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Sam Cla ark Job b title: Seniorr Account Manager Education: B Sc Sport Econ nomics and Politics N Nationality: English IInterest: Golff, Football, Skkiing and Travvelling

nergy in Dece ember 2011 a s a Senior Account Managger. His main Sam Clarkk joined CWC School for En duties are e working on the Managem ment portfolio o, including O Oil & Gas Mini Managemen nt & Businesss Administrration, Project Economics, Risk & Decisiion Analysis ffor Oil & Gas, Advanced Prroject Econom mics, Risk & Decision Analysis for Oil & Gaas, Coaching for Success inn the Oil & Gaas Industry, aand Oil & Gas or non‐Financcial Managerss. He is responsible for a nnumber of clieents worldwid de and their Finance fo training needs, growing accounts, id dentifying new topics of innterest for traaining courses, attending h clients and new prospects and managge clients from m introductio on to complettion events to network with Before CW WC, Sam workked at Executtive Sport Ltd, a small evennts company.. He managed d delegation aand sponsorsh hip packages for the annuaal conference e at Chelsea FFC. His clients included Maanchester Uniited FC, The RFFU, BBC Sportt, London Irissh Rugby Club b, The PFA. Hee consulted w with a wide raange of clients, generating a large contact list. Sam has aa First‐class BSc degree in SSport Econom mics and Polittics, specialisiing in the Gollfing Industry, from the University of Lincoln. His intere ests are golf, ffootball and sskiing. He enjo oys worldwidde travelling to Europe, Asiia and Africa. He has been to a number of European countries succh as France, Austria, Slovenia, Portugaal, and Spain, and mmer of 2010 0 travelled to South East Asia including Vietnam, Lao os, Cambodia and Singapore. in the sum He is hopiing to travel tto South Ame erica in the ne ear future, annd visit Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Colomb bia.

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