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03 Editor’s Letter
04 Steps to growing your business after the GFC John Osborne shares some valuable insight on how to keep your business alive after the current economic crisis...
16 Called to be an Entrepreneur Dr Stan Jeffery explains the role of the entrepreneur in society and business today
06 10 Keys to Leadership in a time of crisis Amanda Wells offers some insight into the role of a leader and how to guide in times of economic difficulties 10 Praying effectively for your business God can help and give you strategies for your business – but you need to pray fervently... says Ingrid Gattari 13 Breaking the tomorrow addiction Your local guide to various businesses across New Zealand
20 A Woman’s world: a lesson in overcoming Margaret Vote, shares her views of the highs and lows of owning your own business... 24 Approach to business dilemmas Mark Bilton gives insight into simple strategies that he feels should be implemented in business...
Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming. – Richard Branson Welcome to this annual edition of Inspired Business! We are thrilled to bring you a printed magazine to help in not only connecting Christian businesses together, but to also empower Christian owned/managed businesses to learn how to incorporate God in their daily business lives. I also want to thank the fantastic team behind the CRE8 Christian business conference for their help in getting this issue of Inspired Business out amongst Christians in business. The word of God holds a number of keys to business success, and thus our editorial is designed to empower, equip, encourage and motivate Christian business people to change the world. We are also passionate about excellence in the marketplace. For a long time the world has not looked
Managing Director Matthew Danswan Editor editor@initiatemedia.net
28 A Leader Leads: is anybody following? What seperates leaders from followers? Peter Irvine explores...
on Christians and business as being a worthy mix; however there are hundreds of thousands of Christians who have the opportunity to influence people for God every single day, and so we want to be a voice of encouragement and empowerment for Christians in business. In this issue, Peter Irvine and Mark Bilton talk on the subject of Leadership. Both share important keys that will effect the vitality and strength of your every day business practice. Also in this issue, Eugene Moreau breaks the silence on a common addiction... the ‘tomorrow’ addiction. His insight and humour will certainly get you motivated to achieve all those goals you have set our for yourself and your business. And there’s a number of great articles to help you run your business with greater success. We sincerely hope you enjoy this free issue of Inspired Business - and I invite you to join us online at www. inspiredbusinessmag.com to receive weekly updates, and a free subscription to our quarterly iPad magazine. We want to help you run/manage a more successful business. Kind Regards, Matt Danswan Publisher | CEO
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STEPS to growing your business after the GFC I THINK EVERYBODY IN THE small to medium enterprise area of the business world agrees that business has been more challenging over the last three years since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and will be challenging in the years ahead. It is now time to take a step back to work on your business. It will pay dividends. Here are six steps to get you started: STEP ONE – Create a unique business You need to create a business that has a point of difference and sets you apart from your competition. If you don’t do this your customers and clients cannot see how you are different to your competition and they will decide to buy on the basis of price only and not value. STEP TWO – Create passionate customers and clients It is far more expensive to acquire more new customers and clients than to get your previous ones to buy again from you. It is important to stay in touch with your customers and clients, even when they don’t need your product or service. By doing this you are adding value and they will refer you to their friends and others in business that may need your product or service. Create a customer loyalty system for your business. Maybe a special program for ‘A’ customers and clients, a networking function, a business newsletter or just delivering 4 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
John Osborne shares some valuable insight on how to keep your business alive after the current economic crisis...
a gift with some information on your business service offering. STEP THREE – Be passionate about your business If your business is not creating a lifestyle for yourself and your family, and you are not passionate about it, it is time to get out. Life is too short to
live without a passion. It is this passion in business that will set you apart from your competitors. You need to drive your business from a successful business to a significant business, where you are recognised as a leader in your industry by your customers and clients. STEP FOUR – Keep your eyes on the
You need to create a business that has a point of difference and sets you apart from your competition
of your business. More than ever before your customers and clients, especially ‘X’ and ‘Y’ generations are relying on the internet for information on products and services. Set up a good website – it will pay dividends.
horizon A captain at sea is always keeping his eye on the horizon for pending problems, ready to change course where and when necessary. So too, as captains of industry, we need to continuously look at the horizon for change and be ready to alter our course when necessary. We are in an ever-changing world of
business. Constantly watch for change that will impact on your business. STEP FIVE – Keep up with technology It is imperative in business that you set up a database and website. Before you start any marketing you need to invest in a really good database, one that is tailored to the specific needs
STEP SIX – Put in systems to drive your business You may have a great product or service, but it is only a matter of time before someone duplicates your product or service and improves on it. You need to ask yourself, ‘How can we as an organisation, differentiate ourselves in our service offering?’ You need to create a ‘wow’ service offering, that will give your customers enough reasons to want to walk into your shop or business or pick up the phone to contact you. Do you have the right marketing tools to attract people to your business? Do your staff members have the right selling skills and know the customer service standards of your business? Are you displaying your product or service in the most appealing way? Make sure you document all of the processes that make up your service offering to your clients and customers.
John Osborne CEO Osborne Yuille & Associates www.oya.com.au
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AMANDA WELLS offers some insight into the role of a leader and how to guide in times of economic difficulties
10 Keys to Leadership in a Time of Crisis
HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU seen this in the movies — the ‘last stand’? A group of soldiers is heavily outnumbered, supplies are getting thin, and nerves are frayed. A few months ago this was no longer the scene of a movie but it became real life for many here in Queensland! 6 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
Reinforcements are nowhere in sight. The enemy’s commander (or in our case rising floodwaters) just outside the gate, are calling for the group to surrender. Now, imagine yourself in the place of the officer in charge. Your organisation is the castle/outpost/fortress/city under siege. You can fight or you can
surrender; you’re surrounded, so retreat is not an option. It looks like there’s little chance of a favorable outcome for your small group or business. What do you do? Your company or church might not be literally ‘under siege’ but in our current economic state, you can be excused
for feeling sometimes like the vultures are circling overhead. When times are tough for your business or church, what do you do? 1. Be a leader, not merely a boss. Get out in front of your employees. If you don’t demonstrate leadership capability who will follow you? Leaders Do Not Dictate Organisational Culture There is a misconception among some organisational leaders that culture can be dictated from the top levels. Culture, however, cannot be dictated anymore than one can dictate how someone else feels. While leaders cannot dictate culture, they certainly play a role in shaping it. (Just as you cannot dictate how someone feels about you, your
behaviour certainly affects it). Plus, just as a nation can share a national culture and yet have regional or cross-sectional sub-cultures, so does an organisation. Therefore even department leaders play a role in shaping an organisation’s culture. Two very core attributes of any culture, including an organisation, that really shapes expectations and behaviours are what is perceived to be important (values) and what is thought to be true (beliefs). Leaders cannot simply tell people what is important or what is true; the members of a culture will make that determination by what goes on in the organisation. Leaders Set the Organisational Tone One way leaders can promote a positive
organisational culture is by setting priorities that all members recognise as important to the organisation’s success. Leaders set priorities by how they focus their attention and allocate resources. Members of the organisation will know that caring for people is a real priority. 2. Stand on your principles. There’s the expedient thing to do and there’s the right thing to do. If you believe in yourself, you’ll do the right thing. 3. Maintain the morale. Convince yourself there’s no such thing as impossible, then demonstrate your conviction to your troops. 4. You know who your employees look up to. Make those individuals part of your circle of command (‘C of C’). Don’t
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Remember — anyone can play a leader when things are going well. It’s in times of crisis when we find out who our true leaders are
lock yourself into one hierarchy. 5. Within your ‘C of C’, quickly determine your options. Realistically assess your resources, strengths, and weaknesses. 7. Plan for the best- and worst-case scenarios. Always plan your exit strategy!! 8. Lay out the options for all your leaders Explain why you prefer option ‘x’. 9. Give your leaders a choice Whether to take a stand with you or cast their lot elsewhere. Those who aren’t firmly with you will weigh you down. 10. Execute your plan. Remember — anyone can play a leader when things are going well. It’s in times of crisis when we find out who our true leaders are. Innovative Leadership Means Embracing Change. Innovative leaders who recognise change as an inevitable part of business, and therefore embrace new and improved methods, will certainly have an impact on the organisation’s culture. Imagine a culture where members believe that change is positive and potentially beneficial for everyone in an organisation. In many organisations people fear change because their past experiences have taught them that change results in disempowerment. In the current environment, being fast, responsive, and flexible is increasingly important. What kind of organisation will thrive in the fast-moving and everchanging market place: a stodgy organisation whose members cling to old ways out of fear, or an innovative one that seeks and embraces change? We all know the answer to that question. The real question is what kind of organisation is your current style of leadership creating?
Amanda Wells is passionate for the church to engage the spheres of influence to bring transformation, and to awaken entrepreneurs into their destiny. Amanda has her own business, and also her own mentoring system for entrepreneurs called ‘Passion to Process to Product in 90 days’.
8 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
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NO ONE IS 100% SURE OF HOW the economic crisis in Greece and other countries will affect our businesses in Australasia. There are also rumours and questions about the economic future of the US and Japan. Changes with these super powers would significantly impact the world as we know it. It’s a wise person who seeks God for strategy and insight and asks how they can prepare for the flow-on affect from overseas or, from within their own space in the market. The retail space for example is experiencing its worse trading season in 50 years the SMH reported on August 4th. How does a business respond to such turmoil? How does a retailer respond to shifts in buying patterns? How can it regain its market share and compete against the Internet?
Praying effectively for your business
Questions about our future are abounding. We all want to know the answers. Surely our God can help, he knows ALL things; is the Source, Our Wisdom, and our Provider. He can direct us through, right? But do we know how to access the answers, how to navigate through the rocky path? Do we know how to fight in prayer for strategy, protection and ultimately, victory? My observations are that a good portion of folks in business leave prayer to later, to when they have tried everything else and are completely stumped. I have witnessed also, folks praying with sincerity and heart but, I have known these were not mountain-shifting prayers they were praying, they were more like coins thrown into a wishing fountain. It is imperative business folks know how to pray effectively and to attune their spirit to God’s whisper in these perilous times. He will forewarn us to protect us and those around us so that we can weather difficult times.
10 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
God can help and give you strategies for your business – but you need to pray fervently... says Ingrid Gattari
Imagine with me. What would happen if business owners led the way in their organisation and did battle in the heavens? Imagine the outcomes if they took authority over the works of Satan: whole organisations would enjoy a predominant Christian culture of forgiveness, respect, provision and blessing as employees came to Christ. Imagine the incredible ideas that would flow: maybe we would see new technologies invented bringing cures for cancer and other diseases. As I muse I know that very little will happen if folks do not know how to pray effectively. James 5: 16 (KJV) Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. The effectual fervent prayer... avails much. This phrase has much insight to offer. There are many keys to ensure our prayers are more effective. Two main keys are; • knowing our authority in Christ and, • dealing with sin in our lives These are not new revelations from God’s Word but applying them to the detail of our lives is the challenge. Our authority in Christ is not a Christian buzz phrase, rather it’s a revelation we must gain to truly understand the enormous power we hold as a Christian. Being in Christ means we (including you and your business) are part of his body: his heart, lungs, his legs, arms, eyes, and feet. So when Ephesians 1: 22 (AMP) says that God has put all things under his feet, the feet Paul is talking about is the church. That is you and me. Ephesians 1: 19-22 (AMP) 19And [so
that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength, 20 Which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His [own] right hand in the heavenly [places], 21Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come. 22And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church], Once business people grasp that they can stand in their rightful position in prayer and use Christ’s authority to overcome their Goliath, God will move. The reason is found in verses 20 and 21 where it says that Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father far above all rule and authority, power and dominion. Just for emphasis – far above ALL rule and authority, power and dominion. If business owners understand that they can command every power and authority that seeks to steal and destroy the prosperity of their business, to go in Jesus’ name, then we will see some incredible results. No more wishful prayers, but real power-filled mountain movers. Another key to ensure we are praying effectively has to do with getting rid of sin and, dealing with our carnal nature. Some of those behaviours include things such as: • • • • •
angry outbursts, gossiping pay backs impatience disobedience (doing things my way)
These are some of my things: what are yours? As you begin to exercise your prayer muscle, ask God to show you if your prayers are being hindered or weakened. Ask God to lead you to the answers and to help you bring change. From hard learned lessons I have come to understand that if I ignore that character weakness or tuck that sin under the carpet, it definitely impacts my prayers. Whereas dealing with those issues the Holy Spirit has brought to my attention, dramatically strengthens my prayer effectiveness. Over the years of training multiple people in business my husband Tony Gattari would come home and after much shoulder shrugging and exasperated sighs he would conclude, “I can design them the best of breed
It is imperative business folks know how to pray effectively and to attune their spirit to God’s whisper in these perilous times business plan and train their sales team until it sings, but the real success lies in the growth of the business owner.” The growth Tony is referring to is, personal character growth or Emotional Intelligence. It’s dealing with those areas of our personality that require maturity. This kind of growth takes bravery and a heart after God. If you are willing to grow, God is willing to help. If you are at a place where your business, your marriage or another www.inspiredbusinessmag.com | 11
area of your life is facing a drought or a Goliath, I encourage you to pray effectively. You cannot afford to be ineffective; a lot is at stake. Seek God for the strategy • to overcome the enemy of tight cash flow, • to help you find a response to the threat/opportunity with online shopping • to help you define your target customer • to help you identify your unique selling proposition • to reposition your business for growth • to overcome that managerial weakness
12 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
• to help you grow into a better leader • to help you face that difficult employee • to help you find that niche in your market space Not every situation requires a battletype prayer. The everyday on-goings of business life will quite adequately be covered with business owners lifting up their business dealings to the Lord daily. As Psalms 37: 3-5 (NIV) encourages, Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust
in him and he will do this: I encourage you to remember that God is a Good God and loves you very much. As you walk your own journey of prayer, the skills you learn can be applied to every area of your world. The book Practical Prayer Keys to Business Success is written for the business owner, but the principles are applicable to all of our lives.
Ingrid Gattari Achievers Group www.achieversgroup.com.au
Motivation Eugene Moreau has over 22 years experience of helping people unlock vision, inspire passion and achieve significant corporate and personal transition. He is a Certified Master Coach (CMC) from the Behavioral Coaching Institute of Australia and an author of three books, as well as being respected and sought after conference and motivational speaker. You can subscribe to the Dare To Dream Again Blog, and read more from Eugene when you visit his website: www.unlockvision.moreaucommunications.com
et me introduce you to Emma Hooked. Maybe you know her yourself. Of course Emma’s not a real person, but what Emma is addicted to is very real. Emma is addicted to tomorrow. Let me give you a typical day in the life of Emma. Emma feels herself coming out of the shallow, restless night’s sleep and for a brief moment she experiences a surge of hope and exhilaration. That inner voice she converses with every day says to her, “Tomorrow is here!” All day yesterday she’d been looking forward to ‘tomorrow’ and now; at last, it was here! For over 15 years Emma has lived in the hope that each tomorrow would be the day that she would feel fulfilled and her dream would be a reality! Emma has held on to this promise of tomorrow for years and every day, one after another she has been let down. Emma is addicted to tomorrow. She goes through every day living and dreaming that tomorrow her life will change. So, as Emma wakes up on this fresh, brand new tomorrow, she opens her eyes with the same hopeful expectation she’s had for a thousand yesterdays. She goes through the morning routine and enters the rat race called ‘making a living’ and after a day of ‘sameness’ - evening turns into night. Once again she begins to prepare for another tomorrow. As she goes to sleep she tells herself, “Maybe tomorrow things will change. Maybe tomorrow
my boss will change and maybe tomorrow I’ll start to feel I’m living my dream - instead of simply surviving. Maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up and find that somehow, some miraculous way, all my debts, relationship, and identity problems will be solved. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have a sense of living a life of fulfillment and purpose.” Do you see the pattern… Emma is addicted to tomorrow. How does Emma break this addiction to tomorrow? There are four steps to breaking the tomorrow addiction and in this article I’m going to share them with you. Step One: Clarify Your Dream The first step in unlocking a fresh, exciting dream for your life is to clarify your dream. This means you need to get it out of the domain of your imagination and declared in a succinct, written statement. Without this statement your dream simply remains a fantasy, an abstract in your mind. The ‘Tomorrow Addiction’ is fueled by a lack of commitment to a written, clarified dream. Here’s a profound question you can to consider as you begin to clarify your dream: If I knew it would not fail, what would I set out to accomplish in the next 24 months? Take a moment and reflect on these questions as you consider it. • Is there a latent talent you want to develop and have never really taken that step?
• Maybe you’ve wanted to turn your creativity into a business for the last three years but you haven’t felt confident in doing so? • What would you love to do with your life if you had the time and resources? Travel? Volunteer work? A craft or hobby? • Is your dream to work in a certain profession or live in a particular place? • Does your dream involve simple things like having more time to work in your garden, spend more time with family or friends, or have time for walks or to read books? • Is your dream an event to help you reach your life’s purpose, one that may be completed in a few months, or it can be a lifelong pursuit? Overcoming the Tomorrow Addiction starts with this step: clarifying your dream. And clarifying means writing it down, getting it out of your imagination. When you clarify the dream you have a unleashed a powerful motivator, which enables you to start making changes in your life – today! Step Two: Think Small Steps Rather Than Large So, you’ve clarified your dream and you want to get started pursuing it but don’t know how? The most common mistake is thinking that only large steps and big actions is the only way to break the addiction to tomorrow. Think again! 1. The most effective way to break the addiction to tomorrow is to think www.inspiredbusinessmag.com | 13
3. 4.
The ‘Tomorrow Addiction’ is fueled by a lack of commitment to a written, clarified dream.
14 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
small steps. In other words, once you have clarified the dream then you sit and answer four questions: What are the three most important things I ‘must’ start doing that I am not doing now – so I can start pursuing my clarified dream today? What is stopping me (obstacles) from doing these three things? What must I start or stop doing in order for me to overcome these obstacles? Who do I need to connect with, as a support companion, to help me overcome these obstacles and start pursuing my clarified dream?
Answering these four questions starts the dream pursuit process and helps you begin the process of narrowing the focus even further. Step Three: Narrow the Focus When you narrow your focus you enable yourself to dwell on what you want rather than on what you don’t want. The more you think about what you want the more of your mental capacity is assigned to ‘get what you want! If you think about something long and often enough it eventually dominates your thinking and affects your behavior. Let me give you a personal example. Recently I’ve come face to face with a particular issue that has been both perplexing and potentially destructive to me for some time. In fact, I will go so far as to say that unless this issue is resolved – rather smartly – then I will be a position of devastating damage in a very short time. The other day – while focusing on this ‘problem’ – I came to this I realization: I am actually getting the right answers to the questions I am asking! The problem was not the answer! The problem was the questions I was asking. I was not asking the right questions and as a result my ‘problem’ was not being solved – no matter how hard I worked at it and how right I was. When I took the time to go back and clarify my dream and start thinking small steps rather than large and then narrowed my focus by asking different questions I was able to see that I was simply going about the achievement of my dream in the wrong way.
This leads us to the final step in overcoming the Tomorrow Addiction. Step Four: Work on Your Dream A dream is like a garden. It needs to be nurtured for growth. Very few gardens produce their true potential and worth without this nurturing. There are two essential nurturing tips I will leave with you here. 1. Ban The Word ‘should’ From Your Vocabulary. For many of us, the word should is one of the most commonly used words in our vocabulary. “I should do this, or I should do that” “I should have gone to the gym” - or “I should really take this trip.” For those addicted to tomorrow the word ‘should’ plays a controlling role in everyday life. In fact, it becomes so normal that it become invisible. ‘Should’ exists in the background of the mind, directing choices and decisions.
Saying the word ‘should’ can make a person feel miserable and guilty. It stops a person from focusing on the clarified dream by imposing an outside set of priorities. So, use this simple two-step model to help you ban the word ‘should’ from your vocabulary very time you catch yourself saying the word ‘should’. Step One: Every time you catch yourself saying the word ‘should’ – STOP! Step Two: REPLACE with either I WILL or I WILL NOT. By following this process, you will notice that you will stop saying should and will or will not do what you need to do to break the Tomorrow Addiction.
even simplistic, yet they can have a profound effect on your life. To liberate yourself from defeating beliefs you must first identify them and this means to pay attention to the rods you speak. Often a defeating belief lurks behind an excuse or a fear-particularly concerning the things you are most passionate about. “I’m too old to start this now.” “I won’t be able to make any money doing that.” “I have to be in much better shape.” “I don’t have time.” “It will never work.” When you explore your excuses and fears, you will discover your defeating beliefs and be able to create a plan to eliminate them.
2. Eliminate Defeating Beliefs What you think either propels you forward or keeps you stuck. Limiting and negative thoughts, about you, your abilities and the possibilities open to you - are best described as defeating beliefs. They are often very simple,
In closing... Don’t let tomorrow lure you into its addictive habit. Start today and clarify the dream, then think small steps not large ones and follow that up by narrowing the focus and finally work everyday on your dream.
www.inspiredbusinessmag.com | 15
Called to be an Entrepreneur
Dr Stan Jeffery explains the role of the entrepreneur in society and business today THE FOUNDATION OF THIS ARTICLE WAS originally a talk given to year 12 students. It had the title ‘Entrepreneurship and School Leavers’ (or I’m sorry Dad but I don’t think I’ll get a job when I leave school). The aim was to encourage those who had a desire to start their own business. That it was a real possibility not a silly idea, not laziness, not a vague hope for the future but a possible career choice. When speaking to potential entrepreneurs I often start by producing a bottle of Guinness from a brown paper bag. While it is appreciated that there are many who have real and genuine objections to the drinking of alcohol, there are very important 16 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
lessons to be learnt from the story of Arthur Guinness. These are that the entrepreneur must have a timely product or service, the business must be based upon sound business practices and that ‘good’ must be done with the profits. Look at the following list James Dyson Dyson Vacuum Cleaners Tony Wheeler Lonely Planet Jean Nidetch Pampers Marion Donovan Weight Watchers Anita Roddick Body Shop Richard Branson Virgin Michael Dell Dell Computers Reg Williams R. M. Williams Debbi Fields Mrs. Fields Cookies It is obvious that the people on
this list are well known, but there could be more individuals just like them among us now. People who, in 10 or 15 years time, are looked up to as examples of people who through hard work and determination, created an internationally recognised and respected company - admired for what they have done and what they have achieved. Studies show that approximately 10% of the population have entrepreneurial tendencies. That unknown something that drives them to do things differently - bigger, better, faster than anyone else. It is not just a matter of education or circumstances but something inside them that has to find a way to express
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Governments of all political
get real,” or they may say to get a life - or some impolite variation on that theme. However, if you are one of those people who have entrepreneurial tendencies you are not joking and you are real. Your generation is probably the first where school leavers do not have to take a job, any job just to earn money to survive. You can follow your dreams, your passions, but you owe it to yourself and those who love you and who you will ask for support (possibly financial support) to do it wisely and thoughtfully. Learn appropriate skills along the way. A brief look at the history of the 20th Century will show a change in the employment patterns of the major industrial counties. The majority of the population lived in towns and cities working in factories, shops and offices. Prior to the Second World War the majority of children left school at the youngest possible age. They had to earn a living, contribute to the family income, taking any job available. One of the developments of the decades immediately after WWII was an increased access to higher education. Families became more prosperous with more disposable income. For those seeking a direction in life in recent years the prospects are more exciting with parents who have more disposable income available to help their children follow their dreams. Each generation stands on the shoulders of the previous generation. Going further and experiencing more that the one that went before because of the efforts of the previous generation. The achievements of the athlete or the artist can be seen and admired. The work and sacrifice of family and parents who support and encourage them, is less often recognised in the public arena. It is however real and costly in financial terms. This is also true for the one with an
and religious persuasions
are seeing entrepreneurial
activity as the way forward itself. Just as the artist or athlete must find a way to express themselves - so too the entrepreneur. The product or service must be developed and the business created. Why would you choose this path over the seemingly safe one of being an employee? The first reason is that you just cannot help your self! That inner drive says, “I must do it.” The astrologer might say that it’s written in the stars. The follower of eastern religions might talk about karma. The Christian might say it’s a calling from God. The psychologist might look at your characteristics. The sociologist might examine your background. The second reason is that employment is no longer the safe option it was a few years ago. Downsizing and outsourcing are two of the buzz words in the business world today. To cut costs and maintain viability, fewer people are doing more work Or Some work is being outsourced, not done in-house. In this new environment do not sit around waiting for ‘them’ to fix it, there are just too many things for ‘them’ to fix. Ask yourself, “Can I be part of the solution? Is there something that I feel passionate enough about that can generate an income?” If there is give it a go; at the very least think about it and talk to someone. Does the thought of starting your own business excite you? It will surely scare your parents. “You must be joking 18 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
entrepreneurial gift - recognising that the first support, including financial, comes from those closest to you. The financial support they give to help you follow your dream is the result of their hard work. It is also their security for the future if they have an equity share in the venture. In addition to all the problems ‘they’ have to fix for you, ‘they’ are also going to find it difficult to support an aging population. With this in mind, it is only natural that parents want their children to be financially independent as soon as possible. What is an entrepreneur? A business owner who by risk and initiative, attempts to make a profitable business. The entrepreneur is the business owner The one responsible for it The one who takes the risks The one who uses initiative Why is this done? To make a profit, no profit – no business Around the world, entrepreneurial activity is seen as the way to revitalise communities. The individual entrepreneur must be unfettered so that he can go forward and generate economic activity and employment (Tim Fischer House of Representatives, 26 Feb., 1985). Governments of all political and religious persuasions are seeing entrepreneurial activity as the way forward. ‘They’ do not have to solve all the problems. It is much more effective to empower people to solve their own problems. They do have some programs to help early stage businesses. More visionary aid organisations are also seeing the encouragement of entrepreneurial activity as the most effective way to solve poverty. Why be an entrepreneur? Like the athlete, the musician or the artist there is something in the entrepreneur that must be expressed. Just as an athlete finds joy and fulfilment in winning a
race scoring a goal or making runs, the entrepreneur finds fulfilment in making a sale, perfecting a product or service and making money. It is reaching the goal that makes the training, hard work and sacrifice worthwhile. Other benefits can be lifestyle and where you live. What should I do next? If the idea of being an entrepreneur excites you, it is time to take action. Do you have an idea for a product or service that could be a winner? It’s time to take action. Read about the experiences of others. Talk to people about your idea, and not just to your friends. Look for a mentor or person who has walked a similar way before. Find some suitable courses to attend. Work out how you intend to fund
the development process, for example, dedication to the task and support and through friends, grants and venture encouragement from others. It is often a lonely journey full of uncertainty. funding. Look for universities that offer But for the one who is called to be an entrepreneurship programs and/or have entrepreneur it is an exciting journey that must be taken. As with any other a business incubator program. calling, there are those along the way Some useful reading who can help and encourage you. Seek Branson, Richard these people out and stay true to your Losing my Virginity dream. Last but not least, remember Harrell, Wilson the words of one entrepreneur from the For Entrepreneurs Only past: Peters, Tom Those who think they can and those The Circle of Innovation who think they can’t are both right. Roddick, Anita (Henry Ford) Business as Usual Ross, Emily & Holland, Angus 100 Great Businesses and the Minds Behind Them The way of the life of an entrepreneur is no guarantee of fame, fortune and success. It is one of hard work,
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You can see there is something you can go after and that is probably what excites you, the fact is, there is no limit to what you can do 20 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
What is it that draws people to business? Is it the challenge, is it the excitement? One motivated lady, Margaret Vote, gives her views of the highs and lows of owning your own business – but she has discovered it is mainly positive
argaret is one of the most motivated, inspiring and vibrant women I have met, and I have the greatest respect for all she has achieved and all she is as a business woman. When I talked with her, she just bubbles out a positive attitude. She is Principal of a Real Estate franchise office. Times in business have not always been easy for her but she has certainly learnt to overcome and this is what our journey is about – to overcome!
- no residual income with no rent roll income turning over every month hence I had nothing to sell after all the years of working.
I asked Margaret some pertinent questions and she has answered in a very down-to-earth way.
When thinking about going into business and thinking it would be a good idea – what are the important steps that you need to think about? You need to know what your market is and why you think you would have a chance to capture that market. I think you need to know you have got enough money behind you to pay for the essential things to keep the business running. What is it about business that excites you? Just the fact that nobody can limit you in what you can do. You are the one that is in charge of that business. It’s up to you to set what your goals are and what it is that you want to achieve. Therefore it is like a fresh slate, that you can draw on as big as you want. I think that’s the main reason – it just opens up so many opportunities.
Why did you desire to go into business – what were the pressing forces that propelled you to be a business woman? I wanted to have a secure future, rather than just working for somebody else. It was so I had some control over my destiny. Also I had something to sell – a business to sell if and when the time came. To me real estate was a practicality and real estate in 2004, when I started my business, needed to have a shopfront. Describe your working life prior to going into business I was busy as a sales person working from home earning good income but felt my future wasn’t factored into the equation as I only went from sale to sale
Was it a daunting experience starting out in business? I just could see it was the obvious next step. I had already worked as a commission only agent and I really didn’t have anywhere else to go other than to go into my own business.
What would you say to people who are considering going into business? To ask all the questions they would need to ask people who have gone where they want to go. Gather as much information so that you’ve got a balance – you’ve got checks and balances in your system that internally you think, Yes, I can do that. Then you get to the point where you are willing to take that step. Energy – I can’t stress enough how important it is to have energy. Also important is having a positive attitude – based on good common sense as well as faith. You must have people skills – communication with and caring for other people. Having good people around you and caring for their wellbeing. Cash flow – it is important to plan on ‘what’s the worst scenario’. Presentation is vital – to be friendly, welcoming, openness (and personal hygiene). I would state – Build a good reputation – plant ‘good seeds’ with every contact you make - believe in your own ability and have the willingness to ‘do whatever it takes’. Do you see business as a challenge? Yes both challenging and frightening if you only look at what you can see like bank statements, bills, salaries etc and that is why it is most important to have plans/goals set out to move towards so
Margaret Vote (front and centre) with her team
you aren’t paralysed by fear and have no control of your situation. You have to be willing to back yourself! If you take control of the reins in your business then you move yourself ‘beyond fear’ because you are operating in good faith based on your belief in your own ability to make things happen and that is when opportunities come to meet you. Also be sure you maintain good communication regularly with your bank and those you have accounts with so they know they are accounted for in your payment plan. It’s exciting that you see that there’s
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I think the heart of my business is treating everyone with respect knowing they are ‘made in the image of God’ and ‘doing unto others as you would have others do unto you’ a mountain you can climb. You can see there is something you can go after and that is probably what excites you, the fact there is no limit to what you can do, if you’re willing to do the work. In an economic crisis when things are not looking too positive – how do you cope with that? With great difficulty but the obstacles are overcome by hard work, perseverance, creative thinking, having more than one plan (a, b, & c) and remembering that everyone you meet is important and they will respond positively to you if you make them feel good.
You have to be sure to keep everything close to you – like talk to people you may owe money to or people who owe money to you. Just keep relationships strong, because when this is strong there’s just a natural obligation for people to meet their commitments. Have your bank manager on side and see what things you can do just to survive in your business. It can be scary but there are always ways and you just have to be creative and find ways to deal with things.
what is important in business? Absolutely! If that is firmly in your being. If you know that Christ is the centre of your life then everything flows out from there. Also that gives you the courage and the strength to know that there is nothing really to fear – provided you’re willing to work – there is always that balance that you’ve got to put in the energy and all your resources so that it’s a team work again. An internal teamwork as well as an external teamwork with those around you.
Keeping Christ at the centre and looking towards his strategies – that’s
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Approach to BUSINESS DILEMMAS Mark Bilton gives insight into simple strategies that should be implemented in business to secure a successful business that will thrive in this new economy
usiness is tough. We are in an environment where we have reluctant consumers who need a reason to open their wallets and a commercial sector that is cautious and reticent to invest. In my opinion this will not dissipate for some considerable time. This is the new normal. This is the state of the world we live in and have to live with. So what can we do as business owners and leaders to ensure we not only survive but thrive in this new economy? To succeed we have to adapt. If we do the same things in the same way, we can only reasonably expect the same results. Strategy is really a very simple subject made unnecessarily complex by an army of self-interested consultants and practitioners. Often businesses will build a complex document that gets no real attention and is put in the bottom draw until the next review time. We live in a world that is changing rapidly and we have to adapt accordingly. Not only do we need flexibility in our strategy but also in the culture of our companies, so we can move quickly to take advantage of a changing world. Strategy in its simplest form describes; what we want to look like, how we are going to get there, and who is going to do it. Where are you going? Where are you going, what are you trying to achieve, what is the future state of your company that you are aiming to get to? I can’t tell you what you need to 24 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
look like but I guarantee you and your team already have the answers. In deciding where you need to go, look out into your market rather than inwardly to your company. What is happening to your customers, suppliers, markets, distribution channels, legislation and any other factors that impact your business? What are the key trends that are occurring? We have the rise of environmental awareness, social media, m-commerce and value seeking consumers, for example. The simple question is; what do you need to look like to be the perfect company to take advantage of those trends? In other words what is the ‘sweet spot’? We all need direction, in order to focus, to allocate resources and to create vision and momentum. If we don’t know where we are going how will we know when we get there? “She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander aimlessly, but she does not know it.” (Proverbs 5:6) Don’t be aimless and wander. Ask God for clarity of direction. He has a plan and purpose for your work life, just as He has for every aspect of your life. Part of our destiny is orchestrated, part we need to partner with God, hear from Him and impact our circumstances with faith prayer and action. What do you want? If we don’t know where we are going, how will we get there and when will we arrive? So many companies just survive
or do what they do, without taking the time to know where they are going. A vision is important, and I am not talking about a fancy plaque on a wall that no one can quote. I mean a commonly held idea of where the business is going and what we are trying to achieve. This is born out of the exploration of the external market. Taking into account the trends externally and the capabilities internally, what does the ideal company look like, and more importantly, how would we know if we got there? “And the Lord answered me and said, ‘Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may be able to read it easily and quickly’.” (Habakkuk 2:2 (AMP)) Here are some great aspects to how a vision should be presented.
WRITTEN If it is in your head no one can see it. PLAIN Keep it very simple, so that it is memorable. EVERYONE Make it available to all. PASSES Keep it accessible and in plain view. READ Did I already mention written? EASILY You don’t need big words to be credible. QUICKLY Short is good. How clear is your vision statement, or company idea or purpose, or whatever you choose to call it? Test it against the
mandate above. There is a lot of godly wisdom in a plain, simple, easily read, available, clear, vision. How do you get there? If you take this future state as an end goal, then build a list of milestones that need to be achieved, in order to lay a foundation to make the ‘sweet spot’ a reality. This becomes your threeyear horizon. Will you know if you have achieved this future state? The milestones set should be able to be demonstrated by a yes or no. Did we make it yes or no, simple, achievable and measureable? I tend to operate on ten key demonstrable, measurable, milestones. What now do we need to do to lay the foundation over the next twelve months? This foundation is articulated through ten, one year milestones and then a set of 90 day goals. Each milestone is allocated a single owner empowered and resourced to achieve these strategic goals. The 90 day goals are reset at each 90 day cycle on an action-learning basis, as we move the business forward in an inclusive, conclusive, committed and transparent way. This, when given a specific timeline and empowered owners, propels the business towards its stated goals. Whilst this is happening, an understanding and building of competencies within the business that needs to be evident to achieve the future state also need to be worked on. This model allows a lot of empowered buy-in and change to occur in a compressed timeframe with minimum compliance and maximum effect. How will you lead? The new vision and strategy has to be undergirded by crystal clear leadership, sounding a definitive note, bringing an end to confusion of direction. “The assembly was in confusion: Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even
know why they were there.” (Acts 19:32) How cohesive is your team? If you asked them to articulate their main purpose or the company’s key goals, could they tell you what they were? A creative environment with lots of open opinions should be valued. A culture where differing positions are not only tolerated but encouraged is rare, yet desirable. However, a process of decision making based on specific, demonstrable goals and outcomes, underpinned by clear jurisdictions and authorities, is critical to contain this vibrancy in a cohesive structure. Control is often an illusion. Those who are too controlling move people from commitment to mere compliance, and often to passive if not overt resistance. “No longer do I call you slaves; for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15.) Openness, transparency and free communication come with a set of risks, which are far outweighed by the trust and positive productivity that they engender. Engagement to a clear vision and open communication these are a powerful cultural mix. Innovation, creativity, customer service, and productivity, are all increased in an environment of trust and empowerment. If people don’t know what’s going on, they will make it up anyway; they might as well talk about what is really happening. Freeing people to operate as they wish aligned to an agreed direction will bring a higher degree of productivity. Does it come with a touch of chaos, yes but I would rather that, than hinder innovation and expression. Who will you be? If you are called to lead this change, how do you maximize your potential? Your leadership is the key not only in leading the strategy, but also in determining the www.inspiredbusinessmag.com | 25
I have found that the more I drop the pretense the more effective I am as a leader. We can’t be perfect, WE DON’T KNOW IT ALL, AND OFTEN WE WILL GET IT WRONG. So let’s call it like we see it, be who we are, and be comfortable getting it wrong.
culture in which it will succeed. “Get real” is a statement which encourages a certain authenticity and transparency. How much easier would it be to be who we really are rather than meet the expectations of others. I believe we all have God given talents and giftings and that these allow us to operate with excellence in the area of life we operate in. We will be at our most content and competent when we live in a way that allows those gifts to operate. When we relax, we are who we are meant to be. Let us demonstrate who we are, by being who we are. In leadership there is often an expectation to be something we are not, which forces us to be someone we are not. I have found that the more I drop the pretense the more effective I am as a leader. We can’t be perfect, we don’t know it all, and often we will get it wrong. So let’s call it like we see it, be who we are, and be comfortable getting it wrong. No pretense, no agenda and being who we are, breeds a level of trust and transparency, that I have found increases productivity and engagement in those around me. Let’s stop trying to live up to our own expectation of what leadership is,
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and outline a new paradigm of transparency, engagement, trust and productivity. What do you stand for? Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. (Colossians 3:23.) I love excellence. I appreciate seeing things done well, professional, efficient and effective. A well-conceived strategy powerfully executed and delivered, is great to experience. God calls us to strive for excellence by working with all our hearts, passionate and committed. Keep coming back to this powerful truth; it may well help overcome immense frustration. It is sometimes not easy, but God’s Word will prevail. He is vitally interested in you, your workplace and business. Seek His answers in your strategic planning and implementation and you will gain insight, opportunity, favor and wisdom.
Mark has extensive experience working as a CEO, Director and Managing Director, in both private and publicly listed companies. His specialty is creating value through strategy, vision and culture, and he describes himself as a “Change Catalyst”. His latest position was the CEO of Hagemeyer Brands Australia, which was transformed and divested on behalf of French owners Rexel. Recently Mark was appointed to the Gloria Jean’s Coffees board helping to oversee 1000 stores in 32 countries. Mark has held a number of commercial and “not for profit” directorships, on industry, trust, leadership, international missions and educational bodies. He has a passion for business and for Christians in the marketplace. His online ministry, “Called to Business” (www.CalledtoBusiness.com), uses social media to “encourage and equip Christian Business Leaders to be effective in the marketplace.” Mark has a Master’s in Business Administration, a Post Graduate Diploma in Business, and a Bachelor of Science. He has been married to Helen for twenty years, has three young children and lives in Sydney.
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A Leader Leads Is anyone following?
People look for leadership. Even though they criticise and often put leaders down they want someone to stand up and take the lead. Peter Irvine outlines some important strategies...
e see it in politics and sport all the time—a good leader won’t always be popular but will have a strong following because people look for someone prepared to take responsibility. God looked for leaders who would stand up and be counted to lead his people. In the Bible we see examples of good and bad leaders. If Josiah at eight years of age, could become one of the better kings, we all have the opportunity to lead in the church, in business, politics, community and family. What separates leaders from followers? Desire Leaders develop a real passion for what they want to achieve. The desire to do something of worth and value will inspire you to take the lead and see it realised. Ask yourself: “What do I want?” “Why do I want it?” “How badly do I want it?”
28 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
Vision The things that really inspire great achievements are visionary, they are not superficial. This applies with individuals, churches, businesses, partnerships and even sporting teams. When I first took on the job as Managing Director of a large advertising agency in Sydney, the leadership team of working directors were in a slump. I realised I was now in charge so I had better get on with the job and learn along the way, make decisions and take the lead. Clients had been lost and others were reviewing their options. A series of poor decisions had left the staff with low morale. As a team we needed to show positive leadership so we reviewed where we were going. First we set the vision for the company. What did we want to be known for? What did we want to achieve? People started to get excited! The journey had just started. Next we set in place short and long term goals towards that vision. The goals
were achievable and the vision came to life, we could DO this! Then the steps needed to grow the business. Steps to retain old clients and attract new ones were outlined. Who would do what and by when? The details became clearer. Everyone had a part to play. Not only could we do this, but now each person in the agency could say, “I’m important to its success!” Very quickly the tide began to turn, people responded to positive leadership and vision. During the following two years the agency had record growth. John Maxwell in his book Leadership Gold1 lists several points that define leadership: • The willingness to put oneself at risk • The passion to make a difference with others • Being dissatisfied with the current reality • Taking responsibility while others
You do not get there by knowing lots of things, you have to know how to inspire others—they will often know more things than you do! are making excuses • Seeing the possibilities in a situation while others are seeing the limitations • The readiness to stand out in a crowd • An open mind and an open heart • The ability to submerge your ego for the sake of what is best • Evoking in others the capacity to dream • Inspiring others with a vision of what they can contribute • The power of one harnessing the power of many • Your heart speaking to the hearts of others • The integration of heart, head and soul • The capacity to care and in caring, to liberate the ideas, energy and capacities of others • The dream made reality • Above all, being courageous Maturity (Wisdom): There is no such thing as instant maturity or leadership. Remember you are leading people, not robots. You do not get there by knowing lots of things; you have to know how to inspire others—they will often know more things than you do! You need plenty of good old-fashioned wisdom, which takes experience to develop. Remember: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding,” (Pro 9:10). “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed,” (Pro 15:22). “A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool’s eyes wander to the ends of the earth,” (Pro17:24). It takes time, effort and many mistakes to learn what works with people. It also takes time for others to trust your leadership and follow you. Search it out: • Learn from leaders you respect— watch how they deal with
circumstances, how they inspire others, how they handle criticism or difficult issues Learn how not to lead from the mistakes of others (rather than your own). Work out how they could have done better Listen to good leadership teaching from people who have been successful. The best leadership teaching is found in God’s Word. Try reading John Maxwell’s Leadership Bible2. Keep open to change—be open to genuine criticism, don’t close your mind or think you know enough to get by Learn to bounce ideas off others for input and have mentors—those you respect—to share your plans with and be encouraged or challenged by.
trying to keep them apart and happy (it is far better to have them confront each other and sort out the problems). By trial and error I found out what I needed to prioritise and what could wait. I very quickly found out a negative attitude did not generate good responses from people work-wise! It also took time for others to accept me as the department head and to earn their respect. “The purpose of leadership is to take people where they couldn’t go on their own; to inspire and equip to do what they thought they could not do and accomplish what can only be done by a group working together.” John Maxwell Again, John Maxwell likes to equate leadership to Crock Pot cooking. It takes time, but the product is worth the wait.
Leadership Keys When I was given leadership roles 1. Get the right people on board early in my career, each step was a challenge. Leadership resources and encouragement were not easily available. I You can make a difference this tax learned by trial time for people like Brian and error what worked with “I am 75 and live by myself although blessed by visits from my grand-children. Afflicted by peripheral neuropathy, my family people and what and my wheelchair mean everything to me. My left leg has didn’t. I was been amputated below the knee and the toes on my right foot. very thankful Operating my manual wheelchair is now difficult. I am losing for a managing sensation in my fingers and wouldn’t feel it if they got trapped. director who Thanks to my PresCare Occupational Therapist Pauline I will have a motorised wheelchair in six months.” Brian Edmonds had absolute confidence in Title ______ First Name ______________ Last name _________________ me. So I learned Address ________________________________________________________ to build the ____________________________________ State ____ Postcode ________ confidence of T: __________________________________ E: _________________________ people in my I would like my gift today to help more people like Brian department. $10 $50 $100 $_______ a gift of my choice Through my I have enclosed my cheque/money order payable to PresCare Please debit my VISA/MasterCard Expiry date: ____ / ____ own mistakes, I Card no: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ learned how not Name on card: ________________________ Signature: ______________ to solve disputes All donations of $2 or more are tax deductible – thank you! between staff T: 1800 773 722 PresCare, Reply Paid 84978, Toowong BC Qld 4066 www.prescare.org.au ABN: 85 338 603 114 members by www.inspiredbusinessmag.com | 29
Highly visible leaders are also highly targeted. Good
leaders learn how to function in difficult environments and not lose focus.
They might look like a bunch of misfits, Jesus’ disciples sure looked this way, but as long as they are the right bunch of misfits—motivated, capable, open to learn and ready to do whatever it takes. At times people will need to move on and if they don’t make the change themselves, you will need to do something. Learn to recognise when someone is holding back an area of the business, church, or organisation. There are times we wait for people we should not have waited for, they continually cause conflict or stress for those around them and do not seem ready or willing to change. Pastor Joel Osteen is quoted as saying, “Your identity is not tied to those who walk away from you.” One of our franchisees shared with me the problems he was having with a staff member at his store. This person seemed to cause constant conflict with her workmates, the rest of the staff were unhappy working with her and the franchisee was in danger of losing some good people. Yet our franchisee could not face letting her go, this was something he had never done before and the stress was giving him sleepless nights. After encouragement and advice he finally made the change. After taking this decisive action, he was able to sleep like a baby and the other staff members were very happy and relieved. The tone of the store changed dramatically. When I looked at his sales figures following this change they had grown substantially. One person had been holding his business back! There will be times when others join the team to take you to the next level, times when existing people grow into leadership roles or are trained to take on different areas of responsibility. As a leader you need to be constantly identifying the right people for the right roles at the right time. 2. Learn to let go You can’t do everything! That’s what leadership is about— 30 | Inspired Business Australia 2013
if you insist on doing everything or making every decision yourself, the team will never grow, in fact potential leaders will become frustrated, critical and leave. You will end up with a group of ‘yes-men’ (or women)—people who are incapable of decision making and simply process what you tell them. I have met quite a few people with this leadership style and it certainly puts limits on how far they can grow— whether this is in business, as a department head or even a church. Delegate: If you can’t delegate you can only grow to the limits of your own time and capability, if you want a holiday, get too busy, or are ill, work piles up and nothing moves forward. In Exodus18 Jethro, Moses’ fatherin-law challenges him to delegate his overwhelming responsibilities to capable men. Jethro says, in Exodus 18:23-24, “If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied. Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said.” Learn to let go: Step back! When you give others responsibility, let them make their own decisions without constantly butting in. No one will do the job the same way as you do, think about it, this could be a good thing! There will be some mistakes made, even with the best people but allow these people to learn without undue interference. It not only frees you to move forward, it makes room for good people to grow to the next level, you will keep them rather than lose them to another employer. 3.Keep it simple We complicate everything—keep it simple. Giving staff or family a long list of rules only frustrates decisionmaking. When your people ‘share’ and ‘own’ the vision, they want to do the right thing and know that failure is only a step towards success.
Marketing companies often create promotions with prizes that are so difficult and complex very few participate. You want many to engage— learn to make life and business as simple as you can. 4. Taking criticism In a race, the attention is on the frontrunners, not on those out of contention. A leader attracts attention so get used to it! Criticism, media challenge, internal disputes will all come to the top so learn how to handle these. • Think before you respond • Don’t respond in anger or frustration • If possible, wait before you respond • Speak the positive messages not the problems • If incorrect, change and correct the story • Don’t over-react but make sure there is balance • Listen to all sides and listen rather than speak! • Have a realistic view of yourself because you are not perfect! • See the experience as an opportunity to grow Highly visible leaders are also highly targeted. Good leaders learn how to function in difficult environments and not lose focus. PETER IRVINE is the Co-Founder of Gloria Jean’s Coffees, author of Win In Business and Your Business, Your People, Your Life. Peter is a business consultant and dynamic speaker. www.peterirvine.com.au
REFERENCES 1 J Maxwell, Leadership Gold, Thomas Nelson, 2008 2 J Maxwell, Leadership Bible, (NKJV), Thomas Nelson, 2008
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