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Orange Property MARKET Reduce your energy use and save this winter
from OCLife20230413
Save Power Kits available to borrow from your local library
With already high power bills set to skyrocket even further this winter, there is no better time to look at how you can reduce your energy use around the home.
There are many things we can all do at home to reduce our energy bills and make our homes more comfortable this winter. Simply opening curtains during the day to let in the winter sun and closing them at night can cut down on heat losses and save you as much as $50 a year.
And did you know that 25 per cent of the winter heat loss from your home happens through cracks and gaps in and around windows, doors and walls, which can be dealt with by installing draft seal strips, or sealing gaps with caulk.
Or that turning o all unused appliances at the wall could cut 5 per cent o your power bill.
To help you identify just where you can save money, Orange City Library and other Central West Libraries branches are o ering residents the opportunity to borrow a ‘Save Power Kit’, which includes tools and information to help you measure how you use power at home.
The Kits come with a Power-Mate power usage meter to test the power use of appliances on stand-by, thermometers to check for draughts and heating and cooling, a stopwatch and light meter.
The kits also include a resource pack with all the instructions you need to get started and an action plan to allow you to record results and plan improvements and savings.
The project is supported by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s Sustainable Councils and Communities Program (SCC). Orange City Council is one of 37 councils across NSW that are members of the program, which focuses on improving energy e ciencies of councils and supporting community initiatives to cut energy bills.
Environmental Sustainability Community Committee Chair Cr David Mallard said many residents were looking for ways to reduce their energy use amid the rising cost of living.
“There are simple actions that households can take to save money, power and reduce their impacts on the environment,” Cr Mallard said.
The Save Power Kit can help identify the biggest users of electricity in your home and describes many easy, low-cost things we can do at home to use less power and save money on bills, without changing your lifestyle.
The Save Power Kits are in high demand and so it’s best to contact Orange City Library on 6393 8132 to reserve one when available.
A few simple tips to cut your energy usage at home:
✓ Have shorter showers
✓ Upgrade your home insulation and window coverings
✓ Switch o appliances at the wall
✓ Switch o lights when you leave a room
✓ Close curtains and doors at night
✓ ‘Zone’ your home by heating only the rooms you use the most
✓ Use door snakes to stop draught
✓ Rug up and use blankets
✓ Washing clothes in cold water
✓ Hang out your clothes instead of using a dryer
You can find more information and handy tips at: energysaver.nsw.gov.au/households
Formallounge/diningroomthatcanbeclosedoffandopenplancasualdiningfamilyroomall boastinganortherlyoutlook.Separateofficewithinternetconnectionpluschildren'srumpus room Allbedroomsarespaciouswithbuilt-ins,whilethemainbedroomhasawalk-inrobeandensuite.
Well-designedthree-waybathroomfeaturingseparatebath,shower,separatevanity,and separatetoilet.Largelaundrywithgoodstorage,benchspaceandexternalaccess Thegarageisarealbonuswithplentyofspace,amezzaninelevelandaseparatetoiletandwash basinandhasundercoveraccesstothehouse.
HappyValleyisa54.9*hectare,135.6*acrepropertysetamongtherollinghillseastofthehistoricvillageofMillthorpeontheCentralTablelandsofNSWbeingofferedtothemarketforthefirsttimeafter60yearsoffamilyownershipinatightly held,highlydesirableandproductivedistrict.


Thehomefeaturesanopenplankitchenanddiningwithfloatingtimberfloorboards,aseparatelivingarea,builtinwardrobesinallbedrooms,masterbedroomwithadjacentensuite,three-waybathroomwithseparatebathandshower,anda doublelock-upgarage.
Farminfrastructureincludesthe25x10*metresteelframemachineryshedwithconcretefloor,singleshearingstand,andthreephasepower;30*tonnesilo;steeldualpurposesheepandcattleyards;fourbay20x10*metrehayshed;aspring feddam;andthestockanddomesticborewhichcanpump2500*gallonsofwaterperhourtoa10000*gallonheadertank.
HappyValleyhasmostrecentlybeenrunasasheepgrazingoperationbutalsohasahistoryofproducingbeefandpotatoesbeingapprox.33%arableandsuitabletofarming.Thebalanceisqualitygrazingcountrysubdividedintoatotalof14 mainpaddocks. Fencingismainlygoodtosoundandpredominantlyhingejoint;pasturesarehighlightedbyexcellentstandsofPhalaris,aswellasclovers,ryegrass,andothernativespecies;andtimbersaremainlyscatteredwhiteandyellowboxtrees.
93 Sale Street, Orange
This central terrace cottage has been in the same family for around 55 years and is looking for new owners. The property dates to the 19th century and features 3 bedrooms, lounge, open plan kitchen/dining and a second comfortable living area at the rear. You will love the modern kitchen with soft close furniture, dishwasher, gas cooktop and under bench oven, and it looks great sitting on the beautiful timber floating floor.
With only around a 450m walk to the CBD, DPI and many other attractions, you could ditch the car. The rear yard is very private, on an approx. 404sqm block, plus an attached large single garage with auto door and entry into house. Call for an inspection, you will love its charm.

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590
318 Lords Place, Orange
If you want central, and you want classy, then this could be the property you are looking for. This lovely property has been well maintained by the owner and presents beautifully. Currently run as an Airbnb, it is showing a good return and would also be a great property for you to call home. From the great facade to the polished floorboards and period features there is a lot to love about this home.
• Three bedrooms, good size living area, light and airy
• Great street appeal, established gardens front and rear

• Combined kitchen and dining, classy bathroom and ducted heating
• All furniture and appliances can be purchased with the property
CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590
$850,000 - $890,000
This beautifully presented property in lovely Millthorpe is a must to inspect. Located in a quiet street and only 280m from the centre of town, this property oozes style and character. The 920mm doors throughout make it disabled friendly, with access through the rear. There are plantation shutters throughout as well as ducted heating and cooling, plus both bathrooms boast underfloor heating. There is also a pull-down ladder to the loft in the ceiling for extra storage. The 5kw solar panels on roof, established gardens and studio at rear of garage just add that extra touch.
CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590
This lovely property has the classic late Federation/Inter-war facade and features 3 bedrooms all with pressed metal ceilings along with the hallway and formal lounge room. It has just had a full re-paint internally with light modern colours and looks nice and fresh. You will love the eat in kitchen and the rear extension featuring the second living area, as well as the federation style bathroom with a great claw foot bath plus shower. Only 800m to the CBD and surrounded by similar lovely homes on an approx 613sqm block, don’t miss your opportunity on this one!
CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590
