
MERRY, BRIGHT, ETC. by Zoe Harr FULL DISCLOSURE by Lillian Della Maggiora I SHOULDN'T HAVE STUFFED MY MUFFIN WITH JELLY by Trevor Handlin THE GREAT AMERICAN CLASS INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE by Sarah Strunk SEVEN YEARS' TIME by Dyllan Hutchison ROBIN'S THERAPY by Brett Womack September 9 &10, 2022 in TheaterSpace george mason university's school of theater and the mason players present Content Warnings: strong language, violence, discussions of mental health, and depression.

Maine Dr. Prue Warwick Accompanist Robin's Therapy Khue Duong Bella Panciocco Brett Womack by Brett Womack | Directed by Annie Graninger | Musical Direction by Brett Womack Gwen Christian Elevator/Ticket Seller/Game Master The Great American Class Interactive Experience Cara Grace McTaggart Aadith Iyer Nella Hautala Written by Sarah Strunk | Directed by Caroline Austin Lucy Young Lucy Lucy's Mom Lucy's Dad Seven Years' Time Megan Ayers Schuyler Hagen Macy Bass Sage Munson by Dyllan Hutchison | Directed by Jeremy Prtichard Alex Annie Full Disclosure Emma Harris Katie Rowe by Lillian Della Maggiora | Directed by Shannon Rodgers Higgsly 1 &2 Hatbag Heleboks Six U Struggling Artist Humbrick I Shouldn't Have Stuffed My Muffin With Jelly Kai Yoffe Anna Jungkeit David Chiavaroli Lila Gordon Ella Grant Graydon Lavallee Ryan Von Slomski by Trevor Handlin | Directed by Jo Arnett Ben Jane Lisa Merry, Bright, Etc. Sanjay Nagar Rylan Snyder Lexi Carter by Zoe Harr | Directed by Erin Birchfield 15 MINUTE INTERMISSION
DRAMATURG'S PNOTE RODUCTION TEAM Director, Merry Bright Etc...............................................Erin Birchfield Director, Full Disclosure............................................ Shannon Rodgers Director, I Shouldn't Have Stuffed My Muffin With Jelly...........Jo Arnett Director, The Great American Class Interactive Experience....Caroline Austin Director, Seven Years' Time.......................................Jeremy Pritchard Director, Robin's Therapy............................................Annie Graninger Musical Director, Robin's Therapy...................................Brett Womack Stage Manager............................................................Sharon Adamus Assistant Stage Managers...............................................Samba Pathak Kendall Huheey Starr Hill Dramaturg.................................................................Martin Dejardins Jay Martinez Lighting Designer....................................................Mary Clare Bernier Sound Designers...........................................................Brooke Emeott Caleb McMurtry Props Coordinator............................................................Darby Bates Light Board Operator.............................................................April Lee Sound Operator..............................................................Isabel Nemati Faculty Mentors.................................Franklin Robinson, Jr. (Directing) April Bassard (Directing) Kristin Johnsen-Neshati (Dramaturgy) Ruth Yamamoto (Stage Management) Sherrice Mojgani (Lighting) Carrie Cox (Props) Kevin Dunayer (Sound) Production Manager....................................................Ruth Yamamoto
Khue Duong (she/her) Rodgers (she/her) Badley (he/him/his) Arnett (she/they)
Bernier Sharon Adamus &
Merin Lemoine Mary Clare Samba
Vicki Burroughs Sydney
& Sarah Alspach Jackson Ramos, Luisa Romero Jeremy Pritchard, Hannah Whie Sloan Martin &
McMurtry, Viann Tran Susan Lane Luke Rahman Nadya Steare Anna Jungkeit Eli Nguyen President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Associate Member Coordinators Historian Community Service Chair Education Deputy alpha psi omega officers
Kendall Huheey (she/her) Dupuy (she/her) Desjardins (he/him) Pathak (he/him) Birchfield (she/her)
Stromberg & Tom Terlecki Adrianna Daugherty Smith Laurel Dunayer
DRAMATURG'S DNOTE EPARTMENT SUPPORT Production Manager Technical Director Assistant Technical Director Scene Shop Supervisor TheaterSpace Technical Directors Harris Theatre Technical Director Costume Shop Supervisor Costume Shop Assistants Costume Interns Sound Interns Lighting Interns Management Interns Scene Shop Production Intern Scene Shop Painting Intern Scene Shop Props Intern Scene Shop Painting/Props Intern Shop Artisan Props Artisan arts support umbrella Dan Hobson Carrie Cox Stephan Starling Ethan Osborne
Vika Hearne, Caleb
DRAMATURG'S DNOTE EPARTMENT SUPPORT mason players staff Company Manager Associate Company Manager Company Secretary Devolpment Manager Development Apprentice Sales Coordinator Marketing Manager Co Company Historian Co Company Historian Marketing Apprentices Development Apprentice Megan Lederman (she/her) Darren Badley (he/him) Shannon Rodgers (she/her) Luke Rahman (he/him) Erin Birchfield (she/her) Nathan Tilley (he/him) Brett Womack (he/him) Lexi Carter (she/ her) Nathaniel McCay (he/him) Sally Deen (she/her) Aurora Powell (she/they) Erin Birchfield (she/her) players4change staff Equity and Empowerment Manager Jaylen "Jay" Dews (he/him) Luke Rahman (he/him) Zoe Winter (she/they) Hello Mason Players, Players4Change applications are now open! Look at the document attached with more information regarding qualifications, due dates, application requirements, and more! Make sure to send all applications and any questions you may have to All applications are due September 16th 2022
DRAMATURG'S SNOTE CHOOL OF THEATER FACULTY & STAFF Dean of Colleg of Visual and Perfroming Arts Director of the School of Theater Production Manager Program Manager Academic Adviser Office Manager Rick Davis Djola Branner Ruth Yamamoto Nicholas M. Kfoury Horner Sara Simanski Mary Burgess Faculty Elizabeth Alman Kelly Armstrong Djola Branner Carrie Cox Jonathan Dahm Robertson Rick Davis Kevin Dunayer Laurel Dunayer Amr El Bayoumi David Gaines Erin Gardiner Edward Gero David Goldstein Mimsi Janis Kristin Johnsen Neshati Billy Kessinger Nicholas M. Kfoury Horner Kaiulani Lee Bryce Lenon Ahmad Maaty Heather McDonald Sherrice Mojgani Theresa Ohanian Yaritza Pacheco Franklin Robinson Jr. Shaila Schmidt Stefan Sittig Ruth Yamamoto
Mr. Carl Hemmer Emmett L. Holman, Ph.D. Captain Marsha and Robert Rease Marilyn Jones Eileen Mandell Dr. Alan and Mrs. Sally Merten
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth P. Braxton
Merle L. Mulvaney Diane and Tim Naughton
Mack and Paulette Miller
Warner and Cheryl North Mr. Ronald Page Robert and Ida Portland
Linda Evans Dr. and Mrs. William H. Gilcher Irwin and Fay Gold Vernon W. Gras, Ph.D.
Jane and Chris Brewster Ms. Lois Brown Charles and Patsy Byrd Gordon and Judy Canyock
Ms. Grace Chae Ms. Chris Downey Charles and Eileen Duggan
Kenneth and Carol Adelman
Diane and Robert Rafuse Ted and Anne K. Rosenblum Ms. Ann Steers Daniel and Ann Toohey Mikki Van Wyk Edward and Wava Vigen Boeing Company Byrd International, L.L.C. Chevy Chase Trust Council on American-Islamic Relations Ken and Molly Elston and The Greater Manassas Christmas Parade Committee IBM International Foundation Verizon Foundation 1,001 Plays Supporters Kristin Johnsen Neshati Phyllis Artist Residency in Theater (PART) Legacy
Mrs. Lauren W. Rabb
TheSchoolofTheaterwishestothankthe followingdonorsfortheirgeneroussupport
Mr. Daniel C. Beck John and Deborah Blacksten Doris Bloch and Bill Hunt
Krochmal Vafa Mostaghim The Koons Family Professional
Patricia Houston William Inserra Mr. Edward Jones Shirley Joyce friend (up to $199) donor ($2,500 $4,999) Anonymous Mack and Paulette Miller Kathryn Pile
Mr. Rick Davis and Ms. Julie Thompson Charles and Eileen Duggan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamerschlag Dr. Joy R. Hughes and Mr. Kenneth Lee Literary Managers & Dramaturgs of the Americas
Helen and Bill Ackerman
Donald Ball Jasmin Barnes Michelle and Steve Barraclough
Verizon Foundation
Anne Buzalski Pat and Pat Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gerbracht Barry and Peggy Fink Arielle Flax Linda and Shelly Gersten Keith and Joyce Hellems
Christopher Ward performer ($200 - $499)
Dr. Peter N. Stearns and Ms. Donna L. Kidd Steve Tipton Van Metre Foundation,CompaniesInc. patron ($1,000 $2,499) Joan Bullmer Janet Burchard Judy Canyock Mr. Nicholas M. Horner Barbara Jacksier and Everett Chasen Ms. Kristin Johnsen Neshati and Mr. Amin Neshati
Sarah Kane Lene Mcvoy MITRE Corporation Don and Sonja Palomaki Robert and Ida Portland Dr. Victoria N. Salmon and Mr. John J. Salmon William Schneider Jean and Kosmo Tatalias
John and Toni Acton Anonymous Jim and Sally Bennett Doris Bloch and Bill Hunt
Norma Jean Reck Sherry Watkins
Anonymous angel ($5,000+) from July 1, 2021 to August 15, 2022
Thomas Carver Joseph and Jocelyn Colao Susan J. Aitel and Jonathan Goldman Alice and Matt Magelssen Green
Annabelle and David Stone producer ($500 $999)
DRAMATURG'S FNOTE RIENDS OF THEATER SUPPORT from July 1, 2021 to August 15, 2022 Harriet Kaplan Ms. Diane Kiser Michael and Linda Kostrzewa Mrs. Phyllis Krochmal Robert Langelier Paulette Lichtman Panzer Brian and Laurie Lindberg Eileen Mandell Pam McIntosh Kim and Ralph Moden Edward and Marianne Morahan Jill Norris friend (up to $199) cont. The Originals! | September 9&10 | TheaterSpace Head Over Heels | Directed by Erin Gardiner | Musical Direction by Joe Walsh | October 27 30 | Center for the Arts Concert Hall Sutta | Directed by Djola Branner | November 18 20 | TheaterSpace Mason Cabaret | Directed by Erin and James Gardiner | Musical Accompaniment by Joe Walsh | February 3 & 4, Harris Theatre | February 10 Hylton Performing Arts Center: Gregory Theater 1001 Plays | March 10, 2023 Theater for Young Audiences | March 3 & 4, 2023 | TheaterSpace The Hunchback of Seville | March 3 April 1, April 6 8, 2023 | Harris Theatre The Road to the End | April 20 April 23, 2023 | TheaterSpace You're a Good Man Charlie Brown | May 5 & 6, 2023 | Hylton Performing Arts Center: Gregory Theater The School of Theater’s and Mason Players’ 2021-2022 Fall Season: Spring Season: Mary Alice Pett Emily Roudebush Terry Sarley Willa and David Siegel Roy and Margaret Wagner Joseph Walsh Lakyntiew L. Watrous Dean and Andrea Westman George and Marty Whipple Joan R. White Rachel Winograd Ursula Wohlfahrt
Friends of Theater at Mason Scholarships (awarded Spring 2022): Alexandra Berrios, Hasan Crawford, Khue Duong, Steven Franco, Annie Graninger, Megan Lederman, Merin Lemoine, Tony Lemus, Alana Lyons, Shannon Rodgers Theater at Mason would like to thank the Friends of Theater for their ongoing support of our programs, especially their support of scholarships for our students. Please consider becoming a Friend. Please consider giving by logging onto our website
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Theater Scholarship: Samba Pathak
The School of Theater congratulates our 2020 scholarship recipients: Arts by George Scholarships (awarded Spring 2020): Kat Amato, Darren Badley, Jessica Barraclough, Alex Berrios, Erin Cleary, Garvey Dobbins, Samuel Dunn III, Em German, Ariel Kraje, Lenny Mendez, Bianca Peña, Julia Rudgers, Austin Shores, Tyler Shores, Jacqueline Smith, Shanell Stukes, and Alex Weimeyer
The Howard Vincent Kurtz Endowed Scholarship in Design: Sloan Martin The Mack & Paulette Miller Theater Scholarship Endowment (2022): Brandon Morris The Brower “BC” Spransy Memorial Scholarship Endowment (2022): Rayna Ketch Greenspring Players Scholarship: Sophia Inserra and Drake Leach
School of Theater Scholarships (continuing awards): Dezire Duverglas, Steven Franco, Abigail Hastings, Bianca Peña, Julia Rudgers, and Nathan Tilley
The Chris Parsons Memorial Scholarship: Bella Panciocco
THE MASON PLAYERS THEATER.GMU.EDU The Originals! by Various Student Playwrights September 9-10, 2022 Head Over Heels Conceived by Jeff Whitty Adapted by James Magruder Music and Lyrics by The Go Go's October 27-30, 2022 Sutta Created by Djola Branner November 18-20, 2022 fall 2022 performance season Follow The Mason Players for Season Updates & Announcements @THEMASONPLAYERS