Twelve Ophelias - SOT

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Twelve Ophelias

Directed by Brett Womack

February 22, 23*, 24 at 8 p.m.

February 24 and 25** at 2 p.m.

in TheaterSpace

*ASL interpreted and Talkback to follow

** Audio Described

Recordings and photography of any kind are strictly prohibited.


Astheatre-goers,youlikelyhavesomefamiliaritywithHamletandits characters.Hamletwashaunted,Poloniuswasstabbed,Gertrudewas poisoned,Claudiuswasstabbedandpoisoned,andOpheliawasdriven madanddrowned.Spoilers,sorry.Despiteeverycharactermeetingacruel fate,Ophelia’siseasilythemosttragicofthemall,whilesimultaneously beingtheleastdeserving.EnterCaridadSvich,whopensthiswonderfully absurdistandfreshtakeonthecharacters,whereOpheliaisgivena secondchanceatfindingherself,nolongerdefinedbythemeninherlife, butonherownmerit.Bytellingthestoryfromherperspective,Svichis abletocraftapseudo-afterlifewhereOpheliafindsherself,herown identity.Whilethisstoryisoddandparticularandintimate,itsuniversality shinesthroughtheexperiencesofOpheliaandherrecoveringmindscape inthishalf-deconstruction,half-homagetotheoriginalplay.

Svich’sstorytellingreallyspoketomewhenIfirstreadtheplay.The uptighteloquenceofShakespeareisinvertedascharactersspeakin contemporarypoetryandmoderndialects.Theopportunitytoengage withthisstorythroughamusicalandmovement-focusedmediumwas oneIcouldnotpassup.Isoughttofillthisstoryofidentity,individuality, andwhitenoisewithmusicthatevokesthedissociativeanddistant,while stillremainingwhollydistinctandmemorable.Iapproachedtheentire showwiththatsamephilosophyofthepurposefulfuzzandnoisefound withinacrowdedmind,whichmakesthemomentsofbrevityandserenity thatmuchnicer.Peopledancejoyfully,wailwithgrief,zoneoutentirely, love,hate,live,anddie-oftenatthesametime.Imadeitweird.Butagood weird.

Iwanttotaketherestofthispagetothankyouforbeinghere.Yes,you specifically.Itmeanstheworldtothiswholecompanythatyoucameout tosupportus.Thisshowhasbeenmypassionprojectfornearlytwoyears, andI’msogratefultobesharingmyartandtheartofsomanystudent performersanddesigners.Ihopeyoucanleavethisroomtodaywitha newfoundappreciationforShakespeare’soriginal,asenseofretribution forthewrongedwomeninhisworks,andaloveforyoungandnewartists makingtheirarttogether.Icannootheranswermakebutthanks,and thanks,andeverthanks.




Mina, Dance Captain ........................................................

Chorus, G & Mina Understudy ......................................

Brea Davis

Idil Erdoğan

Chorus, R & H Understudy ...................................................

Gertrude .................................................................

Chorus, Rude Boy Understudy ..........................

E Griggs

Arrieon Grovner

Aven Hagen Grote

Chorus, Fight Captain, Gertrude Understudy ......

Shannon Harrel

H ...................................................................................

Rude Boy ................................................................

Keaton Lazar

Nathaniel McCay

G ........................................................................................

Chorus, Ophelia Understudy ................................

Katie Rowe

Jennah Sidiabed

Ophelia .........................................................................

R ...................................................................................

Rylan Snyder

Sarah Stewart

Swing .............................................................................

Olivia Wilson



Director/Composer ..................................................

Assistant Director/Choreographer ........................

Fight/Intimacy Director ...........................................

Brett Womack

Spencer Wilde

Lorraine Slone

Dramaturg ........................................................................

Stage Manager .............................................................

Assistant Stage Manager ....................................

Dan Piper

Andy Brown

Bertem Demirtas

Assistant Stage Manager ........................................

Technical Director .................................................

Emma Mitchell

Caleb McMurtry

Assistant Technical Director ....................................

Gabriel Embry

Scenic Designer ...............................................................

Properties Designer ..............................................

Eli Nguyen

Stephan Starling

Assistant Properties Designer ......................................

Costume Designer ..................................................

Paris Devlin

Hannah Griffith

Hair and Makeup Designer .....................................

Aurora Powell

Sound Designer ....................................................................

Lighting Designer .......................................................

An Tran

Garrett Jones


Brea Davis she/her (Mina) is a second-year Musical Theater major! She was recently seen as Candy Striper and a Dance Captain in 9 to 5 at Mason, and she's excited to continue her experience with the Mason Players. Brea would like to thank her family for always supporting her and being her biggest fans!

Idil Erdoğan she/her (Chorus / U/S G, Mina) is excited to be a part of her first play at Mason! She’s thrilled to have gotten the opportunity to work with an incredible cast & crew and looks forward to exploring more of the theater scene at Mason. She hopes Gravedigger 1 will earn a spot in audiences’ hearts.

Elie Griggs they/them (Chorus / U/S R, H) is a thirdyear Musical Theater major at Mason. They are from Camden, South Carolina, and have also been seen in the Mason Player’s The Night Knights (Swing) and Head Over Heels (Ensemble / U/S Pythio). Elie is thrilled to be in this production, and wants to thank their friends, family, and castmates!

n Grovner she/her (Gertrude) is a freshman rge Mason, and this is Arrieon's first main production with the Theater program. She is xcited to perform and hopes everyone the show!


Aven Hagen Grote he/they (Chorus / U/S Rude Boy) is majoring in Theater Studies with a focus on Dramaturgy. They would like to thank their family and their friends for the support and care. And they hope you like the show!

Shannon Harrel she/her (Chorus / U/S Gertrude) is a sophomore Theater major with a concentration in Musical Theater. This is her third production with Mason. Shannon worked on You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown as the Stage Manager and The Mason Player's The Originals! 2023 as Maya Westminster in A Dorian Mode. She would like to thank her friends and family for always being supportive!

Keaton Lazar he/him (H) is excited to work on another production at Mason with his friends! Keaton is a junior and this is his 5th production with School of Theater. He has previously been seen in productions such as The Road to the End, Sutta and 9 to 5. He is thrilled to be able to work on this amazing production of Twelve Ophelias, and hopes everyone enjoys the show!

Nathaniel McCay he/him (Rude Boy) is a senior at Mason who has previously taken part in the Mason Players productions of Eurydice (Father) and 9 to 5 (Dick / Ensemble). He has also appeared in productions such as A Midsummer Night's Dream (Oberon) and Mamma Mia (Harry). He is honored to work with such an incredible team, and hopes you enjoy the show!


Katie Rowe she/her (G) is a current sophomore at George Mason with a concentration in Musical Theater. Her most recent works include: Beauty and the Beast (Featured Dancer / Ensemble / Dance Captain), Head Over Heels (Ensemble / Pamela U/S), The Mason Players The Originals! 2022 (Full Disclosure; Annie), Anything Goes (Reno Sweeney).

Jennah Sidiabed she/her (Chorus / U/S Ophelia) is very excited to be a part of Twelve Ophelias at George Mason University. She recently was a Swing in the school's production of 9 to 5 and also played a character in one of the shows in The Mason Players The Originals! 2023. She is excited to continue her journey working with the lovely people she has met here, as she works toward her BFA in Musical Theater. She wants to thank her parents for supporting her and say "HII," to everyone who's come out to support her tonight.

Rylan Snyder she/her (Ophelia) is a junior Honors College student pursuing her BFA in Musical Theater here at Mason! You may have seen her last on Mason stages in 9 to 5, You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, and the Mason Cabaret, as well as others. She would like to thank her parents and friends for their overwhelming support. Enjoy!


Sarah Stewart she/her (R) is a senior working to obtain a BFA in Theater with a concentration in Musical Theater. She’s thrilled to be working with such a wonderful cast and crew, and is very grateful for this opportunity! Some of her favorite past productions at Mason include 9 to 5 (Judy Bernly), You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown (Sally Brown), Baby Dream Your Dream: The Women of Broadway (Soloist), and The Boy Detective Fails (Daisy Hollis U/S / Ensemble).

Olivia Wilson she/her (Swing) is a first year student from Richmond, Virginia. She is incredibly grateful for the opportunity to pursue her passion for the stage along with a degree in Political Communications. Her third production with Mason, Twelve Ophelias has held great value in her development as an actress. She hopes to continue learning as much as possible through the theater department in the next few years.


Andy Brown he/him (Stage Manager)

Bertem Demirtas he/him (Assistant Stage Manager) is primarily an actor but is excited to assistant stage manage for the first time! He would like to thank his friends and especially his family for always supporting his endeavors. He’d also like to thank the cast and production team for creating such a fun environment to work in!

Paris Devlin (Assistant Props Designer)

Gabriel Embry (Assistant Technical Director)

Hannah Griffith she/her (Costume Designer) is a theater artist with two years of experience. She is passionate about theater and believes it can be a powerful medium for storytelling and social change. Hannah is pursuing both a degree in Business Marketing and Design and Technical Theater. She regularly works as a costume designer, hair stylist, and makeup artist.

Garrett Jones (Lighting Designer)

Emma Mitchell (Assistant Stage Manager)


Caleb McMurtry he/him (Technical Director) is thankful to be back as the Technical Director for his 21st and (currently) last show at GMU before graduating in May! He wanted to take this space to say thank you to everyone who has supported him in his years at George Mason. Particularly the Design Tech professors for helping him get to where he is today, he couldn’t have done it without their help! He would like to thank his family and friends for their incredible support, especially when he got too busy to text them back! And more than anything, thank you Carrie for giving him the opportunity to learn and grow into the Technical Director he is today.

Eli Nguyen he/she (Scenic Designer)

Dan Piper he/she/they (Dramaturg) is a senior at Mason majoring in English and minoring in Illustration. He jumped on the opportunity to apply his academic Shakespeare background to the stage, and to work with the Mason Players after an extended hiatus from theater. He wants to thank the cast and crew for their warm welcome.

Madison Pitzer they/them (Student Lead Marketer) is currently in their sophomore year, and is working as the Lead Marketer for Twelve Ophelias! They are an Art major along with a playwright! Some of the plays have had staged readings here on campus: Baby Blues, In this Realm We Cannot See, and Preaching Our End of the Universe!


Aurora Powell they/she (Hair & Makeup Artist) is a second-year Musical Theater student and CoHistorian on the board of Mason Players. Last year at Mason you may have seen them as Pythio in Head Over Heels or Infanta Juana in The Hunchback of Seville. They just finished assistant directing fallen with the incredible Theresa Ohanian and are thrilled to be participating in another favorite technical aspect of theater this semester. IG: aurorajpowell An Tran (Sound Designer)

Lorraine Slone she/her (Fight & Intimacy Director)

Stephan Starling they/he (Props Designer)

Spencer Wilde he/him (Assistant Director / Choreographer) is a sophomore in the BFA program with a Musical Theater concentration. He has recently performed as a Featured Soloist in Mason Cabaret, Dwayne in 9 to 5, and Schroeder in You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, all at GMU. Although he has previously served as a Fight Captain and Dance Captain, this is his first step into the creative team for a show and is excited to share this special moment with you!

Brett Womack he/him (Director / Music Director / Composer) is a junior at Mason with a BFA in Theater with a concentration in Musical Theater and a BA in Mathematics. Brett is beyond happy you could be here for his directorial debut at Mason! Previous production credits include Assistant Directing You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Composing for The Road to the End, Music Directing and Composing for fallen, and Music Directing his two original musicals from The Originals! 2022 and 2023. Thank you to his friends, family, girlfriend, and all who support! Thank you thank you thank you!!!


Arts Support Umbrella

ASU Production Manager

Technical Director

Assistant Technical Director

Costume Shop Supervisor

Scene Shop Supervisor

Scenic Painter/ Paint Elevation Artist

Lead Carpenter

Venue Tech Director


Wardrobe Crew

Light Board Operator

Sound Board Operator

Scene Shop Interns

Properties Intern

Production Intern

Paint Intern

Micah Stromberg

Carrie Cox

Stephan Starling

Laurel Dunayer

Ethan Osborne

Chloe Scheel

Maddie Southard

Tom Terlecki

Quiana Michel

Jalen Whitmore

Sophia Ferolito

Megan Ayers

Bertem Demirtas

Gabriel Embry

Anna Jungkeit

Caleb McMurtry

Sydney Schepis


Costume Shop Interns

Anna Connole

Hannah Griffith

Lee Guber

Scene Shop Construction Practicums

Rosie Chan

Carter Hurd

Aadith Iyer

Kevin Kaluarachichi

Sydney Schepisi

Shannon Harrel

Jackson Ramos

Brianna Zawicki

Zatch Valenzuela

Walker Vlahos

Ky Wilcox

Spencer Wilde

Zoe Winter


Alpha Psi Omega Officers


Vice President



Associate Member Coordinators


Community Service Chair

Education Deputy

Mason Players Staff

Company Manager

Associate Company Manager

Company Secretary

Development Manager

Development Apprentice

Marketing Manager

Marketing Apprentices

Co-Company Historians

Players4Change Staff

Equity and Empowerment Managers

Erin Birchfield (she/her)

Elisabeth Dupuy (she/her)

Dyllan Hutchison (she/her)

Peter Dasher (he/they)

Jay Dews (he/him)

Kamy Satterfield

Lorcan Von Slomski

Megan Ayers (she/they)

Martin Desjardins

Nathan Tilley (he/him)

Lexi Carter (she/her)

Peter Dasher (he/they)

Erin Birchfield (she/her)

Ella Grant

Brett Womack (he/him)

Mercury Pitzer

Idil Erdoğan

Aurora Powell (she/they)

Mery Estrella (she/her)

Megan Ayers (she/they)

Mary Clare Bernier (she/they)

Jaylen "Jay" Dews (he/him)

Emma Harris (she/her)

Zoe Winter (she/they)


Dean, College of Visual and Performing Arts

Director, School of Theater

Assistant Director

Production Manager

Academic Advisor

Office Manager

Marketing Assistant


Elizabeth Alman

Kelly Armstrong

Djola Branner

April Brassard

Carrie Cox

Jonathan Dahm Robertson

Rick Davis

Kevin Dunayer

Laurel Dunayer

Leighann Enos

David Gaines

Erin Gardiner

James Gardiner

Edward Gero

David Goldstein

Nicholas Kfoury Horner

Rick Davis

Djola Branner

Nick Kfoury Horner

Lena Salins

Sara Simanski

Mary Burgess

Nafisa Ferdous

Mimsi Janis

Kristin Johnsen-Neshati

Mary Lechter

Billy Kessinger

Kaiulani Lee

Bryce Lenon

Ahmad Maaty

Heather McDonald

Sherrice Mojgani

Theresa Ohanian

Yaritza Pacheco

Franklin Robinson Jr.

Shaila Schmidt

Stefan Sittig

Debra Sivigny

Joseph Walsh


The School of Theater wishes to thank the following donors for their generous support

Professional Artist Residency in Theater (PART) Legacy Donors

Kenneth and Carol Adelman


John and Deborah Blacksten

Doris Bloch and Bill Hunt

Boeing Company

Rev. Dr. Elizabeth P. Braxton

Mary Brescia

Jane and Chris Brewster

Ms. Lois Brown

Byrd International, L.L.C.

Gordon and Judy Canyock

Ms. Grace Chae

Chevy Chase Trust Council on American-Islamic Relations

Ms. Chris Downey

Charles and Eileen DugganKen and Molly Elston and

The Greater Manassas

Christmas Parade Committee

Linda Evans

Dr. and Mrs. William H. Gilcher

Irwin and Fay Gold

Vernon W. Gras, Ph.D.

Mr. Carl Hemmer

Emmett L. Holman, Ph.D.

IBM International Foundation

Ms. Kristin Johnsen-Neshati and Mr. Amin Neshati

Marilyn Jones

Eileen Mandell

Dr. Alan Merten and Mrs. Sally Merten

Mack and Paulette Miller

Merle L. Mulvaney

Diane and Tim Naughton

Warner and Cheryl North

Mr. Ronald Page

Robert and Ida Portland

Mrs. Lauren W. Rabb

Diane and Robert Rafuse

Captain Marsha and Robert Rease

Ted and Anne K. Rosenblum

Ms. Ann Steers

Daniel and Ann Toohey

Mikki Van Wyk

Verizon Foundation

Edward and Wava Vigen

1,001 Plays Supporters

Anonymous (2)

Ms. Kristin Johnsen-Neshati & Mr. Amin Neshati

Nicholas Kfoury Horner

Phyllis Krochmal

Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas

Vafa Mostaghim


angel ($5,000+)

Edward Jones

Diane and Tim Naughton

Virginia Foundation for the Humanities

sponsor ($2,500-$4,999)

Judy Canyock

Mack and Paulette Miller

Norma Jean Reck

patron ($1,000 - $2,499)


Dianne and Gerard Blais

Charles and Eileen Duggan

Dr. Joy R. Hughes and Mr. Kenneth Lee

Dr. Peter N. Stearns and Ms. Donna L. Kidd

producer ($500 - $999)

Helen and Bill Ackerman

Mr. Rick Davis and Ms. Julie Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamerschlag

Ms. Mary Lechter and Mr. Kevin Murray

Don and Sonja Palomaki

Robert and Ida Portland

William Schneider

Mr. and Mrs. Kosmo Tatalias

performer ($200 - $499)

John and Toni Acton

Susan J. Aitel and Jonathan Goldman


performer ($200 - $499) cont.

Brian and Laurie Lindberg

Patricia and Evans Mandes

Mitchell J. Martin

Lene Mcvoy

Mary and John Tuohy

Verizon Foundation

friend (up to $199)

April Brassard

Carol Burbage

James and Sue Christensen

Roland and Victoria Fabia

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gerbracht

Linda and Shelly Gersten

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Gholz

Zayd A. Hamid

Linda and Harlan Harber

Catie and Mark Hubbard

Shirley A. Joyce

David and Barbara Kilpatrick

Michael and Linda Kostrzewa

Christine Lange

Stanley Lichtman and Paulette


Alice and Matt MagelssenGreen

Erica M. Nantais

Emily Roudebush

Terry Sarley

Dana D. Semmes

Bob and Pat Warakomsky

Christopher M. Ward

Joan R. White

Sheila Woods


School of Theater would like to thank the Friends of Theater for their ongoing support of our programs, especially their support of scholarships for our students. Please consider becoming a Friend and giving by logging onto our website


At the place George Mason University occupies, we give greetings and thanksgivings to these Potomac River life sources, to the Doeg ancestors, who Virginia annihilated in violent campaigns while ripping their lands apart with the brutal system of African American enslavement, to the recognized Virginia tribes who have lovingly stewarded these lands for millennia including, the Rappahannock, Pamunkey, Upper Mattaponi, Chickahominy, Eastern Chickahominy, Nansemond, Monacan, Mattaponi, Patawomeck, and Nottaway, past, present, and future, and to the Piscataway tribes, who have lived on both sides of the river from time immemorial.


spring 2024 performance season

1,001 Plays March-April, 2024

Antigone, Presented by the Girls of St. Catherine’s March 21-24, 2024

Thrive, or What You Will April 11-14, 2024

A Concert Presentation of:

Once Upon a Mattress April 26-28, 2024

Follow The Mason Players for Season Updates & Announcements on



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