Feb-March 2012 Newsletter

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cast your


Our very own Nakai is running for Mayor of Divide, CO. Please cast your vote at www.tcrascolorado.com or at participating Teller County businesses or at the wolf center. Voting ends April 3, 2012

Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742


A Fish Tale Fishing with my beloved Dad when I was young is one of my fondest memories, and the sport has not surprisingly lingered throughout my adulthood. I’ll admit, I am no professional sports “fisherwoman.” I’ll cry if a fish floats away on its’ side, I’ll pout if I get fish slime on my hands and clothes, and I absolutely refuse to drown a worm. That’s what boys are for, right? For Valentine’s Day, my Valentine date (whom loves to drown worms) and I decided to take a guided ice fishing trip. We met our guide on the North Shore on Antero Reservoir, just west of Divide at 6am sharp (mind you, I am not a morning person). After getting our gear together in the frigid cold weather and setting out on the ice, we wandered around until our guide told us to stop. It only took about 20 minutes to drill holes in the ice, set up our tent and get our equipment ready to go. Soon after, we were pulling out different kinds of decent sized species of trout. As we sat in our tent throughout the day waiting for fish to bite, I couldn’t help but drift off in my thoughts and think what impact wolves might have on fish. I know it sounds like a stretch, but with the Yellowstone National Park reintroduction of the Gray Wolf in Wyoming, within a decade researchers showed positive impacts that the Gray Wolf had on even the smallest of species (even those that have feathers!). With the natural predator for elk back in the environment, the ecosystem slowly began to recover from years of over-grazing from the overwhelmingly large number of these ungulates in the ecosystem. Suddenly, aspen trees were thriving next to streams and banks where they had never grown before. Why? Elk became weary of their natural predator – the Gray Wolf - and instinctively decided that staying alert and on the move at all times would increase their chances of survival in this harsh, but natural environment. They simply didn’t have time to devour the yearling aspen trees trying to grow.

Aspen trees just happen to be one of the favorite menu items for the beaver. Because more aspen wood became available, beavers got busy and started making more dams. Beaver dams are an ecosystem of their own. Some of their note-worthy

by Rachael

benefits include reducing erosion and creating new wetlands. They are also excellent habitats for fish, especially the cold water loving trout. Beaver dams are shown to improve water quality in downstream lakes and streams, which only benefits fish residing in those areas.

So we can officially add “fish hatchery technician” to the Gray Wolves’ resume. But do they enjoy eating fish as much as we do? Only if its sushi. People native to the First Nations (Aboriginal peoples in Canada) have long told stories of wolves that consume fish, but science did not document the phenomenon until the Wolf Project of Yellowstone National Park. They have recorded video of wolves entering streams filled with salmon. They will carefully place their feet over the smooth river stones and wade through the cold water looking for the perfect opportunity. They will completely submerge their muzzles and remarkably pull out a 10-15 pound salmon. Researchers have noted wolves taking upwards of 30 – 50 fish in a day. But as we know, wolves are not ruthless killers. When hunting ungulates, they will single out and only take the sickest or weakest individual in a herd. When fishing, they do not believe in catch and release, and will consume all of their day’s bounty without waste. Later, at the rendezvous site where young puppies reside, regurgitated salmon is on the dinner menu and puppies thrive.

As the natural circle of life continues, and the environment in the northern Rocky Mountain region is consistently normalizing, we can’t forget about human impact (because we’re a part of this ecosystem as well). Since the reintroduction of the Gray Wolf, tourists have come from all over the world to see them in their natural environment. An estimated outstanding 30 million dollar increase of Wyoming state revenue came directly from people wanted to catch a rare glimpse of the Gray Wolf in its natural environment. We can’t forget how much sport fishermen bring in to the state as well. With better fishing conditions, thanks to our “fish hatchery technicians,” I can only assume 30 million is a low estimate when considering the waterfall of benefits the Gray Wolf has brought to Wyoming and its surrounding states.

Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742


These dogs are looking for a loving American home See more at www.viequeshumanesociety.org

Vieques Humane Society - Vieques, Puerto Rico, a small island located off the mainland’s east coast, for many

years offered no veterinary or animal rescue services. During the early 1980’s, a handful of concerned immigrants from the states and a few local residents took a serious interest in improving the welfare of the animals. They began by feeding the island’s multitudinous strays and soliciting the help of veterinarians from Puerto Rico to sterilize them. By 1987, the Vieques Humane Society and Animal Rescue, Inc. was officially established as a non-profit organization. Today they still offer the only veterinary services on the island and have developed strong community based programs. CWWC will help you cover the adoption fees... call us for information. 719.687.9742 Items needed: collars, cat toys, treats, soft carriers, cages can all be mailed using regular mail or UPS to: PO Box 1399 · Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765 · 787.741.0209 · donate@ViequesHumaneSociety.org



Very friendly chocolate and tan female who wants to run around and play!

Tall male Cute small male dog. Chihuahua Very sweet mix. Very lively and gets and gets along with along with other dogs. everybody. I am young He’s young, handsome, and full friendly, and grown at about 20 about 20lbs. pounds. This girl is a very shy terrier mix. She sweetly responds to gentle pats & is looking for a friend who will look out for her. (About 8 mo: 1.2012)




Charlie, the dog nobody wanted. He has 5, 0.22 caliber bullets in him. He was running around starved for several months. A family who had noticed him and given him some food found him bleeding on Dec. 29. We took him to the vet immediately. The bullets will remain in him. The one causing a problem has sent tiny fragments into his left hind leg hip joint. He is fostered with a family who has other dogs and cats and he gets along great with everyone. He is able to play with the dogs and run but favors his leg, as it is still painful. He will most likely develop arthritis in that joint. In the San Luis Valley, it is an everyday occurrence for dogs to be shot by ranchers and to be used for target practice. Available through San Luis Valley Animal Shelter (many others available as well check their website) www.slvaws.org · 719.587.WOOF

Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742


It was a month for honeymooners visiting us....

Nancy getting some Valentine’s Day love from Kekoa

The Proposal with Wakanda’s approval. February 18th, 2012

Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742


Tala singing Happy Birthday to Derrick

Kwahadi and Zaltana enjoying a fresh new snow

Happy Birthday Ann - We are so happy to have met and spent time with this wonderful group of animal advocates ranging from anti-fur farms to an organization named Sea Shepherds who help protect marine animals from whalers illegally hunting them. ( Birthdays in February are always cold!!)

Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742


Montana FWP Couldn’t Lay Off Wolves For One Day….. Just when were trying to thank Montana FWP and the Commissioners for the doing the right thing by not extending the wolf hunt, the Director of Montana FWP, Joe Maurier, comes out with this little gem.

Montana FWP looking at other ways to manage wolves Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commissioners voted unanimously to stop the wolf hunt in the Bitterroot despite low harvest numbers. The Commission hoped hunters would harvest 18 wolves in the Bitterroot but only 6 were killed. Director Joe Maurier says residents need to remember the majority of the problems caused in the area are due to mountain lions. However, he says he is fully prepared to take a plan to the next legislature which addresses the problem wolves in the area. “Within the first two weeks of the Legislature, we get this wolf package passed which would allow some electronic calling, more than one wolf to be taken, so more than one license to be purchased, and allowing all of those sorts of tools to be used.” He says the agency is completing a comprehensive study on wolves and those results will help dictate the next management steps.” Read More: http://www.kpax.com/news/montana-fwplooking-at-other-ways-to-manage-wolves/ So it looks like FWP is going to run to the Montana State Legislature to get what they want. Does any of this sound familiar? Judge Molloy relisted wolves in August 2010 after the Obama administration delisted them in 2009. The anti-wolf crowd went nuts. Oh no, they weren’t going to let the judicial system get in their way. Senator Tester D-MT came to the rescue. He inserted a wolf delisting rider into the US Senate budget bill last year to try to save his Senate seat by boosting his anti-wolf credentials, hoping to “out wolf ” his opponent Rep. Denny Rehberg R-MT. Senate Democrats went along with the scheme and wolves were delisted via budget rider without judicial review, throwing Montana and Idaho wolves under the bus. A dangerous precedent was set. Any endangered species, who is labeled “inconvenient” to special interests, can be delisted by Congress, without pesky scientific fact getting in the way. Never mind that wolves have done nothing wrong. Never mind they are NOT a threat to

the cattle industries’ bottom line or have little to do with prey fluctuations. All three wolf states have healthy elk numbers, totaling almost 400,000 elk. Politicians aren’t scientists, they have no business meddling in the management of wildlife but I guess with wolves anything goes. This is very bad news for Montana’s wolves and now more than ever we need the Ninth Circuit to overturn Judge Molloy’s decision and declare the wolf delisting rider unconstitutional and get wolves back under federal protection before the states decimate the wolf population and continue to torture them with cruel killing methods. I’m frankly sick of this continual assault on wolves. They say environmentalists pushed too hard with legislation to keep wolves protected. This is why. The “wolf managers” can’t keep beating up on this species and not come out looking like bullies who are exacting retribution on wolves just for existing. They are playing to the wolf hating crowd and it’s making them look small and petty just like the people they are trying so desperately to please. Enough, go pick on something that can fight back!!! http://howlingforjustice.wordpress.com/

Some things are once in a lifetime - Diane the vegetarian delivering meat

Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742


gimme a kiss...pleeeeze!

Na’vi serenading his Valentine Meet and greet of Wakanda with students from Rock Canyon High School

Like Us on Facebook Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742


special events


these tours and events are in addition to our standard 10am, Noon & 2pm tours WINTER CALENDAR






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*the first one will be booked before the second will be opened



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March 10 April 7 May 5 June 2 & 3* July 7 & 8* August 4 & 5* September 1 & 29* October 27 & 28* November 24 December 29

SPECIAL EVENTS Easter Fun With The Wolves Sunday, April 8 · 12 to 2pm

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Meet our resident animals during the feeding tour and observe them when they are most active... feeding time! Learn about hunting, howling and hierarchy and communicate with the pack in a group howl! Adults $20 Kids 12 and under $10

walk on the wild side

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11 Mile Presentation Saturday, June 16 · 7pm

Thursdays & Sundays Start by walking with a guide through the Center and seeing the wolves, coyote and fox then prepare for a 1/2 mile walk with one of our wolves down a dirt forest road.


Father’s Day Celebration Sunday, June 17 · 9-10am




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Garden of the Gods Saturday, April 21 · 1:30-2:30pm Mother’s Day Event Sunday, May 13 · 9-10am

Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742


full moon tour MARCH 10th

Please be here by 5:00 pm to check in. Meet and Greet one of our wolves at 5:30 - Tour starts immediately after and lasts approx. 1 hour. • Wear warm clothes and good boots • Bring a camera and a flashlight • Cocoa and coffee will be provided

ADULTS: $25 KIDS: $15 (8-12 yrs) No kids under 8

RESERVATIONS required 719-687-9742

D QU I R E E R S AT I O N TO U R S V R E RES A LL E V E N T S R O F ECIAL 742 P S A N D -6 8 7-9ited spaceon 7 1 9 ave lim ncellati a er. urs h no-c All to have a ay-Octob M we and icy from l po

Easter Fun and Earthday Celebration Sunday, April 8th · 12 to 2pm

WOLF TOUR · PRIZES EARTHDAY ACTIVITIES $20 adults · $10 kids 12 & under reservations required 719-687-9742 · www.wolfeducation.org

all event flyers are available at...


Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742

CONSERVATION · EDUCATION · PRESERVATION Idaho Contacts: Governor Butch Otter Idaho.gov 999 Main St, Suite 910 Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-334-2100 Fax: (208) 334-3454 Idaho Fish and Game Commissioners:

Justice for Wolves

The following text was taken from the Defenders of Wildlife site. Unfortunately they do not provide a means to take action. There are contact numbers and or e-mail addresses for the Idaho Governor’s office, the Idaho Fish and Game commissioners, the director of the Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game, and the Idaho tourism dept. as well as Obama Administration. Your calls and public pressure do make a difference. It’s now or never; pick up the phone and call to object to the killing, most if not all, of the Lolo wolves as well as Idaho’s management of their wolves. Where a number and e-mail is given please do both. Wolves need your help now. “The Idaho Department of Fish and Game confirmed that the state is moving forward as soon as weather permits with plans to have the federal Wildlife Services agency kill as many as two thirds of the wolves in the Lolo District of Clearwater National Forest – possibly leaving only 25 or 30 wolves in the district in a misguided attempt to increase elk numbers for hunter harvest. The killing could begin within days, when snowfall and a break in the storm in the area will make it easier for federal agents in helicopters to find, target and kill wolves in this wild area of Northeastern Idaho. According to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game director, if Wildlife Services -- the federal agency charged with the killing -- is allowed to move forward with this plan, the state hopes to expand the use of federal dollars and aerial culling to other national forests in Idaho. The Obama Administration has not yet indicated how it will respond to Idaho’s request to use federal money and staff to kill these wolves on federal lands, or why it would be justified in doing so since these wolves are on federal lands and not in major conflict with livestock. The aerial wolf-killing plan is not the only new threat to wolves in Idaho. The Idaho Fish and Game Commission is reportedly investigating the possibility of no limits on people killing wolves on private land, similar to practices in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada, where wolves are far more numerous. And the chairman of the Idaho Fish and Game Commission even indicated that the state may reclassify wolves as predators under state law – effectively engaging a shoot-on-sight plan similar to Wyoming’s awful plan. The state reports that pack sizes are down. It also appears that young, less experienced wolves have been the most likely to be killed under Idaho’s wolf plan.” End quote from Defender’s of wildlife.

Panhandle Region Tony McDermott mcmule@msn.com Clearwater Region Fred Trevey fred.trevey@idfg.idaho.gov Southwest Region Bob Barowsky bbarowsky@fmtc.com Magic Valley Region Wayne Wright 2wrights@cableone.net Southeast Region Randy Budge rcb@racinelaw.net Upper Snake Region Kenny Anderson kenny.anderson@idfg.idaho.gov Salmon Region Gary Power gpower@centurytel.net Idaho Fish and Game Virgil Moore, Director (208) 334-3771 virgil.moore@idfg.idaho.gov Jon Rachael, Wildlife Dept. (208) 334-2920 jon.rachael@idfg.idaho.gov Idaho Tourism Office www.visitidaho.org/contact/ Call the President Comments: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414

Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742



to LaGree’s Food Stores for donating wine to our Valentine’s Day wine & cheese event Thank you Kirby for your continuous support of our sanctuary! We’re glad you had a great time with Na’vi and Tala

We would like to sincerely thank Mike Cavanaugh, owner of “Mike’s Natural Pet Market,” for donating several hundred pounds of organic cat and dog food for our wolves, fox and coyote. CWWC staff members and volunteers endorse “Mike’s Natural Pet Market,” and shop there for their “domestic” pets organic and natural pet food needs. He also carries a wide variety of healthy treats, chews and toys. We greatly appreciate your donation!

Mike Cavanaugh - Owner/Nutritional Counselor 3640 Jeannine Dr · Col. Springs, CO 80917 · (719) 570-1488 · www.mikesnaturalpet.com Colorado Wolf And Wildlife Center | PO Box 713 | Divide, CO 80814 | 719.687.9742



for your iPhone or iPad on iTunes... Get Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center on your smartphone! Scan this code:

She’s alive and beautiful www.youtube.com/embed/nGeXdv-uPaw

To make this video worthwhile it is important to watch to the end.

working together to make a difference... “We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” ~ Immanual Kant

Mexican Grey Wolves www.mexicanwolves.org

Natural Resources Defense Council www.nrdc.org

www.aza.org www.projectcoyote.org


become a fan of CWWC

“An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.”

Wild Earth Guardians


For current wolf articles and to be a voice through knowledge

~ Martin Buber

...conservation education preservation Information presented on this newsletter is considered public information (unless otherwise noted) and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credit is requested. Some of the documents in this newsletter may contain live feed references (or pointers) to information created and maintained by other organizations. Please note that CWWC does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.

NEWSLETTER BY: Melissa Macis | smallspaceorganizer@gmail.com

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