Christian Life Issue 46 June 2017

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JUNE 2017 • Issue FORT Y-SIX •

MISSIONS SPECIAL: • Time to Change The Nets • Orphans Aid Rises Up To Meet New Challenges • • Reaching Africa’s Unreached • Rob Reynolds takes over as SIM Director • God Is On The Move




JUNE 2017


04 03. The Man Who Was Born To Die 04. Amos (Perese) Ale 06. MISSIONS SPECIAL: • Time to Change The Nets • Orphans Aid Rises Up To Meet New Challenges • Reaching Africa’s Unreached • Rob Reynolds takes over as SIM Director • God Is On The Move 11. Christian Books 14

12. Lessons From Ruth


13. Prime Minister to attend Forum on the Family 14. Local News 16. Shine TV programme guide 18. Christian Life Classifieds Cover image courtesy of Africa Inland Mission


Booking deadline: 23 June Art deadline: 27 June Distribution: 3 July

Publisher Matthew Danswan

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2 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Six June 2017



The impact of Jesus’ last words

Enjoy God’s Word in a creative way!

Seven-Mile Miracle STEVEN FURTICK

The Beautiful Word Devotional




The Man Who Was Born To Die by Rev. Dr. Ken Chant We die because we are born. Jesus was born so that he might die. But what does that mean? Perhaps we can learn the answer from two thieves who were crucified on either side of him? The story is told in Matthew (27:35-44), and in Luke (23:35-43). According to Matthew, both thieves cursed Christ as they were dying, which is no doubt true. But Luke tells us in his gospel that one of them, at some point in the tragedy, changed his mind. The penitent thief rebuked the other, and said, “Don’t you have any fear of God? We’re being justly punished for our crimes — we’re only getting what we deserve — but this man has done nothing wrong.” And then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Why did that one thief change his mind? How did he

suddenly recognise that Jesus is a king, and that he would soon be enthroned? Perhaps he saw the sign nailed above the head of Jesus — “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews” and was deeply moved by it? Perhaps he heard how Jesus asked the Father to forgive his Roman murderers, and saw how love, despite the awful anguish of crucifixion, still radiated from the Master. Perhaps he remembered something he had once heard Jesus say in a sermon? Whatever the cause, revelation poured into his heart, and he suddenly knew and believed ! He saw that Jesus is King! He was the only person on earth at that time who grasped this reality! The disciples were wracked with fear and doubt, but this man, against all appearance and seeming possibility, held firmly to his new faith. He alone had no doubt that Christ would triumph over the cross, establish

his kingdom, and there was a place in it for this one-time robber. He saw that Jesus is “Lord”! He knew that the power of Christ is limitless — yet Jesus was hanging, seemingly impotent, upon a cross! Nonetheless, the thief understood that Christ would conquer death, pardon all his wrongdoing, carry him out of the grave, and award him a place in Paradise! He saw that death is not the end! Dead men do not inherit kingdoms — yet, although he could see Jesus dying before his very eyes, the thief knew that somehow Christ would mock death, rise out of the tomb, and build a kingdom that would never be destroyed. He saw that he could claim a place in the kingdom! Somehow, he knew that Christ was dying for him, personally,

and was willing to “remember” him, and to grant him an everlasting and joyous salvation. His gain was glorious! Yet think also about what he had lost — He had lost his life Somehow he had fallen into a life of crime, and was now reaping an awful punishment and death. He was savagely pinned to a cross. All chance of serving God and man was gone. Not even the Lord could restore those lost years. Indeed, we have only one life to live, and opportunity lost cannot be regained. Don’t leave it to your last breath, as he did, to call upon the Lord. “It is later than you think!” He had lost his reward Scripture gives us few facts about the life hereafter. But we are told at least this: there will be varying degrees of both punishment and reward. Indeed, each of us will be tried on two counts — our faith; and our service, because

two things must be decided — Our eternal destiny, which will be determined by whether or not we have believed and committed our lives to Christ as Lord and Saviour. This, the penitent thief could do, and that very day he entered Paradise and limitless happiness. He is an example of the truth that we are saved by faith alone, apart from any work of ours. But then, a second thing must be decided our eternal state, which will be determined by the quality of service we have rendered God in this life. This the penitent thief could not do, so he had to enter Paradise with empty hands. Conclusion Unlike his case, let us rejoice, because today we are free to do both — free to believe in Christ, and free to serve Christ, and so become altogether winners, gaining both Paradise and a Crown!

Rev. Dr. Ken Chant is the founder and chairman of Vision Colleges, a distance education bible college since 1974. Visit

12 - 16 J U LY 201 7

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez

Dr. Dharius Daniels

Ps. Bill Wilson

Not long after blowing the roof off at SUMMIT 16, Rev. Rodriguez led a prayer at the inauguration of US President Trump. This influential man also leads New Season Worship Center in California, and is the President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership conference, representing more than 100 million Christians.

Founder and Senior Pastor of Kingdom Church in New Jersey, Dr. Daniels’ vibrant ministry has grown into a church of several thousand. He speaks at Yale Divinity School and Princeton Theological Seminary and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, a Master of Divinity, and a Doctorate of Ministry. Dr. Daniels goes deep into the Word but comes out punching.

Abandoned at 12 by his own mother, Ps. Bill developed a compassion for suffering children. In 1980, he established Metro World Child in one of Brooklyn’s roughest neighbourhoods. Today his ministry serves more than 150,000 children around the world every week. While Ps. Bill often speaks internationally, he can still regularly be found in Brooklyn, driving the school bus to pick up children for Sunday School.

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This page from left: Amos in the early days of the Head Hunters; 2017 INBA Naturals; Amos while playing tag for Counties 45’s, taken March 2017; Below: Amos sharing his remarkable story with us.


mos is full of surprises. As I sit down with him to talk about his journey from one of the founding members of infamous Auckland gang, the Head Hunters in 1967 – to one of the founding members of The Redeemed Christian Motorcycle Club in 1997, he doesn’t mention the fact that he just won two bodybuilding firsts in the INBA 2017 Naturals. I found that out on Facebook later, and much more. Amos’ story begins in West Auckland. His Fijian mum worked two jobs and his Samoan father wasn’t able to work much due to bad health. Now with 9 kids in the family, life wouldn’t have been easy. He was brought up in a religious family and knew about the existence of God but no one ever explained why Jesus died on the cross and what that meant for him today. There wasn’t much around for kids back then and they had to make their own fun. Deep down, Amos searched for belonging, and that search connected him with a new family of party people. Bit-by-bit, things got darker and heavier, and while still a teenager in the 1960’s Amos and friends formed the Head Hunters gang in Glen Innes, Auckland. It sounds easy if you say it quick, but of course it involved the inevitable turf wars and rumbles with other gangs. When he moved back out to Kelston, he took it with him and the gang continued to grow out west. As time rolled on Amos was in and out of jail doing lags, and eventually he tired of it. He remained President until the 80s when he left the gang, and then continued to deal drugs independently. By this time Amos had a family of his own (he now has 7 grown children). One day, one of his daughters asked him about God and he actually started to think about it. He hadn’t noticed she’d been going to church because he was still getting wasted, but he thought he’d better go along and make sure it wasn’t a cult. When he got to the Christian Outreach Centre in Papakura he thought the people were way too happy, but strangely, he wanted some of that. He was surprised that they had a band, and danced, and put their hands in the air. When the pastor spoke the Word of God, Amos felt he was talking to him alone, and that he had known he was coming. The message was about how you run your life. Amos was conscious of how he was running his life his own way, not God’s way. He understood the truth when he heard it, and the power

As Amos sat in church, still a drug dealer, he felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit in his conscience showing him how he wasn’t bringing his kids up God’s way...

4 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Six June 2017


of it began to set him free. As Amos sat in church, still a drug dealer, he felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit in his conscience showing him how he wasn’t bringing his kids up God’s way, and lying to his kids. He found himself liking the church, the music and the word of God. The third time Amos went to church, they asked if anyone wanted to give their lives to Jesus. Amos found that one foot wanted to go forward and the other didn’t, and his missus kicked his reluctant leg and said, “Get up there!” He went up and surrendered his life to Jesus. Amos was 40 years old. It was June 1995 when he was born again

and he felt like he was on speed – it was a real buzz, and he wanted to go out and save the world. He never looked back. His eyes opened to a new respect for women, and their place in society. The Lord gave Amos a vision to reach out to bikers and gangs, and to start a motorcycle ministry. But he understood he had to go through a time of preparation and cleansing first. The Lord took away his heroin and speed addictions straight away. But Amos still smoked dope for a while and he promised the Lord he would stop when he was ready – and he did. He wanted to work through issues to get his life as clean and right as he could for God. Amos worked


This page top left: The Redeemed MC Rotorua; top right: What it’s all about the bros at The Gathering in the South Island.

an end, but Amos did not. He hadn’t heard that from the Lord, so he carried on with the ministry himself and it has taken on a life of its own. They get invited to a lot of rides by gangs… they run fundraising rides, feed the homeless once a month in Auckland, and speak in schools, youth groups and churches. They are even invited to funerals to lead the hearse. Today, most members live in Auckland but there are also members in Queenstown, Dunedin, Rotorua, Tokoroa and Northland. This October sees The Redeemed MC celebrate their 20th anniversary in Rotorua. An offshoot of The Redeemed ministry is S.O.S. (which stands for Save Our Souls and Stop Our Suicides), and they hold three outreach events a year

– up North, in Auckland and Rotorua where they get to freely speak about the hope we have in Jesus. In 2001 Amos began working for the Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki (from the Ministry of Social Development), working with families escorting children to supervised visits, mentoring, and supporting youth at the Manukau Youth Courts. Amos turns 63 this year and is still a force to be reckoned with. He finds time to train for two of his other passions, bodybuilding and touch rugby. The INBA 2017 Naturals (NZ South Pacific Natural Physique Association) saw Amos clean up with first placings in both the 50’s+ and the 60’s+ events and the year isn’t over yet. Last year saw him bag two firsts,

two seconds and a third placing. He’s showing no signs of slowing down on the touch rugby scene either, representing New Zealand and Samoa at national level, he’s played for North Harbour, Auckland and Counties Manukau, and played tag for New Zealand and Counties Manukau. God is building His end-time army, against which the gates of Hell will not prevail. Amos’ remarkable life proves anything is possible with God, and an ungodly life can be turned around to leave a mighty legacy. You can find Amos on Facebook. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11






through the deliverance and healing process by listening to the messages at church, repenting and prayer. Two years later, in 1997, Amos and two others founded The Redeemed Christian Motorcycle Club on the scripture Psalm 107:2, “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.” The Redeemed offers support to those coming out of gangs who often can’t relate to church and the church can’t relate to them. As the ministry grew it ran into problems with some members acting like they were still in the gangs. Things came to a head and God did a massive pruning, leaving Amos one of the last men standing. The two other founding members both felt The Redeemed had come to


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Men’s Events 2017

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by Jay Matenga, Director, MIssions Interlink (NZ)

Time to Change The Nets T

he modern missionary movement began at the height of colonial expansion in the 1790s. An argument could be made that by the time of the Tiriti o Waitangi, the outward reach of the European empires was starting to wane. European empire expansion is one of a number of factors that made evangelical missionary ventures possible from the late 18th Century, and colonial-inspired missionary momentum continued to build throughout the next two centuries, up until 2010. In 2010, the 07/08 Global Economic Crisis started to bite. The global missions community saw the economic impact no more clearly than with the International Mission Board. In 2016, the IMB revealed that from 2010 it had spent US$210 million more than it received. With the 170-year-old IMB being the largest single sender of evangelical missionaries, that was a big deal. And the dominoes keep falling. To secure their legacy, some missions have folded into more viable ones; others are closing down, distributing their resources where they can be of best use. Almost a month ago, Global Mapping International shut up shop and many other mission-related organisations are seeking new ways to remain financially viable. Most mission organisations are looking for new models of doing mission in the face of declining donor and bequest dollars, which have been the mainstay of the modern missionary movement since it began. This has implications for our

churches too. Churches throughout the nation struggle to meet their income needs. It is ironic that we live in the most materially prosperous time in history, yet people obviously have less disposable income to give. It is not an issue of lack, we’re more prosperous; it’s an issue of priority. Needs haven’t increased, but demands have. The material wealth being generated by the sector of our population that has traditionally given to churches and mission (economically middle-class and Pakeha) is being consumed elsewhere—on themselves. You could argue that our dollar doesn’t go as far, but I’d question the destination, and I believe it has a lot to do with the spirit of our age. From global values research data, Christian Welzel (in his book, Freedom Rising) argues that self-fulfilment is the prime motivator of knowledge-based societies (which would describe the economically upper and upwardly-mobile sectors of our society). Following Welzel’s argument, it stands to reason that such people will prioritize self-fulfilling objectives when assessing how to use their funds. In other words, they are more likely to invest in their own sense of purpose, comfort and security. If charitable giving happens at all, Welzel’s research suggests it will align with a donor’s sense of personal fulfilment. This poses serious challenges to the assumptions charities have operated by for over 200 years. Does the apparent lack of donor

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funding available for missions suggest holds, and if Welzel’s (and many the end of mission? By no means. Mis- others’) wider insights into knowlsion continues, but the infrastructure edge-based societies is anything to supporting it is clearly no longer fit go by, we are emerging like a butterfor purpose. There is a Maori proverb, fly from a chrysalis into a much more “Ka pu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi,” fluid and inter-connected era. An era which loosely translated means, ‘when of network models that invite collabothe old net won’t catch fish, it’s time to ration and distribute power—in other get a new one.’ The concept is similar words, creative coalitions. Some proto the old vs new cloth and wineskins totype models exist, but I believe most that Jesus speaks of in Matthew 9:16-17. New situations require differThere is a Maori proverb, ent approaches. From my studies of “Ka pu te ruha, ka hao te church and mission hisrangatahi,” which loosely tory I am convinced that missions ride on the translated means, ‘when the old coattails of commerce net won’t catch fish, in every age. Like the it’s time to get a new one.’ Roman roads that literally paved the way for the gospel, commercial frameworks seem to be mechanisms remain inadequate because power is the Holy Spirit uses for God’s purpos- not being freely shared. For more efes. The modes of mission change fective models, we need to look to the with empires and their econo- collectivist values of indigenous peomies, but God’s mission contin- ples, like Maori and Pacific Islanders, ues. Yet, we remain in a time between to find our way forward in charity, times. The old nets are becoming less church and mission. Much more could effective even while the new nets are be said, but this is certain: the plans being created. of God are resourced by the people of Although colonialism seems so God, and the Holy Spirit will see those 1800’s, we are still struggling to free resources released to fulfil God’s will, ourselves from colonial models of or- as He has done in every age. ganisation and institution. These are modern, industrial models that at- Missions Interlink is the association tempt to impose a so-called ‘civilising’ of mission interested organisations power to control development. If my and people in Aotearoa New Zealand. thesis of mission following commerce


Orphans Aid rises up to meet new challenges


rphans Aid International is rising up to meet new challenges as the demand on its services continues to increase, particularly in Uganda and India. Two new op-shops will open in June to help support its expanding projects, including the Imuka – or ‘rise up’ – family strengthening programme, which recently reached a well-earned milestone. “Orphans Aid International Uganda has been officially recognised as a charitable entity in Uganda,” says CEO Sue van Schreven. “This recognition will give us a firm footing going forward and allow us to strengthen our work in this much-needed region.” Since its launch by project managers Peter and Danielle Gordon three years ago, 77 families caring for 304 children have been enrolled in the Imuka programme and completed the training courses, while other families have also been assisted in various ways without being enrolled. Sue says, on average, there are 50 families enrolled and receiving social work support and business mentoring

at any given time. “In addition to this, around 11 families caring for an average of 43 children are receiving temporary food support while a few more families are being helped with emergency accommodation and medical costs each month. As a result, families are staying together and are less likely to abandon their children due to extreme hardship.” Sue has many success stories to share, but the most recent involves Nalongo, a 27-year-old single mother of seven (five biological) children, who was abandoned by her husband after the birth of their premature twins. “When she was enrolled into the Imuka program in 2015, her family was struggling to survive on the little money she could earn from casual labour. Her 7-month-old twins were smaller than new born babies.” After completing the Imuka business training, Nalongo used her business grant to start selling vegetables and charcoal. She was then able to begin saving and bought a bicycle, which enabled her to save on business transport costs.

“Her family is now well provided and cared for and her twins are doing fantastically well – so is her business! On a recent trip to Uganda, Danielle met with her as she was a guest speaker at the latest Imuka graduation. She spoke beautiful words of encourage- Imuka children receiving a hearty meal ment to the graduating mothers and was an inspiration to them all. Nalongo was joined by two bonny and active form and also some much-needed text toddlers whose stories could’ve been books.” Two new op-shops will open in so very different had not Imuka been Hamilton and North Dunedin in June able to walk alongside their family and to help support the charity’s growing help it get back on its feet.” Over in India, 48 young children projects. Along with the charity’s exare now enrolled in the ‘Kiwi Hima- isting shops in Hastings, Dunedin, layan Education Centre’. The school Queenstown and Invercargill, Sue says was officially opened last September the new shops will be promoting the in the north of India on the Bhutan message ‘hOPe begins here’. “If we can give hope, we can bring border. change. I have no doubt that these “The outside paint has now been applied – it was important to see this shops in Dunedin and Hamilton will happen before the monsoons start also bring hope into the communities to ensure we don’t have problems around them. “As the well-known scripture says, with water coming through the plaster walls. We still need to complete ‘and now these three remain: faith the kitchen and the roof, but steady hope and love. But the greatest of progress is being made, and the chil- these is love.’” dren are just delighted to be in school. Our next steps are to organize a

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Reaching Africa’s unreached by Len Lesleighter, Director, Africa Inland Mission, (New Zealand) has workers among 60 unreached groups in Africa. As well, teams are engaging people from unreached groups living outside of Africa. “Our focus is to proclaim the gospel and make disciples. “The organisation began in 1895 to make disciples of Af-


here are still 1008 people groups in Africa, totalling more than 300 million people, which remain substantially ignorant of the good news of Jesus Christ. These unreached people groups remain the focus of Africa Inland Mission (AIM). According to AIM’s Australia and Asia-Pacific Director, Len Lesleighter, AIM now

rica’s unreached. This focus continues, although the areas of work and methods may have changed. “By definition these unreached people groups have less than 2% believers in Jesus among them. There are insufficient believers and resources to evangelise the remainder of their people.”

“We are now almost midway in our five-year “Vision 2020”. Since 2015, we have engaged eight new unreached people groups in Africa. “Our aim is to place workers among a total of 20 new people groups in the five years to the end of 2020.” Africa Inland Mission’s Vision 2020 also includes reaching 20 already engaged groups, mobilising 400 African cross-cultural workers and training 4,000 African church leaders. As well, there is the goal of facilitating 40 church-based teams among Africans in countries outside of Africa, among the diaspora. In 2016, 40 African missionaries were mobilised. AIM continues to collaborate with African churches and organisations to mobilise African workers. Also in 2016, 1,603 African church leaders received training though AIM workers. Currently shortterm and long-term teams are forming to reach out to Africans in the Europe, Canada, and the USA. Mr Lesleighter said the opportunities for people in New

Zealand to be involved are enormous. “Our priority is to have people praying for the unreached people groups of Africa and for our efforts to take the gospel to them and make disciples. Only God can make this work happen. People can register on our prayer web site and receive live updates from a wide range of people groups. See www.PrayAfrica. org or contact our AIM office in Auckland for prayer information”. “Opportunities are open for Kiwis to join the work among unreached peoples. We have a range of teams and ministry opportunities that will help take the gospel and make disciples among unreached people groups. “Already we have three New Zealanders working among unreached groups in South Sudan and Uganda. Teams are forming for Chad, Tanzania and North Africa. “Most of these teams are for two-years or more, with a view to long-term ministry. However, there are also shortterm opportunities for work-

ers to go and minister for up to 12 months.” “Workers use a range of skills to help proclaim the gospel and make disciples. These include teaching, agricultural work, medical ministry and teaching English. “The key is for people to be open to God, and be used as He wills. “We often say people should hold their call to mission tightly and hold their profession loosely.” Mr Lesleighter said people may also donate to the ministry and projects of Africa Inland Mission. “We are continually blessed by donors from New Zealand. They often give to support AIM workers or to support the mobilising ministry of AIM in New Zealand. “General donations to the work will be used in New Zealand and these donations, of $5 or more, are eligible for a tax-credited receipt. Gifts for workers or overseas projects are not tax-deductible.” 09 281 4595

Rob Reynolds takes over as SIM Director


ob and DaNae Reynolds with sons Caleb and Aedan came to New Zealand from the US at the end of 2010, expecting to stay for a couple of years, but found this a hard place to leave. They are now residents and call New Zealand home. The family arrived as missionaries with Global Partners

to help an Auckland congregation (cession | community church) begin an outreah ministry. Then in 2012 Rob was recruited by Tearfund. Last year, after 10 years, SIM’s Director Nigel Webb and his wife Richelle felt a call back to South America, and applications were called

Are you a Christian Writer? 8 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Six June 2017

for the job. Rob was selected and Nigel handed over in November. He’s known Rob since he arrived, and says, “I appreciate his faith, participative leadership style and his heart for people and mission – I can’t wait to see where God takes SIM New Zealand in future. As a youth leader of 28, Rob helped take 52 young teenagers on a Taking to the bush as if they were Kiwis 10-day mission trip to Mexico where born to it, from left, Caleb, Aedan, DaNae they partnered in evangelism with a and Rob Reynolds). local church. He says, “I saw how God in common: they start by being clear could capture the heart of a young person and shape their worldview. why they do what they do. For SIM Some of them are missionaries today.” that’s reaching those living and dying In SIM, Rob says, “Nigel has without hearing God’s good news. “I believe we have a good future worked hard to form a great team,” and he intends to maintain it. “We ahead of us. Mission is not something can’t forget that our office exists to we just dreamed up one day; it’s the serve our mission partners across the centre of the gospel and the church. globe. Rules for bureaucracy’s sake It was God’s idea, not ours! That’s drive me nuts! Rules and policies exist why I can’t wait to see what he will do to serve the bigger picture. Simon and how he will empower our meagre Sinek, author of Start With Why, has efforts.” a concept called the Golden Circle; ‘why’ is in the centre, followed by ‘how’ and then ‘what’. Sinek looks at organisations and and finds one thing


Mission Without Borders We are a Christian organisation serving children, families and elderly people suffering poverty and oppression. Through practical and spiritual support we give hope by meeting urgent needs and building self-sufficient communities. Phone: 0800 469 269 Email: Web:

Mission Aviation Fellowship Millions of people in remote places around the world are cut off from the help they need. MAF partners with hundreds of churches, aid and mission agencies in a global effort to overcome barriers of poverty, isolation and disease.

Orphans Aid International Were a Kiwi Charity whose mandate is to care for the orphaned and abandoned. Our mandate is James 1v27. We’re seeing many children loved and cared for and given homes. We care for children in Romania, Russia, Uganda, India and Nepal. We’d love you to help us in this effort. Phone: 0800 (orphan) or 03 4414109 Website:

With a fleet of 135 aircraft in over 30 countries, MAF flies in some of the most challenging places in the world to transport the sick and injured, deliver emergency food and doctors and bring resources, seeds and livestock to people in remote communities so they can build better lives for themselves and their families.

Africa Inland Mission Your prayer and financial support is vital to achieve “Christ-centred churches among all African peoples”. More than 1,000 of Africa’s people groups are untouched by the Gospel of Jesus. Join Vision 2020. By God’s grace, in the five years to 2020, we aim to reach 40 of Africa’s unreached people groups. We aim to mobilise 400 African workers into cross-cultural mission; train and equip 4,000 African church leaders and facilitate 40 teams to share the Gospel with Africans from unreached people groups, living outside of Africa. We can only do this by God’s grace and with your help. Phone: 09 281 4595 Email: Website:


Break Free Expeditions Break Free Expeditions takes solo travellers, couples, families, churches, schools & private groups to projects in Fiji, Vanuatu, Mexico, Peru, Nepal, Cambodia & Vietnam to build homes & school classrooms for the poor. No building experience is required by team members. Trips vary in duration from 9 to 21 days. Teams also deliver aid, participate in outreach, visit the forgotten in prison and build better lives together. If you have ever felt you wanted to do a short term mission trip that makes a tangible impact on both you and the communities we serve then Break Free Expeditions are for you! Email: Website: Africa Inland Mission International New Zealand AIM Christian Life.indd 1

PO Box 13457 Onehunga, Auckland 1643 P 09 281 4595 E

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God is on the move by Andrew Wilks, Director, Mission Without Borders NZ Why support missions? Because God is on the move. Both in New Zealand and overseas, God is opening opportunities to share the life-changing message of the Gospel, and He invites us to partner with Him. Whether we ourselves go, whether we send people, or we send resources to enable nationals, the question is always “When we hear cry for help, how we will respond?” Since Soviet Communism collapsed around 26 years ago, new opportunities to see the Kingdom of God expand in Eastern Europe have opened up. There only a generation ago, Bibles were so rare they were often copied by hand; house churches were illegal; and Christians were persecuted and imprisoned for their faith. In Albania, religion was all but stamped out by the world’s first self-proclaimed atheist State. But God had a different plan for Eastern Europe… Against today’s backdrop of alcoholism, hopelessness, poverty, domestic abuse, suicide, and human trafficking, Mission Without Borders, together with churches and partner organisations, is seeing God release lives from the firm grip of evil in Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Moldova, Albania and Ukraine. Whether it is ministry to a homeless person in Sofia, Bulgaria, or to a prisoner rejected by her family in Romania, or to elderly at a soup kitchen in Bosnia or Albania cast aside by their communities and families as no-longer-useful, or Ukrainian or Moldovan children dumped in State Homes – all of these are important to God. His hands and feet to reach them are the Body of Christ – those locally

and those supporting from afar. Hope for the abandoned Gheorghe grew up in a State Children’s Home in Moldova, a small, struggling country in former Communist Eastern Europe. He never knew his father and was separated from his alcoholic mother at a young age. He tells us, “I felt isolated and I was very angry. I used to do terrible things and wanted to hurt other people. Many of my friends from the Home are in prison; if I had not found God, I would’ve ended up there too.” For nearly two decades, Mission Without Borders has been able to run Christian camps for thousands of children across its six field countries. A few years ago, Gheorghe attended one of those camps. This year he is one of hundreds of volunteers helping a new group of children have the same life-changing experience as him. He says, “Attending Summer Camp changed my life. It was here that I felt for the first time that my life mattered. Now, as a camp volunteer, I want to make the children feel as important as I felt. Many of them witness addiction and violence in everyday life, so we need to show them something different; that there is hope, and life can be full of joy.” Right now, this year’s summer camps are starting for 3500 to 4000 disadvantaged children to experience 10 days of fun and good food, and hear the Bible explained so that they know that they are loved by God. From attempted suicide to hope When Resmija’s husband left the family to work as a shepherd in northern Albania, she felt hopeless and vulner-

able trying to look after her children alone in extreme poverty. She spiralled down into deep depression and tried to commit suicide. “My children often went to bed hungry,” she relates. “I could only provide one meal a day for them. I felt like I was in shock and that death was the only escape for me. But then you visited us and gave us food, clothes and household items. Things slowly started to change. I remember the Mission Coordinator sharing a verse from Psalm 40 about how Jesus Christ could be the rock in my life.” As our relationship with the family began to grow, their financial burdens decreased and their confidence increased, and the Mission began to see the potential for the family to become self-sufficient. “With your help we started cultivating our land,” Resmija explains. “The children went to school regularly, and we went to church, which was new for us as we are Muslim. We always felt welcomed and supported, and we know that we couldn’t have done any of this on our own.” Arjana, the Mission’s Coordinator, explains, “Life in rural Albania is very difficult and if you are new, it’s very hard become integrated into the community. Becoming enrolled into our Family Sponsorship programme has given this family the resources to become self-sufficient and helped them to find real meaning and hope in life.” God is always calling us to partner with Him in mission. You may not be able to go, but you can give, pray and volunteer time. This is an exciting time to get involved in what God is doing all over the earth.

Bring hope to the poor in

Top: Gheorge - now helping those like him; Below: Resmija - from death to life


Join our team in Mexico during October 2017, build 2 homes, deliver aid to the poor, visit the forgotten in prison in Tijuana and join in street outreach. No prior building experience required. Depart Auckland: Depart Los Angeles: Trip Cost: Contact: Email:

Saturday 7th October 2017 Monday 16th October 2017 $2,700* (excludes cost of flights) Diana 0212 777 019 for an info pack

*Trip cost includes accommodation in hotels and condos sharing a room with another person, US/Mexico transfers by road, 7 breakfasts, 3 lunches, $850 building materials contribution. Single rooms available at additional cost.

Help celebrate our 10 year anniversary! 10 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Six June 2017




By Russell Smith Daystar Books Available from $29.95

By Fraser Hannam Ark House Press Available from $22.99

“This book is meticulously researched and a superb read,” says the Bishop of Nelson, the Rt Rev Richard Ellena. Russell Smith, a research associate at Bishopdale Theological College in Nelson, has filled an important gap in our history. After Samuel Marsden preached the first sermon in the Bay of Islands on Christmas Day, 1814, what happened to the missionary families who came with him? What was their relationship with Maori? And what about the progress of the gospel? Russell follows the ups and downs of four missionary families over a period of ten years. In his introduction he says, “This is

the story of the first British community to be established in New Zealand: the people they were, the hopes they had and the struggles they endured. Their purpose was not simply to form a European trading community or to be the first stage of a planned British colony. They had a higher goal: to proclaim the Christian message and establish a New Zealand Church.” He looks into the minds of these early settlers and in the early chapters analyses what shaped their beliefs and motivations. One appendix discusses civilization and Christianity and another describes the rules and regulations governing such settlements.


At the age of 23 Fraser found himself married to a bipolar and deeply depressive 31 year-old woman. The subsequent years were a constant struggle between his desire to be a loving and supportive Godly man, and the reality of being married to a woman who brought division, torment and the occult into his house and the lives of their children. Despite escalating violence, he persevered through 20 years of seemingly unanswered prayer with contradictory advice from a polarised church community. Should he persist in a marriage that made a mockery of the Christian faith? How was a leader

in a Christian organisation to justify continuing in a household that emaciated his calling and stifled his walk with God? Married to the Enemy is a practical, Biblical guide to identifying and finding the resolve to fix or to finalise a failing marriage. The author shows readers how to take care of the past and move forward in a new relationship with the strength and determination of a super hero!

By Robyn Cotton | Available from | $28.95

An excellent, well-written first novel from Tauranga author, Robyn Cotton. Inspired by true events A Skylark Flies is a poignant story of forgiveness, and of coping strategies for recovering from trauma. It gives the reader a window into the souls of two very different characters whose

stories converge at critical points. Rose, a young Kiwi, is brutally assaulted in Scotland on her OE. Will she prosecute and suffer the trauma again? Will she forgive her attacker? What happens to him? Does he feel any guilt? And what happens when Rose and her husband return to the scene

Summer Camp Life as God intended

many years later? It is refreshing to have a ‘Christian’ novel like this minus all the theological jargon that often accompanies such novels. A moving story with a telling message. Reaction has been most enthusiastic. For example Facebook comments include: ‘I

enjoyed how you got inside the characters’ heart and minds’ and ‘a realistic account of the human capacity for change and forgiveness’. Robyn has enjoyed a career in innovation, and in recent years has been a board member of International Aid.



Right now thousands of disadvantaged children in Eastern Europe are hoping to get to one of our lifechanging Summer Camps. It takes from just $20 (one day of camp for one child) to help change a young life forever.

Could you donate to help one child get there? For more and to donate, go online or call us:

0800 469 269

Helping to Change Lives in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine Reg. Charity No. CC37218

Check out our new site at | 11


Lessons From Ruth by Tak Bhana


ave you ever been between a rock and a hard place, stuck whichever way you turn. Ruth’s been there, but when there was nowhere to run she made some wise choices. Ruth 1:110 Naomi urged her daughters-in-law to go back. They faced a hard choice. Go on to Israel with their motherin-law and her God, but risk a life of loneliness and poverty, or go back into idolatry, but be provided for by their families. Orpah cried and kissed Naomi goodbye, not realising that she was kissing goodbye to her opportunity to go on with God. Ruth went with Naomi and on into God’s purposes. The path Ruth chose looked really tough but it led to life. Orpah chose to go back home, to the gods of Moab, and to obscurity. Jeremiah 10:23. Ruth 1:14-17. ‘Where you go I will go’, Ruth fully surrendered her rights to come and go and do as she pleased, as we all do when we commit our lives to God. ‘Where you die I will die’. She had

escape route, no plans to ever return. (Luke 9:62) Apparently from the field of Boaz where Ruth gleaned for a meager living under heat of sun, she could look up and see the mountains of her homeland in the distance. There must have been days when comfortable lifestyle of Moab seemed to call her back but Ruth never wavered. As Ruth spent day after day in heat of sun day walking behind the reapers and picking up the stalks of grain that they dropped we see her outstanding diligence. More than hard work, gleaning was humiliating. This was the job for the poor and the outcasts. It’s commendable to work diligently at a well-paid, prestigious, or fulfilling job, but even more so when the job is none of those. Then we see Ruth’s righteousness in stark contrast to the rampant sin and immorality around her. Things were so bad that Boaz advised Ruth to stick close to his workers and he ordered them not to touch her. This was in broad daylight. We learn here the importance of living within the boundaries God marks out in his word, and which is particularly challenging in tough times. Ruth 1:1 & 2. God promised to keep his followers throughout famines if they stayed in Israel. Elimelech thought he was preserving his family by taking them out, but apart from Naomi they all died. The moral of the story is, ‘stay within the boundaries.’

In times of famine we all get tempted to step out of God’s boundaries, often it’s going to be an interim measure, like Elimelech, but he never got back. When we face a financial famine it’s tempting to go outside God’s boundaries. So we rob a bank. No we don’t, we’re Christians, better to ‘rob God’. ‘I’ll stop giving to God, stop tithing, just for a while so that I can clear a few debts’. When do that we soon find we have purses with holes, everything we put in drops out bottom. Giving to God doesn’t always make sense, but God’s ways are right and they work. When we don’t give to the work of God we take ourselves outside of God’s blessing. We can experience a famine of love. Single people especially may despair of ever finding a husband or wife, but we work with a lovely man, or lady. The only problem is they’re not saved. It’s so tempting to cross God’s boundary in order to get our needs met. But God’s ways don’t change, we must trust him for the right one. Moab promises a garden but it delivers a desert. We can go through a famine in church. We lack the love, the friends, or the opportunities we need. So we step out of the boundary, we stop going, not for long, we just need some time to lick our wounds then we’ll get back. But it’s not that easy to get back. Elimelech died in Moab. God’s

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boundaries are not there to restrict us, if we stick within them we will find God’s blessing in times of famine. Moab promises so much but it doesn’t deliver, God never fails to deliver on His promises. Let’s move on and look at providence in the life of Ruth. As Ruth chose to live within God’s boundaries she brought herself into His providential care. Providence is about God working all things in our lives according to His will for us. In book of Ruth we see God is in control even when situations appear out of control. We see God’s providence in timing. Ruth arrived in Israel at start of barley harvest, which was strategic timing engineered by God. It gave her opportunity to glean, which meant she and Naomi had food, and her and Boaz had time to get to know each other. Decades ago Adrienne and I were set to go to the Philippines as missionaries. Then we got a call to say we couldn’t go. We were most upset, but were actually delayed for 6 months. We saw God’s hand in this when we returned on furlough. At that time our church was looking for pastors, but 6 months earlier was a chaotic time when the senior pastor had just been dismissed. I took the pastor role, and 4 years later was appointed to my current position. That 6 month delay changed the course of our lives. Providential guidance in Ruth 2:3. ‘As it turned out, she found herself working in a field belonging to Boaz.’ When Ruth went out to glean she didn’t know who Boaz was, all she knew was that she could glean in any field. It ‘just so happened’ that God led her to the right one. When Ruth made her choice to cast in her lot in with Naomi and to put her trust in Naomi’s God there was no way she could have foreseen the incredible blessing that was ahead of her. Best of all she became the great grandmother of King David and the gentile who was grafted in to the lineage of Christ.

*All overseas positions

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MISSION AVIATION FELLOWSHIP 12 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Six June 2017

Tak Bhana is the Senior Pastor of Church Unlimited. He has a radio and television program called Running with Fire, which broadcasts in New Zealand and other nations. His church also produces a magazine with the same name which is distributed in 70 countries, and he has written a book titled “Wired for the Supernatural”.


John Whitehall

Jane Smith

Melinda Tankard Reist

Muriel Newman

Winston Peters

Prime Minister to attend Forum on the Family by Bob McCoskrie


he annual Forum on the Family brings together a national network of family-focused organisations, scholars, leaders and individuals who seek to promote and protect the wellbeing of families and marriage, the role of parents, and the welfare of our children. The Prime Minister Rt Hon Bill English has confirmed his attendance at our 10th annual New Zealand Forum on the Family to be held in Manukau City on Friday 7 July. Also confirmed to attend will be NZ First Leader Rt Hon Winston Peters. (Labour Party leader Andrew Little has been invited but has not accepted our invitation at this stage). One of these men will either be our Prime Minister or will determine who our PM will be after the General Election in September. I will interview each leader separately and find out their views on a number of familyrelated and conscience issue policies. Where they stand personally on the issues of abortion, euthanasia, the redefining and role of marriage, abortion, euthanasia, gender ‘identity’, the role and rights of parents, antismacking law, media standards, sex education in schools, marijuana, the harm of prostitution, alcohol laws, Easter trading laws, gambling harm, binding referenda, and more. This may be the only time that our key political leaders are asked some of these questions during this Election campaign. As well as the political interviews, we also have a fabulous line-up of speakers covering some crucial family issues. In recent years, the issue of transgender identity in children has leapt from the periphery of public consciousness to centre stage of a

Prime Minister RT Hon Bill English

cultural drama played out in the media, courts, schools, hospitals, families, and in the minds and bodies of children. But is this massive intrusion into the minds and bodies of children necessary? What will happen if parents do nothing but “watch and wait” while their child muses on its gender? Can the child grow out of it? It’s time for a discussion based on biology and research, rather than ideology and agendas. Professor Whitehall is Foundation Chair and Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of Western Sydney and will speak on this issue - “THE PHENOMENON OF CHILDHOOD GENDER DYSPHORIA”. We are also in the midst of renewed debate on the national scourge of violence against women. This debate is to be welcomed. However what has not been adequately acknowledged is the role of pornography as a driver of this violence. Melinda Tankard Reist will explore what the research tells us about how pornography eroticises and legitimises violence against women and relate young women’s experiences of sexual assault, physical and psychological injury from porninspired sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances, demands for sexual ’selfies’, and other out-workings of harmful porn inspired behaviours. She will call for pornography to be included in any policies aiming to address violence against women. Melinda Tankard Reist is author/ editor of five books including Getting Real: Challenging the Sexualisation of Girls (2009), Big Porn Inc: Exposing the harms of the global pornography industry (2011), and her new release Prostitution Narratives: Stories of survival in the sex trade (2016). She

will talk on “HOW PORNOGRAPHY FUELS AND LEGITIMISES SEXUAL VIOLENCE – THE RESEARCH”. Melinda spoke at our Forum in 2010. Dr Muriel Newman of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research (NZCPR) will speak on “THE POLITICISATION OF THE FAMILY IN NEW ZEALAND”. As an MP for nine years, under both a National government and then the Clark-led Labour government, Dr Newman saw first-hand the damage caused by poorly designed laws – welfare policies that incentivise the breakdown of the family and the alienation of fathers, the rise in child abuse and the misguided anti-smacking law, the United Nation’s view of the ‘family’, and more. Hear an insider’s view of the battle for family and marriage in the political environment. And finally, Dr Jane Silloway Smith, director of the newly-formed Every Life Research Unit will present a session on “CONSIDERING ABORTION AND EUTHANASIA IN AN ELECTION YEAR – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW”. Across the developed world, societies are questioning their laws concerning the beginnings and ends of life. New Zealand is not immune to these questions and the legislative implications that come from them. Dr Smith will discuss what is going on internationally in the policy areas of

abortion and euthanasia, and how these global trends are playing out currently in New Zealand. What are our current laws on abortion and euthanasia; how do they compare internationally; and what challenges and changes to these laws could arise in our next Parliament? To register for this important conference in July, go to See the advertisement on back cover.

Bob McCoskrie is the National Director for Family First (NZ). For more information on how to partner with them contact

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New national president and media spokesperson for Voice for Life Jacqui de Ruiter (pictured) from Oamaru, has been involved with SPUC and Voice for Life for 24 years and president of the North Otago branch for the past eight years. She brings to the national presidency, 25 years’ experience as a registered nurse, including owning and managing a 15-bed rest home in Oamaru. Married to Peter, they have five children and worship at the Reformed church in Oamaru. “I feel privileged to be part of the national executive and now president in this most noble cause,” says Jacqui. “I’m passionate about reducing the

abortion rate and offering a pathway forward to women and their families experiencing crisis pregnancies.” “Having run a rest home I have first-hand experience of the issues surrounding euthanasia, and I am absolutely opposed to it being legalized in New Zealand. We need a culture of life and not death. Care not killing.” Jacqui will act as Voice for Life’s media spokeswoman, along with Kate Cormack in Auckland. Kate has done the hard yards as a sidewalk counsellor with the small team outside Hastings Hospital, where 32 babies have been confirmed

saved. “I’ve seen for myself, the pressures that influence women and girls in these desperate situations and the difference that good information and support can make.” Kate is a member of the Auckland committee and national executive. She is a leader for the annual Focus on the Family ACTIV8 Internship (which trains young adults and teenagers in pro-life activism) and is currently completing a Bachelor of Counselling at Laidlaw College in West Auckland. For more info visit

Children are Suffering in NZ with Mental Health Issues The statistics are sobering. New Zealand has the worst rate of youth suicide in the 34 OECD countries with two children or teenagers taking their lives every week on average. Over 2800 intentional self-harm hospitalisations were youth. Children living in poverty are three times more likely to suffer mental health problems. A third to

half of all youths engage in hazardous drinking. We have heard in the media about the shortage of mental health practitioners and experts available and long waiting periods for young people to get the help they need. How can we equip ourselves to pastorally care for families in our communities

and churches? The Mental Health and the Church conference hosted by Willow Creek Association and Equip Ministries is on in June/July 2017. Keynote speakers Nathan Wallis/Kathryn Berkett, Christeen McKay and Elliot Taylor are all experts in this field. Register at

put yourself in the picture! Calling Christian artists to join a 3-week arts residency in Nairobi, KENYA, October, 2017 - an exciting opportunity for creative people to join other artists in the studio and the streets. Immerse yourself in art as mission! Find out more now : 14 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Six June 2017

Teens and Parents Adventure Experience JH Aotearoa is a six day adventure experience for a parent and their teenager, held at a stunning location near Rotorua from 18th – 23rd JANUARY 2018 It brings together outdoor activities such as mountain biking, high ropes courses, abseiling, white water rafting, paddling a Waka as well as life changing teaching, reflective times, worship, small group sessions - specifically designed to strengthen the Parent & Child relationship and lead both into a deep and very real faith in Jesus Christ during the critical years as teenagers transition from childhood to adulthood. During an incredible time together that includes adventure, challenge

and fun, issues faced by teenagers and their parents are addressed from a biblical perspective and family relationships are deepened, healed and renewed. The programme focuses on these topics: • Life Purpose • Problem Solving • Family Values • Relationships & Dating • Personal Standards • Personal Relationship with God Make an investment in your Parent & Teen relationship – It’s one of the best things you can do. Register at


Men Reaching Men

How good would it be to have an international quality speaker address your men’s group meeting for breakfast in Eketahuna? Well, now you can – 3 times a year, in Eketahuna, or any-

where else. Promise Keepers has responded to the biggest need facing the most popular men’s ministry activities (breakfasts and groups) by providing

an expert men’s speaker free via Livestream to groups anywhere and everywhere. Men are holding breakfasts simultaneously nationwide. They display the live feed and they can interact and ask questions. Recently David Dusek from Rough Cut Men focussed on the benefits of men’s small groups in his topic “Battle-Ready Brotherhood”. After the well-presented message, David did a Q&A live from Pennsylvania to the Kiwi men. The next Livestream breakfast event features Sy Rogers, who will continue to look at the power of men working together in groups with his

topic, “Men Mentoring Men”. Both David Dusek and Sy Rogers will also be speaking at the Promise Keepers BELIEVE men’s events this spring, with David in Wellington and Sy in Auckland. Promise Keepers is thrilled with the positive response to the Livestream breakfast initiative as they continue to serve churches and help them build successful ministry with men.


Classic Christian Story Comes To The Stage Crossbridge Theatre Company has gained permission from the Wilkerson family trust to adapt David Wilkerson’s story, “The Cross and the Switchblade”, into a musical stage production. “My heart’s desire is see people brought into the Kingdom,” says Wyatt. “The performing arts are generally considered to be merely entertainment, but it’s time we redeemed the arts again for God’s glory.” The script and libretto are by Wyatt, who teaches at the Christian KingsWay School in Orewa. “This will be a fairly gritty presentation of the story,” says Wyatt. “We wanted to confront the

addictions and pressures that youngsters still face even today. They need to see that Jesus is the answer. If He can rescue someone like Nicky Cruz, then no-one is beyond redemption.” He hopes local Christians will see this as an opportunity to bring unsaved friends and family members along to a production that will both entertain and challenge. “The Cross and the Switchblade” is being presented at Centrestage Theatre in Orewa from 1st – 8th July. Block booking discounts for church groups are available. Check out

Wilkerson with cast members




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Programme Guide

Watch Shine on Freeview 25 / SKY 201 Online

JULY 2017

Details correct at the time of printing. For up-to-date 24-hour listings and programme information go to



Living Truth: Charles Price


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


Hour of Power: Bobby Schuller



Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave and Jill Moore


5:00 6:00

In Touch: Charles Stanley

TUESDAY Living Truth: Charles Price




Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen



Hour of Power: Bobby Schuller

Quick Study with Ron Hembree (Mon-Fri)


Life Questions / Kingdom Connection




Hillsong Kids: Cubbyhouse



Unlocking the Bible: David Pawson


Leading the Way: Michael Youssef


Kingdom Connection: Jentegzen Franklin


Derek Prince


Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave and Jill Moore





Hillsong Kids: Cubbyhouse


Captain Chuckleberry




Hillsong Kids: Cubbyhouse




Captain Chuckleberry





Friends and Heroes




Captain Chuckleberry




Pahapahooey Island




Blello TV / Theo: Teaching God’s Word


Hillsong Kids: A Big Life


Theo: Teaching God’s Word / Blello TV


Super Simple Science Stuff


Hillsong Kids: A Big Life


Children’s Heroes of the Bible



Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


Impact for Life: Peter & Bev Mortlock


Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin


LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


Life Questions: Jeff Vines


Super Simple Science Stuff



In Touch: Charles Stanley


Scaly Adventures





What’s Cooking with Young & Free



Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin



Songs of Praise


11:00 11:30

Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah



LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Roots and Reflections


Coop Dreams


100 Huntley Street


Long Story Short




Give Me An Answer


6:30 7:00 7:30

9:00 9:30 10:00

13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00

When Calls the Heart D (Season 2)


See adjacent or go to for more detail

15:30 16:00

Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri) Bobby Schuller


The Restoration Road


The Exchange


Be Amazing


Leon Fontaine


Answers with Bayless Conley


Leading the Way: Michael Youssef


Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV

The 700 Club (Tue-Fri) Full Circle (Tue-Thu)


Be Amazing

When Calls the Heart D (Season 2)


See adjacent or go to for more detail

The Find: Nicaragua


Cross Purposes



Christian World News


Joni and Friends


Long Story Short



See adjacent or go to for more detail


Godsong Café



Liberty University Convocation




Worship by Hillsong


Towards Belief


My Why / Everytown Downunder (19 July)


LivingTruth: Charles Price


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


Hour of Power: Bobby Schuller



Pahapahooey Island


Captain Chuckleberry




Leading the Way: Michael Youssef

P 16:00



Hillsong Kids: A Big Life




Super Simple Science Stuff




Jerusalem Dateline

N 16:30


Studio 5

D 17:00


Creation Magazine Live

D 17:30


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


Jerusalem Dateline



Roots and Reflections


Impact for Life: Peter & Bev Mortlock


Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin


LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


Life Questions: Jeff Vines



Songs of Praise


Drive Thru History: The Holy Land


Christian World News


Joni and Friends


Jerusalem Dateline


Studio 5



Long Story Short


Godsong Café


Jeni: Seeking the Extraordinary


Liberty University Convocation


Shine Worship (Mon-Fri) Be Amazing

Full Circle (Tue-Thu)




Be Amazing

The 700 Club (Mon-Fri)

FEATURE When Calls the Heart D (Season 2)

The Find: Nicaragua


Cross Purposes





Friends and Heroes

Joni & Friends







Hillsong Kids: Cubbyhouse


See adjacent or go to for more detail






See adjacent or go to for more detail

In Touch: Charles Stanley

Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


D 11:30




Studio 5

Jerusalem Dateline

Living Truth: Charles Price


Y 10:30




See adjacent or go to for more detail

Life FM Presents


Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri) D




See adjacent or go to for more detail Long Story Short



Towards Belief


My Why / Everytown Downunder (18 July)


Bobby Schuller


Leon Fontaine


See adjacent or go to for more detail


Worship by Hillsong


Worship by Hillsong



LIFE TV: Paul de Jong



Creation Magazine Live


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen



The Exchange


Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri)



Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave & Jill Moore



Roots and Reflections


1 am

Songs of Praise



The Restoration Road



Derek Prince


Hillsong TV

Quick Study with Ron Hembree (Mon-Fri) In Touch: Charles Stanley


2 am

Living Truth: Charles Price



Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


Hour of Power: Bobby Schuller

Overnight until 4:30am - Shine Worship (Sun-Sat)

A Shine viewer says...

‘Shine helped me to continue believing my daughter would

make contact with us, and since then that relationship is restored and going from strength to strength.’

16 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Six June 2017

Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah



Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave & Jill Moore

21:30 D

Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri)


D 21:00

Liberty University Convocation


The Catholic Guy: Bruce Downs


What Do You See?

The Catholic Guy




Brought to you by

Drive Thru History: The Holy Land


Leading the Way: Michael Youssef

See adjacent or go to for more detail




Give Me An Answer




See adjacent or go to for more detail

Impact for Life





Unlocking the Bible: David Pawson

Bayless Conley


22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 Midnight

D 00:30am P M

1 am 1:30am

2 am












Doco / Drama


LONG STORY SHORT What is the Bible actually about? KIWI SERIES Sundays at 8.30pm

Series presenter Graham Burt in the Garden of Gethsemane


Plan A - Making Aliyah Wed 5 July at 8pm


Sat 15 July at 7pm


George for Real (2015) (60 min) George Verwer takes you on his travels Long Story Short (2014) (30 min) all over the world, driven by a passion A Kiwi series that strips the Bible to its to see men and women come to faith. core and then presents it in a way that’s Tue 4 @ 8.30pm ; Wed 5 @ 1pm accessible to everyone. Sundays @ 8.05pm; Mondays @ 12.30pm Plan A - Making Aliyah (2016) (30 min) Tuesdays @ 9.30pm NEW Stories of five Jews who have returned to When Calls the Heart (Season 2) (2015) Israel from stable countries. The continuing saga of young teacher Wed 5 @ 8pm ; Thu 6 @ 12.30pm Elizabeth Thatcher, on assignment in a small coal mining town. Love Covers All (2014) (90 min) Mondays @ 8.30pm; Tuesdays @ 1pm; When a new dad gets stranded with his Sundays @ 1.30pm wife in labour back at home, his faith and fractured family are put to the test. Godsong Cafe (30 min) Wed 5 @ 8.30pm; Thu 6 @ 1pm From Shine’s Kiwi Classic archives, Kiwi poets and musicians share their talent Beyond Sight (2014) (90 min) and stories before a live audience. Derek Rabelo was born blind. But at Thursdays @ 8pm; Fridays @ 12.30pm 17 years old he decided that, despite his blindness, he still wanted to surf Liberty University Convocation (2014) Hawaii’s Pipeline. North America’s largest weekly gathering Fri 7 @ 8.30pm; Sat 8 @ 12pm of Christian students, host to more than 80 speakers from every sphere of society. Love Finds You In Charm (2015) (90 min) Thursdays @ 8.30pm; Fridays @ 1pm; A young Amish woman visits a cousin Saturdays @ 10pm for the summer. She is exposed to another world, and finds friendship and love. She must choose the life she wants. Mr Hockey (2013) (90 min) NEW The story of the 1973 hockey season Sat 8 @ 2pm; Mon 10 @ 8pm; Tue 11 @ 1pm when aging legend Gordie Howe Hero (2014) (94 min) NEW returned to the ice at the age of 44. One man’s broken relationship with his Fri 30 June @ 8.30pm; Sat 1 July @ 12pm family makes him determined to make a difference in his town, and to win Christian Mingle (2014) (103 min) Gwenyth thinks the only thing missing back the son he left behind. in her life is a man. But she soon realises Sat 8 @ 7pm; Sun 9 @ 2pm she needs a relationship with God first. Sat 29 @ 2pm Sat 1 @ 2pm

Lead with Your Heart (2015) (90 min) New empty-nesters Ben and Maura must follow their hearts to make this next chapter in their lives a happy one. Sat 1 @ 7pm; Sun 2 @ 2pm; Sat 22 @ 2pm The Investigator (2013) (102 min) James takes a job teaching criminal justice and a student asks him to investigate the death of Jesus Christ. Sun 2 @ 8.35pm; Mon 3 @ 1pm

Mission Air (2014) (90 min) Mother and son missionaries in Mexico learn that bandits are planning to kidnap a family member, and they race back to save her. Sun 9 @ 8.35pm; Mon 10 @ 1pm Beyond Empires (2013) (60 min) The first Protestant missionary from Europe arrived in India in July 1706. 300 years later India celebrated his legacy for a whole week. Tue 11 @ 8.30pm ; Wed 12 @ 1pm



The Calling of Billy Graham

Yellow Day

Sun 16 July / Sun 23 July at 8.35pm

Crimes & Mister Meanors (2015) (105 min) 13-year-old Jake is not pleased when he has to spend the summer with his uncle, a middle-aged detective. Wed 12 @ 8pm ; Thu 13 @ 12.30pm Underdogs (2016) (90 min Set in rural Ohio, the story of a small high school team destined to play their cross-town rival, while standing up for an entire community. Fri 14 @ 8.30pm; Sat 15 @ 12pm

Sat 22 July at 7pm

The Secret Handshake (2015) (100 min) A family comedy of men and boys learning what it takes to be a man, as they journey from suburbia to the deep, dark woods Fri 21 @ 8.30pm; Sat 22 @ 12pm Yellow Day (2015) (98 min) NEW A young man has a life-changing experience at a camp and begins a spiritual journey of faith, hope and love. Sat 22 @ 8.30pm; Sun 23 @ 2pm

Love Finds You In Valentine (2016) (90 min) Kennedy inherits a ranch in the town of Valentine. She spends the summer there to learn more about her family. Sat 15 @ 2pm; Mon 17 @ 8pm Tue 18 @ 1pm

Exploring Ephesus (2015) (59 min) Dr. Mark Wilson & Dr. Andrew Jackson, leading experts on biblical Turkey, journey to this important hub of the early church. Sun 23 @ 9.30pm; Mon 24 @ 2pm

Believe (2013) (90 min) A legendary football manager comes out of retirement to help a wayward boy fulfil his dream. Sat 15 @ 7pm; Sun 16 @ 2pm

Sounds of the Night: Sidewalk Sunday School (2016) (28 min) NEW 21-year-old Mirjam left Finland and moved to the ghettoes of New York to bring hope to children surrounded by drugs and violence. Wed 26 @ 8pm ; Thu 27 @ 12.30pm

The Calling of Billy Graham (2013) (30 min) NEW

Follow the spiritual journey of Billy Graham to see how God can use anyone willing to trust and obey him. Sun 16 @ 8.35pm; Mon 17 @ 1pm (Part 1) Sun 23 @ 8.35pm; Mon 24 @ 1pm (Part 2) Frank Jenner Question (2013) (45 min) Frank Jenner, Sydney’s George Street Evangelist. is said to have witnessed to 100,000 people. Tue 18 @ 8.30pm ; Wed 19 @ 1pm The Wonder of Creation: Soil (2017) (60 min) NEW

Soil: it’s so common we forget how precious it is. Discover how complex soil is. Could it point to a creator? Tue 18 @ 8pm; Wed 19 @ 12.30pm Tue 25 @ 8pm; Wed 26 @ 12.30pm Trailer Made (2015) (80 min) Peter Davis, a scriptwriter from LA, is sent on an expedition to South Africa He takes his 12-year-old son with him. Wed 19 @ 8pm ; Thu 20 @ 12.30pm

Child of Grace (2014) (107 min) Nine-year-old Katie has spent her life travelling in an RV with her father. At one of their stops, she finds a picture of herself on a missing child poster. Fri 28 @ 8.30pm; Sat 29 @ 12pm Puppy Love (2012) (80 min) What happens when two unlikely people fall in love with the same shaggy mutt. Sat 29 @ 7pm; Sun 30 @ 2pm Last Brickmaker in America (2001) (84 min) Henry Cobb mentors 12-year-old Danny to cope with his wife’s death and fear of becoming obsolete in his profession. Sun 30 @ 8.35pm; Mon 31 @ 1.30pm This is not a comprehensive list of Shine’s July features. Details are up to date at time of printing. For a full and up-to-date 24-hour programme information go to

The Search for Meaning (2014) (30 min) NEW

Why we search for meaning and need to have a purpose for our lives. Tue 4 @ 8pm; Wed 5 @ 12.30pm Tue 11 @ 8pm; Wed 12 @ 12.30pm

To watch Shine

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18 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Six June 2017

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Strong Families Strong Nation 2017 POLITICAL LEADERS Q&A: One of these men will either be our Prime Minister, or will determine who our PM will be, after the General Election in September. Bob McCoskrie will interview each leader separately and find out their views on a number of family-related and conscience issue policies. Where do they stand personally on the issues of abortion, euthanasia, the redefining and role of marriage, abortion, euthanasia, gender ‘identity’, the role and rights of parents, antismacking law, media standards, sex education in schools, marijuana, the harm of prostitution, alcohol laws, Easter trading, gambling harm, binding referenda, and more.






Professor John Whitehall – Foundation Chair Paediatrics and Child Health, School of Medicine - Western Sydney University In recent years, the issue of transgender identity in children has leapt from the periphery of public consciousness to centre stage of a cultural drama played out in the media, courts, schools, hospitals, families, and in the minds and bodies of children. But is this massive intrusion into the minds and bodies of children necessary? What will happen if parents do nothing but “watch and wait” while their child muses on its gender? Can the child grow out of it? It’s time for a discussion based on biology and research, rather than ideology and agendas.

Melinda Tankard Reist – Australian author, speaker, media commentator, blogger and advocate for women and girls Melinda Tankard Reist will explore what the research tells us about how pornography eroticises and legitimises sexual violence, and relate young women’s experiences of sexual assault, physical and psychological injury from porn-inspired sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances, demands for sexual ’selfies’, and other out-workings of harmful porn inspired behaviours. She will call for pornography to be included in any policies aiming to address sexual violence.

THE POLITICISATION OF THE FAMILY IN NEW ZEALAND Dr Muriel Newman – Director of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research (NZCPR), former MP As an MP for nine years under both a National government and then the Clark-led Labour government, Dr Newman saw firsthand the damage caused by poorly designed laws – welfare policies that incentivise the breakdown of the family and the alienation of fathers, the rise in child abuse and the misguided anti-smacking law, the United Nation’s view of the ‘family’, and more. Hear an insider’s view of the battle for family and marriage in the political environment.

CONSIDERING ABORTION AND EUTHANASIA IN AN ELECTION YEAR – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Dr Jane Silloway Smith – Director of the Every Life Research Unit Across the developed world, societies are questioning their laws concerning the beginnings and ends of life. New Zealand is not immune to these questions and the legislative implications that come from them. Dr Smith will discuss what is going on internationally in the policy areas of abortion and euthanasia, and how these global trends are playing out currently in New Zealand. What are our current laws on abortion and euthanasia; how do they compare internationally; and what challenges and changes to these laws could arise in our next Parliament?

Register online at: WHAT The 10th annual New Zealand Forum on the Family will bring together a national network of family-focused organisations, scholars, lobby groups and leaders who seek to promote and protect the wellbeing of families, the role of parents, and the welfare of our children. WHERE LIFE South, 3 Lakewood Court, Manukau City. (directly opposite Rainbows End) WHEN Friday 7th July, 2017, 8.45am – 4.30pm

REGISTRATION $89 Early Bird Individual (if registered by 30th June) $99 Individual (full rate) $139 Early Bird Married couple (if registered by 30th June) $149 Married couple (full rate) $39 Special Student Rate Group rates also available. Cost includes lunch and refreshments during the day, and shuttle to and from the airport - if applicable. Book now and take advantage of cheaper airfares if travelling.

FOR MORE INFO: tel 09 261 2426 / email: / website:

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