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Bell Shakespeare presents Twelfth Night Friday 28 & Saturday 29 July at 7.30pm Kinross Wolaroi presents Little Shop of Horrors Friday 21 July at 7.30pm & Saturday 22 July at 1pm & 7.30pm RIX Management presents Marcia Hines Still Shining Saturday 8 July at 7.30pm & Sunday 9 July at 2pm Ben Maiorana Entertainment presents Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Thursday 6 July at 8pm MICF Roadshow presents Melbourne International Comedy Festival Saturday 24 June at 8pm Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre Orange Civic Theatre Details correct as of 13.06.2023 - for all shows and updates please visit our webpage www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre • 2023 season brochure and membership is open for purchase. Please contact the box office for more information. JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 FREE ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET — STARTS ON PAGE 27 Play the Game! Celebrating 100 years of Astley Cup The 2023 Astley Cup is here! This unique multi-sports competition played between Dubbo, Bathurst and Orange high schools celebrates its 100 anniversary this year.
2 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023

Thank you to our Sponsors:

Well, what fantastic weather we were treated to for the long weekend! It was a welcome change to be able to get outdoors in comfort — and certainly welcome for my guests who’d travelled from warmer climes.

As I mentioned in the last issue, my family came together on Sunday to celebrate my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary.

It was a great time! Very chaotic, very loud and I’ll need a week to get over it, but it was a fun, happy time with family.

Good luck to Orange High School’s Astley Cup squad who are taking on Dubbo over the next two days. As you will have gathered from our cover, if you weren’t already aware, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the triangular sporting competition between Orange, Dubbo and Bathurst high schools. We hear there are many past Orange High students coming back for the 100-year celebrations this weekend. Welcome and enjoy the festivities!

Until next week!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 3
Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able. Spirit WE CAPTURE THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 3575 reception@oclife.com.au www.orangecitylife.com.au www.facebook.com/orangecitylife EDITOR’S note Digging up the past... Local fair back, bigger and better enquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au www.orangepropertyplus.com.au 02 6361 4155 1/202 Anson Street Orange Whether your Investment Property is vacant or currently leased, you can make the switch to OPM+ now. Making the switch is free & easy, with no hidden fees, only exceptional service. Our Agency is property management focused with 40+ years Real Estate Industry, knowledge, training & experience. NOT BIGGER, BETTER! WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE Closed Public Holidays 6362 8611 Delicious! catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink 7 10
Jonathan Roe


Frank Gardiner

An antiques and collectables dealer based near Toowoomba, Shane is a keen fan of Australian history and he has just self-published a new book on the notorious bushranger Frank Gardiner, who terrorised travellers in the central west districts in the 1860s. Gardiner, along with fellow bushrangers Ben Hall and gang, pulled off what is still Australia’s biggest-ever gold robbery; opening fire on the gold escort coach at Eugowra Rocks and stealing 77 kilograms of gold and £3,7000 in cash. Their haul today would be worth more than $4 million and a significant portion has never been recovered.

Details of this robbery circled the globe, making Gardiner one of the first Australians to gain truly worldwide notoriety.

But more than any other bushranger in Australia’s history there is just so much mystery, folklore, and often outright lies, surrounding the life of Frank Gardiner, Shane says, which is what has drawn him to dig deeper into the story in his book, In the Tracks of a Bushranger.

The result of six years of research, the book is full of anecdotes and little details Shane’s uncovered through his research, some of which have not been published before.

When Queensland picker Shane Esmond isn’t delving into the bush and backyard sheds looking for rusty gold and vintage wares, you’ll likely find him on the hunt for a different kind of treasure.

“The story just contains so much folklore and myth and legend and rumours and everything! It just really grabbed my interest and I ended up getting more and more information and thinking, Well, this is a good subject for a book,” Shane says.

Shane was initially drawn to the Frank Gardiner story after discovering that, following the Eugowra robbery, he’d fled from police to the tiny community of Apis Creek in Queensland, just a short distance from where Shane had spent 45 years of his life.

“To find out that one of the most famous bushrangers had lived a stone’s throw away from where I’d grown up… it just really resonated with me,” he says.

But, digging deeper into old newspapers and archives, what then struck Shane was just how much ambiguity and uncertainty there is around even basic details of Gardiner’s life.

Take Ned Kelly for example, he says, most of the details of his life, death and bushranging exploits are largely agreed upon — but not so with Gardiner.

“Frank’s story, right from the start, seemed to have a lot more of that myth and folklore in it,” Shane says.

“For every aspect of Frank’s story, there seems to be about at least four or five different versions of how it happened and each version can really vary from just a little bit to a massive amount.

“There’s conflicting reports about what people said at the time, what people said afterwards, what the descendants of people involved say now.”

In his book, Shane has included many of these little snippets of information; anecdotes and recollections uncovered in old newspapers.

“I found quite a lot of interesting information where people who claim to have known him or know somebody he was associated with had come forward, they’d written a letter to a newspaper and they told these little stories,” he says.

“Some of them may be correct. Some of them might be just folklore, but I just found them really interesting and they just add a different perspective to Frank and the events in his life. “So I think even the experienced Frank Gardiner reader will find a few new snippets of information in my book.”

Another intriguing aspect of Gardiner’s story is that, unlike most who take up bushranging, he went on to live a long life. In 1974, ten years after he was arrested and gaoled, Gardiner was released from prison on condition of exile and he left Australia for the United States, never to return. It is reported that he died in a gunfight in Colorado in 1903, but even this fact is contested.

“Again there’s a whole bunch of different varying stories about when he left here, but we know he lived a fairly long life for those

days and there was a lot of adventure all the way through it,” Shane says.

But one of the most enduring and tantalising stories about Gardiner takes place after his death. Around 1910, two young Americans, supposedly prospectors, are said to have been digging near the site of Gardiner’s former home before abruptly departing, never to be seen again.

“The underlying rumour of that is they were Frank’s sons. That after he went to America, he married a rich widow and had a couple of sons and he’d left the map with them and they’d come over here later to retrieve his loot,” Shane says.

Like so much else in Gardiner’s story, hunting out those nuggets of truth from the legend is a near-impossible task. But it is the mystery that also makes Frank Gardiner’s story so intriguing, Shane says.

“There’s also rumours in the Apis Creek area that those same two guys turned up there and did something similar,” he says.

“Of course, whether or not any of that is true, it’s very hard to know. But I just find it really interesting. I love to examine all those different stories and wonder, what if?”

Anyone interested in a copy of ‘In the Tracks of a Bushranger’ can get in touch with Shane via his Facebook page “Frank Gardiner. In the Tracks of a Bushranger’, text him on 0429 776071 or email shane.esmond@bigpond.com.

4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 Community LiFE
Antiques and collectable dealer, Shane Esmond with his new book on the life of bushranger Frank Gardiner.


Orange celebrates 100 years of Astley Cup

Celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Astley Cup have begun!

Students from Dubbo College arrived in Orange this morning (Thursday, June 8) eager to wrest the coveted trophy from the hands of their Orange High School rivals.

Over the next two days, June 8–9, representatives from the two high schools will compete in netball, basketball, hockey, soccer, rugby league, tennis, debating and athletics.

Founded in Dubbo in 1923 by businessman Lawrence Astley, the Astley Cup is a unique multi-sports competition played — almost every year since – between Dubbo College (formerly Dubbo High School), Bathurst High

School and Orange High Schools.

Only four times has the competition not been held since that first year — 1924, 1932, 1941 and 2020 — and it is believed to be one of the longest-running school sporting competitions in Australia.

That a competition between three schools has been going for that long is almost unheard of, says former sports coordinator at Orange High School, Lynne Middleton.

During her time at Orange High, Lynne oversaw 12 years of uninterrupted wins for the school — the longest in the history of the Cup. She is also head of the steering committee that has been busy planning the 100th-anniversary celebration here in Orange this weekend.

About 200 people are expected to attend the Astley Cup 100 years celebration dinner

at the Orange Ex-Services’ Club on Friday night, says Lynne.

“Our guest speaker is Kylie Bloodworth. She was a 1993 graduate, who has gone on to international work with softball,” she says.

“We have representatives from government and from the Department of Education and we’ve got so many students coming back!”

Also coming to the local celebrations are three great-grandchildren of the games’ founder Lawrence Astley.

“Simon, his sister Vanessa, and brother Miles, they’re coming back — they had no idea that this Astley Cup had gone on for so long! So it’s just so exciting for them, and they’ve become really involved here.”

On Saturday, June 17 from 10am–12 noon, Orange High School is holding an open day

for past students to come and tour the school grounds and relive past Astley Cup triumphs.

“There’ll be a big static display there — memorabilia photos, legacy stories... There will be sort of a mini market and the coffee shop will be running,” says Lynne, who has been eagerly awaiting this weekend.

“You bet – biggest supporter!” she says, before conceding that there may, possibly, be bigger supporters out there than her.

Coinciding with the 100-year celebrations of the Astley Cup, the Orange Regional Museum has launched a new exhibition featuring photographs and memorabilia from the past century. Located in the museum foyer, Play the Game: Celebrating 100 years of Astley Cup will remain on display until October 18, 2023.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 5 Community LiFE

The more things change, the more they stay the same….

We all know that complaining about the local council is a popular pastime here in Orange – just as it is the world over I’m sure.

But we were amused to stumble across this laundry list of complaints about our fair city, written 100 years ago by the poet


Come to Orange in the Summer. Spare me days, the climate’s grand The Aldermen will be so pleased — They’ll grab you by the hand; The Council’s advertisement

Did you see as you came through?

In the Sydney daily papers

On the Central platform too; The local ‘rags’ don’t advertise — Their circulation’s sad;

And now you’re here you won’t forget Your thirst is not too bad;

Just walk up to a drinking stand

It is there you’ll come a thud.

As you drink you are rewarded

With a squirt of Orange mud.

The weedy, muddy, water gives — Us all the bloomin’ pip; What O, a local swimming bath — We’d go brown at every dip

Why ain’t we all got gravel!

Or swelling in the neck!

For the want of clear, clean water — We’ll be slinging in our ‘checks’

What about a pumping station

From Summer Hill creek to town

Which will give us ‘boshter’ water, Not the tack that’s dirty brown. Is the Orange Council brainy!

Or is it just a dud?

Turn the taps on for improvement — Not for squirts of weedy mud.

And Wade Park is the Sports Ground

With the worst of cycle tracks.

How to find a local champion —

On a track like camel’s backs

Ask an Alderman, he’ll tell you —

Well you may meet with abuse.

To lay a proper cycle track — Costs ‘dough’ so what’s the use.

The Crossing are ridiculous — For motor, bike or pram.

Should you break a spring, that’s your lookout— There’s no one cares a d—

Why can’t we be like Bathurst!

Where crossings are a treat, But of course, as we’re in Orange — We’ll put up with all we meet.

The Post O ce and the Station— Are disgraced for want of paint

That big iron pipe in Summer Street Looks particularly quaint. That overhanging hedge wants cutting O our thoroughfare.

To save continual dodging — Of our heads, likewise our hair.

Here’s another Council bloomer

Those wood squares of four by two, From the pavement to the roadway Pulls the heel from o your shoe. The great big-headed nails stick up And bash against your feet.

How will the Voice be set up?

It’s about whether we should change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by setting up an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. A referendum is the only way to change the Australian Constitution.

The Voice would be a permanent body that gives independent advice to the Australian Parliament and Government on matters that affect First Nations people. The Voice aims to help the Parliament and Government to make better decisions and deliver better outcomes for First Nations people.

How it’s set up would be determined after the referendum with input from First Nations people, the broader public and the Government. The Parliament would then make a law to set up the Voice.

The intention is that its members will be chosen by and representative of, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from across Australia.

Be ready for the conversation, get informed at Voice.gov.au

Why not a well-made concrete slab To liven up the street.

Get an eyeful of the cabs — gaw’s struth,

One look is quite enough, They’re not all crook remember— no, But some are blooming rough.

And don’t forget the council grants Permission for these to run.

There are a few that look true-blue, But the balance get’s the bun.

The ‘’nags” that drag the rough stu are old and done their dash.

The old grey bloke, for instance, Has fought life’s blooming lash, Like the cracked and busted footpath Up our main street near the Park And there’s lots of other things that seem To us are in the dark.

LES LIST. Summer Street, Orange.

6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 Community
Les List, who gives his address as Summer Street.
Published in the January 6, 1923 edition of Bathurst’s National Advocate, the editor prefaced the poem with the following disclaimer:
the Voice referendum about?
We know nothing of Les List, nor whether it is his birth name or nom de plume, but his verses also made it to print in publications on the Central Coast. It is a real loss to our public discourse that more gripes about the council aren’t written in verse anymore.
“In publishing
following verses the ‘National Advocate’ accepts no responsibility, for either the theme, metre or rhyme. Here it is just as it was received…”
Canberra What’s
is the Voice?
Scan here to visit the website

Countdown to Lions Club time capsule unearthing — just two weeks to go!

“It was a pretty miserable day the day we buried it!” recalls Geo Newham of the June morning almost 50 years ago, when he and a fellow Orange Lions Club member rather unceremoniously buried their time capsule in Robertson Park.

Afundraising project for the local Lions Club in 1973, people had been invited to send a message or items of interest into the future by purchasing an envelope, which would be buried sealed in the time capsule and only revealed in half a century’s time on June 29, 2023.

The unearthing of the capsule and its contents is now just days away and Geoff Newham will be one of those watching with anticipation in Robertson Park Thursday, June 29.

“Ted Evans was the President and I was the incoming president, I think,” says Geoff, thinking back to that year.

“I didn’t think I would be around to see it opened and I think that was the general consensus... Who can say where you’re going to be in 50 years?”

Very much involved in the project, Geoff has a particular interest in seeing if their handiwork has survived the past five decades.

“It was not the type of thing that we had any experience doing. We just went ahead and worked out this is what we’ll do and hope it works!” says Geoff, who is still fairly confident that the time capsule will be in ‘good nick’ when it’s dug up next week.

While the photo opposite shows a rocket-shaped time capsule, Geoff says that was just knocked up to create a bit of publicity for their project. The actual time capsule was inside the model rocket, which is not what will be unearthed later this month.

Made from a copper-alloy tube from a water heater (two to three feet long and half that wide according to Geoff) the capsule was brazed shut and then placed in a concrete pipe and sealed.

“I don’t know whether the concrete might have leached a little bit of stuff in there, but there shouldn’t have been hardly any water at all because we did brick the ends of the pipe in,” says Geoff.

“We didn’t bury it too deep and it wouldn’t be sitting in a water table… So I’m pretty confident it’ll come in okay.”

Orange City Council will be assisting the Lions Club with the unearthing, which is fine by Geoff, who had to dig the hole by hand in less than ideal conditions.

“So the day we actually buried it, we were going to have a bit of a function there, we’d invited the Mayor and a couple others to come down, but lo and behold it was freezing cold and it was pouring rain!” he recalls.

So, Geoff and a fellow club member braved the conditions, dug the hole, and buried the capsule with little fanfare

“We said we can’t hang around in this rain and I don’t think anybody’s going to turn up anyhow. So it was rolled off my ute, we just covered it over and went on our way again… Hopefully, it won’t be the same when they’re digging it up!”

The unearthing of the time capsule is planned to take place at 10.30am on Thursday, June 29 in Robertson Park.

Collection Day for time capsule contents

Envelopes will be available for collection at the Helicopter Hangar, 1 Redmond Place Orange, from 10am to 3pm on July 1. Envelopes will only be handed to the owner, or next of kin should the owner be deceased and to ensure they get to the correct person, proof of relationship will be required.

“Not everyone will still have their receipt (card) as proof of ownership, so arrangements are being made to get the envelope to the next of kin, as long as they have proof of the relationship,” says President of Orange Lions Club, Debbie Butwell Orange Lions Club will retain unclaimed envelopes for sixty days (60 days), after which time they will be passed to the Orange City Library for digitisation and preservation.

Members of the Orange Lions Club are asking that cardholders make contact with the Club by emailing the club at olc.timecapsule@gmail.com stating name on card; card number; claimants name, claimants email and phone number.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 7 Community LiFE The VicToria hoTel 336 SUMMER ST, ORANGE Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... POKER TUESDAY from 7pm SATU RDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival Registration on arrival BISTRO Daily Specials WEDNESDAYSATURDAY Lunch 12 - 2pm Dinner 6 - 9pm SATURDAY 17TH JUNE 8PM - LATE FREE ENTRY BISTRO OPERATORS Do you have a passion and dream to operate your own business in the hospitality industry? We have a great opportunity for a Cook/Chef or couple to operate the Bistro on a concessional basis at The Victoria Hotel INCLUDES:Private Function Room Well equipped kitchen Strong clientele base On site parking Great potential takeaway options TONI & LENNY WANTED ALL APPLICATIONS CONTACT Craig Wright - Victoria Hotel 334-336 Summer St, Orange PH 6362 6386 Email victoriahotel_orange@hotmail.com
Orange Lions Club members with the giant rocket-shaped time capsule they used for publicity in March 1973. The real time capsule buried in Robertson Park was inside the one pictured. Project chairman Jim Moore (standing at left), Geoff Newham (front, kneeling), and Robert Dunesny. At right are OrangeLions Club president Ted Evans and club member Don Mearns. Photograph courtesy of the Orange and District Historical Society.

A musical journey through some of the world’s


The Orange Symphony Orchestra are back on Sunday, June 25 at Kinross Wolaroi School with their much-awaited concert, At the Movies.

Join them at 2pm for a 2.30pm start, and bring your kids — under 18s are free!

Led by the fabulous guest conductor Monica Buckland, the Orange Symphony Orchestra will take you on a journey through cinema as you’re immersed in some of the world’s most celebrated film music.

At The Movies will include a diverse range of movie soundtracks, from classics such as The Man from Snowy River to the epic 2001: A Space Odyssey. Be enchanted by the magical music of Harry Potter. Feel the helicopters from Apocalypse Now descend to Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries. Hear the train set off before the mysterious Murder on the Orient Express. Relive the heroic moments, great and small, from The Lord of the Rings, and much, much more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear the talented Orange Symphony Orchestra perform magnificent film music here in the Colour City.’

Experience At the Movies on Sunday, June 25, at Derek Pigot Auditorium, Kinross Wolaroi School. Arrive 2pm for a 2.30pm start.

Book your ticket at Humanitix, by scanning the QR code on the poster below or phone the Orange Regional Conservatorium on 6361 7974. Under 18s’ tickets are free of charge with a paying adult.

8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 Community LiFE
most celebrated film



Orange Lions Club members have paid tribute to long-serving member Bob Cleal, who was presented with his 50-year service medal last Thursday, June 8.

Bob, now 93, first joined the Lions Club in Temora on November 13, 1972 and served the club in various capacities over the years: Second Year Director and First Year Director, Bulletin editor, Treasurer, Secretary, convention chairman and ball committee member.

Moving to the Colour City in 1991 Bob and wife Barbara transferred into Orange Lions Club, where he continued to serve in various roles.

Bob was awarded District Governor’s Star


for his service to the community in 1996, among other honours.

Bob was always on the board as a director, and membership chairman, and was involved with the Field Days committee over several years.

District Governor Michale Ryan presented Bob with his service medal at a function held at Orange Grove Care Community, where Bob and Barbara are now residents.

In attendance were fellow residents along with local Lions Club members and Federal Member for Orange, Andrew Gee, who offered his congratulations and thanks on behalf of the community.

“This is a great afternoon, where we honour a Lion who has given a lifetime of service to the cause of Lions, but also to the service of humanity,” Mr Gee said.

Think about all of the causes that were supported throughout those years. Think of all of the people that were helped through all of that good work that was carried out by Bob’s Lions clubs all through those years.

“Fifty years of service to others really is something to celebrate and I wanted to, Bob, offer you the best wishes of the community and congratulations. Thank you for all that work over all of that time and also Barbara as well, who has been with you every step of the way,” he concluded.

Applications are invited for the ongoing full-time position of Electorate Officer (EOB) to fill a new staffing allocation in the Office of the Hon Andrew Gee MP, based in the Member’s Calare Electorate Office in Orange, NSW.

The responsibilities of the role are, but are not limited to:

• Assisting and responding to constituent matters across the electorate of Calare.

• Liaising with relevant Departments, Agencies and Opposition Offices on behalf of constituents regarding matters relating to the responsibilities of the Federal Government.

• Preparing representations on behalf of the Member.

• Data entry and database management.

• Attending community events in the Electorate as required.

• General administrative tasks within the Electorate Office.

• Occasional travel within the Electorate of Calare and interstate travel to Canberra during Parliamentary sitting weeks.

• Other duties as required.

Applicants should possess the following skills and experience:

• Excellent oral and written communication skills and experience in producing targeted communications for a variety of audiences.

• Outstanding interpersonal skills.

• Excellent attention to detail and record keeping.

• Ability to self-manage and delegate.

• Well-developed organisational ability and time management skills.

• Ability to work independently and cohesively as part of a small team.

• An understanding of the Australian system of government and parliamentary processes.

• Well-developed IT skills including Microsoft Office.

• Preparedness to work overtime and on weekends when required.

Job details:

The position is offered under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 and conditions are outlined in the Commonwealth Members of Parliament Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-23.

• A commencing salary between $69,170 and $80,757 will be negotiated depending on experience and relevant skills.

• An optional additional allowance may be considered in recognition of, and as compensation for, reasonable additional hours of work.

• Relocation assistance, studies assistance and paid study leave may also be available (subject to eligibility requirements).

• An employer superannuation contribution of 15.4% will be payable.

A probationary period of three months will apply and may be subject to extension.

Applications should be forwarded to andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au and include a resume with the names of two referees and a cover letter addressing the relevant skills and experience required for the role.

Applications close on Friday 30 June 2023. For further information please contact andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 9 Community LiFE
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Barb and Bob Cleal with sons Phil and Dave From left to right: Federal Member for Orange, Andrew Gee; Barb Cleal; Lions District Governor, Michael Ryan; Bob Cleal and Orange Lions Club President Debbie Butwell.

Antique, Jewellery and Collectables Fair, back, bigger and better – June 17–18

Like to collect unique furniture, jewellery, or decorator items? Enjoy browsing for one-of-a-kind curios and collectables? Here’s an event not to be missed!

Returning for its 39th year, the annual Zonta Club of Orange Antique, Jewellery and Collectables Fair on June 17–18 is attracting dealers from across Australia, with more stalls and more goodies than ever before.

This fair attracts visitors from throughout the Central West and not only gives them the opportunity to shop collections from some of Australia’s top antique and collectable dealers but also raises funds to give back to the local community.

Last year, Zonta donated more than $20,000 to Housing Plus, Orange Family Support Service and other local organisations to help them continue to take care of our homeless people, provide court advocacy, and post-release support and education programs across the community, Zonta Club President, Melanie Meers said.

“We were also very happy to contribute towards providing shelter for women and families affected by domestic and family violence and ensure some playgroups and

childcare options were kept running,” she added.

But none of this would be possible without the support of the local community coming along and enjoying this annual and familyfriendly event, Melanie said.

Back by popular demand is the exclusive ticket-only Preview Night on Friday, June 16, which this year includes a glass of wine, canapes, and live music from the local and Magda Chamber Ensemble. The VIP Preview begins at 5.30pm, with tickets

Changesto FirstHomeBuyers DutyExemption

The associated costs of purchasing a home go far beyond the marketing price listed on Domain. The final figure can be quite the shock, especially if embarking on the process for the first time.

available via Eventbrite.

Or you can take your chances that the best pieces are still available and come along on Saturday, June 17, or Sunday, June 18, with the doors opening at 9.30am. Tickets are $10 per day or $15 for a twoday pass! Children under 12 are free.

The Zonta Club of Orange meets at 6.30pm on the first Tuesday of each month at the Orange RSL and welcomes guests and new members with open arms! Check them out on Facebook and Instagram.

One such cost is Transfer Duty (or Stamp Duty), which can be substantial, depending on the purchase price of the property. Revenue NSW currently provide a number of options for First Home Buyers to assist with alleviating Stamp Duty costs (First Home Buyer Assistance scheme), however these options are about to change (again) on 1 July 2023

Existing duty exemptions and concessions apply for first home buyers on property purchases up to $800,000. However, the brackets are set to expand. From 1 July 2023, the transfer duty exemption threshold will increase from $650,000.00 to $800,000.00 meaning that eligible First Home Buyers purchasing properties up to $800,000.00will be exempt from paying duty. The concession (discounted stamp duty) threshold will increase from $800,000.00 to $1 million.

Further changes relate to the period of time a First Home Buyer must live in the property following settlement, to be eligible for the First Home Buyer Assistance scheme. Prior to 1 July 2023, First Home Buyers have been required to live in the property for a continuous period of 6 months, within the first 12months of owning the property to fulfil theresidence requirements. For Contracts enteredinto after 1 July 2023, Purchasers will be required to move into the home within 12 months of settlement, and live in the property for a continuous period of 12 months to satisfy the conditions of eligibility.

Since November 2022, eligible first home buyers have also had the option to ‘opt-in’ to the property tax system (lesser annual property tax payments) as opposed to an upfront transfer duty payment. However, from 1 July 2023, this option will be made redundant. Any first home buyers who have, or expect to, exchange Contracts prior to 1 July 2023 and have ‘opted in’ will continue to pay property tax for the duration of their ownership of the property. For anyone exchanging on a Contract on or after 1 July 2023, this option will no longer be available.

In the event you believe you are eligible for the scheme, but are purchasing with others who are not eligible (not applicable to spouses or de facto partners), you are not precluded from applying for the assistance scheme if you are purchasing at least 50% of the property.

In the event you are purchasing your first home, or planning to in the future, it is important to seek independent advice to determine your eligibility for first home buyers Revenue assistance and which options are appropriate for your circumstances in this regard.

**We note this article focuses primarily on First Home Buyer Stamp Duty Exemption changes and is not a comprehensive analysis of all the various applicable costs of buying a first home.



10 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 Community LiFE
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 11 You can now find us on 61-89 Warrendine Street Orange 02 63 622 533 Website: ocbc.org.au trading hours MONDAY 3pm – 8pm TUESDAY 11am – 8pm Management reserves the right to alter trading hours on any given day WEDNESDAY 11am – 9pm THURSDAY 11am – 9pm FRIDAY 11am – 12am SATURDAY 11am – 12am SUNDAY 11am – 9pm NOW OPEN Asian & Australian Cuisine Ph 6362 2617 DINE IN or TAKE AWAY LUNCH 12 - 2pm DINNER 5 - 8.30pm TUESDAY - SUNDAY Open Tues—Sun From 11.30am til dark $5 per person SEE MAIN BAR TO PAY AND GET EQUIPMENT Closed Mondays for maintenance FOR 18 HOLES CHILDREN UNDER 5 PLAY FREE open 7 days $5 per person DAY AND NIGHT ALL ENQUIRIES AND BOOKINGS PLEASE CALL 6362 2533 Got something to celebrate? Weddings Engagement Parties Birthday Parties Anniversaries Fundraisers Presentation Nights Christmas Parties Baby Showers Christenings Funeral Wakes WHATEVER YOU'RE CELEBRATING WE CAN HELP RAFFLES FRIDAYNIGHT EVERY FRIDAY TICKETS SOLD AT 7PM FOR 8PM DRAW What you can win: x 20 Gift vouchers at $50 each x2 $50 Keno vouchers x2 $30 Keno vouchers $4 MIDDIES x2 TRADIE MEAT VOUCHERS $5 SCHOONERSx2 $25 TRADIE BAR VOUCHERS HAPPY HOUR 5PM TO 6PM members badge draw MEMBERS BADGE DRAW NOW TWICE A WEEK, FRIDAY 8PM AND SUNDAY 2PM If not won, will jackpot by $200 pw until it reaches $5000 If $5000 draw not claimed, there will be 5 x $1000 at the following Badge Draw that must be won by attending members. OrangeCity BowlingClub HAPPY HOUR JUST GOT HAPPIER! thurs, fri and sun 4pm-6pm with FREE on-premise member raffles 6pm Sundays Just swipe your card between 4pm-6pm Sundays to win Book your tickets NOW for Friday 17th June 2023 CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE DUE Renew today at reception during open hours or online via our website at OCBC.ORG.AU

It went on to say that, “the fiercest tornado ever known swept across a narrow area near the town doing damage estimated at many thousands of pounds. Many buildings including homesteads were unroofed and some wrecked. Big trees including some more than two-feet thick were uprooted and haystacks and sheds demolished.”

Sixty-four years later, the reporting was closer to home, when, on November 9, 2005, the front page of the “Central Western Daily” featured the headline:


“A tornado bore down on a small farming community south of Orange on Tuesday night, destroying sheds and lifting the roof off one house and uprooting trees.”

With warnings of global warming and forecasts of cataclysmic weather happenings ringing in our ears, the Oral History group searched its collective memory to uncover their own experiences of tornadoes and other natural disasters. And there were many to remember!

“Twisters go back a long way,” Jeff told us. “I remember one that came along the Four Mile Creek and through the State Forest about 14 or 15 Ks out of town. It raced through a 20-year-old forest and twisted off every tree, leaving just two standing. There must have been thousands – all wiped out.”

Gillian and Peter narrowly missed being hit.

“We had gone on a family picnic when

Peter heard the sound of the wind coming in the distance and quickly moved us to a clearing. We could hear the savagery of it as it swept down a narrow strip just near us!” said Gillian.

Owen was also a witness to the ferocity of nature. “We had a property out of Dubbo with a large lucerne flat. A mini tornado came through a strip about 200 meters wide, twisted off the irrigation system and dumped it in the river!”

But Mother Nature had more in store.

On January 22, 1986, the Weather Bureau announced:

“A severe hailstorm caused extensive damage to homes and vehicles in the Orange area. Over 100 motor vehicles damaged. Hail up to seven cm size reported.”

Many people remembered the eerie green light which preceded it and the far-off rumbling sound – like a train in the distance –as it approached.

“There was enormous damage to cars,” one member told me. “At the height of the storm, people were trying to park their vehicles under the Kmart-covered car park, but it was full and there was a queue of cars with passengers, waiting outside, being pelted by the huge hailstones.”

The bill for damage came to 41 million dollars.

“In 1950, record rainfall occurred over twothirds of NSW and most remarkably over the central inland. The annual rainfall is as much as 250mm higher than the second-wettest

year in 130 years of record keeping,” it has been reported.

The Oral History group agreed wholeheartedly. Kerry and Joe were in Kempsey at different times during that period and could vouch for the fact that it was indeed very wet!

Joe had gone with his father to visit his grandparents and remembers sitting up all night on a chair with the flood waters up to his knees. The next morning he saw out the window that his grandfather’s new house, which had just been completed next door, had been washed to the other side of the road.

Tom was working on the railway at Dubbo in 1955 and, as he looked towards the Macquarie River, “I saw a wall of water rushing down the railway line towards us. The whole of South Dubbo was flooded.”

Mick lived in Orange at that time. “There was quite a bit of flooding in Orange, too, in the 1950s,” he remembered. “Water used to come across the railway line into Hang Sing’s premises and covered MacLachlan St.” Hang Sing & Co were fruiterers on Summer St just east of the rail tracks.

Tom always has a good railway story to tell. “In the Yarrabandai flood, the new Indian Pacific train reached Parkes and could go no further. We decided to send it to Forbes via Cootamundra and on to Broken Hill. It had just left Parkes when BANG! The line sank under the train near Tichborne and the ‘glamour’ train was left sinking into the ground and stayed there for three days.”

Max was, as usual, there to lend a hand in his aircraft. “I was dropping fodder to starving sheep stranded on little islands. In Walgett in 1955, the levy banks were in danger of breaking.

Dubbo got in touch about 10pm and asked if someone could fly the radio system to Walgett, as all their telephones were down. We did, although I had to be back by daylight to continue dropping supplies onto the roofs of houses. We had a lot of fun because we had to get the speed back and drop it at just the right time.”

The Oral History group also had a lot of fun delving into their store of memories.

12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 HISTORY TALKING with HELEN MCANULTY WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR APP SAVE TIME ORDER ONLINE MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
“Where our customers are the heart of the community”
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On Tuesday, June 10, 1941, the Tasmanian newspaper, “The Examiner” reported:


It was great to host a visit last week by Tim Crakanthorp, MP, (Minister for Skills), TAFE and Tertiary Education to all three TAFE campuses where he engaged with students and teachers adopting a hands on approach. He drove an excavator at one site and showed he was a dab hand in the kitchen in the hospitality section. We toured the CSU campus checking out the current cohort of dentistry students using some amazing technology in their degree studies. I was very impressed with the enthusiasm of the Minister in his inaugural visit to Orange.

Phil DONATO MP State Member for Orange


Last week I saw firsthand how the Women in Trades Course focusing on women in the construction industry is making a big impact on attracting women to the industry. Through the NSW Government initiative local women were taught to operate heavy machinery, including haul trucks, excavators, and rollers and loaders. It is good to see how the construction industry is embracing women to be part of their teams.



I met with the Rail Action Group last week as I continue to call on Government to house the bullet train in Orange and extend the service from Bathurst As well we want to see more alignment work on the track to speed up the service for greater efficiency for travellers.

Nominate an Inspirational Woman today

Rotary Inspirational Women’s Awards recognise outstanding women from the non-Rotary community who are unselfishly making a considerable and meaningful contribution to the community by their efforts in helping to make a difference to the lives of others. There are six categories in these awards. These are:

Inspirational Woman of the Year (30+) and, Young Inspirational Woman of the Year (18-30) in each of the three following categories: 1/ Rural, 2/ Urban/City 3/ Healthcare worker. Nominations may be made online by visiting https://riwa.awardsplatform.com and close at 5pm on 16th June 2023.


Orange has a long, proud history of welcoming citizens from across the globe to our beautiful city adding culture, diversity and vibrancy to our community.I joined with 150 locals and attended the Orange Cultural Hub and Rotary Club of Orange’s International Family Night. Everyone was asked to bring a plate for sharing a meal, enjoying the sense of community while raising funds for the Cultural Hub. I brought along some delicious homemade Tiramisu for dessert, prepared by my wife Nadia and it went down an absolute treat. The night was lot of fun with a welcoming atmosphere.


Orange electorate will benefit from NSW funding into disaster prevention as part of a $70 million.investment through the Federal, State and delivery partner co-contributions. This includes: delivery of risk reduction equipment, a critical evacuation centre and early warning systems at Cabonne and construction and construction of new stormwater drains in Orange.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 13 OrangeElectorateOffice|123ByngStreet,OrangeNSW2800|Telephone63625199 Authorised by Philip Donato MP, Member for Orange. Funded using parliamentary entitlements. 123 Byng Street Orange NSW 2800 – Printed by Orange City Life, Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange NSW 2800.

How I get my kicks… No prejudice here, that’s a collection to take pride in!

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a woman in possession of a warm blanket and cup of hot co ee, must be in want of a good book — at least, so thinks Kayla Blackmore!

An Orange local, Kayla loves nothing more than snuggling up with something to read, but there is one particular book that keeps her coming back time and time again; a book she, literally, can’t get enough of!

“I just love it, it’s one of my favourite stories – it’s like the original enemy to lovers story,” says Kayla of Jane Austen’s timeless classic Pride and Prejudice

One of the best-loved books in English

literature, Pride and Prejudice follows the turbulent courtship between the beautiful, witty but stubborn Elizabeth Bennet and the dashing aristocrat Mr Darcy. It’s a story that’s captured millions of hearts in the 200 years since it was first published and now it’s capturing more and more space on Kayla’s bookshelf!

“I don’t know how I ended up collecting so many, but I just bought one edition and then I just kept finding new, prettier ones and before I knew it, any time I was at a second-hand bookstore or a book fair I was looking out for another copy,” says Kayla, who now owns 21 di erent copies of the novel.

Her favourite though, says Kayla, would


have to be a graphic novel adaptation given to her as a wedding gift by her maidof-honour.

Long before she fell for the charms of Mr Darcy, Kayla says it was the bedtime stories read to her by her grandmother that

sparked a life-long love for reading and for books.

“Nan would always read us books before we went to sleep,” recalls Kayla fondly, “but it was also Beatrix Potter — that just made me fall in love with them.”

Makeataxdeductibledonationto veritashouse.org.au/donate/transitional-youth-housing-appeal/
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 Community LiFE TransitionalYouthHousing
“Homelessnessischaotic. TransitionalHousingallowsa persontocomeupforair.Itis aspaceforsomeonetocatch theirbreathandplanwhat happensnext.”
Emily,formerVeritasHouse serviceuser

“The interest will always be there for the old school tie!”

Seven decades after his own outing on the Astley Cup sporting field, former Orange High School Captain, Leigh Knight, still feels that ‘Cup’ spirit.

A retired school principal, Leigh, 92, was the Orange High School captain in his graduating year of 1947.

“In the old high school up, on the March and Sales street corner, Gwynn George and myself were school captains,” recalls Leigh.

“Astely Cup was always big back in those days,” he says of the eight-sport inter-school competition which runs into its hundredth year in 2023, making it one of Australia’s longest-running sporting fixtures.

“Rivalry, friendly rivalry, was very important to us, although all centres have their own strengths.

“Dubbo for example,” continues Leigh, “were always strong in tennis; we could never beat them… Orange was always

strong in hockey and basketball, which my Dad coached for 20 years.”

The school was much smaller then, of course, says Leigh, and perhaps more tightknit as a result. But there was always plenty of school spirit at Astley Cup time.

“My part in it, I played in the 1947 football team, Astely Cup, lock forward... I was useless,” Leigh confesses with a chuckle. Rugby Union has now been replaced by Rugby League in the competition.

“I was pretty useless, but it was what we did in those days, we participated and we did our best… and we did take home the cup that year!”

While Leigh’s career took him away from Orange to schools all over the state, he’s always kept an interest in the results of the Astley Cup.

“Although being aged, I’m 92 now… I can’t get to see a lot of the things that I would like to go and see, but the interest will always be there for the old school tie.”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 15 Community LiFE
92-year-old Leigh Knight, Orange High School Captain in 1947, pictured with current vice-captain Harry Jackson and school captain Isabella Webster.

Your 5 Minute Financial Health Check

As we near the halfway mark of another year, now’s a great time to do a quick fiveminute financial health check.

And if you need a little bit of motivation to do so, have a think about this:

How many years have you already been working?

How many years until you’d like to retire?

Just imagine how much money has already passed through your fingers. Do you feel like you have enough to show for all your hard work? Does this make you think seriously about what you need to do to make the most of the working years you have left to set yourself up for when you hope to stop working?

Here are a few quick questions to answer to get a handle on where some of the gaps may be in your financial plan…

Q 1: Do you have clear financial goals? Statistics show that you could potentially create NINE TIMES more wealth by

formulating clear goals, writing them down and reviewing them on a regular basis.

Q 2: Do you know your net worth?

Your net worth is your assets minus your liabilities, and gives you a clear picture of what you have achieved financially. It helps you see where you are now and see the path required to where you need to get to.

Q 3: Do you have a system for tracking your spending?

Most of us have a pretty good sense of what money’s coming in, but it’s common these days for people to not have great oversight over where their money goes. This is perhaps the greatest difference between those who do well with money and those who don’t.

Q 4: Do you know your debt trajectory?

Debt is almost unavoidable for anyone who wants to own a home. However, how much you borrow, what interest rate you pay and how long it takes to pay it back, can mean hundreds of thousands of dollars difference in the long run.

Q 5: Are you maximising your super?

Super is so poorly understood, but it needn’t be that way. It’s actually pretty simple… it’s just a tax-effective way to own investments that will help pay for your retirement. And you have enormous control over it. Use it to your advantage and you will likely retire well. Ignore it at your peril!

Q 6: Are you investing wisely?

Many people invest on gut feel or follow what others they know do. Or, these days, are guided by social media. Others just never get around to investing. Like with super, investing is easier than you probably think. Invest wisely and you can take advantage of the power of compound returns.

Q 7: Are you properly protected?

Insurance is one of those things none of us love paying for. But some are more important than others. . If you have a partner and/or dependent kids, and if you have an income that you couldn’t live without, then not being properly insured leaves

you exposed to financial ruin in the event something goes wrong. Get protected!

Q 8: Do you have a will?

Statistics suggest that around half of all adults in Australia die without a will. What a mess that leaves! None of us want to think about dying, but getting a proper will (and some other estate planning measures in place) is thinking about those we leave behind.


If you can’t categorically answer “Yes” to all of these questions, then that would suggest you have some important things that need to be addressed. Then the question becomes: how long will it be before you take action?

A five-minute financial health check… It could be the most important five minutes of your life. If you think your financial health could use some help, reach out for a free initial appointment.

16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 We do your return, and email you a copy. Sign it from your phone! 2 Feeling the squeeze? ? Call, email, text or We’ll ask questions, answer any of yours and get to work. 1 You’re done! We deduct our fee, deposit the balance into your account. Now get yourself a real cuppa! 3 Get the most out of your tax. 6361 0735 @maddenpartners james@maddenpartners.com.au Our accountants and tax agents help you navigate things while we all tighten our belts. Get the right advice and maximise your return. We specialise in tax returns –face to face or remotely, we’ll save you time and money. maddenpartners.com.au Your 5 Minute Financial Health Check LET’S TALK MONEY with DANIEL MCGREGOR If you’d like to find out more about how INDEPENDENT financial advice could help you manage cash flow, pay off the mortgage faster, get the most out of super and invest wisely, then get in touch on 0411 484 464 or head to wealthtrain.com.au. This advice may not be suitable to you because it contains general advice which does not take into consideration any of your personal circumstances. All strategies and information provided are general advice only. DANIEL MCGREGOR AND WEALTH TRAIN ARE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES OF INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE & EDUCATION AFSL 520963
Cheers, Daniel

Andrew GEE MP


Last week I joined fellow Lions Club members in honouring Bob Cleal who was awarded his Lions 50-Year Medallion. This recognises five decades of service to Lions.

The Lions motto is ‘We Serve’, and this motto has characterised Bob’s life. He has given selflessly to make Orange, our region, and our country a better place.

By his side has been his wife Barbara, who has also given selflessly to our community. District Governor Mike Ryan was on hand for the official presentation, as was Orange Lions President Debbie Butwell and many other Lions and family members.

Congratulations Bob and Barbara! Our community is very grateful for your many years of service, and it is very much appreciated.


Congratulations to all of our local residents who were awarded King’s Birthday Honours this year. This is very fitting and deserving recognition for all the important work and contributions they have made to our region.

• Dr Elizabeth Barrett AM, of Perthville, for significant service to rural and remote medicine in various roles

• Mr Ken Barwick OAM, of O’Connell, for service to secondary education

• Mrs Lyn Brady OAM, of Bathurst, for service to the community of Bathurst

• The Late Mr Allan Garside OAM, for service to football

• Mr Ernest Shave OAM, of Orange, for service to the community of Orange

• Dr Gregory Smith OAM, of Orange, for service to the community through social welfare organisations

• Mr David Veness OAM, of Bathurst, for service to people living wih Parkinson’s disease

• Mr Gregory Rushton ACM, of Ponto, for distinguished service in civilian corrections for adults

• Lieutenant Colonel Scott Fletcher CSM, of Orange, for devotion to duty as the Chief of Staff within Headquarters Joint Task Group 6291 during Operation COVID 19 ASSIST and Operation NSW FLOOD ASSIST 21 from January to November 2021



Congratulations to all of the very impressive finalists and winners on a job well done!

The Apprentice of the Year award went to Caroline Morris from Bathurst. Throughout her apprenticeship at Newcrest Mining, Caroline has demonstrated extreme dedication! She also completed her Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade, at Tafe NSW. Congrats Caroline!

The School Based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year went to Luka Smith from Orange. Whilst attending High School, Luka is undertaking a Certificate II in Engineering. Also, Luka participated in Regional Development Australia’s Ten4Ten Program last year. What an impressive young man!

I also enjoyed chatting to Blayney’s Callie Hutchings and her Dad. Callie is a finalist in the School Based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year and has a very bright future in health and medicine! Her friends, family and Blayney High must also be very proud!

Thank you to Judy Doulman and the organising committtee, the sponsors, employers and training organisations for a night to remember!

Over the long weekend, thousands of visitors flocked to Orange for the State Under 13s Rugby Championships hosted by Orange City Junior Rugby.

Five hundred players registered for the tournament, which was taken out by Parramatta Two Blues over Sydney’s Southern Districts.

It was an honour to join Orange City Councillor Tammy Greenhalgh to help with the official presentations.

I would like to congratulate competition manager Penny Fisher and everyone at Orange City Rugby, plus all the helpers and sponsors for making the weekend such a success. It was a huge boost for the

local economy, and a wonderful way to promote the sport of rugby in our region. A tournament of this scale does not happen without the support of so many volunteers, and I would like to acknowledge them for all of their hard work. The tournament was outstanding, and all of the visitors certainly enjoyed their stay.

Congratulations to the winning side!

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 17 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800.
There were
week in Bathurst we celebrated the outstanding achievements of the 26 finalists in the Western NSW Training Awards!
many inspirational stories revealed during the presentation
RUGBY CHAMPIONSHIPS A HUGE SUCCESS! 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 ORANGE 2800 (02) 6361 7138 andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au www.andrewgeemp.com.au ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE
Country Your Voice
ORANGE √ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and research centre √ $34.8 million for Dixons Long Point Crossing √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the Central West √ $1.9 million for The Orchard crisis accommodation centre √ $2 billion for Great Western Highway upgrade √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma Park dam wall at Orange √ Federal Regional Investment Corporation established and based in Orange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder Road project √ Dept of Infrastructure branch moved to Orange √ $2 million for the Forest Road Bridge duplication √ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short Grove Aged Care facility √ $100,000 for new stadium seating at Wade Park √ $3 million for a second radiotherapy unit at Orange Health Service √ $10 million for the Orange Conservatorium & Planetarium √ 24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region √ $14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange √ Bat/hail netting funding for local orchardists √ $1.2 million for CCTV in Orange, Bathurst and Wellington √ 47 mobile phone towers and base stations across Calare For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare Authorised by Andrew Gee MP, Suite 1/179A Anson Street, Orange, NSW 2800.
Andrew with Jenny Fisher and Tammy Greenhalgh Andrew with OAM recipient Mr David Veness Andrew with Bob Cleal and members of the Orange Lions Club Andrew with Callie Hutchings and her Dad Andrew with local award winners Caroline Morris and Luka Smith

Thursday June 15

Metropolitan Hotel

Live music every Thursday, 8pm til late. Free entry!

Friday June 16

The Greenhouse

Neil Gill Live in the Cocktail Bar, 7pm

Metropolitan Hotel

Live music every Friday, 8pm til late. Free entry!


The Palms Canowindra Twilight Markets, 4pm

Saturday June 17

Orange City Bowling Club

Sydney Hotshots, 7pm

Orange Civic Theatre

Celtic Illusion – The Magic Returns, 7.30pm

Orange Regional Conservatorium

Choral Gala, 5pm

Metropolitan Hotel

Live music every Friday, 8pm til late. Free entry!

Bell Shakespeare presents Twelfth


A fresh retelling of the Bard’s rioutous romantic comedy

Bell Shakespeare’s fresh retelling of Shakespeare’s romantic comedy Twelfth Night is a dark collision of hidden identities and unrequited love.

Viola is shipwrecked and believes her twin Sebastian has been lost to the ocean. Washed up in a strange new land, determined to survive, Viola disguises herself as a man named Cesario and finds work with Duke Orsino, only to fall head over heels in love with him.

But Orsino is in love with Olivia, who – grieving for her brother – refuses all offers of romance.

The Greenhouse

Kent Eastwood Live in the Cocktail Bar, 7pm

Club Millthorpe

Open Mic Night, 7pm


Cumnock Markets, 9am

Victoria Hotel

Toni and Lenny, 8pm til late

Sunday June 18

Club Millthorpe

Acoustic Sunday, 2.45pm

Orange Regional Conservatorium

Orange Youth Orchestra Concerto Concert, 3pm

Coming Events

June 23

Until, that is, she meets ‘Cesario’ for the first time. A whirlwind of passion ensues, leaving no one unaffected, not even Olivia’s prudish housekeeper Malvolia.

Featuring all-new music by Sarah Blasko, Twelfth Night ultimately asks us to find light in the darkness.

See Bell Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night at the Orange Civic Theatre 7.30pm Friday, July 28 and Saturday, July 29. Tickets at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

The Greenhouse Megan Woods Live in the Cocktail Bar

June 24

Orange Civic Theatre Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow

The Greenhouse Clancy Pye Live in the Cocktail Bar

June 25

Kinross Wolaroi School Derek Pigot Auditorium

Orange Symphony Orchestra presents At The Movies

July 6

Orange Civic Theatre Queen Bohemian Rhapsody

18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 What’s HAPPENING

Unashamedly feel-good musical The Sunshine Club in Orange this August

Set in 1946, the joyful and acclaimed musical The Sunshine Club, tells the story of Aboriginal soldier Frank Doyle, who returns home to Brisbane from the battlefields of Europe to find that, while the world may have changed, the same attitudes and prejudices still exist at home.

But this only fills Frank with a strong desire to change things for the better and so he sets up The Sunshine Club, a place where all people are welcome to come together, laugh, romance and dance the night away. Frank also sets out to win the heart of Rose, the girl from next door…

The Sunshine Club is a gloriously energetic, thought-provoking and, above all, entertaining night of theatre!

See The Sunshine Club at the Orange Civic Theatre, 7.30pm Tuesday, August 22. Tickets at Ticketek or call Orange Civic Theatre on 6393 8111.

Australia’s biggest comedy festival


the laughs to Orange, June 24

Australia’s biggest comedy festival is hitting the road for a huge 25th year!

Featuring the best and brightest of the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, they’re bringing the funny to you!

Get ready for a night of laughs with with MC Brett Blake alongside, Blake Freeman, Chris Ryan, Matt Ford, and Prue Blake.

So, get some mates together, book your tickets and head out for a much needed comedy fix when the Roadshow hits Orange on June 24.

*Performances often contain coarse language, adult themes, sexual references and material that may offend. The show is recommended for people aged 15 years or older.

Catch the 2023 Melbourne International Comedy Festival at the Orange Civic Theatre on Saturday, June 24 at 8pm.

Ticket at Ticketek or call 6393 8111.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 19 PROUD TO BE A PUB OPEN 7 DAYS 107 BYNG STREET 6362 1353 WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU ESCAPE THE COLD! Why not drop in and enjoy the best pub wood fire in Orange ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY AT 8PM Live Free Entry Conditions apply: customers will be required to purchase a beverage 18 LUNCH AND DINNER wItH yoURCHoICE of SAUCE (DIANE, MUSHRooM, pEppER oR gRAVy) + CHIpS & VEg oR CHIpS & SALAD $ SCHNITZEL MADNESS SATURDAY CHICKEN pARMy oR tHE goDfAtHER beer month Hahn Super Dry Range ON TAP AND TAKEAWAY of the
Peter Son - Chef Peter Son is so passionate about making the best Korean fried chicken you’ve ever tasted he’s willing to put his name on it. Originally from South Korea, Peter moved to NAME ADDRESS Café Latte Uniting Church, 217 Anson Street, Orange Coco’s Café 37 William Street, Orange Eat Botanic 302 Hill Street, Orange (next to adventure playground) 6361 0005 Nile Street Café 49 Nile Street, Orange The Mills 1/179 Byng Street, Orange The Middle Co ee Shop Level 3 Orange Central Square Shopping Centre 0400 191 475 The Barrel 146 Bathurst Road, Orange (Ibis Motel) 6362 6033
Let’s Feast @ Peter’s Fried Chicken
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 21 ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. *HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 15th - 21st June 2023 redeem your vouchers for Odegift cards. ������ only redeem voucher per ORDER TICKETS ONLINE WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU FOR MORE INFO CONTACT CINEMA 155 MINS Thurs 8 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Fri 9 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Sat 10 th 10.00, 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Sun 11 th 10.00, 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Mon 12 th 12.15, 2.45, 5.15, 7.45 Tues13 th 12.30, 3.00, 5.30, 8.00 Wed 14 th 12.30, 3.15, 5.45, 8.00 THURS, FRI, TUE 4.30 SAT, MON 4.45 SUN 5.00 WED 3.00 156 MINS FAST X GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY 164 MINS THURS, SAT, SUN, MON, TUES 8.00 FRI 11.00, 8.00 WED 12.00 LITTLE MERMAID 150 MINS DAILY 11.00, 2.00, 5.00, 8.15 NEW 102 MINS Thurs 15 th 10.00, 1.30, 5.00, 7.30 Fri 16 h 10.00, 1.30, 5.00, 7.30 Sat 17 th 10.00, 1.30, 5.00, 7.45 Sun 18 th 10.00, 1.30, 5.00, 7.45 Mon 19 th 10.00, 1.30, 5.00, 7.45 Tues 20 th 10.00, 1.30, 5.00, 7.30 Wed 21 st 10.00, 1.30, 5.00, 7.30 FLASH --- MINS THE JESUS REVOLUTION FRI, SUN, TUE 10.00 135 MINS JOHN FARNHAM FINDING THE VOICE THURS, MON, TUE, WED 10.00 SAT 12.15 135 MINS BOOK CLUB THE NEXT CHAPTER THURS, MON, WED 10.00 123 MINS THE BOOGEYMAN THURS, TUE 12.30 FRI 2.15 SAT, MON 2.30 SUN 2.45 113 MINS PHOTO ID REQUIRED THE 102 MINS Thurs 15 th 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 Fri 16 h 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 Sat 17 th 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 Sun 18 th 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 Mon 19 th 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 Tues 20 th 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 Wed 21 st 10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 8.00 SPIDER-MAN 155 MINS ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE NEW SUPER MARIO BROS SAT 10.00 SUN 12.30 MON 12.15 107 MINS WATANDAR MY COUNTRYMAN WED 6.00 82 MINS NEW $10 TIX $10 TIX TICKETS VIA OUR WEBSITE NOT FOR SALE AT CANDY BAR

OCLife Scene

The OCLife scene of recent parties, concerts, celebrations and events



Proud sponsors of OCLife’s “Volunteer of the Month” Award

22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023
the local community...
Social SCENE
PHOTOS BY HENRY DEROOY Orange City Life photographer Henry De Rooy swung by the Metropolitan Hotel on Saturday, where locals and visitors were making the most of their long weekend with a cold beverage and a big line-up of live music. Zac Bower and Cassie Hasson Raeleen and Tony Dess Helen Crouch, Irena Liddell and Chris Spackman Mark Wilson, Adam Vennard and Richard Spence Nathan Penny, Bodee Towle, Liam Bombilovski, Brad Williams, Luke Penny and Aaron Penny Sarah Nanch Bruce and Doreen Williamson



Orange City Council is calling for expressions of interest to establish and operate a permanent indoor playground in Orange.

Council wants to hear from parties interested in providing an indoor playground primarily for children aged up to 13 years, for a minimum of six years. Respondents may also wish to include a secondary play area for children aged 13 to 16.

Orange Mayor Jason Hamling said the facility should meet the needs of our growing city and flourishing visitor economy.

“The temporary playground that was set up at the Orange Indoor Tennis Club last winter was very popular with children and carers, especially at the coldest time of the year when a warm,

dry location was the preferred option,” Cr Hamling said.

“Now, Council is looking for something more permanent, with imaginative and inspiring elements, which can be operated all year round and provides a

safe, inclusive environment for children, families and carers to meet and socialise.”

Council is willing to work with prospective operators and to provide support for the establishment and

operation of the facility.

The design of the play space should include a broad range of accessible elements that offer physical, social and solo play, sensory and cognitive activities and free space, taking into consideration the NSW Department of Planning’s ‘Everyone Can Play’ guidelines.

Ideally the playground would include ancillary features such as café facilities, tables and seating for adults, and the ability to conduct birthday parties. Expressions of interest will close at 5pm on Friday 30 June. For information contact Orange City Council’s Community, Recreational and Cultural Services Director Scott Maunder on 0418 919 120 or email smaunder@orange.nsw.gov.au.


Orange has some fantastic examples of older buildings that have been beautifully restored and revitalised.

Nominate them for Orange City Council’s 2023 Cultural Heritage Awards.

The biennial awards aim to recognise and encourage outstanding contributions to cultural heritage conservation.

Orange Mayor Jason Hamling said the awards were about acknowledging the commitment made by property owners in maintaining and conserving the city’s older buildings and building community interest in the city’s heritage.

“It’s great to see when someone takes the time to care for older buildings and takes pride in heritage

conservation,” Cr Hamling said. Nominations can be made in eight categories:

• Restoration of a residential heritage building, including streetscape element restoration

• Adaptive reuse of an existing building

• Infill development - a new building in an existing heritage streetscape including unit duplex developments

• Best heritage treatment of a commercial building

• Best work on a heritage building in Lucknow, Spring Hill or a rural area within the Orange LGA

• Best conservation or improvements to landscape/garden design which is

appropriate to its environment

• Best Improvements to a building which is under 50 years of age

• Best individual or group contribution to the cultural heritage of Orange.

Projects must have been completed within the last five years and projects that have previously won one of these awards are ineligible to enter.

“Entries can come from property owners, family or friends who have watched a restoration project develop or it could also be from a builder or tradesman who has worked on a project, however, it’s important to get the permission of the owner before you put in an entry,’ Cr Hamling said.

The deadline for entries is 5pm, Friday 14 July 2023. Nomination forms and more information is available from the Orange Civic Centre, Orange City Library or online at https://www.orange.nsw.gov.au/our-heritage/awards/

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 23 www.orange.nsw.gov.au | Find us on social media @ Orange City Council YOUR LOCAL COUNCIL
PLAY SPACE: Council is looking for a permanent indoor playground, which can be operated year-round. Nominate a project that takes pride in heritage conservation for Council’s Cultural Heritage Awards.


24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 Social SCENE
Orange Ex-Services’ Club hosted Playwell Events annual Brick Show over the long weekend, June 10–11. Lego fans of all ages enjoyed the spectacular models on display and got hands-on at the popular play tables. Sam Riley from Orange with his models Lucia Varian with the Lego Red Bull Car Matt and Liam Scott with Jonah Vaghan with some of Matt’s models Ana Roy and Lena Jones Sophia, Jack and Ben Simpson Luca and Phil Roy Madeleine Russell, Grace Monaghan, Josie Hamer and Addie Delbridge Eva and Amelia Watson Grace and Kristy Gardiner


Spring Hill Public School enjoyed a massive day of adventure in Orange, with the whole school joining in the fun!

First stop on the excursion day saw students exploring the magical world of books at Orange Library, before taking in the beautiful art collection at Orange Regional Art Gallery and delving into stories behind the interesting items displayed at the Orange Regional Museum.

To finish off their fabulous day the kids had an absolute ball taking on the incredible Ninja Warrior course at Central West Gymsport; the students cheering each other on with huge smiles on their faces as they tried to “beat the wall” on the ninja Warrior course.

Bridge is a stimulating, challenging game and Orange Bridge Club is very proactive in encouraging new members, regularly conducting a series of beginner lessons and supervised play sessions. For more information please contact Dorothy Woodside on 63628218 or Christine Kershaw on 0458 623 029.



“Woohoo! Long Weekend!” I announce on Friday afternoon. “Does anyone know whose birthday Australia is celebrating?”

“The Queen,” says routine-loving Miss 14.

“The King,” corrects Hubby.

“Mine, obviously,” declares Miss-almost-Nine, who doesn’t appear to be growing out of her megalomaniac tendencies.

I carefully explain to her that although her birthday is very exciting, this weekend involves our annual tradition of homemade crowns, high tea, games and fancy dress. This placates her, because although she’d love it to be about her, she is easily cheered up with glitter glue and gold plates.

“How fancy are we talking?” Miss Eight asks.

“And,” she continues, leaning across Hubby to get closer to me for her very important question, “What colour ties does Dad own?”

Instead of yelling about not being in charge of everyone else’s wardrobes, I take a deep breath and calmly remind her she could ask someone else that.

“Dad,” she begins, beaming because she figured out the right person all on her own. “Can you ask Mum what colour ties you have?”

After a quick trip to the craft supply store for jewelled stickers, we sit down to construct crowns. Miss Eight produces a list of non-negotiable design parameters: they have to fit around our heads; be tucked into our ears; be colourful, but not garish; have symmetrical spikes; and the stickers must be placed in ascending order of size.She then sweetly hands Hubby a crown that she’d premade for him.

I’m torn between feelings of jealousy, because most of his work was done for him, and pity, because she’s clearly deemed him incompetent and not to be trusted with his own crown.

Immediately, Miss Eight starts shouting at him for his sub-par glitter glue technique, and so the three of us settle into our usual “support the other hostages and just do what she says so she’ll release us” family dynamic. Baking is next. Hubby decides to ramp up our usual banana bread with walnuts, dark chocolate and coffee, while I take the far easier option of a melt and mix Mars bar slice with extra mini Mars bars for bribery purposes.

The dressing-up bit is forgotten amid an afternoon of board/card games. We love doing this as a family, but like most families, it only ever ends one of two ways: Either in fits of laughter, with warm feelings of love and a mutual wonder of why we don’t do this more often; Or with bitter accusations of cheating, Monopoly boards thrown and a mutual astonishment of why we do we put ourselves through this so often.

We tempt fate by starting with Uno, which turns out to be OK. I realise that our little Miss almost-Nine actually hasn’t thrown a full tantrum about losing for a while… Hey, maybe we’re past that!

“Up next is Celebrity Head,” I say to three blank stares, watching as one of which (Hubby’s) turns quickly to bewilderment, then panic as he realises I’m introducing a new game to an afternoon that’s going well.

In the first two rounds, we play as different celebrities, which is fun, but we then move on to the wildcard category of “people we know.” I end up as Miss Eight’s lovely teacher, Miss Eight is me and both Miss 14 and Hubby are Grandma. I have never laughed so much in my life and I can’t recommend this game enough for other families. We stay in character for our tea party and although the days of little girls dressing up like princesses and watching princess cartoons are behind us, having fun with a tween and a teen is just as special.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 25
Social SCENE
26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 ON SALE FROM WEDNESDAY 14 TH JUNE UNTIL TUESDAY 20 TH JUNE 2023 Specials available from Wednesday 14/06/23 until Tuesday 20/06/23 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS13144_140623 Hot PRICE! HASS AVOCADOS Australian 2 $250for Single Sell $1.50 Coca-Cola 24x375mL Selected Varieties $2.44 per Litre Huggies Nappy Pants 24-36 Pack Selected Varieties $13 ea SAVE $9 $22 ea SAVE $14.70 Smith’s or Doritos Corn Chips 130-175g Selected Varieties Campbell's Chunky or Country Ladle Canned Soup 495-505g Selected Varieties 45¢ per 100g $225 ea $240 ea Pedigree Dentastix Daily Oral Care 28 Pack Selected Varieties Primo Short Cut Rindless Bacon 750g $11 per kg Nescafé Original or Espresso Blend 43 Coffee 500g $3.40 per 100g $17 ea SAVE $11.60 $1550 ea SAVE $7 $825 ea SAVE $7.25 Darrell Lea or Life Savers Share Pack 120-280g Selected Varieties Garnier Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner 315mL Selected Varieties $1.27 per 100mL Arnott's Chocolate Biscuits 160-250g Selected Varieties OMO Expert Laundry Liquid 2 Litre, Powder 2kg or 28 Capsules Selected Varieties Twinings Tea Bags 80-100 Pack Selected Varieties $1450 ea $225 ea $245 ea $675 ea $4 ea 50% Off GARNIER



Come and See it For Yourself

Located in one of Orange’s most popular areas, this huge house is all about flexible space. There are four bedrooms with an option for a fifth bedroom or a third living area depending on how you utilise one of the versatile rooms at the front of the home. This home has character about it from its unique façade to the sunken lounge with vaulted ceiling and timber features, formal dining area and updated kitchen. The main bedroom has an ensuite and all the bedrooms are a great size, with three opening onto the balcony to enjoy the northern sun. The house has been freshened up recently and there is a powder room, gas log fire plus reverse cycle split systems and plantation shutters. Outside is a delight with beautiful leafy trees and gardens and a yard that is easy care. The timber deck is a wonderful place to enjoy the outdoors and you would never guess that there is an inground swimming pool underneath that is currently used as a water tank but could be converted back to a pool.

Price Guide: $899,000-$949,000

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 27 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times 42.52 16 PANPANDE CRESCENT BEST PROPERTIES BEST AGENTS FOR THIS WEEK’S LATEST LISTINGS www.orangecitylife.com.au JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789

39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 |


653 24


RARE FIND! Multiple Living Zones

Fresh off the back of an extensive renovation is this fabulous family home that offers the perfect solution for those looking for a home which is versatile and rich in individuality. It is a rare find and really lends itself to multi-generational living or those looking for a big bang on their investment.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times



Immaculate Inside and Out

You would be hard pressed to find a home more immaculate than this one. Set on a 930 sqm block in a quiet street, this attractive brick home with a fantastic three bay shed is a real winner. All you have to do is move in and enjoy.

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948

Rural Life Within Your Reach

Properties like this 100 acre parcel of land don’t often come along. This property with its usable arable land, Molong Creek frontage, classic farmhouse with verandah plus plenty of additional infrastructure offers an enticing combination of lifestyle and small scale farming. Create that rural lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.




A New Lifestyle Awaits

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Price: $1,650,000


Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

Price: $599,000

On 2.5 acres in a blue-ribbon location this sweet cottage is dressed in an array of colour, with rustic wooden clad walls and polished timber floorboards, and has a sense of individuality and charm. There is also a 2nd building which is currently set up as the highly regarded restaurant “Fiorini’s”.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948

Expressions of Interest

28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023
Price Guide: $790,000-$820,000 NEW LISTING
Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times Viewing by appointment


More Than Meets the Eye

In a lovely street, around the corner from Bletchington School, this home has a few nice surprises, like two living areas, that you wouldn’t normally expect in a property at this price point. Outside is a double garage, with an adjoining workshop/storage/studio plus there’s another versatile shed, water tank and low maintenance yard.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times

A Beautiful Lifestyle Awaits

Situated in the blue-ribbon location of Borenore, this sensational seven-acre property is just 10 minutes from Orange. The home sits pretty as a picture, elevated with rolling views back towards Mt Canobolas and the acreage borders two travelling stock reserves. It’s rare such opportunities arrive within this price-point.

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Spick and Span

Here is a wonderful opportunity to own a very neat and tidy house with two living areas for under $500,000. You’ll love that is freshly painted with new carpet and a brand new kitchen. It’s bound to get a lot of interest at this price – inspections are easily arranged.

Open Homes: Saturday 25 March 9.30-10.00

Classic Country

The classic country wrap-around verandah on this lovely home is the perfect place to unwind after a hard day’s work and the house boasts a huge open plan kitchen, dining and living area at its heart. This property on 1,228 sqm is sure to appeal to a wide range of buyers.

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ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 29
Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789
$615,000 422
Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price Guide: $549,000 - $569,000 312 16 FOX AVENUE
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 Price: $449,000 311 43 MAXWELL AVENUE
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948
Guide: $1,050,000-$1,150,000 426 1553 AMAROO




Big, Flat Block


to Go

Nestled away in the quiet country town of Cargo, this is 2,000 m² block is flat and ready to build on. The property has town water available and power at the front gate. Leave your car at home as the property is within easy walking distance to the local amenities.

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A Stunning Slice of Paradise

This property is, in a word, stunning. You will feel like you’re in your own slice of paradise in this gorgeous home surrounded by garden, bushland and farmlands. The views are spectacular and you will never tire of the peace and serenity that comes hand in hand with a property like this.

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948

Price: $215,000

Sun Trap

In a superb location, nestled at the end of the cul-de-sac, this generous home is perfect for the large family. You’ll be blown away by the multiple living zones and enjoy the wonderful inside/ outside living partitioned perfectly by the north-facing sunroom extending to the al fresco area and private backyard beyond.

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times

Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948

Price: $769,000



Versatile in Nature

Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789

This is a great home with a flexible floorplan giving space, functionality and potential in one neat package. The layout allows for versatility to adapt to the nature of your lifestyle, ensuring there is ample space for everyone whether a growing family, a couple or an individual. Endless possibilities are on offer.

Contact: Chris Mason 0438 629 417

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View by appointment

Price Guide: $1,200,000-$1,300,000

Scan QR Code to see all Open House Times

Price: $529,000

30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023

Grand Design, Grand Proportions

This impressive home is set on 2621m2 of beautifully private manicured grounds with outstanding district views. For those luxurious lifestyle lovers searching for a relaxing retreat, this beautifully maintained home, in the premier Wentworth Estate, might just be it. If you’ve been looking for a really special home the wait is over.

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Sanctuary Found

As the weather cools, homes like this that offer a north-eastern suntrap in the main living areas are in high demand. So much roomier then most two-bedders and with a private, low maintenance yard this lovely home is perfect for the first home buyer, investor or downsizer.

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Effortlessly Liveable

This is a lovely unit that offers one of the best floor plans available within the complex. The open-plan living area is incredibly spacious and private, the kitchen is large, there are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a handy study nook and a private yard with concreted area with awning.


Great Shed

This home, with its tastefully updated kitchen and bathroom, is perfect for a first home buyer or investor. The big jobs inside have been done and the block is a very manageable 493 sqm in size. The backyard has a great shed with a covered patio area offering a shady spot to sit in summer.

Renovated – under $650,000!

Renovated and ready to live in, the work has all been done with a lovely new kitchen and tastefully renovated bathrooms. Located in the Calare area within a few minutes’ walk to nearby schools - this home is the perfect property for a young family to move straight in and enjoy.

wide block in the heart of Spring Hill. This home is so pretty and has so much to offer someone wanting the peace and tranquillity of village living. You can truly make this your own hideaway from the hustle and bustle of life.

Are you looking for a project that is ripe for renovation? This might be the ideal property for you. Located in the south-east Orange area, this house has 3 bedrooms, 2 living areas, 2 toilets, tandem garage and undercover area plus a series of sheds. If you’re serious about renovating, inspect this property.

All Wrapped Up with A Ribbon on It

If you have a love for homes full of character, this historic homestead is fully restored with many original features and a sense of grandeur and space. On a half-acre block and renovated to an impeccably high standard, it’s not often a home of this calibre comes onto the market.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 31
ORANGE | 6363 1000 |
Ripe For Renovation
27 Churchill Avenue $399,000 Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 312
10 Lucknow Street, Spring Hill $750,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 326
Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 Price: Contact Agent 435 10 CLAREMONT WAY
Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948
$639,000 221
5 Waratah Avenue Price Guide: $599,000-$620,000 Contact: Adam Savage 0419 232 416 421
33 North Street Price: $399,000 Contact: Jacob Evans 0428 130 789 221
14/211 Hill Street Price: $609,000 Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 321
29 Belmore Street, Cargo Price Guide: $750,000-$799,000 Contact: Michael Wright 0421 360 948 525
32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 Orange Property MARKET Five bright, beautiful bedrooms in North Orange — don’t let this one pass you by! This generous five-bedroom home is located on a large 914 square metre block in a quiet and established street in North Orange. 3 Agate Street, Orange $860,000 DRAMATIC NEW PRICE! Owners are committed to selling 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU PETER FISHER Property Management TEAM Our goal is to maximise your return through: 3 Expert knowledge 3 A proactive approach 3 Strong communication 3 Comprehensive marketing campaign 3 Problem solving 3 Continuous improvement 3 Streamlined processes using specialised technology 3 Dedication to maximising your asset We believe that experience, knowledge and communication are the most important elements of successfully managing an investment property. Our philosophy is simple: To look after your property as if it were our own For a list of available rental properties scan here: 6363 1000

Designed with livability in mind, the pleasing neutral palette and nine-foot ceilings emphasise the light and airy feel of this lovely home.

Offering plenty of space, this generous home includes a formal lounge/dining room adjoining the light-filled foyer, which could also be used as a media room.

But what makes this property special is the huge family room — perfect for entertaining guests or the extended family, which leads out onto the covered alfresco area.

The kitchen features quality stainless steel appliances throughout and the generous benchtop also provides the

perfect space for use as a breakfast bar.

The main bedroom has a stylish ensuite and roomy walk-in closet, while the remaining four bedrooms are serviced by a huge family bathroom with full-sized tub and are separate to the living areas. There is plenty of scope for any of these to be as either bedrooms or a playroom, gym or study.

The neatly landscaped backyard has established, lowmaintenance plantings with enough space left over for a family game of cricket or for the kids to run around with the dog.

And it is all within an easy drive of Bunnings, North Orange Shopping Centre, Orange Botanic Gardens, the Adventure Playground and Waratah sporting grounds!

Five-bedroom houses are difficult to find — don’t let this one pass you by!

Contact Scott Munro at LJ Hooker Orange on 0428 650 675.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 33 8 SAWYER STREET, BARRY 10 RODD STREET, CARCOAR This large 4 bedroom home is located in the village of Barry. With only a short drive to Blayney. FOR SALE $780,000 - $820,000 FOR SALE $850,000 CONTACT: TOM SHEEHAN 0414 418 232, tom@williamsmachin.com.auCONTACT: TOM SHEEHAN 0414 418 232, tom@williamsmachin.com.au PH 02 6362 6966 37 SALE STREET, ORANGE WWW.WILLIAMSMACHIN.COM.AU 3.5 acres (on 7 individual titles) in the gorgeous historical town of Carcoar. With water on the boundary and power just across the road this block has endless opportunities. You will find a pear tree, 2 apple trees, 2 plumb trees and a dam with beautiful views.
generous size bedrooms, all with builtins
Main bedroom has ensuite
Open plan kitchen, dining and lounge room
Office space with entry internally or externally
Large 2nd lounge room/adults
• 2 x wood fire places
Split system reverse cycle air conditioner Orange Property MARKET

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258


Expertly built by one of Orange’s life long builders is this impressive four bedroom home. You will be impressed as soon as you walk in the front door with the old world look featuring pressed metal, picture rails and beautiful floor tiles.

• 4 bedrooms, 3 with built ins and the master has en-suite and walk in.

• Open plan kitchen/dining/family which opens onto the covered alfresco.

• Beautiful kitchen with stone tops, soft close furniture, 900mm cooker and walk in pantry.

• 3 way bathroom with lovely tiling a feature and bath for the kids.

• Ducted heating throughout, attached garage with indoor access, fully fenced.


This is a regretful sale for the owners of this lovely three bedroom cottage, they have put so much into the property and have plans drawn up for an extension and then had to move to another city. For sale is one of the original Westlea properties on a huge 904sqm (approx.) block of land, close to the town centre, Duntryleague and in the popular Orange High school zone.

• 3 Large bedrooms, large lounge/family room, dining room, raised deck at rear of house

• Ducted gas heating throughout, 6.25KW (16 Panels) solar panels, A/C split system

• New colorbond gutters and fascias, major electrical and plumbing upgrade

• Landscaped gardens, dual access to the block, great for caravan or trailers

• Pizza oven, fruit trees including fig, cider apple and Mulberry

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 OPEN

way, orange

9 bella vista close, orange



CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590




This generous home on a large block, is located in a quiet cul-de-sac in the popular Orange High school zone, close to town and Duntryleague golf club. The property has been in the same family for decades and is now ready for a new lease of life with new owners who can move in and enjoy the property as is, or renovate and relish living in this fantastic location close to everything.

• Three bedrooms all with built in robes, master with en-suite

• Separate Lounge room and combined north facing kitchen and dining

• Central three way bathroom with bath and shower

• Attached double garage and recently installed 5kw solar panels

• Fully landscaped yard on a 866sqm (approx) block


You will be impressed with the lovely home as I was when I first saw it. The owners are retiring and want to downsize so here is your chance to purchase this great property that the owners have put so much into.

• Four bedrooms, 3 with built in robes, master with ensuite

• Three living areas, all warm, inviting and very comfortable

• Spacious kitchen with soft close furniture, breakfast bar, dishwasher

• Recent installation of new terracotta roof and luxaflex shutters throughout

• Orange High school zone, 916sqm block (approx), walk to town and Cook Park

• Ducted gas heating through floor, wood heater and big A/C split system


This impeccably presented property located in a quiet private location has everything you would want in a home. The home has 3 bedrooms, master with walk in robe and ensuite, others with built in robes, all have external remote controlled block out shutters. There is a large open plan kitchen/ dining/family room which opens onto outdoor alfresco, a well designed kitchen with dishwasher, corner pantry, breakfast bar and more, and ducted heating and cooling throughout. The views from the covered outdoor alfresco are stunning, and you do not have many neighbours to contend with. The owners are relocating and have owned the property since new, you will be impressed by its unique location, presentation and imaculate condition, only an inspection will convince you. Would be a great property to call home or would also be a great investment.




Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes

Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes

edward street,


ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession

ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession

ducted gas heating and cooling

• Huge covered outdoor alfresco area with great views towards Suma Park Dam

• Massive workshop/storage area under house, around 135sqm, with concrete floor and toilet

• Other features include, solar panels, alarm, room for caravan and big 1,089sqm block

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

This lovely property has the classic late Federation/Inter-war facade and features 3 bedrooms all with pressed metal ceilings along with the hallway and formal lounge room, it has just had a full re-paint internally with light modern colours and looks nice and fresh. You will love the eat in kitchen which is in good condition, and the extension at the rear of the house features the second living area and the federation style bathroom with a great claw foot bath and also a shower. Edward Street has seen lots of new owners in recent years moving in and restoring these lovely homes, this property would also be a great Air BnB.

• Beautiful classic old world facade

• Plenty of scope for renovation or extension

Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au

Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au

CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590

• Walking distance to restaurants and CBD

Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 AUCTION
Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 19 madison
LARGE COMFORTABLE HOME WITH MASSIVE STORAGE AREA This generous property would suit almost everyone because of its great list of features. If you want a 4 or 5 bedroom home with 2 or 3 living areas on a big block with great views and the biggest storage area I have ever seen, then this could be the home for you. • Four bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk-in robe, others with built-in robes • Three separate living areas, or could be two living areas with 5th bedroom • Galley style kitchen with 900mm cooker overlooking the open plan style living • Central three way bathroom with bath and shower,
4 2 2
7 tempest way, orange $949,000
$719,000 3 1 2 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY
Chris Tyack
0438 258 590 17 alkira way, orange
17TH 10.15am - 10.45am
10.00am - 10.30am
el paso place, orange $599,000 3 2 2
HOUSE SATURDAY 17TH 9.30am - 10.00am
CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590
17TH 11.00am - 11.30am 59
$779,000 - $799,000 2 2 4 2 5
1 1 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 17TH 1.00pm - 1.30pm
OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 17TH 11.00am - 11.30am


Make the Right Choice for your Investment Property Because its our Business


Kathie, Alisha, Lucia and the team are very responsive, knowledgeable and have the best interests of both the property owner and the tenant at heart. I have full confidence in them looking after my property for me"

- Rob

"Amanda has looked after us very well and would recommend her to anyone" -Tony

"Excellent communication & updates between us & our tenants. Maintenance/ repairs reported in a timely fashion so we can attend to them promptly for the comfort & wellbeing of our tenants and the good care of our property as well" -


If it was not for Anna Bevan I would be homeless as this Lady went out of her way to find me and my dogs the best landlord and property for my needs and has always been available if I had a problem and by far the best property Manager in Orange 15 out of 10 for service and compassion" -

"Ana does a great job. Her professional approach, dedication and transparency towards providing a high level of service in managing my property, is why I continue be a client of Ray white Townsend Real-estate" -

"Amanda is very professional!" -Shane

"Alisha has always been quick to get back to me and has sorted any issues out for us incredibly fast in a incredibly polite and approachable manner. The house needed a new hot water heater (not desperately) and it was organised and installed within a week. Incredibly happy" -Brooke

"We have been beyond happy with Alisha and in fact, the entire team at Ray White Townsend. Recently we went through quite an ordeal as a family and they were so caring and thoughtful. Whenever we have needed anything they have acted promptly and answered any questions we have. An absolute pleasure to work with them and we will be staying with them for a long time to come" -Kylee

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 35
want a Property Manager
investment property,
trust to
see what others have to say...
us a call at our Orange, Blayney or Molong Office to see how easy it is for you. Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016


Fully Furnished Three Bedroom Home - CBD

16 Spring Street, Orange NSW

This home is close to the Orange CBD shops, parks, schools and restaurants.

Comprising of three generously sized bedrooms all with wardrobes, one fully renovated bathroom and study space.

Split system heating and cooling is available throughout whilst the kitchen is a great size with gas cooktop and a dishwasher.

The home offers a great undercover outdoor entertaining area, a double garage and off-street parking.

Additional services can be added with an additional charge such as Weekly Cleaner, Weekly Linen Service and Garden & Lawn


Double Brick East Orange Location

81 Edward Street, Orange NSW


Renovated gem in a prime location

15 Kite Street, Orange NSW

This stunning home has undergone a complete renovation, resulting in a modern and inviting living space.

It boasts three generously sized bedrooms and one full bathroom, along with the convenience of an additional toilet.

The well-appointed kitchen features gas cooking and a dishwasher, ensuring a seamless cooking experience.

In the living area, you'll find a brand new gas log fireplace that not only keeps you warm but also creates a fantastic ambiance.

Located just a few blocks away from Orange Town Centre and situated across from one of the region's most picturesque parks - Cook Park.


$750.00 per week

Amanda Lavis

0437 876 880

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Comprising of four bedrooms, two with built in wardrobes and ducted heating throughout.

The property has been recently renovated with a new kitchen, near new carpet and recently painted.

The bathroom is equipped with a full sized bath and there is a second toilet off the sunroom.

The generously sized back yard has a single lockup garage with extra storage space, the front and back yards have low maintenance gardens and fully enclosed fences.

12 month lease or long term lease preferred. Outdoor pets will be considered on application.



Amanda Lavis $900.00 per week 0437 876 880

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com


$545.00 per week 0428 285 601

Analea Bevan

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Commercial OR Residential Use - CBD Location

18A Elliot Street, Millthorpe NSW

This studio apartment is located close to the towns schools and local shops. Comprising of a huge floor space, kitchenette and a bathroom.

Also offering a reverse cycle air conditioning. This property is versatile as it can be used for residential or commercial use. No wardrobes available. No carport available.


Kathie Townsend $400.00 per week 0499 076 434

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 Ray
Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016


Productive Vacant Lifestyle Block

Henry Parkes Way, Manilda NSW

Spanning across 51.8 hectares, this vacant property provides both space and productivity. Superbly located to convenient services, 4km to Manildra and 30 minutes to Orange.

75% arable with heavy red basalt soils

Scattered shade and shelter highlighted with Box and Kurrajong timber.

2 dams and a bore site Fenced into four paddocks.

With picturesque views, which can be enjoyed from various vistas highlighted with cleared, open and productive land that will provide a steady income.


Impressive Quality Home on Acreage

Auction Friday 30th June '23

132 Kite Street, Orange

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Emma Chapman 0423 658 101

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

44 Strachan Road, Orange NSW 15km* to Orange, 7km* to Millthorpe, 47km* to Bathurst and 250km* to Sydney.

4 bedrooms, all of generous proportions and built in wardrobes, master with walk in and ensuite

Two modern bathrooms, with a practical floor plan completed with quality fixtures and fittings including a freestanding bath with epic rural views.

The modern and well appointed gourmet kitchen is ideal for the eager cook and is highlighted with high quality Smeg appliances wanted in any new home and plenty of storage. The servery window is something you didn’t know you needed, but it’s the walk in pantry that will certainly delight most.

The Project You Have Been Looking Forward For! SALE

32 Maxwell Avenue, Orange NSW

3-bedroom, 1-bathroom home that exudes potential and charm, ideal for those seeking a project or a sound investment.

Featuring a sizable and impressive shed that awaits your creative vision, providing ample space for storage and/or workshop.

Situated in a desirable neighbourhood, 32 Maxwell Avenue offers you the convenience of local amenities, including schools and parks.

Whether you are a seasoned renovator or a firsttime buyer with a vision, 32 Maxwell Avenue is your canvas for a remarkable transformation.



Contact Agent 0457 792 800

James Taylor

Jemma Bridge 0409 846 146

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

28 Olympic Drive, Orange NSW

The interior boasts an open and airy floor plan, with plenty of natural light flooding the space. The large living room provides a great space for family movie nights, or morning coffee looking out to the uninterrupted view of Mount Canobolas. The kitchen is a chef's dream, with gas cooking, plenty of counter space and ample storage, It is perfect for preparing delicious meals for large gatherings or intimate family dinners.

The bedrooms are generously sized and offer plenty of storage space for all of your belongings. The master bedroom is a true retreat, complete with a generous sized ensuite and a large walk-in robe.

Auction Emma Chapman

Friday 23rd June 23

Orange, NSW 0423 658 101

Kurt Adams 0428 747 050

Ray White Townsend Real Estate raywhitetre.com

Spacious Entertainer's Home in Great Location


Contact Agent 0431 320 230

Nora McNamara

Ray White Townsend

Real Estate raywhitetre.com

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 37 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016
38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 A first class 650* acre property located among the rolling basalt hills south of Orange with productive basalt soils, good water, and excellent rural infrastructure. The main residence is a modern English style homestead surrounded by an established garden and features 11* foot ceilings, 4-6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, multiple living rooms, and 2 separate solar systems. Rural infrastructure includes 3 large steel frame machinery sheds, hayshed, steel sheepyards, substantial steel cattle yards, strong fencing with livestock laneways, and abundant water via 2 bores, 15 dams, creek frontage, and reliable annual rainfall. 'WaldegravePark'37BurnRoad,OrangeNSW2800 'W NEWLISTING $590,000 Size 809.3m2 Open Sat17thJune 10.00-10.30am FORSALE TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact $870,000+G.S.T Price Size 196sqm 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net LIVESTOCK &PROPERTY 2 William Street, Orange NSW 2800 EastOrangecommercialopportunitylocatedattheFiveWaysofferingexcellent businessexposure,forsalewithvacantpossession. Highwayfrontage,B6EnterpriseCorridorzoning,with196sqmfloorspaceandon-site andstreetparkingavailable. Showroom,office,andboardroompotentialwithbreakoutareas,dualtoiletamenities, dualkitchenettefacilities,andreversecycleair-conditioning. “FiveWaysCommercialOpportunity” TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact 1stJuly2023-10AM TheQuest CnrKiteSt& McNamaraLn,Orange Auction Approximately * Approximately * AUCTION FORSALE The quaint cottage offers opportunities galore. Situated in a popular east Orange location, close to restaurants, schools, parks and easy access to the CBD, • Large lounge adjacent to a closed in verandah • Eat in kitchen with plenty of bench space and storage. • The third bedroom could be used as a separate dining room. • Toilet separate to the bathroom. • The 810m2 block is well fenced and would be suitable as a development block (subject to council approval) This cottage would be ideal for those looking for a first home to escape the rental market or the handyman wanting a new project. Properties like this are always in demand especially at this price. 236 Byng Street, Orange MarieFox 0412166132 Contact Price FORSALE Here is your opportunity to acquire an idyllic lifestyle block only 18kms from Orange. The level 2.58Ha block of parklike lawns and gardens is fully fenced and divided into four paddocks. The quality built home provides a family friendly floor plan with 4 generous bedrooms, study, main bathroom and ensuite, plus children’s retreat, casual and formal living areas, and a fully enclosed outdoor entertaining area. The massive six bay shed is bound to be popular with buyers needing storage for surplus vehicles or those wanting a good workshop area. Plenty of water security with a fully equipped bore and 25,000 rainwater tank. This property is sure to tick all the boxes for you and your family. Don’t delay on booking your inspection. 27 Dog Trap Lane, Forest Reefs MarieFox 0412166132 Contact ContactAgent Price Size 2.58Ha Open Sat17thJune 11.00-11.30am Orange Property MARKET Tranquil family living a short stroll from Wenty Golf Club! This four-bedroom family home sits on a very generous block in a blueribbon neighbourhood and boasts open interiors and a layout flooded with natural light. 12 Collins Way, Orange Price Guide: $960,000 - $1,000,000

The three separate living areas provide plenty of space for relaxation and entertainment, and could even be used as an extra guest room or office.

Additionally, there is a fully enclosed alfresco area with a wood combustion fire and a range hood, perfect for hosting barbecues and enjoying outdoor gatherings regardless of the weather.

In the kitchen, you’ll love the stone benchtops, walk-in pantry and high-quality appliances. And adjoining the kitchen/dining areas is a second, private north-facing entertaining area with beautiful established gardens.

The master bedroom includes an ensuite bathroom and walkin robe, while the remaining three bedrooms have generous built-ins.

The main family bathroom is a three-way design, featuring a spa bath — ideal for relaxation.

This remarkable home is located in a tranquil, family-friendly estate with quiet streets, walking tracks, and a nice park for the kids just one block away.

It’s a location that’s hard to beat; just a short stroll to the Ploughmans Wetlands or the Wentworth Golf Course, with its brand new restaurant, bar and clubhouse opening soon!

Contact agent Ash Brown from ONE Agency Orange on 0417 663 687.

6 Bundella Close, Molong, NSW I Prime Commercial Opportunity

A very rare opportunity exists to purchase an 1,811*m2 of commercial land complete with 924*m2 shed and office space. The 3 existing sheds/offices are all able to be run independently of each other, offering a multitude of income streams.

Main shed • 713*m2 (including mezzanine) + 111*m2 of office space

• 3 separate offices fitted with split system air conditioning

• Full kitchen amenities as well as full bathroom with shower/laundry/toilet

• Mezzanine storage has load rated flooring with forklift access

Second shed • 127*m2 (including mezzanine) + 50*m2 of office space

• Lunchroom/kitchenette area + mezzanine above office/kitchen/bathroom area

Third shed • 72*m2 + 11*m2 of office space + office is fitted with air conditioning

All sheds have had new electric roller doors installed and are less than 12 months old. Situated in the CBD of Molong, this property provides plenty of parking and space for truck access and the potential for further development to the block.

Auction Friday 23rd June, 10:30am

Venue 152 William St, Bathurst

Ben Redfern 0457 770 062

Hedley Eccleston 0447 715 829 eldersem.com.au * Approx.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 39
Orange Property MARKET
40 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE FOR SALE 217 DALTON STREET FOUR BEDROOM HOME WITH GREAT POTENTIAL Just listed on the market so don’t miss out on the opportunity here. This neat clad home set on a huge 1,492 m2 block and is waiting for new Owners to renovate and make it theirs or for developers to take advantage of the land size (subject to Council approval). A large four car garage (6m x 12m) would be ideal for the hobbyist or for the car enthusiast alike. The location is close to Primary Schools and the Alpine Shopping Centre is an easy walk if you need to grab some milk, take away food or a haircut. $700,000 COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY DEAL WITH THE LOCALS WITH LONG EXPERIENCE IN REAL ESTATE – NO SALE NO COST ! CALL NOW, CHRIS 0417 626 361 A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX OPEN HOUSE SAT 17TH JUNE 12.00pm - 1.00pm OPEN HOUSE SAT 17TH JUNE 11.00am - 11.30am COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE RENT: $27,000 P.A. + GST A pleasant light and airy premises consisting of three separate offices plus a large open plan reception/ working area. Separate kitchen/staff room with your own private bathroom amenities . Very handy location with views over Robinson Park. FIRST FLOOR OFFICE SPACE – VERY CENTRAL RENT: $300 PER WEEK Located in a popular walk-through arcade. Ideal for small office , retail or hair /beauty salon Plentiful natural light and reverse cycle air conditioning. Floor area: 34m2 AN AFFORDABLE PREMISES TO SET UP YOUR OWN BUSINESS IN RENT: $90,000 P.A. + GST & OUTGOINGS Approx. 300 m2 of floor space in this well presented commercial shop in Summer Street. Currently set up as an office complex this premises would also be ideal as a retail shop. Has good staff amenities and reverse cycle air conditioning though out. SUMMER STREET LOCATION FOR SALE BEAUTFUL ELEVATED BLOCK Backing onto a Council reserve this good sized block enjoys a lovely outlook for you to build your new dream home on. Situated in the popular Northern Gardens Estate and is in easy reach to the North Orange Shopping precinct. Land size is 802 m $320,000


Euchareena, NSW

422 a b c a b c a b c

FOR SALE $470,000

Spacious family home in Euchareena

This lovely home is situated on a generous 2023sqm block in the lovely village of Euchareena which is approximately 30 minutes to the main centre of Orange and around a 20 minute drive to Molong. The spacious home has four good-sized bedrooms all with built ins while you will adore the upstairs parents’ retreat with ensuite, walk in robe and balcony where you can relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. A lovely al fresco area gives you plenty of options for entertaining while the huge backyard has shady and established plantings.

154 Sieben Drive Orange

412 a b c a b c a b c

FOR SALE $710,000

Great home in popular Bel Air

Positioned in the sought after area, close to childcare, sporting fields and playgrounds, this four bedroom, 1 bathroom home boasts easy living in Bel Air. Its established gardens offer both green spaces and privacy. Boasting a large block whose exterior space is split on two levels, there’s room for a caravan, or extra space for the kids and then more options on the elevated level with its established screened plantings. Freshly renovated, the brand new kitchen is stylish with a generous island bench and sleek new cabinetry. Its combination with a large family room makes this a very attractive area.

SATURDAY 10.30 - 11.00am OPEN HOUSE


170 Farnham Road Farnham

311 a b c a b c a b c

FOR SALE $750,000

Where Can You Get 208 Acres for $750,000 with a House & 100% Grazing property ?

This two bedroom home is situated on 208* acres of undulating land suitable for mixed grazing. Watered by a creek and two good-sized dams, the property is well-fenced and secure. Situated in a quiet and private location, it offers the capacity to return income as a grazing block. Less than 10 minutes from Stuart Town. The property is a short drive to the recreational features of Lake Mookerawa. An approximate 4o-minute drive to Orange, this farmhouse is perfect for those looking for a peaceful and secluded living space while still being less than an hour’s drive from Orange. The property is also around 45 minutes from Lake Burrendong with its myriad water activities including skiing and fishing and is around 30 minutes to Wellington.

3 Agate Street Orange

521 a b c a b c a b c

FOR SALE $860,000

Five bright and beautiful bedrooms in North Orange

Within an easy drive of Bunnings, North Orange Shops, The Botanic Gardens, the Adventure Playground and Waratah sporting grounds. This lovely home has been designed with livability in mind. The pleasing neutral palette and nine foot ceilings emphasize the light and airy feel of this lovely home. Offering plenty of space , this generous home includes a formal lounge/dining room adjoining the lightfilled foyer. which could also be used as a media room.

SATURDAY 11.00 - 11.30am

This 522 a b c a b c a b c 21 a b c a b c a b c 311 a b c a b c a b c FOR LEASE $1,100pw FOR LEASE $550pw FOR LEASE $460pw

tidy three-bedroom LEASED

a modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, fresh paint throughout, and a large garage with workshop space along

a carport.

Rare Opportunity to Lease Dress Circle Property at

This beautiful 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath homestead comes fully furnished with the option of leasing the house only or the two bedroom cottage also fully and tastefully furnished. Set on approximately 50 acres of carefully manicured gardens and picturesque, landscaped garden plantings, this amazing property will delight you with its spectacular views and seclusion yet proximity to Orange.

Ph 0428 650 675

Address 24 Sale Street, Orange

Tastefully Renovated Executive



ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 41
Email scott.munro@ljhooker.com.au website ww.orange.ljhooker.com.au
LJ Hooker’s inspections and subsequent reports are of a high standard and very thorough also.
Steve Nicholls
Nashdale Executive Cottage
Cottage New Rental 131 Nashdale Lane 131 Nashdale Lane 28 Glenroi Avenue Orange
home has been renovated with
It also features
guarantee your
Private and secluded, this delightful cottage boasts uninterrupted views of the surrounding countryside. Set within a large property, this lovely home has been tastefully updated to complement the polished floorboards and take advantage of the open countryside. Featuring two good sized bedrooms with storage, a modern kitchen with dishwasher, breakfast bar and open plan living, this cottage is perfect for those seeking a secluded way of life that is only 7kms from Orange’s CBD. also add to its appeal. Available June 3rd.
a lovely, updated bathroom with separate toilet. Gas heating, air conditioning
ceiling fans
comfort. Provate
secure back yard



for more details on these great properties scan the qr code to go directly to our website

10:00-10:30 12 Collins Way 4 2 2 $960,000 - $1,000,000 11:00-11:30 114 McLachlan Street 3 1 2 $700,000 - $720,000 11:45-12:15 2/29A McLachlan Street 3 2 1 Contact Agent 12:00-12:30 29 Allenby Road 3 1 2 Contact Agent 1:00-1:30 1/25 Hughes Street 4 2 3 $1,200,000 - $1,300,000 9.30-10.00 1 Etna Street 3 1 1 $ 660,000.00 10.00-10.30 43 Endsleigh Avenue 3 1 4 $ 598,000.00 10.15-10.45 20 Botanic Way 4 2 2 $ 1,200,000.00 10.15- 10.45 29 Kent Avenue 5 3 3 $850,000 - $870,000 10.45-11.15 185 Clinton Street 3 1 1 $ 580,000.00 11.00 - 11.30 11 Cianfrano Place 4 1 2 $700,000 - $735,000 11.00-11.30 14 Webb Street 4 2 2 $820,000 - $850,000 11.30-12 14 Mahogany Court 2 2 1 $590,000 - $619,000 11.45-12.15 32 Anson Street 6 2 2 $815,000 - $845,000 12.15-12.45 39 Kurim Avenue 3 1 1 $ 399,000.00 10.15-10.45 24 Seymour Street 6 5 3 $790,000-$820,000 10.15-10.45 16 Fox Avenue 3 1 2 $549,000-$569,000 11.00-11.30 43 Maxwell Avenue 3 1 1 $449,000 11.00-11.30 5 Waratah Avenue 4 2 1 $599,000-$620,000 11.45-12.15 6 Messina Street 2 2 1 $639,000 1.15-1.45 1553 Amaroo Road 4 2 6 $1,050,000-$1,150,000 11.30 - 12.00 3 Agate Street 5 2 2 $860,000 10.30 - 11.00 154 Sieben Drive 4 1 2 $710,00 12.00 - 1.00pm 99 Bathurst Road Contact Agent 11.00 - 11.30am 217 Dalton Street 4 2 4 $700,000 9.30 - 10.00 7 Tempest Way 4 2 2 $949,000 1.00 - 1.30 137 Edward Street 3 1 1 $749,000 10.45 -11.15 17 Alkira Way 3 1 2 $719,000 12.00 - 12.30 9 Bella Vista 3 2 2 $669,000 10.00 - 10.30 8 El Paso Place 3 2 2 $599,000 11.00 - 11.30 59 Coronation Drive 4 2 2 $899,000 11.00 - 11.30 19 Madison Way 4 2 5 $$779,000 - $799,000 10.00 - 10.30 236 Byng Street 3 1 1 $590,000 11.00 - 11.30 27 Dog Trap Lane, 4 2 6 Contact Agent 10.30 - 11.00 28 Olympic Drive 4 2 2 Contact Agent 10.00 - 10.30 32 Maxwell Avenue 3 1 Contact Agent 10.00 - 10.30 44 Strachan Rd Springhill 4 2 2 AUCTION 12.30 - 1.00 54 Hill Street Molong 3 1 2 Contact Agent Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016 Ray White Townsend Real Estate 203 Lords Place, Orange NSW raywhitetre.com 02 6362 4016 DON’T MISS THIS WEEK’S OPENS YOUR DREAM HOME COULD BE HERE... A first class 650* acre property located among the rolling basalt hills south of Orange 'WaldegravePark'37BurnRoad,OrangeNSW2800 NEWLISTING FORSALE TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact $870,000+G.S.T Price Size 196sqm 119 Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 02 6362 4755 www.awn.net LIVESTOCK &PROPERTY 2 William Street, Orange NSW 2800 EastOrangecommercialopportunitylocatedattheFiveWaysofferingexcellent businessexposure,forsalewithvacantpossession. Highwayfrontage,B6EnterpriseCorridorzoning,with196sqmfloorspaceandon-site andstreetparkingavailable. Showroom,office,andboardroompotentialwithbreakoutareas,dualtoiletamenities, dualkitchenettefacilities,andreversecycleair-conditioning. “FiveWaysCommercialOpportunity” TomCampbell 0459022477 Contact 1stJuly2023-10AM TheQuest CnrKiteSt& McNamaraLn,Orange Auction Approximately * Approximately * AUCTION
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 43 SimplyOrganized SimplyOrganized NEW LISTING NEW LISTING SimplyOrganized NEW LISTING AUCTION PRICEGUIDE $700,000-$720,000 OPEN Saturday17thJune;11:00-11:30am ASHBROWN0417663687 NEW LISTING Suite 7, Level 2, Centrepoint Arcade 230 Summer St, Orange PH. 6362 9560 PRICEGUIDE $960,000-$1,000,000 OPEN Saturday17thJune;10:00-10:30am ASHBROWN0417663687 AGENCY ONE ORANGE 12CollinsWay,Orange 137-145MolongRoad,Orange 114McLachlanStreet,Orange 29AllenbyRoad,Orange 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 12 2 2 PRICEGUIDE $650,000 OPEN Saturday17thJune;11:45-12:15pm ASHBROWN0417663687 PRICEGUIDE $560,000-$580,000 OPEN Saturday17thJune;12:00-12:30pm BIANCASCIUTO0400481893 AUCTION Saturday,24thJuneat02:00pm ASHBROWN0417663687 2/29aMcLachlanStreet,Orange 3 21 FREEEVENT! Date: TuesdayJuly18th2023 Time: 5:30pm Venue: GladstoneHotel,71ByngStreet,OrangeNSW2800 RSVPEssential! BiancaScuitoon0400481893 ONE MORE DREAM LANDANDHOMEPACKAGE INFORMATIONNIGHT AGENCY ONE ORANGE



In 2018 I was hit by a car and sustained quadriplegia. Sometimes people ask me if I hope God will cure me. I like to point them to a section of the Bible where Jesus did meet a paralysed man. ‘Mark chapter 2’ will find it on Google. The bloke’s friends wanted Jesus to see him but the house was too crowded. So, the inventive friends tore away bits of the roof and lowered him down to Jesus. The first thing Jesus said to him was that his sins were forgiven. Then, as a secondary issue, Jesus told him to stand up and go home, via the front door this time. So he did.

Quadriplegia is a disaster that has a huge impact on my life. However, to Jesus, it is not my biggest problem. That problem would be my sin which needs to be forgiven. I can find ways to deal with my quadriplegia and still be a family man, doctor, councillor, et cetera. I can’t deal with my sin myself. I would love God to cure me of quadriplegia. But more importantly, God through Jesus has already cured my problem of sin which was, like the paralysed man, my biggest problem.


Our May meeting proved to be very interesting as our guest speaker Kay, from PRP Imaging, told how an old picture theatre has been turned into the most modern Diagnostic Centre in the Central West with the Installation of PET/imaging.

When PRP took over the building it was a shell with no floors or windows. They now have updated the service with the latest PET/Imaging apparatus. The installation required a revamp and strengthening of the existing building and 16 tons of lead protection. PET imaging is the latest tool in the diagnosing of cancer throughout the body. The service is available on a limited basis. This will be increased in the future.

With this installation and the updating of the radiation treatments at the hospital we now have the facilities equal to the major city hospitals.

The meeting discussed several items relating to the future of the group. We will be holding an information day at the National Field Days working with the New South Wales Farmers.

We are waiting on confirmation from our guest speaker for our June Meeting which will be held Tuesday, June 20 at 6.00 pm at Café Connect. We welcome all persons who have been impacted by prostate cancer, their carers and family members.

For further information please contact Ray on 6362 5257.


The Cumnock Markets will be held as usual on the third Saturday of the month. The next Market will be on Saturday, June 17 from 9.00 am to 12 noon at Crossroads Park Cumnock (opposite General Store).

With lots of fabulous country cooks our fresh cakes and biscuits are legendary. So too are the jams, chutneys and pickles. There are stalls with beautiful craft items that make great gifts for any occasion. Local honey is always popular. Excellent coffees are available across the road at our General Store.

If it is raining, the market will be held under cover. Visitors, or anyone wishing to have a stall, can get further information from Pat Gilmour on 6367 7270.

Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child working beE

The next Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child working bee is on this Saturday, June 17 at Kenna Hall from 10am to 2pm. We will be making items for the shoeboxes. Please bring your own lunch. Morning tea will be provided.

For more information call Robyn on 0427653431

Seniors Happy Life… a quiet and unassuming friend to help fight loneliness and isolation, control boredom in a single issue, and one, disguised to look like any other normal newspaper, fights a never-ending battle to provide dignity, self-esteem and recognition for seniors right across Australia.

44 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 YOUR SPACE reception@oclife.com.au Have something of interest to share?
Better than a box of chocolates! Able to keep seniors entertained for days! More fun than most Jokes! WWW.SENIORSHAPPYLIFE.COM.AU SUPER MAGAZINE!
For “Specially Priced” Personal subscriptions, Gift subscriptions, Sample packs or Bulk orders for Aged Care facilities or Retirement Villages, go to: It’s a newspaper… It’s It’s a magazine… Seniors Happy Life! Latest issue In newsagents now! In your local newsagency! LOOK!
Friendly place to visit!

Congratulations to last week’s winners

Loony Lotto: Margaret Lane

Find Pinny: Lahni Nayler

Sydney Hotshots: Brenda Woodward


I love IGA - IS BACK!

We have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA.

To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product is featured in the Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad on page 12 of this issue of OCLife.

Face in the Crowd

Win a $50 gift voucher at Cheeky Barista Cafe

We have two vouchers to give away per month, Somewhere in this edition of Orange City Life, you’ll find this face.o enter, simply write your name and address on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found the face on or email us an entry.

Find Pinny

We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling!

Each week we’ll hide a small version of “Pinny” (pictured) somewhere in OCLife. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, and send in...

Looney Lotto

Win a voucher to the value of $20, to use at Coco’s Cafe or Paul’s @ Coco’s

TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week.

Deliver or post entries to: Orange City Life Suite 3/241 Lords Place, Orange or Email: reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name, your name and phone number. Entries close 12 noon Tuesday.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 45
WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays www.cocosorange.com.au 37 William Street ORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggs with Avo smash and yogurt Berry muesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GET OUR MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink
into the OCLife o ce to collect your prize
COMPETITIONS reception@oclife.com.au Try your luck today and be a WINNER MON-FRI 7.30am - 4.30pm PH 0422 522 445 295 SUMMER STREET CHICKEN SCHNITZEL WRAP WITH CHIPS SPECIAL PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED X 9, 1 X 4, 1 X 1, AND 1 X 2 TO WIN THIS WEEK 9412
48 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE TRADES&SERVICES REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES HERE IN Fond Memories PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Norman J. Penhall Funerals Norman Penhall ORANGE & DISTRICT vvv 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange I think of things you used to say And all that you would do. At some point, every single day, My thoughts will turn to you To lose you was a bitter wrench The pain cut to my core I cried until my tears ran out And then I cried some more This wouldn’t be your wish for me That I’d be forever sad So I try to remind myself Of the happy times we had I know I can’t be with you now And you can’t be with me But safe inside my heart you’ll stay That’s where you’ll always be I can’t believe you’ve been gone 10 years dad, you’ll never be forgotten, love Katrina, Darrell, Hayley, Josh, Missy, Havana, Billy, Aubree and Luna Patrick Joseph Murphy 30/04/34 - 19/06/13 Contact David on 0402 259 891 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile When you have lock Also deadlocks and houses and cars supplied 151 Peisley St, Orange 6369 1222 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS! NEW LOCATION WASP treatment From $150 25 years experience Call Craig... 0447 002 193 Eagle Eye Pest Control Lic. no. 4558 100%NESTELIMINATED GUARANTEED MOWING CALL PETER - 0487 139 983 • Gardening • Gutters Pruning Rubbish Removal “If you got a hole in the wall you know who to call” Drywall Plasterer and Carpenter • 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE • 0418 671 854 P & V Building Services Call Paul Lic. No. 77917C public notices public notices FOR SALE BLOCKED EARS? Specialist Clinicians - Gentle - No syringing - All Ages MICRO-SUCTION WAX REMOVAL CLINIC Visiting July 18th, 19th and 20th contact@ear2ear.com.au 0455 629 905 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By Appointment Mob: 0499 991 650 www.thefittingstudio.com.au Bras for all women through every stage of life Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing New & DesignerRecycledClothing Ph: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. TRADES&SERVICES CJ BRICKLAYING Bricklaying - Small jobs only Lic. No. 104973c Phone 0428 136 803 J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C TRAINING Sweet Treats Connection has CLOSED Kerrie would like to thank all her patrons COLLECTABLE IN TOP CONDITION V8 LEXUS SC430 CABRIOLET/ CONVERTIBLE (02) 6361 9019
ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 49 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our o ce at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES Homestyle Cooking & House Cleaning for the time poor person 0435 522 998 barbscleanandcook@gmail.com Barb’s Clean & Cook Service APIA CONCRETE CONTRACTORS • EST. 1985 • LIC. NO. 4906C FOR ALL YOUR CONCRETING, COLORBOND FENCING & RETAINING WALL’S NEEDS TONY - 0457 072 234 RELIABLE SERVICE - BEST RATE’S NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL [ ] experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 PETS&LIVESTOCK Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business 0448 600 095 upanddownpainting@gmail.com Lic. No. 340514c PAINTING UP& D WN HOMERENOVATION Wecanhelpyou: Increasethevalueofyourhome Renovateyourbathroomorkitchen Buildanoutdoorkitchen CreateadedicatedspaceforWFH Buildapergola Buildadeckforentertaining Andmuchmore!Justaskus! 0404612120 Lic.No.192680C www.repairsandrenos.com.au 0417 313 494 Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au MAL’S HANDYMAN SERVICES ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au CONTACT USFORA FREEQUOTE TODAY! Tel: 6362 4695 0422 322 469 TOLL FREE: 1800 791 517 Email: cleaning@excellent.net.au www.excellentcarpetcleaning.com.au • Residential, End of Lease and Commercial Carpet Cleaning • Lounge and Upholstery Cleaning • Carpet Colour Repair • Mat and Rug Cleaning • Specialist Stain Removal • Fabric Protection • Carpet Stain Protection • Tile and Grout Cleaning • Mattress Cleaning • Pest Spray • Pet Treatment Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: anywhereskips@gmail.com www.anywhereskips.com.au 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • Maintenance Call Glenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com GHB PAINTING & Maintenance Lic. 330255C ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACE FOR ADVERTISING THAT GET’S RESULTS, CALL 6361 3575 ASK ABOUT OUR 10 WEEK PACKAGES Lawn Mowing & Rubbish Removal ORANGE AND SURROUNDS 0417 706 613 0428 423 770 Free Delivery BEST BURNING WOOD White, Yellow, Red Box and Ironbark BUY 2 LOADS AND GET A DISCOUNT Gardening & Gutters • Mowing • Hedging • Pruning • Gutter Cleaning • Demolition Ph Chris: 0427 393 827 ALL CONCRETING WORK 0478 161 537 • Also, Bathroom and Laundry renovations Call Josh on...


Quick Crossword Quiz


1 Size (5)

4 Insipid (9)

9 Engine (7)

10 Most long-suffering or submissive (7)

11 Meet (9)

12 Following (5)

13 Digitally generated imagery (1.1.1.)


No. 088

1 Hand it over (colloq) (5)

2 Mountain ascent (4,5)

3 Japanese verse form (5)

4 Surgery chamber (7)

5 Japanese warrior (7)

6 Gracefully (9)

7 Discharge (5)

8 Tongue-in-cheek (9)

13 Settler (9)

1 Is Gloomhaven a board game, a video game or a film?

2 Against the Loveless World is a 2019 novel by which author?

3 In terms of printing, what does CMYK stand for?

4 The Nintendo Switch was released on March 3 of which year?

5 Tenet is a 2020 film by which British-American film director?

6 Which of the following is not a fruit: tomato, eggplant, potato or pumpkin?

7 What main two materials were made to build the Pyramid of Giza?

8 Amanda Collin (pictured) stars as Mother in what 2020 sci-fi series?

9 The period during the Dutch Golden Age in which tulip bulb prices skyrocketed and then dramatically collapsed is called what?

10 Turquoise is a birth stone for which month?

14 Ancient (11)

16 With excessive effort (11)

19 Come together (3)

20 ‘Not on your — !’ (5)

22 In part (9)

25 Dawn (7)

26 Witticism (7)

27 Silver medallists (7-2)

28 Nordic (5)

14 Political policy (5,4)

15 Evenly (9)

17 Greek musician who visited the underworld (7)

18 Distribute (food) (5,2)

21 Flaxen cloth (5)

23 Mediterranean island (5)

24 Arab state (5)



The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.

Theme: Sewing No. 088

Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down.


Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

No. 088

No. 088 Edgeword

Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down.

Drop Down

Sudoku No. 088

Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block

153874 86 5

9 38

32 5 945 89 6


No. 088

Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary.


No. 088




There may be more than one possible answer.

There may be more than one possible answer.

Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.

Today’s Focus:

21 words: Good

32 words: Very good

43 words: Excellent

Reference: Macquarie Dictionary


50 ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023
+ × = 52 + × + + × = 19 ––÷ × –= 6 = = = 6 17 8
Solutions QUICK CROSSWORD SUDOKU 324915687 932148765 471853296 798426513 156732948 563294871 615387429 847569132 289671354 9-LETTER dilute, duel, duet, dune, dung, dunlin, eluding, eluting, enduing, ennui, etui, glue, glued, glut, glutei, gluten, guide, guild, guile, guilt, gunned, indue, indulge, INDULGENT, lieu, lung, lunge, lunged, lute, nude, nudge, tune, tuned, tuning, unit, unite, united, unlined, unlit, untie, untied, until, utile QUIZ 1. Board game 2. Susan Abulhawa 3. Cyan, magenta, yellow, key 4. 2017 5. Christopher Nolan 6. Potato 7. Limestone and granite 8. Raised by Wolves 9. Tulip mania 10. December WORDFIND 5x5 Secret message: A stitch in time PUzzLESANDPAGINATI oN © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | pagemasters.com S P A D E A R S O N F O I S T E N D E R S E E D Y DROPDOWN oNESBYG oNEBYG EBoNY BoNY BoY BY Y EDGEWORD RoBUST, TATE,Ro STAGES, TEASES CROSSMATH 8 + × 4 6 = 52 + × + 7 + × 5 2 = 19 ––÷ 9 × –3 1 = 6 = = 6 17 8 B Y Y G O N E S 160623 Dubbo & Orange

THUMBS UP to Newman and Natasha at Orange Family Dental, for their great service to an elderly lady.

THUMBS UP to the lady who helped me in Lords Place on Tuesday, June 6. I use a walker and I couldn’t get around the area where the council had blocked off the street until the lady helped.

THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council. In Lords Place where they have painted the sides of the street green, it doesn’t look like there’s a drop. For someone with a walker, it’s very dangerous.

A BIG THUMBS UP to the people who established the Community Library at North Orange shopping centre and a thumbs up to the people who return their books to enable others to enjoy the pleasure of reading.

THUMBS UP to the two electricians from Laser Electrical, who gave me a lot of great information about how my son can get started on the road to being an electrician. Much appreciated!

THUMBS DOWN to local radio stations that play the same songs every day, the same commercials and the same boring format.

THUMBS DOWN to the thumbs down about bins not being emptied on time. What time frame are you implying when the bins aren’t emptied on time? Do you stand by your window waiting for the garbo? Ours get emptied either morning or afternoon, depending on how they do their run — so what? Now you can read this and mull over it for a while.

THUMBS DOWN to Cabonne Council for the shocking and dangerous condition of Lake Canobolas Road, and the lack of maintenance of John Williams Park.

A SUPER BIG THUMBS UP to Jan, who handmade beautiful beanies and donated them to the staff and patients at Orange Health Service. It definitely puts a smile on the staff’s faces when we are sometimes having a hard or stressful day; it’s the little things that mean the most to us. Really appreciate the time and costs involved for this kind gesture especially as we are hitting the cold and need to keep our little heads warm and cosy!


you know your cat or dog is considered to be a “senior” at 7 years of Or that your pet’s food and exercise requirements change dramatically between the ages of 5 and 9? Older pets bring us so much joy but they need a extra love and care, to keep them fit healthy and enjoying their “senior” years!

senior dog will be calmer and more in tune the routine of the household. An older cat less keen to climb the curtains, and more to spend the day in a sunny spot watching world go by. Your pet ages approximately 7 for every 1 of our human years, so regular check-ups become more important as the go by. are living longer these days, thanks to improved medications, and vaccinations which protect them from disease. With increased age, pet may become less active. This might part of the normal ageing process, but it is important that your pet is checked regularly by to ensure that he or she isn’t suffering from underlying medical problems.

important to monitor your pet’s food and water (plus what comes out of the other end!) as change in thirst or appetite can be an early conditions like kidney disease or diabetes. also a good idea to monitor your pet’s weight,

as sudden weight loss is an alert to bring your pet to the Vet. If your pet is overweight, he or she has an increased risk of joint pain or arthritis. Did you know that Mulberry Lane Vet Hospital offers your pet free weigh-ins and nutrition advice? Just come and see one of our friendly nurses.

The correct balance of nutrients is essential for staying healthier for longer. Your senior pet’s diet needs to be correct for his or her life stage and for any medical condition, so switching to a specialist pet food can make a big difference to your pet’s wellbeing. Talk to any of our team about how to introduce a new pet food, which will suit the needs of your senior cat or dog.

Early detection helps treatment! At Mulberry Lane Vet Hospital we can analyse a small blood sample from your senior pet to check on kidney, liver and thyroid function, and give the right care before more serious illness develops. Take advantage of our $50 off a Senior Blood Test offer this month to give your older pet “gold standard” care. Does your cat not groom herself as she used to, or have trouble using the litter tray? Has your dog changed his eating or sleeping habits, or seem more tired than usual? Does he fall behind on walks or have new lumps or bumps on his skin?

Make an appointment with Dr Judith and her team at Mulberry Lane Vet Hospital for a FREE senior pet check-up this month. We look forward to seeing you soon!

THUMBS DOWN to the big national retailer that refused our request for donations (no matter how small) to auction at our “Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea” cancer fundraiser, while small businesses had no hesitation to donate an appliance or a voucher. How lousy.

THUMBS UP to the Toll truck driver on Kite Street, Tuesday, June 6 for signalling wildly to let me know I was going to reverse park into a tree. Much appreciated. Thank you.

THUMBS DOWN to Orange City Council for the disaster they have created on Lord’s Place. Do you realise they are restaurants, not cafes and no one will use the seating during the day? You took away parking, for what? Wasted space! Shame Orange City Council, shame.

General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication.

The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, Jonathan Roe, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances.

Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council.

© Copyright 2023 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – including photographs and ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre, 26-52 Hume Highway, Chullora 2190.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | JUNE 15 — 21, 2023 51
EMAIL: reception@oclife.com.au | FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife” | SMS 0459 022 084 this is a text only number standard SMS rates apply
City Life Pty Ltd
Published by Orange
ABN 14 649 575 333
The Thumbs represent thoughts and opinions of readers and do not necessarily reflect those of Orange City Life. Every care is taken not to publish thumbs that are considered derogatory or defamatory in nature . Please note that thumbs may be edited for clarity, space or legal reasons.
294 Lords Place, Orange | OPEN MON-SAT | mulberrylanevet.com.au
passion is caring for your pet” MULBERRY LANE VET HOSPITAL An ASAV accredited “Hospital of Excellence” TELEPHONE 6360 3071 s s Your pet can enjoy BOTH these special offers, one appointment per household, not valid with any other offer. Phone for appointment or book online. Expires 31st July FREE SENIOR PET CHECK UP
your dog or cat age 7+yrs (age 5+yrs for giant breeds
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