CEDAW Task Force Organization Sign On Sheet

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YES, please add my national organization to the growing list of organizations that support CEDAW, the Convention to End All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. The CEDAW Task Force is a national coalition that brings together a broad and diverse group of more than 140 organizations that have a shared commitment to support and work towards CEDAW ratification this year. Supporting Organizations sign on to be an official endorser of CEDAW as well as engage in a national campaign that uses advocacy and grassroots engagement to provide accurate information about CEDAW to public officials, the media, activists and the general public. *Organization Name as it should be listed:

*Contact person: Name: __________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________________________

*Has your organization supported or done work around CEDAW in the past? YES NO

*Please return this form via email / fax / mail to: Zeitlin@civilrights.org / (202) 466-3435 Attn: June Z / 1629 K St NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20006 For more information, contact June Zeitlin, Director of the CEDAW Education Project for the CEDAW Task Force at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, at 202-2632852 or zeitlin@civilrights.org. Or visit: www.womenstreaty.org

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