Christian Life issue 41 Dec 16 Jan 17

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DEC 2016//JAN 2017 • Issue FORTY-ONE •

FAMILY FIRST Child Abuse & Family Structure: Why Marriage Matters page 09



Andrew Stroud

We list NZ’s best

page 10

page 12-13

LEADERS RESPOND TO QUAKE Earthquakes and Sinners - MAJOR GARTH STEVENSON (SALVATION ARMY) We should quake at the prospect of judgment - PETER CARRELL A Christian Response to Natural Disasters - PS JOHN CAMERON Earthquakes, God and the Problem of Evil - RON HAY Perceptions of Faith - RON BREWER




DEC 16/JAN 17

3 03. EARTHQUAKE SPECIAL • Earthquakes and Sinners • We should quake at the prospect of judgment • A Christian Response to Natural Disasters • Earthquakes, God and the Problem of Evil • Perceptions of Faith 09. Child Abuse and Family Structure: Why

Marriage Matters

10. Andrew Stroud 12. Local News & Reviews, Camps & Retreats 14. Extravagant acts of devotion 16. Christian Life Classifieds 18. Shine TV programme guide

NEXT ISSUE OUT February 2017 Booking deadline: 3 Feb Art deadline: 7 Feb Distribution: 17 Feb



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Correspondence PO Box 318 334, West Harbour, Auckland 0661 No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part, without prior written permission. Opinions expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect those of the staff.

All attempts are made to verify advertising material, and no responsibility is taken for misleading or erroneous material. © Copyright 2016/2017.

Dear Lord,

We acknowledge Your lordship over our lives, and pray for Your guidance and wisdom for our nation and our leaders, our churches and our friends, our families and ourselves. We long to know You more and to see You move within our country. We acknowledge that we have so often sought our own way, rather than Your way. We want to walk in the paths of Your Blessing and so we pray Your Blessing upon our country, our churches, our friends, family and ourselves, in all of our endeavours. May not only this year, but also this day, be significant for Your Kingdom.

Blessings from the Team at Manna Whangarei, Albany, Henderson, Botany, Manukau, Hamilton, Hawkes Bay, Palmerston North, Hutt City, Nelson, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gore, Invercargill

In Jesus' name Amen

2 | Christian Life Issue Forty-One December 2016/January 2017

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Earthquakes and Sinners The Salvation Army responds to media comments about the link between sinning and earthquakes.



n a world of social media and sound bites, controversial views often get the air time. In recent days much attention has been given to the view expressed by an Auckland pastor that there is a causal link between certain sins, or certain sinful people, and the occurrence of natural disasters. This view is based on a particular interpretation of Leviticus 18 and especially verse 28. The pastor claims that this is not his message, but God’s message. However, Christian understanding is shaped by the teaching of Jesus. Any interpretation of biblical passages that contradict the teaching of Jesus must

be regarded as flawed. The simplistic connection between specific cases of suffering or tragedy and the sinfulness of particular individuals (usually those who are suffering) was, in biblical times and, as the Pastor gives evidence, still today, a commonplace idea. For example, Jesus’ followers asked him about a man born blind and whether his blindness was caused by his own sin or that of his parents. In response, Jesus explicitly denied any connection between the man’s blindness and the sinfulness of any individuals (John 9:1-5). In another encounter, Jesus declared that those who suffered tragic fatali-

ties (political assassination and a building collapse—see Luke 13:1-5) were no more sinful than any others. In the latter case, Jesus does not ignore sin, but calls all people to turn away from wrongdoing and back to God. The explicit teaching of Jesus leaves no room for scapegoating particular individuals or groups in a time of tragedy. The Salvation Army affirms that all human suffering grieves the heart of God. God is not aloof, but has experienced the full reality of human suffering in the person of Jesus Christ. Our response to the suffering of others mirrors God’s when we come alongside

people to offer loving, pastoral and practical support. In doing so, we become partners with God, whose vision for all humanity, as seen in the person of Jesus Christ, is life and wholeness rather than condemnation (John 3:17). As a church, The Salvation Army wants to be welcoming and open to all people, believing that everyone bears the image of God.

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We should quake at the prospect of judgment with PETER CARRELL


worked between two offices in Christchurch. One in Hereford St, a stone’s throw from the Square, and one in Church Lane, Merivale. A conversation late that morning in Hereford Street recommended finding an item of clothing at Ballantynes. But then I thought that I really ought to get to Merivale and put

an appearance in there. Not heading to Ballantynes may have saved my life. At 12.51 pm that Tuesday 22 February 2011 the jolt to my Merivale office instinctively shot me out of my chair and into the doorway. For some reason I looked over my right shoulder into the corridor. When the quake stopped I looked left to find

TOP: The Elms homestead tragedy after the Kaikoura earthquake Photo credit: Fairfax Media; INSET: The shattered tower of St Mary’s church from the 2011 quake.

4 | Christian Life Issue Forty-One December 2016/January 2017

my office strewn with books and papers. I was fine. Our administrator was also fine. Another instinctive reaction was that we should leave work to go home. I will never forget my shock when I looked up from the front door of our building to see the shattered tower of St Mary’s church next door. It didn’t cross my mind then that if that tower was so badly damaged then much of the city must also be shattered. Another thing which never crossed my mind was that this was God’s judgment on Christchurch or Aotearoa New Zealand. Our land is the result of a series of upheavals on the earth’s crust. We live on faultlines and among volcanoes. When the earth shakes we get shaken. If God was proactively judging us on 22 February 2011, it was a confusing judgment as churches of many shades of theological view were destroyed or damaged beyond repair. Had we all incurred God’s wrath? If it was aimed at the general immorality of our society, why were churches brutally bashed and our casino left standing? A simple biblical fact is that while God has used natural events in the cause of judging the earth

(think, Noah and the flood), the only natural events we know to be used in this way are the ones explicitly named in the Bible. Neither Christchurch nor Kaikoura’s earthquakes are mentioned. In fact, Jesus notes clearly that devastating natural tragedies occur without any tags tying them to God’s judgment. In Luke 13:15 Jesus cites two contemporary tragedies, one due to human malevolence, one – the falling tower – perhaps due to human construction failure or to an earthquake. But Jesus carefully says that these events are not a response to the sin of those killed. Those killed are no worse sinners than those not harmed by such events. Rather, Jesus says, all such events are a wake-up call to each of us: we need to repent, to get our lives sorted before God. That is pretty much the message of Hebrews 12:14-29. God is judge of all but there is no need for anyone to miss out on the grace of God. This world is shaken by God (by his voice, not by quakes) in order that the kingdom which cannot be shaken may remain. Will we refuse God’s voice or repent? Will we suffer God’s judgment or receive his blessing? There is a coming universal judgment of God. In this judgment all humanity will be held to account. Repentance - turning our lives towards God, breaking with sin and walking in God’s ways - is critical to passing through that judgment. God in Christ has forgiven our sin and opened the way to relationship with him. Earthquakes and other tragic events – whether through natural or human causes – are not the judgment of God. But they are disruptions with potential to shake us out of complacency that all is well between us and God. When nature’s power reminds us that we are not gods in charge of the world, will we seek the living God who rules our world? The Rev’d Dr Peter Carrell holds the joint role of Director of Theology House and Director of Education for the Diocese of Christchurch.


A Christian Response to Natural Disasters with JOHN CAMERON | LEAD PASTOR OF ARISE CHURCH


s a pastor whose congregations have been affected by earthquakes in both Christchurch and Wellington, I wanted to share some thoughts on our Christian response to a natural disaster. Our church family have lost loved ones, had homes destroyed (including my parents, grandmother, brother, nieces & nephews) and livelihoods have been jeopardized as the result of natural disasters. We have walked people through the anxiety & stress of these events and been involved in providing assistance in many ways. Natural Disasters are not Gods Judgment Jesus specifically addressed this topic when he said, “Those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them–do you think they were more guilty than all


the others living in Jerusalem?” Luke 13:4 Natural disasters are the reality of a natural world. Bad things can happen to anyone. It is a natural response to want to level blame when bad things happen in order to make sense of it. Even Jesus’ disciples, when they saw a blind man, asked Jesus, “Who sinned that this man was born blind?” To this Jesus responded, “Neither, but that the works of God might be revealed in him.” And then Jesus healed his blindness.

Demolishing a damaged building in Molesworth St, Wellington Photo credit: Jake Iwanica, Neptune Photography (Facebook)

to be the answer. We are called as Christians to assist people, to Be the solution open our hearts and our homes, As Christians, we are taught by to pray, to give and to serve. Let our Saviour not to waste breath althe light of God shine in dark locating blaming when bad things times. take place. We are not called to find fault, we are called to proNo immunity offered vide solutions. “…that the works Let me lastly say that a Chrisof God might be revealed…” We tian is never offered by God imare not here to describe the probmunity from difficulty. Our faith lem, to level blame, we are here is not revealed by the absence of

trial, hardship or disaster, but by how we go through it, and what we make out of it. We find strength in the Lord our God. We turn hard times into an opportunity to love and serve. “…they will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Our love and prayers are with everyone affected by this earthquake throughout New Zealand.


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Earthquakes, God and the Problem of Evil with RON HAY


fter the 9/11 terrorist attack, Philip Yancey was contacted by an American television reporter and asked, “What does this say about God?” Not surprisingly, Yancey’s response was “”What exactly has God got to do with this?” Clearly, much of the suffering in the world (such as terrorist attacks) is the result of human evil and God cannot be blamed. But what about natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis - are they acts of judgements by God, as an Auckland pastor would have us believe, and as some visiting selfstyled prophets proclaimed in Christchurch after the February 2011 quake? Jesus emphatically denied this view. In Luke’s Gospel, he specifically raises this question in relation to an earthquake-like disaster in Jerusalem, the collapse of a tower that killed 18 people. Having raised the question, “Do you think these people were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem?” he answers with an emphatic “I tell you no” (Luke 13:1-6). We can, then, totally dismiss the view that the earthquakes we have suffered in Christchurch and Kaikoura are the manifestation of divine judgement on the victims. But how are we to reconcile natural disasters with the biblical revelation of God in Christ, the revelation of God as all good and all loving? If the Pastor’s assumptions that God’s judgement on gays causes earthquakes is a false theology which contradicts the Scriptures and maligns the character of God, what are we to say about God in light of such events? A common view held by many Christians is that natural disasters are the result of humanity’s original fall. The English evangelist

David Watson, whom I highly respect, wrote, “Suffering was never part of God’s original creation… it seems that man was given control over the rest of creation by God, so that when man went wrong creation also went wrong.” Unfortunately, that view is no longer tenable because palaeontology and geology clearly show that suffering, death, and natural disasters were evident in creation long before humanity appeared on the scene. So what can we say about God and creation in view of events like these recent major earthquakes? As I’ve pondered this, three perspectives seem to me to be helpful: An imperfect world The Bible makes clear in various ways that the world, as we know it, is seriously out of sync with God’s intentions. The Lord’s Prayer contains the petition, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” which strongly implies that things in this world are not yet in accord with God’s purposes. The creation accounts in Genesis stress the goodness of creation, but they do not suggest it is perfect. Genesis 3 reveals that somehow evil (personified in the figure of the serpent) has infiltrated God’s good world. Later the book of Isaiah presents the dream of a day when violence and predation will have disappeared from creation and “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat … and a little child will lead them” (Isaiah 11:6). And, of course, the whole of biblical revelation looks forward to “a new heaven and a new earth” which will be free of violence and disaster and loss.

Landslide over road in Wellington after the earthquake Photo credit: Jake Iwanica, Neptune Photography (Facebook)

6 | Christian Life Issue Forty-One December 2016/January 2017

Incompleteness The Bible suggests that the whole created order is on a journey towards fulfilment and completion. Romans 8 speaks of creation waiting “in eager expectation” for the day when it will be “liberated from its bondage to decay” and brought into glorious completeness. Meanwhile, it is pictured as

“groaning as in the pains of childbirth” until its liberation and completion come. We’re not given a fully developed explanation and speculation is risky, but perhaps the “groaning” of tectonic plates are part of the birth pangs of creation. Fallenness Although the first is not the cause of the second, the fallenness of humanity and the fallenness of the natural world are both part of a Christian understanding. Part of the Christian tradition is belief in a cosmic fall before the advent of humanity. T. F. Torrance, regarded by many as the leading British theologian of the twentieth century writes this: “It is difficult not to think that somehow nature has been infiltrated by an extrinsic evil, affecting entropy for ill, corrupting natural processes, and introducing irrational kinks into their order.” This perspective agrees with our experience of nature as good and yet flawed, as beautiful yet violent, as providing life and also bringing death. This understanding of the duality of good and evil in creation makes sense of the fact that moving tectonic plates create the grandeur of the Southern Alps and also the destruction we’ve seen in Kaikoura and Christchurch. Ron Hay is author of Finding the Forgotten God: Credible Faith for a Secular Age and lives in Canterbury.

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Perceptions of Faith with RON BREWER


he epic movie based on Margaret Mitchell’s novel “Gone with the Wind” opens with these lines, “There was a land of Cavaliers and Cotton Fields called the Old South. Here in this pretty world, gallantry took its last bow.. Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered, a Civilisation gone with the wind”. Not only does a way of life disappear but also the dreams that drive the main characters. Throughout the Civil War, Scarlett O’Hara is preoccupied with her love for Ashley Wilkes. But by the story’s end, she is disillusioned… Our hearts surely go out to the thousands of people closely affected and traumatised by the recent earthquake in Kaikoura

and north to Wellington. For many whose lives have been left shattered and devastated, would identify with Scarlett O’Hara’s disillusionment. Many of the retail outlets were planning for a “Golden Summer” with thousands of tourists etc bringing in finance to provide for the following years wages and expenses. Many are having to live in the fear of large aftershocks with a prediction of possible further earthquakes moving up the North Island. Despite the acute shortage of housing, drinking water, (and up to the time of writing a lack of food) with the whole of Kaikoura being forced into a type of “Red Sticker Label” environment. It has been overwhelming however, to see the sheer love, Africa Inland Mission International New Zealand AIM Christian Life.indd 1

Massive slips covering SH1 and the rail line north of Kaikoura after the 7.8 earthquake Photo credit: Fairfax Media

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compassion and kindness shown to each other and by total strangers too. Pictures of the sharing of water, food, shelter, showering facilities etc, have been shown all around the world. And what a beautiful picture of human kindness it depicts. People from their own brokenness sharing with others. Also not forgetting for one moment the unsung heroes who make up our police and emergency services, the many helicopter pilots, medical workers, countless volunteers, road contractors who are working around the clock to move massive slips and forage a roading to allow traffic to move in and out again. The NZ, Australian, USA Navies too, played a significant role in bringing in food and evacuating hundreds of stranded tourists. But isn’t it so sad though, that it takes an enormous tragedy of this magnitude for human kindness to come to the fore. Why can we not be like this all the time in sharing with what little we

have with total strangers or even our own families? Expectations! We all have them. We expect that people will be nice and kind to us, that we’ll have good health, great marriages, faithful friends, successful careers. But what do we do when life doesn’t live up to our expectations? In Phillipians 1 ‘But I want you to know brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel” Paul shows us the way. He faced broken expectations of place, people, and the future, yet he remained surprisingly upbeat. Paul was stuck in prison— not a great place to be! Paul saw good eventuating long term than his immediate suffering. When we get stuck in a tough marriage, an unrewarding job, or a challenging neighbourhood, it’s easy to get discouraged. But Paul was wonderfully positive. He said in Phil 1;12 that his suffering helped to advance the gospel. A large part of our lives centres

around anticipation. I personally always like to look forward to an event whether a sporting one (The British Lions) or many of the seminars planned to attend, vacation, visits from our family, weddings etc etc.All these things grow in value because of the hours spent looking forward to them— eagerly running through our minds the fun, challenges and excitement they bring. I think about the value of anticipation and the thrill it can bring to the human heart when I read Psalm 30;5 “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”. In no way do I seek to minimise the billions of dollars worth of damage caused by this disaster or the deep emotional stress and fear that has been borne by hundreds of people. Our prayers go out unreservedly for not only our dear friends in the affected areas but also to the nations sadness throughout the whole of New Zealand. For now, those of us who weep can dwell on hope instead

But isn’t it so sad though, that it takes an enormous tragedy of this magnitude for human kindness to come to the fore. Why can we not be like this all the time in sharing with what little we have with total strangers or even our own families?

of hopelessness, and anticipation instead of sorrow. It may be night time in the many hearts of New Zealanders, but just ahead lies the dawn of eternity. And with it, God promises the endless joy of a heavenly morning.

Pastor Ron Brewer Onerahi Christian Community Church, Whangarei, Northland.

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ORDERS TO THE AUTHOR, SENIOR PASTOR GRAHAM CRUICKSHANK PO Box 589, Whangarei 0140 P: 09 430 8886 E: 8 | Christian Life Issue Forty-One December 2016/January 2017

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hildren being raised by their married biological parents are by far the safest from violence”- FAMILY FIRST A new report on child abuse and its causes argues that the ‘elephant in the room’ is family structure, and that the growth of child abuse has accompanied a reduction in marriage and an increase in cohabiting and single-parent families. The report follows on from an earlier report (released in May 2016) on child poverty and its link to family structure. This latest report by welfare commentator and researcher Lindsay Mitchell is entitled “Child Abuse & Family Structure: What is the evidence telling us?” and examines child abuse rates and changes in family structure from the early 1960s through to current day. Key conclusions include: • For the last fifty years, families that feature ex-nuptial births, have one or both parents absent, large numbers of siblings (especially from clustered or multiple births) and/or very young mothers have been consistently overrepresented in the incidence of child abuse – similar to overseas data. • Maori and Pacific families exhibit more of these features and have appeared disproportionately in child maltreatment statistics since earliest data analysis in 1967. • The risk of abuse for children whose parent / caregiver had spent more than 80% of the last five years on a benefit was 38 times greater than for those with no benefit history. Most children included in a benefit appear with a single parent or caregiver. • Contrary to the common narrative that men are perpetrators and women and children are victims, both sexes are responsible for physically abusing children. Males are responsible for around 60% of physical abuse findings and are more likely to sexually abuse

children; females are more likely to neglect them. Females are also more likely to inflict multiple types of abuse against children. The high rates of single, step or blended families among Maori present a much more compelling reason for disproportionate child abuse incidence than either colonisation or unemployment, but like non-Maori, Maori children with two-parent working families have very low abuse rates. Asian children have disproportionately low rates of child abuse. The Asian population has the lowest proportion of single-parent families. The presence of biological fathers matters. Generally, it protects children from child abuse. Marriage presents the greatest likelihood that the father will remain part of an intact family. Compared to married parents, cohabiting parents are 4-5 times more likely to separate by the time their child is aged 5. Overseas data also shows a greater likelihood of child abuse in cohabiting families.

The research paper, commissioned by Family First NZ, draws the conclusion that a reluctance remains (compared to other overseas jurisdictions) to identify which families are disproportionately associated with child abuse and deaths.

“It is the presence of the biological father that generally,

Suspension of fact is an abrogation of our collective responsibility to children. In the same way discussions about child poverty ignore the elephant in the room – family structure – so do analyses of the incidence of child abuse.”. As a result of the research in this repot, politicians and policymakers should develop policies which support marriage - including free counselling, income-splitting, removal of the marriage tax penalty, tax incentives for stable marriages – and promoting the strong formation of families and preventing the breakdown of families. Children being raised by their married biological parents are by far the safest from violence – and so too are the adults. Whenever marriage is promoted, it has often been labelled as an attack on solo or divorced parents, and that has kept us from recognising the qualitative benefits of marriage which have been discovered from decades of research. In virtually every category that social science has measured, children and adults do better when parents get married and stay married – provided there is no presence of high conflict or violence. This is not a criticism of solo parents. It simply acknowledges the benefits of the institution of marriage. Governments should focus on, and encourage and support what works. Our children deserve this investment in their safety and protection. The Report can be downloaded from our website under Research

though not always, protects children. It is marriage that significantly raises the chances that he will remain on the scene.” The report’s author Lindsay Mitchell says “There are certain family structures in which children will be far more vulnerable.

Bob McCoskrie is the National Director of Family First NZ. Visit for more information on how you can become involved.

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ANDREW STROUD Supernaturally Faster Than The Speed Of Light with JANET BALCOMBE


Clockwise from top left: Game face – leading the pack; Andrew with John Britten after winning Bathurst 1993; Andrew and Karyn on their wedding day; 20th anniversary John Britten Tribute meeting, Ruapuna 2015; Andrew, Karyn and the kids (left to right) Jesse, Mac, Amea, Elsie, Maddy, Jacob, Lucia, Bella, Caleb, Joe with the Britten bikes

ew Zealand motorcycle racer Andrew Stroud has his own Wikipedia page, and for very good reason. But there is much more to this champion than just smashing world records and winning races for nearly three decades. You just don’t expect to find a solid family man and father of ten under a helmet of winning races on some of the world’s fastest motorbikes. But even more surprising is that Andrew is not just an occasional church-goer, but a deeply spiritual man. Andrew was born in 1967 and spent his early years in Upper Hutt. The Stroud kids were the wild ones in the street. His hard drinking Dad managed a liquor store and moved the family to Auckland when Andrew was aged 5. Andrew was shy at school but was always wild at heart and often clashed with his Dad. His parents separated for a year when Andrew was 8. During their separation, Andrew’s Mum had a heavenly experience during a severe epileptic seizure aggravated by alcohol and pills. She came around to find a neighbour praying over her and she felt like a new person. She started reading the Bible a lot and taking the family to church. Barbara Stroud went on to write a book called Through Troubled Waters. Andrew’s Dad liked the change in his wife and they were reconciled. Andrew’s interest in bikes took him down to Christchurch to ride the famous New Zealand built Britten bike where he met his wife-to-be, Karyn. Her first words to him were, “Are you a Christian?” He was 25 and had just made a decision for Jesus at Summer Harvest, a Youth for Christ gathering on Bill Subritzky’s farmland at Keri Keri, so he said, “Yes.” They only talked for a few minutes but the next day she called her mum and told her she’d just met the man she was going to marry.

10 | Christian Life Issue Forty-One December 2016/January 2017

Andrew’s racing career took him overseas and they kept in touch with the odd phone call. A few months later after his sister’s home group one night, the scripture, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock…” really became a reality for Andrew. In opening the door he was totally overwhelmed with a love that he’d never known before. “It was like a new life had begun, one with substance and purpose.” The next day he bought the audio Bible on tape and listened to it as he travelled around the world. He couldn’t get enough of it, and still can’t. “After accepting God I couldn’t even swear without my conscience being tweaked. I couldn’t enjoy going out with my old mates drinking because I didn’t want to lose this feeling that I had.” Andrew’s racing achievements include 9 NZ Superbike championships, competed in 41 World Superbike races, 20 FIM 500 GP’s, 1 Isle of Man and 3 24hours World endurance races. He won the inaugural World B.E.A.R.S Series on a Britten bike three weeks before his friend, John Britten, died. In 1995 (on a Britten), he won the European Pro-Twins at Assen and soon after put a Kawasaki Superbike on position for the World Endurance Championship round at the same track. Andrew won at Daytona on Britten in 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997 setting the fastest top speed recorded by any motorcycle at Daytona in the 1994 race (189 mp/h or 305 km/h). In 1997 he also won the American AMA formula Xtreme Championship. I could go on, but I won’t. Close friend John Britten, went on to give his life to Jesus after being diagnosed with cancer. “It was amazing seeing John have this experience before he died”. Andrew was anointed to race and walked away from 50+ racing crashes


I randomly put my hand into my back pocket and took out a large cut ‘glass’ diamond. I thought that’s strange, then Karyn said, “A text just came through on my phone, “Tell Andrew his diamonds are in his backyard.” We went home to literary find diamonds in our backyard. with no major injuries, just minor breaks, and multiple crashes at warp speed (200km-250km/h). “I know that God saved me from a lot worse on a number of occasions, like when I hit the only narrow crash pad with concrete wall on either side. Or when I just randomly shut the throttle 200m early only to find that I had no front brakes – still wrote the bike off (into the wall) but I was ok.” Incredibly Andrew found time to marry Karyn and have ten beautiful kids. Their home is in Hamilton. He officially retired in 2013 but did go on to race again. He found it hard to let it go. Andrew was aware that the adrenaline, the challenge, the accolades, the excitement, the money, the thought of making the fans happy could all come together to create an alluring kind of addiction that’s never going to be satisfied. With this in mind Andrew took notice of Karyn’s unusually strong reservations about him racing again this coming season. She came across an email where he had agreed to race again and she went quiet for a couple of days. As it turns out Karyn had had a troubling dream where a seduc-

tive prostitute was all over Andrew saying how much she loved him, all the while holding a knife behind her back. Karyn was concerned that this dream had something to do with Andrew and racing. He wasn’t convinced but decided give it the weekend to decide. “We went to Bridges Church in Cambridge that Sunday. Murray’s sermon included a true story about an already wealthy man in India named Ali Hafed. Ali asked an old Priest how could he get rich. The Priest said, “Own a diamond mine and you’ll be rich”. So Ali sold his large property, left his family and went in search of diamonds. After three years he was broke, depressed and took his own life. The Priest stopped in again where the new owner informed him of the sad news. While there, the Priest said, “That big rock on your mantlepiece is an uncut diamond where did you get it?” “There are lots of them in the backyard,” the new owner exclaimed. “Show me,” the Priest said. Sure enough the man uncovered many more and this property became the famous diamond mine of Golconda where some of the world’s largest diamonds were found.

While listening to that story I was thinking of my children, playing in the backyard at home. As I was talking to Murray about this afterwards I randomly put my hand into my back pocket and took out a large cut ‘glass’ diamond. I thought that’s strange, then Karyn said, “A text just came through on my phone, “Tell Andrew his diamonds are in his backyard.” We went home to literary find diamonds in our backyard. Well, one was sparkling at me in the carpet, one outside in the grass, Karyn found one upstairs on the floor. It didn’t stop there. Probably over a dozen turned up over the next couple of weeks. Some were cut glass, some were plastic, and some could have been real. It didn’t matter to me, what mattered was, I was starting to get it... ‘my family are my diamonds,’ and ‘where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’”. Murray also prayed that day that Andrew would have no peace about an upcoming race season if God wanted him to lay it down. On arriving home Andrew found himself shutting off emotionally, going into ‘race mode’ just thinking about the task at hand. As he was getting impatient with one

of the children he remembered what Murray had prayed. It was just the confirmation he needed to make the decision there and then. He understood the real diamonds are the people’s lives that are around him every day – his family, and of course Jesus himself. Why go on risking it all, searching for what he already has right in his own backyard? So he has finally let go of racing once and for all, retiring completely from all professional competition. From now on it’s just for fun. Andrew has been invited to ride a Britten at the Phillip Island Classic in Australia in January 2017. He is happy to do this, as it doesn’t involve racing but a demonstration for the expected 20,000 spectators. This true man of God is a real mine of understanding and authority regarding the deep things of God, including healing and deliverance and puts his family first. He has plans for a book which I imagine will be very well received, not least of all by the racing community, and he happily shares his testimony to encourage others in the Lord.

There are 150 million orphans who still need our help

If not us, then who? 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' ~ Jesus ~

Get involved today! Volunteering, Donating, Coordinating your Church, doing a Fundraiser, helping at our Street Appeal Collections.


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A Kiwi in South Sudan Scattered across the green hills of southeastern South Sudan lie the simple, circular thatched huts the Lopit people call home. Women grind sorghum into flour and gather firewood for their cook stoves, men tend to their gardens and small herds of cattle. These hospitable people hold animistic beliefs, communing with their ancestors and seeking remedies and advice from local witch doctors. Missionaries have lived and worked in these hills for 50 years, slowly building small church buildings and introducing the Lopit to Christ. Unfortunately, syncretism, the blending of different religious beliefs and practices, is a huge problem among the Lopit. They remain very much unreached with the gospel. In Ohilang Village, where Africa Inland Mission have had an outreach team, the missionaries are slowly breaking down these barriers. New Zealand primary-school teacher Marlene van Tonder has been part of this AIM outreach

team among the Lopit since 2014. After a few months back in New Zealand Marlene has eagerly returned to the Lopit Hills in August 2016. Marlene was on the outreach team with another single lady, Ashley from the United States. “God is doing things within peoples’ hearts,” Ashley tells us in her quiet voice, “and our job is just to be available when the Holy Spirit is moving.” In July 2015, a year and half after the team arrived, the missionaries saw a new rush of spiritual hunger. “People wanted to know about the Lord,” Ashley says. “People called our team and asked us to pray for them if they were sick. If they had a problem, like a family issue, they would call our team to come and sit with the family and talk through things. It seemed that all of a sudden, people saw that there is something about God that they wanted and [they’d come to us for help] rather than go to the witch doctor.”

In Review

One such witch doctor suffered terribly from satanic dreams and the presence of evil spirits. She soon grew tired of the torment and sought prayer from the missionaries. They willingly obliged but warned that if she kept serving Satan, she could never be free of him. Then one Sunday, to everyone’s amazement, she walked into the church service and called out, “I want to follow Jesus!” “There were four other people who decided that day to follow God,” Ashley remembers. “We know that people have been in this area for 50 years, just trying to reach the Lopit. And so, the fact that we got to see five come to Christ in one day was a miracle.” AIM missionary Ray Davis reported that on 20 December 2015 a local pastor baptized 35 people from 3 villages. A few days later he baptized 35 more! Marlene arrived back in her village in late August and is reconnecting with the people. Marlene asks us to pray for a

Marlene van Tonder

group of 20 young boys who have been visiting her hours since she returned to play cards and hear “stories”. “Pray the Gospel I share in the stories will take root, grow and multiply. “Pray for wisdom and guidance as I make decisions about the shape of my work here for the next few years.” For more information contact: Africa Inland Mission Int. New Zealand: or

Camps & Retreats Special


Orama Oasis

By Phil Scowen

On board the Cessna 206 a pilot was lining up his approach. Up ahead he could see one of his most dreaded nightmares – the form of a large pig running at the side of the airstrip. Where was it heading? Would the noise of the plane’s engine frighten it off? Might it run across the airstrip? Would he take the risk and try to land? . . . . . . Madi watched the drama and laughed cruelly. What was that they had said at High School about standing up for what you believe? Tough Lessons is a small paperback, classified as fiction but based on facts, personally observed or reported, within a

missionary context. This sometimes provocative collection of narratives seeks to honestly and frankly present a selection of matters often overlooked, masked or even repudiated by some mission personnel. In Tough Lessons, Phil Scowen bravely dares to depict what is often left unheeded, as the flipside of the coin. This little book would make a great little gift for Christmas as something different and inexpensive. Available from:

12 | Christian Life Issue Forty-One December 2016/January 2017

Orama Oasis… old friend with a new name – formally Orama Christian Fellowship. So many have enjoyed wonderful summer conventions on beautiful Great Barrier Island and soaked in inspirational teaching by people like Winkie Pratney and Nev Winger. Orama continues to thrive! Currently hosting an Inheriting the Nations school with 70 participants from around the world, and looking forward to the summer with var-

ious groups including schools from around the North Island in outdoor pursuit activities. Alongside this a “Gathering” is happening. The call is out for people to just come for their holiday at Orama on Great Barrier and let God move as He chooses. Spontaneous, inspirational, call it what you like. No famous guest speakers – just people waiting on God and enjoying his presence. Great Barrier costs a bit more to get there….but nothing much to spend on except to enjoy the lovely environment! For further info email: or visit


Escape the busy life Since 1953 Narrows Park has been hosting the best camps. It’s tons of fun, the food is delicious, the setting is peaceful and the experience is just relaxing. Does life seem busier these days? It feels like we’re constantly entertained by our screens, rushing from appointment to meeting to soccer game

but camp here is something else. It’s space to breathe and feel alive, a chance to connect with good people around the campfire, take in the stars, laugh and play and be kids again. At Narrows they host your whole program, offer great catering and it’s a big safe place in the country to play on 27

acres. Enjoy the pool and the sunshine this summer just 10 minutes from Hamilton. To book contact Bex in the Narrows office on 07 843 6862 or email lovetostay@narrowspark. for an info book.

Retreat to Lake Wakatipu Lakeland Park Christian Camp Queenstown is a hire facility with sleeping accommodation for up to 132 persons. Situated on the Kelvin Height Peninsula it overlooks Lake Wakatipu and is surround by majestic mountains, a perfect place for

your next church camp/retreat. Each year we host two main camps, New Year Family camp and Easter Camp. So this year after your Christmas celebrations are over, why not join us here at Lakeland Park for a special time of Christian

fellowship and teaching. Craig Ashby is this year’s New Year Camp speaker with a challenging message from the life of Joseph.

A Unique Group In the midst of their circumstances hurting families find comfort, wholeness, prayer and acceptance without judgment. Emmanuel Support, a ministry of Elevate Christian Disability Trust, is a group for parents who have a child with a disabil-

Welcome to God’s Place

Peter Snell Youth Village is a camp where you can come and relax and let yourself wind down, enjoy the God given view, enjoy the awesome food, challenge yourself on some of the camps different activities. With 27 acres overlooking Coal Mine Bay and with views of Orewa, Waiwera and further north, the view is awesome.

To come as a church or youth camp our activities are designed for schools to use and not only extend you but allow you to have fun as well. The accommodation is in cabins with 11 rooms (sleeping 54) in the West wing and 7 rooms (sleeping 34) in the East Wing, The Dearsly cottage and cabins is a stand-alone camp the sleeps 32 in 4 cabins and is self-catered. (it can be used for overflow from the main camp meaning we can accommodate a total of 120) Welcome to Gods Place:

ity. As the group co-ordinators are also parents of a child with a disability they have the unique perspective of truly understanding and knowing the rollercoaster of emotions that come with raising a special needs child. The annual retreats, month-

ly coffee mornings and other events encourage parents in their journey. See our facebook page: emmanuelfamilycamp and join us for our family camp.

Shalom from Titoki

One of Titoki’s character houses, Shalom, is to be transformed into a place for returning missionaries to have short-term stays. With almost half of the year’s weeks dedicated to debriefing of returning mission personnel, this is a timely addition for Titoki. Cross-cultural workers spend a 5day week processing their tour of duty overseas. It has been the generosity of the Mary Atkins Trust who has made this possible. The Trust will reno-

vate and long-term lease the house. “This fits with the mandate of the trust to provide accommodation for missionaries returning back to NZ”, says Mrs Margie Upson, team leader and debriefer. Shalom can also be used for other short stays, rest and breaks for missionaries returning from mission service. Weekends retreats have proved popular in Titoki this past year, so for 2017 retreats will centre around spirituality in different seasons of our lives; for the aged, those in mid-life transitions and for the generation of 20-40 years olds. For further info check out

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Simon Grellet famously said, “I shall pass through this world but once. Any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now and not defer. For I shall not pass this way again.”

Extravagant acts of devotion with TAK BHANA


n 1988 Carl Lewis buried his ninth Olympic gold medal in the coffin along with the body of his father. Lewis said, ‘more than anything he wanted me to win that medal, now he has it and he’ll always have it’. To some that was a waste, to others it was an extravagant act of devotion. Before Jesus’ death a woman called Mary made an extravagant act of devotion that touched his heart so deeply he recorded it in his eternal word. Mark 14:3-9. …. a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume …... She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head. Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, “Why this waste….. It could have been sold …… and the money given to the poor.” And they rebuked her harshly. That perfume was worth a small fortune, 300 denarii, about a year’s wages, up to $100.000 today. ‘Why this waste’ growled the spectators. John singles out Judas from among them. He would say that! The others probably were thinking of how that money could help the poor, but Judas was more likely thinking of how nicely it would line

his pockets. Judas criticized Mary for ‘wasting money’ yet he wasted his entire life! And regarding Mary’s so called ‘waste’ Jesus said, ‘wherever the gospel is preached… what she has done will also be told, in memory of her’. Extravagant devotion poured out on Jesus is never wasted. When we seek to live a life of devotion to God we will be criticized, sometimes the critics will be disciples. When God called me to leave my background in law and accounting to serve him full-time, someone close to me, a disciple, said ‘get out of the ministry’. The clear message was, ‘what a waste’. I’m sure many of you have felt the sting of those words when others thought you were too fired up in your service for God, or over the top in giving. ‘What a waste’ they say, God says ‘wow, did you see that!’ The spectators, even some disciples, said, ‘why this waste’, but Jesus was amazed by Mary’s act of devotion. He understood what others misunderstood, they complained and criticized, but God, and heaven, said, ‘wow’! Acts of extravagant devotion release spiritual power. In laying down his life Jesus made the most extravagant act of devotion ever, but this great sacrifice released so much spiritual power it completely dealt with the curse of sin for all time and for all people who believe in Him. Making the sacrifices required for extravagant acts of devotion is a great challenge for us in today’s consumer generation. Our flesh recoils from the thought of depriving ourselves, of giving until it hurts, or of being criticized for being fanatics. Meditating on what Jesus has done for us can be helpful. The sacrificial life I’m talking about here involves more than opening our wallets, it also includes bringing sacrifices of praise to God, forgiving others who have wounded us, and returning good for evil. Secondly extravagant acts of devotion release joy and fulfillment, and thirdly, as we see in Romans 12:1 – 2, extravagant acts of devotion are a key to finding God’s direction for our lives. When we offer ourselves to God we both discover, and prove, that God’s will really is good, acceptable and pleasing. Fourthly, one of the costliest acts of devotion we can make is to keep our heart and attitude towards God right as we go through trials. Joseph is a shining example of this. Throughout thirteen years of pain, loss, and injustice, Joseph never allowed bitterness or cynicism to grip of his heart, and he never lost his faith or let go of his destiny. Such an attitude is truly an extravagant act of devotion. Similarly, returning good for evil ranks high on the list of extravagant acts of de-

14 | Christian Life Issue Forty-One December 2016/January 2017

votion because shows a great depth of trust in God and obedience to His word. Romans 12:21. Fifthly pouring our lives into others can be an extravagant act of devotion. Jesus did this and He wants to do likewise. In our lifetime we can literally touch thousands of lives for good. Simon Grellet famously said, ‘I shall pass through this world but once. Any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now and not defer. For I shall not pass this way again.’ Finally, developing and using our gifts and abilities to serve God faithfully and wholeheartedly is an extravagant act of devotion. We see in Matthew 25:14-30 that this is also very important for our eternal rewards. Jesus was profoundly impacted when Mary poured perfume over his head, but extravagance doesn’t have to be huge or earth shattering to get the endorsement of heaven because God takes all factors into account. In his economy even a cup of cold water given in his name is worthy of a reward. (Mark 9:41). There is a story in Luke 21:4 of an offering that appeared to be anything but extravagant, yet it so deeply impressed Jesus that he made sure this one also found a place in his eternal word. This offering consisted of two mites, two of the smallest coins in circulation in Israel at that time, they were worth next to nothing! What touched Jesus in this case was the sacrifice behind the amount, it was all this poor widow had. Those two mites added up to such a minute sum but they represented such an incredible heart of devotion. As that little offering fell into the treasury all of heaven said, ‘wow’! Winston Churchill said, ‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’ The widow’s mites tell us that God will never flick off our small gift, offering, or act of service. He counts more than the dollars, he counts the cost, he doesn’t just see what goes in he sees what’s left and he takes everything into account.

Tak Bhana is the Senior Pastor of Church Unlimited. He has a radio and television program called Running with Fire, which broadcasts in New Zealand and other nations. His church also produces a magazine with the same name which is distributed in 70 countries, and he has written a book titled “Wired for the Supernatural”.


brought to you by My Christian Daily Jobs P O S I T I O N S VA C A N T

Youth Ministry Leader ‒ Auckland Where people matter

We’reCrossroads looking for a Senior Church Pastor Speak Truth Youth is a group of passionate youth from CrossRoad Church in Birkenhead. A group aspiring to have personal relationships with God that are real, visible and daily challenged; by being captivated by a vision larger than themselves. CrossRoad Church is seeking to appoint an energetic and inspiring Youth Leader who will oversee the Youth Ministry at CrossRoad. Someone who is passionate to disciple and encourage young people to grow in a lively, committed and radical faith in Jesus Christ. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact or 021 280 0103. You can find out more by visiting

Where people matter We’re looking for a Senior Pastor Ranui Baptist is an outward-looking, mission-focused church with a diverse, multicultural membership and growing children’s & youth ministries.

We’re looking for a Senior Pastor

Are you a transformational leader with proven skills in collaborative and effective team leadership? Pioneers New Zealand is a growing mobilising agency operating in New Zealand since 1998. Our parent body Pioneers International, supports over 3,000 members working in more than 300 teams in crosscultural Christian ministry around the globe. We are seeking a person to take a major role in managing and leading our mobilisation work in New Zealand and in contributing to the operation and growth of Pioneers International. The board wishes to consolidate the collective leadership model begun in 2015 with the appointment of two people to share the role of director in an interim capacity. This position requires a person with proven skills in collaborative and effective team leadership. Our major specification is that the person is called by God to do the work and is of proven character as a transformational leader.

The appointment could be to either a fullor part-time position depending on the circumstances of the person appointed. The team approach provides flexibility to tailor the specific responsibilities to make full use of the appointee’s gifts, skills and experience. Some remuneration is available for the position. As Pioneers New Zealand revenue comes mainly from worker contributions and is limited, staff are expected to raise some personal financial support. Pioneers New Zealand is based in Auckland, however, it may be possible for the director to reside elsewhere depending on individual circumstances. Expressions of interest should be sent to Bev on Application packs will be available in February 2017

06 835 8778,

St Andrews CHB is a community church in Waipukurau, passionate about journe alongside people in growing their relationship with Jesus. We are a congregation reaching a range of different age groups, as well as having a commitment to loca and overseas mission. We are looking for an innovative leader to foster and strengthen our team ministries. If you are a Nationally ordained Presbyterian Mini (or a minister of another denomination willing to work within the Presbyterian framework) and you feel that God might be calling you to St. Andrews, please contact the convenor of our Ministry Settlement Board, Maurice Craig.





We’re looking for a Senior Pastor with a passion to lead us and continue what God is doing through his people in this West Auckland community. Is this you? If God has quickened your spirit as you read these words, then indeed this position might be the one for you. Please send your expression of interest along with your CV to: John Blight (Call Committee team)

Titoki Christian Healing Centre is seeking a couple to fill

managerial and hospitality/kitchen roles Previous experience of community/team is helpful. It would suit those called to serve and minister to others in a hospitality setting. They are self-supporting roles with accommodation and keep provided.

Send CV to

St Andrews CHB is a community church, in Waipukurau, passionate about journeying alongside people in growing their relationship with Jesus. We are a congregation reaching a range of different age groups, as well as having a commitment to local and overseas mission. We are looking for an innovative leader to foster and strengthen our team ministries. If you are a Nationally ordained Presbyterian Minister (or a minister of another denomination willing to work within the Presbyterian framework) and you feel that God might be calling you to St. Andrews, please contact the convenor of our Ministry Settlement Board, Maurice Craig.

- 06 835 8778,


Interviews will take place in February 2017

e: p: 07 308 6503

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Feeling rejected? Author Dennis R. McLeod understands that feeling. He shares in Small Beginnings how our lives can be turned around and fulfilled if we stop and listen to what God has planned for us.

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Peter Snell Youth Village is situated on 27 acres of native bush and parkland about 45 minutes north of Downtown Auckland. With amazing sea and island views towards Waiwera and the Mahurangi. In recent years the facilities have been updated to meet the needs and comfort of the many school and community groups that take advantage of this beautiful site. Excellent catering and friendly hosts enable guests to focus entirely on getting the most out of their stay. Onsite activities include an initiative course, burma trail, horizontal bungy, water slide and trampolines, as well as an abseiling tower. Kayaking and sailing is also available but needs to be booked with an outside provider. The beach track gives access to a rocky shore as well as a sandy beach for beach games and swimming if desired.


If this is your experience, take heart. Over the last 50 years many people in similar life-walks to your own have been helped while participating in totally confidential Christian support groups. Exodus Ministries has such groups operating in several centres in N.Z. This support has resulted in a majority of participants being helped in personal growth away from samesex-attraction struggles and gay porn attraction.While the rate of growth varies, for a significant number it has been such that they have married and raised families. Exodus Ministries Ph: 09 268 0346 PO Box 175, Takinini, 2245


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New Years Camp Queenstown Lakeland Park Christian Camp

From Thursday, December 29, 2016 to Monday January 2, 2017 Speaker: Craig Ashby < Detour: The Journey of Joseph >

Life doesn’t always make sense. Challenges and changes often lead to disappointment and confusion. Yet despite our difficulties, God seems to work out His plan in the most unexpected ways. For more info and to register visit:

TOUGH LESSONS by Phil Scowen

ORDERS: • Fiction based on facts • Stories from the mission field Single copies Phone: (07) 560-3465

16 | Christian Life Issue Forty-One December 2016/January 2017



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Jesus, the reason for the season A gift from the Father in Heaven for all on earth A great way to celebrate Christmas to is to give a gift honouring Christ. There is a great range to be found in these participating Christian Resource Shops

WARKWORTH Heartbeat Christian Store 60 Queen St P. 09 425 9559 AUCKLAND Adventist Book Centre 743 Gt Sth Rd Manukau City P. 09 262 5643 Bamboo Resource Centre 591 Dominion Rd Balmoral P. 09 630 5997 Children’s Bible Ministries 9 Walters Rd, Mt Eden P. 09 630 5271 Christian Resource Centre P. 09 377 4059 Church of Christ Bookshop 361 Mt Albert Rd P. 09 620 5008

Church Stores NZ 8 Robert St, Ellerslie P. 09 525 1380 Family Life Catholic Gifts 569 Richardson Rd, Mt Albert P. 09 629 0820 St Joseph’s Centre Gifts 1 Fred Thomas Drive Takapuna P. 09 489 5613 Ext 2 THAMES Thames Christian Bookshop 732 Pollen St P. 07 868 9115 HAMILTON Living Word Bookcentre 634 Victoria St P. 07 839 5607

TAURANGA Sonshine Bookcentre 84 First Ave P. 07 578 8477 Sunrise Books Shop 16 Cherrywood Court P. 07 576 1092 ROTORUA Sonshine Bookcentre 1129 Eruera St P. 07 349 1661

CHRISTCHURCH Catholic Shop 373 Manchester St Christchurch P. 03 366 2853

OAMARU North Otago Christian Bookstore 27 Thames St P. 03 434 9025

Christian Superstore 370 Colombo St, Sydenham P. 03 366 1917 Toll Free 0800 88 88 99

DUNEDIN Catholic Centre Shop Moran Building 8 The Octagon P. 03 477 6342

Epic Christian Books & Gifts 1091 Ferry Rd, Ferrymead P. 03 352 9568 New Millennium Books 22 Grampian St, Casebrook P. 03 359 1310

NEW PLYMOUTH Good News Centre 581 Devon St East P. 06 758 4912 LEVIN Beacon Christian Book Shop 198A Oxford St P. 06 368 7683

MOSGIEL Mosgiel Christian Bookshop 137 Gordon Rd P. 03 489 4953 FIJI Cascade Bookshop 8 Sterling Place, Lami P. 0067 9330 5565

TIMARU Christian Superstore 102 Stafford St P. 03 688 3431

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December 2016 / January 2017

Shine is now on Freeview HD (Channel 25)

Details correct at time of printing at the beginning of December. For up-to-date 24-hour listings and programme information go to





Living Truth: Charles Price


In Touch: Charles Stanley

Living Truth: Charles Price

Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah

Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


Hour of Power: Robert Schuller



Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave and Jill Moore


5:00 6:00







Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen

Hour of Power: Robert Schuller


Kingdom Connection: Jentezen Franklin




Larry Boy




Quick Study with Ron Hembree (Mon-Fri) Unlocking the Bible: David Pawson


Leading the Way: Michael Youssef


Kingdom Connection: Jentezen Franklin


Derek Prince


Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave and Jill Moore





The Fred and Susie Show


Go Frills




Larry Boy


Paul the Little Missionary


3-2-1 Penguins!



Veggie Tales


Friends and Heroes


Veggie Tales


Veggie Tales




Veggie Tales




Theo: Teaching God’s Word


Larry Boy


Zip & Mac


Fifty the Tractor


From Aardvark to Zucchini


The Lads TV



Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


Impact for Life: Peter & Bev Mortlock


Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin


LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


Life Questions: Jeff Vines


Fifty the Tractor



In Touch: Charles Stanley


Paul, Little Missionary





Hillsong Kids




Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin


6:30 7:00 7:30

9:00 9:30

11:00 11:30 Noon

Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri) Bobby Schuller



Colour in Your Life


Songs of Praise


The Exchange


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Precious Memories



100 Huntley Street D Creation Magazine Live D SERIES


The Restoration Road



Give Me An Answer


14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00


See adjacent or go to for more detail Living Truth: Charles Price


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


Joni & Friends Colour in Your Life



Precious Memories



Songs of Praise






Leading the Way: Michael Youssef

Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV


The 700 Club (Tue-Fri)


Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri)



Christian World News

See adjacent or go to for more detail

LivingTruth: Charles Price

Footprints of Hope, Faces of NZ SERIES


21:30 22:00


Studio 5 SERIES

D 11:30




See adjacent or go to for more detail


See adjacent or go to for more detail




See adjacent or go to for more detail

See adjacent or go to for more detail

13:30 14:00 14:30


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen

Hour of Power: Robert Schuller





Veggie Tales


Go Frills


Veggie Tales


Veggie Tales




Theo: Teaching God’s Word


Larry Boy


Zip & Mac


Fifty the Tractor


From Aardvark to Zucchini


Colour in Your Life

P 16:30

Rhema Worship (Mon-Fri)


Studio 5 SERIES

D 17:00

Full Circle (Mon-Fri)


Creation Magazine Live

D 17:30

The 700 Club (Mon-Fri)


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen

Impact for Life: Peter & Bev Mortlock



See adjacent or go to for more detail

Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin


Christian World News


LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Running with Fire: Tak Bhana Footprints of Hope, Faces of NZ SERIES

Life Questions: Jeff Vines


Studio 5 SERIES


For the Lost




Bobby Schuller

See adjacent or go to for more detail


See adjacent or go to for more detail



The Exchange


Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri)



Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave & Jill Moore



Precious Memories


1 am

Songs of Praise



Colour in Your Life



The Catholic Guy: Bruce Downs


Derek Prince

Hillsong TV

Global P Leadership Summit

Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri) Leading the Way: Michael Youssef



Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave & Jill Moore

Quick Study with Ron Hembree (Mon-Fri) In Touch: Charles Stanley


Living Truth: Charles Price


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


Hour of Power: Robert Schuller

18 | Christian Life Issue Forty-One December 2016/January 2017

D 21:00



N News

C Children

D 22:30 E


LIFE TV: Paul de Jong



Creation Magazine Live


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


M Music


21:30 22:00

23:00 23:30 Midnight

D 00:30am P M



The Mark Gungor Show

Overnight until 4:30am - Rhema Worship (Sun-Sat)

A Shine viewer says... “Shine has been the lifeline I desperately needed... When my ears weren’t in tune to hearing his voice, Shine was the “channel” that Jesus chose to speak through.”



Brought Brought to to you you by by

WW1 Military Chaplains





See adjacent or go to for more detail

The Revolutionary Life

The Catholic Guy


Give Me An Answer


See adjacent or go to for more detail



Bayless Conley

See adjacent or go to for more detail


Unlocking the Bible: David Pawson

Leon Fontaine




Your Best Life


P 16:00



2 am

Y 10:30

Leading the Way: Michael Youssef

SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED Special feature movies (5th/12th/19th/26th December)

See adjacent or go to for more detail

Life FM Presents






Full Circle (Mon-Fri)




See adjacent or go to for more detail

Answers with Bayless Conley


SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED Special feature movies (6th/13th/20th/27th December)


In Touch: Charles Stanley

Leon Fontaine

1 am 1:30am

2 am

D Doco/Drama

Y Youth

SH INE FEA TURES 12 Days to Christmas 2016 through January 2017

The Christmas Candle Christmas Day at 8.05pm


Journey to Christmas (2011) (45 min) 4 TV movies featuring your much loved Follow the journey of five diverse people experiencing the Holy Land post office detectives, the Postables. for the first time. Their goal? To see if Signed, Sealed, Delivered there is more to Christmas than what From Paris with Love (2015) we typically experience in the West. Mon 5 @ 8.30pm; Tue 6 @ 1pm Mon 19 Dec @ 7.30pm; Tue 20 Dec @ 12pm Tue 20 Dec @ 7.30pm; Wed 21 Dec @ 12pm Signed, Sealed, Delivered Wed 21 Dec @ 7.30pm; Thu 22 Dec @ 12pm Truth Be Told (2015) Thu 22 Dec @ 7.30pm; Fri 23 Dec @ 12pm Mon 12 @ 8.30pm; Tue 13 @ 1pm Signed, Sealed, Delivered For Christmas (2014) Mon 19 @ 8.30pm; Tue 20 @ 1pm Signed, Sealed, Delivered The Impossible Dream (2015) Mon 26 @ 8.30pm; Tue 27 @ 1pm The Heart of Christmas (2012) (90 min) The Locke family is devastated to learn their son has leukemia. The community gathers around for one last Christmas. Tue 13 Dec @ 8.30pm; Wed 14 Dec @ 1pm Sat 24 Dec @ 8.30pm Christmas Grace (2013) (90 min) Two rival toy store owners compete for business over many Christmas seasons. God is at work in the lives of both men. Wed 14 Dec @ 8.30pm; Thu 15 Dec @ 1pm Horses of McBride (2012) (90 min) The heart wrenching true story of a community pulling together to rescue two starving horses trapped in the Rockies during Christmas 2008. Thu 15 Dec @ 8.30pm; Fri 16 Dec @ 1pm The Christmas Candle (2013) (100 min) Each year in Gladbury, an angel gives a miracle to whoever lights the Christmas Candle. Then the candle goes missing. Fri 16 Dec @ 8.30pm; Sat 17 Dec @ 12pm Christmas Day @ 8.05pm Paper Angels (2014) (90 min) An abused wife moves her children to another town. There their lives become entwined with another family in trouble. Sat 17 Dec @ 7pm; Sun 18 Dec @ 2.05pm The Nutcracker (2012) (72 min) This timeless ballet showcases the National Ballet of Cuba and features the Canadian Ballet Youth Ensemble. Sun 18 Dec @ 8.05pm; Mon 19 Dec @ 1pm Christmas Day @ 3.40pm

Waiting for Baby Noel Mon 26 Dec at 7.30pm

Waiting for Baby Noel (2015) (50 min) New Zealander Jared Noel is awaiting the arrival of a daughter. He could be like any father-to-be, but there’s one big difference. Jared is dying. Mon 26 Dec @ 7.30pm; Tue Dec 27 @ 12pm

Little Boy Fri 27 Jan at 8.30pm

Some of January’s highlights... Love’s Resounding Courage (2011) (85 min)

After his wife passes away, a young father learns to deal with the loss and the threat of losing all they worked for. Fri 30 Dec @ 8.30pm; Sat 31 Dec @ 12pm

Moving On (2012) (85 min) An American couple is moved by the war plaguing Uganda. The course of Trinity Goodheart (2011) (90 min) 12-year-old Trinity is visited by an their lives changes forever. The Christmas Experience (2012) (90 min) Wed 27 Dec @ 8pm; Thu 28 Dec @ 12.30pm angel who leaves her a pendant that belonged to her long-lost mother. Kyle Idleman on how God chose Trinity sets out to help her mother. each person in the Christmas story. Rogue Saints (2011) (105 min) Tue 20 Dec @ 8.30pm; Wed 21 Dec @ 1pm Nick and Dylan set out to steal a Wed 4 Jan @ 8.30pm; Thu 5 Jan @ 1pm gigantic diamond buried in the Christmas Day @ 9.45pm Love Covers All (2013) (90 min) basement of a church. Mon 26 Dec @ 1pm Wed 28 Dec @ 8.30pm; Thu 29 Dec @ 1pm A challenge to young and old to let go of what’s behind and move forward to Snowmen (2011) (90 min) what lies ahead. A heartfelt coming-of-age story about Catching Hearts (2012) (74 min) three unlikely heroes and the winter What happens when a bestselling Wed 11 Jan @ 8.30pm; Thu 12 Jan @ 1pm atheist author loses his faith in atheism? that changed their lives forever. Wed 21 Dec @ 8.30pm; Thu 22 Dec @ 1pm Thu 29 Dec @ 8.30pm; Fri 30 Dec @ 1pm Taken by Grace (2012) (85 min) An ex-con kidnaps a Christian couple Courageous (2011) (130 min) in a bid to avenge his son’s murder. The Spirit of Christmas (2014) (90 min) Join Kevin Pauls as he hosts The Spirit Protecting the streets is second nature Fri 13 Jan @ 8.30pm; Sat 14 Jan @ 12pm of Christmas with many music artists, to four police officers. Raising their including legendary artist Steve Archer. children in a God-honouring way? Beyond the Heavens (2013) (85 min) 12-year-old Oliver is caught in a tug-ofThu 22 Dec @ 8.30pm; Fri 23 Dec @ 1pm That’s courageous. war between science, Christianity, and Fri 30 Dec @ 8.30pm; Sat 31 Dec @ 12pm Christmas Day 11.05pm the dark cloud hanging over his life. Wed 18 Jan @ 8.30pm; Thu 19 Jan @ 1pm Silent Night (2013) (95 min) NEW YEAR’S EVE Movie Marathon The true story behind the most popular 1000 to 1 (2014) (100 min) Christmas carol of all time, Silent Night. Jimmy 7pm Fri 23 Dec @ 8.30pm; Sat 24 Dec @ 12pm The story of a mentally challenged boy Cory, a college basketball player, suffers a devastating stroke. He perseveres Christmas Day @ 2pm who views the world through his own to find new meaning in his life both on unique lens. and, more importantly, off the court. Silver Bells (2013) (90 min) Wed 25 Jan @ 8.30pm; Thu 26 Jan @ 1pm Bruce is sentenced to community Unshakeable 8.40pm service, collecting for the Salvation Army. The inspiring true story of a promising Little Boy (2015) (106 min) Will ringing a bell transform his life? high school basketball star who survives An eight-year-old boy is willing to do Sat 24 Dec @ 7pm high-risk surgery and steps back on the whatever it takes to end World War II court for his championship dream. so he can bring his father home. Vivaldi’s Gloria (30 min) Fri 27 Jan @ 8.30pm; Sat 28 Jan @ 12pm Traditional worship music from Like A Country Song 10.20pm Auckland’s Holy Trinity Cathedral. Up-and-coming country singer Jake is Christmas Day @ 7pm forced to take a hard look at himself Mon 26 Dec @ 2.30pm and the ashes around him after his life Details up to date at time of printing. slowly falls apart. For a full and up-to-date 24-hour programme of the Christmas schedule go to

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Online Evangelism Course Diploma of Ministry in Evangelism < 2 year programme Commencing 24th February 2017 > The College of Evangelism is an interdenominational facility training pastors, evangelists, elders, and leaders. You will be encouraged to enter ministry with the desire and ability to lead so that evangelism takes its rightful place in the church of the future.

First Year Course involves:

• Weekly webinar (interactive in real time or downloaded) • Three 4-day block courses

WHO ARE WE? College of Evangelism is a network of ministries and church leaders including OAC Ministries, Assist ministries, various pastors and leaders. The advisory team and lecturing teams include senior leaders and Bible teachers from the Christian Community in New Zealand, USA and South Africa.

• Mentor meetings fortnightly • Reading and assignments

Course includes: Mission in Old and New Testaments, the Gospel in Romans, Galatians and Ephesians, Apologetics, Cults, Religions and the Occult, Bible Interpretation, Becoming a great preacher, personal evangelism, children’s evangelism, cross-cultural evangelism, being an effective evangelistic pastor and more.

W H AT D O I D O ? Write to College of Evangelism PO Box 848, Nelson 7040 or email or phone 03 547 2566 or 027 446 7735 Cost is $1,250 per year (incl. lectures, accommodation and tuition for block courses) Applications are now being received.

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