Coachella Valley Weekly - November 19 to November 25, 2020 Vol. 9 No. 36

Page 1 • November 19 to November 25, 2020 Vol.9 No.36

Act For MS Fundraiser


{IW} Coffee


The DTease


Marvin Etzioni


Thanksgiving Safety Tips


November 19 to November 25, 2020


Coachella Valley Weekly (760) 501-6228 Publisher & Editor Tracy Dietlin Art Director Robert Chance Sales Team Kirby Club Crawler Nightlife Editor Phil Lacombe Head Music Writer Noe Gutierrez Head Feature Writer Crystal Harrell Feature Writers Lisa Morgan, Rich Henrich, Heidi Simmons, Tricia Witkower, Jason Hall, Esther Sanchez Writers/Contributors: Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Eleni P. Austin, Craig Michaels, Janet McAfee, Bronwyn Ison, Haddon Libby, Sam DiGiovanna, Dale Gribow, Denise Ortuno Neil, Rob Brezny, Dr. Peter Kadile, Dee Jae Cox, Angela Romeo, Aaron Ramson, Lynne Tucker, Aimee Mosco, Michelle Anne Rizzio, Ruth Hill, Madeline Zuckerman Photographers Robert Chance, Laura Hunt Little, Chris Miller, Iris Hall, Esther Sanchez Videographer Kurt Schawacker Website Editor Bobby Taffolla Distribution Phil Lacombe, William Westley

CONTENTS Thanksgiving - Martha's Kitchen & CV Rescue Mission........................ 3 Act For MS Fundraiser...................... 5 Travel Tips 4 U - {IW} Coffee ............. 5 The DTease..................................... 6-7 Consider This - Marvin Etzioni ..... 8-9 Safety Tips ...................................... 10 Pet Place .................................... 12-13

November 19 to November 25, 2020



hanksgiving is set to look very different from previous years. What is usually a time for family and friends to get together in turkey day camaraderie is made much more difficult because of COVID-19, as the number of cases continue to increase throughout the country. Even amid the pandemic, there are resources for those in need during the holiday season. Martha’s Village and the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission have heightened their safety protocols in order to provide meals and other services during Thanksgiving. Martha’s Village and Kitchen will still be serving Thanksgiving meals in Indio at their main campus on November 25 and 26, starting at 10 a.m. through 2 p.m. Instead of the traditional way of serving buffet style, meals will be prepared to go and served adhering to coronavirus safety protocols. Martha’s Village & Kitchen is one of the largest providers of homeless services in the Coachella Valley and Riverside County. The organization began in 1990 when the founders served meals to their homeless neighbors. Today, from its campus in Indio, Martha’s Village offers unique life-changing programs based on the nationally recognized “continuum of care model” breaking the cycle of homelessness. Martha’s Village and Kitchen provides housing stability to 120 seniors, children, families and individuals each night at their facilities in Indio. This housing provides stability for a better functioning immune system, sanitation, and the safety for sleep, proper nutrition, and social distancing. The Coachella Valley’s seniors are especially vulnerable as well. Martha’s Village and Kitchen serves over 900 seniors each year. The agency is already seeing a large demand and increase for services. Now that schools and many programs for children have closed, Martha’s Village is seeing an increase in demand for food and other emergency services for children and their families. “We always stand at the ready to serve the community. The fast-changing circumstances related to the coronavirus have put an enormous need for supplies that we simply do not have the funding for. We also need to increase staff, so that we can take care of the most vulnerable in our community. Understandably, we have seen an extensive drop in our volunteers,” said President and CEO, Linda Barrack. The Fortem Financial Thanksgiving 5K

benefitting Martha’s Village & Kitchen will also take place Thursday, November 26 through Sunday, November 29. Participants are encouraged to do the “5K Your Way!” this Thanksgiving weekend and take action against food insecurity and homelessness. Participants may register themselves as individuals, start a team, or join an existing team. They can pick up your essential race gear on the packet pick-up days of November 24 and November 25 at Westfield Mall in Palm Desert. Team Captains will have an early option for team packets. The NBC Palm Springs morning news team will also be participating, featuring stories about Martha’s Village on Thanksgiving morning. Participants can create a route of their very own and post pictures and tag @MarthasVilllage or hashtag #MVK5K on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to show spirit. Visit The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission is also following in its annual tradition of serving Thanksgiving meals to the public, starting on November 25 with a dinner service from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., and on November 26, with breakfast from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. and dinner from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Because of COVID, the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission will be implementing contactless service as opposed to the buffet style of serving. There will be large, open-air tents set up in the mission parking lot. Lines will be organized outside to pass out food, and once the meal is received, people are invited to eat outside in the parking lot. There will be hand washing stations and temperature checks on the premises. “We are just trying to roll with the punches and get with the times. Even the volunteers that are serving the meals will be socially distancing and they will only be working 2-hour shifts.

The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission has been serving the desert’s underserved population for 50 years now. It is very vital to serve those. More people are in need than ever before. We want to make sure that we are keeping everyone safe, happy, and healthy. We are enforcing these safety measures to ensure we can keep this tradition going,” said Scott Wolf, Development Director of the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission. Operating since 1971, the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission has provided a safe place for those in need of refuge. The dedicated staff and volunteers have served more than 360,000 meals annually and provided shelter to thousands of men and women with children. Food, clothing, and showers have even been provided for those who choose not to stay at the shelter. The Rescue Mission is looking for donations to reach their goal of serving 30,000 meals by Thanksgiving this year. Donations can be made at

The Vino Voice ............................... 15 Screeners ........................................ 16 Haddon Libby................................. 17 Dale Gribow.................................... 17 Health - Keto .................................. 18 Free Will Astrology ........................ 18


November 19 to November 25, 2020


November 19 to November 25, 2020



ocal non-profit Palm Desert based charity, ACT for MS (Multiple Sclerosis) in partnership with Coachella Valley Repertory (CVRep) and CBS Local 2 is holding a new kind of fundraising event, December 12, 2020 at 7 PM. The theme and talent are: Experience the Legacy of Palm Springs’ Famed Chi Chi Starlite Room! Headliners include comedian Tom Dreesen and vocalist Deana Martin. Denny Pezzin and Alex Shayne (whose parents performed at

Deana Martin


the Chi Chi Club) round out the cast. Doc Poster and his orchestra complement the evening, along with KESQ anchor Karen Devine as Host. The hour-long show will air from 7 to 8 PM on KCBS-TV, channel 2. The show was taped at CVRep with Covid19 protocols in place. The show is produced by Richard DeSantis. Honorees are the Board of Directors of The Coachella Valley Wellness Foundation: Patty Newman, Walter Clark, Stephen Lind, Christopher Pyle, Charles

Riach, Martin Serna, and Tom Tokheim. Event chairs Nelda Linsk and Robert Moon say, “This will be an exciting and inspiring event that brings together the immense talent and energy of two legendary entertainers - Deana Martin and Tom Dreesen - delivered directly to your living room by our generous friends at CBS Local 2, all taking place on the beautiful new stage of CVRep. Please join us as our local community comes together in support of the clients of ACT for MS who need our support more than ever during these challenging times.” All funds raised during the program pay for free programs benefiting ACT for MS clients. The event, originally scheduled for March 15, 2020 was postponed due to the Covid19 pandemic.

ACT for MS Mission: To provide assistance for Coachella Valley residents living with Multiple Sclerosis, helping them to live stronger longer. / 760-773-9806; Nonprofit Tax ID is 33-0880635; susie@

Tom Dreesen




heir mission is simple: To create and deliver an exceptional product and the experience that goes along with it. {IW} Coffee has amazing coffee, tea, latte, chai, yummy eats and more! Outside tables available with lots of parking, too. Think Coffee, Latte, Chai, Tea and Great Food. Enjoy!


November 19 to November 25, 2020



here are bands that are political and there are political bands. THE DTEASE are neither. I connected with vocalist Wilson to learn more about the pentamerous band that includes Wilson (Lead Singer), Sammy (Guitar), Josh (Guitar), Bill (Drums) and Tommy (Bass). In 2018, they were scheduled to perform along with SE7EN4, DEATH IN PRETTY WRAPPING and MEGA SUN at The Hood Bar & Pizza but unfortunately the band had to postpone due to circumstances beyond their control. Wilson assured me that they will bring their ‘metal-bending glitter bomb from the 6th dimension’ back to the desert as soon as it is safe. Redefining the post-millennium era of Rock music, The Dtease have managed to take all the good from 70’s Glam artists like David Bowie and T. Rex, 70’s Punk Rock like The Clash and The Ramones, 60’s Rock and Roll like The Doors and The Rolling Stones, and everything missing in the Modern Rock scene to create all-powerful icon. Dressed in sharkskin suits and fueled by frontman Wilson Gil, the band has captivated audiences up and down the California coast. Poetic lyrics consisting of sex, politics, and well, Rock and Roll are geniusly combined with an arsenal of destructive guitar riffs, brilliant bass lines, killer drum demolition and topped by sexual performance entrapping all of the senses that reverberate with metaphorical undertones to create a weapon of sonic mass destruction. The question is, are you experienced? With a live show that cannot be beat, The DTease will leave you speechless, soaking wet and screaming for more! After speaking with Wilson I got an



earful about the state of the union and what THE DTEASE is all about. His wellinformed responses moved me to consider my own slant on our country. This is what THE DTEASE is all about, they are here to entertain while entrapping your senses to reconsider how you view sex, politics, and Rock 'n' Roll.” CVW: What does the general public need to know about The DTease? WG: “As far as anything you need to know about the band, we are Rock 'n' Roll insurgents trying to fight a war against the mundane musings of the powers that be; a weapon of sonic mass destruction, a wave of rhythm and feedback that both binds us and frees us at the same time. And it’s our job to bring everyone in the crowd into the fold. If you want to just splash around in the shallow end, shake your ass and have a good time, you are more than free to do that, but if you care to challenge yourself and swim out to the deep end, we’ll be waiting there for you. We're like the poison pill wrapped in candy. One man's poison is another man's antidote. We are the ‘Rasputin of Rock 'n' Roll’!” CVW: How does the political landscape influence your music and lyrics? WG: “Well, the political landscape is always changing but there are always universal concepts that are being presented and we sing a lot about the freedom from oppression, equality, freedom to be who you want to be, love who you want to love and express that love how you want to express that love. Fuck the status quo! Be yourself. And of course, we have a lot of silly songs about fucking.” CVW: To be a politician now is to

be cunning and scheming, it appears, especially when the focus is on advancing one's career. How do we navigate as a society? WG: “You have to be those things because it's a Machiavellian construct. You have to play everybody off of each other and you have to dodge all the questions and everyone is out for the gotcha moment. But now there really is just so much bullshit floating around everywhere on every side, people think they have power, but really, they don't because let's face it, the people that voted in the 2016 presidential election, the percentage was abysmal, it was like 50 something percent I think. All we have is our vote, really. And even then it's tough, until we get some kind of meaningful campaign reform, laws and term limits on senators as well as other members. Nobody should be a lifetime senator, that's just bullshit!” CVW: You are so spirited when you perform. Where does your live energy come from and how do you maneuver life in-between shows in order to channel that energy on show days? WG: “All my energy comes from the fact that we are all going to die. In my other job, I own a body removal service so I'm always on-site at car crashes, suicides, overdoses and all kinds of crazy death scenes. I take dead infants from the arms of grieving mothers and pick up severed heads off the railroad tracks. All of those people had stories and they ended, so I try to use the band and the music and the power of a group of people that all get together to share something bigger, to become one out of many ‘E pluribus unum’ with power

BY NOE GUTIERREZ cords. And that way I can walk between the light and the dark like some kind of crazy amplified shaman celebrating the miracle of life that is all of us on this fucking rock spinning around hurling through outer space and somehow, for a moment, we can all connect before the chaos takes us out. It's really amazing when you think about it.” CVW: I know Ronnie King has worked with you in the past; do you have any other connections to the Coachella Valley? WG: “I love Ronnie King and he has been a friend of mine for a long time. He produced the first three DTEASE songs. He is our main connection to the Coachella Valley. I know some people from Palm Desert. I’ve known Nick Oliveri for a while when he joined The Dwarves many years ago. I know some other people out there too but those are the main two guys.” CVW: If President Trump were in your audience what do you think would be his reaction to THE DTease? WG: “It's funny because I think anyone could be in the audience and dig a DTEASE show but if he delved deeper into it he would find out that the things we sing about would be the end of him on a political level. The first line of our first single to be released is "Stupid Ass Whitey trying to blow up the Government!" It's about putting all the politicians and preachers in a giant rocket ship and blasting those bitches into outer space and replacing them with love and passion. Trump doesn't even scare me as much as Mike Pence does. They're all just a symptom of a bigger issue. The divide and conquer theory has never been more blatantly on display as it is now.” CVW: There’s a no-holds barred attitude to The DTease when it comes to the subject matter of your lyrics. There’s also a facetiousness that’s purposeful. Are those fair assumptions? WG: “Sometimes you really can't mince words. But you can temper them with humor and that's how you can get across to a lot more people who may laugh at first and then it actually sinks in that there's something to think about.” CVW: You have some innovative thoughts on our criminal justice system, what are your thoughts on how we assist the “criminal” population? WG: “We're all on parole. We're all in some kind of jail of some sort and very few ever get to free themselves emotionally, sexually or spiritually. It is very hard to come out of an institution especially if you have a rap sheet. It becomes almost impossible to integrate. I'm all for punishing people. We’re taking unsafe people out of society. But the problem in our society is that we use jail as a for-profit system and legislate morality and wind up making innocent people or people that are really not hurting anyone into criminals and once they have a felony conviction it narrows the scope of their futures. No good can come of that. I believe there are some people that are vicious, that are beyond rehabilitation. You have incredibly selfish people and then there are people that are a victim of circumstance that genuinely have a chance at being rehabilitated. And unfortunately many of the most psychopathic ones wind

up in positions of power.” CVW: What’s your interpretation on substance use in America? WG: “Yes, the drug question is very interesting. I have many years clean and sober and I know exactly what it's like to go behind the looking glass and many of my friends didn't make it back. I was one of those guys that really had no choice. I had that light bulb moment

where I could see the stark truth of what I was capable of and what I was not and also I kind of used all those substances to get to a certain point and once I reach that threshold they no longer serve me. A DTEASE show for me is the most incredible buzz and when everybody's amped up and feeling it it's just like one big ‘mindgasm’. We definitely should treat drugs and drug addicts and alcoholics like a disease. I personally think

November 19 to November 25, 2020 all of that stuff should be legalized because if people want it they're going to get it. But once it was legal, the cartels would go out of business overnight because there would be no money in it. Prohibition never works. Humans are in constant search of some kind of new kick. The trick is to do it from insideout not outside-in, in my humble opinion. And the big daddy of all drug pushers is ‘Big Pharma’. The opioid epidemic is of monstrous proportions. I used to pick up people from a heroin overdose with the rig still close by and needle still in their arm and that has dropped dramatically in the last five years. It's almost always prescription opioid drugs mixed with alcohol and you can't tell me that the people in those companies didn't know of the addictive nature of those things and the people selling it don't care because they get a fucking kick-back.” I also briefly spoke with Desert representative Ronnie King about his friends in The DTease. I asked him to give me the lowdown on their association. RK: “Wilson and THE DTEASE are amazing! I've had the privilege of producing many songs with them. It’s a show to see! I met Wilson many years ago through the late famed bassist of Agent Orange and publicist James Levesque. His friends are my friends. We brought the band to Chateau Relaxo my studio here in desert and recorded six songs. We became great friends and brothers. I hooked Wilson up with jimi FITZ and wrote a song together for his first album in many years. We are great friends and we visit each other in Costa Rica, our second home where Wilson also has a home. I'm so excited to hear and see them in the desert. It’s gonna be a show to see when it happens!”


November 19 to November 25, 2020



arvin Etzioni has been a fixture on the L.A. music scene for over 40 years. Born in Brooklyn, he grew up in Los Angeles and took to music early on. Even before he began attending Kindergarten, he was already collecting ‘45s. Around the same time, his beloved Zayde (that’s Yiddish for grandfather), introduced him to Country music, igniting a lifelong passion. Marvin made his bones playing drums and singing in the band Prudence Goodbody, a few years later he was fronting The Model, a sharp combo that shared stages with other up-and-coming bands like the Plimsouls and the Motels. It was then that he forged a solid friendship with Plimsoul leader Peter Case. By the early ‘80s, the sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles was host to myriad music scenes, Punk Rock continued to flourish, Hair Metal was making headway and bands like X, the Blasters and Los Lobos adopted the D.I.Y. ethos of Punk, but managed to explore the more homegrown sounds of Blues, Country and Norteno. Marvin was eking out a living as solo artist when he met a young guitarist named Ryan Hedgecock. Ryan, along with vocalist Maria McKee shared Marvin’s affection for Country music. The pair wrapped their symbiotic harmonies around Hillbilly classics and pretty soon, Marvin was encouraging them to write their own songs. He went from mentoring them, to joining the fledgling duo on bass. When ex-Emmylou Harris/ Hot Band drummer, Don Heffington came on board, Lone Justice was born. Gigging around town, the band quickly gained a passionate fan base that included well-known admirers like Dolly Parton, Bob Dylan and Linda Ronstadt, as well as Tom Petty and assorted Heartbreakers. Signed to Geffen Records, they were heavily hyped as the next big thing Of course, Maria became the focal point, the younger sister of L.A. legend Bryan MacLean (part of the celebrated Sunset Strip Baroque/Psychedelic outfit Love, they gained notoriety alongside The Doors and The Byrds), she grew up surrounded by music. Her protean vocals were favorably compared to Dolly, Emmylou, Linda and Janis Joplin. That was a lot to live up to. The band’s self-titled debut was produced by Jimmy Iovine, and he nearly smothered their bare-bones sound with bombastic touches that seemed de rigueur in the mid ‘80s. Despite nearly unanimous critical acclaim, and a coveted spot opening for U2, ultimately, their sound was deemed too Country for the Rock crowd and too Rock & Roll for traditional Country fans. Marvin, Ryan and Don quit the band and Maria soldiered on with different musicians on one more record. But by 1987, Lone Justice was done. Marvin quickly landed on his feet, having mastered myriad string instruments, he became an in-demand session player. By the early ‘90s he released three



excellent solo albums in quick succession; “Mandolin Man,” “Bone” and “Weapons Of The Spirit.” Each achieved critical acclaim and received airplay on a new radio format dubbed Triple A (Adult Album Alternative), as well as venerable independents like KCRW. For the next couple of decades, Marvin successfully toggled between making his own music, session work and production gigs. As a sideman, he’s played with a who’s-who of musicians like Bob Dylan, Lucinda Williams, Lily Hadyn, Lisa Loeb, Victoria Williams, Grey Delisle, Dixie Chicks, Sam Phillips and the Williams Brothers. He has produced albums from Toad The Wet Sprocket, Peter Case and Counting Crows, and he’s also shared stages with everyone from T-Bone Burnett, and Norah Jones to Keith Richards. Recently, he released the double album, “Marvin County,” which included duets with a surfeit of superstars like Steve Earle, Lucinda, Richard Thompson, Maria McKee, John Doe and Buddy Miller. In 2016, he partnered with old pal, and former Balancing Act front-man, Willie Aron to form Thee Holy Brothers. The duo created “My Name Is Sparkle” a soulful song-cycle that echoed sacred efforts like George Harrison’s “All Things Must Pass” and Pete Townshend’s “Who Came First.” Recently, Marvin started his own label, Regional Records. Back in the early ‘90s, Regional was slated to become a subsidiary imprint of Virgin Records. But a label shakeup scuttled those plans. 2020 seemed like the right time to resurrect the idea in Indie form. The label’s inaugural release is also

his fifth solo effort, “What’s The Mood Of The Country Now?.” Several of the songs on the album have existed in various stages of completion for years, Marvin has just been waiting patiently for the puzzle pieces to fit. The album unfolds quietly with the opening cut, “Every Breathing Soul.” Part pocket

Spiritual, part mantra, part invocation and part campfire sing-a-long, this acapella gem delivers one potent message; “Every breathing soul needs to live in peace.” Some of the songs here feature vocalist Sy Smith. The critically acclaimed singersongwriter has released several of her own albums, played with Acid Jazz progenitors the Brand New Heavies and Chris Botti. She has also sung back-up for everyone from Sheila E., Usher, Meshell Ndegeocello and Whitney Houston, as well as performing on TV series like “Monique” and “Ally McBeal.” She first appears on “God Bless The Homeless,” this song was originally written 35 years ago and Marvin performed it at a benefit featuring a stellar Greek chorus that included Jackson Browne, the GoGo’s and Mick Fleetwood on drums, sadly, the lyrics still resonate, since the homeless population has only increased since then. Spatial and static-y instrumentation is powered by a pulsating rhythm, wiry bass lines, serpentine guitars and fluttery mandolin. The arrangement lands somewhere between the Clash’s “Know Your Rights” and “White Lines,” the iconic Rap classic from Grandmaster Flash. Marvin and Sy’s vocals intertwine as they address an out-of-touch bureaucracy; “Hey Mr. President, this country is cracking at the seams/ How long must our children sleep without shelter in the streets.” As the intensity accelerates, spiky guitars collide with skronky horns and buttery mandolin before the lyrics deliver a few more home

Photo by Tommaso Di Ciommo truths; “Just ‘cause you got a heart, don’t mean you can’t be heartless, just ‘cause you got a home, don’t mean you won’t be homeless/Just ‘cause you got a car, don’t mean you’ll end up where you’re headin’ for, just cause you got a job, don’t mean you make enough to pay the landlord.” An extended instrumental coda brings the song to a clanky close. “Think Different” takes a swipe at giant corporate monsters like Apple who co-opt revered cultural touchstones to shill their product. The instrumentation is purposely cold and and industrial, Marvin and Sy’s filtered vocals ride roughshod over electrostatic guitars, squiggly synths and a thumpy, programmed beat. Lyrics like “They think they’ve got you in the palm of their hand, a mouse in a trap, think different,” encourage us to resist. A stately horn section adds a human touch. Although it was written nearly 30 years ago, “Here Comes America” feels as though it could have been written just a few days ago. Clarion call guitar seems to usher in a more optimistic era. Marvin and Sy’s vocals wrap around each other in a warm embrace, latticing over wavy synthesizers, Moog bass lines and a propulsive beat. The opening couplet is suffused in hope; “Here comes America, the one we’ve been waiting for my friend/Here comes America, the future of freedom is in your hands.” Most of the song is a muted response to the (first) Iraq War, but like a fine wine, it pairs nicely with the upward mood-swing

that coincided with the news that Joe Biden is our President-Elect. Meanwhile, “The Last Weapon Left” predates even the Lone Justice era, harkening back to his tensile New Wave Days. Brutish guitars connect with swirly horns, angular bass and a caffeinated beat. The jagged instrumentation is juxtaposed with whispery vocals that offer these intimate confidences; “You and I have fallen from grace, sinking in the sorrow and joy of love, against all odds we wake up still in each other’s arms/and the last weapon left, the last weapon left, the last weapon left is the heart.” Sure, love is war, but this is extends something of a romantic detente. Speaking of romance, both “Abide In My Love” and “Cover Your Bamboo” puts the sturm und drang on pause and indulges in a bit of slightly salacious fun. The former is a spoken word/sound collage that features a vocal sample from famed erotica writer Anais Nin trading verses with Marvin as she reads from one of her journals. The only time their voices converge is when they are expressing wildly divergent thoughts, he’s all id; “Kiss me so I can taste the divine spirit and know what rain feels like.” She’s so super-ego; “Man can never know the kind of loneliness a woman knows, man lies in a woman’s womb only to gather strength, he gathers himself from this fusion/And then he rises and goes into the world, into his work, into battle, into art, he is not lonely, he’s busy, the memory of the swim in the amniotic fluid gives him

energy, completion.” Once the song ends, the listener might need to indulge in a post-coital cigarette! The latter is playfully priapic and features call-and-response verses between Marvin, Sy Smith and Gospel-Rapper Eastwood, over wah-wah guitar, extra-terrestrial synths, syncopated horns, scratchy percussion and a rollicking beat. The opening couplet gets right down to bizness; “She said ‘I don’t want no baby in my belly, maybe someday, but right now I’m not ready.’” Pretty quickly, the carnal negotiation is lightly coated in some Fab Four flavors; “She said ‘no please, please me, no love me do, not unless you cover your bamboo’” The frisky, flirty vibe of “…Bamboo” is neatly juxtaposed by the stripped-down Gospel celebration of “(There’s Gonna Be A) Jubilation.” Strummy acoustic guitars, tart mandolin and junkyard percussion clatter together as Marvin gives us some of that ol’ time religion. Written just a couple of years ago, it’s a hopeful anthem that presages the outcome of the contentious 2020 election cycle; “We won’t always be divided and torn, Lady Liberty, let everybody know, there’s gonna be a jubilation, all across the nation, there’s gonna be a jubilation from sea to shining sea.” Other interesting tracks include the short, sharp soulful and succinct protest song “Wheels Of Freedom.” Shards of sandblasted feedback guitars collide with an oscillating beat, it owes as much to Television and the Velvet Underground as it

November 19 to November 25, 2020 does to “We Shall Overcome.” Conversely, “What’s The Mood Of The Country” is a raw and dissonant dirge that sums up our current cynical worldview thusly; “Don’t take candy from no stranger, unless he was born a baby in a manger.” The album closes with “We Belong In America.” On this spare, yet courtly, acoustic lament, Marvin is joined by Academy Award-winning musician/composer Gustavo Santaolalla. Their friendship goes back almost 40 years when the celebrated Argentinian polymath was based in L.A. and fronting a Punk band called Wet Picnic. For this poignant immigrant saga, he adds some ronroco. The stringed, lute-like instrument, weaves expertly between the plainspoken vocals and filigreed fretwork. Marvin played guitars, both acoustic and electric, mandolin, bass, synthesizers and Porchboard. He was also aided and abetted on different tracks by drummers like Bryan Head, Don Heffington, Joey Waronker. Billy Mohler played some bass, Zach Baird added Moog Bass, synthesizers and programming. David Leach handled Congas and percussion. The horn-section was comprised of Ashley Jarmack, Lindsey McMurray, Michelle Nguyen and David Ralicke. Although some of these songs date back to different eras, the brilliant thing about this album is they all feel timely and timeless. To borrow a phrase from from the late, great John Lewis, “What’s The Mood Of The Country Now?” is good trouble.


November 19 to November 25, 2020





hanksgiving signifies the beginning of the Holiday Season and many of us will be spending more time in the kitchen preparing for the Holidays. But we do have to limit gatherings due to Covid-19 There are more in-home fires during the holiday season than at any other time of the year, according to data from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). “Thanksgiving is the single worst day for cooking fires,” reminds Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna.” This is an important Public Service Announcement that is our responsibility to get out to our communities. Let’s learn and share some facts about

cooking fire safety: • Be careful wearing loose clothing around open flames on the stove • Use a timer and use “post it’s” to remind yourself of cooking times in the oven • Be careful using candles at the dinner table (especially if toddlers are present) • Use oven and mitts when handling hot pots and pans • Do not cool hot pans with water if grease is in them • Have a fire extinguisher near-by and know how to use it. • Stay alert. If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol, don’t use the stove or


stove top. • Is that smoke detector properly working? If you have a cooking fire… Just get out! When you leave, close the door behind you to help contain the fire. When Black Friday Comes! Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving when holiday gift buying begins. Sales offering big discounts lure customers in to stores, often beginning in the early hours of the morning. “Unfortunately, Black Friday (and most major shopping days) is a day when shoppers may become the victim of crimes and injuries.” • First and foremost, limit shopping and purchase on line to reduce Covid -19 exposure! • Be alert and aware of people and surroundings around them, and their vehicles. Situational Awareness at all times! • Park in a location that is closest to the store or mall if shopping when it is dark out. • Be careful of other motorist as they may be distracted. • Park near where there is lighting. • Purses should be worn in a way that it is close to the body and difficult to snatch. • If carrying a wallet, it should be kept in the front pocket or the inside pocket of a coat or jacket. • Carrying too many bags may also prove dangerous in many ways. If possible, leave children at home during Black Friday.

• The crowds of people can easily overwhelm a child who may be hurt or become lost. If you must bring a child, it is important to hold onto small children to avoid separation. • Know where fire/emergency exits are in stores, restaurants and malls. • If you’re sick, do us “all” a favor and stay home! Bring hand sanitizers to help combat germs. • Put away the cell phone and be cognizant and courteous of others. • Most importantly, be patient! Now that’s a Bargain!

! H S A R T Y A W A L U A H WE 10

November 19 to November 25, 2020


November 19 to November 25, 2020



he 2020 holiday season has arrived! Thanksgiving is next week, followed by Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, and New Year’s Eve. Christmas trees are going up, holiday lights brighten our desert, and parties (though smaller) are planned. There may be fewer than usual friends and family members at your holiday table this year due to COVID-19 concerns. However, you can count on attendance from faithful Fluffy and Fido under the table or lingering nearby hoping for a holiday treat. However, this time of year also sees a dramatic increase in emergency trips to the vet for our four-legged friends. In the frenzy of activity, we may overlook the dangers that certain holiday foods, plants and decorations pose to cats and dogs.

HOLIDAY HAZARDS FOR PETS! also harmful. Toxicity from these foods can produce a myriad of symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, weakness, drunken gait, hyperactivity, tremors, and coma. Symptoms may vary depending on the substance ingested. Consult your vet immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested a toxic food or plant. Poinsettias are not as toxic as once believed, however sampling a leaf from one can make your dog mildly ill or cause swelling to the skin. Even worse than poinsettias are holly, lilies and mistletoe. A kiss under the mistletoe might add romance to your holiday, but mistletoe can cause erratic behavior and even cardiovascular collapse when ingested by your pet. Mistletoe berries can also be a hazardous. Dr. Lillian Roberts of Country Club Animal Clinic in Palm Desert sees a dramatic influx of patients this time of year. She advises, “Avoid ornaments or decorations that are small and easy to swallow, as these can quickly lead to intestinal blockage and emergency surgery. This also includes

One of your dinner party guests might be tempted to give Benji a sample from his plate. Sugar, chocolate, turkey skin, turkey bones, gravy, and avocados can be harmful to a dog. Onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, and nuts, (particularly walnuts and macadamia nuts) are very dangerous when consumed by a dog in large quantities. Many sauces contain onions and garlic which have sulfoxides and disulfides poisonous to pets in all forms, raw, cooked, or powder. These same foods are also harmful for cats. Keep that bowl of holiday candy off the coffee table where a pet can reach it. Chocolate in particular is very dangerous for animals. Candy and gum containing the artificial sweetener xylitol is very hazardous. Alcoholic beverages and caffeine drinks are



This lovely gentle Shepherd girl is at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus in Thousand Palms. She’s 7 yrs old, already spayed, and hopes to spend the holidays in a loving home. Email with her ID#1601422 and call (760) 343-3644.

Bring Chrissy home with you for the holidays! This active 5-yr-old German Shepherd mix girl hopes for a dog experienced home to love her this season. The Humane Society of the Coachella Valley in N. Palm Springs rescued her when her owner died. Call for an appointment to meet Chrissy (760) 329-0203.


BY JANET McAFEE tinsel, ribbon, and small loose bells that cats find irresistible. I once x-rayed a dog only to discover an entire glass ornament sitting in his stomach. Surgery was needed to get the ornament out.”. Dr. Roberts offers these additional tips to keep your animals safe and healthy: Unplug Christmas tree lights and other electrical decorations when you are not home. Cords are attractive chew toys for kittens and puppies, and if chewed when plugged in can be very dangerous. Make sure anything you add to the water under your tree is not poisonous. Pets WILL drink from this bowl. Flocked trees are also a bad idea. You can feed your dog turkey in moderation, but don’t include the skin, bones or gravy. Mixing a high fat meal with holiday stress is a recipe for GI upset. If your dog has a sensitive stomach or food allergies, don’t share your holiday meal. Make sure visitors don’t leave gates, doors, and windows open that allow animals to escape. Keep collars and ID tags with your phone number on pets at all times. Keep your vet’s contact information close at hand. The only 24-hr animal hospital in the Coachella Valley is VCA, 46920 Jefferson just north of Highway 111, Indio (760) 342-4712. Contact the 24hour Pet Poison Helpline at 800-213-6680. Country Club Animal Clinic with Dr. Lillian Roberts can be reached at (760) 776-7555. Keep these phone numbers on your cell phone in case of an emergency. Give thanks for your dogs and cats who will happily keep you company! I wish you and your 4-legged family members a safe and happy holiday season! --------------------------------------------------Below is a partial list of shelters and rescues in the Inland Empire with animals for adoption. They are currently closed for walk-ins, and you must call for an appointment. You can view most of their animals online before calling. Thank you for rescuing! COACHELLA VALLEY ANIMAL CAMPUS – The county shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. You can view the animals at all four Riverside county shelters at, and get the ID number of the animal you want to adopt. Email them the animal’s ID number at, or schedule a virtual

adoption appointment at, 72050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms, (760) 343-3644. (Public) PALM SPRINGS ANIMAL SHELTER – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. They schedule appointments Wednesday through Monday. View their animals online at www., 4575 E. Mesquite Ave, Palm Springs, (760) 416-5718. (Public) ANIMAL SAMARITANS – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. View their animals at www. Email acorrow@ to foster. Located at 72307 Ramon Rd, Thousand Palms, (760) 601-3918. (Private) CALIFORNIA PAWS RESCUE - The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Located at 73650 Dinah Shore, Palm Desert. View their animals at www., (760) 656-8833. (Private) HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt a dog or cat. This shelter has lots of big dogs in addition to small dogs and cats. View some of their animals at Located at 17825 N. Indian Canyon, Palm Springs, (760) 329-0203. (Private) KITTYLAND – The shelter is closed so call for an appointment to adopt a cat. Located at 67600 18th Avenue, Desert Hot Springs,, (760) 251-2700. (Private) FOREVER MEOW – Foster based rescue for cats located in Rancho Mirage. Contact them at, (760) 3356767. (Private) PRETTY GOOD CAT – Foster based rescue for cats located in La Quinta. Contact

November 19 to November 25, 2020 them at, (760) 660-3414 (Private) LOVING ALL ANIMALS – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Located at 83496 Avenue 51, Coachella,, (760) 834-7000. (Private) MORONGO BASIN HUMANE SOCIETY – Located at 4646 Sun View Rd, Joshua Tree,, call between 11am-4pm for updates (760) 366-3786 (Private) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANIMAL SHELTER – Shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Hours for adoption 10am – 4pm Tuesday thru Sat. Google “City of San Bernardino Animal Shelter” for website to view animals and get the ID number of the animal you want to meet. Located at 333 Chandler Place, San Bernardino, (909) 384-1304 or (909) 3847272. (Public) SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER AT DEVORE – Shelter closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Call (909) 386-9280 daily. View animals at and get the ID number of animal you want to meet. Located at 19777 Shelter Way, San Bernardino (Public). DREAM TEAM ANGELS RESCUE - Foster based rescue located in Grand Terrace/San Bernardino area. Contact them through website www.DreamTeamangelsrescue. com, (360) 688-8884. (Private)


November 19 to November 25, 2020



November 19 to November 25, 2020




or a California wine column coming out of the West Coast, we surely have covered and reviewed a lot of European vino these past eight years or so. We’ve done our fair share of French, special vintages from Spain, proper dessert wines from Portugal, and especially some ideal Italian wines from the motherland of all vineyards. In the midst of one of the most anxious years on record, if there is anything we can rely on—gastronomically speaking, it’s the quality of Italian wine to match a meal. And it’s an easy one to recommend to an appreciative crowd. It’s not the case where I have to plead with folks to try Italian these days. (By the way—in a couple of weeks I’ll be reviewing Chilean wines; I may have to be a bit more convincing on those bottles.) Even though we’ve been quarantined for many months now, the holidays are here upon us—as odd as everything feels. Wine wise, we’ll probably be drinking California, Oregon, Washington, French and German . . . and—oh! Italian! As the title suggests! So Italian it is. We’ll talk about a delicious Pinot Grigio from Friuli—Venezia Giulia, and then on to probably your favorite Italian destination: Tuscany. There are so many Pinot Grigio lovers in this valley that, at Ralphs Market, I have to order over 100 labels to keep the shelves filled each and every week. Although I don’t generally reach a pinot grige—too many are one-note quaffs, especially the cheap domestics, a bona fide Italian from Friuli is a wine all vino lovers must try i.e., it’s a bucket list region for enthusiasts. And since there’s so many of you out there, allow me to recommend Attems Pinot Grigio ($17). If you haven’t heard already, the Friuli DOC region, in the most northern-eastern of Italy, produces the most crisp, lean, and aromatic of the Italian white wines. It’s the limestone/ soils in the hills, temperature fluctuation of the region, and that particular sunlight that gives its terroir especial uniqueness. Indeed the rest of Italy—and the world, try to emulate such distinct dynamics in a wine. Attems is the classic Friuli pinot grige: The wine’s bouquet is marked by fresh aromas of white peach and citrus peel, with wildflowers, scents of sap, thyme and toasted bread. The palate shows fresh pears and green melon with shades of white pepper, avocado, and nuts. Nice minerality and a touch of bitter lemon on the finish. Quality-wise, it has great weight & viscosity, it’s tangy & lively. How about that for a bottle of pinot! You know—this bottle would be such a great surprise at the holiday table: nay-sayers will be converted and grige lovers will be enthralled! Also, it’s a very thoughtful holiday gift for the Pinot Grigio fan in your family circle. Apart from turkey and all the fixins’, another great food pairing could see pan-seared salmon fillets served over a bed of fennel, fronds and orange segments that have been gently tossed in a citrus vinaigrette. All of those fine flavors would match magically with the wine! Unfortunately, it’s not sold all over—so look for it on-line and get some sent to you & yours asap! What can one say about the wines of Tuscany?

That area alone in central Italy draws millions of visitors to immerse themselves in the region’s alluring lifestyle, food & vino. How fortunate I’ve been to travel to Italy for the last two years. This year we’re all feeling the lack of travel anywhere! Well—at least we can all drink like the toscani! Of course, there is so much great, good & tasty red wine from Tuscany, all we can do is pick out some to speak of: Many of you true vino cognoscenti know that a “Rosso” on a DOC or DOCG Italian label tells you that one can get a great deal on a red wine from classic region. No need to pay the high prices when you wish for a table wine to meet expectations reflecting the fame vineyard area. Attenzione! Montecucco, is a rising star in the Tuscan wine game with a “new and different” expression of Sangiovese that comes from an area of the famous Maremma region, nestled between the Brunello di Montalcino and Morellino di Scansano appellations. Available now is the very good vintage year, 2015 Le Maciarine Montecucco Rosso. At $20, this is one of the best buys for a quality Sangiovese. We mentioned the “new and different” expression above—and I guess, it means that this Sangiovese is on deep dark fruits, spice, and is on the softer side: Not predominant on the acidity, with aromas of black cherries, raisins, light chocolate and licorice with a palate of red and black cherries, plums, pencil lead, and chocolate; finishes nicely with a mineral edge. It’s bigger brother, the 2015 Le Maciarin Montecucco Sangiovese Riserva, around $35, absolutely knocked our socks off! As soon as we took in the aromas, it brought us back to the times sitting at an Italian restaurant enjoying high-end wine. And the flavors sealed the deal. Top quality Sangiovese with deep dark fruits, spices, and perfect food pairing acidity. I look forward to ordering this wine on-line for the holidays. And finally, let’s go back a wine brand that we’ve covered and reviewed before. La Vite Lucente 2017 Tenuta Luce Toscana ($30) Tenuta Luce is based in Montalcino, the famous area of Tuscany. Lucente is Luce’s second wine. It’s the result of a selection of Sangiovese and Merlot grapes capable of producing a wine with a very contemporary style, i.e., California red blend quaffers like this Italian a lot. The wine is a beautiful holiday bright red color, the nose opens with intense fruity hints of blackberry, plum and currant, enriched by toasted and vanilla nuances. On the palate it is full and enveloping, soft and elegant, with a nice fruity finish—allora! Saluti!


November 19 to November 25, 2020



ne of the most successful liveaction video game film franchises of all time gets an upgrade in this week’s first time release of the of the six film collection. The set includes hours of special features with rare archival featurettes and an extended cut of RESIDENT EVIL: APOCALYPSE. The UHD set includes, RESIDENT EVIL, RESIDENT EVILAPOCALYPSE (both the original theatrical version and an extended cut). RESIDENT EVI: EXTINCTION, RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE, RESIDENT EVIL RETRIBUTION and RESIDENT EVIL: THE FINAL CHAPTER as well as hourse of bonus material across all six films, including previously unavailable featurettes previously unavailable on disc. Based on the popular video game series by Capcom, the franchise stars Milla Jovovich


No. 448


as Alice, a superhuman security expert pitted against the sinister Umbrella Corporation as the world’s population is transformed into flesh-eating creatures by one of the most dangerous of all biological weapons. Many fans consider this great-looking, hugely entertaining and satisfying action filled series a metaphor for very real earthly issues


timely and relevant in many unexpected ways. The transfers are state-of-the-art picture and audio. Something very special to consider for the home movie library especially if you have a really big (65” plus) screen. Recommended. SONY. I like to hear from readers and fellow movie buffs. Drop me a line, I want to know

what movie you are most eager to see on your home theater screen and if you plan to attend any traditional indoor venue (even with so called “safety” measure in place) in the near future as long as the pandemic rages out of control. Me, I’m eager to see 4K TENET and no, I have no current plans to see any indoor movie events. Note; the beloved Palm Springs International Film Festival has been pushed back a year and It’s not clear yet how or if they still plan to make it a vi=ritual event. The ongoing Yucca Film Festival is an online virtual event and it’s free. Great idea! Maybe it will catch on. But if so, how can it be monetized for PSIFF? Will fans buy an app? I don’t think so.




hile the United States battled COVID-19 and each other as part of the 2020 Presidential elections, one-third of the world’s population came together and signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). This trade agreement represents 2.1 billion of the world’s population and 30% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). RCEP is larger than the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement or the European Union. It is estimated that this trade agreement will add $500 billion annually to world trade within ten years. RCEP countries are Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea along with Myanmar, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand, Brunei and Malaysia. These 15 countries came together to create the largest trade deal ever. RCEP becomes effective in two years once each nation has approved the pact. This is the first trade agreement of any kind between China, Japan and South Korea. The agreement comes after eight years of negotiations started way back in 2012. The pact means that 90% of the trade between these countries will be tariff-free within ten years. The government of India had been part of negotiations but opted out of this trade pact under heavy concern at home that a flood of cheap goods from China could ruin large segments of their national economy. The Prime Minister of Japan, Yoshihide Suga, said that he would firmly convey his government’s support for “broadening a free and fair economic zone, including a possibility of


India’s future return to the deal and hope to gain support from the other countries”. During the virtual signing, Malaysia’s Trade Minister, Mohamed Azmin-Ali said, “After eight years of negotiating with blood, sweat and tears, we have finally come to the moment where we will seal the RCEP Agreement. (We have chosen) to open our markets instead of resorting to protectionist measures during this difficult time.” To most of us, RCEP seems inadequate as it does not value intellectual property rights standards to the degree that we do while avoiding all environmental protections and labor rights. Unless China improves its human rights records and discontinues its industrial espionage and theft of intellectual property, a sweeping agreement of this kind with the United States seems unlikely during a Biden administration.



RCEP is in stark contrast to the TransPacific Partnership drafted under the Obama administration and scrapped by the Trump Administration. U.S. concerns about that agreement parroted those of India. The Biden Administration is expected to be pushed to join the TPP successor deal, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Given the partisan divide in the United States, the Biden Administration is not expected to make any significant moves to rejoin CPTPP in the nearterm. While Americans are not part of this Pacific Rim trade agreement, the non-US subsidiaries of multinational companies based in the United States will be able to participate in the benefits of RCEP. What does this trade agreement mean to the

United States and why should we care? While large multinational companies will find ways to work around challenged relations between China and the United States, the agreement signals a weakening in U.S. influence throughout the Pacific Rim. As the United States has withdrawn from the international trade scene over the last four years and upset trade relations with many of our closest allies, we have created a leadership void that China has gladly filled. RCEP signifies that China is a world economic power less reliant on the United States. While the impact of the largest trade deal in history will not be known for decades, experts see this as a clear diminution of U.S. influence globally. Over the long run, this will make it harder for the U.S. to influence global political and economic affairs. By being a leader political and economic influence around the world, the United States developed the strongest economy in the world. By ceding this influence to China to whatever degree RCEP signifies this diminution, we make it more difficult for future generations of Americans to achieve the economic successes of prior generations. Haddon Libby is the Founder and Managing Partner of Winslow Drake Investment Management. For more information, please visit or email Hlibby@



e all know the story of OJ "The Juice" Simpson. But I bet none of you know about Juice Jacking. It happens when someone has tampered with a public charging station and installed malware. Once malware is installed and you then charge your phone, all the info contained therein is now available to the "bad guys". ...everything in your phone. This includes old emails, calls etc. To prevent you can buy a $7 Data Blocker that plugs into the charging station With the holidays in front of us we can expect more SCAMS from the crooks that look to the CV as an easy target. With the Corona Virus stay home orders, will we have even more Home Scams this holiday season? There are so many ways a bad guy can scam a good guy. Sometimes the scammer moves into a rented home and complains that nothing works and ultimately refuses to pay any rent. With the recent changes making eviction more difficult I would expect even more of these. The scammer often extorts money from the homeowner for the poorly maintained home. S/ he asks for $25,000-$50,000 to vacate, in lieu of the owner hiring a lawyer and filing an Unlawful Detainer lawsuit. This is called money for keys! Others Scammers offer to just rent the home for 1 month. They often say they want it just for August or any other slow month. This occurs more often when it is hot and no one wants a home in the CV then. Then after a month they will not leave. The homeowner may get a call offering a

November 19 to November 25, 2020

discount for a home DISH network. However to get it, s/he must pay up-front for 6 months. The homeowner is told to go to the store to buy a green dot moneypak card. The money will be gone as soon as you read the card numbers to the con artist. Another scam involves a driver coming to your home and suggesting a high price to buy your home. Sometimes they suggest needless repairs for the home ...or a deal on a new deck or installing an alarm system. It may mean they ask you for money to pay up front for those services? As we age we do not always want to keep our Timeshare Homes, especially in the CV. Timeshares used to be dangerous to purchase because of FRAUD risks. Today it is also dangerous when you decide to SELL. The scam starts when you get a call at home, from a company that claims to have a buyer, for your timeshare property. The caller even gives you the name and number of the prospective buyer, who confirms interest in the sale. Sometimes someone contacts you offering to sell your timeshare and they try to get you to pay up front fees. A company, alleging to buy lots of timeshares, but only after the owner pays $500-$2000 via credit card for registration and other fees. With respect to rental properties, be wary of listings on Craigslist for rentals by owner, or vacation rentals, as there have been many such scams. A red flag should be raised when no phone number or email address is listed.

In addition, prospective renters may be asked to send money for a home rental during a major city event, such as Coachella or Stage Coach. It is highly possible that the home may not even exist, may already be rented to someone else, or may not even be for rent. Do your due diligence as I have seen it happen to friends for Coachella and Tennis Tournament events! When looking for a rental or looking to rent your home, look carefully at the spelling and language in the advertisement as they are often prepared by people from outside of the USA. You may want to check Google Maps to be sure the address exists. Also, be wary if the renter asks for money up front or asks for $40 to run a background check. In another scam, the caller claims to be from a home utility, or a service provider-type company. The victim is told their bill is overdue, or a meter needs to be replaced at the victim's expense. The caller demands immediate payment for the overdue bill, or installation of a new meter. If payment is not received, the victim's service will be shut off. The caller demands credit card information or a Green Dot card as previously described. Remember the bottom line is that everything is not always as it seems, "all that glitters is not gold". So be careful and check before giving out any private information. If it looks too good to be true it probably is. We must all remain diligent and stay a step ahead with the latest info and practical tips from the nation's consumer protection agency. We should all browse the Federal Trade Commission

(FTC) scam alerts by topic or by most recent scams to keep up to date on current scams. Report FRAUD and potential ID thefts by contacting: Fraud alert hotline toll free 855-303-9470/ Charitable Donation Cons/ Telemarketing/ Mail/Internet Fraud: State Attorney General's Office 916-445- 2021. IRS: 800-829-1040 or forward emails to Federal Trade Commission ID Theft Hotline 877 IDTheft/ Equifax: 800-525-6285/ Experian: 888-397-3742/ Transunion: 800-680-7289/ Keep these numbers and information in a safe place... just in case! DALE GRIBOW - Representing the Injured and Criminally Accused "TOP LAWYER" - California's Prestige Magazine, Palm Springs Life (PI/DUI) 2011-21 "TOP LAWYER" - Inland Empire Magazine 2016- 2019 PERFECT 10.0 AVVO Peer Rating "DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE OR TEXT AND GET A DUI OR ACCIDENT... CALL A TAXI, LYFT OR UBER....THEY ARE A LOT CHEAPER THAN CALLING ME" FUTURE ARTICLES? CONTACT DALE GRIBOW 760-837-7500/


November 19 to November 25, 2020



urviving and thriving with Keto during the holidays is possible. Just remember that the average person gains 10 pounds during the holidays but you aren’t going to be one of them. Feast and thrive (not just survive) and enjoy the holidays while eating delicious Keto food. Follow these tips and you won't miss a keto beat: 1) Choosing Foods - No matter what situation you find yourself in choose nutrient dense foods, fats and proteins that are satiating. (Example: Always eat as much turkey as you want with the skin. Then fill up on veggies with lots of butter, cauliflower mash, salads, and more butter followed by delicious Keto Desserts) 2) Your Keto WHY - Can you imagine what it will be like to enjoy the holidays and not always end up in a “carb coma”? Hold on to your WHY and it will help you get past any temptation you might have. It's just not worth being kicked out of ketosis and having to start Keto all over again. 3) Embrace the Holidays - Don’t shy away from the holidays because you are Keto. It’s a special time of year for feasting and enjoying food with family, friends and business associates. Don’t miss out. Rather than thinking it may be difficult, embrace the holidays this year. And, show your friends and family how it's done Keto style. I bet they will be asking for your recipes! 4) Celebrate - You have a lot to celebrate. You’ve chosen a healthy Keto lifestyle and you want to maintain it over the holidays. Congratulations. You can do it! If you get tempted, remember how great you will feel knowing that you won’t be gaining weight and over-indulging and want to crawl into a corner somewhere with a carb coma and sleep it off. 5) How do we kindly say no to pressures by family and friends – Sometimes people we’re around want or even expect us to eat certain foods with them. They might say “Oh, just have one bite” or some people might feel “offended” that you aren’t having what they are having or have prepared. Here are some foolproof ideas where no explaining is necessary: “I feel so much better when I don’t eat gluten.” “I feel so much better when I don’t eat sugar.” “I’d love to, but I recently found out I have food allergies and it’s just not worth the risk.” Or, your version of one of these, without having to go through a big explanation; keep it short and light. You got this! 6) Family and friend gatherings: Offer to bring your own food such as a dessert and a few other items so you know you have foods that you can eat. (They’ll be Keto of course and no


one needs to know the difference unless you choose to tell them) 7) Alcohol – This is a common question and especially applies during the holidays. Practice moderation (no more than a few drinks a week) and stay with the most “Keto” friendly drinks knowing that no matter what it will affect your ketosis level and turn off your body’s ability to burn fat. Also, note to self: when Keto you do get drunk faster and have worse hangovers. So, what are the best alcohols? • Vodka, tequila or gin for clear alcohol or Whiskey and rum are also Keto approved. • What about wines? Prosecco, Champagne (stay away for Chardonnay or Rose) or a Pinot Grigio or Pinot Noir • Stay away from heavy red wines like Malbec or Merlot and Beer (unless it’s a light beer) but definitely avoid IPA beers as they have from 13 – 20 carbs of carbs. We drink electrolytes daily on Keto but up your game with them when drinking alcohol. 8) Alcohol must be included in your daily carb count! 9) “Always be prepared.” Women carry your “emergency” bag in your purse with you at all times (Keto crackers, chocolates, bars, nut butters, oils, etc.) and your fave go to foods. This strategy has saved me on many, many occasions and will do the same for you. 10) I have a few Holiday recipes - cream of mushroom soup, egg nog, pecan and pumpkin pie bars with a shortbread crust, pumpkin bread stuffing with feta cheese, sugar cookies etc. and you can download them on my website. FINAL GOAL: It’s not about “surviving the Holidays! It’s about thriving and enjoying yourself. Plan on waking up January 1, feeling better than ever, having lost weight, stayed Keto, and you look back and say "I really enjoyed myself this holiday. I ate delicious foods. I feel and I look fantastic.” Holiday Blessings and Keto On! About Michelle Borthwick: Interested in more tips for Keto and the holidays? Email me at Michelle is a Keto Lifestyle coach, a Seasoned expert on Keto Coaching for Women. Keto weight loss results can be improved with Coaching, Customization, accountability, and a trusted partner to guide you every step of the way. Michelle offers private sessions, proven Keto diet hacks, proprietary customization, goal setting and more. If you want to customize your Keto to fit your lifestyle, book a complimentary private coaching session online at



ARIES (March 21-April 19): Back in 1974, poet Allen Ginsberg and his “spirit wife,” Aries poet Anne Waldman, were roommates at the newly established Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. The school’s founder asked these two luminaries to create a poetics program, and thus was born the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. Waldman described its ruling principle to be the “outrider” tradition, with a mandate to explore all that was iconoclastic, freethinking, and irreverent. The goal of teachers and students alike was to avoid safe and predictable work so as to commune with wild spiritual powers, “keep the energies dancing,” and court eternal surprise. I think that would be a healthy approach for you to flirt with during the next few weeks. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Any legal actions you take are more likely to be successful if you initiate them between now and the solstice than if you’d begin them at other times. The same is true for any contracts you sign or agreements you make: They have a better chance to thrive than they would at other times. Other activities with more kismet than usual during the coming weeks: efforts to cultivate synergy and symbiosis; attempts to turn power struggles into more cooperative ventures; a push to foster greater equality in hierarchal situations; and ethical moves to get access to and benefit from other people’s resources. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Never follow an expert off a precipice. Nor a teacher. Nor an attractive invitation. Nor a symbol of truth nor a vibrant ideal nor a tempting gift. In fact, never follow anything off a precipice, no matter how authoritative or sexy or appealing it might be. On the other hand, if any of those influences are headed in the direction of a beautiful bridge that can enable you to get to the other side of a precipice, you should definitely consider following them. Be on the alert for such lucky opportunities in the coming weeks. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Malidoma Patrice Somé was born into the Dagara tribe of Burkina Faso. After being initiated into the Dagara’s spiritual mysteries, he emigrated to America, where he has taught a unique blend of modern and traditional ideas. One of his key themes is the hardship that Westerners’ souls endure because of the destructive impact of the machine world upon the spiritual world. He says there is “an indigenous person within each of us” that longs to cultivate the awareness and understanding enjoyed by indigenous people: a reverence for nature, a vital relationship with ancestors, and a receptivity to learn from the intelligence of animals. How’s your inner indigenous person doing? The coming weeks will be an excellent time to enhance your ability to commune with and nurture that vital source. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Psychologists have identified a quality they call NFD: “need for drama.” Those who possess it may be inclined to seek or even instigate turmoil out of a quest for excitement. After all, bringing a dose of chaos into one’s life can cure feelings of boredom or powerlessness. “I’m important enough to rouse a Big Mess!” may be the subconscious battle cry. I’ll urge you Leos to studiously and diligently avoid fostering NFD in the coming weeks. In my astrological opinion, you will have a blessed series of interesting experiences if and only if you shed any attraction you might have to histrionic craziness. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “Give up the notion that you must be sure of what you are doing,” wrote philosopher Baruch Spinoza. “Instead, surrender to what is real within you, for that alone is sure.” Spinoza’s thoughts will be a great meditation for you in the coming weeks. If you go chasing phantom hopes, longing for absolute certainty and iron confidence, you’ll waste your energy. But if you identify what is most genuine and true and essential about you, and you rely on it to guide you, you can’t possibly fail. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “A little bad taste is like a nice splash of paprika,” said Libran fashion writer

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Diana Vreeland. “We all need a splash of bad taste,” she continued. “It’s hearty, it’s healthy, it’s physical. I think we could use more of it. Having no taste is what I’m against.” I understand that her perspective might be hard to sell to you refined Librans. But I think it’s good advice right now. Whatever’s lacking in your world, whatever might be off-kilter, can be cured by a dash of good, funky earthiness. Dare to be a bit messy and unruly. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): To convey the spirit of the coming weeks, I’m offering you wisdom from two women who were wise about the art of slow and steady progress. First, here’s author Iris Murdoch: “One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats, and if some of these can be inexpensive and quickly procured so much the better.” Your second piece of insight about the wonders of prudent, piecemeal triumph comes from activist and author Helen Keller: “I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.” SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sagittarian statesman Winston Churchill said that he was always ready to learn—even though there were times when he didn’t enjoy being taught. That might be a useful motto for you to adopt in the coming months. By my estimates, 2021 could turn out to bring a rather spectacular learning spurt—and a key boost to your life-long education. If you choose to take advantage of the cosmic potentials, you could make dramatic enhancements to your knowledge and skill set. As Churchill’ s message suggests, not all of your new repertoire will come easily and pleasantly. But I bet that at least 80 percent of it will. Start planning! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In accordance with upcoming astrological indicators, I’ve got some good advice for you courtesy of your fellow Capricorn David Bowie. You’ll be well-served to keep it in mind between now and January 1, 2021. “Go a little bit out of your depth,” counseled Bowie. “And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.” For extra inspiration, I’ll add another prompt from the creator of Ziggy Stardust: “Once you lose that sense of wonder at being alive, you’re pretty much on the way out.” In that spirit, my dear Capricorn, please take measures to expand your sense of wonder during the next six weeks. Make sure you’re on your way in. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Most of us aren’t brilliant virtuosos like, say, Leonardo da Vinci or Nobel Prize-winning scientist Marie Curie. On the other hand, every one of us has a singular amalgam of potentials that is unique in the history of the world—an exceptional flair or an idiosyncratic mastery or a distinctive blend of talents. In my astrological opinion, you Aquarians will have unprecedented opportunities to develop and ripen this golden and glorious aspect of yourself in 2021. And now is a good time to begin making plans. I encourage you to launch your year-long Festival of Becoming by writing down a description of your special genius. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In 1969, humans flew a spaceship to the moon and landed on it for the first time. In 1970, the state of Alabama finally made it legal for interracial couples to get married. That’s a dramatic example of how we humans may be mature and strong in some ways even as we remain backward and undeveloped in other ways. According to my astrological analysis, the coming months will be a highly favorable time for the immature and unseasoned parts of you to ripen. I encourage you to get started! Homework: Name something you feel like begging for. Then visualize in great detail that this something is already yours. Report results to ---------------------------------------Rob Brezsny - Free Will Astrology

November 19 to November 25, 2020


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