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Beyond Our Coverage

A 17-year-old boy vanished after floating down the Cle Elum River with friends. According to News Break, the boy’s body was found wearing a life jacket two hours after the event.

The Kittitas County Fire Protect District #6 will be awarded an award for the 2023 Annual Kittitas County Public Health Champion Award. According to YakTriNews, the award is a symbol of their care for people in the community. The award will be presented at the Kittitas County Board of Health meeting on June 15.


Target’s stocks drop to the lowest its been in nearly three years after conservative customers protest newest pride collection. According to the New York Post, the shares originally priced at $160.96 have dropped nearly 14% in value to $138.93 a share, adding up to a loss of $10.1 billion.

NASA has reported one of the closest supernovas seen in the last few years will explode on Thursday. According to FOX 10 Phoenix, SN2023ixf will continue to brighten for months, but Thursday, The Virtual Telescope Project 2.0 will be live streaming the explosion on their website around 3:30 p.m.

The newest Disney live action The Little Mermaid starring Halle Bailey brings in $117.5 million at the box office. According to CNN, its box office release is one of the most successful films released on Memorial Day.

Letter from the Editor

Here we go again for the last time CWU,

My final issue as Lead Editor for The Observer is upon us, three quarters deep and still standing better than I’ve ever been, looking like a true survivor and feeling like a little kid, as Elton John would say. This issue is our queer pride month issue, and I’ve never been more proud and openly out of the closet as a pansexual genderfluid person who believes in a thing called love. Be free, little rainbows, love who you want to love, identify how you want to identify, leave the oppression of various churches behind and accept yourself. You deserve to feel your own warmth, to admit who you are to yourself. It took me years to admit to myself that I was queer, even though I was actively engaging in queer behavior, and it took a lot of reprogramming past beliefs to arrive here. Being pansexual, I feel the effects of erasure and being not gay enough but not straight enough either. However, all of this is outweighed by the love I feel in my heart when I live in truth! If I can do it, so can you.

Now it’s time to bid you adieu, Observer. There have been ups, there have been downs, there have been some sideways and inside outs. There have been mountainous molehills and molehillish mountains, smiles, laughter, tears, regrets and also no regrets. There have been some verifiable moments with certified vibes that I’ll never forget. When I started, I didn’t know I’d end up here, and as I’m ending, it feels like the start was just yesterday. I’m forever grateful to my advisor Jennifer Green, our department chair Francesco Somaini, our business manager Gretchen Lohse and the entire ed itorial staff for keeping me afloat with their biting wit. I’ll be lost without ‘em. That’s all for now, Observer! I’ll never forget my time here, and I know the paper will be in excellent hands after my departure.

Peruvian police found 58 kg of cocaine in a shipping container with asparagus in it at the port of Paita. According to The Guardian, the cocaine had pictures of the Nazi flag on it.

Latvia defeated the U.S. team in overtime at the International Ice Hockey Federation World Championships in their game on Sunday. According to ESPN, the U.S. team was winning eight straight games before losing 4-3 to Germany in overtime, making the U.S. team lose in the bronze-medal game for the second year in a row.

Photo by Yohanes Goodell

Katherine Camarata Lead Editor (for now)

News Editors

Morgana Carroll Megan Rogers

Scene Editor MJ Rivera


Editorial Policy: The Observer is a public forum for student expression, in which student editors make policy and content decisions. The mission of The Observer is two-fold: to serve Central Washington University as a newspaper and to provide training for students who are seeking a career in journalism. The Observer seeks to provide complete, accurate, dependable information to the campus and community; to provide a public forum for the free debate of issues, ideas and problems facing the community at large; and to be the best source of information, education and entertainment news. As a training program, The Observer is the practical application of the theories and principles of journalism. It teaches students to analyze and communicate information that is vital to the decision making of the community at large. It provides a forum for students to learn the ethics, values and skills needed to succeed in their chosen career. If you have questions or concerns, email us at cwuobserver@gmail.com. Staff

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