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is on Saturday, April 15 at Kenna Hall from 10am to 3pm. We will be making items for the shoeboxes. Please bring your own lunch. Morning tea will be provided.

For more information call Robyn on 0427 653 431


School Holiday Craft Activities

On Sunday, April 16 3.30 - 6.30pm the Orange Church of Christ will be holding a school holiday craft activity family service special!

Two-plus hours of fun activities for all the family in a Christian faith atmosphere. The day will include craft, games and activities to suit all ages with parental involvement. Food and drink provided. Event is free but please book and inform us of any allergies or other concerns. There is a short time of Christian celebration as part of this event. No unaccompanied children will be allowed.

Rotary Daybreak draws Harley Davidson raffle winner

Rotary Orange Daybreak drew the winner of their 11th annual Harley Davidson motorcycle raffle at Victory Lane Motorcycles in Orange on Saturday, April 1. Valued at $38,000 the sought-after prize attracted huge interest with the $100 tickets selling out fast.

But there can only be one winner, which this year was Mark Morris from Cowra.

All proceeds from the raffle will be donated to Central West Cancer Clinical Trials which is run in Orange by Rob Zielinski. The annual raffles have raised more than $200,000 for the cause over the past years.

Orange Prostate Cancer Support Group

Members of our group recently travelled to Dubbo to attend a Regional Prostate Cancer Conference. Members who had received treatment 20 years ago were amazed at the pre-treatment now, available in the form of PET scans, imaging and biopsies before radiation treatment that members were shown by specialist speakers. Members also enjoyed talking to members from all over NSW, Victoria and Queensland.

A most enlightening and enjoyable weekend.

Then the next day we learnt that Orange was to have the services of a PET scan soon. We will now have all the facilities in Orange for men diagnosed with prostate cancer by a simple PSA blood test to have all the services like major cities.

We had a speaker for our next meeting, but that has been cancelled due to the holidays. We are endeavouring to engage another speaker, however, we have several items to discuss, so come along and enjoy the evening and help others.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, April 18 at 6pm in the meeting room at Café

Connect 107 Prince Street Orange. For further information contact Ray on 63625257.

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