Christian Life February 2017

Page 1


ISRAEL Christmas Outrage page 04



Stay-Home Parenting, AntiSmacking Law & Sex Education

The indispensable requirement for spiritual leadership

page 09

page 14

They didn’t have much. The youngest of four kids, Trent found acceptance through dope and alcohol at age 15, and was addicted to speed by 18. By age 20 a voracious $250-$500 a day meth habit was eating him alive. TRENT MEMBREY FROM OUTLAW TO SOLD OUT FOR JESUS page 06






10 04. Christmas Outrage 06. COVER - Trent Membrey: From Outlaw To Sold Out For Jesus 08. Showdown in the Middle East 09. Summer Polls: Stay-Home Parenting, AntiSmacking Law & Sex Education 10. Living Happily Ever After 12. Local News



14. The indispensable requirement for spiritual leadership 15. Christian Life Classifieds 18. Shine TV programme guide 19. Dads We Need You Now More Than Ever


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THE HARM: There is increasing evidence that pornography is damaging. For an individual, it can erode intimacy, love and respect. Some descend into sexual aggression and sex role stereotyping, where people are seen as sexual objects or commodities. But because these individuals are members of our families and community, the ruinous effects of pornography reaches to us all. OUR CHILDREN: Research has also

shown that children who are exposed to pornography develop skewed ideas. These ideas can lead to negative stereotypes of women, sexual activity at a young age, and for boys, increased aggression. It’s time we fronted up to what the evidence is telling us about the problems of porn.


New Zealand’s acknowledged problems with sexual and family violence and the demonstrated harm caused by pornography that degrades, dehumanises and demeans people (particularly women), the choice for Government and regulators, must be about how far we are willing to intervene — rather than whether we are prepared to intervene at all.” New Zealand Deputy Chief Censor 2016

To the House of Representatives Petition of Bob McCoskrie and others

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s we rolled into Christmas Eve 2016 we were beginning to wind down after a busy year. But news came that would put that on hold as we would have to wind up again for another round in what we have now become familiar with—protesting on Israel’s behalf. This one would be our most important to date. Radio New Zealand was reporting that a new anti-Israel Resolution (2334) had been passed through the U N Security Council outlawing any Jewish settlement in either the West Bank (Judea & Samaria) and East Jerusalem. This covers the heart of the Bible land promised to the Jewish People as an everlasting possession (Gen. 17:8). It also covers the jewel in the crown—the ancient biblical city of Jerusalem. What made things much worse was that the Resolution had been sponsored and pushed through by New Zealand in their final week on the Security Council. This meant that according to International law no Jew would be allowed to live on his historical, ancestral and Biblical heartland. What was supposed to be Christmas cheer for us was turned into outrage. I quickly drew up a Press Release condemning completely what Israeli PM Netanyahu described as “The Evil Decree”. On behalf of my home Church and our

We realise that for people to hear the truth then THE TRUTH MUST BE DECLARED LOUDLY AND CLEARLY AND BOLDLY AND UNASHAMEDLY. We are getting better at doing this.

many other supporters, including 11,685 people who signed the Parliamentary petition For the Protection of Zion in 2015, we condemned outright UN Security Council Resolution 2334. The resolution among other things states that, “the establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law”. This means according to “international law” that the Jewish people have no right to build or live within their historical, ancestral and biblical heartland. It is in reality a division of the Land of Israel. The prophet Joel gives grave warnings to the international community for their part in dividing this Land—Joel 3: 1—2. As for the Palestinians: Yes! They have the right to live within this area because that is where they were born. But this does not give them the right to claim sovereign ownership and governance over Land that the God of Israel says belongs to the Jewish People. Another “international law” given by the League of Nations in 1922 recognised all the Land west of the Jordan River as that set aside for a national home for the Jewish People. This included of course the land that the UN is now trying to take away from the Jewish State. In the preamble of the 1922 Palestine Mandate it stated: Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory (Great Britain) should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, (the Balfour Declaration) by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in

4 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Two February 2017

favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people…..recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country; Article two of the Palestine Mandate stated: The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, It was very clear from the Palestine Mandate that the Land set aside for the Jewish national home would be all the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and that the only land that may be withheld would be the land to the east of the River Jordan. The Palestine Mandate was endorsed by all 51 members of the League of Nations at that time. Obligations to establish Arab independence in the area had been met with the formation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, agreed upon in 1921—which covers the eastern area of what was originally referred to as Palestine. As a Cabinet Minister in the New Zealand Government said to me after the presentation of the afore-mentioned petition to Parliament—“the Palestinians already have their State—the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan!” So on December 30, subsequent to the press release condemning the resolution we then set off from the Flaxmere Christian Fellowship in Hastings on two buses to Wellington. 73 people from our Fellowship and other Churches had filled the buses to capacity. As the bus engines roared into life I was busy an-

swering questions on Radio Live and New-stalk ZB defending our position. The fact of the matter is this: We can defend our stance very easily before Christians with strong Biblical justification for what we are doing. This article does not leave me any room to give any further explanation on that. But we can equally justify our position using just the secular historical account, herein explained in part, and this is what we did. We went to the grounds of Parliament to declare our outrage based pretty much on the secular account alone. Boldly and unashamedly we chanted in unison, “Live! Live! Israel; Resolution go to hell!” and “two, four, six, eight, Israel aint no racist State!” This was not new to us, we’d done it before. We realise that for people to hear the truth then the truth must be declared loudly and clearly and boldly and unashamedly. We are getting better at doing this. Nearly 200 people joined us on the grounds of Parliament where we symbolically condemned UN Security Council Resolution 2334. No Members of Parliament were present. That didn’t bother us because we were able to dispense some of our outrage. The media carried our story and gave us a microphone to the Nation. However, we have plenty of outrage left which we are saving for the next round. To view a 24 minute documented account go to YouTube and enter New Zealanders condemn UNSC Res. 2334

Pastor Nigel Woodley Flaxmere Christian Fellowship, Hastings


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From top: Trent Membrey; The bad old days; Trent doing what he loves

6 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Two February 2017

t takes more than charisma to get you out of a gang kidnapping, and it takes more than willpower to break a pattern of generational alcoholism. Trent Membrey found out first hand what it took to lift him from the darkest pit, to a life restored, and now shares hope with others. Trent is of Ngai Tahu descent and grew up in Bucklands Beach, became a bartender in the central city, then went on to run bars and clubs. His father worked hard, wasn’t around a lot, and had an alcohol problem. They didn’t have much. The youngest of four kids, Trent found acceptance through dope and alcohol at age 15, and was addicted to speed by 18. By age 20 a voracious $250-$500 a day meth habit was eating him alive. Following advice to never get patched and never cook, Trent didn’t get patched and didn’t cook meth, but he did the next best thing. He excelled himself running a crew of cooks for a notorious Auckland motorcycle gang. Laying down his family and friends, he fully sold out to the brotherhood. Many were left broken and scarred in his wake; broken families and broken marriages. It wasn’t long before his whole family was addicted to meth. He met a girl called Jade (now his wife) and when they had a baby, he was still frying his brain. He couldn’t deal with reality never mind a baby - he couldn’t even go to the dairy straight and he couldn’t make money for his family. No one would do business with him because he’d become such a monster. He finally saw the gang life for what was – there was no such thing as the brotherhood. It’s dog-eat-dog, everyone out for themselves. Money rules this world, and money rules that world. He’d lost everything. He’d laid down his life for them, and they turned out not to be who they said

they were. His world came crashing down when on the fifth day of a bender he met a lady who had ripped off $30k from a patched gang member Trent knew. Trent told her to give it back asap because the gang member was hunting her, and he wouldn’t stop until he found her. As he walked into a hotel room with her to have one last smoke before heading home, Trent walked straight into a set up and into the hands of the gang. They thought he was in on the rip-off and was greeted with a double-barrel shotgun jammed in his face. He and the girl were held for days and beaten to a pulp, black and blue. A couple of days into the ordeal, Trent thought he might be able to escape out the bathroom window and asked to go to the toilet. Under the watchful eyes of the gang member, he looked into the mirror. He was in bad shape. After having been up for five days on meth prior to the kidnapping and then kept up for two days without drugs being beaten and humiliated, Trent was unrecognisable, even to himself. He was severely dehydrated and blacking out. All he could think about was that his baby wasn’t going to have a Dad, and he was never going to see his baby again. No one had ever preached the gospel to him. No one had ever told him about God. But in that moment, in the presence of his enemy he cried out to God in a silent scream, “God, please help me! I promise you Lord, if you help me, I’ll help you. I want to see my baby again!” And God answered his cry, even before he made it. The gang member grabbed him and Trent blacked out. When he came to, there was another gang member in the room arguing with the kidnappers. Twenty minutes later, that gang member was dropping Trent off home.


“God, please help me! I promise you Lord, if you help me, I’ll help you. I want to see my baby again!” While he’d been away, Jade had left him. He climbed in the window and collapsed on the floor in the empty apartment. He doesn’t know how long he was there before Jade found him and helped him into a six-month drug rehab programme. For some reason he kept thinking about the time he‘d called out to a God he did not know. After rehab Trent did an Alpha course, which answers questions about God, and on the last day a presence came over him and said, “Trent, you said to Me that if I would help you, you would help Me.” He knew in that moment it was Jesus, the God that sets the captives free. Trent stood up then and there and said at the top of his lungs, “Jesus Christ is the Lord! He got me out of a kidnapping and I said to Him that if He helped me, I would help Him, and I need to meet this Jesus.” The next week at C3 church when they gave an altar call, he ran to the front and got on his knees. The following week he was baptised at Waiwera Beach. Trent didn’t touch drugs or alcohol again. He’s been clean and sober for ten years now, and by the grace of God he’s been able to make amends to some of the people he hurt. People who he’d held up with knives to their throat have now come to know Jesus, and his wider family have seen much restoration. God gave him a heart for Northland in 2013, to bring a kapa haka group, and to share his story. To tell people that Jesus is hope they’re looking for, that the purpose and plan for their life is found in Him. In September 2016, Trent took his Christian kapa haka group, Te Ara Whakapono – The Path of Faith, to Excite Church’s Impact Northland conference. Over 200 Maori youth from around the North gave their lives to Jesus that night. He challenges those who’ve given their hearts to Jesus before, but haven’t made their encounter count. Those who are running dry and not putting God first, to put Him first – and to make it count. “It’s easy to be the bad guy, but the Bible says the creation is earnestly waiting for the mighty men and women of God. People who will rise up and say no more! I’m not living by the model that I’ve seen and heard!” Trent is a husband and father of two gorgeous girls, a pastor, and an evangelist. He was the pastor of C3 Manukau in Auckland for nine years. Trent and Jade now pastor C3 Ellerslie. 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV) “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

Above left: Trent, Jade and the girls; Trent and Matt Buchan with Todd White when he was here for the C3 2016 Disciplemakers conference


To join across the Nation, from many cultures, organisations and churches, to stand in unity and love releasing the sound of blessing from the ends of the Earth to Israel.

To release blessing to Israel is not saying we reject other peoples - all people are made, loved and called by God. It’s not a political statement that we agree with every decision the Israeli or NZ Government has or will make. We’re coming together to Bless Israel, We recognise the special covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob We respond to God’s call to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. LET’S JOIN TOGETHER rsvp or contact us at:

8 APRIL 2017

Victory Convention Centre, 7-9pm 98 Beaumont St, Auckland and in centres around the nation Read daily Christian news at | 7


Showdown in the Middle East with DAVID SILVER | Out of Zion Ministries |

David and Josie Silver, Haifa


s I stand on our balcony close to the top of Mt. Carmel, I have a panoramic view to the northern border with Lebanon across to the town of Nazareth, and back down to the entrance of the Valley of Armageddon. As I look out and think about where we are located and what is going on ‘in our neighbourhood’, the two most important things are to have our lives anchored firmly in the God of Israel and His Son, and to raise the level of awareness in the Body of Messiah around the world, in the hope that you

will pray into the situation as it unfolds. To give a brief overview as I see it, just 30 kms in a direct line from our home, the Hizbollah terror organisation has an estimated 100,000 missiles read to fire in our direction. A little further away in Syria, ISIS and other terror groups are right on the Israel’s border. To the south, the Gaza strip is still a hotbed of Hamas terror, and in spite of the naval blockade, Iran still manages to flood Gaza with weapons. In Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem, (the so called ‘occupied territories), tensions are rapidly rising, especially in light of the possibility that President Trump has promised to move the US Embassy back to Jerusalem (its rightful location.) Adding ‘coals to the fire’, the Israeli government has just released 2500 building permits, which makes the enemies of Israel see red. The whole region is a powder keg that could blow at any time.

I believe that all of the above is connected to the time we are living in and particularly this year 2017. Most of you will be aware that 50 and 70 are very key numbers in the Bible, making the timing and numbers connected to this year very interesting. This year is the 70th anniversary of the UN Declaration granting the Jewish people the State of Israel in 1947, and the 50th anniversary of the miraculous Six Dar War victory in 1967, which gave the Jewish people their united capital city back and much of the land that was illegally occupied by non-Jewish people. Of course this is the main reason behind the Arab / Israel conflict and the root cause of the pressure that is coming against Israel from the international community. This year is the 100th anniversary of the British Balfour Declaration that promised the Jewish people their nation back. And it is also the 100th anniversary of the liberation of Beersheva by the Australian

Lighthorse Brigade. As bad as the future looks for Israel to the ‘natural eye’, when we look in the Word of God, we can see that all of these things were prophecied more than 2500 years ago, and they must come to pass before the second coming of the Lord. There must be events that cause a major war over Israel for the Anti-Christ to appear and introduce the seven year peace treaty that we read about in Daniel chapter 9. Many Bible commentators believe we are right there and this is the time that the Prophets were given revelation about, meaning that the return of the Lord is getting very close. The probabilities of major turmoil over Jerusalem in the next few months is very high. We are your ‘Kiwi connection’ to keep you informed. If you would like to receive our weekly news alert each Friday, please write to me to subscribe




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8 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Two February 2017


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There is hope for the addicts, the rebels, and the broken-hearted. Sitting in prison charged with kidnapping, guns, drugs and counterfeiting was very different to what Janet had imagined. Her life had become a psychotic hybrid of Sons of Anarchy and Paranormal Activity. There had to be a divine intervention or things were just not going to end well. How did a country girl become a hardcore Meth-addict? What would you do if you were visited by a demon with a deadly agenda? Janet’s quest to find her true identity and the meaning of life took her to the very brink of death and hell. It nearly killed her, but Janet got her answers... insight into true spiritual power, treasures found in the darkness, and real answers about life. “In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” George Orwell



ver the new year, Family First released the results of polling we had commissioned on some key family issues. The nationwide survey of 846 people was done through an independent polling company and was carried out during November 2016. They make interesting reading.


74% of respondents agreed with the statement; “It is generally better for children when one of the parents can stay home as a full-time parent”. Only 19% disagreed. 60% of respondents also agreed with the statement; “As the Government presently subsidises Early Childhood Education, the Government should also subsidise a parent who stays at home to care for a young child.” 30% disagreed, with 11% unsure or refusing to say. This result is a slap in the face to the policies by National and Labour governments to get both parents back to work and children in to daycare as quickly as possible. Families still understand the importance of nurture, attachment and the physical presence of a full-time parent during those early crucial years of a child’s life. With government spending on early childhood education being more than $1.7b per annum, it is essential that the benefits of the investment in ECE are weighed against the real needs of very young children & babies, and their families. There is growing evidence of profound beneficial neurobiological effects a mother’s physical presence has on her young child that cannot be achieved by anyone else including paid childcare workers. Mothers have been undervalued, and many parents use daycare because they simply can’t afford not to. Stayhome parenting has been discriminated against by the state.


Only 23% of respondents believe a smack that is reasonable and for the purpose of correction should be a criminal offence – similar to levels in a 2014 poll. 72% disagree with the current law (72% - 2014) and 5% were unsure / refused to say. In a further question, 65% of respondents say they would smack their child to correct

their behaviour regardless of the antismacking law. 28% said they wouldn’t, and 7% were unsure or refused to say. Despite having almost 10 years to prove the doubters wrong, the anti-smacking law has failed to convince anybody of its benefits or its effectiveness. In fact, the law has maintained its very high level of opposition, but most significantly, a high level of NZ’ers say they would flout the law despite the possible consequences. This proves the abject failure and rejection by ordinary NZ’ers of this highly controversial and flawed law. If it had any merit, it would have proved itself by now. Instead it has simply threatened and undermined good parents raising great kids. A report at the beginning of last year analysing the 2007 anti-smacking law, “Defying Human Nature: An Analysis of New Zealand’s 2007 Anti-Smacking Law”, found that there was not a single social indicator relating to the abuse of children that had shown significant or sustained improvement since the passing of the law, and that the law has negatively impacted law-abiding parents. And an analysis of the law in 2014 by Public Law Specialists Chen Palmer said that statements made by politicians to the effect that the new section 59 does not criminalise “good parents” for lightly smacking their children appear to be inconsistent with the legal effect of section 59 and the cases they analysed. New Zealanders predicted all of this before the law was passed, but their concerns were ignored. The politicians and anti-smacking lobby groups linked good parents who smacked their children with child abusers, a notion roundly rejected - and still rejected - by NZ’ers. The anti-smacking law assumes that previous generations disciplined their children in a manner that was so harmful that they should now be considered criminals.

78% said that they would be confident teaching their children about sex and sexuality issues. 62% believe that parents, not the Government, should have the final say on what sex education is provided in schools – with parents of children under 18 stronger on this view than adults without young children (68% v 59%). This polling is a clear rebuke to the current government approach of using groups such as Family Planning and Rainbow Youth to develop curriculum with minimal input from parents. In fact, the clear message is to resource and empower parents to educate their own children. Parents have been horrified at groups coming in to schools and undermining the role and values of parents with sex education resources targeted at children as young as five which fail to take into account the emotional and physical development of each child and the values of the family. Studies show that the biggest protective factors for coping with puberty and sexual involvement are married parents, family values, parental supervision, and parental expectations for behaviour. What happens at home is the greatest determinant of the outcomes for the young person. There seems to be a basic and ironic assumption that parents know nothing about sex and that only Family Planning and Rainbow Youth do. This is a myth and is rejected by Kiwi parents - as evidenced clearly from this poll. (Full details of these poll results and further commentary are available on our website under Media Releases.)


Almost 4 out of 5 parents are confident of their ability to teach their own children about sex and sexuality issues, and 2/3’rds believe that parents should be dictating any school-based teaching, not the government or groups such as Family Planning and Rainbow Youth.

Bob McCoskrie is the National Director of Family First NZ. Visit for more information on how you can become involved.

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LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER In fairy stories the handsome prince always marries the beautiful princess and they live happily ever after. But in real life marriage can be hard work. As par t of New Zealand Marriage Week, Manawatu couple BILL and ANNE RIDD tell MARIE ANTICICH their hear t-warming story of marriage restoration.


nger finally broke up the Ridds 41-year marriage. They separated in 2009 but have been happily reunited for seven years. “I had an anger problem and was impossible to live with, but I couldn’t see it,” says Bill, as retired sheep and crop farmer from Fielding. “My journey to restoration began the day I humbled myself before God, lay in front of the altar and asked him to forgive me, soften my heart and put a right spirit in me.” “We had trouble from day one

in our marriage,” says Anne. “I tried to tell Bill that something was wrong, but he wouldn’t listen.” “I was too busy working 24/7 on the farm,” Bill concedes. Anne was nervous around Bill. “Everything was my fault – he blamed me if anything went wrong, even if I stood in the wrong place while helping him on the farm. He was impatient, intolerant and exploded like a volcano if anyone corrected or criticised him. “I was timid and scared which probably aggravated him,” Anne reflects. “I should have confronted him by speaking the truth in love instead of becoming

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his rescuer -­ enabler.” Things came to a head when they had a ‘barney’ in December 2009. “I told Anne to leave, thinking. ‘She’ll be back,’ says Bill. “But when I realised she was serious, he hit rock bottom. He was suicidal, but fortunately his pastor, Graeme Turnbull of St Pauls Presbyterian Church in Feilding challenged him saying, “Is that what God wants?’ Graeme asked me to meet him every morning at the church altar for prayer and communion. Day after day Bill wept before the Lord. “One day I had a lifechanging encounter with God and He totally transformed me by the renewing of my mind as in Romans 12: 2,” Bill reports. After a few months Bill sent Anne a list of six things he wanted to apologise for and invited her to add anything to the list. He was devastated when she came back with 25 non-negotiables. “Graeme suggested we deal with one issue at a time, so I would read one of Anne’s conditions aloud, confess my sin, lay it on the altar and ask God’s forgiveness. “God opened my eyes to all the ‘yuk’ in my life – I was amazed when I realised I was abusing my darling wife.’ Like the former slave trader John Newton wrote in Amazing Grace, ‘I once was blind but now I see.’ “God showed me that speaking angrily to my wife was abusive behaviour and totally unacceptable. I needed to respect, honour, cherish, appreciate, encourage and admire her. I hadn’t been good at those things. Anne’s departure forced Bill to face his childhood fears of abandonment and rejection. “My parents did their best to care for me, but had unhealed

hurts of their own, and Dad always seemed to be angry with me.” While waiting for Anne to come home, Bill wept and prostrated himself before God, out in the paddocks and even while mowing the lawn. “God changed my attitude from anger with Anne to gratitude that she was safe and well,” he recounts. Meanwhile Anne was enjoying time with her father. “Bill had kept me under his thumb and never liked me going away or having friends or outside interests, so I’d seen little of my parents.” Eventually Anne agreed to meet with Bill and Graeme at a holiday house in Taupo. “We took communion and Bill asked me to forgive him face to face,” she recalls. “I forgave him, but I wasn’t ready to come home. I wanted to be treated with kindness and respect.” “What my darling wife didn’t realise was that I’d fallen madly in love with her,” says Bill. “I’d been on this incredible walk with God and He’d healed me of things I didn’t know needed healing.” Moving to Palmerston North, Anne met regularly with Bill and Graeme at the altar. “By this stage we were meeting daily and I thought, ‘This is ridiculous’ and the Lord gently led me home.” She was amazed by the changes in Bill. “The old blindness was gone and I didn’t fear him any more because he wasn’t angry. I used to wonder if I’d married the wrong person until I read Bill Gothard’s Rebuilder’s Guide which says that when you get married, your spouse becomes the right person because God is committed to working through that person to perfect the character of Christ in you. Throughout Scripture God makes it clear that His main purpose is to build Christ’s character in us.”


“Anne should have stood up to me,” Bill concurs. “My anger was just a protective armour to cover my fear of abandonment and rejection. “We avoided each other’s unbearable feelings by adopting ‘survival kits,’ such as abusive language or shutting down in hurt silence.” Back Story Anne and Bill met on the passenger liner Orcades while on their way to England for their ‘big OE.’ They courted in London and got married in the Anglican church Anne’s hometown of Whakatane in 1968. They settled on Bill’s family farm in Feilding and over the years he enlarged and improved the farm considerably. They ran breeding ewes for fat lamb production, fattened cattle and grew vegetable crops for Watties. Bill was also the first grower to supply Russett Burbank potatoes for McDonalds fries. After five years of marriage, their son John was born and they adopted their daughter Rosemary. They rarely took holidays and Anne virtually brought up the children alone. A dramatic change came in 1978 when they invited Jesus Christ into their lives at a Barry Smith Crusade. They walked up the aisle together and asked Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour and both had an amazing bornagain experience. After that Bill took Sundays off and they went to church morning and night. Life continued apace. “I spent my days trying to please God just as I tried to please my parents and husband,” Anne recalls. “Marriage counselling helped us get through some ‘humps,’ but what we really needed was individual counselling to deal with our underlying root issues.” In 2002 they sold the farm but

kept their house and ten acres and managed another farm. Further changes came in 2007 when they attended a David Riddell School of Living Wisdom course, and Bill began to realise he was a ‘crazy-maker.’ “I tended to blame Anne for my moods and I suffered from vague feelings of guilt, anxiety and inadequacy. I mistook correction for rejection and interpreted personal comments as insulting or belittling.” “I’d always thought, “If only Bill would change we’d be alright,’” says Anne. “But I discovered thast I was full of fear and resentment and was a ‘rescuer-enabler.’ “On the course we learned that the number one requirement for mental health is to take responsibility for your own actions, and let other people be responsible for theirs. I repeatedly crossed my family’s boundaries by doing things for them which they should do for themselves. “But I learned that people don’t change until they take responsibility for their faulty choices. I realised that I was trying to ‘help’ them primarily for my own benefit, and I had to stop fixing others and fix myself.” They learned that ‘unbearable feelings’ were at the root of Bill’s anger problems and Anne’s rescuing tendencies. “Just one ‘unbearable feeling’ can wreck your whole life,” Anne reports. “I couldn’t bear to hurt

Bill and so I rescued him instead of confronting him and speaking the truth in love.” “Anne should have stood up to me,” Bill concurs. “My anger was just a protective armour to cover my fear of abandonment and rejection. “We avoided each other’s unbearable feelings by adopting ‘survival kits,’ such as abusive language or shutting down in hurt silence.” Later Anne found a spiritfilled woman counsellor. “The first thing she asked me was ‘What are your needs?’ I didn’t know I had needs. So she said, ‘What do you like doing? I said I liked to walk every day and I loved reading. ‘Do you go out with friends?’ ‘Oh no,’ I said. “I’m too scared.’ I realised I was afraid of Bill and let him control me.” Anne gradually became aware of her own emotional brokenness. “I realised that I didn’t have any deep feelings or emotional responses. Even when my mother died, I just felt numb. “Getting in touch with my feelings made me realise how much sadness and anger I had bottled up inside me. God kept bringing things to the surface and as I dealt with them I became a whole person.” Encouraged by her counsellor, Anne began to have a life of her own. “I’d tell Bill, ‘I’m going out to lunch tomorrow’ even if he didn’t like it. When he told me to leave in 2009, I finally felt strong

enough to go.” They were apart for five months and got back together in 2010. The following year they did the Living Wisdom course again and Bill realised he was no longer a crazy-maker: “God had totally changed me!” A favourite Bible verse is Matthew 18:3-4 (Amplified.) Truly, I say to you, unless you repent, change, turn about and become like little children, trusting, loving, forgiving, you can never enter the kingdom of heaven. In 2014 Anne and Bill sold their house and land and decided to go to Charis Bible College on the Gold Coast of Australia. They are currently completing their third and final year and then hope to spend more time with their eight grandchildren. Bill encourages young dads to spend time with their kids: “It’s more important than chasing material things. I say to husbands ‘Swallow your pride, my friend. It’s not fattening.” Today they are happier than they’ve been. “Bill is the husband I’ve always dreamed of. He says kind things to me picks me flowers, helps with chores and listens to me. I feel valued “Look what God has done with my Bill!” Anne rejoices. “God has set him free in so many ways and made both of us whole.”

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n 8 April there is an opportunity for people all acoss the nation to stand in unity and love and bless Israel. Genesis 12:3 gives a tremendous call and a promise. “I will bless those who bless you…” God looks at the peoples and nations of the world watching to see who blesses Israel. To those who chose to bless – He makes a commitment to bless. God does not play favourites, but He does give favour. There is a blessing on Israel and an end time purpose that she carries.

The calling on Israel has and always will be contested – but Israel is blessed to be a blessing. When we from across this nation stand in unity and love, agreeing to release blessing to Israel something is going to be released in our nation. We are not being self-serving, or trying to curry favour with God when we bless Israel, but we are recognising God’s commission to bless. In our simple obedience, we are aligning our nation to God’s call. Let God be God, He alone is the God of nations. If you would like to be part of



hristian leaders are gathering at the end of March for the 8th Christian Leaders Congress, 21-23 March at the Hope Centre, Lower Hutt The keynote speaker is Dr Rosalee Velloso-Ewell, Executive Director of the World Evangelical Alliance Theology Commission. Rosalee works with evangelical leaders from 130 national and regional alliances, and has a wealth of experience to share with delegates. The Congress theme is “Difficult Conversations | How do we maintain unity.” In the

face of so many issues that polarise the Church, common responses often include conflict leading to divisions, or trying to avoid issues altogether. Even local churches can struggle in this area. Dr Velloso-Ewell will share from scripture and experience a rationale and approach to handling difficult conversations. Other speakers will speak directly to a range of important topical issues including sexuality and sexual morality, Treaty and bicultural issues, women in leadership, youth and a vision for the future, and evangelism and discipleship. “Even though Congress programmes are always full of useful and important content” says NZ Christian Director and Congress organiser, Glyn Carpenter, “quite often what people value is simply the time to be with each other. Building relationships with other leaders is important, but that takes time. “We hope that this time, people will also leave with tools that will help Christians move closer to the complete unity that Jesus prayed for.” Further details are available at www. congress-2017

12 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Two February 2017

standing in and for our nation, releasing blessing to Israel: Come to the New Zealand Bless Israel gathering, held in Victory Christian Church Auckland, 7pm. • Host a gathering in your town or city, joining togther to link across the nation by live stream. • Take a photo of your church/ family or community group with a sign saying where you are from # BLESS ISRAEL for the Faces of Blessing Photo book.

• Collect signatures so we can sign a card to send to Israel. • Contact us if you have or know people who have a shofar – shofars will simultaneously blow throughout the nation at 7am, Saturday 8 April. Every face, every place, every shofar blow matters – as we call NZ to Bless Israel. Contact us at:


Migrants are moving to New Zealand from all over the world. They are becoming our neighbours. Many employers are inviting migrant workers to work in our orchards, factories, offices, restaurants and construction sites. What do we know about their cultures, beliefs and world views? How can we communicate effectively with them? How will their presence and participation in our Society affect the future of our nation? According to Statistics NZ there are 451,000 overseas born recent migrants, and 471,000 long term migrants in New Zealand. These two groups comprise 20% of New Zealand’s population. One in five are learners about our culture. Would you like to be equipped to

communicate cross culturally? Who are these people? Students from India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Turkey and Egypt studying in our poly-techs and universities. Bangladeshis working in kiwi fruit orchards, Filipino nurses in our rest homes, Chinese construction workers. Brazilians and Columbians studying English and working in tourism. The Asia Pacific Discipleship Trust conducts workshops around NZ seeking to equip Kiwi’s with the ability to communicate their beliefs with our new ‘Neighbours’. Details are on the websites at either www. or




fter 19 years of standing in the gap for the nation at Waitangi under the Israeli and Maori flags, Taiawa and Stephanie Harawira were welcomed onto Te Tii Marae as honoured guests along with the Pacific Pearls Christian Women’s Ministry team this Waitangi weekend. This was an historic event. There hasn’t been a haahi (church) on the Marae since around 1950 until the Pacific Pearls team were welcomed on in an official Powhiri on Friday, February 3. The Pearls tent was set up on the exact same spot as the last haahi on the Marae grounds, at the invitation of the kaumatua (elders). The love, service, ministry and worship that flowed out of the marquee

and over the people during the Waitangi break led to an invitation to come back next year. The consensus among the locals was that this ministry was well overdue and much needed. Waitangi Monday also saw Ngapuhi Rangatira, Wiremu Wiremu and Sydney Tau ignite the global flame of hope to the sound of Pacific Pearl’s voices rising at Waitangi with Sharon Thorburn’s hope song “Light a Candle” that she will now carry around the world. For further info about Pacific Pearls Christian Women’s Ministry visit Pacific Pearls National NZ on Facebook or email

Pacific Pearls National Team (left) Koebi Hart, Stephanie Harawira, Lucy Weicks, Mary Downs and Claudinall Turner


Top: Terereinga Wairua (Cape Reinga)


rising tide of dissatisfaction at the magnitude of the P-problem in our land saw the Kotahitanga Movement take their protest on the road over Waitangi weekend. It began at Cape Reinga on


February 1 with a karakia (prayer) from anti-violence campaigner, Phil Paikea along with Hone Harawira, Labour MP Kelvin Davis. The Kotahitanga team, headed up by Reti Boyton-Hohaia and Janeen Rapira included rangitahi (youth) and recovering addicts, arrived four long, hot days later on Waitangi Sunday at the Kaumatua Open Forum Marquee on Te Tii Marae, Waitangi. It was a hard journey undertaken to raise awareness of this problem and to garner support. The Northland DHB

and the NZ Drug Foundation kindly provided resources, however, unfortunately, not many other service providers turned out to support. Kotahitanga means United as One, and this is indeed the key in tackling this monumental community issue which requires a united front, and the tide of unity is rising to make a stand.

songwriter Julia Grace will entertain with ‘beautiful songs and sparkling wit’ and Bnonn Tennant of Thinking Matters will share some compelling thoughts to inspire and ‘provoke conversations that matter’ all at the Great Lake Centre ‘hub’ across the weekend. Hosted by local churches, Easterfest was created for the Body, in its rich diversity, to come together to celebrate Easter and express the gospel creatively to the community. There IS power in a gathering and this was evidenced when Easterfest was featured in the

2016 Good Friday One News bulletin. Rhema Media Group is a partner of the Festival with more guests and sponsors being confirmed over the next weeks. Taupo is a beautiful central spot for families to meet over the Easter period. Events are predominantly free and people have the flexibility to come and go as they choose. A Family Fun Day, The Stations and Sunday Concert are some favourites. Last year approximately 5,000 people attended across the weekend.

For further info or to support this movement contact Janeen Rapira 022 651 2933.



asterfest, Taupo’s vibrant family festival, is in its second year and 2017 is shaping up to be another cracker. Running with Fire TV and radio personality and Church Unlimited pastor, Tak Bhana will be a guest speaker in a Combined Service, pop singer/


hurch Unlimited will host its New Zealand & Beyond conference in March. The theme for this year’s conference is New Era. Tak Bhana, the senior pastor of Church Unlimited, believes that the church of New Zealand is moving into a new era of conquest, which will see us expanding and having an increasing impact on our nation and the nations. Each of our four speakers, Wayne Cordeiro, Bayless Conley, Graham Davison, and Tak Bhana, has experienced significant kingdom impact and expansion, and will seek to impart to us what they carry. The conference is now held in three locations, soon to become four, Auckland and Christchurch in New Zealand; Karachi in Pakistan; and for the first time, Birmingham in the United Kingdom in 2018. 2017 Conference dates Christchurch 20 - 22 March: Life Church, La Vida, 34a Hansons Lane Auckland dates: 23 - 25 March: The Trusts Arena Auckland For more information and to register visit

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Clearly the Spirit-filled leader must firstly be a man or woman of prayer. Kings Uzziah and Asa of Judah experienced success and victory as long as they, which they did for most of their reigns.

The indispensable requirement for spiritual leadership. with TAK BHANA


heck out most Pastors bookcases and you’ll probably find any number of books on leadership, these are our “tools of trade” as we seek to improve our own skills and to raise up other leaders in our churches. Leadership, or influence, is no less vital in the Kingdom of God than in every other sphere of life and throughout the pages of the Bible we see that God was always looking for someone who fulfilled the requirements, and who was willing to pay the price, of spiritual leadership. Then, as we see in the lives of Moses, Gideon, David, John Wesley, William Carey, and others, He wonderfully used that person. The requirements of leadership are spelled out in God’s word. Paul lists morality, godly marriage, parenting and relationship skills, godly character, and spiritual maturity. Peter adds motivation and setting a good example. We also see qualities of discipline, vision, wisdom, decisiveness, courage, and humility. But there’s more! Along with these necessities is what has been termed, “the one indispensable requirement” for spiritual

leadership. J.O. Sanders says, “spiritual leadership can be exercised only by Spirit-filled men. Other qualifications for leadership are desirable. This is indispensable”. The book of Acts, which tells the story of the Early Church, also gives us godly leadership principles. Throughout Acts it’s hard to miss that the primary qualification for leaders, even in administrative roles, was for people who were, “full of the Holy Spirit”. No matter how capable, gifted, or charismatic, a person is, without this they cannot give truly spiritual leadership. We see a good example of this in Acts 6:1-8. In fact the Holy Spirit was the “executive director” of the Early Church. He was the chief strategist, the mastermind, behind it, and He wants to have the same role in the church today. He is, after all, the member of the Godhead who is present with us here and now. As the executive director of God’s work on earth, the Holy Spirit is not willing to delegate His power and authority into carnal hands. In Acts 13:2-4 & 20:28 we see that leaders weren’t appointed by the apostles or by popular vote, but by the Holy Spirit, and we must follow this pattern. We must seek the direction of the Holy Spirit and look for biblical qualifications as we select people for positions in our churches. In my early years in ministry an experienced pastor warned me, “some gifted people are too expensive to keep”. Over the years I’ve come to appreciate his wisdom, especially regarding people who are highly gifted and charismatic but who lack spirituality and Christian maturity. We can be sorely tempted to appoint such ones to leadership positions, and sometimes we do, but he cost can be very high. Years ago we had a very gifted person who ministered regularly in our services. Unknown to us he was also a sexual predator, who eventually earned a prison sentence. He wasn’t actually in leadership but the media portrayed that he was, and the cost of the resulting fallout, both to the church and to me personally, was enormous. This was by far the worst episode the church has ever been through, but it certainly reinforced to me the wisdom of the biblical teaching that states, “by their fruit you will know them”. This is a timely reminder not to get bedazzled by gifts or overlook the lack of fruit in people’s lives. Both the gifts and the fruit are essential. The Holy Spirit led leadership modelled by the Early Church remains God’s pattern to this day. This involves both hearing from the Holy Spirit and implicit obedience to whatever He says, which we see when Peter overcame his natural reluctance and prejudice in order to obey what the Holy Spirit

14 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Two February 2017

showed him, as a result he took the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 10:19-11:12). The Spirit-filled leader must be a God seeker and his/her relationship with God must be their top priority. The Early Church was faced with a superhuman task and nothing short of the supernatural anointing and the power of God was sufficient for them to fulfil it. It’s no different for us today. John 15:5 makes it so clear that we can do nothing without being in relationship with Jesus and having His life flowing out through us. The spiritual leader is a God seeker and the abiding life of God within is the basis for his or her influence. Clearly the Spirit-filled leader must firstly be a man or woman of prayer. Kings Uzziah and Asa of Judah experienced success and victory as long as they, which they did for most of their reigns. Their stories teach us that the Spirit-filled leader must walk in humble dependence on God throughout life, not just part of it. We consist of body, soul and spirit, and ideally should develop in all three, but often the spirit is neglected. An overemphasis on the body may be obvious, fitness, sport, and the worship of the “body beautiful”. For others the soul (mind, emotions and will) takes priority, for example they follow intellectual pursuits. God has designed us for a balanced life, developing body, soul, and spirit. Man’s spirit has a tremendous capacity for God so it’s vital that we develop this, especially those of us who aspire to be Spirit-led leaders after the pattern of the early apostles. Whatever aspect of our being we feed the most is the one that will dominate our lives, so let’s make every effort to feed our inner spirit man. Very briefly, ten keys to feeding our spirit are prayer; praying in tongues; reading, studying and obeying God’s word; fasting; worship; Christian music; CDs, DVDs and books; fellowship and regular attendance in church. It is said that the leaders of the Early Church, “turned the world upside down”. They did that as ordinary men and women who were filled, led, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, the one “indispensable requirement for spiritual leadership”. How we need that today!

Tak Bhana is the Senior Pastor of Church Unlimited. He has a radio and television program called Running with Fire, which broadcasts in New Zealand and other nations. His church also produces a magazine with the same name which is distributed in 70 countries, and he has written a book titled “Wired for the Supernatural”.


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St Andrews CHB is a community church in Waipukurau, passionate about journeying alongside people in growing their relationship with Jesus. We are a congregation Bethlehem Tertiaryof Institute is highly regarded by students, early childhood education centres to andlocal reaching a range different age groups, asalumni, wellschools, as having a commitment agencies for providing high We qualityare biblically-based and graduate diplomato qualifi cationsand in teaching, and overseas mission. lookingdiplomas, for andegrees innovative leader foster counselling and social work. Located in Tauranga, Bay of Plenty. strengthen our team ministries. If you are a Nationally ordained Presbyterian Minister The role of Dean is to provide strategic leadership of the Institute, building on the collaborative environment, whilst seeking (or a minister another willing toThework Presbyterian opportunities of to extend the reachdenomination of BTI in conjunction with the Board. Dean iswithin required tothe maintain a hands-on involvement in teaching, and scholarship, as well as overall management all BTI activities.please framework) and you research feel that God might beproviding calling you to St.ofAndrews, Ideally you’ll have: contact the convenor of our Ministry Settlement Board, Maurice Craig.


* A minimum of a masters level degree, preferably doctorate, plus a tertiary teaching qualification is desirable.

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Are you a transformational leader with proven skills in collaborative and effective team leadership? Pioneers New Zealand is a growing mobilising agency operating in New Zealand since 1998. Our parent body Pioneers International, supports over 3,000 members working in more than 300 teams in crosscultural Christian ministry around the globe. We are seeking a person to take a major role 06 835 in8778, managing and leading our mobilisation work in New Zealand and in contributing to the operation and growth of Pioneers International. The board wishes to consolidate the collective leadership model begun in 2015 with the appointment of two people to share the role of director in an interim capacity. This position requires a person with proven skills in collaborative and effective team leadership. Our major specification is that the person is called by God to do the work and is of proven character as a transformational leader.

The appointment could be to either a fullor part-time position depending on the circumstances of the person appointed. The team approach provides flexibility to tailor the specific responsibilities to make full use of the appointee’s gifts, skills and experience. Some remuneration is available for the position. As Pioneers New Zealand revenue comes mainly from worker contributions and is limited, staff are expected to raise some personal financial support. Pioneers New Zealand is based in Auckland, however, it may be possible for the director to reside elsewhere depending on individual circumstances. Expressions of interest should be sent to Bev on Application packs will be available in February 2017

Christian Life 100x125 St Andrews CHB is a


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Dads, you’re needed now more than ever with MATT DANSWAN


ust last August I lost my dad to cancer. It was a horrendous time for me and my family. My Dad was diagnosed by the oncologist on a Thursday, and dead within 17 days. It all happened so quickly that it was hard to prepare for it. But then the emotion of getting the funeral together, as well as all of the other legals that go with death meant that it was probably a month before I stopped and properly came to terms with it. And grieve I did. It was probably the loneliest period of my life. I could be in a room full of people, I could be in a café waiting for a coffee, or doing some reading, but I had never felt so alone. My dad was an amazing mentor to me. He was a very wise man and it never mattered what problem or challenge I brought to him; he always had a wise word. While he ran his own business his entire life, he did not run an organization with the

complexity that mine has. But it didn’t matter. He still knew how to simplify the issue at hand and help me with a pathway through. There are many days when I am at my desk and I just wish I could call him and not only ask for his advice, but just say “Hi.” But the point of my message is that since he has been gone, I feel like my own parenting has gone to another level. It’s not until someone – or something – is gone that you realize just how precious it was to you. In the case of my father, his death has firmly shown me just how important my role is as a dad. I have always been present in my three – soon to be four – children’s lives, but in realizing just how important my dad was to me, I have had the revelation of how much I mean to them. Even if they don’t always know it. Dads of the world, I understand that your job is a tough one. It can be thankless and financially

draining, but rest assured you are making an amazing difference in your children’s lives. During the Global Financial Crisis we had some years ago, I read of husbands literally walking out of the home and leaving their wives to fend for the kids. They simply couldn’t handle the stress and were moving home to live with their parents. We all want to lose the responsibility of being a parent at times, but be assured that God never gives us more than we can handle. For me, I take the responsibility I have for my (almost) four children and hand it to God. For the finances we as a family need, the grades my children will get, the friends they will make, the futures they will have, and the partners they will marry. By giving it to God I do all I can as a father, then I leave the rest to him. Practically I also make time

for them so I am in their lives. I coach my son’s soccer team, I take my boys surfing after school, even though it means leaving the office early, and I take my daughter to dance classes. Many dads cannot leave the office early, so this is not an option, but the key here is being present in their lives. Your children may not even live under the same roof as you, but that is okay. You can still call them regularly and take an interest in their lives. When you are with them, you can be fully present. So while I won’t see my Dad until heaven, I’m a dad myself, and I can do for their lives what my dad did for mine. And so can you. Let’s be dads who know that God has their lives in his hands, and let’s go and enjoy the small amount of time we actually have with them while they are exclusively ours.



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March 2017

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Details correct at time of printing at the beginning of December. For up-to-date 24-hour listings and programme information go to





Living Truth: Charles Price


In Touch: Charles Stanley

Living Truth: Charles Price

Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah

Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


Hour of Power: Robert Schuller



Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave and Jill Moore


5:00 6:00







Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen

Hour of Power: Robert Schuller


Kingdom Connection: Jentezen Franklin




Hillsong Kids




Quick Study with Ron Hembree (Mon-Fri) Unlocking the Bible: David Pawson


Leading the Way: Michael Youssef


Kingdom Connection: Jentezen Franklin


Derek Prince


Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave and Jill Moore





Hillsong Kids: Cubbyhouse


Go Frills




Hillsong Kids: Cubbyhouse


Paul the Little Missionary


Go Frills



Jovis Bon Hovis


Friends and Heroes


Paul, Little Missionary






Paul, Little Missionary




Blello TV / Theo: Teaching God’s Word


Hillsong Kids: A Big Life


Jovis Bon Hovis


Blello TV


Hillsong Kids: A Big Life


The Lads TV



Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


Impact for Life: Peter & Bev Mortlock


Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin


LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


Life Questions: Jeff Vines


Jovis Bon Hovis



In Touch: Charles Stanley


Scaly Adventures





Hillsong Kids: A Big Life




Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin


6:30 7:00 7:30


Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri) Bobby Schuller



The Restoration Road


Songs of Praise


The Exchange


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah



LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Precious Memories


100 Huntley Street


Creation Magazine Live


The Restoration Road


11:00 11:30

13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00


Give Me An Answer



Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah



Joni & Friends


Jerusalem Dateline



Precious Memories



Songs of Praise

16:30 17:00

20:00 20:30 21:00


When Calls the Heart

(from 21st Feb)

LivingTruth: Charles Price


For the Life of the World



See adjacent or go to for more detail






Ask Chris


Travelling Light


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen Torchlighters



Theo: Teaching God’s Word / Blello TV


Hillsong Kids: A Big Life


Jovis Bon Hovis


Blello TV


Paul the Little Missionary


Studio 5 SERIES

D 17:00

Full Circle (Mon-Fri)


Creation Magazine Live

D 17:30

The 700 Club (Mon-Fri)


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen

For the Life of the World


Jerusalem Dateline


100 Huntley Street

Compassion Stories


Live at Psalter Studios



See adjacent or go to for more detail

See adjacent or go to for more detail

Ask Chris


Travelling Light


Leon Fontaine


Studio 5 SERIES TV4DADS: Alaska




See adjacent or go to for more detail

2014 series

Worship by Hillsong



Your Best Life



The Catholic Guy


Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri)



The Exchange


Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri)



Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave & Jill Moore



Precious Memories


1 am

Songs of Praise



The Restoration Road


Unlocking the Bible: David Pawson


Leading the Way: Michael Youssef


The Catholic Guy: Bruce Downs



Give Me An Answer

Derek Prince

Hillsong TV



Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave & Jill Moore

Quick Study with Ron Hembree (Mon-Fri) In Touch: Charles Stanley


Living Truth: Charles Price

2 am

Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen



Hour of Power: Robert Schuller


Jesus Game Changer Global Leadership Summit

2014 series

D 21:00

D 21:30 D

The Mark Gungor Show



LIFE TV: Paul de Jong



Creation Magazine Live


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


N News

C Children E

M Music


22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 Midnight

D 00:30am P M




Brought Brought to to you you by by

Overnight until 4:30am - Rhema Worship (Sun-Sat)

A Shine viewer says... “I wish could get Shine, it would certainly make NZ a better place! It is great to be able to watch inspiring content and feel connected to others through God’s Word.” 18 | Christian Life Issue Forty-Two February 2017


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Bayless Conley




The Find: Nicaragua


Hillsong TV




Global Leadership Summit


Life Questions: Jeff Vines


Bobby Schuller


Rhema Worship (Mon-Fri)


(from 20th Feb)


N 16:30

Christian World News



Jerusalem Dateline

M Monumental SERIES D

When Calls the Heart




See adjacent or go to for more detail


P 16:00

Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


See adjacent or go to for more detail



(from 19th Feb)



LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Hour of Power: Robert Schuller



Leading the Way: Michael Youssef


Daughters of Eve


Paul, Little Missionary



Worship by Hillsong



D 11:30


Friends and Heroes





Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin

See adjacent or go to for more detail

Studio 5

Live at Psalter Studios

2014 series






Impact for Life: Peter & Bev Mortlock

Y 10:30


Global Leadership Summit

See adjacent or go to for more detail

Life FM Presents

Jerusalem Dateline

Hillsong Kids: Cubbyhouse





See adjacent or go to for more detail

(from 20 Feb)


Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri)







Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV


Full Circle (Mon-Fri)

Compassion Stories


Leading the Way: Michael Youssef

The 700 Club (Tue-Fri)

100 Huntley Street



Living Truth: Charles Price



See adjacent or go to for more detail

In Touch: Charles Stanley

Answers with Bayless Conley

Christian World News


See adjacent or go to for more detail


M Monumental SERIES D

Daughters of Eve


Leon Fontaine

1 am 1:30am

2 am

D Doco/Drama

Y Youth

SH IN E FEA TURES March 2017

Daughters of Eve

A fascinating journey through the extraordinary lives of women from the Old and New Testament. NEW MINI-SERIES Starts Sunday 19 March @ 8.05pm

Freedom Fri 3 at 8.30pm


Sundays 8.05pm

Christian Mingle Sat 11 at 7pm

The Man from Nazareth (2015) (60 min) Visit the land where Jesus walked and transformed the lives of many. With Daughters of Eve (2016) A journey through the lives of women host, author and speaker, Rob Parsons. from the Old and New Testament: Sun 5 @ 8.05pm; Mon 6 @ 1pm Hagar and Sarah; Rachel and Leah; The Line: Poverty in America (2014) (45 min) Deborah; Ruth and Naomi; Mother What is poverty? What defines ‘the Mary; Mary Magdalene. (Starts 19 March) line’ and how can the church and NEW MINI-SERIES Docu-drama community make a difference? Sundays @ 8.05pm; Mondays @ 1pm Sun 5 @ 9pm; Mon 6 @ 2pm When Calls the Heart (Season 1) (2014) Old Fashioned (2014) (110 min) Elizabeth Thatcher, a young teacher Clay & Amber attempt the ‘impossible’: from high society, receives her first an ‘old-fashioned’ and God-honouring classroom assignment in a small coal courtship in contemporary America. mining town where life is simple, but Mon 6 @ 8.30pm; Tue 7 @ 12.30pm fraught with challenges. (Starts 20 March) Season 1 back by popular demand. Missions in the Wilderness (2014) (60 min) Seasons 2 & 3 coming soon to Shine! A young Australian couple is taking Mondays @ 8.30pm; Tuesdays @ 12.30pm an unusual approach to missions and


development in Cambodia. Tue 7 @ 8.30pm; Wed 8 @ 1pm

What do You See? (2016) NEW SERIES! Pastor Robert Fergusson gives insight, wisdom & practical advice on living a Set Apart (2009) (97 min) life that pleases God. (Starts 15 March) Four troubled city kids get a shot at Wednesdays @ 8pm; Thursdays @ 12.30pm redemption when a pastor offers them a chance to put their lives in perspective. Global Leadership Summit (2014) Wed 8 @ 8.30pm; Thu 9 @ 1pm Inspiring teaching from the 2014 Global Leadership Summit. With Bill Hybels, Rosemont (2015) (90 min) Louie Giglio, Carly Fiorina and more. The lives of four people are radically Thursdays @ 8.30pm; Fridays @ 1pm; transformed when they are trapped in Saturdays @ 10pm Rosemont Lodge during a snow storm. Chasing 3000 (2010) (100 min) The cross-country journey of Mickey and his brother, Roger, who suffers from muscular dystrophy, to see baseball player Roberto Clemente’s 3,000th hit. Wed 1 @ 8.30pm; Thu 2 @ 1pm Freedom (2014) (90 min) PREMIERE! In 1856, a runaway slave finds help from the underground railroad, while in 1748, the man’s grandfather is captive aboard the ship of Capt. John Newton. Fri 3 @ 8.30pm; Sat 4 @ 12pm Finding Normal (2015) (90 min) Dr. Leland is sentenced to serve three days as the town Normal’s doctor - her world is turned upside down. Sat 4 @ 2pm Lost Wilderness (2015) (100 min) Two families dealing with death and divorce are pressured to bond together during a hoilday away. Sat 4 @ 7pm; Sun 5 @ 2pm; Sat 25 @ 2pm

Until Forever Sat 18 at 7pm


Sidewalk Singer (2013) (105 min) Kris Kivi lost his family and job. Forced to busk, he must overcome harassment and prejudice. Wed 22 @ 8.30pm; Thu 23 @ 1pm

Reunion (2014) (60 min) Kim Copple chose to give her daughter up for adoption, but they (and the birth father) were reunited more than 25 years later. Tue 14 @ 8.30pm; Wed 15 @ 1pm

Little Boy (2015) (106 min) PREMIERE! An eight-year-old boy is willing to do whatever it takes to end World War II so he can bring his father home. Fri 24 @ 8.30pm; Sat 25 @ 12pm

Love Covers All (2014) (90 min) When a man is stranded, with his wife in labour at home, his faith and fractured family are put to the ultimate test. Wed 15 @ 8.30pm; Thu 16 @ 1pm

(90 min)

Find a Way (2013) (90 min) ‘Smiley’ Cain, up-and-coming athlete and strong Christian, didn’t wake up one morning. His family questioned why God would allow this to happen. Fri 17 @ 8.30pm; Sat 18 @ 12pm Believe (2013) (90 min) Set in 1984 and inspired by true events, legendary Manchester United football manager Sir Matt Busby helps a wayward boy fulfil his dream. Sat 18 @ 2pm

Until Forever (2016) (100 min) PREMIERE! A powerful, true account of one young man’s courageous battle with leukemia Lead with Your Heart (2015) (90 min) and his journey of faith. New empty-nesters Ben and Maura Sat 18 @ 7pm; Sun 19 @ 2pm must follow their hearts to make this next chapter in their lives a happy one. Last Flight Out (2004) (90 min) Sat 11 @ 2pm In the remote jungles of Colombia, washed-up pilot Dan Hogan becomes Christian Mingle (2014) (103 min) a family’s last hope to escape the Gwenyth thinks the only thing missing in guerilla fighting in the area. her life is a man. She sees how shallow Sun 19 @ 8.35pm; Mon 20 @ 1.30pm her life is and is driven to create a personal relationship with God. Blessedness Out Of Brokenness (2010) Sat 11 @ 7pm; Sun 12 @ 2pm (60 min) Inmates share their stories that bring Find Me (2015) (80 min) clarity to Jesus’ teaching as they talk Stories of those who adopt children about the blessedness of the beatitudes from China as well as the stories of in their own lives. those who loved them first. Tue 21 @ 8.30pm; Wed 22 @ 1pm Sun 12 @ 8.05pm; Mon 13 @ 1pm

Freeview 25 Sky 201 or online at


Like a Country Song (2014) (100 min) Jake Reeson, up-and-coming country singer, has the whole world in his hands until his ego gets in the way. Mon 13 @ 8.30pm; Tue 14 @ 12.30pm

Fri 10 @ 8.30pm; Sat 11 @ 12pm

To watch Shine

Little Boy Fri 24 at 8.30pm

Love Finds You In Sugarcreek (2014) Micah and his young son are fleeing the media after the unsolved murder of their wife and mother. They end up in the Amish community of Sugarcreek. Sat 25 @ 7pm; Sun 26 @ 2pm WWJD3: The Journey Continues (2015) (90 min)

A drifter leads a hopeless pastor and community on an improbable journey back to faith and redemption. Sun 26 @ 8.35pm; Mon 27 @ 1.30pm Exploring Ephesus (2014) (60 min) Two friends travel the road to Ephesus, sharing their historical and biblical expertise to bring the scriptures to life. Tue 28 @ 8.30pm; Wed 29 @ 1pm The Custodian (2013) (80 min) A psychological thriller about a young man, Josh Francis, who finds himself in a dimensional limbo governed by an enigmatic caretaker. Wed 29 @ 8.30pm; Thu 30 @ 1pm Sironia (2011) (105 min) Frustrated by his failed music career, Thomas impulsively moves his family to small town Sironia to live a more authentic life. Fri 31 @ 8.30pm; Sat 1 Apr @ 12pm Details up to date at time of printing. Other features are to be confirmed. For a full and up-to-date 24-hour programme information go to

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