ARE YOU READY? Here are a few things you can do before, during and after a storm: AT HOME
Cut and gather dead tree branches and cut down dead trees on your property Bring indoors or fasten down anything that can be blown around outside your home Check drains and gutters to be sure they are clear If you have a generator make sure it's ready to go in case of power outage Gather your emergency supplies (see checklist) Secure all doors and windows Keep your cell phones charged Tune your radio to a station in your area with regular weather reports After a storm, take precaution around downed powerlines and other debris
Emergency Kit Checklist: Flashlights, batteries Water and non-perishable food Cell phone with chargers (car charger in case of power outages) Manual can opener Battery-powered or hand-crank radio and spare batteries First aid kit Personal care items Blankets/thermal blanket Cash and coins Extra set of house and car keys Whistle (to signal for help) Candles Lighter and/or matches Pocket knife and/or multi-tool Dust masks Important personal documents (bank, medical, insurance, contact numbers, etc.) Rain ponchos Pet supplies
Keep your car’s gas tank full Make sure your car battery, tires and windshield wipers are in good condition Drive with your lights on Keep your fully-charged cell phone with you Don’t text and drive
Car emergency kit checklist: Flashlight and spare batteries First aid kit and scissors to cut seat belts Highway flares or warning light Water bottles and non-perishable food Booster cables Matches and candles in a metal box or plastic bag Blankets or thermal emergency blankets Warm clothing and spare boots Road maps Cell phone chargers For more preparedness information and to find downloadable checklists, go to or