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Line 5 presents The Robertson Brothers 1960’s Variety TV Show Saturday 15 April at 2pm & 8pm Live at Yours presents The Romantic Piano Thursday 23 March at 8pm Soft Tread presents Wharf Revue: Looking for Albanese Wednesday 5 & Thursday 6 April at 8pm JSCHS presents We Will Rock You Friday 17 March at 7.30pm Saturday 18 March at 1pm & 7.30pm Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre Orange Civic Theatre Details correct as of 13.03.2023 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2023 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. Circa presents On by Circa Friday 31 March at 7.30pm MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET — STARTS ON PAGE 27 FREE Orange hosts State Gravity Enduro Series Orange Mountain Bike Club hosted Round One of the NSW State Gravity Enduro Series on Saturday and Sunday, March 11–12. See all the action from the Glenwood State Forest Trails on page 15.

Thank you to our Sponsors:

Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able.

Another eventful weekend in Orange! We’ve heard great reports of the NSW State Gravity Enduro mountain bike event hosted by the Orange Mountain Bike Club, where 250-odd riders took on the Glenwood State Forest Trails.

And over 500 people turned out to enjoy the various free musical performances in and around the Orange Civic precinct as part of the ‘Cultured’ event, a part of the Orange Chamber Music Festival. I had hoped to stop by, but instead found myself busy on a jackhammer replacing a broken stormwater drain among other things!

And congratulations to the Orange Hospital Auxiliary which celebrated its 100th anniversary on the weekend. In that time the hardworking volunteers have raised an extraordinary $6.6 million, which equates to around $12.1 million when adjusted for in�ation. An amazing achievement!

Until next week!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 3
WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 3575 reception@oclife.com.au www.orangecitylife.com.au www.facebook.com/orangecitylife
EDITOR’S note Farewell George, hello Michael... John Brennan Director | Real Estate Agent Jessica Brennan Property Manager Georgie Huggins Property Officer Holly Broekhuizen Property Officer | Administration Support ‘Your Next Right Move!’ Allison Brennan Director | Licensee In Charge 02 6361 4155 enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 1/202 Anson Street Orange WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! catering available, eat take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 8-9 Jonathan Roe Contents Jane’s memory raising heart health awareness... 14


Orange City Council is calling for ‘Expressions of Interest’ to develop a new multi-level car park on the corner of Lords Place and Kite Street.

The project is aimed at doubling the current amount of parking spaces in the Ophir Car Park, from 215 to 430, and could also include a new commercial or residential development.

Possible developments for the site, that would need Council planning approval, could include commercial premises, retail or office space, a mixed-use centre with an entertainment facility, or serviced apartment accommodation.

The EOI also asks developers to outline how they would manage the loss of parking during the construction period.

The formal EOI process closes on April 17, 2023.


Excited Bletchington Public School students attended the Orange City Centre on Wednesday, March 8, for the unveiling of their very own art exhibition – ‘How I see Me in 2023’. Located in a shop front opposite House (which is currently under renovation) the exhibition is the latest in the Orange City Centre’s “Our Orange Our Schools” art program, designed to showcase our local schools and provide a public


Orange City Council is asking for feedback on a proposal to install footpath lighting along popular local walking path, Wirrabarra Walk.

Last month, it was announced that Council had received $200,000 from the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund to install motion-sensor lighting along the pathway, which runs along the western boundary of the Duntryleague golf course.

Two different lighting options are being proposed: onemetre-high bollard-style lights or six-metre-high footpath light poles. These lights are dimmed most of the time until a person approaches. They then emit full brightness for 30 seconds to light the way. These lights are designed to shine directly onto the footpath to ensure surrounding residents will not be disturbed.

Under the first option, 75 bollards would be placed every ten metres along the path, while the taller lights have a larger shine radius and would require just 25 along the length of Wirrabarra Walk.

“The purpose of the new lighting is to make Wirrabarra Walk safer and increase its useability for all users,” Orange Deputy Mayor Gerald Power said, noting that not everybody is in favour of lighting the pathway.

“We have heard from some community members already that they do not support this project and those views will also be taken into account when the matter comes back to Council for consideration as to whether it proceeds,” he said.

The community can view the lighting options and have their say by visiting the YourSay Orange site: yoursay. orange.nsw.gov.au/lighting-in-wirrabarra-walk

An information session is being held at Matthews Park and Margaret Stevenson Park at 8pm Thursday, March 18, where people can see firsthand the type of lights being proposed.

space where they can present their artwork.

“The Orange City Centre partnered with Bletchington Public School to create a self-portrait with the theme ‘How I see me in 2023’,” centre manager Nicole Chapman said.

“The theme was open to their own interpretation and creativity. The students created their own unique artwork which reflected their own

individual personalities, goals and interests.”

Students and teaching staff attended a “thank you” morning tea to celebrate the exhibition opening last week, with the children eagerly searching for their own works amongst those on display.

The Orange City Centre also donated $250 to the school for their participation.


“Adventure before dementia” is their slogan, and the Orange Emulators certainly seem as fit and quick-witted as ever as they prepare for the 2023 Golden Oldies World Rugby Festival.

Previously held in Wellington, Edinburgh, Fukuoka, Mar Del Plata, Cardiff, and Christchurch it’s a sport that certainly takes them worldwide, although this year’s festival, March 19–26, is just a short cross-country flight away in Perth, Western Australia.

“It’s a full week of rugby. We have three games and a lot of socialising,” Orange Emulators President, Murray Reay, said.

Orange Emulators are part of a growing worldwide sport known as Golden Oldies Rugby, a modified, more ageappropriate form of the “game they play in Heaven.”

“Worldwide there’s probably one thousand teams –maybe even more,” Murray explained.

Golden Oldie’s is a great way of staying active as you mature, and build strong friendships, as well as having the opportunity to travel around the globe.

And on March 19, the Lord Mayor of Perth is set to welcome players from all over the world at an opening ceremony at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre,

with the first games getting underway the following day. It’s not all about the football though as the program includes rest days and even a picnic day at a local winery.

“No one ever gets drunk,” Murray added with a smile. The Orange Emulators welcome anyone over the age of 35 who wants to play, men and women.

They get together for a social game of touch footy at Orange Emus Rugby Club every Wednesday evening at 6pm and everyone is welcome.

“Sometimes there’s some young kids playing – grandkids just having a bit of fun,” Murray said.

When not on the field, the Emulators organise regular social events and are big supporters of local charities such as Give me Change for Kids and Orange’s Western Care Lodge.

“We do bus trips, we go fishing, we play golf – it’s more of a social club,” Murray said.

After returning from Perth, the Orange Emulators will play their first local game on Saturday, April 15, when they take on Bathurst at the Emus home ground.

For more information on how you can get involved, call Murray Reay on 0428 650 706 or search for “Orange Emulators” on Facebook.

4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 Community LiFE
Left to right: Emulators’ sponsor Peter McCormack (Belle Property), Rob Nevins, Dan Kennedy, Murray Reay, Brian Ripps, Dave Field and Clive Walker

Eugowra’s Olden Eagles

‘Old Boys and Girls’ footy club are on a mission to get their community back into their own homes as quickly as possible.

Four months have passed since that terrifying night in November when a wall of floodwater swept down Mandagery Creek and devastated the small township. Eugowra is recovering slowly but surely, but there is still so much work to do. Many of the flood-damaged homes remain unlivable, which is where the Olden Eagles are lending a hand.

Fundraising to buy a paint sprayer and paint, a small team of ‘Old Boys’ have taken on the task of repainting homes for those who need it, volunteering their time on weekends to get the job done and get people back living in their own homes.

“It’s a good thing to do,” Olden Eagle Andrew Barnes said. In the wake of the flooding, Andrew has taken an active role in fundraising and advocating for the Eugowra

Olden Eagles on the tools for Eugowra

Footy and live music fundraiser in Forbes this Saturday, March 18

community, using his experience in the media industry to tell the community’s stories and now getting on the tools himself to paint homes on weekends.

“We couldn’t figure out what was fair,” he continued. “We kept being given all this money and thought, we can’t just give a bit here and a bit there, so we said, ‘how about we start painting?’”

Andrew and his fellow Olden Eagles have already repainted seven homes and the local pub and plan to keep going as long as they have the funds to do so.

“A lot of people have got insurance or a lot of people want it done professionally, which is fine… It’s the people who don’t have family, or don’t have friends who are tradies or whatever, they’re the ones that are really going to do it tough, so if we can help those people, it’s pretty good,” Andrew said.

“A couple on the weekend, they just could not stop crying at the end of it they were just saying that they were so happy and

‘we didn’t know what we’re going to do, we can’t a ord it.’

“So this just gets them into their house, it is one step closer for them. So yeah, it’s pretty powerful and it’s a good thing to do… But it’s expensive! Paint’s expensive! And we don’t know how many houses there will be, but there could be 50 or 60.”

This Saturday, the Eugowra Olden Eagles are hosting a fundraising festival of football, food and music at Forbes Spooner Oval, with the proceeds going towards their ongoing painting project.

Building on their annual “Masters of the Mandagery” old boys football tournament, the Olden Eagles saw an opportunity to go a little bigger with the event in a bid to raise more money for their community.

Normally held at Ian Walsh Oval in Eugowra, Saturday’s event has been moved to Forbes, where 15 teams hailing from Coogee to Canberra, Cargo and Condobolin will take to the field for some “slow-paced” rugby league action.

“It’s just pretty much ‘grab and giggle’ muck around sort of thing,” Andrew said. “Everyone has a laugh on their face and no one takes it too seriously, then you have a bit of a beer after.”

There will be live music at the grounds all day, with the final act being the Livin’ on a Prayer Bon Jovi Tribute Show.

“It’s a bit of a mini ‘Live Aid’ is what I’ve been saying to everyone,” Andrew said. “If you’re not into the footy, you can go for the music. If you’re not into the music, you can go for the footy!”

Gates open at 10am on Saturday, March 18 and the main convert gets underway following the football at 5pm.

“It’s not a late night and there’s heaps of stu for the kids, a jumping castle and stu like that, it’s a real family a air and some footy in the middle!”

For tickets, information about the event and how you can help the Olden Eagle’s fundraising e orts, visit www.eugowramasters.com

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 5 Community LiFE The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... POKER TUESDAY from 7pm SATU RDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival Registration on arrival ST PATRICK’S DAY FRIDAY 17TH MARCH Enjoy Guinness On Tap Guinness Pie or Lamb Shanks SPECIALS WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY Lunch 12 - 2pm Dinner 6 - 9pm Celebrate TONI & LENNY SUNDAY 5TH MARCH 8PM - LATE FREE ENTRY

From imary school ha to e SYDNEY


Growing up in Orange, Eleni Cassimatis dreamt of a career on the stage. She started performing in school productions as early as kindergarten and went on to participate in every local production she could get involved in.

Now she’s taking Australia by storm as a cast member in the prestigious Australian theatre company, Bell Shakespeare’s latest production of Macbeth — currently playing at the Sydney Opera House until April 2, before travelling to Canberra and Melbourne.

In this production, Shakespeare’s famous tale of Macbeth’s murderous rise to the throne has been given a more modern twist,

setting the story in the aftermath of World War I, a period that saw a growing interest in the occult.

“Our director, Peter Evans, has chosen to set our production at the end of World War I. We’re looking at more around 1921-1922, and we open the show with us coming out of the war. This was also a particular time in which there was a rise in seances, and wanting to connect with the dead. He wanted to explore what that would do for this production,” Eleni said.

“It’s contemporary, it’s relevant. It’s a quest for power. It’s punchy and fastpaced. And most importantly, come to see Hazem Shammas and Jessica Tovey who play Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Their performances are electric, exciting, nightmare-inducing and utterly heartbreaking.”

Eleni is playing one of the three witches who deliver the prophecy that sets Macbeth on his murderous course, as well as Donalbain, Macdu ’s son and other supporting roles.

She said it was the school plays and her experiences in local productions that saw her decide to pursue a career in theatre. And so, after high school, she moved to Sydney to study acting at the Actors Centre Australia.

Since completing her tertiary education, Eleni has been fortunate enough to land back-to-back Australian and International tours, first with Poetry in Action, then with Bell Shakespeare as one of their “Players”. It was after this that she landed a role in Bell Shakespeare’s production of Hamlet.

“That was kind of my first main-stage gig with the company, and my debut at the

Opera House,” Eleni said, who then went on to perform in The Comedy of Errors with the company.

“I’ve learnt so much as an artist working for Bell Shakespeare. The company as a whole is so supportive of young artists and their careers, and they are just the most beautiful human beings to get to work with. The calibre of work Bell always produces has me in awe constantly, and Peter Evans’ vision for this production is truly remarkable.”

Eleni said it has been a pleasure to work with all the talented actors in the Bell Shakespeare company and she feels like she’s learnt so much from them.

“From a creative point of view, some of the actors I’ve been lucky enough to be working alongside, it’s just such a treat,” she said, “and I’ve learnt so much from watching them work. I just feel so fortunate.“

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 Community LiFE 6788 1204 SHOP 48 ORANGE CITY CENTRE OPPOSITE TAROCASH NEXT TO THE FOODCOURT www.laserclinics.com.au Instagram @LaserClinicsAUS_Orange
...From a creative point of view, some of the actors I’ve been lucky enough to be working alongside, it’s just such a treat...
PHOTOS BY Sally Flegg


George Eleftheriou says farewe after 23 years in the local liquor game

For more than two decades, George Eleftheriou has been the friendly face behind the counter of local drive-through bottle shop Orange Cellars. But after 23 years in the game, George has decided it’s time to move on from the popular “bottle-o”.

“I think the time was right, time for a change,” George said, who will be moving on to a role with equipment finance broking firm Finlease.

“A friend of mine was chatting and he was looking for someone to put on, and he said if I knew anyone to let him know. I had a listen and thought, that sounds pretty good, I could have a crack at that.

“It’s nerve-wracking, but exciting too, so we’ll see how it goes,” George said of the vocational change. Apart from a brief stint working for Daquino’s, George has spent his whole working life at the bottle shop attached to the historic Carriers Arms Hotel (formerly

8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 Proud Orange BUSINESS 133 LORDS PL, ORANGE PH 6362-4100 OPEN 7-DAYS, 9AM-LATE ORANGECELLARS.COM Parrot Distilling Co. Dry Gin Tamberlaine Organic Range 2 FOR $32 $2099 $7499 LOCAL Seesaw Prosecco

Kelly’s Rugby Hotel) on the corner of Lords Place and Moulder Streets.

There is much he will miss about the business he has overseen for so long, George said.

“Yeah lots of things, customers in particular, there are just a lot of faces... a lot of people I’ve met through here, it’s been great,” he said.

But with winter just around the corner, George is not too upset to be trading the drive-through counter for a cosy o ce.

“Someone actually mentioned that to me and I thought that’s probably the last thing I’m going to miss! That cold breeze when the cool room is warmer!

“But I’ll keep in touch still, I’m pretty sure… I might even shop here,” he added with a smile.

Taking over from George at Orange Cellars is another face well-known to locals; Michael Brady, formerly of the Robin Hood Hotel bottle shop.

Like George, Michael has been in the local liquor industry his whole working life, most recently in Bathurst where he was running the Cobb & Co Cellars at the Oxford Hotel.

“George and I have known each other for 20 years, we’ve always got on really well and continue to do so,” Michael said.

“I’m looking forward to taking over the reins from him. George has always run a great show, he’s great with people, and his customer service — he’s all over it.

“I just need to continue on with what he’s been doing, pick up the ball and run with it and move forward, keep up the great specials and great variety that Orange Cellars has become renowned for.”

Orange Cellars owner and Ophir Hotel publican, Tim Ireson, said George will be sorely missed.

“It has been a pleasure to work alongside George, his knowledge and passion for what he did was really strong,” Tim said.

“He built a great team there at the bottle shop that really respected him and had such a loyal customer base, he’s just going to be really missed… and we’re very, very fortunate to have Michael Brady to come on board, who is good friends with George, and he himself has great knowledge and experience in the industry.”

George will be finishing up at Orange Cellars this Sunday and Tim encouraged people to say thanks and farewell to him as he moves on from the business.

“This is going to be his last week, he’s doing a bit of a handover with Michael Brady, and so if you can come down this week and see him on his last day and say g’day, I think he’d be really appreciative,” Tim said.

“We wish him all the best in his endeavours, but, you know, whatever he puts his mind to, we’re sure that he will do really well.”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 9 Proud Orange BUSINESS 133 LORDS PL, ORANGE PH 6362-4100 OPEN 7-DAYS, 9AM-LATE ORANGECELLARS.COM 133 LORDS PL, ORANGE PH 6362-4100 OPEN 7-DAYS, 9AM-LATE ORANGECELLARS.COM Asahi Cattleman’s Lager Supporting the Responsible Service of Alcohol Free Home Delivery for orders over $100 *conditions apply 24 STUBBIES $5599 24 CANS $4999 24 STUBBIES $5499 Peroni
...I’m looking forward to taking over the reins from him. George has always run a great show...
Michael Brady and George Eleftheriou

Cadia Legacy Fund supports state-of-the-art training facility for Canobolas Zone Rural Fire Service

Canobolas Zone RFS Manager, Brett Bowden, said the new training facility will provide volunteers with the highest standard of training.

“The Canobolas Zone comprises 80 Brigades and over 2,800 volunteers. It is essential that we provide the best training possible to prepare our volunteers for the situations they will face in the field.”

“We are hopeful that within 12 months, we’ll have a purpose-built operational facility that will make a di erence for country communities right across NSW.”

Cadia General Manager, Aaron Brannigan, said providing a safe and innovative training environment for RFS volunteers will benefit the whole region.

Zone Rural Fire Service by awarding $420,000 from the Cadia Legacy Fund to get the training facility up and running.”

“The Rural Fire Service do a fantastic job servicing our local community. They put themselves in harm’s way to protect the lives and property of others. We are grateful for their selfless community service.”

“Providing volunteers access to a stateof-the-art training facility will ensure our communities have the best protection in emergency situations.”

Cadia Valley Operations (Cadia) has committed $420,000 to the Canobolas Zone Rural Fire Service (RFS) to help transform a former water filtration facility into a state-ofthe-art Hot Fire Training Facility at Spring Creek. The facility will provide specialist training to RFS volunteers, external agencies, and private enterprises using the most advanced technology available for firefighting techniques. The training facility will replicate real-world scenarios using gas-fired props which simulate various fire types, such as structural, vehicle and flammable liquids. The training facility will

use actual and real-world scenarios, tools, and employment of technologies that can test and adequately exercise firefighters against live, challenging and volatile situations that firefighters can realistically be exposed to in everyday operational activity.

The donation from the Cadia Legacy Fund will help bring to life four rooms with lifelike scenarios, including a kitchen, o ce, bedroom and loungeroom, to prepare volunteers and help them meet the needs of their communities. The funds will be donated over a three-year period.

“Cadia is excited to support the Canobolas

The project has also been supported through funding from the NSW RFS and Brigades Fund Grant, and the Volunteer Donation Fund, along with Orange City Council, which has provided the land and existing building.

CHECK UP keep your pet

Book online needs an infected your dog’s the heart and warmer parts of Heartworm is West too. The foxes locally mosquito puts your by a tablets or to start your testing him your dog’s FREE when protection Heartworm cases forgets to give a offer gives your when it’s treatments – we

10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 SPECIAL CARE FOR YOUR PETS AT Mulberry Lane Vet Hospital! HOSPITAL 294 Lords Place, Orange | OPEN MON-SAT | mulberrylanevet.com.au “Our passion is caring for your pet” MULBERRY LANE VET HOSPITAL An ASAV accredited “Hospital of Excellence” TELEPHONE 6360 3071 s s Choose one of these very special offers for your pet, one voucher per household, not valid with any other offer. Expires 1/4/23 RING FOR AN APPOINTMENT OR BOOK ONLINE OR FREE FREE LUMPS & BUMPS CHECK-UP HEARTWORM TEST WORTH OVER $100 for your cat or dog for your dog when he or she starts on annual Heartworm prevention
(L to R) – Jason Ingham, Cadia Health & Safety Superintendent; Brett Bowden, Canobolas Zone RFS Manager; Michael Dillon, Cadia Supervisor – Emergency Response; Jenifer Bucknell, Canobolas Zone RFS Operational Business; Nils Waite, Canobolas Zone RFS District Coordinator; and Aaron Brannigan, Cadia General Manager. Inside one of the four rooms to be transformed
ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 11 Whytrustanyone otherthanthe residentialbuilder oftheyearwith yourhome? Michael Paddison 0414 447 467 Tisha Ataria 0428 777 651 Visittheteamat128ShiraleeRoad,Orange. Wed-Fri10am-5.30pm&Sat10am-2pm

Bras and Breast Prostheses at The Fitting Studio

A well-fitting bra is not only more comfortable but can improve posture, breathing and even spine alignment, says Philippa Mitchell from The Fitting Studio.

For an item of clothing that’s worn day in, day out, there are still a surprising number of women who are wearing the wrong size bras and don’t even know it. “So many women don’t know their size, they don’t know what style of bra to look for and nobody helps them,” says Philippa, a professional bra fitter. “So, they put something on, think it’s okay, go home and an hour or two later it’s so uncomfortable they throw it in the bin.”

Or worse, she says, they simply put up with it and endure the discomfort, shoulder and neck pain, chafing, and risk premature sagging.

Philippa o ers personalised expert measure-and-fit services out of a private fitting room located at her home, where she can supply the most suitable bra for your age

and lifestyle.

“The first thing I do is measure them, but I also ask them questions like, what do you do for work? Do you have children? Are you retired?

“Then I recommend the right bra for them, for their age, their body shape and their lifestyle,” says Philippa, who is a stockist for a wide range of bras from size 8–30 and AA to K cup, as well as camisoles, briefs, and headwear.

Philippa is also the only local fitter and stockist of breast prostheses, ensuring you will get the right breast form or shaper for a natural look.

“Again, it’s based on age, body shape and lifestyle,” says Philippa. “And you match it to the natural breast. Or if they’ve had a lumpectomy, shapers come in di erent styles and sizes and brings that breast back to the same size as the other one so they’re in balance.”

Philippa sells a range of pocket bras as well as camisoles, sports bras and swimwear.

“There’s an active breast form that can be used for sport and swimming,” she explains.

“I sell nipple prostheses as well. These match the size and colour of your nipple and it makes a massive di erence to the look of the breast”.

The cost of a breast prosthesis can be claimed on Medicare and Philippa can even help you through the claim process.

Philippa is available for private appointments at her home from 10am to 6.30pm, Tuesday to Friday and 8.30am to 2pm Saturday, but you can also arrange for Phillipa to come to

you if you aren’t able to drive, or have mobility issues.

And with her newly fitted-out caravan, Phillipa is able to take The Fitting Studio further afield, and she welcomes invitations from communities who would benefit from her much-needed services.

“I like to ask for someone to host me. It might be a boutique, a beautician, or hairdressers, where I can set up in a room or I can take my caravan.”

To get in touch with Philippa, call her on 0499 991 650 or email admin@thefittingstudio.com.au Or find out more by visiting www.thefittingstudio.com.au

‘To help all the people who helped me’ Zak braves the shave in fight against blood cancer

Twenty-four-year-old Zak Drinan has been battling cancer most of his life, but on March 31 he will be taking part in the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave to give a little back to those who have helped him.

Diagnosed with neurofibromatoses at 18 months, it wasn’t long after that doctors gave his mother Donna Lake the bad news that tumours had formed on his optic nerves and they were cancerous.

“All he had was little spots on him and then they said that he’s got neurofibromatoses, and the next time I went back to the doctor, they told me that he’s got tumours and they were cancer, so he had to have chemotherapy,” Donna said. Undergoing treatment, the central line got infected and young Zak was rushed to Westmead Children’s Hospital in Sydney.

“He’s had a big battle on his hands,” Donna said. “He’s had a really rough time and when he was going through chemo he was really so sick.

“And at the time I didn’t have my licence so my parents were driving me down there and back… back and forth for treatment to Sydney hospital to Ronald McDonald House,” she continued.

“But he’s had a really good support team with me, Mum and Dad, and his two big brothers supported me a lot.

“So we’ve had a bit of a drama and that’s why he just wants to give back and do the World’s Greatest Shave. He said they helped me so he wanted to help them.”

“I’ve been wanting to do it for years,” Zak added. “To help all the people who helped me.”

Zak, who celebrated his 24th birthday on March 15, is currently in remission, but there’s always the fear that the

tumours will grow back or new tumours form.

“We’re hoping not because they haven’t shrunk or got bigger, they’re just dormant,” Donna said.

“But he’s so excited to do this, to give back to someone else out there. So that’s why we are trying to do it.”

To help Zak reach his fundraising goal, scan the QR code or visit worldsgreatestshave.com/donate and search for “Zak Drinan”.

12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023
Zak Drinan with his mother Donna Lake. Zak has battled cancer most of his life but is looking to raise money for Leukaemia Foundation to give a little back to those who have helped him.

Kinross Wolaroi Golden Alumni making up for lost time

Former students of Kinross Wolaroi School are bound for Orange in May for the first Golden Alumni Luncheon the school has held since 2020.

The normally annual Golden Alumni Luncheons are celebrations for ex-students who graduated 50 years ago or more. It’s a chance for people to catch up with old classmates and fondly reminisce about days in the schoolyard.

“This is our first opportunity to gather since 2020, because of Covid,” Golden Alumni Luncheon coordinator, Harriet Alker said. “And so we will be celebrating anyone who missed out and particularly celebrate the classes of 1971, 1972 and 1973.”

Taking place on May 18, the program of events begins with a morning tour of the PLC (Presbyterian Ladies’ College) campus and a morning tea hosted by the Principal’s wife, Mrs Jo Parry. There will also be a tour of the Wolaroi campus where there will be a display of

archival photos and memorabilia in the school auditorium. Buses will then be available to transport former students to the Golden Alumni Luncheon, which is being hosted at the Orange Ex-Services Club.

Those attending can join in for all or part of the scheduled events, Harriet said, adding that each year group will automatically be seated together at the luncheon although you can also make seating requests when booking your ticket.

Tickets for the Golden Alumni Luncheon can be found at events.humanitix.com/golden-alumni-2023-luncheon Bookings close on May 7, 2023.

Harriet urged anyone with questions or concerns about the event to call her on (02) 5319 0321 or email halker@kws.nsw.edu.au

“We look forward to seeing you all for a fun day of reconnecting and reminiscing.”

Meeting Health Needs of Rural Communities RURAL COMMUNITIES

Adrian Anderson. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

For more information on studying medicine in Dubbo visit sydney.edu.au/ medicine-health/ dubbo

Originally from Narromine, Adrian returned to Dubbo 18 months ago to be closer to family and to work as a paramedic with NSW Ambulance, all while following the development and growth of the Doctor of Medicine program in Dubbo. Adrian was attracted to the rural focus of the program, the opportunity to study where he has grown up and the small cohort size which offers a more personalised study experience with more face-to-face time with clinicians and tutors.

improve the access of country people to medical services. I have been watching the development of the full four-year program at Dubbo and saw it as a fantastic opportunity to pursue the dream,” said Adrian.


Becoming a doctor was never a lifelong dream for Suzie Hill, but with two children who are now adults and have left home, she began looking at the next stage of life.

Suzie is currently a first-year student in the University of Sydney’s Doctor of Medicine program in Dubbo. She will complete the entire fouryear postgraduate degree in Dubbo with clinical training centered on the newly redeveloped Dubbo Hospital.

Adrian Anderson has recently embarked on his journey to becoming a doctor, studying the University of Sydney’s Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree at the School of Rural Health in Dubbo. Adrian will complete the entire four-year postgraduate degree in Dubbo with clinical training centered on the newly redeveloped Dubbo Hospital.

Suzie has been practicing as a Radiographer for over 15 years. Like many regional and rural residents, she is acutely aware of the impact the shortage of doctors and specialists has on our communities. She has been inspired by the care and support her son received by a specialist and the efforts he went to in bringing treatment closer to home as well as some gentle encouragement from Radiologists she has

worked with over the years.

Adrian is passionate about developing skills to meet the needs of rural communities and has been encouraged by support from his managers, colleagues and his wife and parents on his decision to go back to study, as well as Dr Andy Caldin at Narromine Hospital, who has provided advice and been very supportive of his decision to study medicine.

Suzie sat the Graduate Medical School Admission Test (GAMSAT) again after being unsuccessful on her first application to the University of Sydney’s Doctor of Medicine program in Dubbo. She was then offered a place the second time she applied.

Adrian is part of the second cohort of students now studying the University of Sydney’s entire four-year Doctor of Medicine program in Dubbo. Students in the Dubbo Stream study the same world-class medical education as their peers in Sydney, with the added benefits of living and studying in a regional location while gaining hands-on experience in rural and remote medical practice.

studying the University of Sydney’s entire four-year Doctor of Medicine program in Dubbo. Students in the Dubbo Stream study the same world-class medical education as their peers in Sydney, with the added benefits of living and studying in a regional location while gaining handson experience in rural and remote medical practice.

The Dubbo Stream is only available to students eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place and pathways are available for First Nations students and those with rural backgrounds.

“I have been working as a paramedic for a while now and wanted to further the care I can provide for patients. I don’t think I can single-handedly solve the rural doctor shortage, but I want to do my bit to

“Being able to study in Dubbo has been a huge attraction in maintaining my family life. I love that I’ll be learning in a smaller cohort and the opportunity to develop relationships with teaching and clinical staff that, hopefully I will be working with one day as a doctor.”

Suzie is part of the second cohort of students now

The Dubbo Stream is only available to students eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place and pathways are available for First Nations students and those with rural backgrounds.

The School of Rural Health in Dubbo features state-ofthe-art medical education facilities including teambased learning studios, anatomy teaching lab, six-suite simulation training centre, tutorial rooms and lecture theatre.

The School of Rural Health in Dubbo features state-of-the-art medical education facilities including team-based learning studios, anatomy teaching lab, six-suite simulation training centre, tutorial rooms and lecture theatre.

For more information on studying medicine in Dubbo visit sydney.edu.au/ medicine-health/ dubbo

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 13 Community LiFE
more information on studying medicine in Dubbo visit sydney.edu.au/medicine-health/dubbo
ADVERTORIAL program handsCommonwealth Health state-of-

My friend Jane

It’s been two-and-a-half years since my beautiful friend Jane passed away suddenly.

At 8pm I received a good night Snapchat from her – she was happy and relaxed and we’d planned to meet for scootering with our kids the next morning. By midnight she was gone forever, falling unconscious in her sleep, and never waking up.

The sudden loss of a loved one has its own type of grief – how can someone that is such an integral part of your life be here one day and not the next. The sadness and life-rebuilding that surrounds sudden loss for family left behind is profound.

I try to make Jane proud every day and think of the things she’d have liked others to know. One of those things is how Jane actually died and what others should be aware of regarding heart health and hereditary conditions.

Jane died from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and her death falls under the umbrella term of SADS - sudden adult death syndrome. Her condition is largely genetic and often has no symptoms - here she was with the kindest and most joyous of hearts and little did we know that she’d been walking around with a broken one. This condition is a leading cause of sudden cardiac death in children, the under-40s and even athletes. My basic understanding is that the heart

overcompensates its defects by working harder, and by doing so becomes more ine cient at pumping blood because of muscle thickening, which can lead to cardiac arrest (di erent to a heart attack, which is caused by arterial narrowing or blockage, caused by a combination of both heredity and poor lifestyle choices). Jane was fit and extremely health conscious.

Our family history since Jane passed has become somewhat of a fascination for me. We had two sets of the same greatgrandparents. Our nans were sisters on one side (Duggans) and our grandmother and grandfather were brother and sister on the other (Hineys). On one side of our family, Jane’s grandfather passed of cardiac-related issues at 39, leaving behind three boys aged three, six and eight. On the other side, our greatgrandmother fell asleep next to one of her daughters and never woke up, leaving behind eight children, the youngest of who was just eight months old. It was the early 1900s and her exact cause of death was largely undetermined. Hearsay is that it was kidney related, but no one can quite remember what they were told through the generations over 100 years — my gut feeling is that she too died from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

What both sudden unexplained heartrelated deaths and heart attacks do have in common is often heredity. If you have any sudden heart-related deaths in your

family no matter how healthy you are, I think Jane would want people to aware of how she died and to get checked out. An echocardiogram for example would have highlighted Jane’s condition, but for the vast majority of people, this type of condition is only diagnosed post-mortem.

The second thing I think Jane would want people to know is that tragedies can

happen to you and anyone you love on any ordinary day. Live life to the fullest; say I love you, I miss you and I’m sorry often, and have some form of preparation in place in the event you don’t get a chance to say goodbye (a will, a letter to a loved one, a conversation).

Of all the people I have the pleasure of knowing in all the world, Jane was the last person I’d have ever thought would die young. Sadly, I won’t grow to be a little old lady with her, but I will keep living positively and grow as old and happy as I can, for her. I try to honour Jane’s life by taking on new challenges and one of those is walking 30 kilometres in Coastrek on the 24th of March to raise money for the Heart Foundation. We’ve already smashed our fundraising goal of $2,500, but please search “Jane Assie” on the Coastrek website to locate the Jane Assie Memorial Walkers team if you’d like to donate too.

I’ve learned a lot since Jane passed and consistently reflect on her joy of life and amazing sense of positivity. Jane’s legacy of happiness and positivity drives me to instil that type of life outlook in my four children, because if there is one thing for sure it is that even though Jane had a shorter life than she should have, she sure did have a happy one, and most of that joy was simply from the way she looked at life.

If you have a family history of heartrelated illness or death, please see your GP.

14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 Community LiFE
...I try to make Jane proud every day and think of the things she’d have liked others to know. One of those things is how Jane actually died and what others should be aware of regarding heart health...


More than 250 mountain bike riders of all ages descended on the Glenwood Forest Trails at Lidster on March 11–12 for Round One of the NSW Gravity Enduro series. It was a full weekend of racing in superb weather for the local and visiting mountain bike enthusiasts.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 15 OCLife SCENE
Hayden Vanderdrift and Brodie Hoad Ben Quirico, Julian Cochrane and Clive Plore Brodie and Kim Pittman Cylie Cornelius with Angela and Jeremy Bird


Not going to lie, I haven’t yet decided who to vote for in the upcoming state election. And while my priorities are generally the same each year — improved hospitals and sta ng, water security, education funding, housing and mental health services to regional NSW — this year I have a new issue on my mind. I will vote for any candidate who runs on a platform of providing bus services to high school athletics and swimming carnivals.

Let me preface this by saying that I love the schools for the e ort they put into these days, and the incredible sta who run them. Mine is a logistic problem. I have perfected the art of being in two places at once (twice a week I have a 2-3.30pm zoom meeting in my car while also picking up my youngest from school at 3.08pm). I am yet to be able to add in picking up my eldest from the pool/ Waratahs at the same time. A bus would help!

While I’m at it, here’s a list of demands helpful suggestions for anyone still finalising their political platform. I will vote for anyone who:

● Bans reverse parking on Peisley St. I estimate this will cut road rage incidents in Orange by 97 per cent. (I am not actually qualified to make this estimate).

● Publishes a children’s book titled, ‘The child who went to school in their uniform without punching their sibling in the morning and behaved well all day’ so we can use it for Book Week dress-up day inspiration.

● Opens a café in town with play equipment indoors for toddlers, plenty of room for prams and the dress code is “pyjama casual” with a side of “don’t judge me, she dressed herself”.

● Opens a café in town with gaming/pinball equipment indoors for teenagers, plenty of room in the car park for L-platers

and the dress code is “rebellion casual but hasn’t been worn more than twice without washing”.

● Mandates a law that all children’s requests to the Easter bunny have to be finalised the week Woollies have halfpriced eggs and bunnies. (These things are obviously unrelated, however if the supermarkets sell out, it might be di cult for the Easter bunny to source expensive late requests).

● Makes therapy dogs mandatory for every workplace in Orange. If not possible, a weekly “bring your pet to work” day. These good boys and girls deserve ALLLLL the pats.

● A state-funded monthly co ee and book club in every workplace in Orange. You grab co ee from a local café, buy a few copies of a book as recommended by the lovely sta at Collins Booksellers and call it a team-building exercise. (I need more time to read!).

● State-funded support workers for our annual Council clean-up. So, if I’m sneakily putting away the Barbie mansion both children have grown out of playing with “just in case”, there’s someone to come along and slap it out of my hands while shouting, “Get a grip, Emily!”

● A complete ban on lunchbox judgment at school. I discovered recently that lunch orders aren’t collected at the canteen, but instead are handed out by classroom teachers who now know exactly how many meat pies I buy Miss Eight each week. I promise her dinners are healthy. Let’s agree to never discuss lunch!

I look forward to seeing these key issues addressed by our candidates ahead of voting day; please do your best to represent the tired parents of Orange!

Now hiring! Transport Driver Logistics • Bathurst Correctional Centre • Full-time employment Do you have a current Heavy Combination (HC) licence? Or a Heavy Rigid (HR) licence and willingness to upgrade? Visit jobs.dcj.nsw.gov.au and quote (54901) Transport Driver (Logistics) – Bathurst Correctional Centre Applications are open for a limited time only. Communities and Justice LP0662 PINNY IS BACK... HAVE YOU FOUND HIM YET? Details page 49

& Planetarium

√ 24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region

√ $14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange

√ Bat/hail netting funding for local orchardists

√ $1.2 million for CCTV in Orange, Bathurst and Wellington

√ 47 mobile phone towers and base stations across Calare


It was fantastic to visit Anson St School this week to check out the school’s new Woolies training centre!

The school now hosts a Miniature Woolworths where students are given the opportunity to learn and develop workforce skills like customer service and money handling.

It was great to meet many enthusiastic students who were


The crowds certainly made a beeline for Blayney on March 11, heading to the showground to enjoy the 145th Show - it looked to me like the biggest crowd ever!

Thank you Show President Ben Meek and all of the hard working committee members and volunteers!

Congratulations to Rosemary Reid and Rosemary Amos who were both honoured with Blayney A&P Association life memberships for their extraordinary service to the Show!

Young Woman of the Year entrants Rachael and Sarah did an outstanding job and showed us the future of country leadership.

I even gave the ‘63 Ford Falcon XK ute a run in the grand parade!

You just can’t beat a country show!

very excited to try serving on the checkout for the first time!

The mini-supermarket replicates a typical Woolies, with baskets for food, shelving packed with groceries, ticketing, signage, and uniforms.

A big thank you to the Principal of Anson St School Melanie Meers for having me along to the official opening of this wonderful initiative!

Well done to all involved!


The bushfire north of Hill End has burnt more than 18,000 ha, massively impacting farms across the Tambaroora/Pyramul area.

I’ve been out with RFS crews and local landholders working to contain the bushfire and keep properties safe from the blaze. These teams have done an outstanding job in the face of very dangerous and challenging conditions to protect as much as possible.

Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard around the

region to get us through yet another emergency.

It’s been a massive multi agency effort, and thankfully the fire situation is looking much more positive after a very stressful week for local residents and communities.

We really could use some fodder up there for farmers who’ve had their paddocks obliterated.

If you can spare some hay, please give my office a call on 6361 7138 or email on andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 17 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800. 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 ORANGE 2800 (02) 6361 7138 andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au www.andrewgeemp.com.au ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE Andrew GEE MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE Your Country Your Voice
ON THE BOARD FOR ORANGE √ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and research centre √ $34.8 million for Dixons Long Point Crossing √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the Central West √ $1.9 million for The Orchard crisis accommodation centre √ $2 billion for Great Western Highway upgrade √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma Park dam wall at Orange √ Federal Regional Investment Corporation established and based in Orange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder Road project √ Dept of Infrastructure branch moved to Orange √ $2 million for the Forest Road Bridge duplication √ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short Grove Aged Care facility √ $100,000 for new stadium seating at Wade Park √ $3 million for a second radiotherapy unit at Orange Health Service √ $10 million for the Orange Conservatorium
For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800.
Andrew with David Somervaille, Ben Meek, Blayney Show 2022 Young Woman of the Year Kiara Blyth, and 2023 entrants Sarah and Rachel. Students cut the ribbon on the brand new mini-store! Andrew with Toby, Alex, David, and Blake Sacha (Woolworths Orange Representatives), and Sarah Corey (Woolworths General Manager – Enterprise Operations) Andrew with Cruz, Dylan, Thomas, and Alex Andrew with Rosemary Amos

OCLife Scene

The OCLife scene of recent parties, concerts, celebrations and events


Influential Australian business woman, activist and author of two memoirs, Wendy McCarthy addressed a sell-out crowd at the Orange Regional Library for a special Library Up Late event for International Women’s Day, March 8. It was an evening of delicious nibblies, wine and entertaining discussion about Wendy’s newest book, Don’t be too polite, girls.


Women of Orange enjoyed a relaxing day out for this year’s International Women’s Day at the Oriana. Treated to a makeover and drinks, followed by Cowboy Ace’s Cheeky Bingo and a goodie bag to take home, it begs the question: what more could a girl ask for?

18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 OCLife SCENE
Mindy Hollamby Maria Bargwanna and Lesley Dangerfield Jeanette Scott and Elizabeth Read Nicole Longhurst and Renee Jones Lilly Mitchell and Claudia Smith Danielle Maere and Jessica Grandsen Haley Shiels and Caddie O’Onise Kylie Duncan and Cowboy Ace Kylie Duncan and Hayley Shiels Linda Wilson, Merrilee Morgan and Rebecca Powyer Robyn Sharp and Jan Murray Maria Bargwanna and Lesley Dangerfield Amy Quilty and Michelle Slack-Smith Mindy Hollamby and Wendy McCarthy Jenny Willis and Denise Watts Monica Engel and Tam Wilson Michelle Peters and Jessie Williamson photos by Cec tilburg

Millthorpe gets wartime makeover for homespun

Classic cars and trucks were parked in the street, and flags hung from buildings, as the village stepped back in time to the 1940s.

While the Men are Away tells the story of the women left at home during World War II, while the men are fighting on the front lines. The series revolves around two Women’s Land Army recruits who arrive in the country and undergo a course in race relations, rural politics, farming, spirituality, sexuality and personal growth.

While the Men are Away is expected to be released in September.

Filming has been taking place at di erent locations around the central west over the past few weeks, including the historic homestead “Ammerdown”, “Rose Farm” in Nashdale, as well as Millthorpe.

Co-creator and executive producer of the series, Alexandra Burke is eager to see the finished product, which she says will finally showcase the often-forgotten women on the homefront during World War II.

“The World War II genre has been done many times. It’s often about the diggers and their experience of war, so it’s quite exciting to now look at other people’s experiences that maybe the history books have left out,” Alex said.

It was the rich history of the central west that played a massive part in inspiring the television series.

“You had internment camps for Germans and Italians, and the Japanese prisoner of war camp in Cowra, Aboriginal reserves in Cowra, the Women’s Land Army that was also in Cowra. It was just such a real melting pot – a lot of di erent people. And by all accounts there was really a lot of interaction and a lot of stories,” Alex said

Orange-based film company Arcadia, of which Alexandra is a founding partner, pitched the idea for the series to SBS, who were excited to get involved.

Once given the “green light” it was o to the writing room, led by experienced showrunner Kim Wilson.

“Kim is just wonderful. She’s written for basically every Australian show under the sun: A Place to Call Home, Wentworth, Packed to the Rafters, Neighbours, and so it was really wonderful to have her experience in the room,” Alex said.

“We have a really lovely emerging young cast. It’s kind of a breakout role for a lot of them, but they’re brilliant.”

A coup for the small Australian production was the signing of Italian actor, Michela De Rossie, who plays immigrant “Frankie” in the series.

“She’s one of the most exciting actors

working in Italy today. She’s worked in the U.S, and she was in the Sopranos: The Many Saints of Newark and she’s the lead in the upcoming Italian series called Briganti, which is directed by the director of Vikings, and that series is going to be huge,” Alex enthused.

For Arcadia, who are proudly based in Orange, finally having the opportunity to film in the local area has been very rewarding.

“We’re seeing the footage as it comes in each day and it’s so beautiful – I mean you don’t get sunsets anywhere like here, and they’ve been captured on film. I really feel like this show will showcase the beauty of Orange and its surrounds,” Alex said.

“It’s been such a big dream of ours at Arcadia, to develop and create a project in our hometown… It’s all led to this beautiful, very funny, very emotional, dramatic comedy and it’s an absolute joy.”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 19 Let us Entertain YOU OPEN 7 DAYS | 107 BYNG STREET | 6362 1353 | WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU PLEASE RING FOR BOOKINGS PROUD TO BE A PUB TUESDAYS RUMP STEAK COOKED TO YOUR LIKING WITH your choice of sauce DIANE, Mushroom, pepper or gravy rump tuesday $18 + chips & veg or mash & veg WEDNESDAYS SCOTCH FILLET COOKED TO YOUR LIKING WITH your choice of sauce scotch fillet wednesday $18 + chips & veg or mash & veg THURSDAYS T-BONE t-bone thursday $18 + chips & veg or mash & veg with the purchase of a beverage with the purchase of a beverage with the purchase of a beverage Every FRIDAY / SATURDAY AT 8PM Live Music ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ Free Entry
TV drama
The bustling little village of Millthorpe was transformed into the fictional town of Bush last week, as filming took place for a locally produced drama series set to air on SBS later in the year.


Friday March 17

Greenhouse Orange

Natalie Carboni in the Piano Bar from 6pm Barrabas on the lawn from 7pm

St. Patrick’s Day Party from 4.30pm

DJ Elliegant on the lawn from 10pm

Ophir Hotel

Neil Gill live from 7pm

Orange Civic Theatre

We Will Rock You, 7.30pm

Saturday March 18

Orange Civic Theatre

We Will Rock You, 1pm and 7.30pm

Greenhouse Orange

James Sutherland on the lawn from 12pm

Natalie Carboni in the Piano Bar from 6pm

Mak and Shar on the lawn from 7pm

Ophir Hotel

Pete Naylor live from 7pm

Victoria Hotel

Toni and Lenny from 8pm

Sunday March 19

Greenhouse Orange

Oli Statham on the lawn from 12pm

Musical bingo from 3pm

Kent Eastwood in the Piano Bar from 6pm

Ophir Hotel

Hustle and Heart live from 12pm

Royal Hotel

JAM Orange Royal Sundays with The Shindig Kickers and Plus One from 2pm

20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023
No1 venue for Weddings, Parties, Music Events and more! Our lovely unique venue was built between the first and second world war. CONTACT US Canobolasdancehall@biteriot.com.au Come and get a feel for the space. Book a time to come and take a look. What’s HAPPENiNG
GREENHOUSE ORANGE James Sutherland from 12pm GREENHOUSE ORANGE Natalie Carboni from 6pm
JAM ORANGE Shindig Kickers from 2pm

On by Circa arrives at the Orange Civic Theatre March 31

Over the past two decades, Brisbane’s globally renowned Circa have forged a reputation as the most artistically audacious circus on the planet and they’re bringing their latest show, On by Circa to the Orange Civic Theatre on Friday, March 31. A chance encounter. A touch. An improbable connection. On by Circa follows eight strangers whose lives cross in the courtyard of an apartment block. Over the course of a single night they will fight, love, laugh and find moments of beauty and transcendence.

Created by circus visionary Yaron Lifschitz, with a pulsating score from Melbourne composer Jethro Woodward and striking lighting design from Paul Jackson, On by Circa is an unmissable and powerful new work infused with fierce humanity and exceptional acrobatics. See On by Circa at the Orange Civic Theatre on Friday, March 31, 7.30pm. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 21 Let us Entertain YOU
The most artistically audacious circus on the planet…”

photos by Cec tilburg

OCLife Scene

The OCLife scene of recent parties, concerts, celebrations and events


To celebrate Orange’s vibrant artistic culture the Orange Chamber Music Festival held a free full-day program of pop-up music performances at the Library, Orange Regional Art Gallery, the Orange Regional Museum and Northcourt on Saturday, March 11. Held first in 2021 Cultured has become a popular feature of the annual Orange Chamber Music Festival.


A multicultural celebration for Harmony Day was held at the Orange Community Centre on Friday, March 10. The celebration was a hit and enjoyed by all, as was the bountiful buffer of traditional foods from many different cultures.

22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 OCLife SCENE
Standing at back are: Cin Jackson, Rachel Stevens, Becky Follent, Lila Hardge and Jo Watts. In front: Carmel Follent with Joel, Emma and Alfie. Oksana Bohdanovska, Eloise Borschtsch and Olesia Herasemiuk Fifi Ar Sargih Jackie Zhang and Su Howe Anni Gallagher, Ben Connor and baby Louie, Emily Seaman and Katrina Walker Eliza and Gabriel Munro Rachael Kwa, David Shaw and Luke Moxey Jan and Bill Allard Charlotte George and Daisy Brown Yanny Sin, Munja Kim and Calista Wan
ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 23 ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 16th - 22nd March 2023 redeem your vouchers for Odegift cards. ������ only redeem voucher per ORDER TICKETS ONLINE WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU 102 MINS Thurs 16 th 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 5.45 *, 8.15 * Fri 17 th 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 5.45 *, 8.15 * Sat 18 th 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 5.45 *, 8.15 * Sun 19 th 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 5.45 *, 8.15 * Mon 20 th 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 5.45 *, 8.15 * Tues 21 st 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 5.45 *, 8.15 * Wed 22 nd 12.15 *, 3.00 *, 5.45 *, 8.15 * 131 MINS
102 MINS Thurs 16 th 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 Fri 17 th 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 Sat 18 th 12.30, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 Sun 19 th 12.30, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 Mon 20 th 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 Tues 21 st 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 Wed 22 nd 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.00 146 MINS SHAZAM! FURY OF THE GODS THURS, FRI, MON, TUES, WED 10.30 SAT, SUN 10.00 THE WHALE 132 MINS SAT - SUN 10.00 117 MINS PUSS IN BOOTS THE LAST WISH $10 TIX $10 TIX 102 MINS Thurs 16 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Fri 17 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Sat 18 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Sun 19 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Mon 20 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Tues 21 st 12.30, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 Wed 22 nd 12.30, 3.00, 5.45, 8.15 131 MINS CREED
102 MINS Thurs 16 th 11.00, 3.45, 8.30 Fri 17 th 10.00, 3.45, 8.30 Sat 18 th 10.00, 12.15, 8.30 Sun 19 th 10.00, 12.15, 8.30 Mon 20 th 11.00, 3.45, 8.30 Tues 21 st 11.00, 3.45, 8.30 Wed 22 nd 11.00, 3.45, 8.30 110 MINS COCAINE BEAR SAT-SUN 10.00 SING ALONG THE LION KING SAT, SUN 3.30 ENGLISH DUBBED DEMON SLAYER To The Swordsmith Village 125 MINS 105 MINS $10 TIX NEW NEW NEW THURS, FRI, MON, TUES, WED 10.00, 1.15, 6.00 SAT, SUN 10.00, 6.00 CHAMPIONS 139 MINS THURS, FRI, MON, TUES, WED 1.00, 3.15, 6.00 SAT, SUN 12.00, 6.00 65 AVATAR THE WAY OF WATER 207 MINS SAT - SUN 2.15 2D $10 TIX THURS, FRI, MON TUES, WED 10.00* ONE AND ALL 127 MINS FISHERMAN’S FRIENDS 108 MINS $10 TIX PHOTO ID REQUIRED DAILY 8.15 ANTMAN & THE WASP QUANTUMANIA 145 MINS MARVEL PHOTO ID REQUIRED


The Orange Hospital Auxiliary celebrated its centenary at the Orange City Bowling Club on Sunday, March 12.

Over the past 100 years, the Auxiliary has raised more than $6.6 million, which equates to $12.1 million adjusting for inflation. This equates to either 1,000,000 sandwiches sold or 1,500,000 cups of coffee — and a whole lot of washing up!

The Orange Auxiliary was formed in 1923 by Mrs John Kenna, who was the daughter-in-law of Mr Kenna who built the first District Hospital. Their first fundraising efforts were from the sale of a cookbook that saw £5,000 donated towards furnishing the hospital.

The Round House (the Auxiliary’s first kiosk) was built in 1936 and used until 1972 when the hospital relocated to Dalton Street. The current Auxiliary Café opened at Orange Health Services in the Bloomfield Campus in 2011 and is still staffed exclusively by volunteers who donate their time and efforts to serving customers and helping raise money.

While the Café restricted sales to “take-away only” during the COVID pandemic, it remained open and was the only hospital café in the region to do so!

From $380,000 for the hydrotherapy pool to $8,000 for a pair of blood pressure monitors; the Orange Hospital Auxiliary has made an immeasurable contribution to our local health services and the lives of so many in our community — and continues to do so!

24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 OCLife SCENE
Joy Tobin with Lynn Murray Maria Cudas, Connie Ferragarmo, Karaan Rich and Maria Donato Tracey Wilkinson, Catherine Nowlan, Orange Mayor Jason Hamling and Member for Orange Phil Donato Corinne Stringer, Wendy O’Neill, Larry Grant and Chuck Frame Lyn Clemow, Kay Kennedy and Monika Rickli Josie Dean, Robyn Cullen and Pat Yates Norma Thornberry and Frances Carney Tania and Luke O’Donahue photos by Henry DeRooy

The secret to perfect poached eggs at home!

A lot of people ask me what’s the secret to perfectly poaching eggs at home? The answer to that is a combination of water temperature, acid and having super FRESH eggs (this is really important!).

Before we start learning how to do it, let’s learn more about the method of cooking we will be using. Poaching is a technique that involves cooking by submerging food in low heat liquid (about 70–80 °C).

It is considered a very healthy method of cooking because there is no fat involved at all. In order to achieve a perfect-looking egg, we need to get the freshest egg possible. If it is not a fresh egg, it just may not work. It’s as simple as that.

But how to tell if an egg is fresh? Well, this picture is an example of an egg from a big Australian supermarket brand compared with an organic/local fresh egg from my neighbours.

So, what to do? Crack one of your eggs on a plate and look at it. You’ll see three parts: the egg yolk (orange/yellow part), the thick egg white (the ‘mucousy’ looking one) and the thin egg white (looks like water).

Remember this tip! The bigger the thick egg white is (the ‘mucousy’ looking one),

the fresher the egg is! That part will be the one that covers the egg yolk like a bag.

Now, look at this picture you will see that the one on the left is the supermarket egg, with a very orange egg yolk, a very small thick egg white, and a big thin egg white, which means that it is not good for poaching.

However, the one on the right is a local egg that has a yellowish egg yolk and a massive thick egg white (and no thin egg white whatsoever). That means that it is really fresh and perfect to poach!

So remember! The next time you want to know if your eggs are fresh enough in order to make an amazing poached egg... Crack them and LOOK at them before starting the process!

It will be easy to decide if they are the right ones to use for poaching, or on the contrary, they should be used for an omelette, a frittata or for fried eggs.


- Fill a big pot with boiling water from the kettle. Add a splash of white vinegar.

- Bring to a light simmer over a medium heat and season with a pinch of sea salt.

- Crack the free-range or organic egg into a cup or small plate (Look at it! Does it look good? Yes, then follow the steps below).

- Stir the water with a kitchen spoon and gently pour the egg into it.

- Remember, a soft poached egg should take around 2.5 minutes. And a soft-to-firm one will need 4 minutes. Of course it will always depend on the size of the egg and whether you’re using it straight from the fridge or not (it is always better to use the eggs at room temperature).

- To check if it’s done, carefully remove your egg from the water with a perforated kitchen spoon. If it feels too soft (use your instincts here), put it back in the water and give it a minute or so more to firm up.

- When your egg is ready, remove and place it on some kitchen paper to dry o . Serve immediately! Add seasoning, or dukkah, za’atar, chilli flakes... you name it!


Got a cooking question you need answered?

Any suggestions on what topic Ruben should tackle next? Get in touch with us at OCLife or with Ruben directly @rubenlopezmesa

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 25 HOME COOKING with RUBEN LOPEZ MESA @atableof10 @eat_spanish @rubenlopezmesa
26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 IGANS13065_150323 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 15 TH MARCH UNTIL TUESDAY 21 ST MARCH 2023 Specials available from Wednesday 15/03/23 until Tuesday 21/03/23 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU AUSTRALIAN SHEPARD AVOCADO Australian $2 ea Nescafé Coffee Sachets 6-10 Pack Selected Varieties $380 ea Cadbury Chocolate Block 160-190g Selected Varieties $275 ea The Natural Chip Co. Chips 175g Selected Varieties $1.37 per 100g $240 ea Cold Power Laundry Liquid 1.8-2 Litre or Powder 1.8-2kg Selected Varieties $1050 ea Arnott's Shapes 130-190g Selected Varieties $175 ea Hot PRICE! S A L E kg Powerade or Powerade Active Water 600mL Selected Varieties $4 per Litre Cheer Tasty or Colby Cheese Block 1kg $12.55 per kg Supercoat Smart Blend Dry Dog Food 2.6-2.8kg Selected Varieties SAVE $1.60 $240 ea $1255 ea SAVE $2.40 $13 ea SAVE $3.50 Birds Eye Oven Bake Fish Fillets 425g Selected Varieties $12.35 per kg $525 ea KanTong Cooking Sauce 485-520g Selected Varieties $2 ea


4 22

$730,000 - $780,000

Offering instant street appeal thanks to its rejuvenated yet timeless facade, the home opens to interiors that will immediately tug at the heart strings. Accented by original features whilst delivering spaces that have been reconfigured to meet the demands of today. At the heart of the home, an incredibly impressive gourmet kitchen is bound to delight even the fussiest of hosts.

Key property features include:

• Completely renovated throughout

3 bedrooms, all with built-in wardrobes

Main bedroom with large ensuite

• Designer kitchen with Westinghouse 900mm oven/cooktop, dishwasher

• Family bathroom with claw foot bath

Large family room with French doors opening onto covered entertaining area

Wood fire, split system A/C

• Large laundry with shower and loo

• Private alfresco area

Carport, shed/workshop/home office

Beautiful gardens with rear yard access

• Garden shed, water tank

BROUGHT TO YOU BY WILLIAMS MACHIN Katie Christopherson t. 0400 637 559





3 Agate Street Orange

311 a b c a b c a b c

170 Farnham Road Farnham FOR SALE $750,000

Charming cottage on 208* acres at Stuart Town

This two bedroom home is situated on 208* acres of undulating land suitable for mixed grazing. Watered by a creek and two good-sized dams, the property is well-fenced and secure. Situated in a quiet and private location, it offers the capacity to return income as a grazing block. Less than 10 minutes from Stuart Town. The property is a short drive to the recreational features of Lake Mookerawa. An approximate 4o-minute drive to Orange, this farmhouse is perfect for those looking for a peaceful and secluded living space while still being less than an hour’s drive from Orange. The property is also around 45 minutes from Lake Burrendong with its myriad water activities including skiing and fishing and is around 30 minutes to Wellington.

1 Church Street Cudal NEW PRICE $385,000

311 a b c a b c a b c

Great start for the first home buyer at Cudal

This four bedroom home has potential as first home buyers or it would make a great rental with solid returns. The modern kitchen is functional and light-filled and adjoins a great family area with views to the handy undercover area. The family bathroom has a separate toilet for convenience while the living area is spacious and light-filled.

131 Nashdale

This beautiful 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath homestead comes fully furnished with the option of leasing the house only or the two bedroom cottage also fully and tastefully furnished. Set on approximately 51 acres of carefully manicured gardens and picturesque, landscaped garden plantings, this amazing property will delight you with its spectacular views and seclusion yet proximity to Orange. The homestead itself has been impeccably furnished and decorated, boasting 5 large bedrooms many with amazing views.


521 a b c a b c a b c


Five bright and beautiful bedrooms in North Orange

Within an easy drive of Bunnings, North Orange Shops, The Botanic Gardens, the Adventure Playground and Waratah sporting grounds. This lovely home has been designed with livability in mind. The pleasing neutral palette and nine foot ceilings emphasize the light and airy feel of this lovely home. Offering plenty of space , this generous home includes a formal lounge/dining room adjoining the lightfilled foyer. which could also be used as a media room.

SATURDAY 11.00 - 11.30am

28 Seymour Street Orange OFFERS WELCOME

311 a b c a b c a b c

Stylish and sophisticated on Seymour

This classic home has been faultlessly renovated so there’s nothing for you to do- just move in and enjoy the open living spaces, contemporary colour scheme and design and beautifully landscaped garden with its attractive al fresco area.You will be amazed by this home!

SATURDAY 10.00 - 10.30am

46 Diamond Drive Orange FOR LEASE $620/wk

422 a b c a b c a b c

Great Family Home

Nestled in the popular and tightly held area of North Orange, this beautiful home will impress as soon as you open the front door. Bathed in natural light, accented by a tasteful, neutral colour palette, this large family home offers location, space and liveability. Picture yourself enjoying a barbeque with friends as you gaze out over the large level backyard whose rear garage access promises even more convenience especially if you need to park a trailer or caravan.





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28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023
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The Easiest Way To Make Money

After years of low inflation… BANG, in what feels like the blink of an eye it seems as though the cost of everything has gone up.

Money is the number one cause of stress, it’s the number one cause of relationship breakdown and, as they say, it also makes the world go round. In times of uncertainty, financial stress is magnified.

So, I think it’s another great time to remind everyone of the easiest way to make money… stop paying ‘Lazy Tax’.

Lazy Tax is simply paying too much because you’re too lazy to shop around for a better deal. Big banks and businesses rely on us not shopping around! I’m sure you’ve noticed how new customers get great deals that aren’t o ered to existing customers. Super funds are in the same

boat… how much Lazy Tax will you pay on your retirement savings over your working life and in retirement?

In my career as a financial adviser, I’ve seen many people go to great lengths to try and reduce their tax bill, often without considering the long-term implications of their actions. Let’s be honest, no one wants to pay more tax than they have to, but Lazy Tax is something most people pay month after month, year after year. This Lazy Tax adds up to a fortune over time.

To stop paying Lazy Tax, all you need to do is make a list and work your way through it. Don’t try and do it all at once or it will seem like hard work and you’ll likely find something else to do. Pick one thing a week and work your way through the list.

Your list might include:

● Your mortgage (get a mortgage broker to do the work for you!)

● Your insurances

- car

- home and contents

- private health insurance

● Your phone and internet

● Subscriptions

● Gas and electricity

There are plenty of comparison websites that can help you see where you can create savings. We could be talking about thousands of dollars a year. Sometimes it helps to think about it in other ways – the money you save in Lazy Tax could be the money that pays for your annual holiday.

Why not add up the savings as you go. Write the savings next to each bill on your list and then add up the cumulative savings over time.

Don’t just do this exercise once. Check these things every 12 to 24 months to make


sure you’re still getting a good deal.

HERE’S THE TRICK: In many cases, once you find a better deal, you can call your existing provider and ask them to match it. Often, they will give you a better deal straight away because it’s better for them to keep you as a customer than lose you and have to replace you. If they won’t come to the party, simply take your business elsewhere.

Get rid of Lazy Tax, then combine it with other wealth creation and tax-e ective strategies and all of a sudden, the trajectory of your financial future looks a whole lot better!

What better time than RIGHT NOW to start reducing the amount you are leaking out in Lazy Tax! If you need a hand with planning for your financial future, perhaps it’s time to get some INDEPENDENT financial advice.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 29 LET’S TALK MONEY with DANIEL MCGREGOR If you’d like to fi nd out more about how INDEPENDENT fi nancial advice could help you manage cash fl ow, pay off the mortgage faster, get the most out of super and invest wisely, then get in touch on 0411 484 464 or head to wealthtrain.com.au. This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. All strategies and information provided are general advice only. DANIEL MCGREGOR AND WEALTH TRAIN ARE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES OF INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE & EDUCATION AFSL 520963 This property is a well presented, east facing, easily accessible, freestanding office for well-established tenants being Williams Machin Real Estate. These tenants have made 37 Sale Street, home for their business for a number of years. The property is located on Sale street in a prime position right next door to the well-known, iconic Sonic Building. ○ 220m2* Office Area ○ 460m2* Land Area ○ Tenanted Investment 37 SALE STREET, ORANGE ○ Quality Building with undercover parking ○ High foot traffic location ○ Off street parking CONTACT: TOM SHEEHAN 0414 418 232, tom@williamsmachin.com.au PH 02 6362 6966 37 SALE STREET, ORANGE WWW.WILLIAMSMACHIN.COM.AU
I think it’s fair to say that EVERYONE is feeling the increase in the cost of living, particularly those with a mortgage.

12 Raylyn Road, Orange NSW Tourism Amongst Orange’s Thriving Vineyards

• An expansive 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom residence with substantial views on 1.21ha* (3* acres) hidden in the renowned Towac Valley, also offering the bustling business of ‘Towac Valley Cabins’, including 3 self-sufficient, fully equipped cabins

• This outstanding property sits 10km* west of Orange in the midst of orchards, wineries & the renowned Canobolas State Forest, wonderful for visitors looking to experience the perfect rural lifestyle

• Great water security & infrastructure adds to the property with water tanks connected to cabins & homestead + bore, double garage, separate workshop & additional on-grid solar system which also offers as solar water

Auction Friday 24th March, 10:30am

Venue 152 William St, Bathurst

Ben Redfern 0457 770 062

Hedley Eccleston 0447 715 829

eldersem.com.au * Approx.

30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023

OPEN HOUSE Saturday 18th 11.00am - 11.30am

17 Alkira Way, orange


This is a regretful sale for the owners of this lovely three bedroom cottage, they have put so much into the property and have plans drawn up for an extension and then had to move to another city. For sale is one of the original Westlea properties on a huge 904sqm (approx.) block of land, close to the town centre, Duntryleague and in the popular Orange High school zone.

• 3 Large bedrooms, large lounge/family room, dining room, raised deck at rear of house

• Ducted gas heating throughout, 6.25KW (16 Panels) solar panels, A/C split system

• New Colorbond gutters and fascia’s, major electrical and plumbing upgrade

• Landscaped gardens, dual access to the block, great for caravan or trailers

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590


OPEN HOUSE Saturday 18th 12.00pm - 12.30pm

8 EL PASO PLACE, orange

Three bedrooms all with built in robes, master with en-suite

• Separate Lounge room and combined north facing kitchen and dining

• Central three way bathroom with bath and shower

• Attached double garage and recently installed 5kw solar panels

• Fully landscaped yard on a 866sqm (approx) block

• Rear yard backs onto a reserve which allows rear yard access

• Various sheds in back yard suitable for workshop etc

• Solid honest home in great location

• Large block approximately 866sqm

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

$649,000 - $679,000

OPEN HOUSE Saturday 18th 1.00pm - 1.30pm

17 nile street, orange

away, only 1.5 kilometres from Orange CBD.

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590


ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 31 Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Secure your future with this lovely elevated block right on the edge of town and only 3klms to the CBD. The land has all town services including underground power and is 863sqm in size and has a 20m frontage. Walk to the two nearby golf courses or take a walk through the Ploughmans Wetlands just a one minute walk away. Zoned for Orange High School and once building starts will be surrounded by new modern homes. • Sought after West Orange location • All town services connected Reasonably quite street, no through traffic 13 Yackerboon place, orange $520,000 - $540,000 CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 Recently painted inside and out, new kitchen and electrical appliances
Fully renovated bathroom, unique half bath with shower, 2 toilets 1900s build with bullnose verandah, double brick walls and pressed metal ceilings
Rainwater tank, lockable garden shed, wood and storage shed and solar panels
613 square metre parcel of land, room to park several vehicles in yard, 5 foot high fence in rear year to accommodate a dog.
Private and Public schools within a kilometre, 2 coffee shops
500 metres
3 1 2
3 1 2
3 2 2


All Wrapped Up with A Ribbon on It

If you have a love for homes full of character, this historic homestead is fully restored with many original features and a sense of grandeur and space. On a half-acre block and renovated to an impeccably high standard, it’s not often a home of this calibre comes onto the market. Contact:

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 1.00-1.30

Simply Stunning

Renovated to perfection, this family home encompasses easy living and effortless functionality over two light filled levels and is simply stunning. The superb attention to detail runs right through the home. Once you see everything that’s on offer you will fall in love and never want to leave.

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 12.30-1.00


Ticks the Boxes

For families seeking comfort and a convenient location, this property will certainly tick those boxes. The lounge room is bright and airy, and the well-equipped kitchen at the heart of the home. This is a perfect opportunity to secure an attractive and practical home you can be proud of.

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 9.30-10.00

Large Family Home

Here’s the ideal family home with an abundance of space throughout including two living areas, large kitchen and some recent upgrades. There’s a lovely big pergola area to entertain and relax under whilst taking in views over the surrounding countryside. Bring the family and see it for yourself.

Viewing by appointment

Price Guide: $819,000-$839,000

32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023
Wright 0421 360 948
$799,000 525
232 416
Contact: Adam Savage 0419
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 Price: $679,000 412
130 789 Price:
AGENT 4 2.5 2
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428



and Span

Here is a wonderful opportunity to own a very neat and tidy house with two living areas for under $500,000. You’ll love that is freshly painted with new carpet and a brand new kitchen. It’s bound to get a lot of interest at this price – inspections are easily arranged.

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 9.30-10.00

Tricky to Spell but Easy to Live In

This modern home offers style and practical living with nothing to do inside but to move in and add your personal touch of colour and style to the stunning canvas provided. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make this home yours and enjoy the best of North Orange living.

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 10.15-10.45

Feels Like Home

This beautiful home is a total dream package. Fully and tastefully renovated from top to bottom, inside and out you can move in with nothing to do but enjoy the luxury on offer. You will love the sense of space and high end finishes and features and it will truly feel like home.

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 11.45-12.15

Could this be your Dream Home?

This spacious family home is perfect for the buyer looking for a low maintenance lifestyle in an attractive area close to the gorgeous Botanic Gardens and North Orange Shopping Centre. This property has so much to offer and really could be your new dream home.

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 11.00-11.30

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 33
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 Price: $849,000 424
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417 Price Guide: $829,000
$849,000 4 2.5 2
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $473,000 311
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 Price Guide: $1,150,000-$1,250,000 532



Effortlessly Liveable

This is a lovely unit that offers one of the best floor plans available within the complex. The open-plan living area is incredibly spacious and private, the kitchen is large, there are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a handy study nook and a private yard with concreted area with awning.

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 10.15-10.45

30 Goldfinch Way

Price: $899,000

Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417


Make This One Yours

Looking for a move-in ready property in a great location? Look no further than this beautifully renovated unit that is part of a small complex of only six units, with excellent proximity to TAFE, the DPI and town. Overall, it’s a must-see for anyone looking for a stylish and convenient home in a fantastic location.

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 12.00-12.30

Dream Home Delight


Nestled in one of Orange’s most desired cul-de-sacs, this lovely home has been recently updated and is surrounded by established gardens. The landscaping, courtyards, gardens and attractive home with flexible floorplan combined with wonderful lifestyle on offer make this a dream home come true.

Price: $629,000

10 Lucknow Street, Spring Hill

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 12.45-1.15

Price: $750,000

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Escape the Hustle and Bustle

“Ryedale” is a gorgeous character-filled home on a beautiful wide block in the heart of Spring Hill. This home is so pretty and has so much to offer someone wanting the peace and tranquillity of village living. You can truly make this your own hideaway from the hustle and bustle of life.

23 Park Street, Molong

Price: $679,000

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

All Renovated & Ready

Renovated and ready to live in, the work has all been done with a lovely new kitchen and tastefully renovated bathrooms. Located in the Calare area within a few minutes’ walk to nearby schools - this home is the perfect property for a young family to move straight in and enjoy.

Spacious Family Living

In a quiet street with views over Molong this spacious 2 storey home has all the features for comfortable family living both upstairs and down. Two living areas, five bedrooms, three bathrooms and four toilets plus a covered deck in the private backyard and double garage plus double carport. Space for everyone!

Here is a family- friendly home ready to move into. Located in a quiet cul-de-sac close to North Orange Shopping Centre, there is very little to do but move in. Behind its lovely façade is a newly renovated ensuite, brand new flooring and huge alfresco area. Inspections are easily arranged.

18 Boomey Street, Molong

Price: $627,500

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Classic Country

The classic country wrap-around verandah on this lovely home is the perfect place to unwind after a hard day’s work and the house boasts a huge open plan kitchen, dining and living area at its heart. This property on 1,228 sqm is sure to appeal to a wide range of buyers.

34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023
5 3.5 4
View by appointment
32 6
View by
422 View by Appointment
Michael Wright 0421 360 948
Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417
$579,000 211
5 Waratah Avenue Price: $640,000 Contact: Adam Savage 0419
416 421 View by appointment
Pretty as a Picture
4 Coombes Place Price: $720,000 Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 422 View by appointment NEW LISTING



Flexible Floorplan

Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price Guide: $769,000 -$789,000 4 2 3


4 2.5 2

Come and See it For Yourself

Located in one of Orange’s most popular areas, this huge house is all about the flexible space it offers. This home has character about it from its unique façade to the features included inside. This home is hard to put into words, you really must see it for yourself.

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 11.00-11.30

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

33 North Street Price: $399,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 221 Open Homes: Saturday 18

Great Shed

10 Forbes Street, Cargo

March 9.30-10.00

6 Thomas Brosnan Way Price: $649,000 Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 424 View by appointment Snap this Up!


Price: $650,000

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 1.30-2.00

No Cookie-Cutters Here


If you’re tired of looking at the same old cookie-cutters, then this is the home for you. Located in the lovely village of Cargo, this eclectically sweet home, set on two usable acres, offers great value. The land is currently set-up for horses but can easily be converted to other uses.

13 William Street, Molong

Price: $679,000

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

View by appointment

Family Friendly Inside and Out


Set on a great sized block of 1,871sqm with established trees and gardens and lovely green spaces, this modern brick home is perfectly formed for family living. You won’t be wanting for space with three spacious living areas plus a sunroom and the park-like backyard is a delight.

105 Forbes Road Price: $635,000

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Open Homes: Saturday 18 March 10.15-10.45


This neatly packaged house is sure to delight the first time buyer, downsizer or investors alike. It is packed full of features for its size and being set in a great school zone in a sought after area you really can’t go wrong with a property like this.



Ready To Build on Now

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 35
Orchard Grove Road Price Guide:
Here’s an affordable 744m2 block of land in an established culde-sac that’s ready to start building on now. Capitalise on the views over Orange and towards Mt Canobolas. Full services available including power, water and sewer. There are few blocks available in Orange in this price range so get your plans ready. Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416
Open Homes: Thursday16 March 5.15-5.45
Tucked away in a cul de sac in the popular Rosewood Estate, this home has a very flexible floorplan lending itself to many different living styles for the multi-generational family, for someone to work from home or to create a studio or workshop area.
This home, with its tastefully updated kitchen and bathroom, is perfect for a first home buyer or investor. The big jobs inside have been done and the block is a very manageable 493 sqm in size. The backyard has a great shed with a covered patio area offering a shady spot to sit in summer.
Start for your Family
Conveniently located within easy walking distance to parks and nearby schools, this spacious four-bedroom, two bathroom, two living area home is perfect for the growing family, or a good addition to your investment portfolio. Well-maintained, the property is a credit to its owner.
Price: $979,000


can get started”


Looking to build your dream home? This

Saturday, March 18, Peter Fisher Real Estate are hosting onsite inspections of five ready-tobuild lots in the Canobolas View Estate, where you can meet with experienced building professionals who can answer any questions you have about building a home.

The five lots range from 423 to 576 square metres in size and are priced from as low as $270,000.

“It’s an estate in a nice quiet area and there are some really cracking views back over Orange towards Mount Canobolas hence the name,” selling agent Michael Wright of Peter Fisher Real Estate said.

“And there’s a mixture of sizes there, some larger blocks just under 600 square metres, and there’s a couple of smaller ones – that’s just to try and get into the a ordable part of the market.”

But the real advantage of the lots on o er in Canobolas View Estate is that they have all been registered, or are very close to being registered, and so are ready to build on without delay.

“That’s the big thing, people don’t have to wait. If they’ve got to a builder who’s ready to go it’s virtually ready to start building on,” Michael said.

“It just means that people know where they are going. Rather than having to wait a year or two years, as quick as they can get the builder there, they can get started.”

Michael said professionals from Banksia

Building and Hotondo Homes will be available to chat with on Saturday about all aspects of building a home and details of the house and land packages they can o er.

“We’ve got plans drawn up for the blocks for both three-bedroom and four-bedroom designs, just to give people a bit of an idea,” he said.

“Give people a bit of a price guide so they can walk away there with: what it would cost to build the house; how long it would take to build the house; and just tick a few boxes for people, we hope.”

For one particular lot, Michael said that, in conjunction with owners and builders, they could o er a buyer a three-bedroom, one-bathroom, single-garage home starting at $580,000.

“That would be a ‘first-in, best dressed’ situation, but that’s one in particular that we would really like to get away for a special deal for somebody.

The onsite inspections and information session will take place from 11am to 12 noon this Saturday, March 18. See below for details or give Michael a call on 0421360948 for more information.

ON SITE INSPECTION & INFORMATION SESSION SATURDAY, 18 MARCH FROM 11.00am TO 12.00pm Come along and view the blocks of land and talk with experienced professionals from Banksia Building and Hotondo Homes who will answer any questions you have about building a home and details of the house and land packages they can offer you.
of the blocks are registered and ready to build on as soon as you’re
Michael will be in attendance and
love to see you there. Give him a call on 0421 360 948 for more information. Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Lot 340 - $290,000 – 450 sqm Lot 341 - $270,000 – 506 sqm Lot 450 - $315,000 – 423.8 sqm Lot 451 - $325,000 – 377.9 sqm 6 Brazier Road $339,000 - 576 sqm Orange Property MARKET
...It’s an estate in a nice quiet area and there are some really cracking views...
“As quick as they can get the
there, they

Thinking of selling?

Selling your home can be a stressful time, but styling it for open houses and photos doesn’t have to be, says interior designer Jessica Serbutt, founder of Orange-based home and lifestyle store, Cedar Lilly.

Here are Jess’ five tips to help you maximise your home’s appeal.

Style for the buyer, not yourself

“Always keep the buyer in mind and style for them, not for yourself,” says Jess. “This means keeping to neutral tones on the walls, curtains and bed coverings. This allows the buyer to imagine how they would introduce their own style.”

Jess says this also applies to personal photos, artwork and decoration.

“You can pack away these items ready for your new home,” she suggests.

Fix it!

“Find any easy fixes that make a good first impression,” she says. “Mouldy grout in the bathroom? Hire someone to regrout or do it yourself in a day. Front gate falling apart? Replace it. Small fixes really are worth the investment.”

Make your home feel large

“Your priority is to make your space feel as big and bright as possible,” says Jess, who says this means making sure windows are clean and opening curtains and blinds ahead of having buyers in your property.

“Making your home feel larger means getting rid of clutter,” she says. “Pack away items you don’t use on a daily basis. Often, it’s worth renting a temporary storage space.”

Don’t forget your garden!

“Gardens often get forgotten,” says Jess. “Ensure the lawn is freshly mowed, tidy any paths and sweep driveways.”

And adding a little greenery or potted colour can go a long way.

“It’s great to add some greenery and/or flowers,” she says. “You don’t need to be a green thumb, a few inexpensive potted flowers will add life to a garden!”

Clean it!

“On the day of an open house make certain your house is clean!” says Jess. “Make the beds. Style the kitchen and bathroom with some fresh flowers, luxury soaps and towels. But there’s no need to go overboard with open books or tables set for dinner” And finally, she says, air out the house as much as possible with open windows and doors. “Fresh air trumps an over-scented candle!”



Formallounge/diningroomthatcanbeclosedoffandopenplancasualdiningfamilyroomall boastinganortherlyoutlook.Separateofficewithinternetconnectionpluschildren'srumpus room Allbedroomsarespaciouswithbuilt-ins,whilethemainbedroomhasawalk-inrobeandensuite. Well-designedthree-waybathroomfeaturingseparatebath,shower,separatevanity,and separatetoilet.Largelaundrywithgoodstorage,benchspaceandexternalaccess Thegarageisarealbonuswithplentyofspace,amezzaninelevelandaseparatetoiletandwash basinandhasundercoveraccesstothehouse.

863 Vittoria Road, Millthorpe

HappyValleyisa54.9*hectare,135.6*acrepropertysetamongtherollinghillseastofthe historicvillageofMillthorpeontheCentralTablelandsofNSWbeingofferedtothemarketforthe firsttimeafter60yearsoffamilyownershipinatightlyheld,highlydesirableandproductive district.

Thepropertyoffersa4bedroom,2bathroombrickveneerhome(circa1991),excellentshedding viaalockablemachineryshed(withbuiltincoolroomandmeathouse)andalargehayshed, productivebasaltsoils,andastockanddomesticbore.

Farminfrastructureincludesthe25x10*metresteelframemachineryshedwithconcretefloor, singleshearingstand,andthreephasepower;30*tonnesilo;steeldualpurposesheepandcattle yards;fourbay20x10*metrehayshed;aspringfeddam;andthestockanddomesticborewhich canpump2500*gallonsofwaterperhourtoa10000*gallonheadertank.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 37
AUCTION 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net LIVESTOCK &PROPERTY Utilities 4 Bed I 2 Bath I 6 Car 27 Dog Trap Lane, Forest Reefs NSW 2798 Marie Fox 0412 166 132 Contact Perfect family haven Price $1,450,000 Auction Saturday 18th March 2023 11am Quest Orange Crn. Kite Street & McNamara Lane If not sold prior ‘WillowPark’ 1324 Errowanbang Road, Errowanbang NSW 2791 458 Ha or Approx. 1131 Acres Strong Yellow Box Country BrianCullinane 0418637338 TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact Privately located in close proximity (18 km) to CTLX livestock selling complex Undulating country rising to very well-grassed scenic hills and valleys Predominately established pastures of phalaris cocksfoot, rye grass and clover Red Basalt and grey loam soils with heavy black soils in lower areas Subdivided into 27 paddocks – secure fencing – excellent water security Infrastructure is ample and presented in good condition Comfortable four bedroom, two bathroom home with spacious living areas – Circa 1954 ‘Willow Park’ possesses a great balance of strong yellow box country and is in the high production mode AUCTION
TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact
Approximately AUCTION Friday21stApril10am QuestOrangeCrn.Kite Street&McNamara Lane FORSALE 660 Kerrs Creek Road, Kerrs Creek TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact A178acrelifestyleblockset35kmfromOrangeinCentralWestNSWwiththepotentialtobuild yourdreamhome. Enjoypeacefullivingandpicturesqueviewsaswellasgoodimprovementsandreliablewater. Improvementsincludea3bay18x9metremachineryshedwithoneenclosedbayhousinga bathroomandkitchenette,andsteelcattleyardswithcrushandloadingramp. Watercomesvia6dams,2semi-permanentcreeks,andarainwatertank Wellfencedinto4undulatingpaddockswiththepotentialtorunsomelivestockaswellashaving somearablecountrysuitedtoasmallscalecroppingprogram. Perfecttobuildandlive,orasaweekender,givenitsproximitytobothOrangeandLake Burrendong. Opportunityawaits….arrangeyourinspectiontoday!! $785,000 Price Orange Property MARKET
Here’s five tips from an interior designer to help you maximise your home’s appeal


The Perfect Family Haven

56 Centennial Crescent, Orange

Large approx. 3000sqm block of land with plenty of space for outdoor activities and gardening

Spacious 4-bedroom house with multiple living areas & ample natural light

Modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, gas cooktop, and ample storage space

Three modern bathrooms, including a main bathroom with a separate shower and bathtub, and an ensuite in the master bedroom

Built-in wardrobes in all bedrooms, providing ample storage space.

Ducted air conditioning throughout the house for year-round comfort

Ducted vacuum system throughout.



Friday, 31 March From 10:30am

Quest Apartments 132 Kite St Orange NSW 2800

Kurt Adams

0428 747 050

James Taylor

0457 792 800

Ray White Townsend Real Estate


38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023
Ray White Townsend Real Estate
Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016


Magnificent Views, High Productivity and Natural Beauty

'Xanadu' 1837 Cargo Road, Orange NSW 2800

41.7 hectares; approx. 103 acres

4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, all with beautiful vistas and built in robes, master with an ensuite. Heating for those colder nights, with two woodfire slow combustion heaters, two split system air conditioners and ample fire wood.

Various living zones, including a multi-purpose room, ideal for a music room/study, perfect for the whole family.

Heated indoor ground pool with spa.

Double Brick Garage and Carport.

Large machinery shed with a stable area.

Four shelter sheds, currently being used as fodder storage. Cattle yards with a crush and loading ramp, horse washing bay.


Friday, 31 March From 10:30am

Auction Kurt Adams

Stephen Townsend

Quest Apartments 132 Kite St Orange NSW 2800 0428 747 050 0427 631 957

Ray White Townsend Real Estate


ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 39


58 Graham Road, Blayney

Characterised by a grand aesthetic and captivation, this magnificent four-bedroom home is in a league of its own with sweeping views of the picturesque rural landscapes and established gardens. Set on just over five acres in one of Blayney's best lifestyle estates, this immaculate near new property radiates elegant charm that cannot be ignored.




By Appointment

Emma Chapman 0423 658 101


20 Sullivan Circuit, Orange

This stunning modern house boasts clean lines and sleek design, offering open plan living that is both comfortable and stylish. The main living area features a spacious living room, dining area, and kitchen, all seamlessly connected to create a perfect space for entertaining guests or simply relaxing with family. The kitchen is complete with gas cooktop, pantry, and an island bench.


1/198 Byng Street, Orange

This great two bedroom unit has all you need for CBD living! Having recently had a face lift with a new kitchen, freshly painted, new carpet and new window dressings, there is virtually nothing left to do. The two bedrooms are generous in size both with large built-in wardrobes and the bathroom comprises of a built-in bathtub and separate shower which uses the space well and still offers plenty of room at the vanity.



By Appointment

Open Emma Chapman 0423 658 101



By Appointment

Sale Open Emma Chapman 0423 658 101



13 Adina Crescent, Orange

All the work has been done and is ready for you to start or grow your investment portfolio!

The four bedroom home has recently been fully renovated throughout. There is fresh paint, new carpet and flooring as well as ceiling fans with LED lighting and a new instantaneous gas system, leaving you with nothing to do!

$510,000 - $520,000

By Appointment

Sale Open Nora McNamara 0431 320 230


40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023
Townsend Real
203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
Ray White


55 Riddell Street, Molong

Welcome to this charming and well-maintained home, located in a highly desirable street. This property is an excellent investment opportunity, as it comes with a long-term tenant in place, providing a steady income stream from day one with a weekly return of $425 per week.

With three large bedrooms, all with decorative cornices, the home takes on a country cottage-like charm. As the new owner, you can enjoy the benefits of owning a rental property without the hassle of finding a tenant. With a reliable tenant in place, you can start earning rental income immediately. Plus, the property's prime location and excellent condition make it an attractive investment for the future!

10/16 Warrendine Street, Orange

This fabulous unit is situated in one of Orange's best locations on leafy Warrendine Street, just across the road from the lovely walking paths in Moulder Park. The CBD is just a short stroll away and the unit is at the back of the complex, meaning it is private and whisper quiet.

The property has undergone a full renovation to the highest specs, with new flooring, lighting, paint and a fabulous kitchen and bathroom.

Contact Agent



By Appointment

Nora McNamara 0431 320 230

$425,000 - $450,000 raywhitetre.com

87 Glasson Drive, Orange SALE

Located in a highly desirable neighborhood, this great four bedroom, two bathroom modern home boasts sleek and clean finishes throughout. The open concept living area features an island bench, perfect for the kids to do their homework on, whilst you cook up a storm on the gas stove top! This large home is perfect for a growing family who can take advantage of the location, close to parks and the North Orange shopping precinct and the ample space and comfort provided by this great property!

Sale Open

Contact Agent

By Appointment

Nora McNamara 0431 320 230


Sale Open Nora McNamara 0431 320 230 By Appointment




The most beautiful block you'll ever find!

'Top Oaks', Stapletons Road, Boomey

Just over 185 Acres of flood free country with some amazing homesites offering views over the district and up to Mount Canobolas, "Top Oaks", is the real deal.

All heavy Basalt soils and sub-divided into four paddocks with a solar powered bore down 60 Meters tested at 1400 gallons per hour (6300ltrs/hr with a Standing Water Level of 8 metres) pumping to a 5,00 0 Gallon Poly tank via 2" Poly Pipe that in-turn reticulates to 4 concrete troughs plus one big dam, "Top Oaks" is ready to start earning the new owner an income.


Sale Open Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957 By Appointment


ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 41 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016

'Montauban' 121 Shepherd Road, Spring Creek


In a landmark collaboration for Ray White Rural, three of the Central West region’s most highly respected real estate offices have officially joined the Ray White Rural family. Ray White Rural welcomes Stephen & Kathie Townsend who have cemented their reputation as leading real estate service providers in Orange, Molong and Blayney for property management, residential and rural sales, and will now operate as Ray White Townsend Real Estate and Ray White Molong Real Estate. Leading family businesses. Better together.

We are the competition creators of the Central West, if you are thinking of selling or need a property manager Contact your preferred Ray White Townsend Real Estate agent

rural.nsw.tre@raywhite.com raywhitetre.com.au

42 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016 Rural
Situated overlooking Spring Creek reserve "Montauban" is a must see. A beautiful 3 bed brick home, 2 baths on 50 acres subdivided into 12 paddocks, with excellent water. - 50 acres (20 HA) Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957 stephen.townsend@raywhite.com
Ray White Townsend Real Estate | Ray White Molong Real Estate



A fantastic family location in a small, quiet and leafy street around a one minute walk to Bletchington School’s main gate.

With 3 bedrooms, this home is well presented both inside and outside with the living areas featuring a separate loungeroom with gas heating, a bright and an airy family room with wall to wall built in storage and reverse cycle air-conditioning.


Other features include a double garage and workshop, garden shed and a rainwater tank. $590,000

THE PERFECT RESTAURANT OR CAFÉ VENUE A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment.


Backing onto a Council reserve this good sized block enjoys a lovely outlook for you to build your new dream home on.

Situated in the popular Northern Gardens Estate and is in easy reach to the North Orange Shopping precinct. Land size



A popular precinct on Summer Street surrounded by a variety of businesses and a new hotel complex to commence construction soon nearby.

The main area downstairs is complimented by further space on the first floor.

Rear laneway access for secure on-site parking for staff.

RENT: $57,500 P.A. + GST & OUTGOINGS

Approx. 300 m2 of floor space in this well presented commercial shop in Summer Street.

Currently set up as an office complex this premises would also be ideal as a retail shop.

Has good staff amenities and reverse cycle air conditioning though out.

RENT: $90,000 P.A. + GST & OUTGOINGS


ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 43
OPEN HOUSE SAT 18th MARCH 10.00am - 10.30am
is 802 m
Total floor area (ground floor & first floor) approx. 200 m2. CARGO ROAD, LIDSTER 1 ACRE HIGH ON LIDSTER HILL … JUST STUNNING Boasting a spacious modern 4 bedroom brick veneer home with new carpets and painting right through. The high ceilings throughout enhance the large formal lounge room & dining room areas as well as the huge open plan tiled family room & kitchen area that’s airy and full of natural light. Other features include an ensuite to the main bedroom, central reverse cycle air conditioning and double garage. Perfectly set on a beautiful 4,046 sq. metre block that has uninterrupted views to the western horizon in the prized Nashdale /Lidster area. $1,000,000



for more details on these great properties scan the qr code to go directly to our website

44 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023
05:15 - 5:45 11 Grove St, Spring Hill 7 2 2 Contact Agent 09:45 - 10:15 59 Autumn Street 2 1 3 $620,000-$650,000 10:00 - 10:30 39 Coronation Drive 3 1 3 $620,000 - $640,000 10:00 - 10:30 18 Roseteague Way 4 2 2 $1,100,000 - $1,150,000 10:15 - 10:45 34 Paling Street 4 1 3 Contact Agent 10:45- 11:15 156 Woodward Street 3 1 3 Contact Agent 11:00 -11:30 11 Spencer Lane 5 2 3 $1,900,000-$2,000,000 11:00- 11:30 16 Mountain Vista Road 5 3 2 Contact Agent 11:15 - 11:45 13 Molloy Drive 4 2 2 Contact Agent 11:15 - 11:45 50 Orange Rd, Blayney 3 1 2 $550,000 11:45 - 12:15 6 Eungella Place 5 2 3 Contact Agent 12:00- 12:30 17 Tilston Way 4 2 2 $825,000 12:00 - 12:30 22 Nile Street 2 1 1 Contact Agent 12:00-12:30 4 Moulder Street 7 4 4 AUCTION 12:30- 1:00 65 William Maker Drive 3 2 2 $700,000- $720,000 12:45-1:15 8 Anzac Place 3 1 2 $600,000 - $630,000 9.30 - 10.00 129 Gardiner Road 3 2 1 $645,000 10.00 - 10.30 161 Spring Street 3 1 2 $439,000 10.00 -10.30 148C Sampson Street 3 1 1 $599,000 10.45 - 11.15 6 Kent Avenue 3 1 1 $600,000 - $629,000 10.45 - 11.15 185 Clinton Street 3 1 1 $609,000 11.30 - 12.00 1B Primula Close 3 2 2 $599,000 11.30 - 12.00 4/71A Moulder Street 3 2 1 $865,000 12.15 - 12.45 44B William Maker Drive 3 1 1 $599,000 12.15 - 12.45 16 Thoopara Place 4 2 2 $929,000 12.30 - 1.00 5 Myrtle Close 4 2 2 $849,000 1.30 - 2.00 96 Longpoint Rd - Mullion Creek 5 3 5 $995,000 11.00 - 11.30 3 Agate Street 5 2 2 Contact Agent 10.00 - 10.30 28 Seymour Street 3 1 1 O ers Welcome 9.30-10.00 23 Paling Street 4 1 2 $679,000 9.30-10.00 43 Maxwell Avenue 3 1 1 $473,000 9.30-10.00 33 North Street 2 2 1 $399,000 10.15-10.45 4 Turquoise Way 4 2 4 $849,000 10.15-10.45 14/211 Hill Street 3 2 1 $629,000 10.15-10.45 105 Forbes Road 3 2 1 $635,000 11.00-11.30 21 Roselawn Drive 4 2 2 $829,000-$849,000 11.00-11.30 16 Panpande Crescent 5 2 2 $979,000 11.45-12.15 17 Racecourse Road 4 1 2 $669,000 11.45-12.15 16 Wirruna Avenue 5 3 2 $1,150,000-$1,250,000 12.00-12.30 30 Goldfinch Way 4 2 2 $899,000 12.30-1.00 5 Noonameena Drive 4 2 2 Contact Agent 12.45-1.15 6/63A Casey Street 2 1 1 $579,000 1.00-1.30 29 Belmore St, Cargo 5 2 5 $799,000 1.30-2.00 10 Forbes Street, Cargo 3 1 3 $650,000 11.00 - 11.30am 17 Alkira Way Orange 3 1 2 $749,000 12.00 -12.30pm 8 El Paso Place Orange 3 2 2 $649,000 - $679,000 1.00 - 1.30pm 17 Nile Street Orange 3 1 2 $849,000 10:00 - 10.30 1/198 Byng Street 1 1 1 $525,000 10:30 - 11.00 56 Centennial Cres 4 3 2 AUCTION 10.00 - 10.30 87 Glasson Drive 4 2 2 Contact agent 2.00 - 2.30 8 Linden Avenue 4 2 2 $1,370,000 - $1,500,000 10.00 - 10.30 16 Fox Avenue 3 1 1 $590,000 12.00 - 1.00 99 Bathurst Road Contact Agent 11.00 - 11.30 988 Cargo Rd Lidster 4 2 2 $1,000,000 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 45 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING SimplyOrganized NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Suite 7, Level 2, Centrepoint Arcade 230 Summer St, Orange PH. 6362 9560 AUCTION 25/03/2023,on-siteat02:00PM OPEN Saturday18thMarch12:00-12:30pm ASHBROWN0417663687 PRICE ContactAgent OPEN Saturday18thMarch1:00-1:30pm CAMERONFOLEY0429775680 PRICE $420,000-$450,000 OPEN ByAppointment CAMERONFOLEY0429775680 AUCTION 01/04/2023,on-siteat02:00PM OPEN Saturday18thMarch01:30-02:00pm ASHBROWN0417663687 PRICE ContactAgent OPEN Saturday18thMarch12:00-12:30pm JENSTOJANOVIC0499261682 AGENCY ONE ORANGE 4MoulderStreet,Orange 11GroveStreet,SpringHill 26BrunswickStreet,Orange 49CrowsonStreet,Millthorpe 17TilstonWay,Orange 7 7 3 4 4 4 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 6 PRICE ContactAgent OPEN Saturday18thMarch11:15-11:45am JENSTOJANOVIC0499261682 13MolloyDrive,Orange 4 22
46 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 Pick up and enjoy the latest issue here: Orange City Centre Newsagency Greengate Newsagency Ashcrofts IGA stores Orange Central Newsagency (near Coles) SENIORS HAPPY LIFE is all about providing seniors with enjoyment... FOR SALE $4 ONLY Newsagents and Subscriptions, see our SPECIAL OFFERS at: www.seniorshappylife.com.au 100% ENJOYMENT ISSUE 2, 2023. $4 incl GST Seniors Happy Life Life NO ads, NO news, NO Justcontroversy 40 pages of PUREforENJOYMENT Seniors 100% in fact! “ENJOYMENT” 15 MINUTES of enjoyment $5 from Hours, maybe days of enjoyment $4 only

Come and try dragonboating this

Saturday 25 March

Come and Try dragonboating. It is your chance to experience what it is like to get outdoors and into a dragonboat, paddling to the beat of a drum with Colour City Dragons on Saturday 25 March at Lake Canobolas at 9.30am.

Dragonboating is a fast and furious paddle-driven water sport that is all about fun, fitness, teamwork and family.

The Club will provide the boat, paddles and life jackets and you just need to wear covered footwear – sneakers and clothes you don’t mind getting wet.

Come and enjoy a paddle on the lake on Saturday morning! (Just look for the orange club shirts). For more details call Colour City Dragon President John Moss on 0417 894 411.

Lecture on the life and works of Denys Lasdun

The Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Societies is hosting a lecture from Alan Read on the topic: ‘Denys Lasdun and the national theatre – architectural masterpiece or was Prince Charles right after all?’

The architecture of the Royal National Theatre divides opinion so much that it once appeared twice in a poll on buildings of London – in the top ten best and the top ten worst. Famously, the then Prince Charles once described it as a nuclear bunker. Was he right? The lecture looks at the life and work of Denys Lasdun, including other buildings he designed, but focuses on the National Theatre and pleads for an appreciation of the austere beauty of this architectural masterpiece.

Lectures are held at the Orange Regional Conservatorium, 73A Hill St, Orange. 6pm for pre-lecture drinks and finger food, for a 6:30 pm lecture start.

Cost is $30. For more information, and more on upcoming lectures, call Sue on 0418 625 508


Waratah Wetlands work wins

Tidy Towns gong

Orange has won the “Habitat and Wildlife Conservation” award for larger regional cities in the 2022 Tiny Towns Awards.

The awards were presented in Singleton on Saturday, March 4 after being postponed from last year due to the November floods.

The award recognises the work done by council and community volunteers to enhance the Waratah Wetlands in North Orange.

The wetlands are a newly added recreational area with walking paths and picnic tables in, alongside the Waratah sporting fields.

Orange also won the Heritage and Culture category in the section for larger regional cities for the “Flame

of Hope and Reconciliation event” held in May.

Orange Tidy Towns Community Committee Chair, Councillor Kevin Du y said he was delighted with the awards win.

“The Tidy Towns awards are a fantastic acknowledgement of the important work that’s done in Orange to build our community and create sustainable local infrastructure,” Cr Du y said.

“I’m looking forward to congratulating the award winners when we have a local presentation in the coming weeks.”

Scone took out the overall prize, judged NSW’s Tidiest Town for 2022.


Born: March 3, 2023

Weight: 3030g (3.03kgs)

Parents: Lisa and Mark Sellwood

Siblings: Cooper James (3 years) Myles Thomas (20 Months)

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 47 YOUR SPACE reception@oclife.com.au Have something of interest to share?


Quick Crossword Quiz


1 Swiss currency (5)

4 Clergyman (9)

9 Breastbone (7)

10 Pottery (7)

11 African country (7)

12 News (7)

13 Made dapper (7,2)

15 Over (4)


No. 075

1 Place protected by natural features (8)

2 One who evens the score (7)

3 Binding agreements (9)

4 Appear sporadically (4,3,2)

5 Whole (5)

6 Solved (5)

7 Souvenir (7)

1 Which recently deceased footballer famously scored off an unpenalised handling foul that became known as the ‘Hand of God’ in the 1986 World Cup quarter final?

2 The Rio de la Plata forms the border between which two South American countries?

3 Which revolutionary figure was known as El Libertador?

4 Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the US?

5 In what style is the statue?

6 In which region of Italy is the city of Naples?

7 In which country is the endangered eastern lowland gorilla (pictured) found?

8 Which African capital city is found on the opposite shore of the Congo River from Kinshasa?

9 What is the primary ingredient of the Iranian dish pilaf?

10 Who directed the 2012 film Argo?

17 Enthusiastic supporters of an actor, sport, etc (4)

19 Funeral or burial rites (9)

22 Sprinting (7)

25 Of, or relating to, China (7)

26 Dutch technology company (7)

27 Scoundrels (7)

28 Mental disorder (9)

29 Terminated (5)



8 Most pleasant (6)

14 Messages sent on holiday (9)

15 Accept reluctantly (9)

16 Levied (8)

18 Yearly payment (7)

20 Island in the North Atlantic (7)

21 Support (4,2)

23 Being from 20-down (5)

24 Strong wind blasts (5)

Sudoku No. 075

Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block

The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.

No. 075 Edgeword

Drop Down

Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down.


Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

No. 075

Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down.


7 612

18 49 5 758 1

13 46

32 1 94

No. 075

Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary.


No. 075




There may be more than one possible answer.

There may be more than one possible answer.

Today’s Focus:

16 words: Good

24 words: Very good

33 words: Excellent

Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. N

Reference: Macquarie Dictionary

48 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023
Sat 2201
× –= 1 –+ + × + = 58 + + × × + = 13 = = = 11 9 48
075 5x5 M T L T I C U P I E O H E
Solutions QUICK CROSSWORD SUDOKU 529367481 691758324 938174256 876491532 357642198 165289743 413825967 284913675 742536819 9-LETTER diner, dingier, dinner, dire, dirge, engird, gird, grid, grin, grind, grinned, heir, herd, herding, hinder, HINDERING, hire, hired, hiring, inhering, inner, reign, rein, reining, rend, rending, ride, ridge, riding, rigid, rind, ring, ringed QUIZ 1. Diego Maradona 2. Argentina and Uraguay 3. Simon Bolivar 4. France 5. Neoclassical 6. Campania 7. Democratic Republic of the Congo 8. Brazzaville 9. Rice 10. Ben Affleck WORDFIND 5x5 Secret message: Swords and sorcery PUzzLESANDPAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | pagemasters.com M E T A L A T R I A C H U M P R I T E S O C H R E DROPDOWN BIASING BASING BANGS BANS BAN AN N EDGEWORD STABLE, STRODE, LENSES, DENIES CROSSMATH 7 × –2 3 1 –+ + 4 × + 6 9 58 + + × 8 × + 1 5 13 = = 11 9 48 B N I A S I N G 170323 Dubbo & Orange
Theme: Realms of Fantasy

Congratulations to last week’s winners

Volunteer of the Month

We have a $100 gift voucher to give away each month from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA and their charity Let’s Make Better.

To enter, simply nominate a person you deem worthy of the award, along with details of their good deed, and they will be in the running to be rewarded with a $100 gift voucher from IGA. Send their contact details to the address below, or email us on reception@oclife.com.au

“subject line - Volunteer of the Month”.

Find Pinny

We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling!

Each week we’ll hide a small version of “Pinny” (pictured) somewhere in OCLife. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, and send in...

Looney Lotto

Win a voucher for Co ee and Cake at Coco’s valued at $20, treat yourself or a friend today.

TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week.

Last weekend, our band, Town Hall Stringband, played a gig at the Railway Hotel in Spring Hill. If you haven’t been there before, I highly recommend a visit! The weather was perfect for an outdoor show in the beer garden. There was a decent amount of people there, enjoying a long lunch in the afternoon sun to the sound of good music. We even managed to get people up for a group dance. As I drove away from our gig, I was thinking about what made the afternoon so special. I think the answer lay in the concept of the “Village Pub”. I have always loved small country pubs. They are meeting places. They are a place where you can always find a listening ear. You can always find someone to talk with. It is a place where friendships blossom. They are the hub of a village. They are family-friendly. They are committed to the people they serve. I remember hearing someone once say that, “when the pub closes, the town dies.” You see this idea played out in the iconic Australian TV show from the 90s, Seachange where, along with the courthouse, the Tropical Star Hotel is the very heartbeat of the town. But where do we find community and belonging when the pub shuts its doors or when the beer runs out? Where can we find it when we feel that no one will listen to us in those moments we long for community? It can be found in another building that is also found in your local village. It’s the other significant

building that stands, probably not too far away from the local pub: your local church. But here’s the di erence. Whilst a pub relies on its buildings and patrons to operate and build its community, the local church doesn’t. The local church is not the building, but the people inside it. Your local church may look unimpressive, the music probably isn’t as good as what you’ll find at the pub. But there is something unique, something deeply wonderful about these gatherings and its people. It is because they are made up of something that is beyond themselves. And each person has a story to tell of how, as the famous hymn Amazing Grace says: ‘I once was lost, but now am found, ‘twas blind but now I see.’ And the local church is for anyone. Anyone is welcome, anyone can come, anyone can experience this community. This is something that I have found with my local church, Orange Presbyterian Church. It is a place where you will be welcomed anytime. There will be people who will genuinely listen to you and care for you. And the reason? Because of the hope found in the words of that old hymn. Because of Jesus, the one who saves. So, as you visit your local pub, as you enjoy the sense of community that can be found there as people come and enjoy one another’s company and as you listen to good music, maybe you would like to come and see what happens in your local church too. And if you do, you may be surprised at what you find.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 49
Deliver or post entries to: Orange City Life Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange or Email: reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name, your name and phone number. Entries close 12 noon Tuesday. PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED 1 X 1, 1 X 9, 1 X 3, AND X 4 TO WIN THIS WEEK 1934 WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
Volunteer of the month Drawn next month Loony Lotto - Pai Bullman Call into the OCLife o ce to collect your prize
OCL ifeCOMPETITIONS reception@oclife.com.au Try your luck today and be a WINNER THE VILLAGE PUB LIFEandTIMES with ANGUS GIBB




Passed away peacefully at Gosling Creek Aged Care. Formerly of Sampson Street, Orange.

17 to 19 year olds in gap year required for casual positions in a garden related retail outlet. Applicants will need to be reliable and have good communication skills. Business operates seven days and hours are rostered and flexible. The work will include maintaining shop displays, sales and unpacking stock. Some heavy lifting is involved so the applicant needs to be fit and strong and have the ability to follow correct lifting procedures.

Much loved mother and motherin-law of Arcangelo (deceased), Anna Lawson and Peter Lawson (deceased), John and Rhonda, Tom and Rose (both deceased), Ron. Loving Nonna to her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Maria will be sadly missed by her family and friends.

Dearly beloved wife of Tony (deceased).

Resumes to be emailed to: sales@greenwest.net.au



“Forever In Our Heart Cherished Memories”

The family and friends of Maria are warmly invited to attend her Funeral Service to be held at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Byng Street, Orange on Thursday, March 16, 2023 commencing at 11.30am at the conclusion of the service the cortege will proceed to the Orange Lawn Cemetery. By family request donations in lieu of flowers may be made at the service to The Push for Palliative Care Organisation.

A position in a Real Estate Agency is available for a Receptionist/Bookkeeper. Previous experience in Real Estate preferable.

Contact John on 0417 887 738 or write to The Manager PO Box 680, Orange NSW 2800

23.03.1927 Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles.

52 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE PUBLIC NOTICES positions vacant DEATH NOTICE TRAINING wanted WANTED: VERY OLD NEWSPAPERS If you have copies of very old newspapers, and no longer want them, I’d love to get my hands on them. I’m interested in any newspapers from anywhere, only those printed in English, and especially anything pre-1980s. If you can help me, call me 0412 501 706 or email bob@southernphone.com.au PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Norman J. Penhall Funerals NORMAN PENHALL ORANGE & DISTRICT vvv 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES HERE IN Fond Memories In Loving Memory of Cecil Thomas Hyland 12.09.1926 - 17.03.2020 Gone are the days we used to share, but in our hearts you are always there. Never more than a thought away, Loved and remembered everyday. Sadly missed by all. Brett Matthew Gallard “BG” 5.5.1973 ~ 15.3.2018 5 years ago our world changed forever Remembering you is easy, we do it everyday Missing you is heartache, that never goes away Love you forever Mum, Dad, Bradley, Erin and Family
Norman J Penhall Funerals AFDA, FDA of NSW 33 Williams Street, Orange Phone 6362 3751 New & DesignerRecycledClothing Ph: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish
ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 53 • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C CJ BRICKLAYING Bricklaying - Small jobs only Lic. No. 104973c Phone 0428 136 803 ANSON MEDICAL 298 Anson Street 6361 8448 • New patients welcome • Recently expanded rooms with more GPs • All GPs are FRACGP qualified • Medicare bulk billing for eligible patients Bulk-billing available for: • Pensioners • Health Care Card holders • DVA • Children 16 years & under • Full Time Students *Proof of eligibility is required LOOKING FOR A GP? CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: anywhereskips@gmail.com www.anywhereskips.com.au “If you got a hole in the wall you know who to call” Drywall Plasterer and Carpenter • 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE • 0418 671 854 P & V Building Services Call Paul Lic. No. 77917C jeremy@redshawplumbing.com 0410 477 942 CONTACT JEREMY REDSHAW plumbingservices 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES www.lindfieldgroup.com.au Call 6360 1136 Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains Leaking Taps Burst Pipes PLUMBING CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic • Die Cast Model Cars etc • LP Records/45’s • Movie Posters etc • DVD Packages made up for Rental Libraries (Conditions apply) REEL MEMORIES WASP treatment From $150 25 years experience Call Craig... 0447 002 193 Eagle Eye Pest Control Lic. no. 4558 100%NESTELIMINATED GUARANTEED • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile When you have lock problems Also deadlocks and window houses and cars supplied 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS! NEW LOCATION 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited PUBLIC NOTICES www.orangelimousines.com.au info@orangelimousines.com.au • Wine Tours • Weddings • Function Transfers • Airport Transfers Orange Limousines Excellence. Luxury. Style. Phone: 02 6365 3713 Mobile: 0419 535 444 02 6365 3731 | 0419 535 444 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 www.thefittingstudio.com.au Bras for all women through every stage of life Orange Stamp and Coin Expo 2023 18th & 19th March Orange High School Woodward Street, Orange 9am to 3pm NSW, ACT Dealers in Attendance Admission $2 Ph: Howard 0427 107 554 Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing BUILDER For your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571 0497 257 633 Jack’s Snappy Cleaning COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC Professional, reliable and trustworthy cleaning service

CROSS purposes


With Suellen Milham

Have you ever seen the 2013 film, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty? In the movie, there was a photo that was said to “capture the quintessence of life”. The main character, Walter, is trying to locate this misplaced photo. He is a daydreamer but he doesn’t imagine himself to be someone else, he imagines a better version of himself!

Quintessence is one of those words you may have heard but don’t really know what it means. It is ‘something that is the perfect embodiment of something’.

There is someone who is the perfect embodiment of God: Jesus Christ. In fact, you could also say that Jesus is the quintessence of life. A little bit of investigation into the life and death of Jesus will confirm this to be true.

There is no need for imagining or daydreams to find your better self, in fact there is no better self that will find life like Jesus can. Jesus knows us inside and out and it is his perfect self that makes the di erence.

54 ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023
“Where our customers are the heart of the
Take time to discover the vast array of goodness in our gourmet pantry section gourmet pantry WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP SAVE TIME ORDER ONLINE MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE Community Diary onlineFREE TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 PETS&LIVESTOCK experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 Gardening Gutters • Pruning • Rubbish Removal Contact David on 0402 259 891 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds GEOFF GRANT | 0418 637 661 www.chemdryorange.com.au Locally owned and operated - Orange and surroundings districts Deep-cleaning carbonation and proprietary products for Stains • High traffic patterns • Allergens • Pet Urine

THUMBS UP and congratulations to the young lad who, on finishing his ice cream at Spilt Milk, picked up the several bits of paper in the area. And to his mother for raising such a fine young son. Well done both!

A MASSIVE THUMBS DOWN to the lady who ran over my foot with the click-and-collect cart at the supermarket when I was standing still. I’m still recovering.

THUMBS UP to Edith, social photographer for Orange City Life, for the professional, pleasant and tolerant attitude she displayed towards us at the 60th anniversary of the CBC bank. It impressed me greatly that she arrived at the nominated time and so I give her the “yay for day!” Thank you, Edith, you are a legend!

THUMBS UP to the person who picked up some marking textas I’d lost in the carpark at O ceworks and handed them in. I really appreciate it.

THUMBS DOWN I am very concerned about the intersection coming from Escort Way along Amaroo Road to Mitchell Highway. It is so dangerous. Is something going to be done when there is a fatality like Thompson Road?

The Thumbs

THUMBS UP to the lovely young security guard at the hospital who waved me down to let me know he was moving his car and I could have his spot!

THUMBS UP to Alicia from Elders Emms Mooney at CTLX. Thank you.

THUMBS UP to Molly from KFC – so professional and kind!

THUMBS UP to Matt in the bakery team at Harris Farm Markets for going above and beyond to stock a hard-tofind bread. So greatly appreciate your assistance and help. Thank you so much. An asset to the team.

THUMBS UP to Debbie at Best and Less. Your customer service is outstanding. An actual shop assistant that asks if your customers need help finding what they’re looking for and genuinely listens, and with a smile on her face. Made my day as I don’t come into town all that much. Other shops need to do the same.

HUGE THUMBS UP to Margaret at Orange Railway Station. You were outstanding in a di cult situation and went above and beyond to help others. Our family is very grateful. Thank you.

A BIG THUMBS UP and thank you to Christine, an aged care consultant at our local Centrelink o ce. She was so helpful and friendly and spent considerable time sorting out my worrying query.

| SMS 0459 022 084

General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, Jonathan Roe, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council.

© Copyright 2023 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | MARCH 16 — 22, 2023 55 THUMBS EMAIL: reception@oclife.com.au | FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife”
Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333
represent thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature . Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons.
www.orangehearingcentre.com.au 1/256 Anson Street, Orange NSW 2800 02 6360 1884 Hear the difference YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT HEARING CENTRE KAY MCINTOSH AUDIOLOGIST • Diagnostic Hearing Assessment • Excellent Hearing Aid Fittings • Superior level of client service • Valuable ongoing support • Latest technology • All manufacturers • Private and Australian Government Hearing Services Program clients • Employment / Pilot Testing ALL STAFF COVID19 VACCINATED Supporting the local community... Proud sponsors of OCLife’s “Volunteer of the Month” Award Have something on your mind? Or
to offer someone
local business,
would like
or a
some praise
a job well done... We’d love to hear from you, send your Thumbs in to Michelle today...
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