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MARCH 2016 • Issue THIRTY-TWO •
Armed and Dangerous
Religion in Schools to face court
page 04
page 06
page 12
“This is happening, and we need to wake up the Christian community,” says Mrs Sewell. “It won’t happen overnight, but if it succeeds there will be no religious instruction in state primary schools or colleges. No prayers, or hymns, no Maori prayers.” Religious Instruction in Schools Face Court Case page 6
Issue THIRTY-TWO | MAR 2016
04 Owen Pomana: Armed and Dangerous 06 Religious Instruction in Schools Face Court Case 08 Entertainment 09 Local News 10 Shine TV programme guide
12 Christian Life Classifieds
NEXT ISSUE OUT April 2016 Booking deadline: 24th March Art deadline: 30th March Distribution: 4th April
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Janet Balcombe catches up with an ex-hardman with a heart for the homeless, evangelist Owen Pomana
Armed and Dangerous
didn’t know any preachers who’ve made a living with a 12-gauge shotgun and have a ninepage criminal record until I met Owen Pomana. Now he wields even deadlier weapons — the Word of God and the name of Jesus. His life is a rich tapestry of every colour and texture, and it’s almost easier to say what he hasn’t done in his life than what he has. Let’s start at the beginning. Owen is the youngest of six kids, his Dad was a shearer and Jack-of-all-Trades, and his Mum was a nurse. Life wasn’t too bad for Owen growing up in Napier until around the age of 15-16, the bottom dropped out of his world big-time when his Dad died of a heart attack. Owen enlisted in the Royal New Zealand Navy where he stayed for 7.5 years before becoming a personal trainer. By age 25, Owen was a regional, national, and international bodybuilding champion. After placing 5th in the INBA World Bodybuilding Champs in the USA he returned to New Zealand and discovered that his best friend was sleeping with his girlfriend. That’s got to hurt. Devastated, Owen looked to Australia to give him a new start where he could get a job and forget the trauma and brokenness that had come upon his life. After three weeks in a Backpackers dorm, he ran out of money. He found a cardboard box and newspaper. “The cardboard box was to shield me from my shame.” Out of desperation to get off the streets, Owen turned to prostitution and worked as a gigolo. This was hugely embarrassing and damaging for Owen and he saw a lot of twisted stuff that was to traumatise his mind and heart for a long time. It took him 4-6 months to recover from the memory of doing that line of work. In Kings Cross one night he was commissioned to do some ‘security work’. He became an armed debt-collector and began to use crack Cocaine and Methamphetamine. Trouble brewed and bubbled over then hunted him in the form of five Hells Angels. They beat him with steel hammers until his eye was hanging out of its broken socket. Owen had walked through dark valleys before, but now faced imminent death. Miraculously, he survived, but after healing physically he was still a broken man inside. In 2007 Owen found himself on a beach, head over heels in sin and sickness with a gun in his pocket and had a conversation with God. “God if you’re real, help me! I don’t know who You are but I could really do with some help right now.” Owen had a friend he used to smoke drugs with who now told him that he couldn’t do drugs with him anymore. He had become a Christian. He pulled out a Bible gave it to Owen saying, “You’re going to need this one day.” While getting stoned at home soon after, there was a knock at the door. Owen answered it with a gun in one hand and a crack pipe in the other. It was one of Owens friends who had a
4 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Two March 2016
man with him, Pastor Ken Berghan. Pastor Ken asked if he could pray for Owen and BOOM, the power of heaven knocked Owen to the floor. Two weeks later he gave his life to Jesus Christ. When Owen gave his life to Christ, he gave all of it. He didn’t know what repentance meant but he soon found the power in it. “The stuff that came out of my heart was setting me free. Virtual chains were breaking off me, and the memory and trauma of past things. All the stinking, rubbishy stuff I’d done. I was so embarrassed about my life, but as I confided in this man, I was set free.” Owen was looking down the barrel of 12-15 years in prison. Through the prayer and support he received from Pastor Ken and other believers, the judge knew Owens transformation was genuine and gave him 18 months to serve. This time he was doing time as a Christian. With the anointing of evangelism on his life and Gods grace, he saw 81 men come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ during that lag. People who were just like him. No wonder Satan wanted him dead. This man who was once a one-man crime wave now wrecks untold damage to the kingdom of darkness. His strength lies in the Word and being led by the
This page from top: Owen Pomana (Photo credit:; Bottom: With Fiji inmates; Opposite page clockwise from top: Owen joined the Royal New Zealand Navy in 1987, RNZN Diving School in 1993; Ministering on Queen Street, Auckland (Photo credit:; 1996 Owen placed 5th at the INBA Worlds, here with his brothers Wayne (right) and Derek (left)
Spirit. Owen learned a lot about God’s heart to save those trapped in child prostitution in Thailand, victims of human trafficking in Laos and Myanmar, children working in brick kiln slavery in Pakistan, bondage slavery in India, and in North Korea and the underground churches in China and Brunei. When he is not ministering on the streets, Owen visits orphanages and hospitals praying and blessing people with the love of God. “Every time I wake up in the morning I say, ‘Whatever it is You want me to do Lord, the answer is YES.’ People need hope. They need to know that people care. That’s why I come out into the streets, because I’ve actually been here. I know what brokenness looks like.” “They just want to talk to someone and have a conversation. I have people that I partner with and they say, ‘Just take the people to the shop, buy them some clothes and just love on them.’ And that’s what it’s like. We just love on people.” In 2011 Owen heard Heidi Baker prophesy, “There’s a man listening to me right now, God is going to give you plane tickets and Visa’s to nations, and you are going to go to 30 nations.”
G o d i f yo u ’ r e r e a l , h e l p m e ! I d o n ’ t k n o w w h o Yo u a r e b u t I c o u l d r e a l ly d o w i t h s o m e h e l p r i g h t n o w .
Owen believed she was speaking to him, received that word and responded, “Here I am Lord, send me.” He completed the 30-nation prophetic word in January 2014 and has now been to 37 nations telling the greatest love story there ever was. Owen is honoured and humbled to know that God can reach even the most messed up person (like him), take them from the gutter and send them anywhere in the world. “I have met amazing people in ministry around the world who are unknown, have no titles in ministry, who serve GOD with all their hearts, who are humble and have so much love for people.” He lives by faith and appreciates the prayers and partnership of anyone who wants to see souls saved. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4
You can contact Owen for outreach opportunities or support on email,
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Religious Instruction in Schools Face Court Case By MARIE ANTICICH
Thirty minutes of religious instruction a week has been around in New Zealand state primary schools for more than 100 years, and Christian education in church schools for much longer. Now religious instruction in state schools is the subject of a court case scheduled for April 26 at the Auckland High Court. Churches Education Commission national director, Stephanie Sewell (pictured above) raises the alert. Every week 2,500 volunteers representing 16 major denominations go into more than 600 state primary schools throughout New Zealand to provide religious instruction for around 60,000 children.
he Churches Education Commission (CEC) is an interdenominational body which is responsible for co-ordinating Christian Religious Education (CRE), formerly called ‘Bible in Schools,’ in state schools throughout New Zealand. Schools invite volunteers from local churches to go into their classrooms for 30 minutes each week to teach the Bible-based Life Choices values programme. This curriculum is written by New Zealanders for New Zealand kids, and the material is suitable for use in the classroom, or in large-group style Champions sessions. Lessons typically include stories, songs, drama, and all CRE volunteers are required to be trained, accredited and police vetted. In recent times, Christian religious instruction has been encountering increased opposition from secular organisations, and on April 26 the Auckland High Court will hear a landmark case against religious instruction in state schools. The case has strong support from the Secular Education Network and the Humanist and Rationalist Society. The case has two parts: • A Hibiscus Coast parent is suing the Red Beach School board of trustees for lack of implementation of the opting out of religious education process at his daughter’s school. • This same person is also suing the Attorney General, claiming that Section 78 of the Education Act is inconsistent with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, centring around the ‘freedom of religion’ clause.
6 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Two March 2016
Zealand, we applied to be added as an interested non-party at a hearing in May last year.” The High Court doesn’t have the power to change the law and can only make recommendations based on its findings. But, Parliament can decide whether or not any further action will be taken, and Parliament has the ability to remove religious instruction in schools. If the law is changed, this will impact all religious programmes in schools. “This is happening, and we need to wake up the Christian community,” says Mrs Sewell. “It won’t happen overnight, but if it succeeds there will be no religious instruction in state primary schools or colleges. No prayers, or hymns, no Maori prayers.”
A growing number of schools are opting for CEC’s Champions programme, which gathers large groups of children for half-hour weekly sessions in school halls. These high-energy sessions feature songs, games and stories, and typically attract groups of 50 to 120 children. Ideally sessions are held during allocated religious instruction lesson time, or in the school lunch break. CEC currently has about 100 Champions groups operating in schools throughout New Zealand, and has paid presenters in 22% of Auckland primary schools. What is the current legal situation regarding religious instruction (RI) in schools? “The Religious Instruction and Observance Act passed in 1962, and incorporated into the Education Act in 1964, and is still valid today,” says CEC national director, Stephanie Sewell. “The 1989 School Trustees Act states that each school board has governance of its own school, and so it’s up to each board to decide whether or not they will have religious instruction in their school. “Under the 1964 Education Act, parents are free to choose if their child will attend religious instruction classes. This ‘freedom of choice’ is in line with the NZ Bill of Rights Act Sections 13 and 15, which state that every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief.” Although the court case isn’t against CEC, there could be major ramifications. “The case isn’t against us,” she adds. “But, as the largest provider of religious instruction in New
Why teach religious education in schools? “The Christian faith and the Bible have played a major role in shaping New Zealand’s history and culture, and the first schools were started by church denominations. So religious education is part of our heritage, and it helps kids to understand the legacy our nation was built on. “Many CEC volunteers are older people bringing the values of previous generations and, with the breakdown in families, it’s good to have these mature individuals speaking into children’s lives.” Why do children need to learn values? “During their six years at primary school, children are taught literacy and numeracy but, what kind of person are they going to be when they walk out the school gates? We want kids to have attributes like kindness, honesty, sharing and love for their neighbour.” CEC’s two core products are Christian Religious Education, which provides age-appropriate material for classroom lessons, and Champions for large group sessions. Schools decide which programme best suits their students. New Zealand is getting more and more secular, she said, but CEC continues to focus its time and effort on delivering quality programmes to the hundreds of schools that invite them into their classrooms each week. “I think schools will be calling out for our new Life Choices curriculum,” says Mrs Sewell. “It’s a quality curriculum designed to equip kids for life, hence the name; and it is reviewed by teachers and principals, and approved by each school board.” Children learn about basic Christian beliefs such as Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection and Bible stories are interwoven with values like kindness, honesty and loyalty, which link readily into
the school’s Values Education programme. Teachers may discuss well-accepted ideas of ‘right’ and ‘wrong,’ such as lying, stealing and hurting others, whereas controversial topics like hell and end times are avoided. “Our goal is to help kids make good life choices,” Mrs Sewell affirms. “We’re there to educate children about Christian beliefs and values, and we are continually developing teaching methods and materials to make sure our programmes are relevant and adding value to school communities.” A Profile Stephanie Sewell was appointed CEC’s national director four months ago, succeeding Simon Greening, and she oversees the national staff and CEC nationally from its headquarters in Penrose, Auckland. “We have 16 regions to keep on track, and so I’m constantly talking to team leaders around the country to make sure we’re all on the same page, and seeing what we can offer schools.”
Her role includes fund-raising and attracting new classroom teachers and large-group Champions presenters. “More schools would like to try out our programmes,” she adds. “But we need more classroom teachers and large group presenters.” Since the age of 21, Stephanie has worked for various NGOs, and most recently was children’s and family pastor at Auckland’s LIFE churches for 13 years. A skilled story-teller, she often spoke at ‘Bible in Schools’ events, before taking up her present role. Growing up in Europe with American parents, she attended an American school in Germany. “My parents were basically hippies, and so I grew up in an alternative home,” recounts Stephanie who first heard of the Bible at age 12, at an after-school care programme, from a German woman who told the children Bible stories. This had a huge impact on Stephanie’s life, and has guided her to where she is today. Twenty five years ago she married a Kiwi she met in the USA, and they returned to New Zealand 14 years ago, with their three daughters.
How is Bible in Schools going? “We’ve gained a handful of schools and lost a handful, and so things have stayed pretty much the same. I think schools love what we’re doing for kids. Typically it’s one or two parents who want to remove the programme. “When a school board decides to review its religious education programme, it usually sends a survey out to parents, and the board makes a decision based on the results of the survey. So it’s important for those in favour of the programme to speak up when they get the opportunity. What lies ahead? “Our new curriculum is getting good feedback and children are loving the big Champions lunchtime sessions. With increased support we could do more. I can see CEC also offering much-needed services to the community, such as an after-school care programme with a Christian flavour.”
In 1912 the Bible in Schools League was formed to lobby politicians to amend the secular clause. The league tried no less than 42 times to get enough votes, coming close on several occasions. However, it was successful in encouraging devotional observances in primary schools in some regions. In 1949 the BIS league and the National Council of Churches Education Commission combined to form the New Zealand Council for Christian Education. A more co-operative spirit prevailed and, in 1955, the first agreed syllabus was imported from Great Britain. The Religious Instruction and Observance Act was passed in 1962, setting out the basis for voluntary religious instruction in state primary schools. The Act was incorporated into the Education Act 1964, and these legal provisions are still in place today. The National Council of Churches Christian Education Commission was established in 1964, and merged with the NZ Council of
Christian Education nine years later, to form the current Churches Education Commission. Initial CEC member churches in 1973 were Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Churches of Christ, Salvation Army, Congregationalist and Society of Friends, joined later in the 1970s and 1980s by Apostolic, Assembly of God, Elim, New Life and Open Brethren churches. The Catholic Church has observer status and some CEC volunteers are Catholic. A truly non-sectarian syllabus called Religion in Life was agreed on, later renamed Access Ministries, and more recently CEC has accepted the Life Choices syllabus. The Johnson Report commissioned by the Department of Education in the 1970s was a watershed document, and some key issues raised in the report polarised attitudes about religious education between member churches. The storm was weathered and member churches continue to work together.
A HISTORY Christianity and biblical tenets have been taught in New Zealand schools since the early 1800’s, when missionaries from various denominations – first Anglicans, then Methodists and Catholics – started the very first church schools for the Maori people. In 1887 an Education Act was passed, with a clause legislating for secular education in state schools. The Act was not anti-Christian, but rather anti-denominational, due to bitter sectarian rivalry in colonial days; and referred to the deletion of opening religious exercises. In 1897 the Nelson Education Board introduced the concept of ‘closing’ schools for 30 minutes each week so that religious instruction could take place. The Rev. J. McKenzie, of Nelson encouraged co-operation from ministers in other denominations, and this idea gradually spread to the rest of the country. By 1910 10% of primary schools had religious instruction, and 50% by 1965.
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Resurrecting Jesus’ Onscreen Story Taylor Hopping examines an ancient investigation.
The story of Jesus coming back to life has been told countless times, and so it should be - it’s the most important account of our existence. Now, despite hundreds of renditions, one film has managed to retell the world’s most significant historical event like never before. Debuting at #2 in the U.S. box office, Risen is the epic Biblical story of the Resurrection as told through the eyes of a non-believer. Clavius (Joseph Fiennes), a powerful Roman military tribune, and his aide, Lucius (Tom Felton), are tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Jesus in the weeks following the crucifixion, in order to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem. Seven years ago, writer/director Kevin Reynolds (previously known for directing the blockbuster action hit Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves) was approached by LD Entertainment to
create yet another movie about the resurrection. Determined to bring a fresh approach, he blew the concept out of the water. Reynolds devised the idea of the narrative being told through the sceptical eyes of someone who didn’t believe. This is the story of Jesus’ greatest miracle told as a detective thriller. Producer and LD Entertainment founder Mickey Liddell loved the idea of creating an audience experience about something ancient and sacred as if it were brand new. In keeping with Reynolds’ vision to make the film big and epic, two-time Oscar-nominated Joseph Fiennes (star of Luther and Shakepeare In Love) came on board as the protagonist Clavius. Fiennes loved the brilliant, original approach so much that he decided to take the film’s dynamic a step further - attending gladiator school in Rome. Fiennes recalls, “It got me thinking into the mind-frame and the culture
8 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Two March 2016
and the mental and physical preparation that those beings would’ve gone through. It was hugely beneficial.” He wasn’t the only cast member taking extreme measures to get into the role. Fiennes’ New Zealand co-star Cliff Curtis’, who plays Yeshua, took a vow of silence for an entire month to best convey his role as the Messiah. Cliff Curtis had worked previously with Reynolds in the 1994 Easter Island picture Rapa Nui. “When producer Patrick Aiello suggested Cliff, I immediately sparked to the idea because I know how intense and versatile he can be,” says Reynolds. “Cliff comes from the Robert De Niro school of method acting, so part of his process in Risen was to not talk to anyone.” So far Risen has received nothing but glowing reviews from its Christian supporters. Described by to be “one of the most excellent movies in theatres in recent
years”, Risen has been commended on not only its commitment to the acting, but also its superior “cinematography, music, as well as comic relief ”, all of which are labelled as “outstanding”. In the end, it’s clear that Risen is the resurrection like never before. Able to tell a life-changing story from the point of view of one whose life hasn’t been changed, Risen is the Biblical story that finally strikes a balance. Fiennes said, “We’re hoping this really gets the attention of a faithbased audience because it treats the story with great respect and great production value. So we hope that it strikes a chord with cinephiles and faith-based audiences alike” and we’re sure it’ll do just that. We can’t wait to see it transform lives with the redemptive message of Jesus. Visit to watch the trailer & find a cinema screening Risen in your town.
THE SPACE BETWEEN By Hilary Hague |SUNZ Children and Families Ministry Leader Te Waka Eke Noa, the 2015 research from SUNZ, shows that New Zealand has a lot of churches running community programmes for children and families. That’s encouraging. But the research also shows that although these community programmes are important in their own right, there is a space between them
and the churches that run them. Very few children and families actually join the churches that are running the programmes. This means we in the church face a challenge. We need to think carefully about this space and ask ourselves why it is there. And then we need to find intentional and proactive ways
to help children and families make the journey across this space and into church life. Scripture Union’s WAY2GO conference for children’s ministry leaders is offering a workshop on ‘The Space Between’ and on many other topics too. To find out more check our website
A fresh perspective on the Easter story for 12,000 youth A fresh perspective and some unique artwork are the hallmarks of a new resource specially designed to encourage youth to engage with the biblical story of Easter. Bible Society will distribute this resource free to more than 12,000 youth at Easter Camps. The five panelled creative resource tells the Easter story from the perspectives of four lesser-known characters – the servant girl who caught out Peter in the courtyard, Pilate, the Centurion at the cross and the doubting disciple Thomas. Bible Society Programme Director Stephen Opie said, “Interacting with the Easter story through these creative reflections and unique pieces of art, youth will be able to ITD develop a 360 degree 1view8/03/16 of 180x251mm final.pdf
what the biblical scenes might have looked and felt like. It will help them imagine themselves in the story, to see and feel what was going on.” One of the four artists, Morgan Lee, shares what it was like coming up with her design for the servant girl, who witnessed Peter’s denial of Christ. Although Morgan was brought up with Christian faith she says her experiences and situations in life led her away from God. Yet in working on this design she found a connection in the Bible story, and particularly her character, that relates to life today. “Working on this illustration for Bible Society has made me more aware on the impact of God in peoples’ lives, especially the younger generation. Initially working 8:23 AM
on a Bible story was a little difficult as I found I needed to really examine something I hadn’t focused on in many years. Yet after talking to friends and family who were aware of the Bible story, I was able to reflect on and relate to how the servant girl was feeling.” The lines emanating from the servant girl represent the “disarray of thoughts and emotions she would have been feeling at the time.” Morgan believes the servant girl’s story and the confusion she felt could help youth connect the story to their own lives and deeper inner emotions within themselves. Bible Society’s new Easter resource will be distributed for free at three main Easter camps - Baptist Central (Fielding),
Baptist Northern (Mystery Creek, Hamilton) and Canterbury Youth Service’s Southern (Christchurch). It will also be given to youth at the nine Presbyterian Easter camps held around the country and the Central Division Salvation Army Easter camp at Silverstream, Upper Hutt.
2016 C
DEEP FAITH IN A SURFACE WORLD Scripture Union NZ’s Conference for all Children’s Ministry Leaders
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Details up to date at time of printing. For up-to-date 24-hour programme information go to
SUNDAY 5:00 6:00
Living Truth: Charles Price
Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen
Hour of Power: Robert Schuller
Harvest TV Rotorua
In Touch: Charles Stanley
Living Truth: Charles Price
Turning Point: David Jeremiah
Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen
Hour of Power: Robert Schuller
Quick Study with Ron Hembree (Mon-Fri)
Kingdom Connection: Jentezen Franklin
Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew
Unlocking the Bible: David Pawson
Leading the Way: Michael Youssef
Kingdom Connection: Jentezen Franklin
Derek Prince
Renewal TV: Symon Drake
Pahappahooey Island / Superbook (23 Apr)
Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew
3-2-1 Penguins!
That’s Amazing
Bed Bug Bible Gang
What’s in the Bible?
Bed Bug Bible Gang
What’s in the Bible?
Friends and Heroes
Bed Bug Bible Gang
Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew
Pahappahooey Island / Superbook (22 Apr)
That’s Amazing
Bed Bug Bible Gang
Jovis Bon-Hovis and the Creation Crew
3-2-1 Penguins!
What’s in the Bible?
That’s Amazing
3-2-1 Penguins!
Running with Fire: Tak Bhana
Impact for Life: Peter & Bev Mortlock
Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin
LIFE TV: Paul de Jong
Running with Fire: Tak Bhana
Life Questions: Jeff Vines
What’s in the Bible?
In Touch: Charles Stanley
Veggie Tales
Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin
10:30 11:00
6:30 7:00 7:30
Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri) Give Me An Answer: Cliffe Knechtle
Colour in Your Life
Songs of Praise
The Exchange
Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah
LIFE TV: Paul de Jong
Precious Memories
7th Street Theatre
Creation Magazine Live
The Restoration Road
7th Street Theatre
Give Me An Answer
14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00
See adjacent or go to for more detail
See adjacent or go to for more detail Living Truth: Charles Price
Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah
Joni & Friends Colour in Your Life
Precious Memories
Songs of Praise
20:30 21:00 21:30
What’s in the Bible?
Hillsong TV
Your Best Life
The Catholic Guy
The Exchange
Harvest TV Rotorua: Dave & Jill Moore
Precious Memories
1 am
Songs of Praise
Kingdom Connection
Unlocking the Bible: David Pawson
Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV
See adjacent or go to for more detail
LivingTruth: Charles Price
See adjacent or go to for more detail
See adjacent or go to for more detail
The Exchange with Ed Stetzer
D 11:30
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See adjacent or go to for more detail
13:30 14:00 14:30
Turning Point: David Jeremiah
Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen
That’s Amazing
What’s in the Bible?
Pahappahooey Island / Superbook (21 Apr)
Friends and Heroes
3-2-1 Penguins!
Bed Bug Bible Gang
Hour of Power: Robert Schuller
Veggie Tales
15:00 15:30
Leading the Way: Michael Youssef
P 16:00
Colour in Your Life
P 16:30
Rhema Worship (Mon-Fri)
100 Huntley St
D 17:00
Full Circle (Mon-Fri)
Creation Magazine Live
D 17:30
The 700 Club (Mon-Fri)
Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen
Word For You: Terry & Jayne Calkin
Christian World News
LIFE TV: Paul de Jong
Leon Fontaine
Running with Fire: Tak Bhana
Life Questions: Jeff Vines
100 Huntley St
Jeni: Seeking the Extraordinary
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The Men’s Series
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20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 D 22:00
Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri)
Destined to Reign with Joseph Prince (Mon-Fri)
The Mark Gungor Show
LIFE TV: Paul de Jong
Creation Magazine Live
Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen
The Catholic Guy: Bruce Downs
Derek Prince
Hillsong TV
Hope Centre
Give Me An Answer
Brought to you by
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Renewal TV: Symon Drake
Living Truth: Charles Price
Turning Point: Dr David Jeremiah
Lakewood Church: Joel Osteen
Hour of Power: Robert Schuller
Overnight until 4:30am - Rhema Worship (Sun-Sat)
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P 22:30
N News
C Children E
M Music
23:00 23:30 Midnight
D 00:30am 1 am P
Joni & Friends Bayless Conley
Leading the Way: Michael Youssef
10 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Two March 2016
2 am
Y 10:30
Quick Study with Ron Hembree (Mon-Fri) In Touch: Charles Stanley
Life fm Presents
Christian World News
Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer (Mon-Fri)
See adjacent or go to for more detail
Leading the Way: Michael Youssef
See adjacent or go to for more detail
The Exchange with Ed Stetzer
Bed Bug Bible Gang
See adjacent or go to for more detail
Full Circle (Mon-Fri)
Answers with Bayless Conley
The Men’s Series
In Touch: Charles Stanley
Impact for Life: Peter & Bev Mortlock
The 700 Club (Tue-Fri)
Leon Fontaine
2 am
D Doco/Drama
Y Youth
S H I NE F E A T U R ES April 2016
When Calls the Heart (series)
Elizabeth Thatcher, a young teacher accustomed to high society life, receives her first classroom assignment in Coal Valley, a small coal-mining town where life is simple, but often fraught with challenges. Inspired by Janette Oke’s book When Calls the Heart.
Mondays at 8.30pm from 18 April
A Perfect Chord: Sat 2 Apr at 7pm
No Greater Love (2009) (105 min) A single father unexpectedly meets his estranged wife, who abandoned him 10 years earlier, through a Godordained encounter. Fri 1 Apr @ 8.30pm; Sat 2 Apr @ 12pm Heart of a Hero (2011) (108 min) Trey’s father is killed in Afghanistan. Together, he and a father figure find redemption and revive the local derby. Sat 2 Apr @ 2pm A Perfect Chord (2015) (95 min) A story about overcoming fears, living up to expectations, and using one’s gifts and talents to inspire others. Premieres Sat 2 Apr @ 7pm; Sun 3 Apr @ 2pm; Sat 23 Apr @ 2pm Amazing Love: The Story of Hosea (2012) (80 min) A wise church youth group leader uses the Old Testament story of Hosea to break through to troubled teens. Sun 3 Apr @ 8.30pm If I Had Wings (2013) (90 min) Alex’s dream of running on the track team seems out of reach due to his blindness. He finds an unlikely training partner in Brad, a troubled youth. Mon 4 Apr @ 8.30pm Beyond Empires (2013) (70 min) The 300 year celebration of Protestant missionary Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg, responsible for the liberation of Tamil people from long ages of slavery. Tue 5 Apr @ 8pm The Fall of Jericho (2009) (30 min) Did God work a miracle to bring down the walls of Jericho? Or can natural causes explain its demise? Tue 5 Apr @ 9.30pm In Search of Canada (2012) (45 min) Discover the ‘signposts’ of significant moments in the history of Canada and uncover its deep Christian roots. Wed 6 Apr @ 7.30pm Dog Jack (2010) (115 min) A Civil War tale about 14-year-old Jed, a slave who escapes with loyal dog Jack to join the Union Army. Wed 6 Apr @ 8.30pm Missions in the Wilderness: Milk and Honey Cambodia (2014) (60 min) Dan and Renuka Brooker, a young Australian couple, take an unusual approach to missions in Cambodia. Thu 7 Apr @ 8.30pm
Unconditional: Fri 22 Apr at 8.30pm
Ragamuffin: Fri 8 Apr at 8.30pm
Taking the Hill (2011) (60 min) Pastor Raul Ries had flashbacks after serving in Vietnam. He now ministers to soldiers and their families. Thu 7 Apr @ 9.30pm
Proof Throught the Night (2012) (60 min) Within the words of the US national anthem is an expression of a Christian’s faith and gratitude. Thu 14 Apr @ 9pm
Ragamuffin (2013) (135 min) The story of beloved Christian songwriter Rich Mullins who desired to live a life of honest and reckless faith amidst a culture of religion and conformity. Premieres Fri 8 Apr @ 8.30pm; Sat 9 Apr @ 12pm
The Ultimate Life (2013) (105 min) A billionaire with questionable priorities re-examines his life after discovering his grandfather’s journal. Fri 15 Apr @ 8.30pm; Sat 16 Apr @ 12pm
I Believe in Easter (2014) (50 min) New insights into the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the most Catching Faith (2015) (90 min) Alexa has the perfect life. The sudden important event in human history. death of her father makes her realise Sat 16 Apr @ 2pm there is more to life than appearances. Trailer Made (2015) (90 min) Sat 9 Apr @ 2pm A story about the realisation that the true meaning of life is found in spending Different Drummers (2013) (107 min) David is confined to a wheelchair. time with those you love. When he accurately foretells the death Premieres Sat 16 Apr @ 7pm; of his teacher, doubtful classmate Lyle Sun 17 Apr @ 2pm decides to test the existence of God. Candle in the Dark (1998) (90 min) Sat 9 Apr @ 7pm; Sun 10 Apr @ 2pm This compelling story of William Carey, Sat 30 Apr @ 2pm shows how a life dedicated to God makes a difference in the world. A Heart Set Free (2007) (105 min) Charles Wesley broke many barriers Sun 17 Apr @ 8.30pm of 1700’s England to give music, heart and soul to the Methodist movement. When Calls the Heart (2014) (95 min) Elizabeth Thatcher, a young teacher Sun 10 Apr @ 8.30pm accustomed to high society, experiences culture shock when she gets her first Smitty (2012) (90 min) Troubled teen Ben is sent to live on his assignment in Coal Valley. (Series) grandfather’s farm. Ben learns some Premieres Mondays of life’s lessons through a dog called from 18 Apr @ 8.30pm Smitty. Love Thy Neighbour (2014) (90 min) Mon 11 Apr @ 8.30pm An inspiring behind-the-scenes look at the ‘Love Thy Neighbour 2014’ community Hope in Rwanda: The Journey project hosted by Centrepoint Church Continues (2009) (90 min) Six Rugby League stars witness the stark in Perth, Western Australia. Premieres Tue 19 Apr @ 8pm realities of life in Rwanda. Tue 12 Apr @ 8pm Made in Canada (2011) (45 min) Canada has birthed many citizens, Home and Native Land (2013) (45 min) Ouje-Bougoumou, in Northern Quebec, with strong Christian roots, who are was recognised for its innovative immensely successful in their fields on design and sustainable living practices. the international stage. Wed 13 Apr @ 7.30pm Wed 20 Apr @ 7.30pm Amazing Grace & Chuck (1987) (110 min) Chuck decides to quit playing little league until nuclear weapons are disarmed. Can one child’s message make the world listen? Wed 13 Apr @ 8.30pm
Love’s Resounding Courage (2011) (85 min) Clark and his daughter must find a way to overcome the loss of his wife and save the land from drought. Wed 20 Apr @ 8.30pm
My Why (2014) (30 min) A project designed to bring the message of Jesus to the forefront of pop culture conversation through storytelling. Thu 14 Apr @ 8.30pm
(80 min)
Has Science Killed Christianity (2014) Prof. Stephen Taylor’s insightful lecture on the relationship between science and Christianity. Thu 21 Apr @ 8.30pm
Unconditional (2012) (92 min) Samantha’s faith is reignited when she meets a friend who cares for children in his under-resourced neighbourhood. Premieres Fri 22 Apr @ 8.30pm; Sat 23 Apr @ 12pm Season of Miracles (2013) (80 min) A story of friendship, sportsmanship and courage in the face of adversity. Sat 23 Apr @ 7pm; Sun 24 Apr @ 2pm Beyond Beersheba (2010) (90 min) The work of the Australian Light Horse from Beersheba in 1917 to Damascus in 1918, through Israel, Jordan & Syria. Sun 24 Apr @ 8.05pm Two Hats (2011) (86 min) In 1998, Brad and Deborah Wells from Idaho moved their family to the remote jungles of Papua New Guinea. Tue 26 Apr @ 8pm Turning 60: A Road Trip (2014) (55 min) Grant is 60 and travels NZ, revisiting significant life events - health scares are interwoven into this autobiography. Wed 27 Apr @ 7.30pm The Christmas Candle (2013) (100 min) At the dawn of the electric age, a centuries old legend may come to an end. Starring Susan Boyle. Wed 27 Apr @ 8.30pm No Bright Lights (2011) (60 min) An up close look at Networks Romania, a Christian relief organisation reaching Romania’s poorest people. Thu 28 Apr @ 8.30pm The Amish: How They Survive (2005) (60 min)
An intimate look at the Ohio Amish life within modern society. Thu 28 Apr @ 9.30pm The Playbook (2013) (107 min) A family’s journey with the ultimate question: whether to abandon one’s faith or persist through difficult times. Fri 29 Apr @ 8.30pm; Sat 30 Apr @ 12pm Waiting for Butterflies (2015) (90 min) On her deathbed, a grandmother’s last wish is for her estranged family to come together for her final days. Premieres Sat 30 Apr @ 7pm
Details up to date at time of printing. For up-to-date 24-hour programme information go to
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Anticipation building for New Zealand and Beyond 2016
s he surveyed the state of his nation the prophet Isaiah cried out, ‘rend the heavens and come down’. He cried for God to appear, to manifest his power, in his day to deliver his people and to deal to their enemies. The theme of our 2016 ‘New Zealand and Beyond’ conference, which is ‘heaven come down’ echoes Isaiah’s passionate cry, and if it echoes the cry of the prophet, how much more the heart for God for our nation. In the western church we have worked diligently and have tried almost everything we know to reach our nation with the gospel, but by and large we have had only very limited success, we need God to manifest his power. Tak Bhana, the senior pastor of Church Unlimited, the hosting church of ‘New Zealand and Beyond’, thinks now is God’s time for an expansion of His kingdom in ways we have not seen before. He says, ‘I believe we are in desperate need of a great awakening and much more of heaven on earth’. The theme of revival, or a great awakening, has been the persistent prayer and motivation behind ‘New Zealand and Beyond’ over the ten years we have been running this conference. We pray not only that God will move in revival in our nation, but also that he will do a work of personal revival in each person who attends. One of the features of ‘New Zealand and Beyond’, is that many people who come have some kind of experience, or meet with God in some way. There’s nothing like an encounter with God to ignite a burning passion in our hearts, a passion that both motivates and mobilises us to go and take the transforming power of God out to the community and the nation. Our guest speakers share this passion. Mike Pilavachi is the founder of ‘Soul Survivor’ in the United Kingdom. This great youth movement was born out of Mike’s
Will you help to put Jesus in the hands of 1.4 million Kiwis at Easter? The Hope Project is a powerful multi-church initiative that’s working for Christian churches throughout New Zealand. Engaging through national TV, online and national booklet drops — public connections are being counted in the millions!* Lives are being dramatically changed, as evidenced by the many reports coming through — but we need your help to complete the task at Easter 2016. It’ll cost under 60 cents per home to provide this high quality publication to Kiwi households. Count it out — how many homes could you help to reach? Please partner with us and give to this very worthy cause by going online to:
* Cumulative total for TV, online and direct booklet deliveries over two phases.
12 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Two March 2016
desire to reach young people for Christ. In 1993 he started a festival for teenagers, which today draws up to 30,000 young people. This event has played a significant part in mobilising youth into mission around the world. ‘Soul Survivor’ is also the name of a church in Watford, which Mike leads. His messages are warm and humorous, and he’s passionate about seeing people encounter God and then go out and touch their world. We feel very privileged to have Mike speaking at this conference, he’s such a popular speaker that it has taken four years to get him for ‘New Zealand and Beyond’. Joel Holm has been instrumental in creating and launching ‘New Zealand and Beyond’, and he has shared in the journey over the last ten years. His powerful and thought-provoking messages encourage us to think outside the box. His global perspective on life and ministry, and his passion to see all people saved and mobilised consistently challenges Christians to become more actively involved in mission. Joel believes that we are called to be radical world-changers, but he doesn’t just preach it, he also ‘walks the talk’ and has inspiring personal stories to motivate us to do likewise. We love Joel’s stories of ordinary people doing ‘God inspired’ ordinary things that become extraordinary. One such story was about a hairdresser who took her hairdressing into the red light area of her city and used it as a means to bring God’s transforming love and power to the women in the bars. Another one of our speakers this year is Lui Ponifasio, the senior pastor of LifeChurch in South Auckland, and Chairman of the Pacific2Nations movement. He has been instrumental in bringing a fresh wave of passion for mission to the Pacific Island churches in New Zealand and around the Pacific Rim. Lui is a man with a big vision, not only to see the Pacific people groups engage in mission, but also to train, empower, and release, the next generation of mission leaders. One of the key values at Church Unlimited is being led by the Holy Spirit, which involves hearing God’s voice and obeying what he’s telling us to do. One word from God can be life changing, and this year we are believing that many who attend will encounter God and hear His voice. That will help them to be well positioned to move forward into greater fruitfulness in serving God. Our expectation is that God will fulfil the theme of ‘Heaven Come Down’. Please join with us and help fulfil the vision of impacting New Zealand and beyond with the love of God and the message of salvation. We feel there is a different atmosphere about conference this year, there’s a greater sense of anticipation, and to date registrations are tracking at 650 more than last year. For late registrations please visit – door sales will be available
Manukau MissioNZ Centre
Do you love connecting with people? Do you enjoy journeying together with others and encouraging them as they follow God’s call? Wycliffe Bible Translators has a voluntary position open for an Inquiries Coordinator – connecting with those who inquire about opportunities to serve with Wycliffe and walking alongside them as they take steps towards an assignment. If you believe, as we do, that all languages are of value, that they form an integral part of a people group’s identity and that language development has the potential to serve such groups in a rapidly changing world, then you can be part of a team serving minority language communities worldwide. We are a faith-based not for profit organisation committed to serving language communities worldwide as they build capacity for the goal of sustainable language development. This includes translating the Bible into local languages, which is the most valuable resource for discipleship and community transformation. If this sounds like you, contact Helen for more information: Ph. 09 262 8440 or e-mail
English Ministry Pastor
Inquiries Co-ordinator
English Pastor of Chinese Alliance Christian Church We are a multi-staff, multi-language church of the Christian & Missionary Alliance of New Zealand. The weekly attendance of approximately 200 includes a large percentage of Englishspeaking congregants. Our potential English Ministry Pastor must be highly proficient in English. For more info visit Chinese Alliance Christian Church
60 Ben Lomond Cres, Pakuranga, Auckland P: 64-9-576 7070 E:
Regional Development Officer New Zealand Auckland based
Be part of a ministry reaching millions of people around the world with the Gospel. Working with the Development Director in Australia you will • Source, maintain and grow relationships • Generate support from churches, businesses and youth • Promote the ministry at churches, conferences and events The successful applicant will • Be active in a Christian church and committed to our core values • Have excellent communication and promotional skills
Full-time paid position
• Be a self-motivated team player and computer literate • Possess a current driver’s licence and motor vehicle, able to travel as required To apply forward your covering letter and CV to Hilton Edwards at or post to PO Box 301144, Albany, Auckland 0752
Closing date 30 March 2016
is gOD CALLing
Manna Healing Centre Trust situated just 10 minutes from New Plymouth at Oakura. We are seeking a married couple to participate in this growing ministry. These positions involve caring and ministering as part of a team providing a high staff to client ratio. An allowance plus accommodation and food is provided. This position would not suit a family with young children.
Please contact the Managers Andrew or Alofa 06 752 7620 or email Further info at
Ministry / serving OppOrtunity
Church liaison
Associate Pastor – Children & Families
paid position hours neg.
This role suits someone who has: • a pioneer spirit to develop new ministries to reach children and their families in our community. • passion to help children grow to know Jesus and in the gifts of the Spirit, and help parents grow as spiritual caregivers. • motivation and creativity in leading family-oriented worship services and children’s programs. • experience in leading children’s ministry. Keen to develop their gifts/calling and great communication skills. • strong faith in Jesus, and evidence of the Holy Spirit working in your life as you hear His voice. • Must be already qualified to work in NZ.
All enquiries to Senior Ps Phil Coates 33 Park Rd, Miramar, Wellington P: 04 388 6535 M: 021 236 8139
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A workshop for small-scale farmers and gardeners who are seeking a deeper relationship with God
14 | Christian Life Issue Thirty-Two March 2016
Peter Snell Youth Village is situated on 27 acres of native bush and parkland about 45 minutes north of Downtown Auckland. With amazing sea and island views towards Waiwera and the Mahurangi. In recent years the facilities have been updated to meet the needs and comfort of the many school and community groups that take advantage of this beautiful site. Excellent catering and friendly hosts enable guests to focus entirely on getting the most out of their stay. Onsite activities include an initiative course, burma trail, horizontal bungy, water slide and trampolines, as well as an abseiling tower. Kayaking and sailing is also available but needs to be booked with an outside provider. The beach track gives access to a rocky shore as well as a sandy beach for beach games and swimming if desired.
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Email your postal address to Dr Bruce Nicholls for a copy and an invoice See review inside editorial pages of this issue of Christian Life
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EPIC Christian Pop-up Bookstores EPIC Christian Books & Gifts provides a unique ‘pop-up’ bookstore service in South Auckland operating across the Papakura and Franklin districts. The pop-up stores operate in partnership with local churches one day per week in three locations: Pukekohe (Monday), Papakura (Wednesday), and Waiuku (Friday). EPIC provides a wide range of books and gift items with new stock arriving weekly. We have an easy-order service so customers can order in other items that may not be carried in store.
Customers can shop online at and pick up instore or have their orders posted throughout New Zealand. EPIC POP UP STORES Pukekohe, Mondays St Andrews, Queen St PaPakura, Wednesdays First Church, Cnr Coles & Great South Rd Waiuku, Fridays St Andrews, 85 Queen St All profits help the work of Voice of the Martyrs NZ in supporting persecuted Christians around the world
EPIC Christian Books & Gifts 1091 Ferry Rd, Ferrymead, Christchurch Manager, Fran Monaghan p. 03 352 9568 e.
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