Find a Christian College

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Home or Away? The pro’s and cons of distance education

Funding Freedom

Budget tips to fund your way through college

COLLEGE 2011 Students speak out! Testimonials from graduates


Loads of Col to choos leges e from with onl y 1 click away 2









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4 | Find a Christian College 2011 Discover a career inGuide Teaching or Counselling today at

Looking at 2011 study? Welcome to the latest edition of our annual Find A Christian College digital magazine (formerly College Life). The goal of both our digital magazine and website is to make it as easy for you as possible to be able to find a suitable college. The decision of where to study, including the selection process, is not insignificant. It is vitally important to get the most out of life, and the education you receive can help take you to where you want to go and what you believe is God’s calling on your life. And remember, college is not just for those who want to be in ministry. Getting a good base knowledge of the word of God can help you in your career. It can also make it that much easier to share the word with others. Plus Find A Christian College also has a range of Christian education faculties who also provide courses other than just ministry or theology training. Please take a look at some of our advertisers. The financial aspect will obviously be a high priority as you embark on weighing up your decisions. Our financial planner has some important tips which will help you understand budgeting for your fees. I pray that as you read this significant publication you will carefully reflect on Christian education. Christian institutions not only offer a high standard of academic education but also equip you for the workforce – to take Christ into your working environment. Also I’d like to welcome you to the future of publishing! This is the first time in our history that we have not printed

WHAT’S INSIDE 6 Living a Life of Impact 9 Home or Away? The pro’s and cons of

distance education

10 Don’t underestimate the role of Christian

higher education

12 How to fund your college year 16 Testimonial time – past students share

their college life experiences

18 “Psychology for Christians: Giving God

the Glory”

22 Centre-Based Early Childhood Education

Brings Rewards

25 Two Minutes with Kathryn Ditchett 27 Why Bible College? 30 This is Jesus our supplement. The future is now, and we are delighted to make this information available online to you, no matter where you may reside, or where you may be accessing this. Every blessing,

Lynn Goldsmith | Editor


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Find a Christian College Guide 2011 | 5


Living A Life Of IMPACT We are to take Christ to the world, out into the workforce and Andrew Grant explains that a Christian College can bring this truth to its students I GREW UP IN THE BOSOM OF fundamental Baptist evangelicalism where our “worship” consisted of an excruciating twenty minute rendition of choruses drawn from a genre inspired by the hippy movement of the late 1960s. I felt most alive when throwing myself recklessly into the apparently un-spiritual pursuits of playing rugby or competing in triathlons. His perspective is that all of life, even the most mundane aspects of our everyday existence, can be an act of worship. For me, it was a burst of sunshine to finally realise

that kicking the winning field goal for my rugby team of 14 pagans is a vital expression of the Kingdom here on earth. The modern Christian College has a vital role to play if we’re to de-construct this tendency toward mythology and emerge with a Christianity that is not only informed, but practical and relevant. Every Christian can only benefit from immersing themselves in a detailed study of the gospels and Acts, particularly when they do so with an investigative eye and a picture quite different to evangelical

tradition emerges. There is no more rewarding vocation than immersing oneself in a 24/7 living out of Kingdom values that is shaped by a thorough understanding of Jesus’ teaching and the lifestyle and legacy of his disciples. The Christian education sector is in the unique situation of being able to provide knowledge and training in the reason for life – but that should not cancel it from also providing skills for a lifetime of effectiveness. For me the real business of practically imbedding a foundational Christlike worldview took place from living in a transparent and accountable community and participating in a workplace where

UndergradUate CoUrses

part-time options

BaChelor of divinity/ theology:

Year 1 of the Bachelor of Divinity Year 1 of the Bachelor of Theology Diploma of Bible and Missions Diploma of Bible and Ministry

Bachelor of Divinity (BD) (4 years – year 1 may be part time) Bachelor of Theology (BTh) (3 years year 1 may be part time)

diploma CoUrses: Diploma of Bible & Missions (DipB&Miss) (1 year / part-time available) Diploma of Bible & Ministry (DipB&Min) (1 year / part-time available)

postgradUate CoUrses: MA (Theology) M.Th. PhD (USyd) PhD (UWS)

for fUrther information Go to or phone Alexandra Cowling on 95779928 or email

6 | Find a Christian College Guide 2011

we were frequently reminded that when the rubber hits the road it’s not what we ‘know’ about Christ’s teachings that counts. What counts is if and how we apply his teachings in practicality. Head knowledge is virtually useless unless it makes the vital transition to practise. More than any educational institution, the Christian Bible College must ensure that its students move beyond nodding ascent to principles and theological argument to a point where their years of study result in Kingdom principles and values being seriously and realistically applied into every aspect of their life. Every business manual will tell you that the best way to train staff in best practice is not by providing them with a head full of theoretical principles. It is by practical demonstration. This is the challenge for every Christian College and the students that it caters to.

Considering your future Let me pose some questions for those considering their futures: Should all of us take it upon ourselves to be trained to be ministers and missionaries of the gospel in all that we do and particularly in the secular workplace where we are most likely to come in contact with the 85% of Australia’s unchurched? Should we commit to simplicity of lifestyle that means our financial obligations are not a crushing burden that consumes the best part of our lives? Should we pursue careers and operate businesses enlightened from the obsessive focus on the bottom line of wage and profit and instead take them to a higher plain where they are enlivened by a determination to engage with the lost and train our staff in the practical application of Christ’s worldview? Should we seek a fellowship that is more than singing theoretical

platitudes that we’re guilty of not applying before being spoken to by a well-meaning but compromised professional with conflict of interest issues? Should we start to think of ‘church’ as the daily fellowship of believers (belief = faith + trust + action according to Jewish tradition) passionate about living out the New Testament teachings in modernity? If the vast majority of churchgoers sought to answer the questions above with their feet we’d have burgeoning enrolments and the pressure would be on Colleges to ensure they are not bastions of theology and jargon but repositories of a Christ-centred worldview that is relevant and engaging to wider society. It would also produce passionate and enlivened people that would be a remarkable witness to Australia and beyond.

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Find a Christian College Guide 2011 | 7

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8 | Find a Christian College Guide 2011

Distance Education

Home or Away?

the pro’s and cons of distance education Distance education gives students the flexibility to learn at their own pace... Kristen Cairns


he Salvation Army’s Booth College has offered some form of distance education for many years now. Having started in the early days of correspondence courses with audio cassettes and lesson notes, our program has evolved into an interactive and multimedia study program for students throughout Australia and all over the world. The flexibility of distance education is seeing increasing numbers of students at Booth College realise their goal of further education, within the context of wide and varied lifestyle, geographical, working, ministry and family contexts. We aim to fully guide and resource students in their studies, while also fostering in them a responsibility for self direction and responsibility for their own learning. The fact that a student is geographically isolated should not mean that they are also isolated in terms of resources and interaction with their classmates and the lecturer. All of our distance education subjects include electronic or hard copy lesson resources, subject readers and assessment work support resources. Many of these include audio and visual resources and the more recent development of online discussion forums for distance education subjects has been extremely successful and well received by students and lecturers alike. Our distance education students are able to communicate with each other and

the lecturer as freely online as they could in class... for some students electronic communication affords them an additional level of confidence in participating in ‘classroom discussions’ because issues of gender, ethnicity or age (whether real or perceived) are equalised.

Support for distance students Online study resources, library and journal database services are available to our distance education students along with additional dedicated support for distance students through our full-time Distance Education Co-ordinator. It is essential that distance students know they have support and that the support will be available to them when they need it. Flexibility for distance students is also a key to our program, especially where internet services in remote locations is concerned and we are happy to work with individual students to tailor resources and requirements to cater for their personal learning environment. The latest area of development for Booth College is in web conferencing for both real-time and on-demand distance education, allowing students to study “in-class” with other students if they wish, as well as allowing the flexibility to access previous classes and training material online in their own time. This is an area of development for both

our Higher Education programs and VET courses. Along with distance education, Booth College also offers other flexible study options, including intensive (one week) and extensive (one class per month) subjects. Many of our distance education students opt to complete one or two subjects in these modes, because they are able to access some “faceto-face” teaching without the need to attend weekly classes whilst being able to complete most of the coursework at home according to their own schedule. This is perfect for those students who work full-time or those who are geographically unable to attend weekly classes, but who find the ability to access some in-class teaching to be greatly beneficial to their studies.

More information is available on our website

Find a Christian College Guide 2011 | 9


Don’t underestimate the role of Christian higher education YOU MAY BE A HIGH SCHOOL student looking towards studies beyond school, an adult looking to further your education, a parent anxious that you make the right choices for a child emerging out of adolescence. What values are there in a Christian tertiary education? We can begin by noting that in Australia there are values of authentic tertiary education which are shared across the entire sector. These are found in Christian tertiary colleges, universities and TAFEs. At tertiary level the content should have depth, with a strong thinking component. The emphasis switches from the teacher to the learner. Students are expected to read widely and openly, understand as many view points as necessary and then think through the issues. Higher education seeks to create independent learners, with initiative and vitality, who will pursue questions of interest. Independent learners are not lone individuals however and every tertiary body seeks to hold the students and staff together as a community of learning. Nor is this community of learning isolated and insulated from the world around it. We are all constantly looking at ways of forming partnerships with businesses and other groups, as well as attending to the broad questions of social inclusion across all levels of Australian society. A good tertiary education should fold us more fully into all the currents of our society, fuelling our ambition to make a better world. You can expect to find these values over the course of your tertiary studies. You may not feel them every day, but they should come to the fore in the overall experience and of

course there will be peak moments of learning, thinking, success and contribution to the planet. Christian colleges are a particularly excellent environment for these values. Often classes are small to medium in size, allowing the lecture room to be a place of stimulus and excitement. Lecturers can more easily take questions, students have the chance to test ideas and there is room enough for the shy or discouraged to find a space for their words to be heard and respected. This type of atmosphere is a terrific stimulus to the desire to read further and understand more fully. This fellowship of the lecture hall broadens to be a fellowship across the campus. The student body in Christian colleges comprises women and men of different ages, experiences, places of origin and languages. They are interested in study, sport, ideas, discussions, fashion, design, music, computer programs and many other subjects. But the context is one of Christian belonging and respect. In a Christian tertiary institution your companions in learning are also interested in prayer, worship, shared values and compassion. Our students form a truly adult community, seeking to explore life as adults in faith. Christian faculty And here again it is worth remarking that the faculty are a close part of this. Many have lived and studied in different parts of the world, have been active in mission and ministry and are excited by the possibilities inherent in teaching and research. They are close enough to the students to act as mentors, guides and friends. Like all tertiary faculty across Australia they are

10 | Find a Christian College Guide 2011

Assoc. Prof. Ger ard Moore explains th e value of Christian tertiar y educatio n and the role of the Chr istian educators

impelled to upgrade their teaching skills and genuinely seek feedback from students who they regard as colearners. The academics are a part of a larger group on campus, such as registrars, librarians, secretaries and office assistants, who show genuine concern for students and who as professionals, model Christian service. Nor does the experience end at the gate. Christian tertiary colleges are busy making connections with businesses, Christian schools, welfare agencies, missionaries, ministers and non-government organisations as a way of maintaining the relevance of the curriculum to the ‘real’ world. In this, students are brought into contact with possible employers. Further they are learning life lessons from committed men and women with experience and hard won wisdom. How do I know any of this? I was fortunate both to study and teach in Christian colleges and study at a state university. They were all challenging and enlivening experiences, but for learning in an atmosphere of values, open discussion, strong debate, social awareness and concern, it was the Christian institutions that offered the most. They were good at opening the mind, the best at opening the heart and always keen to open eyes to the poor and the needy. Assoc. Prof. Gerard Moore Director (Research) Sydney College of Divinity

Explore Faith - Study Theology Explore both Christian vocation and ministry while studying in an ecumenical and engaging environment at Charles Sturt University’s (CSU) School of Theology. CSU accredited courses are recognised nationally and internationally. You can study full-time or part-time by distance education or on campus in Sydney or Canberra. Undergraduate, postgraduate and research higher degrees are available. Study in the areas of Theology, Ministry, Youth Leadership, Pastoral Counselling, Ageing and Pastoral Studies, and Religious and Values Education. Formation for ordination (Anglican or Uniting Church).

Contact us on 1300 135 435 or visit our website

Find a Christian College Guide 2011 | 11


How to fund your college year Gavin Martin shares some valuable information for funding tertiary education


he education and spiritual development of our young people is one of the greatest investments we will ever make. One wise mother described her children as disciples for whom she and her husband were responsible to disciple for Christ. With this in mind we should prayerfully consider college or university options. Nothing can replace parental teaching and modelling of faith in the family, however enabling your young adults in ways that supports the Christian values of the home is a great option. ‘If only we could afford it!’ may be your response. The foundation of investing in Christian tertiary education is well managed finances. We often hear the ten percent tithe spoken about from the pulpit, but God is interested in how we use all the resources he has given us. We are commanded to be good stewards of 100 percent of our money, not just ten percent! Therefore every spending decision is a spiritual decision and investing in education is no different. Having an attitude that says, ‘This is God’s money and I am the steward or manager’ should guide our decisions. If you have not been faithful with the use of worldly wealth, who will not entrust the true riches to you. Luke 16:11. Get out of debt The best thing you can do to provide for a Christian tertiary education is to

get out of debt and set aside money in an emergency fund. You can’t save or invest in the future of your children or for yourself, while carrying the heavy burden of consumer debt. Reducing debt and having an emergency fund will plug the leakage of funds going to unnecessary interest payments and place a buffer between you and Murphy. Yes, Murphy’s Law is part of life and when life does happen, an emergency fund of three to six months living expenses will ensure you don’t have to go into debt to get through it. There isn’t space in this article to cover debt reduction strategies, but there are many great Christian finance resources available, including my interactive website Education vs. Bricks and Mortar vs. New cars Once you are free from consumer debt begin saving for major purchases such as Christian tertiary education, a large deposit to purchase an affordable home, a replacement vehicle or funds to start a business or enhance your skills. Make education a priority in your saving strategy. Buying a late model quality second hand vehicle with low kilometres, fully paid for with cash rather than going into debt to buy a new car or signing up for a car fleece (lease) can save you significantly, leaving more funds available for education. How much to save for each major

12 | Find a Christian College Guide 2011

purchase depends on your circumstances. But here’s the deal. If you have no consumer debt and either affordable or no mortgage payments (you have a fully paid for home) you are in a very good position. You have the potential to have enough surplus cash to pay for Christian education from your regular monthly income. Act Your Wage Regardless of your stage on the financial journey the key to achieving your goals, including paying for Christian tertiary education, is to spend less than you earn and save the difference. Scholarships Another approach is to seek out scholarships that are available. Many schools offer scholarships for academic, music and sporting excellence and sometimes scholarships are offered to underprivileged families as well. Do your research when selecting the college/institution, inquire about scholarships and other support that is available and you could save yourself thousands of dollars. When you have reduced your expenses, paid off your consumer debt and prioritised your spending, you could consider increasing your income. The ways to do this are only limited by your creativity. There are many and varied opportunities to increase your family income that can work around the needs of the family, many can be done from home.

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Funding options - Commonwealth loans There are three types of loans available to fund your tertiary education provided by the Commonwealth under the Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP): • HECS-HELP • FEE-HELP • OS-HELP HECS-HELP is a loan available to eligible students enrolled in Commonwealth supported places to pay for the cost of education. Rather than incurring the HECS-HELP debt throughout your studies you can benefit from a 20 percent discount on the cost of your education if you pay up front or make a partial upfront payment of at least $500. If you cannot make up front payments you can still benefit from a 10 percent discount on voluntary repayments of $500 or more.

Enrol NOW for 2011!

I would not even consider the FEEHELP or OSHELP as there is a loan fee of 20 percent of the amount borrowed. Other options I would avoid are bank loans and credit cards. Work and study part time and consider enrolling at a cheaper institution. If you are suffering genuine hardship let it be known in your local church. Saving Options Putting money aside for education well before you need to incur the cost is definitely the way to do it if you can manage to do so. A strategy as simple as putting aside a few dollars a day, perhaps the cost of a coffee, will enable you to save a significant amount toward your education costs in a few years. For example, saving $5 a day for five years at 7 percent interest can build you an education nest egg of nearly $11,000. Taking a little more risk by investing in a diversified investment such as a Listed Investment Company, Index Fund or Exchange Traded Fund could result in a larger nest egg to provide for educations.

Full-time Part-time External Studies

14 | Find a Christian College Guide 2011

Investment risk and tax need to be considered so seek appropriate licensed advice. Tax Deductions Ensure you keep a record of the education expenses (such as computers, internet access and text books) you have incurred throughout the year, because under the new Education Tax Refund you can claim back up to 50 percent of the cost of these education expenses incurred. Invest prayerfully in Christian tertiary education and make it possible by being a good steward of the resources God has given you. Bible Verse Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. ~ (Prov. 22:6)

Gavin Martin is a Financial Adviser, Managing Director of Cornerstone Wealth and founder of

Find a Christian College Guide 2011 | 15

Real stories

Testimonial time – past students share their college life experiences GRAHAM CORN, FROM VICTORIA is one student who acknowledges the value and importance of Christian tertiary education. “Participating in the School of Empowered Ministry has been incredibly beneficial to me,” he says. “I have relished the academic challenge in a faith-filled environment … it is really motivating to have the opportunity to dig into God’s Word and his ways in a formal and structured setting. I have especially enjoyed the mix of spiritual teaching and practical workshops that the course has delivered. The teachers have been first class with years and years of ministry experience behind them making discussion times particularly enlightening.” Graham knows how influential his education has been, not only in his academic studies, but also in his personal growth. This is equally important in life as we are on a journey in this life and Christian education does encompass all aspects of this journey. “The course has had a real impact on me as an individual,” Graham explains. “Rubbing shoulders with classmates, picking the brains of experienced teachers and spending time in connection with God has left a lasting and deep impression on my life. Another student, Craig Stotts from the USA, who is studying at a Christian College in Sydney says, “I am a completely different person to

the person I was before my studies. I am more confident in what I am doing in life, who I am and I feel more equipped to live a life that bears fruit.” “Being exposed to many ideas, schools of thought and perspectives have caused me to approach issues of life, ministry and world issues with a God-conscious mindset,” maintains Nick Zitlin also from the USA, who is doing a Diploma of Ministry Worship & creative Arts. “Before my college experience I was very dogmatic in my opinions and views towards church denominations. In hindsight, I find those views to have been ignorant and based on pure emotion. College has not only challenged me to change my intellectual approach but has also challenged me as a leader to continually develop myself to become the greatest asset I can be to the local church, which includes healthy relational skills and a proper work ethic of serving. Equipping students for the real world Christian Colleges are in service to provide the tools, strategies and decisions to help students to be well-equipped when moving into the world of employment and ministry, or whatever they wish to accomplish. “My experience in College has challenged me to rethink some of the dreams that I have and pushed me to go further. It’s given me the tools, means and relationships to really see the dreams I have come true,”

16 | Find a Christian College Guide 2011

explains Craig. Graham says, “My college is all about empowering us for everyday life as well as ministry,” “It is really valuable to be learning practical skills that can be used as easily with somebody I meet at the supermarket as with a life-committed Christian. I have gained much confidence from the course and feel much more equipped to live the life God has called me into.” Nick states, “Not only has my time at college given me an edge to excel in the arts with specific training, I have received practical principles that can be applied in any area I may choose to pursue whether that be in the church or outside of the church.” “I came here with a certain ministry goal for to pursue after my studies; my studies here have allowed me to grow, not only in knowledge but also in the awareness of what is necessary to fulfil the call,” says J-C. Cailleau who is here studying from Belgium. Relationships are also important It is essential that everyone cultivates good, honest and genuine friends – particularly at College. This is the basis to have the ability to enjoy time studying, attending lectures and being on campus generally. So, how do the students feel about making relationships in their Colleges? “Friends here at my college are friends for life because we will be

“ studies here have allowed me to grow, not only in knowledge but also in the awareness of what is necessary to fulfil the call” working for the same goal. We will not find ourselves on the market, competing against each other for a job, or a company against another company. We will be working together, supporting each other, cheering for one another, for the rest of our lives,” says J-C . Craig says, “I have built genuine relationships in college that I will carry with me long after I leave. I can’t wait to see all the amazing things that will be done in the world because of the people I’ve gotten to know and share life with.” “The relationships that have been made and solidified would not have been possible without my college experience,” explains Nick. “Through a combination of teaching, ministry and experiences I can say that these are the healthiest relationships I have ever had. Not only have I been privileged to make friends with so many people from all over the world, there has been a network of God-brought connections made that brings the world wide church into a unified voice. The friendships made at college are priceless and will not doubt serve the cause of Christ in a mighty way.” Helping students The college students have some advice for young people, who are considering Christian higher education. Graham says, “Pray. Seek an understanding of the calling on your life and commit yourself to walking beside Him each step of the journey. He is the greatest teacher, so it’s important to concentrate on drawing near to Him and allowing Him to direct your studies. Wherever you chose to study, it is important that you feel you can effectively do these things.” “Go through a Christian College that will teach you how to think before you let the world do it for you,” J-C. quickly points out. “Go for it. Get out of the box and really dive into something with your whole heart. Don’t waste time doing the things you’re not passionate about,” says Craig.

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Find a Christian College Guide 2011 | 17


“Psychology for Christians: Giving God the Glory”

Adrian Adair is a Counsellor and in this article he challenges students to think very carefully about the choice they should make regarding a tertiary education THE AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF Family Counselling (AIFC) is planted firmly on the Rock of Jesus Christ. Psychology which has traditionally been controversial in the church has been thoroughly tested by Dr Bruce and Nellie Litchfield and they have included in AIFC’s courses only that which honours God. Bruce and Nellie liken it to “… plundering the Egyptians…” (Exodus 12:35-36).

Mission and vision AIFC’s mission puts counselling in the broadest Biblical context of equipping families to heal the nations and its vision as restoring, training, mobilising and multiplying family therapists to serve God for the healing and enrichment of the family in Australia and the nations of the world. AIFC now offers nationally accredited Certificate IV in Christian Counselling and the Diploma and

18 | Find a Christian College Guide 2011

Advanced Diploma of Counselling and Family Therapy (Christian) in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Newcastle, Perth, Sydney (in English and Korean) and Townsville. It also offers distance and overseas student programs. Student values and coping mechanisms Our advice to applicants, students and staff alike is to pray and seek God’s will for their lives, be obedient,

...the number one reason Christians lose their faith is the teaching of evolution as an inarguable fact depend on and give God the glory…. Frequently we find that enquirers are struggling with the decision of whether to enrol with a secular or Christian institute and the associated concern of relative value of the qualification. Again this is best answered by seeking God’s will. Your divine path may well lead you to a secular hall-of-learning as it did for a friend of mine. Whilst his faith was tested along the way he did graduate a more deeply committed Christian. Many others however have foundered and lost their faith. Many Christian students who enter universities are unprepared for the philosophies, ideas and paradigms they will encounter in their courses of study. Some will lose their faith as a result of being “converted” intellectually to the many non-Biblical worldviews that abound in academia. In one study by Dr Gary Railsback, for example, between 30 and 51% of Christians renounce their faith before graduating from college. (“An Exploratory Study of the Religiosity and Related Outcomes Among College Students”, Doctoral dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles, 1994). Further to this one USA campus pastor made this statement: After 30 years of ministry on a secular campus I have concluded the number one reason Christians lose their faith is the teaching of evolution as an inarguable fact. The same professors invariably attack the reliability of the Bible. This coupled with the prevailing assumptions of the Secular Humanist religion and supporting Manifesto leave those Christian students who are not spiritually mature and well schooled in Christian and competing worldviews vulnerable. In seeking God’s will and testing, it is worth determining ‘who’ or ‘what’ is worshipped at the institutes being compared. If it is not God then you are surely in enemy territory… make sure you … Put on the whole armour of God …. (Ephesians 6:11). This applies particularly to the studying in the faculties of psychology and psychotherapy. All our students and graduates have a powerful and unique testimony of their ‘AIFC journey’, a testimony capable of encouraging other Christians and extending the Kingdom. Here is one from Vivian a year two student that illustrates the power and wide Find a Christian College Guide 2011 | 19


applicability of AIFC’s course Personal Testimony of a College Chaplain My name is Vivian Biancardi and I have been a Chaplain since 2003 in a local Canberra College. I wasn’t ‘qualified’ at the time I entered into this ministry but I had

a servant’s heart and a tremendous opportunity. I knew that I should get a ‘qualification’ but never wanted to compromise my Christian beliefs. I entered the Australian Institute of Family Counselling course quite a sceptic wondering how ‘God’ and ‘psychology’ worked together but my fears were quickly dispelled as I heard a teaching that balanced the Word of God and compatible knowledge in psychology. I gained a deeper knowledge of God’s Word, grew further in grace and studied for a recognised qualification. The content helped me become much more capable in the College. My communication skills grew and now I am able to take conversations much further than I ever could in the past both personally and professionally

20 | Find a Christian College Guide 2011

I highly recommend this course to anyone who has a call into the chaplaincy ministry, who wants to be a professional counsellor, or just wants personal growth. It has blessed me beyond my expectations. Vivian Biancardi College Chaplain Made public with Vivian’s permission As is Vivian’s path unique, so is yours so be encouraged ……. seek God’s will for their lives, be obedient, depend on and give God the glory…. If your divine destiny is to study with AIFC then we look forward to journeying with you…. Adrian Adair, CEO


Christian Tertiary Education

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Centre-Based Early Childhood Education Brings Rewards BY KATHRYN OVERALL THERE IS AN ONGOING DEMAND for Early Childhood educators in New Zealand. Many are drawn to this rewarding career choice, however gaining a qualification whilst juggling the demands of work and family life can be a real challenge. Bethlehem Tertiary Institute (BTI) offers a quality solution through their childcare centre-based Diploma in Teaching (Early Childhood) which can be studied from anywhere in New Zealand. Students work in a childcare centre 2-3 days per week as part of the programme, do regular study online and visit Tauranga several times a year for on-campus intensives. This workbased structure means that students are able to benefit both financially and through valuable hands-on experience while they gain their qualification. Anna RikiRiki’s desire to support families and to find a vocation that would allow room for creativity led

her into Early Childhood Education in 2009. “I really wanted to work in a place where creativity was accepted and encouraged and I found Early Childhood Education to be a perfect fit. I was also really inspired by the childcare centre that my own children went to. The teachers and staff there were such a support to us as a family and I thought, I would love to do that for other families. I wanted to be a part of making good memories and good foundations.” “I chose to do a centre-based qualification at BTI in Tauranga, which means I work three days and have two days to study and catch up on things at home. I think especially with balancing family life the thought of being in lectures everyday fulltime was just a little bit much for me. Studying this way also meant that I could get some income to help my family.” BTI is a Christian institution and has a strong philosophical approach underpinning all programmes. Chief Executive, Dr Amy Edwards, says “We want to make a difference in the

world and we attract those who want to do the same. Our motto here is Great Hearts + Minds and this sums up our dedication to both personal and professional growth.” “I really like the whole person approach at BTI”, says Anna. “It’s not just about the essays or the projects but they are really interested in who I am and how I am doing and I have found that really useful. I am learning to reflect on who I am as a teacher. It is very valuable, reflecting on myself as a person and letting that change so that I can become a better person and a better teacher.” The hands-on learning experience can be a real advantage when it comes to finding employment. Nicole Young who has been in the early childhood industry for over 10 years, is the Centre Manager of Footsteps in Papamoa and has a current staff member who has chosen to study through BTI. She explains, “In my experience I find that students trained in a centrebased programme, rather than institutional based, have the handson, practical experience which is vital when working with children. The centre- based student teachers that come though my centre show a level of high quality confidence, practical skills, knowledge and effective communication when working with children and teachers in early learning environments.” Please visit for more details.

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Two Minutes with

Ka thryn Di tc het t How were you challenged in your classes at Wesley Institute? Since the classes are small, you feel more of the spotlight with everything you do and the pressure is on! Everyone, lecturers and students alike, are close, and it feels like there’s more riding on what you do and how you perform; almost like you would be letting everyone down, or even something as silly as embarrassing yourself in front of your peers for not putting in 100%. I also have a little competitive streak which probably colours how I see things. How did Wesley Institute’s lecturers and classes prepare you for the competitive field of Graphic Design? Not only do they teach you what you need to know through their lectures, but they all have invaluable stories from their own design careers, relevant to the industry, to share and will always take the time to sit down with you, going through whatever you want to know. What are your career aspirations, and how will your study at Wesley Institute help you to achieve your goals? I’d love to get in to publishing/ editorial design. I love magazine layouts and the challenge of making both type and image work together; without one overpowering the other. I’d also love to get into designing for video games (another passion of mine). Wesley Institute was great in teaching me what I needed to know about the industry and how I can get the most out of myself. The teaching here is fantastic.

What makes Wesley Institute unique to you? It just has this great atmosphere. I don’t how to explain but Wesley Institute just has this certain feel about it. I knew it as soon as I saw Bac h el or of Gra p h this place, the people ic Des ign, that I’d be studying Wes le y In st it u te with, the staff etc, that I wanted to study here. It’s inviting and encouraging, something that I reckon other uni/ What was your proudest moment as a student? colleges lack. I was really happy and proud standing Wesley Institute uniquely integrates up with my classmates at our End of faith and the arts. What does this Year Exhibition in 2008. I also was really proud that I got there at all! mean to you? I think a large part of it is communication. With music people Why should other students come to can come together to worship, sing, Wesley Institute? etc. Drama and dance can engage It’s personable and encouraging; people and present them with you’re not a number in the system. ideas or emotions in creative ways Since you have that one on one that will both inform and entertain. time with your lecturers and you’re Design, and good design at that, will surrounded by such a supportive effectively communicate and speak environment, you can’t help but get to its audience. Gloss over them more out of your course. Wesley or take them away completely and Institute is good quality. you’ll have nothing that people want FOR FUN… to stay around for. What is the best memory you have at Wesley? Some of the best memories I have was spending time with my classmates, whether just hanging out or even stressing together in the computer lab trying to get that assignment done for the next day. All work and lack of sleep makes everyone go a little crazy...

Who inspires you? Hmmmm. I have a few I guess, designers, writers and various artists alike. I don’t know if I can include fictional characters, but there is something about Atticus Finch from Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird” that really touches me every time I read that book (which has been quite a number).

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Wesley Institute was great in teaching me what I needed to know about the industry and how I can get the most out of myself. How do you unwind after a long day? Video/computer games or I curl up to a book. I’ve been playing/reading for as long as I can remember so it’s kinda just what I do when I get the chance. What was the first CD you bought? I believe the first cd that I had was when I was maybe 4-5 years old and I think it was one of Peter Combe’s. Either Toffee Apple or Spaghetti Bolognese..? Peter Combe was the best. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Again, I’m going to go with Atticus Finch. If I could, I’d love to meet that guy!

What is your favourite movie? Too many. I grew up in the ‘Golden Age’ of Disney movies so I can see almost all of them forever. I also love Tim Burton’s films, my fave possibly being “Big Fish”. Tough call though. But then again, I did see “Inception” five times in theatres (once at IMAX, which was wicked!) so that one’s definitely up there.

26 | Find a Christian College Guide 2011

Wesley Institute will host a Graphic Design Seminar on Wednesday 6 October. Register here. For more information on Graphic Design at Wesley Institute, call 02 9819 8824, email or click here. Designs by Kathryn Ditchett.

Why Bible College? Mike Frost has some great words of wisdom about the importance and influence of Christian education.


s you consider the variety of college choices available to you, your responses to the questions posed in this article will shape one of the most important decisions of your life. When it comes to considering whether to study at a Christian college or secular university or college, the most important question to answer first is, why do I want to study in the first place? Leonardo Da Vinci was noted for saying, “Study without desire spoils the memory and it retains nothing that it takes in.”

He’s right. Never study ‘without desire.’ It’s a waste of your time and energy. If you have a clearer idea of what you want to achieve with your life and where you think you’re headed, it will make it easier to choose the most appropriate college, whether Christian or secular. Both options have their pluses, but there are a number of very good reasons to consider enrolling at a Christian college: To develop a Christian worldview Secular universities and colleges

will offer fully accredited degrees and diplomas in a wide variety of disciplines, but what they don’t offer is a way for you to think about your life and your career from a distinctly Christian perspective. If you want your faith to be discussed as part of class subject matter choose a Christian college where you can explore a Christian framework for your studies. This is about the development of a distinctly Christian worldview that allows you to examine science, art, business, education, medicine and other related issues

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through that lens. Only a Christian college can assist you to see course subjects via the lens of your religious beliefs. If you completed your studies with only a set of new skills but with no ability to think ‘Christianly’ about your world it would be a real shame. Find a college that helps you to do both. For the nurturing lifestyle and culture If you are a committed Christian, you might prefer a college that affirms your faith and creates a learning environment that supports your beliefs and lifestyle. Many Christian colleges have chapel services, chaplains, Bible studies and a number of other extracurricula options to encourage your faith. Also, most secular institutions encourage a wide variety of lifestyle options, which can be a distraction

to both your faith and your ability to focus on your studies. Or you might just feel more comfortable in a more conservative environment than is commonly available at many secular universities and colleges. So if you would prefer to attend a college where your faith is a part of the lifestyle and culture of campus life, definitely choose a Christian college. Furthermore, in a Christian college you’ll meet faculty and fellow students who are examples of godly living and academic excellence. It was once said, “To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.” In any decent college you’ll acquire knowledge, but in a Christian college you’ll also get to observe the lives of mature followers of Jesus. To prepare for ministry If you feel that your chosen career is

more than just a job and that you’d like to see your future employment as an avenue for ministry then a Christian college will certainly help. Furthermore, if you sense a calling into ordained ministry as a pastor or church leader, you will need to attend a Christian theological or Bible college. A number of these colleges are linked to certain denominations, so you’re best advised to speak to your local church about which college will prepare you best for your chosen denomination. If your calling is to overseas mission, the agency you prefer will be able to recommend colleges for missionary preparation. But remember also, that some theological colleges have links with secular universities that allow you to do double degrees and get the best of both worlds. Here’s a word of warning about studying at a Bible college. Some

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churches have started their own ‘colleges’ and these are great for preparing people for service in that church, but often the education they offer isn’t well regarded in other churches or denominations. You are better off attaining a degree or diploma that can be transferred across a variety of church contexts. This will keep your options open should you want to minister beyond your church some time in the future. Whatever your motivation, you must make sure that the Christian college you’re exploring is fully accredited and academically respected. Choose diplomas or degrees that can lead into further study, even if you doubt that you’d ever complete more study. If the award you’re gaining ‘articulates’ into further study (that’s the technical term), then the chances are that it’s a well regarded, accredited course.

‘Mickey mouse awards’ don’t lead into anything else. They’re academic dead-ends and you’re better off avoiding them. Tertiary study is expensive and time consuming, so you don’t want to graduate with a diploma that doesn’t get you into the kind of professional work you want to do. And also be aware that when it does come time to find a job, if your college is known for being ultra conservative, some employers may be a bit squeamish about offering you a job. Remember that study in a Christian college can offer you a variety of things – a religious worldview, lifelong Christian friends, an environment that nurtures your faith – but if it doesn’t open employment or ministry options for you it may not be worth the time and financial expense. Study is not a chore or a form of torture. If approached properly it

Whatever your motivation, you must make sure that the Christian college you’re exploring is fully accredited and academically respected. can be the source of great personal growth and spiritual development. Any award you complete ought to better equip you in the service of God and others. Never lose sight of Albert Einstein’s wisdom about academic study, “Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which you belong.” Mike Frost

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OVER 100 STUDENTS GATHERED for this year’s National Conference June 30-July 4. Beginning with a Powhiri, the Karanga called students to come together to come to Jesus. Nigel Pollock spoke during the week, opening up John’s gospel and bringing a significant challenge to anchor our hope in Jesus - Jesus as God revealed Himself, rather than as we might imagine Him to be. Nigel’s talks were complimented by powerful performance pieces by Kris and Jodie Bate, provocative and invocative - engaging hearts

and minds with Scripture through drama, video imagery and song. Many students found these talks life changing and have returned to campus for semester two with a renewed hope and confidence in Jesus. Roger Carswell, a UK evangelist, also spoke at the conference, helping students think about what it means to speak about Jesus in a way that makes sense to their friends who do not share saving hope and confidence in Jesus. We had some of those friends at conference and we know that at least two came to know Jesus for themselves during

National Conference 2010 delegates

our time together. Mark Grace led one session on “This is Jesus and the New Zealand Story”; Mark not only showed how Christians and gospel priorities shaped the processes of the forming of NZ’s founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi, but opened up students and staff to the reality of God’s active involvement in the global, national and personal histories of all who live in NZ. He shared some of his own story very powerfully in helping us understand how difficult times do not preclude God being involved invovled, or real, in the unfolding of history. There’s much more that could be said - Skype the World, connecting with men and women involved in student work around the world live; the presence of mission agency partners bringing the world into the relationships built around Bible study and across the meal table; the lively Karaoke competition; the amazing food and warm staff at Carey Park, west Auckland. Conferences like this are a huge investment of time, energy and resources: the investment is not wasted and, by God’s grace, we are already seeing a crop of fruit from this latest gathering.

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