Pillars Of Agile Customer Experience In New Reality

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Agile Customer Experience


Agile (adj): noting or relating to a philosophy of product development and production intended to create and distribute batches of working products in a short period of time, with subsequent batches planned in a cyclical schedule of improvement, production, and distribution.


In comparison, the concept of “agile customer experience (CX)” is not as wellestablished, although it is assuming increasing importance, particularly now, when COVID-19 is the most talked-about global “event” of 2020. Now, when “lockdown and “social distancing” are often mentioned in the same breath as “business continuity” and “work from home”, businesses and their contact centers are realizing that in order to stay relevant and even in existence, they need to find ways to adapt to customers’ changing requirements quickly, and still deliver extraordinary customer experiences (CX). To do this in times of continued ambiguity, turbulence, and complexity, they need to understand the 5 Pillars ofAgile Customer Experience.

5 Pillars Of agile customer experience

Agile Service Delivery Model PAn omnichannel contact center has agility built into its very DNA. But in a post-COVID world, even such contact centers need to rethink the way they approach agility. To this end, they need to rethink their service delivery and business models. This requires extending capabilities and service delivery mechanisms to different environments, including agents working from home and adding “virtual” agents like chatbots to the workforce. Furthermore, a greater focus on “digital-first” will enable agents to interact with customers over the latter’s preferred channels, whether it’s email, chat, SMS, social media, self-service, or something else.

Agile Technology To enable agile service in the new reality, modern contact centers need to adopt the right technology that can enable them to respond quickly to changes with minimal impact on service continuity or CX quality. For example, migrating from an on-premise platform to a cloud-native digital omnichannel CE/CX platform like CXInfinity drives both speed and elasticity – two critical advantages for contact centers in today’s world of constantly-changing realities. With expanded, location-agnostic digital access, they can extend their capabilities to any environment, even with most agents working from home or some other remote locations.

Agile Workforce In today’s new reality, technology plays a vital role in ensuring consistently positive CX, but people’s role is even more critical. In fact, even the best technology in the world is ineffective without the right people to leverage it to ensure enhanced CX. To succeed, modern contact centers must develop an Agile Workforce where agents are not just employees but business partners. They must be provided the tools that guide and support them as they adjust to a new “work from home” way of servicing customers.

Agile Processes Even at the best of times, many manual, resourceintensive processes can be automated to save time and optimize the use of resources for more valueadding work. In current times where uncertainties rule the roost and customers require more handholding and better-quality support, automation can be a real game-changer. It enables the contact center to move manual tasks away from agents to concentrate on tasks that require human judgment or empathy. For example, the Smart Bots in CXInfinity’s omnichannel Contact Center platform can easily handle Level 1 queries, freeing agents to focus on resolving complex issues.

Agile Analytics Data and analytics can enable contact centers to stay competitive and agile while strengthening their ability to consistently deliver high-quality CX. By leveraging the power of AI-driven analytics, they gain valuable real-time (or near real-time) insights into what makes their customers “tick”. They can better understand their needs, analyze their behaviors, study previous interactions, and even predict how they may act in certain situations in the future.

Contact Us Address: 10411 Motor City Drive, Suite 500, Bethesda, MD 20817 USA Website: www.cxinfinity.com Email id: ask@cxinfinity.com

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