1 minute read


IASME Maritime Cyber Baseline scheme is an affordable and practical way for shipping operators and vessel owners to improve their cyber security to reduce the likelihood of a cyber-attack disrupting their day-to-day operations. Maritime Cyber Baseline certification enables a path to compliance with the IMO Maritime Cyber Risk Management guidelines and is open to vessels of all sizes and classifications, including yachts, commercial, passenger ships and merchant vessels.

How the scheme works

1. Complete the verified-assessment, which involves answering a series of easy-to-understand questions, using IASME’s secure online platform.

2. An IASME Assessor will assess your vessel to review systems and processes and verify the answers provided in step 1.

3. Once the assessment is fully completed and verified, your vessel will be officially certified.

If you require any further assistance, you can get advice from an IASME Certification Body - these knowledgeable maritime cyber security experts can help make the required changes to systems and processes to ensure they meet compliance. They can also help you with the certification process itself.

For more information, please contact Craig Wooldridge via craig.wooldridge@iasme.co.uk

About IASME Consortium

IASME work alongside a network of over 280 Certification Bodies across the UK and Crown Dependencies to help certify organisations of all sizes in both cyber security and counter fraud. IASME is committed to helping businesses improve their cyber security, risk management and good governance through an effective and accessible range of certifications, including IASME Cyber Assurance, IoT Cyber Assurance and Counter Fraud Fundamentals. IASME is also the National Cyber Security Centre’s Cyber Essentials Partner, responsible for the delivery of the scheme.

The Maritime Cyber Baseline scheme has been developed by IASME with guidance and maritime cyber expertise from Infosec Partners Limited.

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