Which Christian School NSW 2019

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Roseville College Anglican, Girls, Day, K-12 27 Bancroft Avenue Roseville NSW 2069 Tel: 9884 1100 Fax: 9411 3945 Email: registrar@roseville.nsw.edu.au www.rosevillecollege.com Roseville College is an established Anglican independent day school for girls on Sydney’s North Shore that Is well-regarded for leading and inspiring young women as learners and leaders, and is a welcoming school community for students and their families. A personalised tour reveals a wellresourced and considered campus, designed specifically for girls of all ages with a variety of interests. Foremost, Roseville College is a learning community of more than 900 girls in Kindergarten to Year 12. The School’s size privileges its teachers and support staff to know and care for each girl, partnering with each girl to ensure her learning pathway is rigorous and personalised; yet a pathway that is simultaneously broad, balanced with healthy relationships and pastoral care, has a positive – even ambitious attitude to learning, and is guided by inspirational leadership underpinned by timeless Christian values and Biblical truth.

each child; that she is inspired and Alongside





equipped to explore and realise her academic curriculum, Roseville girls from purpose – both now and in the future Kindergarten to Year 12 find balance by – as she lives a full life with meaning pursuing a personal passion or trying and virtue. new challenges from myriad sporting, Educational Profile: Founded in 1908, creative, STEAM, leadership, personal, the College ranks among NSW’s leading service and community opportunities schools in HSC achievement, while also available at the School. Consequently, delivering world-class learning initiatives Roseville girls develop an authentic such as the IB Primary Years Program sense of personal courage, confidence, and Cambridge Courses in Years 9–10. belonging, ownership and connection

Roseville College reports consistently to the College and to one another. strong academic results (culminating Student Wellbeing: The College’s in the HSC) and ranks among top student wellbeing and chaplaincy educational performers in NSW. The programs help clarify and forge her inner School is non-selective. person and faith, helping her find her The rigorous academic curriculum from place in her world. Across the spectrum Kindergarten to Year 12 is characterised of College life, she is empowered by who by teaching excellence and a personal she is and what she knows (and what she concern for how each girl learns best. has courage to try) to identify and Especially in Senior years, students affect positive change on the world choose from a broad range of elective around her; to lead, inquire, inspire and subject choices that allows each girl serve others. to tailor her learning in a meaningful Vision for girls: The College’s vision, way aligned with her life’s passions Principal: Ms Deb Magill BEd MECh MACE MACEL “Realising Purpose”, is intended for and purpose.

IN THIS ISSUE: 04 Funding Your Child’s Education 06 Who Is Influencing Your Child? 08 How Safe Are Safe Schools? 10 Is Christian Schooling An Artificial Hothouse? 12 NSW Directory Listing of Christian Schools

which christian school

Funding your child’s education


ducation for every child is a modern concept. We now think of it as a right. Yet the provision and funding of education is debated around the world. The models of funding have changed many times over the last 150 years. Historically, education for most was provided by parents. At times it has

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depended more on churches. More recently it has been considered a government responsibility. However God has given to parents the primary responsibility for the nurture and care of their children. This responsibility has not changed over time. It has also not been delegated to government, the church or even teachers. If we do believe parents have responsibilities for raising children then parents also need to have choices. They should have options of where and what their children will be taught. Christian schools give parents a choice. Some Christians question paying school fees when they are paying taxes to fund government schools. Christian schools may even be accused of undermining the government education system and duplicating facilities. The Bible takes a different view: Where your treasure is there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34 Jesus saw it as a natural response to give to what we believe is important. What we are willing to allocate treasure, or finances, towards demonstrates where our hearts are. If providing an education which reflects a parent’s beliefs and supports their role is considered important then they will work out ways to make it a priority. When questioned about taxes Jesus’ reply was simple… Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. Matthew 22:21 He taught that paying taxes did not stop an individual from doing what God wanted them to do. They were not to be considered mutually exclusive. Parents do need to carefully consider the financial cost of education if they choose a Christian school. It will come down to setting priorities. The apostle Paul taught… Everything is permissible - but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible - but not everything is constructive. 1 Corinthians 10:23 Paul faced choices. He felt some decisions were better than others. As a parent you face the choice of ‘which school should I send my child to?’ In our society children will learn the basics of education whichever school they attend. However not all they learn may be beneficial or constructive. We can be thankful we do have a choice. Like all choices we make, it is one for which we will be accountable to God. Our choices can have short-term, long-term and eternal consequences. Whatever you decide, we hope and pray that this has been helpful in your choosing a school for your child. This article was provided by www.WhyChristianSchools.com.au. Hear parents and teachers answer common questions about Christian education.

Meriden An Anglican day school for girls 10-12 Redmyre Road, Strathfield NSW 2135 Tel: 9752 9444 Fax: 9752 9400 Email: enquiries@meriden.nsw.edu.au www.meriden.nsw.edu.au Since 1897 Meriden has produced confident and articulate young women, renowned for making their marks academically and in the global community. Meriden girls are nurtured throughout their school life to make a positive difference in their world. They are global citizens who are encouraged to be open-minded and inclusive and to respond to situations with a sense of integrity, responsibility and compassion. Faith at Meriden: As Meriden is a Christian school in the Anglican tradition, the values that are expounded in the Bible are promoted and modelled in the School, and form the basis of all decisions and interactions. At Meriden, students are encouraged to consider the claims of Christ and to develop into young women able to exercise sage judgement in moral issues and willing to serve the wider community with understanding, creativity and dedication. Our hope is that the girls’ lives will be enriched by their experience of faith at Meriden as they learn more about God, themselves and their personal faith journey. The Chaplaincy team plays a pivotal role in the life of the School. Through a wealth of programs and activities, the team provides guidance, support and pastoral care to the School community of students, parents and staff.

Meriden has a number of voluntary Student Christian Groups which regularly meet to encourage one another, read the Bible, talk about life and pray together. More than 25 percent of Meriden’s Senior School students choose to participate in these voluntary groups. Academic Results: Every year Meriden ranks among the top independent girls’ schools in the Higher School Certificate, with students consistently featuring on the HSC All-Round Achievers’ List. The results of Meriden’s younger students in external literacy and numeracy testing far surpass the state average and their performance in statewide individual subject competitions is also impressive. A Complete Education: While academic success is the foundation of the education at Meriden, experiences in the Music, Debating, Public Speaking, Sport and numerous cocurricular activities provide a complete education. The size of our school ensures that every girl has the opportunity to try new pursuits, to be part of a team and to make new friends. Enrolment: Prep School to Year 12 – 1,000 Principal: Dr Julie Greenhalgh, BSc BAppSc DipEd GradDipMgt MEd EdD

Your child will spend the majority of their childhood in a classroom surrounded by peers and being taught by somebody that you don’t know. The decision on schooling is probably your most crucial...


hen our children are young – as in the pre-school years – we have the potential to be pretty much their sole influence. Aside from a few ‘outside’ influences like the Wiggles, High 5, and potentially Veggietales and Colin Buchanan, we have full control over what they hear and see. But come the school years, that influence slowly dissipates and it becomes the school’s teachers and students that start having a major say over what our children hear and learn.

greater. Your child’s teachers will have a significant influence. Jesus said: A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher. Luke 6:41 Teachers are significant role models. Your child will imitate, or become like, their teachers. As parents it is important we help ensure our children have suitable role models. The Apostle Paul himself encourages us to Imitate me as I imitate Christ.

The Importance of Christian Teachers

In selecting a school parents are choosing who they will partner with for the education of their child. Education is more than gaining knowledge about the world around us. It is learning how to respond to and live out that knowledge. Different teachers do have very different understandings of what is important in life. The Apostle Paul highlights the foundational differences between Christians and non-Christians when he asks the question: What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?

Who is influencing your child? A child’s early years lay a spiritual foundation for life. In our modern society many things will influence your child. The Barna Group study found parents were still the major influencers of children. This position was however now being shared with media and laws. School came in at the second level. The 1,200 hours spent each year in school over roughly 12 years are seen as very influential. Christians may be surprised that church was further down the list. The 100 hours or so a year in church can be very significant, yet other influences are seen as

1 Corinthians 11:1

2 Corinthians 6:15

Paul urges Christians to not “be yoked” together with unbelievers.

He urges us to still be in the world yet to avoid situations where we are obliged to follow, or adopt the values of unbelievers. NonChristian teachers can be dedicated and passionate yet they cannot lead our children into biblical truth about our world and their place in it. Jesus also points out the obvious: Can a blind man lead a blind man? Won’t they both fall into a pit? Luke 6:38

In Christian schools parents, teachers and church members can work together to positively influence children. Other parents in the Christian school community will generally share a similar view of the world. They will become additional role models to your children. This sense of community and common values can make the role of parenting much easier. The Bible says Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Choosing a school which employs practising Christians as teachers gives parents a greater say in who will be a role model for their children. Christian teachers are not perfect. Nor do they have all the answers. Yet they are part of a wider Christian community working together with, and on behalf of, parents.

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he media have this week turned their attention to the Safe Schools Coalition Australia (SSCA). Billed as an anti-bullying resource, SSCA is a government funded program that supports gender diversity, sexual diversity and intersex issues. You’ll get no argument here against stopping bullying of any kind – schools should be a safe place for ALL students. No child should fear attending school, or dread school breaks in the playground. But it’s hard to find any anti-bullying teaching in the SSCA resources. Parents and educators alike have instead been surprised to see mainstream media reports describing the actual content of the materials designed for primary and high school students. It is a pervasive resource. The teacher’s manual says, “Whatever the subject, try to work out ways to integrate gender diversity and sexual diversity across your curriculum’’. Despite adopting the program, the principal of Scotch College in Adelaide, John Newton, told The Australian newspaper that he does not approve of the lesson plan requiring children to imagine themselves in a same-sex relationship. “It feels like a hamfisted attempt to change a culture” says Newton. His comment refers to the second lesson in the most recent resource, All Of Us, which is co-produced by SSCA and Minus18. The lesson plan expects children as young as 11 years old to have formed opinions on transgenderism, bisexuality and sexual diversity, and to let the entire

class know where they stand. All of Us is aimed at Year 7 and 8 students (ages 11-14). The student handout informs the children that their gender is not as simple as whether they are ‘male’ or ‘female’ but that everyone has their own gender identity. They are told that some people identify with both genders, and some don’t identify with either, and that it’s up to each individual to describe what gender identity fits them best. According to the ‘All of Us’ resource, asking a new parent whether their baby is a boy or girl is inappropriately reinforcing ‘heteronormativity’. It describes sexual identity as “Who you love, like and hook-up with”. Minus18, the organisation who co-wrote “All of Us”, uses the term “hook-up” with a crystal clear meaning on their website, which states: “So I done f*d up (the word is in full in the resource). Literally. “One Grindr hook-up gone wrong, and that’s how I got myself some gonorrhoea.” These are 11-14 year olds. The paragraph goes on to explain that contracting a sexually transmitted disease in this way is ‘no big deal.’ The Safe Schools Coalition tells children if they can’t access the Minus18 website they should go to their teacher and have it unblocked. Among other things, the site gives advice to girls who want to be boys on how to bind their chests whilst warning that the practice has the potential to be lethal. Boys who want to be girls are instructed how to tuck their testicles back inside the pockets of their abdomen, pull the penis backwards, in-between

the legs, and that wearing tootight underwear can help. Practices with known adverse health risks. The federal government has provided $8 million in funding for the Safe Schools Coalition. The Victorian government will require all state schools to join the Safe Schools network by 2018, but the program is voluntary in other states and territories. So far 490 primary and high schools nationally have signed up, although the list of 24 schools in Queensland is secret. It’s not hard to see why this controversial program is receiving a lot of media attention of late. Safe Schools Coalition tells teachers to integrate gender diversity and sexual diversity across all curriculum areas. Minus18, the organisation that co-wrote many of Safe Schools resources, tells students and teachers that school chaplains have a reputation for prejudice, in particular when dealing with LGBT people. Boys and girls who want to appear as a member of the opposite sex are advised how to ‘tuck’ and ‘bind’ on a website endorsed in the material and tells children aged 11-14 that it’s up to them to describe what gender identity fits them best. Safe Schools Coalition are promoting a new book, The Gender Fairy, for 4 year olds, with the by-line “Only you know whether you are a boy or a girl. No one can tell you.”

Wendy Francis is the Queensland Director of the Australian Christian Lobby.

Our inclusive and nurturing culture seeks to ensure our students are given every opportunity to excel academically, socially and in co-curricular activities. We are proudly known as a highly inclusive pastoral school, which aims at academic excellence, and has outstanding programs in Music, Drama and Outdoor Education.

St Andrew’s Cathedral School A future full of possibility begins with education filled with opportunities From our city-centre location to our passionate teachers and dynamic programmes, St Andrew’s Cathedral School provides K-12 students with the pathways they need to thrive, both now and for years to come.

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As a comprehensive school, we are delighted with the results of our Year 12 graduates, where more than 22 per cent achieved ATARS above 90, that is in the top 10 per cent of the available ATARs in the country. Our staff are committed to continuously improving our results and academic culture across all year groups by adopting best practice methodologies and utilising and adapting a wide range of technologies in the classroom to ensure students are given every opportunity to be engaged and learning every day. Key to St Andrew’s success in equipping its students to excel is the dedication of the teachers and staff, who go above and beyond what is expected, to support and encourage students to do their very best. The pastoral care of students is a vital component of our success in developing well rounded graduates who have a heart to serve others, a mind that is engaged and creative and a life that embraces challenges and is filled with hope and purpose. These graduate attributes of Heart, Mind, Life are the foundations upon which we have created a unique suite of wellbeing programs that support and equip students to negotiate the sometimes rocky years of adolescence. It is our hope and goal that all students who graduate from our school are equipped with all the tools necessary to excel at university and in life.

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ome parents feel Christian schools place children in an artificial hothouse. They claim children are not well prepared to live in a society where most people are non-Christian. The Bible says of Jesus… “For by Him all things were created, things in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”

Colossians 1:16-17

We believe life is not an accident or coincidence. As Christians we understand we are created in God’s image. Any education system which ignores God and Jesus also denies the Bible’s claims of reality. In its place another view of reality is presented. Christian parents partnering with Christian teachers can help children discover and understand the truth about the world around them. Rather than removing children from the real world Christian schools help them see it clearly. The very first sentence of the Bible is “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 That God is the Creator is a basic belief for Christians. What we believe about God, Jesus Christ and the origins of life do influence how we act on a daily basis. These beliefs will also have a dramatic impact on how a school conducts itself. The beliefs of school leaders determine what priorities are set, what is important and therefore what should be measured and reported on. Secular education believes history and the world around us can be understood without reference to God or the Bible. By leaving these out curriculums don’t become neutral but essentially anti-God. Families are the first place children learn about the world around them. Schools then help children understand more about the world. In the early years families and schools can be likened to providing a hothouse environment for children. Consider the purpose of a hothouse or glass house. It is to nurture

IS CHRISTIAN SCHOOLING AN ARTIFICIAL HOTHOUSE? plants while they are young. A hothouse provides an environment where the conditions, watering and nutrition can be better managed. The hothouse is designed to grow healthier plants faster. When removed from the hothouse these plants are better able to thrive in all environments. In the home parents can help control what is taught, how much and by whom. The home and family life gives a child a framework of reality. Parents naturally want to protect, nurture, feed and strengthen their children. Over time parents expose their children to more age appropriate ideas and experiences. In the same way Christian schools seek

to work with parents as an extension of the family home. Rather than providing a different, or even inconsistent, environment Christian schools aim to reinforce what is taught at home. It is up to parents to decide which hothouse environment they desire for their children outside of the home. Do we believe this is God’s world? If so a supportive hothouse environment where God and Jesus Christ are seen as relevant to daily life can help prepare a child for the realities of life “We will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of His body, the church.” Ephesians 4:15

This article was provided by www.WhyChristianSchools.com.au. Hear parents and teachers answer common questions about Christian education.

Challenge today. Inspire tomorrow. Enrolling girls into Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Year 3 for 2019. Welcoming girls in Year 7 from 2020. To learn more about Barker’s move to full coeducation or to join us on a School tour visit our website.



n Sydney Centre and East Claremont College Cranbrook School Kambala Scots College, The S.C.E.G.G.S. St Andrew’s Cathedral School St. Catherine’s School n Sydney North Abbotsleigh Arden Anglican School Australian Christian College Berowra Christian Community School Barker College Covenant Christian School Hills Adventist College International Chinese School Knox Grammar School Loquat Valley School Norwest Christian College MET School MET School

Primary Pre-12 ELC-12 K-12 K-12 K-12 K-12

Co-Ed Boys Girls Boys Girls Co-Ed Girls

Anglican Anglican Anglican Presbyterian Anglican Anglican Anglican

Day Boarders/Day Boarders/Day Boarders/Day Day Day Boarders/Day

201-400 601 plus 900 plus 1820 601 plus 1100 800

Randwick Bellevue Hill Rose Bay Bellevue Hill Darlinghurst City Waverley

Combined Combined Combined Primary Combined Combined Pre-12 Primary Combined Primary Combined 7-12 7-12

Girls Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Boys Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

Anglican Anglican Christian CSA  Anglican CEN SDA Anglican Uniting Anglican CSA Brethren Brethren

Boarders/Day Day Day Day Boarders/Day Day Day Day Boarders/Day Day Day Day Day

1200 plus 720 960 108 1900 plus 801 plus 535 - 2400 272 400 800 800

Wahroonga Beecroft/Epping Various Berowra Hornsby Belrose Kellyville Chatswood Wahroonga Bayview Riverstone Meadowbank Kellyville


Mosman C of E Preparatory School Primary Northern Beaches Christian School Combined Northholm Grammar School Combined St. Luke’s Grammar School Combined Ravenswood School For Girls Combined Redlands P-6 Rouse Hill Anglican College Combined Oxford Falls Grammar School Combined Pacific Hills Christian School Combined Pymble ladies’ College Combined Roseville College Combined SHORE Combined St Gregory’s Armenian School K-12 Sydney CofE Grammar P-12 Wahroonga Adventist School K-6 Wahroonga Preparatory School Combined William Clarke College Combined Yanginanook School K-12 n Sydney South Shire Christian School Prep-12 Southern Cross Baptist School Combined St George Christian School K-12 Sutherland Shire Christian School Combined n Sydney Inner West Danebank School Combined Hurstville Adventist School Primary Meriden School Combined MLC school Combined Newington College Combined Presbyterian Ladies College Pre-12 Trinity Grammar School Combined n Sydney West Arndell Anglican College Combined Auburn Adventist Primary School P-6 Australian Christian College Combined Bethany Christian School P-12 Bob Hughes Christian School Combined Calvary Chapel School Primary Christian Community High School Secondary Essington Christian Academy Primary Georges River Grammar Combined Greenacre Baptist CC School Combined IInaburra School Combined Kuyper Christian School Combined Macarthur Adventist School K-12 Macarthur Anglican School Combined Moama Anglican Grammar School 7-12 Mount Annan Christian College Combined Mountain View Adventist College Pre-12 Northcross Christian School Primary Norwest Christian College Combined Redeemer Baptist School Combined Regents Park Christian School Combined Richard Johnson Anglican Combined Sherwood Hills Christian School K-12 South Granville Christian School Primary Southern Highlands Christian School Combined

Boys Anglican Co-Ed CSA Co-Ed Anglican Co-Ed Anglican Girls Uniting C0-Ed Anglican Co-Ed Anglican Co-Ed CSA  Co-Ed CSA Ind. Girls Uniting Girls Anglican Boys Anglican Co-Ed Christian Boys Anglican Co-Ed Adventist Co-Ed Uniting Co-Ed Anglican Co-Ed Christian

Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Boarders/Day Day Borders/Day Day Day Day Day Day Day

300 974 550 950 1000 plus - 1270 981 1275 2000 plus 800 1600 - - 180 - 1350 plus -

Mosman Terrey Hills Arcadia Dee Why Gordon Neutral Bay Rouse Hill Oxford Falls Dural Pymble Roseville North Sydney Beaumont Hills North Sydney Wahroonga Wahroonga Kellyville Belrose

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

Protestant CSA, NACE Christian CEN

Day Day Day Day

800 34 780 601-800

Barden Ridge Engadine Hurstville Barden Ridge

Girls Co-Ed Girls Girls Boys Girls Boys

Anglican SDA  Anglican Uniting Uniting Presbyterian Anglican

Day 950 Day - Day 1000 Day 1250 Boarders/Day 1650 Day Boarders/Day 2071

Hurstville Hurstville Strathfield Burwood Stanmore Croydon Summer Hill/Strathfield

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

Anglican Adventist Christian Baptist Christian CSA CSA  CSA Anglican CSA Baptist CSA  CEN Adventist Anglican Anglican CSA Christian CSA CSA Baptist CSA  Anglican Christian CSA Baptist CEN

Day 960 Day Day 960 Day Day 0-100 Day 100 plus Day 632 Day 105 Day 890 Day 300-400 Day 1000 Day 181 Day Day 1020 Day Day 607 Day Day 301 Day 400 Day 400 Day 632 Day 930 Day Day 80 Day 401 plus

Oakville Auburn Various Prospect Chester Hill Georges Hall Regents Park Westmead Georges Hall Greenacre Bangor Nth Richmond Macquarie Fields Camden Moama Mount Annan Doonside Ryde Riverstone North Parramatta Regents Park Oakhurst Bradbury South Granville Bowral


St. Bishoy Coptic Orthodox College Combined St. George Christian School Combined St. Paul’s Grammar School Combined St. Peter’s Anglican Primary Primary Tara Anglican School For Girls Combined The King’s School P-12 Thomas Hassall Anglican College Combined Toongabbie Christian School Combined Trades Norwest Anglican Senior College 10-12 Tyndale Christian School Combined William Carey Christian School Combined Wollondilly Anglican College Combined n Sydney Northern Beaches Covenant Christian School Combined Northern Beaches Christian School Combined Oxford Falls Grammar School Combined St Luke’s Grammar P-12 Yanginanook School K-12 n Penrith/Campbelltown/Blue Mountains Bethel Christian School Combined Blue Mountains Grammar School Combined Broughton Anglican College Combined Mamre Anglican School Combined Mountains Christian College Combined Nepean Christian School Combined Penrith Anglican College Combined Penrith Christian School Combined St. Paul’s Grammar School Combined The Lakes Christian College Primary Sherwood Hills Christian School K-12 Wycliffe Christian School Combined n Central Coast Avondale School ELC-12 Central Coast Adventist School Combined Lakes Grammar Combined Gosford Christian School K-12 St. Philip’s Christian College Combined The Coast Christian School Primary Green Point Christian College Combined Wyong Christian Community School Combined n Illawarra/Wollongong/South Coast The Illawarra Grammar School P-12 Cedars Christian College Combined Calderwewood Christian School P-12 Illawarra Adventist School P-6 Illawarra Christian School Combined Jervis Bay Christian Community School Primary Nowra Anglican College Combined Nowra Christian School Combined Sapphire Coast Anglican College Combined Shellharbour Anglican College Combined Shoalhaven Anglican School Combined Snowy Mountains Christian School K-10 St. Peter’s Anglican College Combined n Newcastle Belmont Christian College Combined Bishop Tyrrell Anglican College Combined

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Girls Boys Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

Christian CSA  Non-Denom Anglican Anglican Anglican Anglican CSA  Anglican CEN Non-Denom Anglican

Day 230 Day 770 Day 1350 Day 500 Boarders/Day 730 Day 1500 Day 1200 Day 766 Day Day 825 Day 1400 plus Day 600

Mt Druitt Hurstville Penrith Campbelltown North Parramatta North Parramatta West Hoxton Toongabbie Glenwood Blacktown Prestons Tahmoor

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

CEN CSA CSA  Anglican Christian

Day 801 plus Day 974 Day 981 Day Day -

Belrose Terrey Hills Oxford Falls Dee Why Belrose

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

CSA Anglican Anglican Anglican  CEN CEN Anglican CSA Non-Denom CEN Christian CEN

Day 290 Day 800 Day 1000+ Day - Day 101-200 Day 201-400 Day 1300 Day 598 Day 1350 Day 83 (20 Prep) Day Day 601 plus

Mount Druitt Wentworth Falls Campbelltown Kemps Creek Blackheath Mulgoa Orchard Hills Orchard Hills Penrith Castlereagh Bradbury Warrimoo

C0-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

Adventist SDA Anglican Christian Non-Denom CSA CSA  CSA

Day Day 900 Day 708 Day 580 Day 530 Day 149 Day 1030 Day 501

Cooronbong Erina Warnervale Narara Gosford Bensville Green Point Wyong

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

Christian 1000 CSA Day 620 Christian Day Adventist Day CEN Day 0-100 CSA  Day 50 Anglican Day 800 CSA  Day 422 Anglican  Day 300 Anglican Day 401-600 Anglican Day 401-600 CSA Day 120 Anglican Day 250

Co-Ed Co-Ed

CSA  Anglican

Day Day

800 500+

Mangerton Farmborough Heights Calderwood Corrimal Codeaux Heights Vincentia Bomaderry Nowra Bega/Pambula Shellharbour Milton Cooma Nth Broulee Belmont Fletcher/N’cstle


Brightwaters Christian College Charlton Christian College Dale Christian School Hunter Christian School Macquarie College Toronto Adventist Primary School St. Philip’s Christian College n Central and Western NSW All Saints’ College Calrossy Anglican School Carinya Christian School Deniliquin Christian School Dubbo Christian School Kinross Wolaroi School Koinonia Christian Academy Liberty College Macquarie Anglican Grammar School Moree Christian School Namoi Valley Christian School Narromine Christian School New England Girl’s School Orange Anglican Grammar School Orange Christian School Parkes Christian School Pera Bore Christian School PLC Armidale St. Andrew’s Christian School The Scots School The Cathedral School Wellington Christian School William Cowper Anglican School n North Coast Clarence Valley Anglican School Bishop Druitt College Blue Hills College Casino Christian School Coffs Harbour Christian Community School Emmanuel Anglican College Heritage Christian School Kempsey Adventist School Lakeside Christian College Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School Macksville Adventist School Manning District Adventist School Manning Valley Anglican College Mirriwinni Gardens Aboriginal Academy Mullumbimby Christian School Murwillumbah Christian College Nambucca Valley Christian Community Sch Pacific Coast Christian School Pacific Valley Christian School Port Macquarie Adventist Primary School Richmond Christian College St. Columba Anglican School Summerland Christian College Taree Christian Community School

Primary Combined K-12 Combined Combined Primary Combined

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

CSA CSA Christian CSA  SDA  Adventist Non-Denom

Day 28 Day 600 Day Day 441 Day 700 plus Day Day 960

Brightwaters Fassifern Waratah Mayfield Wallsend Toronto Waratah

Combined Secondary Combined Combined Combined Combined Combined Combined Combined Combined Primary Primary Secondary Primary Combined Combined K-10 Combined Combined Combined Combined Combined Combined

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Girls Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Girls Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

Anglican Anglican Non-Den CEN CEN Uniting CSA  CSA  Anglican CSA CEN SDA Anglican Anglican CEN CSA Christian Presbyterian CSA Uniting Anglican CEN Anglican

Boarders/Day 601 plus Bathurst Boarders/Day 1100 Tamworth Day 601 plus T’worth/G’edah Day 0-100 Deniliquin Day 601 plus Dubbo Boarders/Day 1200 Orange Day 0-50 Bourke Day 15 Tamworth Day 400 plus Dubbo Day 165 Moree Day 100-200 Wee Waa Day 0-100 Narromine Boarders/Day 400 Armidale Day 0-50 Orange Day 300-400 Orange Day 94 Parkes Day Bourke Boarders/Day 201-400 Armidale Day 122 Grafton Day 180 Bathurst/Lithgow Day 201-400 Grafton Day 101-20 0 Central West Day 201-400 Tamworth

P-12 K-12 P-12 Combined Combined Combined Combined K-12 Primary Combined Primary K-6 Combined K-10 K-8 Combined Primary Combined Combined Primary Combined Combined Combined Combined

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

Anglican Anglican Adventist CSA CSA Anglican CEN Adventist CSA  Anglican Adventist Adventist Anglican  Adventist CEN CSA CSA CSA  CSA Ind. Adventist CEN Anglican CSA CSA

Day 308 Day Day Day 172 Day 743 Day 470 Day 190 Day Day 380 Day 1000 Day Day Day 300 Day Day 0-100 Day 54 Day 65 Day 200 Day 300 Day Day 100-200 Day 600 Day 295 Day 430

Grafton Coffs Harbour Goondellabah North Casino Bonville Ballina Pt Mcq/Kempsey Kempsey Tweed Heads Tweed Heads Sth Macksville Tinonee Taree Kempsey Mullumbimby Murwillumbah Nambucca Hds Tweed Heads Townsend Port Macquarie Ballina Port Macquarie Lismore Taree

NSW DIRECTORY n Riverina Border Christian College Riverina Anglican College St. Paul’s College The Scots School Trinity Anglican College Wagga Wagga Christian College n Hunter Australian Christian College Maitland Christian School Medowie Christian School Muswellbrook Christian School Scone Grammar School St. Philip’s Christian College St. Philip’s Christian College

Combined Secondary Combined K-12 Combined Combined

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

SDA Anglican Lutheran Uniting Anglican CEN

Day Day Boarders/Day Boarders/Day Day Day

101-200 101-200 270 480 670 450 plus

Albury Wagga Wagga Walla Walla Albury Albury/Wodonga Wagga Wagga

Combined Combined Combined Primary Combined Combined Combined

Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed

Christian CSA CSA  CSA, Presbyterian Anglican Non-Denom Non-Denom

Day Day Day Day Day Day Day

960 550 310 21 201-400 160 700

Singleton Maitland Medowie Muswellbrook Scone Cessnock Salamander

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