Christian Life issue 5_June 2016

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JUNE 2016 • Issue THIRTY-FIVE •



Hollowing out the Next Generation

Family Violence is a Family Issue, Not a Gender Issue

page 04

page 08

GOD CONVERSATIONS The Pain of Social Infertility page 16

“My identity was tied up in being a cop. That was until my life came crashing down when my marriage broke down and I ended up back at my parent’s house.” David Laumatia ; Not Just a Good Cop page 06




JUNE 2016

03. Jesus at the Pub: A Dangerous Cocktail? 04. Hollowing Out the Next Generation 06. Not Just a Good Cop: David Laumatia 08. Family First: Family Violence is a Family Issue, Not a Gender Issue


10. Local News


13. Encounters with God 14. Shine TV programme guide 16. The Pain of Social Infertility 17. Christian Life Classifieds



Booking deadline: 24th June Art deadline: 29th June Distribution: 4th July


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he controversy divided the congregation. “You want to start a ministry in a pub? Jesus would roll over in his grave!” Aside from already rolling over–and out, I suspect Jesus is just fine with the pub outreach. But I know not everyone agrees. In fact, when people see a pub ministry depicted in our documentary When God Left the Building, some react quite negatively. One church leader told me he would not show the film at his church because of this scene. “What kind of witness is that?” he asked. “Especially when the Bible is so clear about the evils of alcohol.” Before I could remind this man of Jesus’ first miracle, he brought it up. “I know Jesus turned water into wine,” he said. “That’s always bothered me.” I asked, “If Jesus were standing right here, what would you say to him?” He said, “I’d ask him, ‘What were you thinking?!’” Others who’ve seen the film have reacted differently. For instance, Pastor Leon Bloder in Eustis, Florida, asked his congregation, “Where do you think Jesus went?” And though some members were dubious, the church decided to start a Lifetree Cafe ministry at a local wine bar. Now, every Monday night people from the com-

munity come to this bistro, order drinks and food, and settle in for a guided discussion that leads to biblical and Jesus-centered conclusions. It’s often standing-room-only. “We have a lot of people that don’t want to come to church, but they come here,” Bloder said. Though there’s no agenda to lure the wine bar patrons into his church’s pews, Bloder sees how this outreach–and others–have helped the church grow in many ways. Over 90 percent of his members are now actively involved in ministry. “We tell our people: we are the church, wherever we go,” he said. But that concept of taking God out of the church building threatens many rigid church folks–especially if it disrupts longstanding tribal rules and traditions. Many churches and denominations would rather deteriorate and die than tamper with their traditional image. Bloder said, in the American church at large, “there’s a fear that we’ll lose our identity if we change.” Traditions are fine, until they impede the work of Christ. In order to be “in the world, not of the world,” we need to be IN it. Thom Schultz -

Guest Ministry

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez

Ps. Benny Perez

Rev. Samuel was nominated by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. He is the Pastor of New Season Christian Worship Center in California, and the President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, representing more than 40,000 U.S. Churches. This will be his first time in N.Z. and we know he will bring a powerful word at SUMMIT 2016!

Ps. Benny and his wife Wendy are the co-founders of The Church Movement, which began in 2003 with just a few believers gathering in their home. They now have several campuses including The Church LV, in South Las Vegas, The Church OC, in Irvine California, and The Church Online. We are super excited to be hosting this bold, ground-breaking preacher at SUMMIT 2016!

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Hollowing Out the Next Generation BERNARD MORAN, veteran pro-life advocate and national president of pro-life organisation Voice for Life talks to MARIE ANTICICH about the ongoing battle against abortion, and why the abortion rates are dropping.

“Statistics show the abortion rate has been dropping at almost a 45 degree angle for the last eight years,” says Auckland-based Bernard Moran. In 2103 Statistics New Zealand revealed a significant decrease in the annual number of abortions with 14,745 performed up to December 31, 2012, compared to 15, 863 in 2011, and 17,900 in 2008. Bernard attributes the drop in abortion rates to pregnant women and girls being able to go online and view illustrations of how abortion procedures are carried out, and to the widespread use of ultra-sound scans of their unborn babies. “Social media is giving us a reach we’ve never had before – the internet has transformed how we operate,” he states. “It’s always been difficult to portray the reality of abortion in the media, but now we can show animated illustrations of abortion procedures on our website, and this has boosted our morale, because we’re not afraid to tell the truth.” Voice for Life (VFL) website is especially impacting pregnant women and girls, and high school students doing assignments on abortion as part of their science and health curriculum. “Girls contact us for information and we say ‘Go to our website – it’s all there.’ “Just by clicking on Abortion Procedure they can view a series of animated diagrams depicting chemical and suction abortions, narrated by Dr Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist turned pro-life activist. But be warned –it’s pretty graphic. Seeing the dismemberment techniques used for second trimester abortions turns your stomach.” Family Planning would attribute the drop in abortions to the contraceptive implants they are putting in teenage girls’ arms, he added. A few years ago VFL highlighted the abortion-breast cancer link with a full-page newspaper advertisements stating, ‘What you’re not told about abortion-breast cancer research.’ “However the Ministry of Health booklet on breast cancer says scientific research shows there’s no link whatsoever between breast cancer and abortion,” says Bernard. “It’s official denial.”

From top: Bernard and Annetta Moran; Voice for Life stand at Parachute Music Festival; Annetta Moran at Parliament

4 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Five June 2016

The Big Picture In the sixties and seventies abortion rights campaigners and health bureaucrats began speaking of pre-born children as ‘co-joined sperm’ or ‘products of conception.’ The debate intensified when Britain legalised abortion in 1967. In March 1970 two obstetricians and gynaecologists, Professor William Liley and Dr Pat Dunn, organised a public meeting in the Auckland Town Hall. “The lights were dimmed and the thumping and swishing sounds of a 12-weekold baby’s heartbeat echoed around the Town Hall. It was electrifying and dramatic and I signed up with the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (SPUC) on the spot.” By 1972 SPUC had 25,000 members in 28 branches throughout New Zealand, and 40,000 members in 56 branches by 1975. SPUC played a major advocacy role in a divided Parliament with a petition signed by 113,381 New Zealanders. In 1978 the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act became law in NZ, setting out the circumstances for abortion referrals and by whom and where they could be performed “Abortion still comes under the Crimes Act, but our adversaries who promote decriminalisation want abortion treated as a health matter. The law isn’t trying to criminalise women. It’s saying, ‘Don’t do this – it’s dangerous for your health,’” he explains. One afternoon Bernard visited the newly opened Aotea Clinic in Ranfurly Road, Epsom. “I was amazed to see a stream cars and taxis pulling up and down-

“Nearly 500,000 Kiwis have disappeared over the last 42 years ... abortion is hollowing out the younger generation,” says Bernard Moran. “But you don’t have to march down the street or storm barricades – just offering compassion and support to a pregnant woman or girl can be life-saving.”

cast women and girls hurrying inside, some with their boyfriend or father. The sadness and oppression was overwhelming.” In the early 2000s, the Morans and a pro-life team did presentations in 75 Protestant churches in Auckland. “One Sunday morning I was feeling very downcast and a sneering voice in my head said,‘You’re just wasting your time!’ “Then an older man stood up prophesied loudly: ‘It is God the Father who speaks. What has been depicted here is the killing of my innocent little ones. This is abhorrent to me and I am going to move in power to drive this evil from this land!’ “Crikey I got a shock! After that I never worried about the size of the audience or whether people joined up. We were pro-life apostles, God had a task for us and He would take care of the rest.” In 2004 SPUC rebranded as Voice for Life to encompass euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research and cloning. Bernard’s six-year presidency will end at VFL’s annual conference in Hamilton on September 30. “I’m 71, and we ageing pro-lifers were wondering who would carry the movement into the future. Out of the blue Andy Moore, of Christchurch started ProLife NZ for students – these young people coming through are of good calibre and so the future is in good hands.” VFL also collaborates with Family First, Right to Life, the Buttons Project, Focus on the Family and its Activ8 youth training programmes, Family Life International and Euthanasia-free New Zealand which works with the Care Alliance, a network of medical professionals and lawyers opposed to assisted suicide and euthanasia. “Nearly 500,000 Kiwis have disappeared over the last 42 years ... abortion is hollowing out the younger generation,” says Bernard Moran. “But you don’t have to march down the street or storm barricades – just offering compassion and support to a pregnant woman or girl can be life-saving.”

• • •

Bernard’s Story Bernard Moran himself was a prime candidate for abortion, having been born to an unmarried mother in Wellington in 1944. “A few years ago I read an article about an illegal abortionist who performed wholesale abortions near where we lived. I realised I could have been one of her victims and thought, ‘Thanks Mum for not going to that woman.’ “I’m so grateful Mum chose to keep me despite the shame of being an unwed mother in those days. So I was brought up by two spinster sisters – Mum and her older sister Aunty Catherine, who lost her fiancé to mustard gas poisoning in WWI. “I was their ‘little ray of sunshine’ and when I was eight we moved to Auckland. I have happy memories and we went to Catholic Mass every Sunday. But at 17 I rebelled. “At a lunchtime Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, I decided I didn’t believe in God any more. I walked out thinking, ‘There is no God so I can live as I please – I’m the captain of my ship and the master of my fate. The playboy life beckoned but, being a lowly insurance clerk, it was beyond my reach. Faith returned when I started reading books about Christianity.” At 19 Bernard decided to see the world, and sailed to Britain on the Castel Felice, stopping at exotic ports like Aden, Port Said, Suez Canal and Naples. He travelled through Europe, endured a Canadian winter and drove south to California with two English friends. Buying a VW Combi van, he drove alone from Los Angeles to Washington DC along legendary Route 66. He met Irish-born Annetta at a dance at the Overseas Visitors Club in Earls Court, London. “Annetta had grown up in Shankill Road, the working-class heartland of Protestant Belfast and her father was master of the local Orange Lodge. So it was a terrible embarrassment when his daughter married a Catholic,” he recalls. They were married in London in 1967, both

aged 22. Soon afterwards they decided to hitchhike overland back to New Zealand, with Annetta’s brother Denis. “Annetta found she was pregnant and suffered morning sickness through France and Spain. We lost our possessions in a freak wave in San Sebastian, half our funds were stolen in Greece, and I nearly died of dysentery in Turkey. Sometimes we were so hungry we dreamed of food. Sleeping on roadsides and riding on the back of trucks with animals, they journeyed through Iran and Afghanistan, went through India took third class rail, sailed to Penang and down to Singapore, arriving in Auckland stony broke in 1967. Two weeks later Bernard’s mother died of cancer. Buying a house in Glenfield in 1970, they raised four daughters, and have lived there ever since. Bernard worked as a journalist and Annetta gained a BA degree from Auckland University, and taught English and Art History at Glenfield College for her entire teaching career. Fast forward to 2011. Bernard’s nephew begins researching the family tree, types his mother’s name into the computer and up come details of his grandparents and cousins, all buried in Karori Cemetery. “I discovered I had relatives in Sydney and so we flew over for a wonderful meeting with my new Australian family, including Karen Langtry and her mother Margaret Smith, my first cousin. They came to NZ and we paid our respects at the family burial site. “Mum’s generation was very secretive and when I asked who my father was she would tearfully say, ‘All you need to know is that he was a very fine man.’ But we think we know who my father was – we’re just waiting on DNA tests from one of his relatives.” Today Bernard and Annetta live on Auckland’s North Shore near their four daughters, eight grandchildren and Annetta extended family.

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he irony of a convicted kidnapper writing up the God-glorifying testimony of a cop makes me smile. My opinion of the police has turned 180 degrees since I came to Christ. There is good and bad in every group of people, and cops are no exception. Cops were the enemy, and nothing short of God could have convinced me otherwise. But miracles do happen and Senior Sergeant David Laumatia is far more than just a good cop. What a privilege to get to know this spiritual warrior and prophetic artist who was part of a team who helped establish the Police Christian Support Network and Crime2Christ initiatives in New Zealand. David was born in Auckland in 1965 and grew up in typical Samoan style, attending Sunday School and listening to Bible stories. But he didn’t fully comprehend what the Gospel was truly about. One of six kids, he was the black sheep of the family. At age 16 he decided church wasn’t for him. He tried a number of belief systems but nothing really stuck. After some supernatural drama David began to think there really must be more to life than just the here and now. He drifted aimlessly through his teens until his father, an ex-cop from Samoa, handed him an enrolment form for the NZ Police and told him he had much more potential than he realised. At 19 David became a Constable and life was looking good. As a detective he drank with the best

of them, got married and sometimes never came home when he should have. “My identity was tied up in being a cop. That was until my life came crashing down when my marriage broke down and I ended up back at my parent’s house.” “Who knows that being 36 years old and looking at the ceiling of your old bedroom − and your mum asking you if you cleaned your room − has a tendency to wake you up! It made me really reflect on my life and what I was putting my trust and identity in...” One nightshift, after 18 years on the force, David was in the car with a Christian and they talked about God most of the night. She told him that if she didn’t talk with God every day she felt miserable. He realised he didn’t know God like that, but yearned to know Him in that way. About a year later a friend told him that evangelist Steve Foss was coming to Howick. David went along and had a real encounter with the living Christ. David and his wife were trying to reconcile at the time but things just weren’t the same. He went home from the meeting and told the family he had given his life to Jesus. They were a bit shocked, and he still wasn’t perfect by a long shot, but they couldn’t deny he was now for God and not against Him. God wonderfully restored his marriage and family and with God at the

centre, his sons became youth pastors. Jeremiah 29:11 spoke to him, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” David said to the Lord, “Use me!” And He certainly has been. David was part of a team who helped establish the Police Christian Support Network in 2006 and has seen many give their lives to Jesus in the line of duty. In 2010 the team were preparing for the second Police Christian Support Network Conference in Manukau. One night while David was sleeping he heard a woman crying in the spirit. He asked the Lord about it but heard no response. A few days later an elderly Christian lady visited him at work, but she didn’t know why she was there. As she went to leave she said, “I don’t know why God asked me to come to speak to you, but He gets me up in the middle of the night and I pray and cry for you in the Police.” David told her he had heard her crying in the spirit and then the Spirit of God fell tangibly upon them. She began crying and prophesying over him, “You are God’s warriors in the Police.” They had no contact after that for a couple of years, and then she came back, once again not knowing what they were to talk about. David told her he was trying to get a ministry called ‘Crime2Christ’ established with


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Opposite page: David Laumatia with one of his cell paintings, Manukau Police Station (Image courtesy of Fairfax NZ); This page left: Head Hunters founder, Amos Ale, celebrates the first issue of Crime2Christ magazine with David and one of the Crime2Christ co-founders, Matt Davis (Image courtesy of Fairfax NZ); David, Jayne, Charles and Allan

some local pastors partnering with Police to reduce crime through faith. Through the faithful intercession and financial partnership of this precious lady and her partners, Crime2Christ has now been running for a year and puts a magazine, Crime2Christ: True Stories of Freedom and Faith with three testimonies into the Police cells with a ‘hope helpline’ which is manned 24/7. The first edition features the story of Head Hunters founder, Amos Ale, whose life changed radically when he turned to Jesus Christ, and now helps others find hope and cut a new path. A number of people have contacted Crime2Christ and the team

believe the initiative will go national. David travels through the Pacific delivering training and encouragement to people in their faith and spreading the word about Crime2Christ. David has re-discovered his artistic gift painting prophetic art and now has an impressive body of work. Recently he and a team of artists painted some cells in the Manukau Police Station bringing hope and a new perspective in the most stunningly creative way to those in custody, preaching the Gospel without words. David has published 200 of his favourite sketch-

es, paintings and photographs in a new book, Prophetic Art, which is available for $40 plus postage by emailing David on Prints of the incredible art in his book are available to order. Despite the hard work and tragedy he faces daily, gentleness, compassion and hope radiate from Senior Sergeant David Laumatia. His ministry is the Police and he continues to humbly say, “Use me!”

You can find David Laumatia on Facebook: DavidLaumatiaArt, Instagram davidlaumatiaart or online Crime2Christ is on Facebook crime2christnz and a website is nearing completion.







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Family Violence is a Family Issue, Not a Gender Issue BY BOB MCCROSKIE


ew Zealand has an atrocious record of family violence, but there is an inconvenient truth not being spoken. Family violence is not just a male problem. If we as a nation are really serious about reducing family violence, we need to talk about family violence in all its forms and all its causes. The last time I spoke up about this issue was in 2011 and the indignant outcry and condemnation from politicians was swift. But I’m more interested in the facts and research and solving the problem than concerns around being politically incorrect. Here are the facts. The Ministry of Justice’s most recent NZ Crime and Safety Survey 2014 found that 6% of women and 4% of men were victims of violence from an intimate partner during the year, and that 26% of women and 14% of men have experienced partner violence at least once in their lifetime. Last year, research conducted in association with the Department of Internal Affairs, Alcohol and Drug Association of New Zealand and the Canterbury Men’s Centre found that 38% of recent victims of family violence in the Canterbury region had been male and that male victims were not gaining support. The researcher said that media coverage has only focused on female victims and that there is reluctance for men to speak up as victims of family violence. As one male victim shared in a story featured in a recent NZ Herald series on

family violence, “I guess I kept it private because it was embarrassing. I eventually talked to a few close friends around the time we separated. They were shocked.” The Family Violence Death Review in 2012 revealed that children were more often killed by their mothers than any other group of suspects, and that family violence death victims were almost evenly proportioned across male and female adults and children. The resultant heading in the NZ Herald was “Children most at risk from mothers.” Where was the indignant outcry and condemnation from the politicians then? A 2009 report on family violence by the Families Commission – a government organisation - also identified that 48% of abuse and neglect in 2006 was committed by women. And just last year, Starship hospital child protection team leader Dr Patrick Kelly said “..In very young infants the mother can often be the offender, particularly if there are issues like postnatal depression.” In the just-released Ministry of Social Development paper on gangs and their social cost, it said in relation to substantiated findings of abuse or neglect by gang members “Mothers were just as likely to be the alleged perpetrator as the gang member father”. Prominent New Zealand researcher Professor David Fergusson argues that we need to broaden our perspective “away from the view that domestic violence is usually a gender issue involving male perpetrators and female victims and toward the view that domestic violence most commonly involves violent couples who engage in mutual acts of aggression.” Ex-ACT MP and journalist Deborah Coddington said “Men are physically stronger, cause more damage and fear, but women are abusers too and domestic violence can be mutual. We need to focus on where it happens, not politicise it by blaming all men.” Ideology (and political correctness) is blinding us to the protection of all victims of family violence, and the need to tackle all perpetrators. In the UK, data from the Home Office statistical bulletins show that men made up about 40% of domestic violence victims each year between 2005 and 2009. In the USA, a 2010 report from California State University examined 275 scholarly investigations, 214 empirical studies and 61 reviews. It demonstrated that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men. And it’s not just heterosexual couples at war. The U.S. Center for Disease Control’s “National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey” found that samesex couples reported levels of intimate partner violence at rates equal to or higher than those of heterosexuals, and that same-sex couples experience sexual violence at much higher rates than heterosexual men and women. The Family Violence Research Program at the University of New Hampshire found that the overall rates of violence for cohabiting couples were twice as high as for married couples and the overall rate for “severe” violence was nearly five times as high for cohabiting couples as it was for married couples. If we’re really serious about reducing family violence, we need to talk about family violence, our violent culture, and the role alcohol and drugs and family breakdown and instability play in fueling this environment. We all – men, women and children – need to pledge to stop violence towards men, women and children. We have a family violence issue – not a gender violence issue. Bob McCoskrie is the National Director of Family First NZ. Visit www. for more information on how you can become involved.

8 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Five June 2016





NELSON 46,437



WANAKA 7,390


TIMARU 37,205

499, 986

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New children’s Bible app aims to ignite a love of the Bible

Bible Society New Zealand has launched a new app for mobile devices that is designed to help parents share the Bible with their kids. Called The Big Little Bible, the app features New Zealand-made illustrations using a unique ‘one line’ art technique called contour drawing - where the pencil never leaves the page. Aimed at 8-10 year olds, the app includes 30 Bible stories taken straight from the Contemporary English Version and seeks to bridge the gap from paraphrased Bible stories to independent real text Bible reading. For illustrator and mum Meesh Holswich, the project was like a dream come true. “God gave me the heart to draw and I have been drawing non-stop since I was a child.” And amazingly her unique style of art dovetails with the overall message of the Bible. “One line, one thread, from the beginning of the Bible until the end, it’s all one story. Each illustration is made with one continuous line, which then joins with the next illustration, and the next, representing the one story than runs through the Bible from beginning to end,” she explained. The 100 illustrations took more than six months to complete and were made especially for the app. Meesh’s passion for illustrating goes back to her childhood love for the Bible. “The

Bible is a precious gift that gives us insight into the great story of God’s love revealed throughout time. Reading Bible stories shows us how other people, just like us, live out their lives in faith, sometimes in failure, and the wondrous things that happen when we follow God. “Drawing Bible stories brought me back to when, as a child, I used to wonder at the beautiful illustrations in Bible story books. Remembering those days helped me think of how I wanted to illustrate each story,” she said. Bible Society New Zealand’s Biblical literacy research found that many children would read, listen to or watch Bible stories more often if they were on computer or mobile app. This will be their third mobile app and is free to download. You can download The Big Little Bible app at the Apple and Google Play stores now.

Above: Messh particularly likes the camel illustrations in the Abraham and Sarah story, as well as the pictures in Noah’s Ark and Adam and Eve.

Releasing the Supernatural It is with a great sense of anticipation that we invite you to this year’s Manifest Presence Conference- WELLSPRINGReleasing The Supernatural. Manifest Presence is a wellspring for our nation, delivering apostolic and prophetic teaching that both releases and advances the Kingdom of God. Our vision is to see everyone encounter God and be empowered and equipped to influence and transform our communities, cities, and nations.

Mario Murillo visits NZ

Acclaimed American evangelist, Mario Murillo, is visiting N.Z. this week, sponsored by ICFM (International Convention of Faith Ministries). A native of San Francisco (a city not known for producing international Evangelists) his ministry was born in the drug obsessed, occult saturated 70’s in the epicenter of violent student revolutionBerkeley, California. His gift seemed doomed to fail on an atheistic campus. Mix in persuasive Gospel messages with the raw healing power of Jesus. The unexpected result was a vibrant army of 2,000 students. Mario’s international ministry began in San Jose with a four-day crusade that was extended to six months and reached 250,000 people in an Azusa

10 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Five June 2016

We structure each session to allow time and space for powerful encounters and impartation, in an atmosphere of worship, faith and supernatural expectation. A special addition to this year’s conference is our Transformational Leadership Seminar, which will take place during the day on Wednesday before Manifest Presence begins. This will feature Bill Johnson, Author of The Power That Changes The World, and

Street-type visitation. Mario impacted San Francisco in 1986 with the largest Christian gathering in a decade. He returned there in 1989 to preach for 30 days at the world-famous Cow Palace as 5,000 people flooded the altar. Also in 1991, Mario preached in Los Angeles to a pack-out Shrine Auditorium. In an historical two-day crusade, he watched 1500 gang members give their lives to Christ. In 1999 after six months of IMPACT to the city of San Francisco Mario returned to the Cow Palace for five nights of power where thousands received Christ. Mario annually conducts approximately 50 outreaches in the USA which are noted for the presence of God, exuberant worship and miraculous healings under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Michael Maiden, author of Turn The World Upside Down. It will consist of two powerful sessions as Bill and Michael share wisdom on transformational leadership - training and equipping leaders to influence every area of society with the values of Heaven. Register early at manifestpresence. org and secure your place for Manifest Presence 2016. We look forward to you joining us!

Mario has authored several best-selling books such as Critical Mass, Fresh Fire, Fresh Impact, I Am the Christian the Devil Warned You About and his most recent release Edgewise. He is a guest speaker at the ICFM annual conference being held at the Bay City Church in Hastings where he will also conduct nightly outreach meetings (7th - 10th June). Mario will also be speaking Sunday 12th June 10am and 6pm at the Rhema Family Church, 32 Dyer Street, Whangarei. Check out


The gospel of wealth and giving BY LYNN GOLDSMITH Christ’s Teaching on Wealth and Giving There was a time when the words concerning the rich man entering the kingdom of heaven were regarded as a hard saying. Today, it would be true to say that this standard of faith receives the most liberal interpretations. The startling verse has been relegated to the rear to await the next kindly revision as one of those things which cannot be quite understood, but which, meanwhile, is carefully to be noted, but not taken literally. However, it is improbable that the next stage of revisionist thought will restore the doctrine in all its pristine purity and force, as being in perfect harmony with sound ideas upon the subject of wealth and poverty, the rich and the poor and the contrasts everything seen and deplored. In Christ’s day, reformers were certainly against the wealthy. It is also none the less evident that we are fast recurring to that position today, as the gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ widens; and it will not be surprising to the student of sociological development if society should soon approve that oft quoted text which has caused so much anxiety, “It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” The ‘gospel of wealth’ echoes Christ’s words. It calls upon the millionaire to sell all that he has and give it to the poor by administering his estate himself for the good of his people. So doing, he will approach his end no longer the ignoble hoarder of useless millions; poor, very poor indeed, in money, but rich, very rich, twenty times a millionaire still, in the affection, gratitude, and admiration of his fellow-men. But, sweeter by farsoothed and sustained by the still small voice within which, whispering, tells him that, because he has lived, perhaps one small part of this great world has been bettered just a little. The Importance of Learning to Give-The Jewish View Reaching out to those in need is central to Jewish being. Jews are commanded to give at least ten percent of their net income to charity. Tzedakah boxes for collecting coins, for those in need, can be found in central places in Jewish homes. It is common to see Jewish youth, in Israel and in the Diaspora, going door-to-door to collect money for worthy causes. Judaism holds that people in need have a legal right to food, clothing and shelter that must be honoured by more fortunate people. According to Judaism, it is unjust and even illegal for Jews to not give charity to

those in need. Thus, giving charity in Jewish law and tradition is viewed as obligatory self­ -taxation, rather than voluntary donation. So, giving charity in Jewish law and tradition is viewed as obligatory self­ -taxation, rather than voluntary donation. Importance of Giving According to one ancient sage, charity is equal in importance to all the other commandments combined. Tzedakah is the Hebrew word for charity; giving aid, assistance and money to the poor and needy, or to worthwhile causes. It is the responsibility to give a portion of one’s personal substance for the common good. But it is more than giving money to the poor; done properly, tzedakah requires the donor share his or her compassion and empathy along with the money. Judaism teaches the belief that donors benefit from tzedakah as much or more than the recipients. The duty to give is so important in Judaism that even recipients of charity are obligated to give something. However, people should not give to the point where they themselves become needy. The highest level, of which none is higher, is where one takes the hand of an Israelite and gives him a gift or loan, or makes a partnership with him, or finds him employment, in order to strengthen him until he needs to ask help of no one. Concerning this it says, “And you will give strength to the resident alien, so he may live among you,” as if to say, strengthen him until we will not falter or need. Moses Maimonides devoted ten chapters in his Mishneh Torah to instructions on how to give to the poor. One can fulfil the obligation to give tzedakah by giving money to the poor, to health care institutions, to synagogues or to educational institutions. Supporting grown children and elderly parents is also a form of tzedakah. The obligation to give tzedakah includes giving to both Jews and Gentiles. Beneficiaries: Recipient, Donor, World According to Jewish tradition, the spiritual benefit of giving charity is so great that the giver benefits even more than the recipient. By giving charity, Jews recognise the good that God has given to them. Some scholars see charitable donation as a replacement for animal sacrifice in Jewish life in that it is a way to show thanks to and ask forgiveness from God. Contributing toward the welfare of others is a central and fulfilling part of one’s Jewish identity. Jews have a mandate to improve the

the ‘have-nots’. Governments everywhere have and are being forced to abandon or reduce welfare-state strategies even in Australia, yet questions on how to deal with poverty and deprivation are still highly placed on the social and political agenda of all political persuasions and societies throughout the world, no matter whether the Our Duty as Christians and society is developed or developing. In the midst of all the above, World Inhabitants Poverty, homelessness and lack of Christian organisations have again food can only be described as the become important participants in major and most pressing and insidious defining and implementing welfare malignancy affecting today’s society. policies that have been abandoned by This festering malignancy is becoming governments and civil society. Our urgent and most pressing duty an ever increasing social problem that has now reached the stage of being the as Christians now is to make ourselves greatest tragedy facing human society more aware of just what our crucial in the 21st century. Unfortunately, the Christian duty is to the needy in our number of poor, hungry and homeless society. This duty must now assume is increasing exponentially everywhere the same importance in our spiritual on our planet, as is that oft quoted walk as evangelism, prayer, mercy and widening disparity between what we discipleship. call in western society , the ‘haves’ and world in which they live (tikkun olam). Tikkun olam is achieved through the performance of good deeds. The Talmud states that the world rests on three things: Torah, service to God, and deeds of kindness (gemilut hasadim). Tzedakah is a good deed that is made in partnership with God.

Bible Society New Zealand Bible Society is a charity dedicated to making the Bible accessible to everyone and encouraging interaction with it. We serve the whole Christian community working with Christian churches of all denominations. Bible Society was established in New Zealand in 1846 and partners with Bible Societies in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Ph: 0800 424 253 //

Mission Without Borders Mission Without Borders. Expanding work in 6 countries in Eastern Europe alongside local churches, giving material help and the Gospel to poor families, children, elderly, homeless; runs soup kitchens, summer camps for 3000+ kids, outreaches, Bibles distributed. Kiwis help through child and family sponsorships and donations; some knit for Operation Cover Up. Ph: 0800 469 269 //

Jesus Calls NZ Jesus Calls NZ is non-denominational and multicultural, praying for sick and broken-hearted, serving people through the love and compassion of Jesus; mission -‘not one soul to be lost’ Join us Tuesdays 7pm for blessing meetings or drop in between 9am-5pm weekdays. Become an intercessor or partner. Ph: +64 9 620 7160 //

Promise Keepers NZ Promise Keepers exists to help men focus on life purpose, destiny, character and integrity, based on Christian values. PK has the know-how and tools to equip men to grow into courageous manhood; men respected for making a real difference in people’s lives. Ph: 0800 PROMISE (77 66 47) //

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at City Impact Church


ity Impact Church’s SUMMIT conference is coming up next month and all sessions are open to the public. The event is being heralded as ‘the biggest invite you will get all year’ with epic guest preachers Reverend Samuel Rodriguez and Pastor Benny Perez from the United States set to take the stage, alongside the church’s own Pastors Peter and Bev Mortlock. SUMMIT kicks off with a huge opening night on Wednesday 13 July, followed by day and night meetings over Thursday and Friday. With all sessions open, and no conference fee, SUMMIT is possibly the most accessible church conference in the history of New Zealand. SUMMIT Kids will be running during all sessions, ensuring that the conference is fun and enjoyable for the whole family. Anyone wanting to be inspired, refreshed and built up in their faith won’t want to miss this year’s SUMMIT speakers. All four preachers bring a wealth of ministry experience and a passion to see people stepping into all that God has created them to be. Each of them has been pastoring and ministering for decades and carries a heart to see the next generation raised up to establish God’s kingdom here on earth. They come with a message of God’s love for people and a motivation to see Christians around the globe communicating that love to others.

decay, what the world needs the most is a fresh outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit.” Samuel Rodriguez was nominated by Time Magazine as one of the world’s 100 most influential people. He is President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, representing more than 40,000 U.S. churches, and he and his wife Eva also pastor New Season Christian Worship Center in California. An advisor to the American President on matters of faith and public policy, Samuel Rodriguez is passionate about preaching the gospel while simultaneously addressing social justice issues such as poverty, human trafficking, and religious freedom. This is his first ever trip to New Zealand.

Reverend Samuel Rodriguez All the way from Sacramento, California, Samuel Rodriguez comes with a passion to see people encounter the presence and power of Jesus Christ. Named by Wall Street Journal as one of America’s Seven Most Influential Hispanic Leaders, this dynamic communicator is impacting lives around the world. Rev Samuel’s infectious faith and passion for the Word can be heard in his fiery sermons and is evidenced in his longevity and commitment to the local church. He has a gift to stir faith, raise vision and inspire action. Says Rev Samuel, “In the midst of moral relativism, spiritual apathy and cultural

Pastor Benny Perez Pastor Benny and his wife Wendy are the co-founders of The Church Movement, which began in 2003 with just a few believers gathering in their home. They now have several campuses including The Church LV, in South Las Vegas, The Church OC, in Irvine California, and The Church Online. Pastor Benny is passionate about raising up a multi-generational church and seeing people of every age experience God’s love. In addition, Pastor Benny’s vision includes helping and equipping other pastors and ministries and The Church hosts several conferences each year. Active in their community, Pastor Benny’s church provides food and clothing to thousands across their area on a weekly basis as they partner with community organisations and local schools.

globe as a sought-after teacher and preacher. Thousands of people have been touched by his unique preaching style which is marked by humour, passion and a genuine love for people.

Pastors Peter and Bev Mortlock Pastors Peter and Bev Mortlock pioneered City Impact Church back in 1982 with a handful of people meeting in a local community hall. Ever since then they have had a passion for building strong churches and helping people encounter Christ. Over the years, God has been faithful to His leading and Peter and Bev have seen miracle after miracle as the church has grown and extended to become a network of churches across the globe. Both Peter and Bev are sought after to minister at churches and conferences around the world, but their heart is with City Impact Church. They have committed their life to building a church that fulfils the original vision they had from God - to see people saved, growing into maturity and wholeness, and worshipping and glorifying God. Both Pastors Peter and Bev bring a wealth of wisdom and experience to their preaching styles. Pastor Peter knows how to challenge and inspire while bringing humour and keeping it real. Pastor Bev is a gifted Bible teacher who has a way of opening the Scriptures to people in a fresh and relevant way. This is a couple who has stood the test of time, and yet they are still brimming over with vision for the future. Says Pastor Peter, “If ever there was a day the world needs the gospel, it’s today.”

See you at SUMMIT SUMMIT 2016 is going to be a chance to encounter the presence, love and power of God like never before. Everyone is invited to attend from Wednesday 13 to Friday 15 July.

Pastor Benny’s latest book, More: Discovering the God of more when life gives you less, talks about learning to overcome challenges and grow stronger through them. Pastor Benny is passionate about helping people experience Christ and His ability to meet them in their darkest moments. He now travels the

For more information go to 12 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Five June 2016




inston Churchill said, “To each one there comes, in his or her lifetime, a special moment when they are tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talent. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour”. Is this true? Are there really “taps on the shoulder” that we need to make the most of ? From my own personal experiences I would say a resounding “yes it’s true.” And of course it’s God who delivers the tap. Let’s look at some examples In Genesis 22 Jacob wrestled all night with an angel. That encounter changed both his name, and character, from cheat or deceiver, to Israel, or “prince with God”. Moses had a life-changing encounter when God met him at the burning bush and restored his “lost” call. A “tap on the shoulder” can breathe new life into that which right now seems to be dead and forgotten. Gideon was anxiously threshing wheat in a wine press when he met God, he emerged from that encounter as a “mighty man of valour”. The Samaritan woman’s life was transformed when she met Jesus at the well. The thief on the cross met Jesus as they were both dying. Mercifully it meant he was snatched from the jaws of hell and welcomed into heaven. After His resurrection Jesus walked to Emmaus with two disciples. That encounter revealed that he was their Messiah, and turned their great sorrow into joy. The early church was born out of a massive encounter with God. Paul was persecuting Christians at the time, but from the moment he received his tap he was a changed man. No longer was he opposing the gospel, rather he was zealously preaching it to all mankind. More recently, there was a time when Charles Finney was so gripped with conviction he cried out to God. The Holy Spirit came on him so powerfully he was afraid of dying and prayed for God to stop. From that point his ministry was accompanied by great conviction of sin. Hudson Taylor was in London when he heard a voice say, “If you walk with me we will evangelise

inland China”. He replied, “Lord we will do it.” William Booth had an experience of heaven, which revealed how he had wasted his life rather than fighting God’s battles and saving souls. From that moment he went forward with a tremendous passion for souls. I too have experienced life-changing encounters with God. In the Philippines the words from a George Beverly Shea song, “Go down Moses, way down in Egypt’s land, tell old Pharaoh, let my people go”, deposited deep into my spirit, like heaven’s DNA, the great commission to reach a lost world. In the 90s I had two further visitations of God, in which he down-loaded the DNA for my ministry. The clear message was that the only hope of reaching a lost world would be the same as it was in the early church, by the power of the Holy Spirit. On January 1st 2009 some of our youth were on a beach mission when God visited them. One young man in particular had a dramatic encounter

can do to sharpen our appetite for spiritual things, among them taking care not to dull our appetites by filling up on the “junk” the world offers. Repentance both precedes and follows an encounter with God. It helps if we’re generous. Malachi 3:10 Involvement in mission can be a catalyst for an encounter with God. We must be prepared to “turn aside” as Moses did in Exodus 3:2-4, when he stopped to examine the burning bush. It was only at that point that God spoke to him and changed the course of his life. One practical way of being prepared to turn aside is to “read the Bible slowly”. The downside of encounters with God is when those who have them don’t have, or fail to develop, the character needed to handle them and the power they sometimes endow, without going off the rails. Encounters with God don’t make us bullet proof. Alexander Dowie had a powerful meeting

William Booth had an experience of heaven, which revealed how he had wasted his life rather than fighting God’s battles and saving souls. From that moment he went forward with a tremendous passion for souls.

with God that transformed him from being an average, to an, “on fire” Christian. This experience has changed his life. I spoke to a prophet about this, he said what God has done for that young man is a picture of what He wants to do with the church. So we see some of God’s purposes for encounters from these examples - they include repentance, a closer walk with God, transformed lives, empowering for miracles, healings, conviction of sin, a radical commission to a particular ministry or work for God, salvation, and most importanly, the call to reach a lost world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. So how can we position ourselves for that “tap on the shoulder”, what must we do to be “under the spout when the glory comes out”? We should actively seek God. Jeremiah 29:13 says we will find God when we seek Him with all our heart. When the apostles gave themselves to the word and prayer world mission exploded, as it did when the Moravians sought God in 24-7 prayer for 100 years. We must have a hunger for the things of God as we see in Matthew 5:6. There are many things we

with God and his subsequent ministry was marked by supernatural healings, but he lost his way. Sadly, he was by no means the first or the last to do so. It remains our responsibility to develop the character of Christ, particularly humility, which will sustain the walk God has called us to. May God’s “tap on the shoulder” open doors of opportunity, release your inheritance, and catapult you into both a closer walk with God and the fullness of the calling he has placed on your life.

Tak Bhana is the Senior Pastor of Church Unlimited. He has a radio and television program called Running with Fire, which broadcasts in New Zealand and other nations. His church also produces a magazine with the same name which is distributed in 70 countries, and he has written a book titled “Wired for the Supernatural”.

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Details up to date at time of printing. For up-to-date 24-hour programme information go to

SUNDAY 5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00

Living Truth: Charles Price Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen



In Touch: Charles Stanley


Living Truth: Charles Price


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah





Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen

Hour of Power: Robert Schuller


Kingdom Connection: Jentezen Franklin




Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew




Quick Study with Ron Hembree (Mon-Fri) Unlocking the Bible: David Pawson


Leading the Way: Michael Youssef


Kingdom Connection: Jentezen Franklin


Derek Prince


Renewal TV: Symon Drake





Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew


Hillsong Kids


Fifty the Tractor


Bed Bug Bible Gang


What’s in the Bible?


Bed Bug Bible Gang



What’s in the Bible?


Friends and Heroes


Bed Bug Bible Gang


Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew







Hour of Power: Robert Schuller



Harvest TV Rotorua


Bed Bug Bible Gang


Jovis Bon-Hovis


Hillsong Kids


What’s in the Bible?




Hillsong Kids




Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


Impact for Life: Peter & Bev Mortlock


Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin


LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


Life Questions: Jeff Vines


What’s in the Bible?



In Touch: Charles Stanley


Give Me An Answer: Cliffe Knechtle


Veggie Tales


Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin


Colour in Your Life


Songs of Praise


The Exchange


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah



LIFE TV: Paul de Jong


Precious Memories


100 Huntley St





Creation Magazine Live


Jump Shipp



9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00

The Restoration Road Give Me An Answer


Travelling Light SERIES

Leon Fontaine

See adjacent or go to for more detail Living Truth: Charles Price


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


The Restoration Road LivingTruth: Charles Price


Beyond Adventure


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen

Hour of Power: Robert Schuller


What’s in the Bible?


Friends and Heroes


Hillsong Kids


Bed Bug Bible Gang


Veggie Tales


D 17:30

The 700 Club (Mon-Fri)


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


Christian World News


LIFE TV: Paul de Jong Signed, Sealed, Delivered


Running with Fire: Tak Bhana


Studio 5

See adjacent for detail Beyond Adventure




See adjacent or go to for more detail D

Leon Fontaine






See adjacent or go to for more detail

See adjacent or go to for more detail



Creation Magazine Live


Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen



The Exchange


Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri)



Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave & Jill Moore



Precious Memories


1 am

Songs of Praise



The Exchange with Ed Stetzer


Derek Prince



Hillsong TV


Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri)


Give Me An Answer

Renewal TV: Symon Drake

Quick Study with Ron Hembree (Mon-Fri) P

Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen


Overnight until 4:30am - Rhema Worship (Sun-Sat)


“My favourite thing about Shine is that it’s family safe and a really encouraging channel. I always hear the right thing at the right time.”

N News


C Children E

M Music


22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 Midnight

D 00:30am P M

A Shine viewer says...

14 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Five June 2016

Hour of Power: Robert Schuller


21:00 21:30

LIFE TV: Paul de Jong





The Catholic Guy

2 am


Brought to you by

The Mark Gungor Show


Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah








See adjacent or go to for more detail


Your Best Life

The Catholic Guy: Bruce Downs



Signed, Sealed, Delivered SERIES

See adjacent or go to for more detail



Bayless Conley






The Restoration Road

Life Questions: Jeff Vines





Living Truth: Charles Price

P 16:30

Creation Magazine Live

100 Huntley St


Colour in Your Life



In Touch: Charles Stanley

P 16:00

Full Circle (Mon-Fri)

Songs of Praise



Leading the Way: Michael Youssef

D 17:00


Leading the Way: Michael Youssef



Studio 5


Unlocking the Bible: David Pawson



Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin



Rhema Worship (Mon-Fri)


Kingdom Connection


See adjacent or go to for more detail







See adjacent or go to for more detail

D 11:30


Go to for more detail

What’s in the Bible?

Impact for Life: Peter & Bev Mortlock

See adjacent or go to for more detail

The Exchange with Ed Stetzer



Go to for more detail




Go to for more detail





Y 10:30




Life fm Presents


Go to for more detail

Precious Memories


Signed, Sealed, Delivered SERIES






9:30 10:00


Bed Bug Bible Gang

Jump Shipp





Christian World News

Burning Questions



Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV



Colour in Your Life

Travelling Light

Leading the Way: Michael Youssef

Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri)

Go to for more detail






Answers with Bayless Conley

Full Circle (Mon-Fri)



In Touch: Charles Stanley




The 700 Club (Tue-Fri)

Go to for more detail


Joni & Friends

Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri)

1 am 1:30am

2 am

D Doco/Drama

Y Youth

S H I NE F E A T U R ES July 2016

Signed, Sealed, Delivered BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!

A team of postal detectives delivers seemingly undeliverable mail to its recipients. This post from the past saves lives, solves crimes and changes futures by arriving late but miraculously on time.

Wednesdays at 7.30pm Thursdays at 12pm Saturdays at 9pm

Living Hope: Tue 5 July at 8pm


Last Flight Out: Sun 10 July at 8.30pm

Catching Hearts (2012) (74 min) Gavin sees life as a series of random, Signed, Sealed, Delivered (2013) meaningless events. What happens when A group of postal detectives deliver life events shake his faith in atheism? unclaimed post that saves lives, solves Wed 6 @ 8.30pm crimes and changes futures. Every Wednesday @ 7.30pm Fading West (2013) (90 min) Every Thursday @ 12pm Follow Grammy-winning alternative Every Saturday @ 9pm rock band Switchfoot as they travel the globe in search of musical inspiration Studio 5 (2016) (30 min) and perfect waves. CBN’s Efrem Graham interviews artists Thu 7 @ 7.30pm from the entertainment industry. Every Friday @ 7.30pm Hardflip (2012) (113 min) Every Saturday @ 5pm After his mother falls ill, a troubled young skateboarder sets out to find the TV4DADS: Alaskan Adventure (2015) (30 min) father he never really knew. A series dedicated to fathers and Fri 8 @ 8.30pm; Sat 9 @ 12pm father figures around the world. Full of solid teaching, fun and adventure! Love Finds You In Sugarcreek (2014) Every Friday @ 8pm (90 min) When a stranger asks three elderly Traveling Light (2015) (28 min) Amish women for shelter and work, Max Lucado journeys through the 23rd their niece, a tough policewoman, is psalm to unpack the burdens we were determined to uncover his secrets. never meant to carry. Sat 9 @ 2pm Every Sunday @ 8.05pm Every Monday @ 1pm A Perfect Chord (2015) (95 min) A story about overcoming fears, the power of friendship and using ones gifts and talents to inspire others. Saints and Soldiers (2003) (90 min) A band of Allied soldiers is trapped Sat 9 @ 7pm; Sun 10 @ 2pm; Sat 30 @ 2pm behind enemy lines with information Last Flight Out (2004) (90 min) that could save thousands of people. A washed-up pilot flies to South America Fri 1 @ 8.30pm; Sat 2 @ 12pm to rescue a medical missionary, whom he once loved, from drug runners. Mercy Rule (2014) (117 min) John and his son learn to rely on friends, Sun 10 @ 8.30pm teammates and faith, they find their Revelation Road: The Beginning of the battles can be won. End (2014) (90 min) Sat 2 @ 2pm A salesman with a dark past must fight Crimes & Mister Meanors (2015) (105 min) his own demons and a bike gang to A political conspiracy with lessons complete his last sale and go home. about faith that offers a glimpse into Mon 11 @ 8.30pm what made America’s founders so great. Sat 2 @ 7pm; Sun 3 @ 2pm; Sat 23 @ 2pm Veil of Tears (2014) (90 min) Despite centuries of oppression, there WWJD3: Journey Continues (2015) (90 min) are those who are trying to change the An unknown drifter leads a pastor and culture towards women In India, from the community on an improbable the inside out. journey back to faith and redemption. Tue 12 @ 8.30pm Sun 3 @ 8.30pm Civil Love (2012) (95 min) Rachel reluctantly helps a wounded The Perfect Wave (2014) (90 min) Based on the true story of Ian McCormack, enemy soldier. She discovers a courage a young surfer left fighting for his life she didn’t know she had - the courage to love again. after being stung by a box jellyfish. Wed 13 @ 8.30pm Mon 4 @ 8.30pm

Flight: Genius of Birds: Thu 14 July at 7.30pm

Pitching Love and Catching Faith: Sat 16 July at 7pm

Flight: The Genius of Birds (2013) (65 min) The ingenuity of a bird’s behaviour and biology show unmistakable evidence for design, purpose and plan. Thu 14 @ 8.30pm

Escape (2012) (90 min) Doctors Paul and Kim Jordan join a medical mission in Thailand. It seems perfect, until Paul is kidnapped. Fri 22 @ 8.30pm; Sat 23 @ 12pm

Camp (2013) (115 min) An investment advisor trys to impress a client by volunteering at a camp for foster children. He reassesses his priorities after meeting a boy from a broken home. Fri 15 @ 8.30pm; Sat 16 @ 12pm

Underdogs (2013) (102 min) A small-town high school football team rises to play their powerful rival, while standing up for an entire community. Sat 23 @ 7pm; Sun 24 @ 2pm

Find a Way (2013) (90 min) One morning ‘Smiley’ Cain didn’t wake up, leaving his family to question why God would allow this to happen. Sat 16 @ 2pm Pitching Love and Catching Faith (2012) (60 min) Falling in love wasn’t part of their plan… but now Tyler must choose between his dream and Heather. And she must choose between love and loneliness. Sat 16 @ 7pm; Sun 17 @ 2pm

A Gathering of Souls (2015) (55 min) With commentary from academics, pastors and fellow evangelists, the history of the Billy Graham crusades. Sun 24 @ 8.30pm The Perfect Summer (2013) (80 min) Forced to move to a small town, a teenager asks his grandfather to teach him how to surf. Mon 25 @ 8.30pm Linsanity (2013) (89 min) The life story of Christian basketball sensation, Jeremy Lin. Tue 26 @ 8pm

John Wesley (2014) (93 min) Keith Garner looks at the man whose work in the 18th Century would impact A Mile in His Shoes (2011) (90 min) Micky suffers from Aspergers. He joins a the British Empire for over 200 years. minor-league baseball team and has a Sun 17 @ 8.30pm profound effect on the team & manager. Revelation Road: The Sea of Glass and Wed 27 @ 8.30pm Fire (2013) (90 min) Josh Mc Manus must choose: embrace #standwithme (2014) (73 min) his past as a man of violence, or learn a After seeing a photo of two enslaved new path and become a man of faith. boys in Nepal, Vivienne Harr is moved to help by setting up a lemonade stand. Mon 18 @ 8.30pm Thu 28 @ 8pm Corrie ten Boom: A Faith Undefeated Old Fashioned (2014) (110 min) (2014) (60 min) One woman’s triumph over Nazi Clay and Amber must overcome their fears and wounds to attempt an ‘oldimprisonment. fashioned’, God-honouring courtship. Tue 19 @ 8pm Fri 29 @ 8.30pm; Sat 30 @ 12pm Discoveries of Israel: City of David A Little Game (2014) (90 min) (2012) (48 min) Pastor John Hagee on a journey through Ignored by schoolmates and shaken time, exploring the archaeological by her beloved grandmother’s death, a 10-year-old girl finds an unlikely friend traces of ancient Israel in Jerusalem. in the form of a feisty chess master. Tue 19 @ 9pm Sat 30 @ 7pm; Sun 31 @ 2pm Life Fine Tuned (2011) (90 min) Self-absorbed teen pop idol Star Going Strongly for the Summit (2013)

confronts her wounded past and gets (75 min) John Blanchard is one of the foremost in tune with herself and God. ‘defenders of the faith’. Over the years Wed 20 @ 8.30pm many have come to faith through him. Sun 31 @ 8.30pm Flux: A Journey of Constant Change Turning 60: A Road trip (2014) (55 min) (2012) (60 min) Living Hope (2014) (90 min) The inspirational story of John Thomas Travel with Grant around NZ as he visits Surfers from different backgrounds Details up to date at time of printing. and hundreds who joined him to fight significant places and events of his life meet in NZ for 10 days. They share a For up-to-date 24-hour programme love of surfing and a common faith. - a candid autobiography. poverty and disease in South Africa. information go to Thu 21 @ 7.30pm Thu 14 @ 7.30pm Tue 5 @ 8pm

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The Pain of Social Infertility There may not have been a cure for the condition I was experiencing, but at least there was a label - something that gave it the gravitas it deserved. Now my pain had a name. Tania Harris


here was a couple in our church who were barren. I don’t know the medical reasons for it - I just remember watching their painful struggle to conceive. I remember how as a church we rallied around them; how we stood with them as they responded to altar-call after altar-call praying for a miracle. Every time another round of IVF failed, we built them up with our words and prayers of encouragement. Every time another woman in our church gave birth, we embraced them with our love. The journey was long and distressing. To this day I don’t think they ever had children. They’re not alone of course. Experts tell us here in Australia that one in six couples experience fertility problems. In spite of the reality, most of us grow up expecting that one day we’ll be parents. It’s a God-given instinct to reproduce after our own kind. So when what seems the most natural thing in the world is denied us, it’s shocking. It feels deeply unjust - almost deviant. Recently a friend opened up to me about her own journey through infertility. Her and her husband were on their second round of IVF after trying for five years to conceive naturally. With tears in her eyes, she shared her roller-coaster ride of hope and loss. How they’d conceived, then miscarried, conceived then miscarried again. Now they were waiting another lengthy period before they could try again. I listened with as much empathy as I could. Then I said; “I know how you feel.” In retrospect I wondered if I should have said that. After all I’ve never been pronounced medically unable to conceive. I don’t have a problem with my uterus or a partner with a low sperm count. I’ve never been through a round of IVF. Yet I still knew how she felt, because I’m infertile too.

But my infertility is different. My inability to have a child comes under a different label. The type of barrenness I’ve experienced came because the right man never came along at the right time. The Value of a Label When I first heard the phrase ‘social infertility’, it filled me with a profound sense of relief - like the feeling you get when your doctor finally gives you the diagnosis for a long-term illness. There may not have been an easy cure for the condition I was suffering, but at least there was a label - something that gave it the gravitas it deserved. Now my pain had a name. But what exactly do we mean by ‘social infertility’? The term has been coined relatively recently by the IVF industry to attribute infertility to the lack of a male partner during the reproductive

16 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Five June 2016

years. Though I’ve found it a helpful term, some say it’s not only ugly and degrading, it’s also offensive to those who are truly infertile and can’t do anything about it. Some of course, are doing something about it. IVF clinics in major cities of Australia recently reported a 10 per cent jump in the use of donor sperm to conceive a child. Although lesbian couples account for some of the increase, doctors say the real growth is among older single heterosexual women. For the single woman who has convictions about raising a family with two parents, that leaves very few options - if any at all. A researcher in the UK recently concluded that given the current church population, the only choice for many Christian women today was singleness or marriage to a nonChristian1. But what about those who want to serve God with their partner and have a baby?

is real and it never goes away. I know I will carry it with me for the rest of my life. Death without a Gravestone At this point there’s no real cure for singles like me. There’s no medical technology that promises relief for the partner-less and adoption is not usually an option for a lone parent. Like the married woman believing for a miracle child yet receiving none, the single woman today may need to come to a place of acceptance about the status she finds herself in, believing instead that God can give the grace needed to live with a thorn in her flesh (2 Corinthians 12:710). But what we can do is speak about it. We can bring the concept of social infertility to the surface and give it the recognition it needs. When the pain is unseen, it is difficult to grieve. Like a death without a gravestone, there’s nothing to mark it. There’s no warm condolences after a failed hormonal treatment. No prayers of intercession for a doctor’s appointment. Not even a partner to share the grief with in moments of vulnerability. It’s often felt alone, day after day, silently gnawing away at a woman’s heart. As the church we’re called to carry each other’s burdens and in this way fulfil the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2). To bear them of course, we must first recognise them. For many, the pain of being unable to bear a child due to the absence of a partner is felt just as deeply as those who are physically unable to bear them.2 Like the physically infertile woman, the socially infertile woman needs to feel the love and grace of those who care enough to understand. She needs others to stand with her as she takes her grief to God.

Growing Up with the Dream Some of my friends are childless and perfectly okay with it. I’m not one of them. I’m the one who had the ‘most-likely-to-be-married-first’ tag at school; the one with the glory box packed with an array of lace doilies and whose baby names were long picked out. I grew up practising motherhood with an extensive collection of dolls, insisting that my prized favourite only ever be called a ‘baby’ by my annoyed siblings. My goal was to have at least four kids, maybe five. Mum was good at it and so would I be. There were no plans for a career - it was all set - with no back-up plan if it didn’t happen. And then it didn’t happen. My 20s passed with a few prospects. Then the 30s with one or two more, but now in my 40s, most of my male peers prefer a fertile 30 year old and with the current ‘man drought’, they can easily get them. It wasn’t just the numbers. I had whittled down my prospects in seeking a partner who was as passionate about serving the kingdom as I was. Today that choice has 2 A 2012 study in the UK, The Modern Motherhood Report left me with an unrealised dream, an ache that still for Red Magazine, found that more than half 54% of motherless women said emotional infertility, was as bad as being wakes me in the middle of the night and flares up at medically infertile. baby showers. Now I will never have a child of my own. Don’t get me wrong; I love my life. God has Tania Harris is a pastor, speaker and the founder of God blessed me incredibly and Conversations, a ministry that equips people to recognise God’s I don’t regret any one of voice. With a diverse history as church planter, pastor and Bible my choices. But the pain College lecturer, Tania’s ministry is known for its all-age appeal, 1 for.many.christian.women. singleness.or.marry.a.non. christian/47496.htm accessed, 6 February 2015

wisdom, and ‘God-stories’. She speaks to groups of all ages and denominations and is a popular voice on Australian and New Zealand radio. Currently Tania is completing her Doctorate in Ministry researching peoples’ experiences hearing God’s voice. When not ministering, she is most likely to be found kayaking on Sydney Harbour or climbing a tall mountain and skiing down it! Tania is an ordained minister with the Australian Christian Churches. Hillsong is her church home in Sydney, Australia.


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brought to you by My Christian Daily Jobs EVENTS

15 Organisations begin national Evangelism Conference In September 2016 a national evangelism conference will be facilitated by the Shining Lights Trust in partnership with a wide range of outreaching organisations in New Zealand.

This conference is for pastors, passionate evangelisers and church members.

Registration online at:

It is purposed as: 1. A rallying point for evangelism.

The dates:

1pm Friday 2nd September to 8pm Saturday 3rd September

2. A strategic equipping conference at which people can get inspiration and equipping to take back to their churches.

The venue:

City Church Tauranga, 252 Otumoetai Road, Tauranga.

The cost:

$120 adult ($90 early-bird registrations prior to 19th August 2016)

Speakers include: Don McDonnell (pastor and evangelist), Alan Vink (Willow Creek NZ), Dave Mann (Shining Lights Trust), Tony Collis (pastor and evangelist), Paul Eardley (CAP NZ), Stuart Lange (Historian, Laidlaw College) and many more in seminars.

$80 student ($ 60 early-bird registrations prior to 19th August 2016) Includes tea breaks and Saturday lunch.



(Aka, the Hope Project team) PO Box 6078, Brookfield, Tauranga 3146

Youth With A Mission

New Zealand Christian Network

Ka mahi tahi, ka ora




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2-3 SEPT 2016, CHRISTCHURCH Two day trauma-based counselling training professional development. Steps and skills are transferrable to other loss and trauma work. 2 Sep 9-3.30pm, 3 Sep 9-4.30pm Petersgate Counselling Centre 29 Yaldhurst Rd, Christchurch Koha appreciated • BYO lunch Morning & afternoon tea provided To register interest, freephone 0800 728 470 or email


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brought to you by My Christian Daily Jobs RESOURCES

Peter Snell Youth Village is situated on 27 acres of native bush and parkland about 45 minutes north of Downtown Auckland. With amazing sea and island views towards Waiwera and the Mahurangi. In recent years the facilities have been updated to meet the needs and comfort of the many school and community groups that take advantage of this beautiful site. Excellent catering and friendly hosts enable guests to focus entirely on getting the most out of their stay. Onsite activities include an initiative course, burma trail, horizontal bungy, water slide and trampolines, as well as an abseiling tower. Kayaking and sailing is also available but needs to be booked with an outside provider. The beach track gives access to a rocky shore as well as a sandy beach for beach games and swimming if desired.

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