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Achieve cyber resilience in a hostile digital environment
Helping you design, build and deliver a robust cyber security strategy
Geopoli�cal events of 2022 have made the UK’s na�onal security and its cri�cal energy sector, including power and water u�li�es, a major cause for concern. Our energy industry is now a prominent target for poli�cally mo�vated state-sponsored cybercriminals who want to reduce energy supply in Europe and disrupt the market.
The global threat landscape is rapidly changing, with increasingly sophis�cated, financially mo�vated criminal groups regularly adjus�ng their tac�cs to evade defences and hold energy companies to ransom. Ransomware a�acks are now a serious threat for everyone.
Today, no single en�ty can work alone to protect its assets, resources, customers and reputa�on from harm. Governments, the private sector, cyber security companies and technology developers must adopt a coordinated approach to defend the energy industry’s key infrastructure.
Helping defend businesses around the world
At Quorum Cyber, we partner with our customers to focus on outcomes and results, while reducing the total cost of ownership to deliver a clear return on investment. We’re proud to help more than 150 organisa�ons, including in the energy and oil & gas sectors, in Europe, North America, the Middle East, Asia and Australia thrive despite opera�ng in an unpredictable digital landscape.
Being a Microso� Gold Partner and member of the Microso� Intelligent Security Associa�on (MISA) has led us to be one of the fastest growing cyber security companies in the UK. We provide managed, professional and consul�ng services, as well as offering penetra�on tes�ng, phishing simula�on and red teaming exper�se to ul�mately enhance security maturity.
Managed services around the clock
If you need a seamless extension to your IT or security team, then our Microso� Sen�nel Security Opera�ons Centre and Managed Detec�on & Response (SOC & MDR) service is perfect for you. Operated by experts equipped with Microso�’s market-leading security technologies, they monitor your whole environment, detect any poten�al threats and respond rapidly 24/7, 365 days of the year. All our customers can see any incidents and how we’re managing them in real �me through our dedicated customer portal, Clarity.
With our premium service, Managed XDR, we provide comprehensive security across your en�re IT estate, combining the strengths of Microso�’s two families of Defenders – Microso� 365 Defender and Microso� Defender for Cloud – plus Microso� Sen�nel into one single service.
Helping you win before, during and after a security incident
Our CREST Cyber Security Incident Response (CSIR) service is ready to assist you to manage an incident at any �me, day or night. Services include Incident Response Preparedness, Emergency Incident Response and Incident Response Retainer to help you wherever you are on your cyber security journey.
Threat intelligence is a crucial part of our team’s toolkit as we stay on top of new threats around the clock. Our professionals are experienced cybercrime expert witnesses who enable law enforcement agencies to drive successful prosecu�ons.
We also offer an emergency service designed for anyone experiencing a crippling incident or an impending cyber-a�ack. Our Tac�cal Security Opera�ons Centre (TSOC) quickly moves organisa�ons from a vulnerable state to a safe posi�on so they can recover and get back to business as safely as possible.
Come and meet our team today to discuss how we can help you. You can find out more at www.quorumcyber.com or contact us at info@quorumcyber.com
We are a membership organisation for Scotland’s digital technology industry. We underpin a thriving community which brings together the ambition, talent and expertise across our industry to grow Scotland’s digital economy.
Our membership includes technology businesses across a wide range of sectors, in addition to universities, the public sector, financial services, energy industries and specialist providers.
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