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program ahead at the Con
from OCLife20230216
The Orange Regional Conservatorium’s 2023 program features an exciting and diverse mix of touring and local professional artists, student performances and hands-on community workshops.
“This year we invite everyone to experience enriching performances from some of Australia’s finest musicians and prepare for our move to our exciting new conservatorium in 2024,” Director of the Orange Regional Conservatorium (ORC), Donna Riles said.
“We’re featuring a lot of Australian music – newly created music, old Australian music, and music from around the world as well.”
The 2023 program includes performances from acclaimed touring musicians, while local professionals will feature in a four-concert chamber music series exploring music from The Americas, North to South.
Musica Viva Australia has partnered with the Con to present three very di erent and applauded Australian chamber groups: Ensemble Q, AVÉ-Australian Vocal Ensemble, and Bandaluzia.
While the innovative Claire Edwards and Blaire Harris from Ensemble O spring will be bringing an intimate show featuring fresh music composed for percussion and cello.
As well as professional performances, the year ahead is full of opportunities to engage in community workshops and hands-on experiences at the Con, Donna said.
“In 2023, ORC will continue to highlight the fabulous music performed by students in solo and ensemble settings and initiate innovative music education and experiences for all,” she added.
The Con is also excited to announce a new partnership with See Saw Wines, who will provide a glass of their local organic wine to patrons on arrival at chamber music concerts.
“The excitement of 2023 is palpable,” ORC management committee chair, Pam Ryan said.
“ORC has weathered the challenges of recent years, emerging in a strong position to expand education provisions, o er varied and high-quality performances, and launch into a major fundraising campaign.

“That we face the next twelve months with optimism is due to the tireless work of our wonderful sta , our ORC members, and our strong community partnerships.”
Tickets and additional information on all events can be found at www.orangecon.org.au