC James Goza - Social media is at it again! You may have seen videos for #22kill. Much like the “Ice Bucket Challenge” that raised money and awareness for the ALS Association a couple years ago, #22kill challenges people to film themselves doing 22 push-ups and then to post the video on social media while challenging others to do the same, in an effort to raise awareness for veterans who commit suicide every day. Apparently, a number of Navy personnel have participated in this fundraising activity, in uniform or with other indicators of their official status. This caught the notice of the Navy’s ethics office at the Pentagon, which reminds us of the following: Absent statutory authority to do so, a Navy employee or officer is prohibited from using or permitting the use of his/her government position or title, or any authority associated with his public office, to endorse any product, service or enterprise. This includes fundraising drives. Also, government employees who fundraise in their personal capacities should not use official time, resources or personnel in connection with the activity, nor should the individual’s official title, authority or command be invoked in connection with the personal fundraising efforts. If you have questions regarding fundraising please contact your Lincoln Legal Office.

PRT REMINDER Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) Cycle 16-2: The PFA will commence 24 Oct 2016. All medically cleared members are required to participate. All leave and TAD requirements are to be managed accordingly. Medical Screening: No member is authorized to participate in the PRT without an updated PHA. Any member with an expiring PHA prior to 24 Oct 2016 is required to go to medical to obtain a current PHA. All PARFQS (NAVPERS 6110/3) are to be completed in PRIMS prior to 07 Oct 2016. If there are “yes” responses that require you to be seen by medical, print, sign and take to medical for clearance. If a medical waiver is required, print the NAVMED 6110/4 (PFA Medical Clearance/Waiver Form) and take to medical. NOTE: This medical appointment can be in conjunction with the PHA, but does not replace the requirement to have a current PHA. Medical Waivers: All medical waivers are to be turned in prior to conducting the BCA. After-the-fact (retroactive) BCA medical waivers are not authorized. It is important to address any unexplained weight gain or medical issues prior to testing. BCA results are final. BCA: Official BCAs will only be performed by the CFL staff (CFL and authorized ACFLs) with an authorized retractable tape measure. Official testing will take place in compartment 5-138-0-M on 24-28 Oct 2016 from 07301430 daily by department. No courtesy BCAs will be conducted during the official PFA cycle. Bad Day BCAs are not authorized. All members requiring taping must be in the official Navy PTU. WPRT. Official PRT testing will take place at Fort Monroe and the aft cardio gym 31 Oct to 04 Nov 2016 from 08001430 daily by department. All participants must perform testing in the official Navy PTU. The CO has authorized 1 PRT retest (Bad Day). All “Bad Day” special request chits are required to be submitted within 24 hours of the PRT failure. All retests must be completed within 7 days of the PRT failure. Alternate cardio options are authorized. Sign-up sheets will be provided during the week of the BCA.

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