INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS 557 Dove Terrace Oldsmar, FL 34677
Annual Report 2010 Catechesis in the 21st Century: Ministering in a Digital World
Prepared by: Caroline Cerveny, SSJ, President
Annual Report Catechesis in the 21st Century: Ministering in a Digital World
Interactive Connections E-Technology for Catechetical and Pastoral Ministry in the Global Village
Vision A global community of ministry professionals and practitioners dedicated to providing leadership and service for faith-based educational technology.
Mission Interactive Connections (IC) stands as a global network of faith-based ministers working in collaboration for professional development, knowledge generation, advocacy, and leadership. A nonprofit membership organization (in Application stage), IC provides leadership and service to improve faith based formation, learning, and ministry leadership by advancing the effective use of technology in PK-12, catechetical minister formation, youth ministry, and young adult and adult formation ministries. As international collaborators, members support one another with information, networking opportunities, and guidance as they face the challenge of transforming catechetical ministry to 21st Century learning experiences.
Goals 1. To provide a global community forum to develop ongoing support and collaboration between catechetical and pastoral ministers for the sake of human development, justice, and peace using social technologies. 2. To offer workshops and seminars that increase the minister's awareness of technology as a tool for faith-based ministry. 3. To provide an annual conference, which offers members the opportunity to network and learn with colleagues. The IC experience is the one-and-only venue for convening like-minded catechetical ministers intent on being at the forefront of improving catechetical ministry and learning with the integration of technology from K-Adult. 4. To partner with other organizations and institutions who want to explore how faith-based educational technology can transform and energize their own work and mission. (Affiliate Relationship)
5. To advocate by bringing the voice and needs of catechetical and pastoral ministers to Bishops, vendors, and others regarding faith-based education technology for Catechetics and adult faith-formation. 6. To create a Mission Grant program, in order to provide small grants for faith-based educational technology initiatives in programs with limited technology resources.
Membership National and International members who are: Category Diocesan Catechetical Ministers (DDRE's, Assistant Directors, Catechist Formation Coordinators, Coordinators of Evangelization, Directors of Faith Formation, Media Center Directors/Coordinators, etc.)
Number 10
Parish Catechetical Ministers (Directors/Coordinators/Administrators of Religious Education, Directors of Faith Formation, Adult Faith Directors/Coordinators, etc.)
Catholic School Educators (PreK-HS teachers, librarian/media center coordinators, and administrators, especially those who are involved in the teaching of religion.)
Other/Corporate (manufacturers, publishers, and other private sector organizations) Those interested in enhancing their skills in the area of learning technology for ministry in the parish and school.
Regarding the IC Goals for the 2010 Year:
1. To provide a global community forum to develop ongoing support and collaboration between catechetical and pastoral ministers for the sake of human development, justice, and peace using social technologies.
Created a NING social network community - Digital Catechesis that as of 12-5-2010 has 271 members with 5 Groups (Digital Storytelling, Theology After Google Conference, Youth Ministry and Social Media, St. Joseph's Basilica Catechesis, Disciples on the Journey. ( ) Created a Twitter account in order to highlight "educational technology" articles that can be easily applied to religious education and ministry. Began on March 17, 2010. As of 12-5-2010 has 98 followers.(!/ccerveny ) Created the A CyberPilgrim Blog on October 26, 2010. As of 12-52010 there are an estimated 200+ readers and 9 articles will have been posted by the end of the 2010 year. Beginning January 1, 2011 the first 20+ weeks will focus on the 20 Technology Skills that are suggested for ministers and religious educators. See Appendix for the 1st Article. ( )
2. To offer workshops and seminars that increase the minister's awareness of technology as a tool for faith-based ministry. February 25, 2010 - Presented two workshops at the Villanova Technology Summit. April 22, 2010 - Presented a workshop at the National Conference of Catechetical Leaders (NCCL) Conference. Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor. July 7-8, 2010 consulted with Transfiguration Parish staff in Marietta, GA. July 19-22, 2010 directed a training workshop for the Sisters of St. Joseph, TOSF in Garfield, Hts., Ohio. August 8-14, 2010 presented workshops in the area of new media for the Caribbean School of Catholic Communications in Trinidad. September 23, 2010 presented a workshop to the Beaumont, TX DRE/PCL's. Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor. September 25, 2010 presented a workshop during the Syracuse Diocesan Resource Day. Sponsored by Peter Li Publications. September 27, 2010 presented an all day workshop for Catholic Religion Teachers. Sponsored by Peter Li Publications. November 6, 2010 presented a workshop during the Metuchen Diocesan Resource Day. Sponsored by Our Sunday Visitor. 3. To provide an annual conference, which offers members the opportunity to network and learn with colleagues. The IC experience is the one-and-only
venue for convening like-minded catechetical ministers intent on being at the forefront of improving catechetical ministry and learning with the integration of technology from K-Adult. Sponsored first INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS CONFERENCE, January 12 (eve) - 15 (eve), 2010, with 51 in attendance. The ministries represented at the conference were: high school theology teachers and department chairs, evangelization and DRE representatives for the Military Services and their families, school superintendents, diocesan educational technology specialists, parish DREs, a diocesan media resource center director, diocesan directors of parish faith formation and religious education, parish pastoral associate, school religious education coordinators and principal, director of young adult and campus ministry, director of information services, university faculty, diocesan program coordinator, parish catechists, school director of technology, diocesan secondary education officer, diocesan regional director, parish stewardship coordinator, and diocesan coordinators of catechetical formation. These pioneers came to Orlando from Sydney, Australia and Dublin, Ireland. The US cities represented were: Albany, NY, Albuquerque, NM, Cincinnati, OH, Dayton, OH, Fort Houston, TX, Marietta, GA New Berlin, WI, Orange, CA, Orlando, FL, Patehogue, NY, Piscataway, NJ, Rochester, NY, Rockford, IL, Safety Harbor, FL, San Clemente, CA, Saratoga Springs, NY, St. Cloud, MN, St. Petersburg, FL, South Lyon, MI, Sydney, OH and Washington, DC. In the process of coordinating the 2011 INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS Conference, scheduled for January 31 - February 3, 2011. 4. To partner with other organizations and institutions who want to explore how faith-based educational technology can transform and energize their own work and mission. (Affiliate Relationship)
Member of the NCCL 2011 Conference Planning Committee. Providing design for 4 Social Media Workshops and Proposal for 1/2 Day Pre-Conference Workshop. Collaborating with the Diocese of St. Petersburg to develop a week long Institute that will focus on Social Media for educators and parish ministers.
Collaborating with the National Association of Catholic Media Professionals in developing an online wiki that will focus on Video Resources for Religious Education.
5. To advocate by bringing the voice and needs of catechetical and pastoral ministers to Bishops, vendors, and others regarding faith-based education technology for Catechetics and adult faith-formation. 
Not started.
6. To create a Mission Grant program, in order to provide small grants for faithbased educational technology initiatives in programs with limited technology resources.  Not started.
Appendix What technologies for 2011?
Today's minister is challenged to be skilled in today's communications technologies! You can be a catechist, a Catholic School Religion Teacher, Principal, Director of Religious Education, Parish Catechetical Leader, RCIA Director, Youth Minister, Pastor, or any of the ministers that are important to today's parish life. However, you live in the 21st Century! And 21st Century Skills are key to your being relevant today! So did any of your New Year's resolutions include learning new technology skills? If yes, great! If not, you may want to consider adding to your resolutions list! Photo Here - of students and a Whiteboard. Realistically, you may never use all of the technologies I will outline for you. However, you need to be knowledgeable in the following technologies and how the technology could be/might be used in your ministry: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Blogging Knowledge Online Collaboration & Communication Tools Database Skills Google Earth Knowledge Google Tools Knowledge IM knowledge Interactive White Board skills (Eg., Mimeo, SmartBoard, Promethium, and others) 8. Mobile and Handheld Computing 9. Presentation Tools 10. RSS feeds 11. Social Bookmarking Knowledge 12. Social Networking Knowledge 13. Spreadsheets Skills 14. Video and Podcasting - especially Digital Storytelling 15. Virtual Worlds 16. Web Resources in content area 17. Web Searching skills 18. Web2.0 Tools 19. Website design and management skills 20. Wiki Knowledge Over the next twenty plus weeks, I will outline for you resources, suggestions, and more for you about each of the technologies. Remember
that "blogging" is about entering into a conversation. I invite you as readers of this blog, to enter into the sharing of the resources and thoughts and ideas you may have about any of this areas. In this audience, there are already "pioneers" who are integrating many of these technologies into their ministries. I invite you to share your story, your links so that others may learn from you. You may also want to quickly assess, where you are at in these skill areas. Go to - What Technologies Do I Need to Learn This 2011 Year (Link: ) survey. (Use image - WhatTechnologies)
I trust you will enjoy this series! Many of us may feel like Digital Immigrants. However, just as it is possible to learn a new language, it is possible to learn and be part of this evolving and growing Digital World.
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Remember, there are many ways to learn these new skills. The following are just a few:
Ask your sons/daughters, nieces/nephews to mentor you.
Invite your Youth Minister and the youth of the parish to create a parish mentor program for catechists and parish ministers who would like to learn more about technology.
Follow blog articles and create a Personal Learning Network (PLN) of websites where you can learn more about technology.
Attend conferences like INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS, where you can gather with other ministry folks to learn more about technology in ministry
Locate YouTube videos to learn how to use a new technology
When you attend a Diocesan Resource Day or National Catechetical conference, choose ONE Technology workshop
Any other suggestions? How do you learn new technology skills?
In this wonderful 2011 year, may your resolution to learn new technology skills, bring you closer to blending our wonderful message of hope and love in face-to-face sharing as well as enhancing what you do with digital communications! Next Week - Blogging Knowledge - Come to learn about how to blog in a ministry setting. Photo Credit: Photography by Cerveny (c) 2010.