The Road to the End
by Bella PancioccoDirected by Megan Lederman
Assistant Directed by Darren Badley
Original Music by Brett Womack
April 20, 21*, & 22 at 8pm in TheaterSpace
April 22 & 23** at 2pm in TheaterSpace
*ASL interpreted and Talkback to follow
** Audio Described
Recordings of any kind are strictly prohibited.
The play contains adult themes of grief and loss.
Welcome everyone to the world premiere of The Road to the End! When I first read this script, a moment that spoke to me was when Steve reminds his son Henry, "Your memories are your receipts. Don't lose them." Memories are our own past experiences, the folklore passed down through generations, the tangible moments just out of reach, and the thoughts that engage all our senses. My concept for the show emphasizes the importance of sensing the beauty in the melody of the memories that we all hold within us.
Loss is an experience that many may see as something to reject and ignore, but as Henry notes, "Omitting the bad things makes the good things less sweet." Accepting loss helps us grow and reach catharsis. It is a universal experience that each character, performer, company member, and viewer can relate to, no matter how different. There is an intentionality to the way this story is being told on this stage and who is telling it. Although the play focuses on one family's experience, it spans different bonds, cultures, and generations.
This is what The Road to the End is all about. The show reminds us to hold our loved ones as tightly as we can and to never forget the moments we share. Often there are experiences in life that we want to remember forever, while others we would rather forget instantly. This production explores both whimsical and bitter memories and attempts to bring them to life.
To accomplish this, we focus on being abstract and challenging reality to be more magical. The use of memories and how they manifest differently for everyone is an integral detail of this production. We can see how memories impact each character and how vivid they are. This aspect of magical realism plays into all facets of the show. The play spans many locations and points in time. It has been a fun challenge to create these moments and tie them together using abstraction, props, intimate lighting, original compositions, subtleties in costumes, and the fringe a simple set. Our amazing team of designers and coordinators have worked tirelessly to turn these abstractions into reality.
Thank you for being here and supporting new voices in theater. It has been an honor to work with this amazing and dedicated company composed entirely of fellow student artists, alumni, and their faculty mentors. We encourage and invite our audiences to challenge their perceptions and to come along for this ride of deafening silence, erupting laughter, immense yearning, and wistful nostalgia.
Megan Gray Lederman – Director Darren Badley – Assistant DirectorDRAMATURG'S NOTE
For the first time in over ten years, the School of Theater and the Mason Players have brought a full length student written play to the stage. In this, a season that has been uncharacteristically full of new works, The Road to the End plays a special role - though one of the last plays of the season, it is laying the foundation for a new era of work at Mason. The time to produce new work is now, and one of the best places to produce new student work is in a university setting. The community that is built through student productions is a special one, and for students to have the opportunity to be a part of a full length play development process is an unparalleled experience. All of the plays we now consider classics started as new works. They would not be classics if someone had not made the space for them. Here, we have made the space for the work. We cannot stop making space for the work.
The Road to the End is a story about the journeys we don’t know we need to take until we’re on them. Henry, Steve, and Dabria’s adventure to the Grand Canyon is one of grief and love. The beauties and complexities of memory are lovingly woven into this story of generational differences and joy. We are reminded, in this way, of our own memories of the joys and hardships of being human. Grief is perhaps the most universal of human emotions, and we see it played out in different ways over the course of this play. Our memories of our loved ones are some of the most precious, even if they are shaded by grief. Like the characters in the play, we are all on our own journeys of joy and grief, but these journeys are made better and more beautiful by the memories we can share.
"Make voyages! Attempt them! There is nothing else…" Tennessee Williams
--Jess Singley
The Road to the End - Scene Breakdown
Scene 1: Road Trip
Scene 2: WAWA
Scene 3: Rerouting
Scene 4: Running on Empty
Scene 5: A Memory - Second Chances
Scene 6: Mad Libs
15 Minute Intermission
Scene 7: A Memory - The Dinosaur Park
Scene 8: Aftermath
Scene 9: A Memory - Motel Morte
Scene 10: Lift
Scene 11: Morte
Scene 12: A Memory - Fresh Air
Scene 13: Room 806
Scene 14: A Memory - Sickness & Health
Scene 15: A New Day
Scene 16: The Plan
Scene 17: Runaways
Scene 18: A Memory - Farewell
Scene 19: SUNSET
End of Play
Director..............................................................Megan Lederman (she/her)
Assistant Director....................................................Darren Badley (he/him)
Stage Manager..................................................................Jay Dews (he/him)
Assistant Stage Managers.........................Jeremy Pritchard (he/she/they)
Megan Ayers (she/her)
Composer.................................................................Brett Womack (he/him)
Dramaturg..................................................................Jess Singley (she/they)
Lighting Design.................................................Merin Lemoine (they/them)
Scenic Charge............................................................Luke Rahman (he/him)
Costume Coordinator...........................................................Hannah Griffith
Props Coordinator...................................................Anna Jungkeit (she/her)
Sound Design......................................................Elisabeth Dupuy (she/her)
Student Technical Director..................................Caleb McMurtry (he/him)
Combat Consultant.....................................................Stefan Sittig (he/him)
Fight Captain.........................................................Kendall Huheey (she/her)
Production Manager............................................................Ruth Yamamoto
Assistant Production Managers............................................Samba Pathak
Jay Dews
Aqwia Harris
Run Crew..........................................................................Mary Clare Bernier
David Poach
Jared Sever
Lorcan Von Slomski
Kai Yoffe
Bertem Demirtas he/him (Tow Truck Driver/Nurse) is a junior participating in his first ever show with The Mason Players! Bertem is a 2 time VHSL Best Actor Award winner for his role as Lautrec in a devised piece from Tuscarora High School and has played other roles such as Juror 3 in 12 Angry Men and Mr. Van Daan in Diary of Anne Frank. He hasn’t properly acted onstage in 4 years and is extremely excited to get back into it with such an amazing cast and crew by his side!!

Kendall Huheey she/her (Young Diana) is a senior theater performance major at GMU and is honored to have this be her last show as a student. Previous roles at Mason include Pamela in Head Over Heels, Ethel in Footloose, and the Mason Cabaret. Outside of Mason, some of her previous roles include Fiona in Shrek the Musical, Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray, and Mary Poppins in Mary Poppins. She would like to dedicate this performance to her family, and thank them for all of their love and support. She really hopes you enjoy the show!

Aadith Iyer he/him (Henry) this is Aadith’s fifth show here at Mason! He is so excited to see what this show brings with this incredible cast and crew, and Ihe is super excited to be a part of an original fringe show!

Michael Jarvis he/they (Dabria’s Stepdad/Banks) is a freshman at Mason, currently pursuing a B.F.A. in theater with a concentration in performance. During middle and high school, Michael acted in award-winning shows, receiving a best actor award himself in a Mason Players production, and he is excited to perform at the college level!

Keaton Lazar he/him (Young Henry/Park Ranger) is excited to work with the cast of The Road to the End. He has previously been in two other shows at GMU: Sutta, directed by Djola Branner and as an assistant stage manager for the show Everybody. He is thrilled to be working with his close friends who are in the cast and crew of The Road to the End! He would like to thank his friends and his family for supporting him throughout his theater journey.
Sage Munson he/him (Steve) a theater performance BFA student in the midst of his senior year, is honored to be playing Steve in this wonderful production, surrounded by such a talented cast and crew! Some of his favorite past roles include Tim (Noises Off), Macbeth (Macbeth), and Ralphie (A Christmas Story). He dedicates this performance to his beloved, late grandfathers, Jack and Tom, who are his main inspirations for this role.
Sanjay Nagar he/him (Young Steve) is performing in his third show as a Mason Player. He is a freshman theater major with a concentration in performance. He is very grateful to play a part into bringing this wonderful play to life and hopes to work with this cast and crew again!

Jessica Nguyen she/her (Dabria) performs in her first play production. Jessica is a sophomore studying computational data science at George Mason University. She would like to thank Jasmine and Hannah for encouraging her to take that leap forward.

Megan Ayers she/her (Assistant Stage Manager) is a current third-year theatre major with a concentration in theatre studies and a minor in film and media studies. She was very excited to get to continue to work on this piece after getting to be an Assistant Stage Manager for the workshop staged-reading in the Fall. As a playwright, Megan hopes that the world-premiere of this production at George Mason University will open doors to many more opportunities for playwrights at Mason to see their works come to life as well.

Darren Badley he/him (Assistant Director) is a current senior B.A. Theater Major with a concentration in performance and a minor in Event Technical Production. He serves as the Community Service Chair of the Alpha Psi Omega Alpha Zeta Upsilon Cast and The Mason Player’s Associate Company Manager. He wants to thank the entirety of the cast, creative, and production team for making this production possible and uplifting this new and important work. He would also like to thank his family and friends for the constant support over the past 4 years! He wouldn't be here without you all! Darren’s past productions include George Mason University: Head Over Heels (Basilius), Baby Dream Your Dream: The Women of Broadway Cabaret (Soloist), The Boy Detective Fails (Billy Argo), Footloose (Reverend Shaw), In A Sentimental Mood: Duke Ellington Cabaret (Soloist), Everybody (Somebody), Women of Lockerbie (George Jones), and Sing Happy! Kander and Ebb Cabaret (Featured Singer).

Jay Dews he/him (Stage Manager) is working on a BFA in theater with a concentration in stage and screen design and works as one of the assistant production managers for the George Mason School of Theater. His credits include being stage manager for the past mainstage, Everybody as well as stage manager for the Mason Cabaret. He also worked as assistant stage manager for Footloose and Head Over Heels. He is so excited to continue his growth and knowledge of stage and production management throughout his time here and is thankful for all of the people in his life that have constantly supported him throughout his endeavors!

Elisabeth Dupuy she/her (Sound Design) is super proud to have The Road to the End as her first Sound Design credit and can't wait to share this story with everyone! At Mason, she has worked on several School of Theatre productions such as Hunchback of Seville, Head Over Heels, The Boy Detective Fails, and in the School of Music for Amahl and the Night Visitors and La Cenerentola. Elisabeth is so proud of her peers and friends in The Road to the End!

Anna Jungkeit she/her (Props Coordinator) has had carpentry classes and training for the last 8 years, and worked in the scene shop for the two years she has been here at Mason. Anna has found it so fulfilling to be involved in so many awesome productions! This time around as both an intern and props coordinator. She can't wait to bring this show to life!
Megan Gray Lederman she/her (Director) is a senior at Mason perusing a double major in both Theater and English with concentrations in Theater Studies and English Literature, respectively. She is highly involved at Mason currently serving as Company Manager of The Mason Players, the Student Leader of The Kilroys Playreading Club, and a member of Alpha Psi Omega, Alpha Zeta Upsilon Cast. She would like to thank the entire cast and crew for being a true ‘Dream Team’ and also thank audiences for supporting new work and new voices in theater. Past credits include - GEORGE MASON
UNIVERSITY: Head Over Heels (Dramaturg), For Your Consideration 2022 (Director), 1,001 Plays 2022 (Dramaturg), Everybody (Little Girl/Time), 1,001 Plays 2021 (Dramaturg), Footloose: The Musical (Dramaturg), Are Your There? (Steve/City/12), The Originals 2020- How Jane Got Married (Jane) ACTING FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: Student Playwriting Festival 2022 (Assistant Director).

Merin Lemoine they/them (Lighting Design) is a senior in their final semester at George Mason about to receive their BA in theater design and technology with a minor in event technical production. They are excited to wrap up their work at the university with a piece that uplifts the work of students they have worked with since first transferring into the school. They are extremely grateful for the guidance from Sherrice Mojgani and Kevin Dunayer.
Caleb McMurtry he/him (Student Technical Director) to be the technical director on this show! He has previously worked as the projections designer on Sutta and assistant technical director on Hunchback of Seville. He would like to thank his family for their continued support in his theatrical journey. He would especially like to thank the Technical Director, Carrie Cox, and Assistant Technical Director, Stephan Starling, for this opportunity as well as their guidance and support throughout this show and beyond.
Bella Panciocco she/her (Playwright) is a graduating senior this spring. Her love of writing started when she was a young child, but her love of play writing emerged her freshman year. Her first play,Tomorrow is My Day, was featured in George Mason's 2020 1,001 Plays and The Originals! Her play The Moon is Changing and So Are We was read at 1,001 Plays in Toronto and featured in The Originals! 2021. She participated in 4615 Theatre Company’s “Q- Fest” with her play My Angel. This play is a love letter to her family.

Jeremy Pritchard he/she/they (Assistant Stage Manager) is excited to be a part of this production as the assistant stage manager. Previously they have worked as Assistant Costume Designer for The Hunchback of Seville and Costume Designer for both Head Over Heels and Everybody at the School of Theater. It has been an honor to work as an assistant to their mentor, Deb Sivigny, for this production and has greatly enjoyed the learning experience she has provided in their last semester here at Mason.
Jess Singley she/they (Dramaturg) is a dramaturg, playwright, and theater artist working in Northern Virginia. They graduated from George Mason University with a degree in Theater in May 2022 and are thrilled to be a part of this production as an alum. Other dramaturgy credits include: Gruesome Playground Injuries, Hookman, Eurydice, The Boy Detective Fails (George Mason University) Icarus Rising (Podcast). Find their play Someone Has to Leave First on New Play Exchange!

Brett Womack he/him (Composer) is a sophomore here at Mason, excited to be part of the design team for the first time! Brett has been writing music for years and has scored multiple shows for his high school before and after graduating. Since then, he's written multiple musicals that received productions such as Jolly Street and Robin's Therapy. Working to help tell this incredible story has proven equal parts fun and challenging!

Arts Support Umbrella
Production Manager
Technical Director
Scene Shop Supervisor
Assistant Technical Director
Lead Carpenter
Scenic Painter
TheaterSpace Technical Directors
Harris Theatre Technical Director
Costume Shop Supervisor
Costume Shop Assistants
Costume Interns
Sound Interns
Lighting Interns
Management Interns
Scene Shop Production Intern
Scene Shop Paint Intern
Scene Shop Props Intern
Dan Hobson
Carrie Cox
Ethan Osborne
Stephan Starling
Madelyn Southard
Chloe Scheel
Micah Stromberg & Tom Terlecki
Adrianna Daugherty-Smith
Laurel Dunayer
Vicki Burroughs & Sarah Alspach
Angel Lee, Lee Guber, Caleb McMurtry, Jeremy Pritchard, Jackson Ramos, Hannah Griffith
Sydney Anderson, Jordan Patnett
Merin Lemoine, Mary Clare Bernier
Jay Dews, Samba Pathak, Aqwai Harris
Vika Hearne, Caleb McMurtry, Viann Tran
Anna Jungkeit
Susan Lane
Luke Rahman
Alpha Psi Omega Officers
Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Associate Member Coordinators
Community Service Chair
Education Deputy
Kendall Huheey (she/her)
Elisabeth Dupuy (she/her)
Martin Desjardins (he/him)
Samba Pathak (he/him)
Erin Birchfield (she/her)
Khue Duong (she/her)
Shannon Rodgers (she/her)
Darren Badley (he/him)
Jo Arnett (she/they)
Mason Players Staff
Company Manager
Associate Company Manager
Company Secretary
Devolpment Manager
Development Apprentice
Sales Coordinator
Marketing Manager
Co-Company Historian
Co-Company Historian
Marketing Apprentices
Development Apprentice
Players4Change Staff
Equity and Empowerment Managers
Megan Lederman (she/her)
Darren Badley (he/him)
Shannon Rodgers (she/her)
Luke Rahman (he/him)
Erin Birchfield (she/her)
Nathan Tilley (he/him)
Brett Womack (he/him)
Lexi Carter (she/her)
Nathaniel McCay (he/him)
Sally Deen (she/her)
Aurora Powell (she/they)
Erin Birchfield (she/her)
Megan Ayers (she/they)
Mary Clare Bernier (she/they)
Jaylen "Jay" Dews (he/him)
Emma Harris (she/her)
Luke Rahman (he/him)
Zoe Winter (she/they)
Dean of College of Visual and Perfroming Arts
Director of the School of Theater
Production Manager
Program Manager
Academic Adviser
Office Manager
Office Assistant
Marketing Assistant
Elizabeth Alman
Kelly Armstrong
Djola Branner
April Brassard
Carrie Cox
Jonathan Dahm Robertson
Rick Davis
Kevin Dunayer
Laurel Dunayer
Amr El- Bayoumi
Leighann Enos
David Gaines
Erin Gardiner
James Gardiner
Edward Gero
David Goldstein
Nicholas Kfoury Horner
Mimsi Janis
Rick Davis
Djola Branner
Ruth Yamamoto
Nicholas Kfoury Horner
Sara Simanski
Mary Burgess
Megan Lederman
Nafisa Ferdous
Kristin Johnsen-Neshati
Mary Lechter
Billy Kessinger
Kaiulani Lee
Bryce Lenon
Ahmad Maaty
Heather McDonald
Sherrice Mojgani
Theresa Ohanian
Yaritza Pacheco
Franklin Robinson Jr.
Shaila Schmidt
Stefan Sittig
Debra Sivigny
Joseph Walsh
Ruth Yamamoto
TheSchoolofTheaterwishestothankthe followingdonorsfortheirgeneroussupport
Professional Artist Residency in Theater (PART) Legacy Donors
Kenneth and Carol Adelman
John and Deborah Blacksten
Doris Bloch and Bill Hunt
Boeing Company
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth P. Braxton
Mary Brescia
Jane and Chris Brewster
Ms. Lois Brown
Byrd International, L.L.C.
Gordon and Judy Canyock
Ms. Grace Chae
Chevy Chase Trust
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Ms. Chris Downey
Charles and Eileen Duggan
Linda Evans
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Gilcher
Irwin and Fay Gold
Vernon W. Gras, Ph.D.
Mr. Carl Hemmer
Emmett L. Holman, Ph.D.
Captain Marsha and Robert Rease
Marilyn Jones
Eileen Mandell
Dr. Alan and Mrs. Sally Merten
Mack and Paulette Miller
Merle L. Mulvaney
Diane and Tim Naughton
Warner and Cheryl North
Mr. Ronald Page
Robert and Ida Portland
Mrs. Lauren W. Rabb
Diane and Robert Rafuse
Ted and Anne K. Rosenblum
Ms. Ann Steers
Daniel and Ann Toohey
Mikki Van Wyk
Edward and Wava Vigen
Ken and Molly Elston and The Greater Manassas Christmas Parade Committee
IBM International Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Ms. Kristin Johnsen-Neshati & Mr. Amin Neshati
Cpt. Marsha and Robert Rease
Verizon Foundation
1,001 Plays Supporters
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Kristin Johnsen-Neshati & Mr. Amin Neshati
Nicholas Kfoury Horner
Phyllis Krochmal
Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas
Vafa Mostaghim
Virginia Humanities
from December 1, 2021 to January 1, 2023
angel ($5,000+)
Edward Jones
Diane and Time Naughton
sponsor ($2,500-$4,999)
Judy Canyock
Mack and Paulette Miller
Norma Jean Reck
patron ($1,000 - $2,499)
Dianne and Gerard Blais
Charles and Eileen Duggan
Dr. Joy R. Hughes and Mr. Kenneth Lee
Dr. Peter N. Stearns and Ms. Donna L. Kidd
Sherry Watkins
producer ($500 - $999)
Helen and Bill Ackerman
Mr. Rick Davis and Ms. Julie Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthus Hamerschlag
Barbara Jacksier and Everett Chasen
Ms. Mary Lechter and Mr. Kevin Murray
Robert and Ida Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Kosmo Tatlias
performer ($200 - $499)
John and Toni Acton
Susan J. Aitel and Jonathan Goldman
Joseph and Jocelyn Colao
performer ($200 - $499)
Ms. Kristin Johnsen-Neshati and Mr. Amin Neshati
Brian and Laurie Linberg
Patricia and Evans Mandes
Mitchell Martin
Lene Mcvoy
Don and Sonja Palomaki
friend (up to $199)
April Brassard
Carol Burbage
Jasmin Barnes
Pat and Pat Carroll
Barry and Peggy Fink
Linda and Shelly Gersten
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gholz
Zayd Hamid
Linda and Harlan Harber
Catie and Mark Hubbard
Shirley A. Joyce
David and Barbara Kilpatrick
Ms. Diane Kiser
Michael and Linda Kostrzewa
Christine Lange
Paulette Lichtman-Panzer
Alice and Matt Magelssen-Green
Kim and Ralph Moden
Erica M. Nantais
Emily Rouderbush
Terry Sarley
Willa and David Seigel
Bob and Pat Warakomsky
Christopher M. Ward
Joan R. White
Sheila Woods
from December 1, 2021 to January 1, 2023
friend (up to $199), cont.
Harriet Kaplan
Ms. Diane Kiser
Michael and Linda Kostrzewa
Mrs. Phyllis Krochmal
Robert Langelier
Paulette Lichtman-Panzer
Brian and Laurie Lindberg
Eileen Mandell
Pam McIntosh
Kim and Ralph Moden
Edward and Marianne Morahan
Jill Norris
Mary Alice Pett
Emily Roudebush
Terry Sarley
Willa and David Siegel
Roy and Margaret Wagner
Joseph Walsh
Lakyntiew L. Watrous
Dean and Andrea Westman
George and Marty Whipple
Joan R. White
Rachel Winograd
Ursula Wohlfahrt
The School of Theater’s and Mason Players’ 2022-2023 Saeson
Spring Season:
Mason Cabaret | Directed by Erin and James Gardiner | Musical
Accompaniment by Joe Walsh | February 3 & 4, Harris Theatre |
February 10 Hylton Performing Arts Center: Gregory Theater
The Night Knights |Directed by Mimsi Janis |March 3 & 4, 2023 |
1,001 Plays | March 10, 2023
The Hunchback of Seville |Directed by Carlos Murillo| March 30April 1, April 5-8, 2023 | Harris Theatre
The Road to the End |Directed by Megan Lederman |Written by
Bella Panciocco |April 20-April 23, 2023 | TheaterSpace
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown | Directed by Erin Gardiner |
Musical Direction by Joe Walsh| May 5 & 6, 2023 | Hylton
Performing Arts Center: Gregory Theater
School of Theater Scholarships (continuing awards): Dezire Duverglas, Steven Franco, Abigail Hastings, Bianca Peña, Julia Rudgers, and Nathan Tilley
The Howard Vincent Kurtz Endowed Scholarship in Design: Sloan Martin
The Mack & Paulette Miller Theater Scholarship Endowment (2022): Brandon Morris
The Brower “BC” Spransy Memorial Scholarship Endowment (2022): Rayna Ketch
The Chris Parsons Memorial Scholarship: Bella Panciocco
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Theater Scholarship: Samba Pathak
Friends of Theater at Mason Scholarships (awarded Spring 2023): Jo Arnett, Caroline Austin, Asia Cooper, Starr Hill, Dyllan Hutchison, Garret Jones, Caleb McMurtry, Jeremy Pritchard, Shannon Rodgers, Nathan Tilley
Theater at Mason would like to thank the Friends of Theater for their ongoing support of our programs, especially their support of scholarships for our students. Please consider becoming a Friend.
Please consider giving by logging onto our website
At the place George Mason University occupies, we give greetings and thanksgivings to these Potomac River life sources, to the Doeg ancestors, who Virginia annihilated in violent campaigns while ripping their lands apart with the brutal system of African American enslavement, to the recognized Virginia tribes who have lovingly stewarded these lands for millennia including, the Rappahannock, Pamunkey, Upper Mattaponi, Chickahominy, Eastern Chickahominy, Nansemond, Monacan, Mattaponi, Patawomeck, and Nottaway, past, present, and future, and to the Piscataway tribes, who have lived on both sides of the river from time immemorial.
the last production of spring 2023
You're a Good Man Charlie Brown
May 5-7, 2023
Coming in Fall 2023
The Originals!
September 15-16, 2023
9 to 5 The Musical
October 20-29, 2023
Fallen by Theresa Ohanian
November 16-19, 2023
A Staged Reading of: La Belle Indifference
December 3, 2023
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