Design Context Publication

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food for thought Inspirational Food Packaging Design A Publication By Charlotte Warren

Contents Introduction What Is Packaging The Purpose Of Packaging

5 7 8

Chapter 1 - Functional Packaging


The Changing Role Of Packaging


Chapter 2 - Structural Packaging Chapter 3 - Innovative Packaging Chapter 4 - Aesthetical Packaging

29 43 59

Featured Studios Atipus Glassfurd & Walker P&W Zoo Studio

90 94 98 100




INTRODUCTION The contents of this publication are what have inspired and driven my design practice over the past year. Packaging design, particularly within the food industry is what I am primarily interested in and the industry I wish to take my career path. This publication explores food packaging from form and function to surface design, type and image.


We package because we need to; how we package is up to each of us. Asking the ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions are good starting points for any packaging design process.


WHAT IS PACKAGING Packaging is often thought of as the science, art, and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. To present (as a product) in such way as to heighten its appeal to the consumer. Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages. Packaging on a supermarket shelf has less than three seconds to grab the attention of a consumer. Those three seconds are exceedingly important when you consider that more than 70% of purchasing decisions are made at the shelf. Add to this the fact that supermarkets can contain on average 40,000 packs to choose from, then that pack has got to work hard. Without the package, products may be similar to, if not the same as, their competitors.


The purpose of Packaging // Containment How will the package hold the product? Liquids, chemicals, dense solids, perishable foods and pharmaceuticals, exceedingly small or oversized items, and high-tech and high-cost goods all have unique need and varying demands on the containers that secure them. // Security Does the product require special tamper evidence or sanitary and freshness measures? Many packages must afford special assurances to both manufacturer and consumer. In addition, packaging must also secure the product from theft or loss. // Protection The protective function of packaging essentially involves protecting the contents from contamination, damage or other negative impact upon the environment, when in transit and handling. A package must be able to withstand environmental factors such as temperature and humidity. The protective function primarily places demands upon the strength, resistance and leakproof properties of the packaging. // Convenience Can the package make the product easier to transport, display, open, close, use or reuse? A smart package takes end-user needs into account and provides often unexpected solutions, thus giving a product an edge to the marketplace. 8

// Information How do you provide the consumer with the knowledge to understand and use a product? Packaging bears huge responsibility of informing the consumer of what a product is for, how to use it and when, how not to use it, and why not. This can include ingredients, recipes and other fundamental pieces. // Storage Packaging materials and packaging containers required for producing packages must be stored in many different locations both before packaging of the goods and once the package contents have been used. Packaging must thus also fulfil a storage function. // Marketing and promotion A package needs to present a brand and product in a way that connects with a larger community of like-minded individuals. Speaking the right visual language that connects intellectually and emotionally with the consumers is vital to getting a [product noticed, desired, purchased and remembered. Promotional material placed on packaging is intended to attract the potential purchaser’s attention and to have a positive impact upon the purchasing decision. This plays a particularly important role on sales packaging as it is directly addressed to the consumer.


The discoveries to be found in contextual research are amazing. Seeing your package in the world where it lives will reveal many possible improvements to functional design.


Chapter 1 Functional Packaging A quick way to put consumers off a product is to make it totally impractical to use. Packaging design must incorporate functional aspects that allow the consumer to easily use what they buy.


TWO EGGS FOR YOU “The idea was to create a package of two eggs, ideal for someone living on their own or someone who just wants to make a quick meal and doesn’t require the standard 6 eggs. I wanted to create an interesting package that was aesthetically pleasing, functional, and simply enjoyable to hold. 12

Each packaging features two eggs along with two easy recipes to make meals for one, which are revealed when the egg chamber is opened”.

CONOR WHELAN 0868796932 13

Butter! Better! “Butter! Better! is a new and convenient way to take your butter on the go. This functional, single serving has a knife built right into the disposable packaging so you can scoop and spread butter without the hassle of bring cutlery out of the house�. 14

Yeongkeun Jeong 0868796932 15

Alton Brown Alton Brown is a spice range for blind and visually impaired people. Together with liquids a special spoon is provided which makes it easier to poor and to measure them, it’s the measure of a table spoon. The text is placed on the exact same place on all the products and all the braille is embossed. 16

The logo is communicating the exact same thing for blind as for non blinds since A is one dot and B is two.

Hampus Jageland +33 6 31 74 71 16 17

CAVALLUM The Cavallum is a box of cava (the Catalan equivalent to French champagne) or wine that transforms into an elegant lamp. 18

CICLUS +34 666 325 759 19

“We started with the simple idea of creating a new bottled water brand that is kinder to the environment and gives back a bit – we found that it shouldn’t be bottled at all, but instead, boxed.. 20

So we looked to the past for inspiration in the century old beverage container and decided to keep things simple, sustainable, and beautiful”.

Boxed Water (616) 710-1560 21

“Sustainable package design concept for 6 extra large, organic brown eggs. The package is envisioned to be printed with soy based inks on 100% post consumer corrugated paper board, an environmentally conscience alternative to a plastic incased egg package.� 22

sarah machicado 23

Italian Spaghetti “My spaghetti packaging design stemmed from a project I was set on my degree course, we had to pick one of five difficult objects to package (spaghetti, marbles, an egg, a single rose or custard powder). The reason I chose Spaghetti was because I always find myself wasting spaghetti as I’d always cook too much, so I wanted to address that problem in some way. 24

There are already measuring devices for spaghetti on the market but nothing within the packaging itself, giving the consumer the spaghetti in 6 equal servings to save on waste, the packaging can then be re-used and kept forever. It was my aim to create something that was visually appealing but also addressed a problem and could serve as a useful aid in any kitchen.�

Neal Fletcher +44 (0) 7794975175 25

THE CHANGING ROLE OF PACKAGING An Interview with Daniel Hachard In the marketing mix, what is the value of packaging? Packaging is the most important and least expensive. It is the commercial vehicle that last longest and has the most impact. Packaging has stopping power at the retail shelf. You get the most bang for your money with packaging. What makes a successful package design? Packaging must be seen as a holistic proposition. It must fulfil both the emotional and physical expectations of consumers. It must connect with consumers on both levels. A successful package provides benefits to the consumer. For example, it can be a functional benefit - it’s easy to hold, dispense, and dispose of. On an emotional level,packaging creates trust in a brand. It allows consumers to react to emotional cues such as wellness, nutrition, or appetite appeal. In the end, there are four ways to make a package successful: 1. Make it simple in the way you speak to consumers 2. Increase visual impact through branding, photography, and graphics. 3. Reenforce the brand and let its essence come through. Show the DNA of the brand. 4. Be innovative and creative. What do you see as the biggest challenge for designers? The biggest challenges for designers are staying ahead of technology and being creative. They need to be courageous about design. They need to develop packaging that looks irresistible to consumers. Designers must work to be relevant. They need to be flexible in the face of corporate changes, acquisitions, or budget constraints. When a company is under pressure, they will put all their vendors under pressure. This can mean designers adjusting their processes for faster turnaround times. Products are going to market faster. We as clients need to keep designers informed. When they understand the problem fully, they can be more helpful. 26

What is the single biggest mistake you see in the package design process? Design briefs that are not good enough. Either they are wrong or have incomplete information. Sometimes we over complicate everything. We are all consumers, pretty much driven by basic needs. Sure we have to have methodologies and research, but sometimes, as a result, we over intellectualize. Things should be more simple. IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING WITHIN THE BRANDING AND PACKAGING INDUSTRY, WHAT WOULD IT BE? A change in the consciousness is needed. The United States need to develop a deeper and more genuine concern for the environment. Packaging has a huge environmental impact. In Europe, designers and manufacturers have it in mind, think about it more, and are more concerned about it. But, in the states, consumers are more concerned about it. Global warming is a deep concern to all of us. Where do you see this industry going in the next five years? The packaging industry and packages themselves will change. We’ll see more intelligent packages - they will talk to you. Packages will calculate the right nutritional value. There will be more multilingual packages. I think the design industry is in a good place. The power of design in packaging has yet to be fully recognised. People are beginning to talk about it. If brands really want to be successful, they’ve got to use creativity and innovation as an edge. We see more design revitalisation projects happening on shorter cycles.


Shape and structure work together to form the foundation of a successful Package design.


Chapter 2 Structural Packaging The structure of a pack can serve multiple purposes: // To create shelf standout and sell the product // To protect the product // To prolong the life of the product // To facilitate the use of the product // To reassure customers that it’s part of a familiar range


Supermarket Sweep Walk into any supermarket, choose a product you don’t like then rebrand, redesign and repackage it. No limits - anything goes. “I chose to redesign the packaging for pasta focusing on sustainability and eliminating the 30

use of plastics. The new design is constructed in a unique way which allows the consumer to easily turn the edge of the box into an instant spout, allowing more control over the amount of pasta that is poured.�

Nick Reid +44 (0) 07429 376 610 31

“These three different milk cartons distinguish between the rates of fat in the milk by using form rather than colour. The form of the milk cartons reflects in a way on the milk’s texture and smoothness. The two back folds are used as the carton’s handle, while the two in the front function as the spout.” 32


Coureur des bois Fruit and nut packaging designed for walkers. The recycled paper packaging has no printing and is equipped with a detachable single label and a hanger for hooking usefully to small, medium and large walkers of the world.�

Mariève Dorman


“This is the packaging I’ ve made during a aiap workshop, “Design Per” in Bologna last October. We had to design mark, graphics and packaging for a type of food. I chose a type of “pasta” for broth, the “Stelline”, a paste for children. I played both with shape and graphic. 34

The pyramid shape opens on the top and the tip can be used as sealing cap. On the four sides of the pyramid I designed with “stelline” four funny characters. Four geometric faces each with a different expression, such as good!, not good!”

fabio bernardi +44 (0)7428281278 35

QUICK FRUIT The idea behind Quick Fruit packaging is a fruit sliced in half showing the core of the fruit as the lid of the product. A clean, simple logo with the letter “Q� depicting a cup with a spoon appears on the lid and side. 36

Marcel Buerkle 37

“Identity and package design for Meringue, an upscale dessert boutique, seeking to capture the airy whipped quality of meringue, the main ingredient in most of the store’s pastries. The origami-inspired cookie box emulates the folds and peaks of meringue cookies”. 38

SAMIRA Khoshnood

POP-UP POPCORN BOWL The Pop-up popcorn is a slick container of paper bag that folds down to fit into the oven, then pops-up to become a bowl once the contents are ready to eat. The design simply sports two functions in one, affording you a small package to hold the kernels in and a four-legged bowl you can stand on the nearby table.

Anni Nyk채nen


CASABLANCA TEA “The idea of Casablanca is to revisit the Arab world with smells, colours and taste; from the moment that you lay your eyes on one of Casablanca’s tea packs.” 40


Innovation is vital to the success of a brand’s life. All aspects of the product/package aND MARKETING LIFECYCLE need innovation


Chapter 3 Innovative Packaging Packaging design has the primary goal to attract customers’ attention. For this purpose, package designs can not simply inform the customers, but also provoke feelings and communicate emotions. An effective packaging looks attractive, impresses with its creativity and is just nice to have on the shelf.


NOO-DEL “The brief was to make a package with a second life. Noo-Del is a playful and simple packaging that will stand out on the shelves. The decor of a geisha refers to Asia and Asian food and the decor gets extra playful with the eating-sticks which gives the illusion of being the geishas hairpins. The effect is even more fun when you eat from the package! 44

The package is useful in several ways: it is easy to carry with, when adding water you can heat up the noodles in a microwave and eat direct from the package which has a shape of a take-away-package when opening it�.

Helen Maria Bäckström


MR. CHOCOLATE Centred around the product, this chocolate packaging personifies the product and adds to the fun. There are 24 ways to have a new moustache with 6 different variations and 4 flavours. 46

Ruiz Company +34 932 531 780 47

JOOZE “Jooze is a fictional company that manufactures fresh fruit juices, catered especially to kindergarten and primary school students. It is a company that believes that healthy eating habits should begin at a very young age. The shape of the logo is inspired by the shape of a sliced fruit, and the handwritten typeface used is to portray a sense of fun, hands-on personality and characteristic that appeals to kids and toddlers. The logo also consists of singular bright colours, which may vary depending on the flavour of the juice. This would hopefully 48

be a recognisable icon whereby children can relate and connect to the brand. A simplified illustration of the fruits are to further clarify the flavours, to add visual aesthetics, and to appeal and connect to the target audience. The juice box is shaped in an unconventional way to incorporate the essence of the logo, to gain instant recognition from the audience, and to capture their attention, especially if this product is placed alongside other juices on the supermarket shelves.�

Yunyeen Yong


SNACK MONSTERS Brief: Nominate an existing company that would align well with a fruit sub brand. Choose three whole fruits that would fit best with the sub brand and package them. Response: I planned to focus my attention on school children. Due to the popularity 50

of the existing Natural Confectionery Company branding, I decided not to change the logo but develop on the playfulness of it by introducing characters. Each character embodied the shape of the fruit but had a unique personality for the children to relate too.

ANGUS NICHOLLS + (1) 310 497 4007 51

meli “Meli is Greek for Honey. Made from 100% Greek Thyme honey (one of the most popular varieties in Greece), Meli is wholesome, pure and healthy. When working on this packaging concept we knew that for it to have a chance of success in the competition it had to really stand out. 52

We made the decision to create a playful brand that conveyed its identity through its packaging. Everything about it shouts how unique it is and it’s something that would make your day as soon as you set it on the breakfast table.”

minimoko +44 (0) 207 993 6502 53

“TK Food’s pineapple pastry uses TN17 pineapples, which are sweet and fragrant. This series adopts the appearance of pineapple as packing design, which represents “a whole pineapple a fresh present.” Besides emphasizing the real pineapple stuffing, the unique packing design is totally different from the general ones and becomes a best choice as a gift.”




FRUIT JUICE PACKAGING A series of creative fruit juice packages that have the look and feel of the fruit they contain. “I imagined that if the surface of the package imitated the colour and texture of the fruit skin, then the object would reproduce the feeling of the real skin.� 56

naoto fukasawa


A packages eye-catching graphics and message make all kinds of products desirable, sellable, understandable, memerable and entertaining.


Chapter 4 AESTHETICAL PACKAGING Packaging graphics must do more than simply look pretty. They must work to cut through the white noise that is the crowded supermarket shelf, and attract a potential buyer. This chapter is broken down into different sections // Typographic // Image // Simplistic


TYPOGRAPHIC PACKAGING More than simply applying fonts or typefaces, typography is the craft of selecting, customising, creating and integrating type solutions. A great deal of personality and emotion can be communicated through typography. Mediocre typography can deflate even the best package design. Similarly, brilliant typography can produce successful results when almost everything else is lacking.



THE KITCHEN The Brief “To create a brand identity for a new culinary retail concept in the UK. The Kitchen’s vision is you experience, first hand, how to 62

create great tasting food from only the finest ingredients with Michelin Star Chef Thierry Laborde and his team.”

DESIGN FRIENDSHIP +44 (0) 207 613 0802 63

Bocanegra Bocanegra, craft beer made in Monterrey. A tribute to all working people. “We were inspired by all the people who strive and work hard every day. A hallmark of the people here in Monterrey.� 64

Manifiesto Futura +52 (81) 8881 7097 65

SZELET “Szelet (it means a ‘slice’ in English) is a really small pizzeria which specializes in a slice of pizza. I started with inventing the name ‘szelet’. after that I designed its identity, the interior design, the packaging and the web design. 66

I wanted to choose a strong concept which can be developed into a franchise later. Therefore I have chosen a very intense colour – red – and a familiar shape that evoke the ‘world’ of pizzeria and fast food restaurants.”

kiss miklos 67

IMAGE BASED PACKAGING The use of image on packaging can be as vital as branding or messaging. Imagery can be used (among other things) to: // Demonstrate use // Express unique innovation // Create appetite appeal // Align a product with style/cultural trends // Invoke desired emotions // Dispel market paradigms // Directly relate to a specific demographic



“Children’s Tea is the perfect choice for the young ones. All ingredients are organic and naturally caffeine-free. Children’s Tea comes in three different flavours, Sunny Orange, Red Berries and Wild Berries.” 70

sara strand 71

“There are a lot of holidays at the beginning of the year in Russia – we celebrate Christmas, New Year, February 23 and March 8. Lots of candies and sweets are being eaten at this time so I thought that the sweets could be replaced with cheeses with different additions: dried apricots, prunes, nuts and even chocolate. 72

A flexible package retains traditional shape of a piece of cheese, a handmade chart emphasizes the naturalness of the product that is natural and delicious!”

Istratova Alexandra


Simplistic Packaging Sometimes the most-effective packs are the most simple. Multiple colours on a pack can be both distracting to the customer and costly to produce, which is why colour rationalisation is becoming increasingly popular.



Reishunger “Reishunger is a small rice brand that is based in Germany and has focused on authentic and premium-quality rice from all over the world. The Reishunger Rice Jar accommodates 600g of rice. A scratch- and dishwasher-proof chart on the glass helps to measure the rice. 76

FUNNY PAPER +49 89 3798 7855 77

Mancini Pasta Massimo Mancini is a pasta maker premium which wheat is grown on the farm. 78



Caravan Bar & Restaurant “They roast their own coffee on site, the food is universal, inspired by the flavours of the world. Caravan is contemporary with a nod to the values of a hand-made artisan history.� 80

Above shows a series of designs utilising the Romani (gypsy) language.

InHouse +649 368 7388 81

PRIMVS FOOD PACKAGING “PRIMVS is a brand that has decided to up the ante in a number of consumer sectors. They feel that design and form have been neglected in the way food packaging is presented and aims to attract those who 82

appreciate premium quality food and design. PRIMVS has merged quality food, with a minimalist stylised packaging that is both visual attractive and appealing.

GUILHERME JARDIM +351917660525 83

E-OLIVIA “With the vocation for innovating we create a product that pretends to raise to the maximum quality. This quality combines a raw material of maximum level and the manual selection of professional craftsmen. In the packaging, the handmade tradition is translated in the utilization of noble materials. 84

The paper gives our product a natural language. It is accompanied by a manual sewing, where quality rules over complexity. Our pack does not use any type of adhesive and is produced exclusively of biodegradable materials.�

alberto aranda 93 611 83 83 85

For the third year in a row, Shikatani Lacroix has created an intriguing and captivating package design for Frito Lay Canada’s Doritos, designing the distinctive black and white bags, Flavour A and Flavour B, for the latest Doritos campaign, The End. Doritos asked Shikatani Lacroix to develop an eye-catching package design to entice consumers to participate in its latest contest. The bags have piqued consumers’ curiosity with a unique design that is both bold and dynamic yet clean and simple. They clearly stand out on shelves and will be a key driver in the success of this campaign. 86

SHIKATANI LACROIX +1 416.367.1999

“Myself and others feel the lack of a premium pringles product line. Therefor I made up my mind to design one. There is also a need for this to compete with other brands and their eco-products like oven baked and farm chips. Also those others with the special flavours. A product that will stand out from the other Pringles but still having the well known tube. Simple and clean packaging design that will work on the scandinavian market for sure. Branding the product with a little poem instead of photoshop effects.�

NIKLAS HESSMAN +46 (0) 708 70 78 94 87




Atipus is a graphic communication studio, created in Barcelona in 1998. “We are a team of expert professionals, trained in various disciplines; corporate identity, art direction, packaging design, and web services. Our aim is to communicate through good graphic work, conceptually and simply�. 90

Atipus +34 93 485 13 95 91



Established in early 2007, Glasfurd & Walker offer multidisciplinary, conceptual and graphic design services and innovative brand communication solutions. With each project presenting new challenges and demanding unique outcomes, strategic, idea driven design is key to their approach. “Our goal is to empower clients with relevant, innovative work at the highest level of quality�. 94

Glasfurd & Walker +1 604 662 4445 95




P&W 020 7723 8899 99

Zoo studio create global communication projects, work with clear concepts, simple graphics and especially good ideas, applied to any medium, either physical or audiovisual interactive. 100

ABOVE: True Rum Packaging for Caribbean rum chocolate Can Duran Sausage Packaging

Above: Rubén Álvarez Packaging for chocolate product by Rubén Álvarez

ZOO STUDIO 93 883 49 60 101

Cinc Sentits Packaging design for Cinc Sentits restaurant in Barcelona. 102


BIBLIOGRAPHY Websites // The Dieline

// Lovely Package // Packaging of the World

// Fuck Yeah Packaging

// Transport Information Service

// The Design Council

// Smashing Magazine

BOOKS // Package Design Workbook // Design Matters - Packaging Capsule // Print and Production Finishes for Packaging // Eat Me // Experimental Packaging 104

Featured Articles Package Design Workbook:

The Changing Role of Packaging - An Interview with Daniel Hachard


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